#silk the shocker
aaflovedatbounz · 2 months
Kathryn ...
If Yo Man Ain't trEATin U Ryte... Din U Need 2 move Daddy'z Way !!!
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mansorus · 1 year
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bobsliquorstore · 4 months
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singonavine71 · 1 year
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Vyshonn King Miller (born June 18, 1975), better known by his stage name Silkk the Shocker, is an American rapper and actor. He originally went under the stage name Silkk, but later adopted Silkk the Shocker after the release of his first album. He has now signed partnership with his brother Master P and his nephew Romeo label No Limit Forever.
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akonoadham · 2 years
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spiderman far from home upper deck
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pickingupmymercedes · 27 days
My Venus - Lewis Hamilton (NSFW)
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A MET Gala Special
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Famous!Reader
warnings: fashion world, sexual activities, (p in v), oral sex
Wrap it before you tap it!!!
wordcount: +3K
a/n: I know it's impossible for anyone to wear the original Venus Dior dress, it's a museum piece and it has been for decades, but it's a fic (and my favorite dress, ever) so let's go with it. Y/n is obviously someone really known in the fashion industry, but I didn't specify how, so it's totally up to you to create a back story.
a/n 2: Kind of a request. I was planning something already but anon gave me amazing ideas, thank horny anon!! Also, smut with a plot, what a shocker for me!!
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
Y/n toyed with a stray piece of croissant, her gaze flitting from the cityscape outside to Lewis, who was deep in conversation with his stylist.
Sunlight streamed through the expansive windows on the opulent The Mark Hotel’s suite, a golden glow on the remnants of their breakfast. Crumbs danced on the crisp white tablecloth, a playful counterpoint to the elegant silver service glinting in the corner.
Eric, a man perpetually poised on the precipice of tranquility, leaned forward trying the nonchalantly posture as his eyes danced with curiosity. "Come on, Y/n, spill the beans! We’re all vibrating with suppressed curiosity."
Lewis, in is crisp white tee and black joggers, shot Eric a playful glare. "Thanks for that, mate. Subtlety is your strong suit, clearly." He turned to Y/n, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Seriously, love. The MET is in a few hours, you can tell us."
Y/n, who had mastered her poker face over the last five months of keeping that secret, took a delicate sip of her orange juice. "Let's just say," she drawled, her voice smooth as silk, "it has a very famous sister."
Eric groaned dramatically, throwing his hands up in mock defeat. "Oh, delightful. Lewis, bro, you're on your own with this one."
Lewis chuckled, shaking his head fondly. "You're a menace, Y/n." He winked, a shiver running down her spine despite the playful nature of the exchange. But the silence that followed held a different energy, charged with unspoken anticipation.
Lewis leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "It’s something that is going to steal everyone breath away, so maybe it needs a security detail of its own?"
Y/n couldn't help but let a sly smile curve her lips. "Maybe." she teased, leaning in even closer. The scent of his signature cologne, a heady mix of wood and spice, filled her senses. "Maybe it'll have everyone whispering about who dared to wear such a legend."
A low rumble escaped Lewis' chest, a sound that sent a jolt of excitement through her. " An archive, huh?! " He said, his voice husky
Just then, Eric cleared his throat pointedly. "Right, right, all very hush-hush. But remember, Lewis, you have your Burberry fitting this afternoon. We can't have you looking too shabby next to your mystery woman in archives."
Y/n laughed, a light, tinkling sound that filled the room. "Oh, I'm sure Lewis will manage to steal the spotlight anyway."
Lewis winked again, his gaze lingering on her lips. "A competition, isn't it, love?"
Their playful sparring continued through the rest of the lunch, a delicious undercurrent of unspoken attraction running through their every word and glance. As they finished their coffee, the tension in the air thickened, a silent question hanging between them. It was time to leave, to face the world – and the MET Gala – separately.
But Lewis wouldn't let her go without a final flourish. He stood, his gaze holding hers, and offered a hand with a courtly bow. "Until tonight, my fashionista. May the best dresser win."
The air crackled with anticipation as Y/n stepped out of the limousine, a vision as the cameras flashed like a sudden storm, capturing the first glimpse of her enigmatic beauty. A collective gasp rippled through the crowd, a palpable wave of awe and recognition as Y/n slowly revealed the legendary Venus dress.
Time seemed to slow. Each step on the red carpet was a carefully choreographed performance, the weight of fashion history settling on her body like a luxurious cloak.
The gown, a masterpiece of delicate embroidery, whispered tales of a bygone era, its every fold a testament to the genius of Christian Dior himself. It clung to her like it had been designed for her. A silent promise of a woman both powerful and breathtakingly beautiful.
Y/n held her head high, a serene and honest smile playing on her lips. Yet, beneath the calm exterior, a thrill coursed through her veins. This wasn't just another red carpet.
Lewis, waiting further down the carpet, watched his breath hitch as she came into view. Initially stunned speechless, his jaw dropped in a way that sent the internet into a frenzy.
Here was the woman he knew, the one who matched his every playful jab with witty retorts, transformed into a goddess. He felt a surge of pride, a possessiveness that went beyond what he had felt before with people looking at her.
This was Y/n, his Y/n, stealing the spotlight of the most known fashion event with an audacity as breathtaking as the gown itself.
It was a declaration, a playful rebellion against expectations, most of them that she had created for herself, as she had stablished her style as the non conformative. Still, in The Garden of Time that was the MET, she was bringing one the most known and iconic flowers back to life.
Microphones were being thrusted in her face, a flurry of questions buzzed around her like excited bees, photographers going maniac at the sight of a dress that had been at an exposition for decades months prior being worn.
"Y/n, this is absolutely iconic! How did you manage to borrow this historical piece?" a seasoned entertainment reporter gushed.
Y/n, ever the diplomat, offered a practiced smile. "Let's just say it took a lot of convincing," she replied, the truth a delightful secret she'd keep to herself. "But I believe it was worth the effort."
"Do you feel any pressure wearing such a significant piece of fashion history?" another reporter chimed in.
An understanding glint sparked in Y/n's eyes. "It's a tremendous honour. But pressure is a luxury I don't have time for tonight. It's all about celebrating art, fashion and Christian Dior himself.” Her wit drew laughter and appreciative nods from the crowd, creating a true vision of a woman stunning and intelligent, truly worthy of the Venus.
As Lewis answered his own fielding questions about his Burberry ensemble, he couldn't help but steal glances at her. Her confidence radiated outwards, a magnetic force that drew everyone's attention. He felt a flicker of pride, ever so slightly tinged with a possessiveness that made him want to shout to the world, 'This is my woman.'
"Lewis," a young reporter, eyes wide with admiration, interjected, "What are your thoughts on Y/n's stunning outfit?"
Lewis, ever the charmer, took a playful dig. "Well, let's just say" he drawled, mirroring her earlier cryptic response, "It was worthy of the months of secrecy. She awed everyone as much as she awes me."
As Y/n went up the stairs she found Lewis at the entrance waiting for her, his eyes boring wholes onto her skin. Lewis leaned close, a hand reaching for hers as his voice a huskily murmured "You're incredible, Y/n," his eyes lingering on her "Absolutely breathtaking, love."
Y/n, feeling the warmth of his gaze on her exposed skin, a secret smile played on her lips. There was a thrill in knowing she had surprised him, in seeing the awe and possessiveness flicker in his eyes.
"You know …” she teased, resting her hands on his shoulders as he reached for her waist, a sequence of flashes going off as they showed affection "This was all about making a statement”.
The throng of bodies inside the museum buzzed with an electric energy. As they navigated the crowded halls, Y/n couldn't help but notice the way heads turned their way. Whispers and glances followed them like a second skin.
Lewis, sensing her amusement, leaned in with a smirk. "Enjoying the attention, love?" he teased, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
"Oh, absolutely," Y/n deadpanned, batting her eyelashes playfully. "It's not every day I get to feel like a museum exhibit myself."
Lewis chuckled, a low rumble that sent shivers down her spine. "Well, you are a work of art yourself. But you’re also wearing one."
Suddenly, a whirlwind of hair materialized beside them. Zendaya, ever the fashion icon, flashed a dazzling smile. "Y/n, girl! That dress. How?!”
Before Y/n could reply, Zendaya dragged her towards the main exhibition, where Venus’ sister dress – Junon – was center piece, photographers already positioned for the Dior reunion.
Lewis, hovered nearby, a playful smile on his face. Even with the constant interruptions, his gaze never strayed far from Y/n.
As she managed to escape the scene, Y/n couldn't help but notice Lewis's gaze burning into her. "You know," she said, meeting his stare with a smirk, "I can actually feel your eyes searing holes in my dress, Lewis."
He chuckled, leaning closer. "Can't blame a guy for appreciating a masterpiece, can you?" he countered, his voice a husky murmur.
Just as Y/n leaned in to retort, a gaggle of socialites descended upon them. Throughout the pleasantries, Y/n couldn't ignore the heated glances Lewis kept throwing her way. His gaze lingered on the exposed skin of her shoulders, and a playful glint in his eyes hinted at something more than mere admiration.
Finally, as the speeches began and everyone went to their seats, Lewis leaned in close, pulling her towards his side, his voice a husky whisper in her ear. "They can all look, love." his eyes holding hers. "But you're mine."
The speeches droned on, a monotonous hum that Y/n barely registered. Her focus was solely on Lewis, his hand possessively resting on her hand on her lap. The warmth of his touch sent a jolt of electricity through her, a stark contrast to the cool of the dress against her skin.
As the formalities dragged on, the air crackled with unspoken desire. Every brush of their bodies, every stolen glance, fueled a fire that threatened to consume them.
"This is torture," he breathed, his breath tickling a sensitive spot on her neck. "All I want is..." he trailed off, his eyes dropping suggestively to the exposed skin of her chest.
Y/n raised an eyebrown, a delicious mix of excitement and apprehension in her body language. "Finish that sentence, Lewis" she purred, her voice barely a whisper.
“You, alone." he finished, his voice rough with desire. "Somewhere I don’t need to share."
His hand moved up to her shoulders. His fingers finally grazing the edge of the dress, a silent question hanging in the air. Y/n, emboldened by the setting and the audacity of the dress itself, met his gaze with a playful smile.
"There might be a deserted exhibit around the corner," she said, her voice barely above a breath. "One filled with creatures long extinct."
A wicked grin spread across Lewis's face. "Hm…" he murmured, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous glint. Every glance from him felt like a branding iron, searing the memory of him onto her skin.
When the event finally came to its end, they navigated the crowd, Lewis's possessiveness evident in the way he kept guiding her by the small of her back, a silent declaration. Every so often, his eyes would flick to the exposed skin of her shoulders.
They managed to get by the crowds unusually quickly, ushered greetings and nods a clear sign everyone wanted out. But, as they approached the exit, a familiar face beamed at them. Stella McCartney, a vision of elegance in her silver dress, rushed forward to greet Y/n.
"Y/n, you look absolutely phenomenal!" Stella exclaimed, throwing her arms around Y/n in a warm embrace. "That dress! It's absolutely breathtaking."
Y/n put out a smile. "Thank you, Stella. It was an honor to wear such a piece of history." While Stella gushed about the intricacies of the dress, Lewis tried to exchange a knowing look with Y/n.
The unspoken desire simmering between them was palpable, an energy that crackled in the space between them. Just then, a low chuckle caught Y/n's ear. Gayle King, stood nearby, her eyes twinkling with amusement.
"Lewis" she started, her voice smooth as silk, "I haven't seen you this speechless in years. Y/n, you've absolutely stolen the show."
Lewis, ever the charmer, offered her a playful smile. " You know Y/n, she has a knack for making an entrance."
Gayle, unfazed by his attempt at deflection, turned to Y/n, her gaze sharp and knowing. "You two," she said, linking her arm in Y/n's, "must tell me all about this later. That dress…and the look on Lewis's face… well, that was priceless”
Y/n, her cheeks burning, couldn't help but steal a glance at Lewis. His gaze met hers, a silent conversation passing between them. They both knew Gayle was right, and that everyone had probably also seen his gaze.
As they reached the exit, Gayle pulled Y/n to the side, their voices dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Keep doing whatever you're doing, Y/n" Gayle said, a mischievous glint in her eyes, leaning in even closer "That boy is absolutely smitten.”
Y/n couldn't help but let out a soft laugh "Thanks, Gayle" she whispered back. With a final hug, Gayle retreated to her own car, leaving Y/n and Lewis to get into theirs. The tension between them thick, a charged silence that spoke volumes as Lewis held open the car door for her.
He slid into the car beside her, wasting no time in letting his hand roam up under the dress, reaching her thighs in no time. A devilish grin spreading across his face, leaned in close. "She's right, love" he murmured, his voice husky. "You've got me completely wrapped around your fingers."
The heat of his touch sent a jolt of electricity through her. He caressed the soft skin, his fingers brushing tantalizingly close to her hips. Y/n, unable to contain a shiver, bit her lip. "Lew" she breathed, her voice laced with a playful warning. "Careful now. We're not exactly alone."
He chuckled but continued his exploration, his fingertips brushing against the bare skin just above the hem of her dress. The driver, through the rearview mirror, couldn't help but steal a glance. Y/n, catching a glimpse of his reflection, couldn't help but feel a thrill of exhibitionism mixed with a playful desire to tease Lewis further.
As Lewis's hand continued its ascent, his fingers brushed against a smooth, unexpected surface. He paused, his brow furrowing in confusion. A beat of silence hung in the air before it dawned on him. No underwear.
"Couldn't risk an underwear line ruining this moment" her voice laced with a playful challenge. The audacity of her statement, coupled with the realization, made his breath hitch in his throat, raw desire clouding his eyes.
He pulled his hand back abruptly, a silent promise hanging in the air. The confined space crackling with unspoken desire.
As Y/n stole a glance at him, her heart pounded in her chest. He was trying to control himself, a clear struggle evident in the way he held his breath and clenched his jaw. The bulge in his trousers, who had been previously concealed by his trench coat, was now a very visible sign to his arousal.
"Not long until we get back, Love" Lewis finally managed, his voice husky with frustration. He leaned back in his seat, running a hand through his braids in a frustrated gesture. Y/n, a satisfied smile playing on her lips, let out a low chuckle.
Relief washed over both of them as they pulled into the hotel. A small army materialized around them. Her team, ever-efficient, whisked them towards her suite, their focus solely on getting her out of the Venus dress.
Throughout the undressing, Lewis hovered on the periphery, his eyes laser-focused on Y/n. He watched with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. Every so often, he would discreetly lick his lips, a gesture that spoke volumes of his pent-up desire.
The process was a delicate ballet – a team of stylists unhooking intricate clasps, another carefully lowering the billowing skirt. Finally, wrapped in a plush towel, Y/n stood alone with Lewis, her team discreetly melting away, a knowing smile playing on their lips.
Lewis crossed the room in two long strides, the heat of anticipation crackling in the air between them. His hand reached out, almost hesitantly, to brush a strand of her now loosened hair. The touch, seemingly casual, sent a jolt of electricity through her, igniting a fire that had been smoldering all evening.
"There you are," he murmured, his voice husky with desire. "Beautiful, captivating, and all mine. Only mine."
His words hung in the air like a promise, the most possessive claim she had ever heard from him. They resonated deep within her, stirring something primal. As her heart pounded in her chest, she couldn’t help but lean into his touch, seeking solace and desire in his embrace.
"All yours," she whispered, her voice thick with longing. Their lips met in a searing kiss, a collision of pent-up desire and raw emotion. In that moment, the playful banter of the night melted away, replaced by a raw hunger that neither could – or wanted – to deny.
Each second ticked by like a whisper of urgency. They had only about twenty minutes before they were due to leave for the after-party. With practiced efficiency born of desire, she threw the towel onto the bed, leaving herself bare before him, a silent invitation hanging in the air.
Lewis's eyes roamed over her, a smirk playing on his lips as she reached down to undress him from his pants. "Don't have time for that, love," he murmured, his hands stopping hers with a swift motion.
With a sudden shift of momentum, he flipped her, his hands tracing over her tummy as he left a trail of kisses along her shoulder. Each kiss sent a shiver of anticipation coursing through her, her breath hitching with every touch of his lips against her skin.
His hands ventured lower with each kiss, until they reached her folds, his touch igniting a primal hunger within her. A low growl escaped his lips as his fingers delved into her depths, drawing out her arousal with a skillful touch that left her trembling with desire.
Feeling the urgency of their fleeting moments, she flipped around, dropping to her knees to palm him through his boxers. The outline of his thick arousal was already prominent, and she freed it eagerly, the velvet hardness filling her hands. With practiced skill, she teased him, eliciting a delicious hiss of pleasure as she took him into her mouth, savoring the taste of him.
But time was slipping away and they both knew it. Five minutes had already slipped by, according to the bedside clock. His hands gripped her chin, pulling her up "I promise later we can take our time, but I need your pussy right now," he breathed, urgency lacing his words with a desperate plea.
With a hungry nod, she positioned herself, elbows resting on the armchair, presenting herself to him with a silent invitation. The tip of his arousal teased her entrance, collecting her slickness before he plunged into her with a single, deep thrust. A sharp cry escaped her lips as he bottomed out, his hands soothing the skin of her hips as he waited for her signal to move.
"Lew" she moaned, her voice a desperate plea for release. His fingers circled her clit, igniting a fire within her as he began to move, each thrust driving her closer to the edge of oblivion.
It didn't take long before she was panting, her body trembling with the force of her climax. Lewis held her close, whispering words of encouragement as she rode the wave of ecstasy, her senses overwhelmed by the intensity of their shared passion.
As she steadied herself, he resumed his frenzied thrusts, his movements becoming more urgent as he neared his own release. With a final, deep thrust, he spilled himself inside her, holding her tightly as their bodies trembled with shared pleasure, the world fading away into a haze of ecstasy.
When he pulled out, she turned into his embrace, cupping his face in her hands as she gazed into his eyes, her heart overflowing with emotion. "They can look all they want, but you're the one here," she declared, pulling him into a passionate kiss, sealing their bond with a promise of devotion and desire.
His hands left her only briefly to clean her up before dressing himself, his movements slow and deliberate as he savored the lingering moments of what had just happened.
As he emerged in his Dior attire, abs on full display, Y/n's eyes sparkled, a playful challenge in her voice. "Guess, you're the one drawing all the attention now," she teased as she admired him.
Lewis chuckled, his gaze lingering on her in the black Dior mini. "You don't look too bad yourself, love," he countered, his voice a low rumble.
He pulled her close, his hand trailing down her back. "But trust me," he murmured, his lips brushing her ear, "tonight, the only eyes I care about are yours."
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora
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miguelhugger2099 · 3 months
Here, Kitty Kitty
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Summary: Miguel O'Hara is your world's Black Cat. A/N: me when there's no fanfic of miguel as black cat: fine, ill do it myself Art: Marbipa on twt
Miguel x Reader, No warnings, a little suggestive but that's it, Word Count: 2,535
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Swinging on your webs, you hopped from building to building and made sure to to keep an eye out for any more crime during your patrol. You hoped that tonight would be a breeze but unfortunately, the life of a superhero will never rest. You landed by one of the police antennas and heard a call coming through their radios. Tilting your head, you focused on the frequencies to get a better signal. "All units be advised. We've got a call for a robbery in Lower Manhattan. Heading there now, requesting backup." You glanced up at the sky seeing the moon illuminate brightly. "I guess I could help the boys in blue." You shrug and thwip your web shooters, the silk spinning and sticking to another building before jumping off to gain momentum. You hauled yourself up after swinging, diving down between apartments and just barely slipping through a couple fire exits. You thought about who it might be this time. Maybe it was the Shocker again. Oh, he was always so easy to make fun of. No, that wasn't possible: you put him in prison. You just hoped it wasn't another one of Tombstone's men--they were always a little too cocky. Maybe just a couple of randoms trying to make extra cash the wrong way–a boring way to end the night but at least it'd be easy. You swung faster after hearing the sirens of police cars echoing throughout the night of New York. You saw a few police cars behind you and you giggled to yourself, playing a one sided game of who would get there faster. Always the competitive one you were, you stuck your webs onto two poles and pulled back so hard that they bent slightly. Your forearms burned until you let go, slingshotting yourself in the sky and allowing yourself to glide above the city. You wished to take off your mask and feel the breeze properly but you settled for the ripples flapping on your suit. "Robbery, robbery, robbery..." You murmured, swiveling your head around to see where the robbery could've been. You blinked as you spotted the familiar colors of blue and red flashing in the distance. "Robbery!" You grinned.
Zipping through the wind, you landed above what you now see is a jewelry store. You crawl into the shadows, making sure none of the policemen could see you. "Hm. I guess they win this time." You mutter to yourself about your little game. Perching on the ledge, you listened in on their conversation. "Any security footage?" One policewoman asks. "We're checking them now but so far after entering the perimeter, all cameras have been damaged." "Did you see what was stolen?" "A few rings and bracelets. But the owner is more concerned with a diamond necklace. Says it was going to be auctioned off later this weekend." You tilt your head in thought. And they got away? Definitely not some regular citizens. You began to feel a headache creep on you. You couldn't handle another big bad to fight this weekend. You stepped down from the ledge carefully and walked around the top of the building to find a vent. Once you did, you ripped it open and crawled inside, your body sticking to the ceiling. You looked around and saw various cases filled with glittering jewels, ranging in size and colors. You crawled through another room and hopped off the ceiling with a small thud. Looking behind you, you made sure no one had seen you and you began rummaging through the room to find any evidence lying around to catch the perpetrator.
You found yourself in front of the glowing case in the middle. You circled around it, the eyes of your mask squinting at the empty sloth that would've fit a giant diamond necklace inside. The glass was perfectly intact instead of ruthlessly shattered. This was no common thief. No fingerprints, everything was spotless and clean. You took a closer look. "Looking for this, arañita?" You hear a smooth voice behind you. You spin around, shooting your webs to trap the wrist of the stranger behind you to the wall. The familiar tall man you've had a complicated relationship with, Miguel O'Hara a.k.a. Black Cat. His skin tight black suit hugged his built body, white fur fluffed at his forearms and around his shoulders. His suit was opened at his chest, a long slit that gave everyone a nice view of his tanned skin littered with little black and graying hairs. His dark brown eyes were decorated with a thin diamond shaped mask that did little to hide his ‘secret identity’. His dark brown hair was in its usual slick back, gray strands curling in his locks and a pretty black collar around his neck. He tilted his head at you and lifted his other hand to cut your webs off him with an extracted claw. “Eso es como se trata un amigo? I thought your whole thing was being friendly, arañita.” Miguel says light-heartedly, unphased at the way your mask narrowed at him. You noticed that the hand you had webbed up was holding onto a pouch. Miguel slips open the pouch by its strings, lifting out the diamond necklace. He clips it around his neck and it shines in the moonlight that seeps through the ceiling window. He admires his reflection in the cases, his gloved hand caresses the jewels, his nail being gentle with grazing over it. “Isn’t she just a beauty? She’s not my style, personally, but I can appreciate her.” His eyes meet yours and he grins. “I think you would make it look even more beautiful.” You ignore his blatant flirting, your hands itching at your sides, wanting to snatch the pouch from him and return it to the police so the owner could have a good night’s rest–so you could have a good night’s rest. Now knowing the one behind this was Black Cat, your headache had gotten worse and you knew it’d be a long night. Miguel stalks up to you after taking the necklace off and placing it back in his pouch.
“What’s wrong, arañita? Cat got your tongue?” He smirked, his claw grazing under your chin and making you look up at him. You bit down on your tongue. This cat always had a way of pissing you off. “I thought we agreed you’d put this behind you. You’re rich. What more could you possibly want?” You grab his wrist and take his hand off from your chin. “Would you believe me if I said I just wanted your attention?” His lips curl up, showing off his fangs. “No.” “Ouch. I’m hurt. I thought we had something.” His smile doesn't falter. “Give back the jewels, Miguel.” ‘Hmm. No. These could go for a lot of money. Way more than whatever that auction it is they’re doing.”
“Miguel, you promised me you would be good.”
His eyes soften for a split second. The memory of your last encounter months ago where you two had spent the night together in the city up on the Empire State building. Your relationship was a confusing one. There had been nights where you were on opposite sides and other nights where he answered your call for help.
Miguel began to trust you. Despite his tendencies to slip between your fingers, you always spoke to him kindly when he wasn’t pushing your buttons–even then he knew you never harbored any actual hatred for him. So after a long night, he confided in you that this was his new life and it wouldn’t change–he’d always come back to a life of crime, it’s who he was. You believed he was better than that.
That night before he disappeared for months, he pulled up your mask just enough to see your lips and he kissed you, leaving with a promise to do better. But cats were known to do whatever they wanted. “You know I’m not good like you, arañita.” His smile turns melancholy. “But you could be.” You insisted. “Give me the pouch.” “I can’t do that, amor.” 
You huffed through your nose, jaw clenching, and you tried to snatch the bag from his hand as quickly as you could. Miguel was faster, his clawed hand grabbing you and forcing you to bend over the glass display of jewelry with your arm behind your back.
You grunted when your cheek met the hard glass and attempted to worm your way out of his hold. You feel Miguel lean over your body, his warm breath whispering next to your ear.
“I've thought about you like this. Maybe with a little less clothing.” He teases and chuckles when you stiffen. 
“Miguel.” You warn lowly. 
“It's been nice seeing you again, arañita, but I've got to run.” You hear a dull clanking sound along with a small whizz.
You felt rope like strings wrap around your body and arms and suction themselves to the glass he slammed you on, trapping you.
You crane your head as much as you could to see Miguel take a step back away from you. Just for shits and giggles, he plucks a pair of earrings from a stand and places it inside his bag before raising his hand up at the ceiling window. 
Miguel gives you a wink and a charming smile and his grappling hook zips out from his wrist, denting itself in the wall. It pulls him up and he pops the window open, successfully escaping without leaving a trace.
You groan and knock your forehead on the cold glass. With your strength, you pop the rope off you, stretching your arm and wrist out.
Police began to enter inside the building, their commotion and their comms going off and getting closer to you.
Collecting the ropes, you webbed yourself out through the same window Miguel used and closed it behind you. You tossed the ropes away and began swinging around, trying to sense any trace of Miguel.
“Dammit, kitty.” You mutter under your breath. You ignored the way your heart pounded as you scanned every nearby corner. The sight of him after so long sent flutters in your stomach. You ignored the lingering hot touch of his fingers around you, the weight of his body towering over yours. His hips that gently bucked up against–
You tumbled on the roof of a brick building. This was not how you wanted your night to go. You let out deep breaths, your arms and legs spread out as you lay on your back. 
After a couple of minutes, you sat up. You ripped your mask off and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. You felt a turmoil of emotions. 
When Miguel had kissed you that night, it broke your heart. He felt so sure of himself to give you affection but at the cost of his disappearance right after. It hurt but you thought if he could turn his life around for the better, it'd be worth all the heartbreak and what ifs.
You stood up and placed your mask back on your head, your arm raising up to shoot a web when your spider senses alerted you of someone. 
You turn around to see Miguel, half of his body in the shadows.
“I don't have the pouch so don't shoot.” He raises his hands in a mock surrender.
“Didn't you say you needed to run?” Your voice spits and Miguel nods.
“I also said it was nice to see you again.” He walks up to you, his hands gently placing themselves on your hips. You stand tall, not wanting him to know his effect on you. “So forgive me, I'm a little selfish. I wanted to see you one more time.”
“Why are you back?” You mumble. Why are you back in New York?
“I'm sorry, corazón. You know me. It's what I do.”
“So you lied to me.”
Miguel winces. “No. No, I didn't. I tried, believe me.” His hands squeeze your hips. “I tried for you but…it's not for me. This,” He gestures to himself, clad in black spandex and white fur. “This is who I am now. It's how I have to live.”
He cups your cheek, his thumb caressing your mask-covered face. He wonders what you looked like underneath. Were you as beautiful as your body? Your heart? He dreamed so. He knew so.
“I still don't believe that.” You whisper, leaning into his touch, hands slowly going around the back of his neck and he takes it as an invite to bring you closer.
“You're still so naive.” He murmurs.
“You said you liked that about me.” You quipped. Miguel chuckles.
“I did say that.” 
You feel a smile creep up on your face, your heart feeling lighter at the sound of his laugh.
“Hopefully we'll cross paths more often now that I'm back in New York.” Miguel grins. “Te extrañe.”
“I missed you too.” You whisper. With your chest pressed up against his, you could faintly feel the rumble of him purring. Miguel's claws run under your throat, flicking up the fabric of your mask to expose just a bit of your neck as if wanting to lift it off. “But you know I have to turn you in for robbing.” You add.
“Hm. A shame.” He mumbles dismissively. He continues to ride up your mask and you let him. He stops at your nose and leaves it there, eyes focused on the way your lips parted. “Kiss for good luck?” He asks. His eyes glint when you licks your lips subconsciously.
“You’re pushing it, kitty.” You mumble back but your arms tighten around him. Miguel purrs at the pet name.
“Just one kiss.” He insists, leaning down to brush his lips against your mask where your forehead was. You tilt his head further down with your hand at the back of his head and he follows. With your guidance, his lips find yours and your heart skips a beat. Miguel tugs you closer by the waist, pressing your chest and hips together. His hands crawl up your spine while he tilts his head to deepen the kiss. You match his pace with your eyes closed while you feel his soft lump lips caressing yours. You didn’t know how long the kiss lasted–not when his hands roamed your body, squeezing you and devouring as much of your tiny moans as he could. Your hands curled up at the base of his neck while he swiped his tongue across your bottom lip. Gasping, you allowed him access but he pulled away. “I’ll see you next time, arañita.” Miguel whispers against your lips,the fangs of his teeth gently nibble on your top lip before he pulls away. He squeezes your waist, his touch lingering and aching to keep you near but he lets go. He takes a step back from you and jumps back into the night, the sound of his grappling hook zipping through the air faintly. You sigh, trying to slow down your heartbeat with a hand over your chest when suddenly you pause. “Dammit…” You huff and kick a pebble away from you.
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a/n: black cat miguel o'hara if you can hear me, please save me, save me black cat miguel o'hara
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💋!Girls are players too!💋
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Pairing : Max Verstappen x Cherrie!
Word count : 7k
Summary : in which girls are players too!
Warnings : none? Awkwardness. Past hookups and one , really busy last summer for Cherrie. (She was a slut with a capital S, no shame . Queen behaviour). Just a load of silliness really . Idek.
Cherrie and Lola were both wearing matching expressions of amazement as they gazed down at the sparkling, heart shaped diamond necklace dangling from her fingertips, swaying gently between them, she Could almost feel herself getting hypnotised by its beauty .
Eyelashes fluttering just as much as the wings of the butterflies that were suddenly filling her chest were, cheeks flushing in colour as she heard Lola let out a loud 'awww'.
"Who would have thought that he could be so sweet?" Lola spoke in amazement , both of them exchanging giddy smiles .
The proudness her best friend felt as she watched her usually unloving friend get all giggly over a guy like this. She felt like she was hallucinating, blinking rapidly to assure that Cherrie’s soft smile still stayed the same on her beautiful face.
It did. It wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon either.
“He's totally Soft on you Cherrie. He looks at you like you are the shiniest diamond in his life. I still can't believe that this is happening." Lola said, honestly still in disbelief that she hasn't ditched max as soon as she had gotten her weekends worth of pleasure from him. The usual play around no longer to be seen.
But four months on and the two of them were now more in love that hormonal teenagers , constantly spending all their free time together and Lola was in shock at the way her 'never be tied down because all men fucking suck ass' friend, was now so in love and happy .
She was happy for her, she really was , but still...it had all happened so quickly.
Because it was no secret that Cherrie was a 'player , she played the game much better than any other rich playboy could . She had men wrapped around her finger with just one look, a lifestyle of partying in all of the biggest and newest clubs , champagne on flow and fucking anyone that she found even remotely found attractive.
She was a proud whore who loved sex. There was nothing wrong with it. If men could sleep there way around the city, then why couldn't she? She had needs too and she liked to play the game. It was fun and up until the last break it had been more than enough for her, settling down had never been in the cards at all .
She loved her chaotic and party girl lifestyle far too much to stop it now.
But then she met max.
Sweet, awkward , rambling max who had taken one look at her pretty face , tripped over his own two feet and sent them both flying to the floor with his drink covering her from head to toe Before she could even mutter a simple hello.
She had laid out on the club floor in absolute shock for nearly a minute , simply blinking up at a wide eyed max dazedly as he babbled his apologies and nervously started dabbing at her wet skin with napkins , face bright red and unable to look her in her eyes.
And she had known then that she was done for. Because instead of getting mad like she usually would over him ruining a €5000 dress made of real silk. She had took one look at his red cheeks and trembling hands and fell head over her prada heels in love with him.
Because apparently being in love was something that she actually was capable of. A absolute shocker to not only herself but to all of her friends around her too. Who watched Cherrie going from sleeping with a different man every night , to spending her weekends having date nights with max in their apartment, just the two of them. Cuddled up on the couch, exchanging soft kisses till they would eventually end up in a bed, fucking all night long.
It was still a little bit of a confusing adjustment for her, she could admit . But she wouldn't change what they had for anything. Because max made her happy, which with her being such a difficult person to please, was a rare thing to happen and she never wanted to let that feeling of love and being loved in return , go.
Max wasn't Afraid to show just how much he was obsessed with Cherrie either. Every time he even so much as caught a glimpse of her, his whole face would light up and he would immediately leave any conversation he had been having , just to go see her.
To hold her close and whisper stupid jokes in her ears all night long, his eyes glued to her smile as he awaited for her to laugh at his jokes eagerly, pride glowing on him when she finally did. Knowing that he was the one that made her knees buckle beneath her as she giggled hysterically, proudly knowing that he was the one that made her smile so fondly like that. Knowing that he was the only one that she looked at this way.
It was a huge ego booster , he would admit. He admired her, he adored her, he loved her and knew in his soul that she was the one. The woman that he would marry someday soon.
He had bought a sparkling ring just after two months of dating , right after watching her punch some guy in the face after she had overheard him badmouthing max in a bar . She hasn't hesitated to stick up for him... with her fists. Defending him with her every breath while max did the same for her too.
They were madly in love with each other and Cherrie loved every single minute of being with him, but she couldn't help but feel like this was all going a little too well.
Good things didn’t last forever , did they? Where was the catch? Which door was the trap, with the floor waiting to fall through , taking her with it?
"I can't believe it. This time last year you were having a threesome with those footballers and now you're wearing a hesrt shaped necklace with Max's intials on it." Lola said with a slightly amused grin, shaking her head in amazement.
Cherrie let out a light laugh , eyebrow raising as she recalled the last few years of her life. Her slut era had been a long one, that was for sure.
She had a lot , a lot of fun. There was no denying it.
"I know right! I can't believe it either but max is so good to me.." she sighed blissfully as she sat down on the edge of the couch to put her heels on, checking her phone to see a text from max telling her that he'd be arriving soon and that he couldn't wait to see her.
She smiled to herself happily. "I am a little nervous though. It's the first time that I'm going to be meeting some of his friends and teammates.." she sighed , worried about if they would like her or not.
She did have a reputation , after all. A top model who had spent years trending online whenever new photos would emerge of her with her flavour of the week. Whether it be a actor, singer, ceo or footballers ... she had a long line of ex lovers. It was no secret and it wasn't something that she was exactly ashamed of either.
And max never bright her past up either , I mean, why would he? He hadn't known her then, he had no say in who she fucked over the years. That was in the past for a reason.
But she still wanted those closest to him to like her, she planned on being with max for a very long time. Forever hopefully, so she had to be on her best behaviour tonight .
No more snorting Coke in the back of the taxi. No more dancing topless on tables while some random guy sucked vodka off her tits. No more blowing the bartender for free drinks. No more orgies.
It was taking a little time to get used to, but she was getting there. She was.
"Do you even know who they are? You've never even watched a formula one race.." Lola pointed out, bending down to help her lace up her other heel.
Cherrie pouted a little "I don't. I don't even know what they look like. I'm not really interested..i just don't want to embarrass max." She muttered worriedly. Clutching at the necklace that now hung delicately around her neck.
Lola scoffed "there's no way you can embarrass him gorgeous. If anything it would be the other way around..he’s probably more worried about that. Gorgeous men everywhere that want you.." she reminded her with a small smirk. Always amused by the affect her best friend had on men.
Cherrie just rolled her eyes "well he doesn't have to worry 'cause he's the only one I want now. The other guys may be hot but they lack that spark that makes me love them. Max has everything I need." She said seriously, meaning every word of it.
Her face brightening when she heard a knock at her door, hurrying to her feet and almost falling into the door from how fast she was going in her high heels.
A giddy squeal escaping her as she opened the door and found max smiling back at her, eyes scanning him in his blue jeans and white linen shirt, hair gelled back and looking as handsome as ever.
She beamed back at him "max! You look beautiful! Is this the shirt that I bought you in morroco?" She gushed as she gently smoothed her hands down the front of it, unbuttoning two buttons at the top of the shirt to make  him look a little more relaxed.
Max just let her fix him up, even bending his head down a little so she could fix a stray piece of hair that had fell down onto his forhead for him.
His cheeks flushing at the admiration across her stunning face, feeling his heart skip a beat as he took in the way the champagne coloured dress draped over her body like a waterfall of silk , hair in loose curls and makeup done to perfection.
She looked like the supermodel that she was. Swallowing his suddenly dry throat , a shy smile tugging at his lips as his eyes caught onto the necklace between her breasts. Pride filling him.
"It is. You like it?" He asked her a little unsurely, not used to dressing up often. But with a supermodel now at his side, he knew that he had to step up his fashion game a little .
She leaned up and kissed his rosy cheek, her smile evident against his skin. "I love it. I'd love it even better on the floor.. we still have time-" she suggestively bit her lip, pulling his arm a little , trying to convince him to follow her back to her bedroom.
Max laughing loudly as he pulled her the opposite way, back out of her apartment. Quickly shutting the door behind her before she could successfully make him ditch the party .
"No!no! Don't even.." he warned her playfully flicking her forhead making her giggle at him, shaking his head at her in amusement "we've missed so many party's and events because of you being horny." He stated matter of factly, smirking to himself as he recalled how convincing she could really be.
She could probably get him to do anything she wanted at this point. One flutter of her eyes and smile on her pouty lips.. he was done for. Completely fucked.
He didn't know how he had gotten so lucky to have a woman like Cherrie fall in love with him . With Confidence that bordered on cocky, loud and mischievous. Funny and smart...always fucking horny. Could drink like a sailor and swear like one two.. she was a dream.
His dream. 
He hasn't realised that it was possible to ever love somebody this much. She was his life now.
Forever if he had his own way. (He usually did.) she had always looked lovely in white after all.
"I don't remember you complaining about that." She smugly resorted back to him, smiling to herself as he led her over to the car waiting for them.
Holding open the back door for her, hand hovering above her head to make sure she didn't bump it. Not sliding in beside her until he was sure that she was comfortable and buckled in.
He quickly joined her, nodding to the driver to let him know that they could leave now. Sighing happily as he retook her hand in his, fidgeting with the rings on her fingers absentmindedly. Imagining the day that she would wear the ring he gave her too.
They continued to playfully bicker and tease eachother the whole ride there , giggling between each other . Cherrie posing for max as he pulled out his phone to take photos of her before switching to the front camera, heads pressed together as they both grinned at the camera. Max already planning on setting that selfie as his new Lock Screen.
"You look so fucking good. You hurt my heart." He groaned a little as he helped her out of the car, eyes glued to the dress that she was wearing. Finding it a little harder to breath each time she turned his way.
Cherrie laughed loudly "hurt your heart? What the hell?" She repeated in confusion , amusement covering her face as they walked arm in arm up the stairs to the big mansion where the fancy event/party was being hosted.
Max just shrugged his shoulder as he gently pulled her hair to rest down her back, running his fingers through the ends softly to make sure that they were all neat again.
Before Smiling down at her "yes. Because everybody is going to look at you and want you. I wish you were just a little bit uglier. Why do you have to be so perfect?!" He jokingly said in acusing tone , as though it was her fault for being so hot.
She laughed and laughed, knocking her shoulder against his as she shook her head at him in pure amusement . Flattery making her beam. Pinching his still flushed cheek fondly , quickly kissing the pout away from his lips , not pulling away until he was smiling again.
"It doesn't matter. I'm with you aren't I?" She simply answered him. Kissing his jaw gently, barely able to pull herself away.
Max clearly felt the same, his arm heavy around her waist as they walked inside the ball room, neither of them paying attention to anyone around them. Lost in each other, as usual.
"I can't believe that you actually gave me a chance. I was shitting myself when I asked you out that morning after.." he admitted to her quietly, blushing darkly . "I was surprised that you were even there when I woke up.." he knew what a bad reputation she had, a trail of broken hearts behind her. But he didn't care because he had seen the way she looked at him , had her smile pressed so softly against his lips. He knew that this was real for the both of them.
But he had been nervous , the sickly kind of nervous too . But he knew he had to take the chance while he had it. She was wrapped up in his shirt in just her panties underneath , in his kitchen demanding that he make her some breakfast because she didn't know how to cook. All cool and casual as though the night long rounds of mind blowing sex they had didn't faze her at all.
Max's legs had still been shaking from both nerves and the fact that she had made him see stars.
She fucked like a pornstar, smugly and confidently. Giving (god, so much giving), and taking it all while he gladly let her consume him whole . Max had been speechless and had just let her take the lead.
She had given him the best night of his entire life . Winning a world championship didn’t even come remotely close to how she made him feel.
So appreciated. So free.
He didn't want to let her go. His skin was still tingling from her touch, her scratches down his back and her red lipstick stained all over his chest. He had weakly asked her 'breakfast date? Then dinner tonight?" Not expecting her to say yes.
But instead of laughing him out the door like he had expected her too. She had merely smiled at him then told him that Italian food was her favourite before dragging him into the shower with her. A brand new routine being built from scratch , all the stars finally aligning in their joint sky.
It was as simple and beautiful as that.
Max kept taking her out on dates , kept making her home made dinners so that she would want to keep coming back. She traded being a party girl for nights in with max and his cat.
Instead of sucking off some footballer in the back of the club , she was cuddled up in bed with max while watching a box set of modern family each night . And she loved it. Loved him. She felt like a completely new woman.
Only instead of all the freaky shit she used to do with other guys, she now only did it with max instead.
She had never pinned herself for a one man woman but apparently meeting max was all she needed to realise that she did want the disgustingly in love narrative . She wanted somebody to come home to, to share dinner with, to laugh with and judge other people with.
Max was her person . She was sure of it. She just knew it.
"I was surprised too. I was meant to be on a yacht with a Spanish footballer that night too.." she admitted to him, a sheepish smile on her face as she looked up at him. Not wanting to lie .
He knew what a hoe she had been, there was no point in denying it.
If anything max felt smug and proud that he was the one that made her finally settle down.
He had tamed the player. Him.
It felt nice. Sue him.
He felt especially smug as he felt the eyes of rich men and celebrities alike , all over Cherrie. Lust and awe in their gaze as they watched her laugh, max feeling pleased as she just leant into his side, kissing his bicep gently. Showing Everyman in that room just who she was with.
She wasn't free game anymore. She was taken for, much to the displeasure of others . An much to his endless delight.
He grinned happily.
"I'm glad you chose me. He was probably a dickhead anyways." He said to her smugly .
Cherrie nodded along with a grin "yeah. Now I have my own personal dickhead instead ." She replied , amused.
Max chuckled, kissing the side of her head affectionately. Barely able to keep his hands off her.
"Exactly. But I never pretended that I wasn't a dickhead. Just like you never pretended that you weren't a bitch." He stated, unbothered. "It's good that we're so honest with each other. You tell me if I dress like a wanker and I tell you that you're a little snob. We're perfect for each other." He told her with a small smirk on his face, so in love with her that it hurt.
Cherrie nodded proudly "we really are!"
"I'm just glad that you only fucked around with the footballers. If the other guys in f1 saw you , they would be all over you. I wouldn't have had a chance." He told her honestly , looking around the room for said drivers and friends.
Cherrie hummed a little "it wasn't just footballers." She liked all sports stars alike , a bad , bad habit . Sue her . "-but yeah that would be a bit awkward . I don't even know any of the other drivers..or what they look like. I think you're the only driver I've been with." She said, kind of proud of herself.
Max just laughed as he waved someone over "I would probably die a little inside otherwise. You're gonna meet some of them now. Here's Charles!" He smiled at the Ferrari driver coming there way, nudging his girlfriend to get her easily wandering attention again. "He drives for Ferrari. They're absolutely shit but he's a nice guy." He let her know.
Cherrie was too busy grabbing herself a champagne glass from a passing waiter, sipping on it as she looked around the room. Admiring the chandeliers and posh decor.
"Hey mate! How are you?" She heard another beautifully accented man say, max nudging her again gently.
"I'm good. This is my girlfriend Cherrie." He introduced her happily , wanting to show her off. Knowing that he had the hottest girl out of them all. He felt smug.
Cherrie slowly looked over at Charles, only to freeze in absolute horror as she met his startled eyes. Charles also pausing in his place with his glass halfway to his mouth, eyes widening comically at the sight of her.
"Oh my god." He breathed out in absolute shock, swallowing thickly as he blinked at Cherrie in disbelief. Going red immediately.
Cherrie could only inhale sharply , heart racing in her chest as she suddenly got flashbacks from last summer in Miami . Or rather, a wild night in the private toilets of a five star club. Which then continued to a wild night back at her hotel room too.
She couldn't believe it. It was just her luck that the guy that she had fucked and ducked in Miami was also a racing driver, who drove with max. Her boyfriend.
God. Kill her now.
She narrowed her eyes at him in a silent warning for him to not say a word. Poor max would be horrified if he found out that she had slept with someone he worked with. Someone that he was competing against too.
But How was she to know that the Charles that she had slept with last year was the same Charles who max often told her was getting screwed over by his own team?
What a small world. She thought dazedly, moving a little closer to poor Max's side. Who was none the wiser.
"Don't worry. Those were my first words when I met her too." Max said to him , grinning as he spotted another driver coming their way as well.
Charles couldn't say anything, still looking at her with wide eyes that were now nervously flickering begween her and max. A little paler than usual now.
"I'm gonna go get us some drinks. You want a cocktail?" Max asked Cherrie, stepping away from her, missing the panic in her eyes.
She nodded her head quickly "yes. Extra vodka please." Was all she could mutter, not looking away from his back as he walked away to the bar, leaving her to wonder what the hell she was supposed to do or say now.
Charles was the first one to address the rather large elephant now in the room.
Shuffling on his feet awkwardly , swallowing nervously as he muttered a strained "he's going to kill me."
Cherrie just scowled, finally looking back at him with hell in her eyes. "No he isn't because you're not going to say shit. I don't know you and you don't know me, okay?" She hissed at him underneath her breath. Not wanting what she had with max to be ruined just because she was a horny hoe last year.
That was in the past. Max was her future.
Charles looked at her in disbelief "don't know me? I passed out because of how good you blew me! I think we know each other pretty well!" He shot back , bright red in the face.
Both Mortified and honestly , a little turned on as he remembered that night with her. It had been the best sex of his life and he been more than a little sad when he woke up to find her gone without a single trace.
And now here she was, apparently Max's girlfriend? He couldn't believe it! What did max have that he didn't?!
"Nope. No." She insisted , stubbornly shaking her head .
Wishing she had tried harder to convince max to stay at home now. Christ was karma biting her in the ass right now. "What did you say your name was? Carl?" She acted oblivious, not looking at him.
Charles glared at her "it’s Charles!" But before he could complain some more he felt a familiar figure slide up beside him.
Pierre smiling at him for a moment before his face went towards Cherrie and he froze too, mouth dropping open as he let out a shocked gasp .
“star!" He exclaimed with wide eyes, going red right up to his ears .
Cherrie wanted to die.
Wishing the ground would swallow her whole as she looked on in absolute disbelief , feeling a little weak in the knees as she looked between the two handsome faces gaping back at her.
"No." She almost whimpered, not knowing whether to laugh ot cry. Oh my god. This couldn't be happening to her.
She looked frantically over her shoulder to see max still at the bar, her heart pounding in her chest at this nightmare now unfolding before her.
What the hell was going on? Was it release the one night stands night or something?
"Star?" Charles wondered in confusion, frowning at Pierre . "Who's that?"
Pierre was equally as confused, looking at Cherrie with wide eyes. "Star!" He motioned to Cherrie as though it was obvious "this is the woman I was telling you about in Vegas!" He grinned , his eyes a little dazed as he remembered that night with her.
It was official. Cherrie wanted to die. Kill her now.
Charles scoffed , eyeing her judgmentally "her names not star mate. This is cherrie. Max's girlfriend." He told him .
Pierre gasped In horror "no! Holy shit! I slept with Max's girlfriend?!" He almost squealed in fear.
Cherrie glared coldly "no. I didn't know max then! Will you shut the hell up and keep your voice down? I don't need everybody to know the mistakes I made last summer!" She snapped at them, panicking.
Charles looked offended "mistake? Are you calling me a mistake?!" He frowned at her, hurt.
Cherrie couldn't care less about anybody other than max. Sporting her boyfriend coming back over to them with a tray full of drinks, she almost bolted right there and then.
What was the chances of this happening to her? Apparently she had a thing for f1 drivers. Without even knowing it.
She did have a type.
But to her defence it wasn't like she asked for their occupation before sucking their dick! It wasn't all her fault!
Not really.
"Yes! You both are! Do not say a word! It meant nothing. It was just a one night stand. Shut up!" She warned them quickly .
Plastering a smile on her face as max slid in beside her, passing her a cocktail with a oblivious smile on his face.
She took it from him and didn't waste a single second before downing it. Max raising his eyebrow as he watched his girlfriend pass back the glass, taking the glass of champagne from him as well.
He looked between them in confusion, noticing the way that neither Pierre or Charles would look at him. Both red in the face and shifting on their feet like nervous teenagers.
"You okay?" He checked in, kissing the side of her head gently.
Cherrie made a strangled noise, "yeah. Totally. I'm cool. So cool!" She let out a weird laugh , tugging at the collar of her dress "is it getting hotter in here or is it just me?!"
"You know what they say. Liar liar pants on fire." Charles couldn't help but mutter. Making max look over at him in confusion.
"What? Why do you say that?" He wanted to know , protective as ever about the love of his life. Passing her another champagne glass without saying a word once she handed back the empty one to him .
Pierre laughed loudly, jabbing Charles in the side. "Nothing! He's joking! He’s Just er- saying that Cherrie is hot!" He tried to help, he really did. But he was only making it worse.
Even Cherrie looked at him in disbelief , max unimpressed as he looked beteeen the two suspiciously.
"You're talking about how hot my girlfriend is?" There was a clear warning to be careful there.
But poor, ego bruised Charles don't hear it. Still pouting to himself, pride hurt.
He muttered "what do you call her? Lucy? Diana? Morticia?" Sarcastically.
"Shut up asshole!" Cherrie snapped at him before she could stop herself. Glaring at him.
Max looked at her in shock "woah! What? What the hells going on? I was only gone for five minutes!" He exclaimed. Hating being out of the loop.
His girlfriend looked both horrified and pissed off , while Charles and Pierre looked annoyed and terrified at the same time.
Clearly he was missing something. But what? As far he knew, they had never even met before.
"Well, sometimes some people can't last five minutes! Not even three!" She looked at Charles as she said it. Done with his glowering . Throwing back another glass of booze. Her already no filter, filter completely gone.
Pierre snickered a little while Charles glare deepened, max just looking between them in pure confusion and Annoyance.
"Well, with someone as expiernced as you , it's hard! What number on the list was I that night?!" He shot back at her. Also drunk and manly pride wounded.
Max frowned, slowly beginning to work things out.
He felt his heart drop to his stomach. Groaning loudly in disgust "no! For Fucks sake!" He cursed in disbelief, looking down at his girlfriend in absolute horror.
"not Charles! I thought you said you hadn't hooked up with any of the other drivers!" He almost shouted, feeling a little sick at the thought of.. them... doing that.
Only he wanted to do that to her.
Cherrie looked at him with wide eyes "how was I supposed to know?! I didn't ask them what that did for a living! I was drunk! I would have fucked anyone!" She defended herself terribly.
Max just gaping at her in disbelief "that doesn't help me! Hold on-" he gasped before looking over to a unusually quite Pierre , who paled terribly when he met his gaze "no.."
Pierre grimaced "sorry man. She told me her name was star! I didn't know she was your girl!" He quickly told him. Liking his face as it was.
Cherrie scoffed , rolling her eyes at them angrily "I wasn't his girl! I don't know you then max!" She reminded her horrified boyfriend "and I lied because I didn't want to see you again! Duh!" She hissed at the Frenchman. Regretting being such a whore now.
It didn't feel so good when faced with the love of her life and two ex one night stands like this.
Max inhaled deeply, rubbing his hand over his face with a tortured groan. "God Cherrie!" He didn't know what to say or what to even feel other than sick.
"please tell me that's it? You didn't happen to tongue Christian as well did you?" He sarcastically muttered, downing his own drink now. Also wishing that he had let her persuade him to stay home, they could have avoided this mess.
Cherrie glared at him dangerously"don't even max-"
"Hey guys! Wow- you could cut the tension with a knife!" A new voice joined in, breaking apart their glaring contest. Sounding amused "what's-" Lando Inserted himself with a grin.
Looking around the group curiously before pausing when his eyes finally landed on Cherrie. Who just took one look at him and groaned miserably , throwing her hands over her face as she tried not to scream in frustration .
No. Fuck no. This has to be a nightmare!
"Cherrie?" Lando wondered with a joyful grin "haven't seen you since Italy!" He obliviously said.
Max's face dropped even further . Side eyeing his grimacing, horrified girlfriend and landos cheeky grin, he squeezed his eyes shut in disbelief .
Pursing his lips tightly as he let out a strained groan , whining "no. No. No! Cherrie please! Tell me that I'm wrong!" He pleaded to her weakly. Stomach turning.
It was the consequences of her own actions finally pulling up.
She leaned back against the wall behind her before she could collapse in a bundle of regret , swallowing thickly as she looked at her boyfriend with a face full of guilt.
"It-I- he-" she stammered in disbelief , unable to believe that this was happening . If it was anyone else this was happening to, she would have laughed and laughed and laughed.
“I had no idea." Was all she could repeat
quietly . In shock.
Meanwhile Lando had finally clicked on "oh no." He mumbled guiltily , looking at max with a grimace "is this the 'love of your life?'" He asked him worriedly, eyes going between the two of them.
Max slowly nodded   his head, trying to breathe through the misery. "Yes. It is." He simply answered.
Downing another glass in one go. Quickly grabbing another. Understand why she had done it now too.
But there wasn’t a bottle big enough for this drama, no amount of vodka would make him feel better now.
“Let me guess? In the toilets?" He muttered blandly. Shaking his head to himself. Having the worst day of his life right then.
Lando winced "no." He hesitantly glanced back over to a speechless Cherrie who was just looking up at the ceiling , mind empty. Just horrified.
“On the rooftop underneath the stars." He blurted out . All three drivers shifting nervously on their feet as they eyed max warily.
Max just laughed loudly "how romantic." He sarcastically muttered .
Side eyeing Cherrie judgmentally again "I don't know whether to laugh or to cry." He let her know.
She just swallowed "me neither. I can't-"
"This is why we do date nights at home." He said to her, both a little amused but mostly horrified . He then looked at the three drivers with a dark glare.
"well I hope you can all erase your nights with her from your mind because it ain't happening again. In fact .." he pulled her further away from them, jealously tightly gripping his chest in a vice as denial started kicking in quickly .
“nothing happened between you guys and the love of my life at all! You haven't kissed my girlfriend nor have you put your tiny shrimp dicks in her-"
"Hey! My Dick is perfectly normal size-" Charles defended . Pierre nodded along "yeah."
Lando was the only to stay quite, simply grimacing to himself as he looked between max and Cherrie , speechless. And amused. And trying not to giggle at the horribly awkward situation they had found themselves in.
“I still have a necklace that you left behind. With the flowers on." He let her know quietly .
Cherrie looked at him in surprise , angst dropping for a moment as she grinned back at him , relieved.
"really? I thought I lost it! Thank you for keeping it.."
Lando smiled at her "it’s alright! It's in my suitcase somewhere. At my hotel.” He told her nicely.
"I can come collect it in the morning-"
Max let out a sharp laugh , shaking his Head at them sternly . "absolutely not. You're never being alone with any of them again! I will get your necklace.." he glared darkly at Lando "which you randomly found because you have never met my girlfriend before." The denial was sinking in deep now.
Everyone had there copying mechanisms , his was pretending that his girlfriend hadn’t fucked all three of his friends last summer.
Cherrie just rolled her eyes "okay. As horrifying lovely as this has been. I want to go home and scream into my pillow. Maybe suffocate myself with it.” She told them bluntly , turning her head to look at max hopefully "can we go?" She pleaded.
Max let out a loud sigh of relief "yes. Absolutely yes!" He didn't even look at the other drivers "you've met some of them now. And you didn't like them which is okay. We can leave because they're boring you." He rambled on, downing what was left of his glass. Planning to open another bottle when they got home, also planning to fuck the thought of anybody else but him out of her mind.
"Denial wouldn't change the fact that she's sucked all of our dicks." Charles blurted out. Ignoring landos face palm and pierres hissed warning.
Max just let out a strained chuckle "denial is keeping me from killing you Charles. Plus you can't have been that good seeing as she ran away from you eh?" He reminded him coldly. Hooking his arm tightly through cherries, his gaze set on the exit door.
Needing to drink, cry and fuck the love of his life until he felt better. That was the plan.
Maybe some therapy for the both of them too.
"Sex with you sucks." Cherrie agreed , nodding her head along.
Before looking at a nervous Lando and giving him a sweet smile "you were good though. Ten out of ten would recommend." She said kindly. Hoping that they could be friends.
Lando beamed . Blushing at her praise . "Thanks-"
Max dragged her away even quicker "fucks sake! Shut up! Why did you have to be such a whore last summer?!" He whined. Hurrying her to the door as fast as he could .
Cherrie just shrugged "girls are players too. But look at me now!" She weakly grinned "all settled down! Who would have thought?"
Max just rolled his eyes at her "nobody apparently..you're so lucky that you're the love of my life! Otherwise this night would have ended very differently." He hissed at her, rubbing stressfully at his forehead. Feeling a stress headache coming on.
Just before they could escape, a loud voice reached their ears. Max pausing to glance over his shoulder, only to see fernando grinning over at Cherrie happily.
"Cherrie! I haven't seen you since Spain! It's rude to leave a guy naked and alone in bed you know!" He laughed cheekily While winking at her.
Cherrie could only wince deeply , guiltily avoiding eye contact with a incredulous max who opened and closed his mouth several times before letting out loud, slightly manic laugh.
"No. Just no! I can't take anymore!" He shouted hysterically , looking down at his girlfriend in pure exasperation .
“Fernando too?! How busy was your summer?!" He picked her up , threw her over his shoulder , ignoring her startled shriek as he carried her out of there before another driver could stop them and say that they had missed her too.
Cherrie clutched onto his neck as he rushed them straight back to their car , kissing his cheek apologetically . Max just glaring at her as he threw her down in her seat, still fastening her seatbelt for her despite how furious he was .
“A very busy summer." she whispered sheepishly , t her fingers with his hesitantly . "love you." she guilty muttered to him. Smiling like a naughty little child who had been caught eating all the candy left in the jar.
max just groaned lowly and rested his head on her shoulder , squeezing his eyes shut tightly .
“i love you. and I’m going to wake io to see that none of this even happened and that this was all one big nightmare." He whined miserably , pouting as he let her kiss all over his face , muttering giggled , whispered apologies against his burning skin.
it wasn’t .
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taylor-titmouse · 4 months
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twitter | cohost | patreon | bluesky
i've canonized riffin into the fiction with a one-off line about him fingering tourmaline at a party (as something that doesn't count against being a virgin) and wanted to draw it. and it was an excuse to think about high society dwarf party clothes. shocker: they are the most revealing of all! tourmaline will have taken off her loincloth for The Fingering but a single silk sash tied to reveal a lot of skin while covering the breasts and genitals would be very fashionable. covering breasts was introduced by humans, but only high society dwarves care about it, and they all do it regardless of sex because they all develop breast tissue. on the flip side, middle-lower class dwarves don't care Because they all develop breast tissue. anyone can be topless and it's fine.
i've also been thinking a little about dwarf language because i've established that they don't do gender exactly like humans, and that they prioritize your job/position over your sex. so their language probably doesn't have pronouns like english, but would instead use proper nouns and profession to refer to people. 
and then i got to thinking, while they don't divide themselves by sexual characteristics or into male/female, they might by personality type. makeup and jewels and nice clothes are for anybody, but how you wear them would still indicate something about you and your preferences. so you would have dwarves like tourmaline, very bright, very flashy, to indicate that she's a jewel to be coveted and protected. and then you'd have dwarves like riffin or angre, who go simpler, more muted, more earthy, to indicate a connection to the stone that protects jewels. and both of them have cunts, and that's completely normal. 
anyway it's weird as hell to draw riffin with long hair and no freckles. it's like he's not even riffin
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indefatigablequill · 4 months
Just finished reading "Nightingale" by michi_thekiller.
The angst and suspension took my breath away, and literally left me hurting (in a good way?). I seldom come across a angsty work like this, and it really haunts me. Spoilers below. Be warned!
As the plots unfolds, Harry's thoughts become darker and darker. This is a shocker for me.... I'm so used to Harry being the good boy or making the right choice. Parallel with the now-plot is what they used to be in school days. It really hurts a litte to read about their almost becoming lovers, and then to read about the falling apart because of the war. I didn't realize it was a dark fic until near the end, and I think that says someting about the skills of a talented writer.
But the real reason that I want to write a review is the ending paragraph: "Harry holds him tight, his face against the silk of his hair, and for a second he can pretend that they are both who they used to be."
Oh my god. That hurts. I mean, really hurts. I feel the blow to my heart when I read this part. I feel physical pain, though not much, but physical nonethelss. It's a sad but bittersweet ending. And I go back to reread like 3 or 4 times, to pick up subtles traces of Harry's mind or the subtle changes of narrative tone.
I felt sad and reflective at the same time. I feel so sorry for the boys. Hats off to a great fic and to the writer!
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rom-e-o · 7 months
✨Wedding/Honeymoon Headcanons ✨
Modern!AU Ebenezer/Constance
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-Their wedding is grand, but the guest list is small. Friends and family only. Extra security is hired to make sure no paparazzi sneak inside and spoil ANYTHING ABOUT THE DAY.
-This is Constance’s second wedding, and Eb’s first. As a result, she is EXTRA INSISTENT upon Ebenezer being honest about wants and desires. “What would you like for flowers? How about colors? Venue? Music?”
-Connie’s dress had a golden-ish hue to it, and she wears her hair down and loose, because that feels best to her. Ebenezer’s suit has golden accents to the buttons and cuffs to match.
-The official wedding color is gold (shocker) and the flowers are lilies, forsythia and sunflowers (au autre shock).
-Ebenezer asks Harry for help, and goes to him with any nervous questions about the ceremony and the day of. Harry, ever a golden retriever of a man, is over-eager and READY to do anything to make sure it's the best day ever! ("Oh, Uncle, have you taken waltz lessons yet? You have? Good! Have you practiced? Good! What about cake? I know an excellent baker! You'll need low-sugar and gluten-free options too! Oh, and don't forget favors! Here, let's make an excel list. Oh, this is so exciting!")
-Bob is more tepid and introverted, and as such, his guidance is more subdued. ("Don't think about how to need to react to every thing. Just ... react. Naturally. Don't try to plan your moves or act a certain way. Just be you, because that who she wants to marry.")
-Prior to the ceremony, Ebenezer is pacing around like a madman. He's excited, but also SO nervous. "I'm not worried about marrying her - I'm worried about being good enough for her. What if she regrets saying 'yes'? Would she?" He knows he's being irrational, but marrying a woman after all these years ... he feels underserving.
-Theresea, Connie's mother, attends the wedding. In fact, she's right in the front row. There is an empty seat beside her, reserved specifically for Connie's deceased father, Arthur.
-Prudence is a very good flower girl, and will get treats later.
-Ebenezer absolutely cries upon seeing her walk down the aisle. Constance tears up too, so both are crying at the altar. Dorks in love.
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-Their first kiss turns into about three to four kisses, because neither wants to part ways immediately.
-Their first dance song? "At Last" by Etta James, followed by "Sarai Qui".
-They begin their honeymoon at The Ritz in London. They then will take a train to the English countryside to enjoy some solitude. Then, they'll fly to New York and conclude their stay at The Plaza.
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The second the door to the hotel room shuts, they are ON EACH OTHER.
-Their honeymoon is not the first time they've slept together as a couple, so they already know each other's likes and dislikes.
-It is a multi-session night. Their sex starts frantic and needy, but by the third or fourth round, it's slow and passionate lovemaking all-around.
-They share a bath after their lovemaking (probably at about 3 a.m.).
-Constance asks Ebenezer to join her, and considering her past, he's more than willing to join. He parks her right in his lap, helping with shampoo and body conditioner.
-It IS their first time sharing a bath, so they do have some soapy little slip-ups, but both are keen to laugh about it.
-They absolutely have matching silk pajamas. Dorks in love, I tell you!
-They are unaware, but their first daughter, Starla, is essentially conceived this night.
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Thank you all for your support!!!
@quill-pen @crimson-phantom-designs @st0r-fruit @ray-painter @themostanonymousscribbler
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aquidragon · 2 years
I saw that you were accepting requests so I decided to ask for more of the "leon isn't miserable au” & “leon is happy” tags (shocker, I know) but maybe something smutty (of the fluffy variety) instead of pure fluff? Like, imagine how much of a Sap(TM) Leon would be on his honeymoon (because I certainly have) with Reader (preferably female, if you can) Please and thank you! Again!
sorry that this took so long!! I'm finally going through my requests <3
The church bells were still ringing in your head, even as you struggled to reach for your bags in the overhead cabinets. Some asshole had decided to shove your carry-on duffel bag in the farthest corner. Luckily, your husband, with jet-lagged blue eyes was more than happy to come to your aid. He put a gentle, large hand on the small of your back as he reached to grab the navy blue bag, with bright yellow stitching "Raccoon City Police Department" across the horizontal side. You both giggled like children as you exited the aircraft, and waited for the Uber you both ordered to arrive. You were grateful that you didn't have to wait long to get your other luggage since you were already exhausted. However, despite your droopy eyes, your heart still thrummed with excitement. The gold band around your ring glinted brilliantly in the light, freshly placed just 12 hours ago. You grinned over at Leon, who mirrored your expression with enthusiasm, bright cobalt blue eyes meeting yours. You had been dating him for almost two years, engaged for six months, and now you were married to him. During that time, you had learned every expression on your husband's face.
Including when his eyes lit up with nothing but affection and joy.
"I can't believe we're finally here." Leon mused, white teeth peeking out of his lips with a smile.
You tangled your fingers with him, resting your head on his broad shoulder. "I would have never guessed that I would be here, married to a perfect man."
"I don't know about perfect." He gave you wink, making you laugh and nudge his arm. "My wife, however, is the perfect one."
Before the playful banter could take off, a sleek black car pulled up to the curb. A tinted window rolled down, and a man smiled at you both. "Mister Leon S. Kennedy?" He asked, squinting.
Leon nodded, "that's me."
"Perfect, I'm your driver."
Your Uber driver had been kind enough to drive straight to your Honeymoon destination, a cabin deep in the Appalachian woods. Although you were living in Raccoon City, just miles from the Arklay Mountains, you decided to visit the other North American mountain range.
Leon wasn't exactly a beach person, anyway. Sand got everywhere, it was coarse and irritating. The cabin was small, a singular master bedroom, with a large King sized bed with plush blankets and pillows. You crashed onto the mattress as soon as you dropped the bags at the door, the springs creaked in protest at the sudden onset of weight. It smelt like Pine-Sol, with a slight hint of burning wood. You inhaled deeply, it was extremely comfortable. "Wow, this place looks better than the photos. I didn't think that was possible." Leon commented from the doorway.
"We got lucky." You ran your fingers over the smooth silk blankets. "I want to check out the hot tub before we go to bed." "Oh really?" The blond lifted a flirtatious eyebrow, as newfound energy sparked in his feet. "I'll go ahead and figure it out then-" he walked over to you, pressing an affectionate kiss against your cheek. "Go find your bathing suit." You nodded, kissing him once on the lips before he sauntered out to the connected balcony. You slid the curtains shut, and dug through your suitcases for your bathing suit. You had picked out a new suit for your Honeymoon, something that you most likely wouldn't wear in public, but it was perfect for your husband. A sexy, scarlet bikini set. The top hardly counted as a proper bikini, barely hiding your nipples within the thin fabric, with matching thong swim bottoms. You looked at the full body mirror in the room, as your hands traced the curves of your body.
You were sure Leon would love it, the man adored you in anything, but he was extremely fond of lingerie or skimpy clothing.
He is a man, Afterall.
Your dirty thoughts were interrupted by a tap on the glass door before it slid open behind the curtains. "Hey, baby, I got the hot tub working. Come on out."
"Okay!" You sang, grabbing a towel from the same suitcase as you stepped outside. It was chilly outside, the late September breeze brushed against your skin, making goosebumps pucker across your arms.
Leon was learning over the rim of the hot tub, his hoodie sleeves rolled up to his elbows as he felt the water temperature. He heard your bare feet hitting the wooden balcony, and he turned to face you.
Blue eyes bugged out of his face, as his jaw fell agape, his ears pinking all at once. The blond took in your appearance, taking a mental image of you, from head to toe. "You look, hot." He gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing deeply.
You snorted at his juvenile word choice, but you couldn't stop your smile. "Do you like it? I bought it for this week." You purred, tracing your hand over his chest, as he struggled to breathe normally.
"Yes." He exhaled deeply, biting the inside of his lip.
You grinned cheekily as you dipped into the water, finally relishing in the comforting temperature against your body. Once you were settled on one of the benches under the water, you looked up at Leon, who was still standing at the edge of the tub.
"Well, are you coming?"
Without another word, your husband threw off his hoodie and sweatpants. What caught you off guard was the lack of boxers as he practically dived in the water next to you. You squeaked as you were splashed, shielding your eyes from the chlorine.
"You're not going to wear a suit?" You asked, slightly bewildered.
"There's no one around." Leon gestured to the tall trees around you, which were starting to transform into lovely shades of sunset. "Just you."
You giggled, leaning in to meet him with a passionate kiss. His hands traced over your hot skin, thumbs circling over your arms comfortingly. "Well, I don't mind my skinny-dipping husband." You cooed.
"And I don't mind my extremely sexy wife, in a revealing bikini." Leon winked, before kissing you again. "I'm so lucky to have you, forever."
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, looking up at him, scooting closer so your chest pressed against his muscular torso. "To forever."
I didn't know how long I wanted this/how to end it but yipeee!!
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lunapwrites · 5 months
Brief rant about baby clothes but like... I'm looking at onesies for The Bean, bearing in mind that they're mystery gender until birth, and I'm realizing that at least half (if not more) of the stuff I'm marking off for the registry is listed specifically "for boys."
Why? Because it isn't pink and isn't fucking coated in frills and bows.
This isn't for lack of trying, to be clear: I do at least LOOK through the stuff marked for girls, and like. It's literally all pink and covered in hearts and butterflies and flowers with frills on the shoulders and leg holes or puff sleeves or flat out built in tutus or with spaghetti straps and little silk bows. Why am I putting an infant in spaghetti straps? Why does this child need a skirt attached to their onesie that I'm going to just cover up with either pants or (shocker) a skirt that I picked out. Like IDK can I accessorize my child myself??? Am I allowed to do a little mix and match???? Ffs...
I'm just really annoyed about the fact that I can't find any cute woodsy looking stuff that isn't specifically marked for boys and also isn't pink bunnies and unicorns (not that I have anything against either but it's not my vibe, and if my kid wants to drown themselves in pink glitter and tulle when they're old enough to have an opinion then fuck yeah. But for now? No.)
Anyway, loving the whole "violently shoving the gender binary down everyone's throat from birth" thing. Real cool, capitalism.
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Okay, let's try... Juice Ortiz (shocker 😊)
*Competency kink - him talking about his first paying hacker job before coming to CA. (This kink is SO me irl.)
*Manhandling & Overstimulation
DomJuice is the sexiest Juice. 💦
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The Know-how
Contains: Consent and kink negotiation, fluff, Dom Juice/sub Reader, competency kink, manhandling, silk bondage, orgasm denial, overstimulation, hand on neck, oral sex F reviving, fingering, P in V, aftercare.
2.9K words
Comment if you want to be tagged/removed or follow #sp's kinkfest pick and mix
A day at the office turns into a night of sin.
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"Hey Juicy."
Juice stood up and wrapped his arms around you, pressing his face into your neck, "hey gorgeous, how was your day?"
You smiled, "same old, same old. How was yours?"
Juice sighed, "I still can't get any info on this guy for Jax and I've been at it for hours."
"You want some help? I know I can't hack but I can keep you company." Juice took your hand and walked you to the computer, pulling up a chair next to his for you to sit down, "what are you stuck on?"
He swallowed, "this guy's offshore bank account has payments in it that I can't find the source of, it's set as a private transfer but the person doesn't exist."
You thought for a moment, "have you searched for the name in old funeral records? Try cemeteries where this person lives or works. It's not uncommon for someone looking to steal an identity to just walk through a graveyard and pick a name. They could have chosen the first name from one and the last name from another. People often also chose fake identities with their same initials too."
Juice clacked away, nodding along as you talked, "where were you the first time I did this?"
You giggled, "I'm not sure, when was the first time you did this?"
Juice smiled, "I'll tell you all about it later, right now just sit there and look pretty while I follow up on the lead you just gave me."
It took a while but a huge smile came over Juice's face and then he was printing something off and standing up in a flash, stopping by to smack a kiss on your forehead, "you are a fucking genius y/n. I love you so much."
He raced off the find the others, leaving you there confused, "what did I do?"
Juice spun on his heel with a smile, "everything, I owe you so hard."
Juice came running in twenty minutes later, just as happy as when he left. "So, did you get anything? You didn't really let me know before you ran off."
Juice nodded aggressivity, "your tip worked, dude was moving his own money around using a fake name. The names were taken from the cemetery in the town he grew up in. I'm almost done here, I've just got a bit left to research. Stay with me and we can go home together?"
"Of course sweetheart, I love watching you work." You wrapped your arms around Juice while he finished his work, Juice turning his head every time he got somewhere to press a kiss to your lips.
"If you're going to kiss me when even you do something I'm going to have to come to work with you every day."
Juice smiled, "I'd love that, I'd get so much done."
With one last key clack, he was done. He stood up and held out his hand, you took it and he helped you up like a real gentleman, brushing his hand over your face as he leaned in to kiss you, "you ready to head home gorgeous?"
You nodded, "yes please."
The moment you got home, Juice was dropping down to the floor to help you take your shoes off, a soft smile on his face as you thanked him sweetly, "there's more where that came from, I'm going to run you a bath while you have a quick shower then I'm going to do your hair, how does that sound?"
You smiled, "that sounds great, is something going to happen after my hair is done?"
Juice grinned, "well y/n, that depends on you." He held out his hand and you linked your fingers in his while he walked you to the bathroom, pausing just before you reached the door to slowly undress you. He took his time, grazing his fingers over your skin as it was revealed to his eyes, his gaze hot.
"You like what you see?"
Juice smirked, "you know I do." He came behind, wrapped his arms around your body, pressing his lips to your neck before directing you to wait while he ran the bath, once the tub was full, he walked over to run and shower then stood by and watched while you washed the day off.
"You are such a perv."
He chuckled, "you say that now but you have no idea what else I have planned."
You climbed out of the shower and Juice helped you into the bath before moving to sit at your head and start your hair. He spread conditioner on his palms before slicking your stands and beginning to comb it out, stopping every now and then to scratch your scalp. "That feels so nice, I am one lucky woman."
Juice chuckled, "yeah, what makes you say that?" You smiled, his fingers rubbing the ache out of your shoulder while the conditioner sat in your curls.
"You have really strong hands, you're very handsome and you look after me so well."
Juice's hand moved to your upper chest, his fingers lingering just below the water. "The first thing you mention is my hands, you know how to make a guy feel good."
You sighed, "you were going to tell me the first time you hacked."
Juice leaned down and kissed your temple, "alright, you sit back and relax and I'll do that while I finish your hair." You relaxed against his hands, Juice's voice filling the room, "I was hired by a woman to catch her cheating husband, I had only really hacked game servers before this point so it was pretty lost at first but she managed to get me his email password and I went from there. He used the same password for every website so it was basically no work to get all his info, until it came to this one message board."
You nodded, "what happened next?"
Juice's hands moved down to rub your arms, "I couldn't get into his account so I hacked the whole website, I found a bug in the code that let me get in by setting up and fake account then putting malware in a photo I uploaded. After that it was easy, all I had to do was search for his account and I had everything." Juice was so sure and confident, his hands becoming more insistent as time went.
"Was he cheating?"
Juice nodded, "oh yeah, with a lot of women, she left him and took most of his shit in the divorce, I was also able to prove that she was the main reason his business was going so well, I didn't charge her for that."
You smiled, "you're a good man Jaun."
He leaned over you and pressed an upside down kiss to your lips, taking in your blown pupils and rising chest, "I wash your hair all the time and you're never this turned on, what's doing it for you pretty girl?"
"I like hearing you talk, especially about what you enjoy. It's a bonus that you're so good at computers, you sound so smart when you talk about all the little things you do to get the job done."
Juice was washing the conditioner out in a flash, "let's finish up here, I'm not done thank you for all your help today."
Once out of the bath, he dried you and your hair, redressed you, and then styled your hair before walking you into the kitchen, "I'm going to put dinner on, you sit there and relax."
You looked at him through your lashes, "I don't want dinner, I want you."
Juice smiled, "tough, with what I've got planned, you're going to need a full stomach."
Juice took his time putting dinner together, making sure it was perfect for you before putting it on the table and sitting down next to you with his legs pressed against yours, "what's the hardest hack you've ever done?"
Juice smirked, "the FBI database."
You raised your eyebrows, "the FBI database wow, how did that turn out?"
"Well none of us are in prison." Juice took in the expression on your face with lust in his eyes, "what would you like to do tonight?"
You smiled, finishing your food just as Juice asked, "whatever you want, I'm not picky."
Juice finished his own plate and took yours from the table, "alright then, head off to the bedroom and wait on the bed, I'll be there soon."
You waited on the bed in your PJs for Juice to come in, he was different when the door opened, gone was sweet, gentle Juice and in front of you was a man who knew what he wanted and how he was going to get it. He pecked you before going to the side of the bed and pulling out the chest, your eyes going wide as he pulled out the soft silk ties and placed them on the bed.
"You sure you want this?"
You nodded, "of course, don't you?"
Juice swallowed, "remind me of what you're going to say if you want to stop."
You reached out and Juice took your hand, "the usual, no, stop, that hurts." Juice smiled and picked up one of the lengths of silk, going to wrap it around your wrist. You giggled and yanked your hand away, Juice moving to stop you.
"What do you think you're doing?"
You smiled, "making you work for it." You stood up in a shot and tried to get away, Juice grabbing you before you could even get away from the bed. He threw you on the mattress and climbed on top of you, straddling you so you'd stop trying to get away while ripping your clothes from your body. You did your best to struggle from his grasp but it was no use, he was so much stronger than you.
Once you were naked, he used one hand to grab the silk while the other held your wrists. It took seconds before he had your hands tied, two lengths of fabric left, "hands above your head, now." You thought about disobeying but Juice spoke again, "you're already going to be lucky to cum tonight, don't test me."
You lifted your hands up above your head, resting your arms on the pillow. Juice tied your hands down first, making sure you were comfortable before moving down to your legs, he ran his hand up and down your flesh before slipping the silk over your ankles and tying you to the foot of the bed with your legs spread wide.
Once you were spread eagle and unable to move, Juice lost his clothes then kissed one ankle, stopping once he reached the apex of your thigh then kissing down the other leg, alternating legs on the way back up. He smiled when his eyes met your core, reaching a hand out to run a finger up and down your slit, "you're very wet for me, you wanna tell me why?"
You moaned as Juice's index finger found your clit, "I've been like this since the bath, hearing you talk about your passions is very hot."
Juice's middle finger joined his index on your centre, rubbing you gently while you tried to get yourself under control. He hovered over you, pressing kisses to your skin as he slid two of the sure fingers inside you while his thumb found your clit. "Don't cum little girl, you'll regret it if you do."
You nodded, "yes Juice."
He smiled, "good girl. Are you feeling good?"
You gasped as his fingertips met your G-spot, "I'll take that as a yes." He rested on his elbow and his lips pressed to yours, kissing you softly while he built you up. It didn't take long despite the slow touch because you felt the telltale heat spreading through your body. Juice knew too because he was stopping before you could fall over the edge.
You fought the urge to pull, knowing Juice would just extend your torture, "good girl, if you keep this up the night will go just how you want it to." You relaxed against the pillows as Juice started again and you could feel the callouses on his fingers as they stroked you. It didn't take long for you to be close again, and Juice stopped for the second time.
He kissed your lips one last time before beginning a journey down your body, stopping like run his tongue around both nipples, one after the other as his fingers picked up the pace. As he felt you start to quiver, he stopped the fingers on your core but wrapped his lips around your nipple and sucked it into his mouth, grazing it with his teeth.
The change in sensation had your body confused, you opened your eyes and blinked at him, Juice lifting his head to smile, "you're doing so well for me little girl." You whimpered as his fingers started moving again, Juice resuming his journey down your body.
When he reached your core, his thumb left your clit and his tongue took its place, almost immediately after he made contact he stopped, mindful that the warmth of his mouth had you dangling on the edge. Your breath caught in your throat as he finally sealed his lips around your clit. You pulled on the silk and Juice chuckled, the vibrations making the situation even worse.
The lost count of how many times Juice built you up, stopping just right before you reached the peak each time. Your brain was getting fuzzy, and as much as you wanted to be good for him, it was getting hard to make sense of anything. But Juice seemed to know, adding a third finger and when you got to the edge this time, he didn't stop.
You did your best to hold back, Juice hadn't given you permission yet and you didn't want to disobey him. He must have realised what was happening because he lifted he head and waited for you to be there enough to hear him, "I've got you pretty girl, you can let go." The second he was done, you were aching off the bed and cumming around his fingers, Juice groaning as you squeezed him with all your might.
He didn't stop, rather he sped up just enough that the extra sensation pushed you over the edge again. You flinched away from him but he didn't stop, one hand looping over your leg to stop you from shaking violently. "Juice, I can't."
He chuckled, "yes you can, just one more, can you do that for me?"
You gasped, "I don't know."
Juice paused for a moment and waited for you to regain your breath, "alright, do you want something different?" You swallowed and went to grab him, only to be stopped by the fabric tying you to the bed, Juice was next to you in a flash, placing his hands around your face to look into your eyes, "tell me what you need little girl."
You took in a sharp breath, "I need you inside me."
Juice smiled, his lips falling on your cheek, "you've been so good for me and that's what you're asking for, of course I can do that." He grabbed his cock and ran it up and down your slit before sliding inside you, grunting as you enveloped him in warmth. "Fuck, how are you so tight."
He sounded pained, "I thought that was a good thing?"
Juice took a deep breath, "oh honey, of course it is, I just don't want to take the hit to my self confidence."
You giggled and Juice put his hand over your mouth, "your laugh isn't helping, you know how much I love that sound." He rolled his hips, the hand on your mouth coming to wrap around your neck, it was hard and hot and you knew the strength behind it and yet you felt no fear.
"Oh my God." You heaved in a breath as you felt yourself get close again, Juice angled his hips to grind hard against you, the hand on your neck keeping you from floating off into space. "You can do it, you know how good it will feel." You were powerless to deny him, you were vaguely aware that he was coating your insides but your brain was elsewhere.
He shifted his hips and slid out of you but didn't move off your body, resting his weight on you while he went to untie your hands. He brought your wrists to his mouth, kissing away to nonexistent bruises, the silk too soft to do any damage.
"Can I untie your legs now or do you need me to hold you for a bit longer?"
You sighed, "whatever you think is best." Juice returned you smile softly, "alright, I'll do your legs then clean you up, can you drink some water for me while I do that?" He pointed over to the table and you picked up the glass, gulping down the cooling liquid gratefully.
Once your legs were untied, Juice gave them the same treatment, pressing gentle kisses to the skin. "I'll be back in two seconds, I'm just going to get something to clean you up." He made sure to make small talk in the few moments that you couldn't see him then he was back with a warm damp cloth in hand.
You flinched when he went to clean you, Juice chuckling softly, "sorry gorgeous." He threw the cloth away and climbed into bed, pulling you into his arms, "you doing good?"
You nodded, "yes, I'm going great, are you?"
You grinned, "hell yeah I'm doing great, you need anything else from me?" You shook your head, "no, just hold me?"
"Of course, I love you y/n."
You pressed your lips to his bare chest, "I love you too."
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thenightdayblogger · 2 months
wip wednesday whenever
tagged by @rangerdoubt and sat on for an entire week, thank you auden :] tagging @silvery-bluish @emeraldgreaves @invisible-goats if you're interested, no pressure otherwise!
i decided to do 30k this april and i am about seven hundred words from that, and I am celebrating by writing stupid indulgent shit to get me over the finish line here we go.
Whatever else you could say about the Thorntons, they knew how to make an entrance. Laurentina Thornton was tall like her father; though she had her mother's brown hair and ruddy complexion they had styled her as darkly as her ghostly father in deep green. Her earrings had gems that resembled pomegranate seeds threaded on gold chains that dangled nearly to her shoulders and draped across her collarbone, and her tousle of hair was cropped and styled in a way that sharpened the lines of her face. With her maquillage it made her striking, keen as glass. Cordelia thinks of Hyacinth Chevalier, always styled in delicate silks and organza, silver-filigree scabbard hiding a true steel blade, and wonders which had dressed in contrast to the other.
cordelia at a party (shocker) dealing with politics (crazy). feat. possible enemies/definite fashionistas i guess. crazy the amount of court in my court intrigue novel i say for the millionth time.
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