#sienna & oliver
dailydccomics · 1 month
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more reunions! the family keeps growing! Green Arrow #10 art by Sean Izaakse and Romulo Fajardo Jr.
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royboyfanpage · 1 month
Spoilers for Green Arrow #10
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SBSBSBSB Baby Speedy, Purple, AND Batman + Arsenal on one page???
ok wtf is up with Ollie and Connor calling each other Ollie and Hawke 1) what happened to 'dad' huh and 2) Why are you calling your son by his surname
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The girls!!
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Dad and daughter hug 😭
ok now Mia's calling him Hawke too. he has a name??
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what if i cried. huh. what if i bawled.
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we have been fed well
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confusedhummingbird · 16 days
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rhautumnson · 1 month
[2023 Green Arrow SPOILERS]
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(Loving of how they color match and are Roy's team)
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Roy and Ollie's reunion , FATHER AND SON ARE BACK TOGETHER.
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(Every time they hug, a fairy is born)
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wintcrstcrfall · 5 months
@twistxdtales sent 🌿 for our muses to be caught under mistletoe.
The white sparkling dress was probably her newest favorite one; it was something she had bought for herself and probably that played a big role in why she liked it so much. There was just something about gifts brought by the guilt from her fiance that just ruined the material for Sienna. Now, the dress paired with small, delicate earrings in the shape of snowflakes finished her beautifully cold look. There was no denying that the heavy engagement ring on her finger kept people at a respectable distance, just as she liked it. Despite that recently the weight of it had started to make her want to take it off, the ring remained dutifully on her finger, reminding everyone - herself included - that the long game was on. That was until she stepped on the balcony and the cold air hit her, shedding off the mask. Also, what kind of an idiot put mistletoe on a stupid balcony?! "Please don't, can't you leave me alone?", Sienna sighed, not needing to turn to know who it was. She knew him simply by the way he walked.
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May I have reaper babies fun facts please?
Lucian is a champagne fox, as mentioned. That means that dude is PINKish- its very cute.
Helena is a very curly furred cross-fox!
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This sort of coat! But she's super curly.
Sienna is a silver fox like Alee, but she's the runt of the litter, and small enough she can literally ride Alee around in his fox form.
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(but Alee is larger, yeah.)
I'll also add my tags from their other post and describe things better:
Because for all intents and purposes, the reapers act as 'humans' rather than any magical being, all of the kids are fox sorcerers, like Alee. This means none of the kids actually have any of their reaper parents' abilities, nor do they develop any differently from their siblings.
That being said, there are some interesting caveats. For instance, Lucian has the Destan magical trait of water magic. Its a pretty common Destan magical ability. But as all magical abilities, there is a chance for evolution. Lucian's magic has evolved for him to be able to wield melanomancy, or, ink magic. Much like his father, Mieran. But its a mere evolution of the Destan water trait.
Similarly, Helena gained Alee's ability to control pyromancy. Lumio is also a pyromancy user, however, he has control over ash. Whereas Alee does not. As such, Helena has worked very very hard (and for many years) to exert mastery over ash as a byproduct of her pyromancy. It isn't tied to Lumio, but it is possible because of her determination to be closer to her dad's magic.
Sienna is a funny case, she has an enhanced sense of smell. As a fox sorcerer, or an animal sorcerer in general, this is already enhanced. But hers is far more advanced. She teases Heath as to being the reason for this, but really its again just a natural evolution of her sorcery.
Nonetheless, the kids all have something that slightly matches their reaper parent, even though they're all just natural evolutions to their sorcery.
Later on, Alee tried to game the system with Mieran and Lumio. More as a test to see what would happen. Using Mieran's egg, Lumio's sperm, and his own body to surrogate. They wanted to see if they could make a child for the reapers.
That didn't go according to plan? They ended up with twins. Oliver and Angèl. Oliver is born from Mieran's dna, while Angèl is born from Lumio's. With Alee contributing the other necessary dna. Well, at least they figured it out.
Angèl does actually have vitiligo in his hair as well, the picrew just didn't have that option. Same with Helena. Angèl's covered eye is actually a dark faded blue from the vitiligo as well.
Funnily enough, none of the kids identify with the gender binary. Like you can't get away with calling Lucian a man or Helena a woman, ect ect. They all have some type of disconnect from gender.
Surprisingly, its both Cian and Sienna that are the most artistic. Cian wants to be an artist like Mieran and Fennel, while Sienna is a photographer.
Lucian and Oliver are both very blond because Mieran's own hair is depigmented, not just 'blond', despite Alee contributing literally black hair genes to these kids.
They were all kinda surprised at how dark Angèl's hair is, but the white patches throughout his hair are very prominent. Sometimes he dyes them, even though his parents are very supportive of his body and choices.
Sienna and Cian both have silver hair because Heath's hair is fully silver and the Destans have a silver hair gene (which is whats responsible for so many of the kids, Alee included, getting whites/silvers at young ages)
Cian and Sienna also both have an orange tint to their red eyes, thanks cenn.
Neither Oliver nor Angèl get red eyes, but that's okay. The brown (/blue) eyes are very nice.
Helena's eyes are the same dark red shade as Alee's, none of the other reaper kids have the same shade.
Funnily enough neither Helena nor Lucian have freckles. Everyone else does.
Alee probably would have tried the same thing he did with Mieran and Lumio to end up with the twins, for Cirino and Heath to get the same experience, but twins scared him too much. :sob: maybe in the future. They had Cian to even out the numbers LOL
Oliver is a very blond fox, its very cute. Not pink like Lucian, but blond. Angèl's vitiligo is visible in fox form! Cian is a fucking red fox, a normal Destan red fox. He hATES IT-
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pedroam-bang · 1 year
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Casanova (2005)
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strunmah-mah · 4 months
Still wild to me that Sienna specifically had the line in Dark Crisis "I don't have powers, yet."
And then in the very next event, Lazarus Planet, the event designed to give people powers, Sienna didn't get any.
How dare you pick up Chekov's gun and not fire it, DC.
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myriaed · 5 months
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"You fainted... straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn't have to go to such extremes."
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emisirrelevant · 2 years
Thoughts on Big Shot (Disney Plus)
OKAY so I just finished watching the show Big Shot- seasons 1 AND 2, and I actually REALLY liked it!!
John Stamos does a really good job of playing a character that's hard to love.
Shoutout to all the adult characters-especially Holly, I think if Holly wasn't there then Marvyn would have lost it more than he did.
I love how most of the team members got individual storylines and character development, which can be hard to find sometimes.
The men in this show on the other hand... I'm just going to say that I have some faith in Trevor.
Definitely going to miss Louise if they do a season 3. But maybe they'll have her come visit the other girls for a bit.
And lastly, the ships. Oh, the SHIPS. I just want to say thanks to this show for giving us Mouse and Harper. And I'm really glad they made up by the end.
Lousie and Nick I don't see being together for too long tbh. I'm sorry, but I think Nick is sus, and I know he apologized eventually- but he still did that to both Louise and Ava.
And speaking of Ava, as a wlw, I definitely shipped her with Louise. Ngl, Louise and Ava gave me BIG enemies to lovers vibes from the moment they first met.
I will also say though that I slightly shipped Emma and Louise. I KNOW we saw Louise date just guys, and so did Emma- but that scene when Louise finds out Emma can play basketball and when Emma comes over to Louise's house with the rest of the girls to try and give it a makeover was cute to me. Again, my wlw mind here making everything queer.
Overall, this was a show that I ended up enjoying more than I thought I would. And I honestly think it's a bit of a hidden gem. There's just something about shows that are about groups of people bonding and coming together and having each other to lean on that I love?
And now, a final ranking of the characters, after letting the show marinate in my mind for a bit (not counting the adults):
JUST KIDDING. I honestly don't have any favorite character. I could literally relate to each of these girls at one point throughout the show.
I'm adopting them all now and giving them all hugs.
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sbpstudios · 10 months
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i told you i would draw men and i did
Oliver Haywood my favorite fogwalker
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dailydccomics · 1 month
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Amanda really said "congrats you're a family now!" Green Arrow #10 art by Sean Izaakse and Romulo Fajardo Jr.
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mygiffactory · 2 years
New multicrossover! 
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confusedhummingbird · 5 months
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And seeing her with Emiko and Cissie?!
I don't even care how bad it is I'm just happy to see my girl! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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scattered-winter · 1 year
creating a story in which every character is caught in their own greek tragedy is all fun and games until its literally keeping me up at night
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wintcrstcrfall · 1 year
@oliverxdrcke​ continuing from here
​As soon as she heard Oliver’s voice, Sienna’s body went frigid. She should’ve been more alert, should’ve chosen a better spot to watch the ridiculous ball the Drake’s were hosting, yet once Daniel was tempted and swept away from her, the blonde cared for very little except the glass in her hands. It took some time to discourage anyone who might dare to try and have a meaningless, innocent small talk with her, but at a certain point she came out victorious out of it. And that had been her only victory for a while now. With Oliver sinking his poisonous claws into Daniel and the life she had almost within reach, Sienna had had awful few days. No matter how much she hadn’t wanted to come, Daniel had managed to convince her with talks about always standing near her and leaving the second she said so. Of course it had been bullshit, but then she had to bite her tongue and pretend that somehow it was redeeming enough option for her to be a part of it. And here she fucking was. “I don’t like that anymore,” she bit off, just to spite him. The empty glass of the last negroni was literally standing within reach, yet Sienna shamelessly did not care. Turning her head to look at him, a scoff fell quickly from her mouth. “You should’ve dressed up as a demon. What a waste of opportunity.” Lifting her hand to massage her temple, feeling the growing of another painful headache, Sienna was quiet for a while, despite the shivers running down her back from how close Oliver was. “If you came to gloat, please, leave me alone. I don’t want anything from you.”
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