jansibik · 1 year
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Midnight, 31 December 1992, Bratislava - Czechoslovakia is disintegrating and the new state is born. A very sad moment for me at the time. Now I evaluate it differently. #czechoslovakia #bratislava #bratislava🇸🇰 #slovakia #czechrepublic #snp #rozdeleniceskoslovenska #sibik (v místě Námestie SNP) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm3xn5FqCgG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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carelessflower · 1 month
This is just Alec finding a family in laws and stuff that support him and shit. (My OC is back) takes two months after Malec in Europe, and its christmas day. Also James and Lucie Tessa children are younger here.
"Why cant your family be like mine?" Alec said outloud, he instantly regretted it as Magnus looked at him, they were both in Magnus's bed, under the covers. The snow was coming down fast from outside of his window.
"What do you mean?" Magnus questioned, yeah his family was not perfect, but looking at the Lightwoods they seem more sane then his, but Magnus only slept over at theirs for two days, while Alec has a key to the house, which his dad leant him. Magnus didnt understand.
"My father and I have a difficult relationship, he wants to know if im bringing over a girl or doesnt talk about my hobbies, my sibikings are okay, but they can be a handful, and our parents leave for work in Spain, letting me look after them for a long peirods of time. My mother is okay but she is also difficult to talk too." Alec was venting, letting all his emotions unload.
"It cant be t-"
"My father and mother were part of a hate group, my father is a homophobe. I look at you and your dad, and it seems better." Alec was stairing at the ceiling, he loved his family, but he wishes he would swap with anyone for one day.
"Well you know what happened to my mom. My dad on the hand, he is also difficult to have a conversation with, he makes me angry, or just sad, then again im not a great son. Alec, families come in different shapes and sizes, you find family in your friends, and loved ones, and you join new ones, my family like you, my dad gave you a key to his place, your own family loves you. Look at Clary, her dad is fucking Valentine." Magnus kissed his boyfriend forehead.
"True, thanks for listening." Alec kissed him back.
"Its what im here for." Magnus said, he got out of the bed, and put his Christmas sweater on.
"We need to go downstairs my family will be coming soon." Magnus stretched, as Alec grabbed his black shirt and pulled it over his head. He heard his boyfriend kiss his teeth. He looked up.
"Its Christmas Alexander, not a funeral." Magnus stated, he walked over to his walk in closet and pulled out a red and green shirt that has sequens sewed on, which read out. **be yourself, everyone else is taken.**
He threw the shirt at him, as Alec sighed, taking his top off and pulling the other shirt over. It was a bit tight, but he can manage.
They both walked down two flights of stairs, they walked into the kitchen, the smell of roasted meat and vegetables, and the heat of the ovens hit them.
"How many people are coming over." Magnus said, taking a bite out of the baked brownie.
"Fucking, all of them. Also put that brownie down Bane." Asmodeus said from the second kitchen, Alec chuckled, Magnus rolled his eyes, as he put the half bitten brownie down next to the other batch.
"Dont put it down next to the batch Magnus." His dad called out from the kitchen.
The doorbell rang, as Magnus and Alec walked out of the kitchen, he opened the door, and in walked Stanley, and his sister, Charlie. Alec noticed how Charlie's eyes were darker, and her hair had a tinge of pink dye in it. Behind them, stood a taller, slender, pale man, with black hair that was swept back, he was holding two suitecases.
"Stanley, Charlie." Magnus hugged them both, as Stanley hugged Alec.
It was two months ago, that they were in Europe. Alec's parents or sibilings still had no idea.
"Oh Stan, I was wondering if I can have your number." Alec asked, as Stan nodded, getting put his phone, and giving his number to Alec.
"You guys are early, hi Luci." Asmodeus said, as he hugged his older brother.
"The others are coming later I presume then." This Luci said, as he walked into the lounge. Alec heard the strong British accent that came from the man, his own children had softer accentsn
Alec, Magnus and his cousins went to the games room, which was through a hallway, and passed many rooms, until you got to the end. The door opened, four couches were in one corner, a beanbag next to it. There was a foosball, and a gaming console, and a snooker table.
"I heard you were moving out." Charlie said sitting down on the couch.
"Yeah I got us an appartment."
"You two are going to move in." Stanley smiled, as he went to the snooker table.
"Alec you play?" He called out.
"Yeah." Alec said, as he grabbed one of the cue sticks as they started to play. Magnus and Charlie watched, as the doorbell rang through the house, they heard conversation and laughter.
"So..your other dad is not coming?" Magnus said looking at Charlie.
"He wanted to come, to meet you, he hasnt seen you, just heard about you, but our dad said he needs to run a country. You know how it is." She looked sad, Magnus could sense that, he wrapped his arm around her, and he gave her a quick squeese.
"Its okay."
Alec was now beating Stanley, as Magnus chuckled.
"Okay let me play. Come on Charlie we can show them who can win." Magnus stood up, as Alec went on Stanley siden
"Its on." Alec said, as they started to play, Clary, Sebastian, and Johnathan walked in, followed by two other females.
"Hi Stan." Johnathan said, kissing his boyfriend. "Oh Alec your mother is here." He added, Alec nodded, putting the cue stick down, and went out to greet his mom, his sibilings were sittig on the couch, he went red, as all eyes were on him, there were a few people that he didnt know.
"Alexander its a pleasure meeting you." Jem said, hugging him.
"Alec can we play Uno." James said, pulling at his hand.
"Yeah, hello mom." Maryse hugged her son, as Alec picked up James.
" Come on then." He said, as he held Lucie hand as they walked to the gaming room.
"This is soo cool." Lucie aaid, running over to the ice hockey table.
"Who is winning." Alec said.
"Us." Charlie said, as Jace and Isabelle walked in, along with Simon. They were sitting on the couch talking.
"Hi Hannah, Ellyas didnt you see guys there." Alec said, as they sat down.
"Do you know what we are having." Simon whispered to Alec, some kids ran in, as they were now playign with the ice hockey table, James sat next to Alec, he got his Uno Cards out, as he handed them to Alec to shuffle.
"I think Chicken, some roasted vegetables, and other stuff." Alec said.
Stanley was now talking to Johnathan, while Magnus was playing with the little ones.
"Kids lunch." Someone called, James groaned, as Lucie dragged her brother away
They were all sitting down, Johnathan next to Stanley, Clary and Jace, Magnus and Alec, Izzy and Simon, and Charlie and Hannah and Ellyas were sitting next to each other.
"So are you guys gonna tell us the truth." Isabelle said looking at her brother.
"You guys were in Europe two months ago." Jace stated.
"Um..yeah we were." Alec said
"Well thats unfair." Isabelle play slapped her brother's arm.
"Mom doesnt know." Alec stated, he had lied to his mom, about where he was.
"Look it doesnt matter." Magnus said.
A gasp came from Simon, as he was now looking at the door, a purple haired male stood there.
"Um..do you want to eat now or later."
"5 mins uncle Levi." Charlie stated , Levi nodded and walked back.
All eyes were now on Simon.
"You didnt tell me your uncle was Leviathan." Simon was shocked, his face was red.
"He is Simon fav youtuber, slash streamer."
"So thats the famous Leviathan." Jace said, smirking.
"I thought you knew." Magnus said.
"We should go out." Stanley stated to no one particular.
"In this weather." Sebastian said from behind, making the group jump.
"Forgot you were there Seb." Johnathan slapped his brother's arm away from his face.
"Why not. Come on." Stanley said, getting up and walking to the lounge, the rest followed.
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palupiyuliyani · 1 month
Reminder Ramadhan
Ramadhan bukan waktunya untuk mengkhawatirkan dunia
Ramadhan waktunya fokus untuk mengejar akhirat sebanyak-banyaknya.
Waktunya untuk muhasabah, memperbanyak taubat, meminta ampun.
Waktunya mendidik jasad, pikiran dan hati dengan kebiasaan-kebiasan baik.
Waktunya untuk beribadah lebih banyak dan lebih khusyuk.
Juga waktunya memperbanyak do'a khususmu
Rugi rasanya, Allah sudah mengijinkan kita bertemu dengan bulan mulia ini, tetapi disia-siakan begitu saja. 335 hari sudah kita lewatkan untuk sibuk dengan dunia, 30 hari ini cobalah untuk sibik dengan akhirat.
Bismillah. Semoga Allah mudahkan semuanya..
~self reminder
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rezensionvonqisa · 3 years
Resensi: Selasa Bersama Morrie
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“Abdikan dirimu untuk mencintai sesama, abdikan dirimu kepada masyarakat sekitar, dan abdikan dirimu untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang mempunyai tujuan dan makna bagimu.” —Morrie
Judul: Selasa Bersama Morrie Penulis: Mitch Albom Penerbit: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Cetakan: Kesebelas, Agustus 2019 Tebal: 209 halaman ISBN: 978-602-03-3457-8
Bagi kita mungkin ia sosok orangtua, guru, atau teman sejawat. Seseorang yang lebih berumur, sabar, dan arif, yang memahami kita sebagai orang muda penuh gelora, yang membantu kita memandang dunia sebagai tempat yang lebih indah, dan memberitahu kita cara terbaik untuk mengarunginya. Bagi Mitch Albom, orang itu adalah Morrie Schwartz, seorang mahaguru yang pernah menjadi dosennya hampir dua puluh tahun yang lampau.
Barangkali, seperti Mitch, kita kehilangan kontak dengan sang guru sejalan dengan berlalunya waktu, banyaknya kesibukan, dan semakin dinginnya hubungan antar-sesama manusia. Tidakkah kita ingin bertemu dengannya lagi untuk mencari jawab atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan besar yang masih menghantui kita, dan menimba kearifan guna menghadapi hari-hari sibik kita dengan cara seperti ketika kita masih muda?
Bagi Mitch Albom, kesempatan kedua itu ada karena suatu keajaiban telah mempertemukannya kembali dengan Morrie pada bulan-bulan terakhir hidupnya. Keakraban yang segera hidup kembali di antara guru dan murid itu sekaligus menjadi sebuah “kuliah” akhir: kuliah tentang cara menjalani hidup. Selasa Bersama Morrie menghadirkan sebuah laporan terperinci yang luar biasa seputar kebersamaan mereka.
Buku Selasa Bersama Morie telah banyak direkomendasikan oleh teman-temanku di Twitter, alhasil buku ini telah lama menjadi wishlist-ku, terpendam bersama wishlist-wishlist yang lain. Awalnya aku tertarik karena judulnya yang eye catching. Begitu akrab di telinga, pikirku. Mengingat buku ini juga kontemporer, diterbitkan tahun 1997, tapi masih digemari hingga kini membuatku semakin ingin membaca buku gubahan Mitch Albom ini. Akhirnya di hari natal tahun lalu, aku memutuskan untuk membeli buku ini dan mencoretnya dari daftar wishlist.
Penerbit PT GPU mengkategorikan buku ini sebagai buku self-improvement. Awalnya aku ragu membeli buku ini karena kupikir narasinya akan membosankan—mengingat aku juga cukup bosan jika baca buku non-fiksi. Tapi untuk mencoba sendiri pengalaman membaca buku ini, karena penasaran sebagus apa, sih, buku ini, aku memutuskan untuk berani membaca dan menyelesaikannya. Syukurlah buku ini selesai kubaca tak lama setelah aku menyelesaikan Curiosity House: The Shrunken Head. 
Ternyata, bagiku, buku ini tidak seperti buku non-fiksi kebanyakan dengan narasi yang kaku dan membosankan. Narasi dalam buku Selasa Bersama Morrie justru lebih mengalir dan hidup, seperti buku fiksi dan membuatku menjadi lebih tenggelam dalam “kuliah” Morrie. Inti kuliah Morrie yang dapat kupetik adalah bahwasanya kita sebagai makhluk hidup, tidak boleh merasa lebih tinggi dari makhluk hidup lain. Kita tidak boleh tenggelam dalam obsesi mimpi pribadi, kita harus lebih menghargai hidup dengan menikmatinya, menjiwainya, lebih peka terhadap orang di sekitar kita dan harus mengasihi sesama. Kisah ini membuatku teringat akan buku Desi Anwar Hidup Sederhana dan film Soul dari Pixar. Buku dan film tersebut juga mengajarkan hal yang sama, bagaiman kita harus sadar betul apa yang sedang kita lakukan, menikmatinya, dan jangan lupa untuk mengasihi sesama. Dengan mengingat hal tersebut, aku jadi menangis dan sangat ingin menjalani hidupku lebih baik. Aku takut ketika ajalku tiba, aku menyesal karena tidak melakukan hal yang lebih bermakna, seperti menjadi bermanfaat bagi orang lain.
Buku ini tentu saja memiliki banyak kelebihan, mulai dari wejangan yang diberikan Morrie dan bagaimana Albom menyampaikan kembali wejangan tersebut dengan cara yang lebih mengalir dan hangat, sehingga buku ini sangat berkesan untukku. Hanya saja, bagi teman-teman yang mudah teralihkan, teman-teman perlu menyiapkan fokus dalam membaca buku ini, sehingga teman-teman dapat menjiwai wejangan dari Morrie dan dapat mengamalkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Bagaimana? Apakah kalian tertarik untuk membaca buku ini? ;)
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faeparrish · 4 years
You have a sibiking called Ronan????????
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lmao sweet anon I would die for you
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Zine finalised
I decided to keep my zine digital, as it’s not ideal to print and distribute right now. I found a website called flipsnack.com which seemed ideal for this purpose. The zine features 14 street photography images (including the cover and back) all taken in Glasgow which remains the theme. I struggling a little bit with ideas how to lay it out and may update it in due time, but I looked at photo-books I bought from photographers that I like and thought about exhibitions I had visited to see what they done well.
 I discovered they all had a simple layout, which lets the photos speak for themselves, for example Robert Frank’s The Americans starts with a sort of monologue, telling the story of the book before cutting straight to the action. Contrary to an exhibition by Jan Sibik I visited in Prague, it featured incredible images of the Velvet Revolution; showing tanks rolling into the city centre of Prague, and also featured pictures of the Berlin Wall being tore down. What I disliked about this exhibition is that these images were separated and offset by floor to ceiling walls of text, a generic storytelling of the events happening, which felt more pandering to tourists than a laboured photography exhibition. It felt like a museum, which did not appeal to me, although the images were stunning and an important piece of history; I still enjoyed this exhibition but could rationalise it wasn’t an ideal layout for me.
When it came to creating my own small print, I didn’t want to ramble on with scrolls of text, more a brief introduction and let the work speak for itself. Especially considering if this was supposed to be marketed, I would rather not bore the reader by trying to sound too heavy.
I am happy with the zine I have managed to produce, if there's anything I would change it would be ideally if there was no lockdown/restrictions I would love to put more time shooting in town for a larger variety of photos. I also think I would feel way more motivated to try and sell some copies under better circumstances.
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tak4hir0 · 4 years
“Incident management and disaster recovery have always been on the corporate agenda, however, many companies have delegated these responsibilities deep in the organization. Now with the COVID-19 crisis, these issues have moved front and center,” shares Bob Sibik, co-founder of Fusion Risk Management, as he chats with me over webcam from his living room in Chicago, “Suddenly every CEO and executive leader is learning a lot they didn’t know about risk management to prepare for the board meeting, to talk to employees, and to reassure customers.” I virtually met up with Bob to discuss returning to the workplace safely. That’s because Fusion Risk Management is extending Work.com, and an AppExchange partner that has been working quickly to help businesses reopen. Bob shared 35 minutes' worth of advice on keeping employees, customers, partners, and communities safe and informed during COVID-19 and beyond. Here are the highlights. Bob Sibik, Co-Founder, Fusion Risk Management Tell us about risk management. Why is it important, and why now more than ever before? Bob Sibik: Any company can and will manage risks when they become urgent. The real question is how much will managing that surging risk derail your ability to do anything else? How much will your business fall off the rails as you turn your focus and attention to a crisis? The most resilient companies plan ahead and take a proactive approach to risk management so they can keep teams productive and business on track when things get tough. It’s all about resilience and business continuity and how you can function effectively in crisis. And it has become significantly more important now that we’ve experienced the global disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic. A few months ago, CEOs and executive leaders were focused on growth and operating efficiencies. Now, the C-suite is also focused on risk and resilience. It has become the third pillar of business success. We want to get people back to the workplace safely, learn from this pandemic, and be better prepared in the future. The C-suite is looking to risk management experts for help, to make sure they don’t get caught unprepared again. How can companies make this shift? How can they make risk management a core capability? Sibik: There are a number of strategies to achieve this kind of change. First, we counsel CEOs that risk management and operational resilience must be part of the core values of an organization. But it has to be balanced. It must not impact your ability to grow the business, and you should not overspend on operational resilience to the extent that it has a negative impact on the bottom line. Putting the value of operational resilience in proper perspective will better position you to accept risk. Accepting risk includes dealing with it, managing events like COVID-19, and ensuring that you can deliver for your customers. Second, bring together the various silos within your organization, and discuss learnings from this pandemic. This exercise will help you function more collectively, and act more collaboratively. Collect these lessons to understand what worked well, and what didn’t work well. This understanding will inform your plan to reopen, get you back into business, but perhaps most importantly, get you ready for what is next. Isn’t it true that operational resilience looks different for each organization? How do you plan for that? Sibik: No matter the company, the ability to bring together data with technology presents you with a single perspective, enables your inherent resilience. By studying your resilience, you’ll understand where your organization might break, how it might break, and what else might break as a result. Create that single pane of glass to understand where to invest. For instance, you might determine that you need more capacity or redundancy for availability of critical systems. Determine your deficiencies, weaknesses, or single points of failure in your supply chains, in order to put preventative measures into practice. This way, things won’t break, or won’t break as easily. Another example is remote work. It’s not uncommon that companies have had to relocate their entire workforce to work from home, but in doing so, it’s crucial to understand how working from home might disrupt processes. Rapidly working with the most critical employees gets the most important things up and running first. The relationship and the dependency mapping between these critical aspects helps focus on the most important business processes. How should customers prepare for what is next? Sibik: We have to consider the immediate future, such as a second wave of COVID-19, but also what the new normal looks like. Consider the new world order, a new business as usual, the post-COVID-19 era. What does that mean for organizations as we try to operate in that environment? That might include a different way of understanding and interacting with customers and employees, while ensuring productivity. To prepare, bring all of your customer data together to get a clear perspective, act collaboratively, and focus on the ongoing management and maintenance of those proactive and reactive measures. This ensures that you can respond quickly and effectively now and in the future. One of our customers is tracking every issue that occurs going forward, and then rapidly reporting on it, assigning resources to work on that issue, and tracking the progress of the remediation. They have learned a lot of lessons, and through Fusion’s dashboards developed leveraging Salesforces’ technology, the executive team can see these issues, the status, and make informed decisions fast. It’s about shifting your mindset. It’s about survival now; this is not a subtle ROI. If you don’t plan for these contingencies, you can be wiped out. We’ve seen this with a hurricane or when a tornado hits a power plant. But now, everybody gets it because everyone is facing the same crisis. You can’t plan for everything, but you can prepare for everything. Technology must play a huge role in this. Sibik: I find it hard to even contemplate how someone could do effective risk management without technology. Data is crucial, and technology manages and houses data. Without current and actionable data — which is going to depend heavily on technology — you can’t run an effective risk management program. Technology automates the management and maintenance of your data, which enables companies to see and understand, in real time, threats and risks. This will prepare you for breaks inside your organization. Paper and pencil can’t do this anymore. It’s got to be done with technology. Our 300+ customers know technology plays a huge role in risk management. They have all embraced our system on the Salesforce platform. Many had Salesforce, but hadn’t contemplated using it for business continuity and risk management. Now they are with the Fusion’s Risk Management System. How can you set yourself up for success with technology? Sibik: Technology works when you have a good database, a good data model, and good workflow automation. The administration of keeping data current is not something that can be done with annual updates. Your operational resilience information needs to be updated constantly, so that when things change, you’re prepared for the impact, and can swiftly take action. And Fusion is that natural extension of your CRM, helping you understand how crises and other events are impacting your ability to deliver services and products to your customers, directing your organization where you need to act immediately, and what can wait. Our customers have become some of our best and most innovative product designers. With all of the different ways they’ve utilized Fusion Risk Management, they have enlightened us about what can be done with the data model, and have helped us understand that we could do more with the platform. This is an opportunity to digitally transform your organization. How does Fusion Risk Management and Work.com help with that? Sibik: There’s tremendous synergy between Work.com, Salesforce, and Fusion. We’ve built a business continuity, crisis management, and risk management system on the Salesforce platform. This securely integrates both the Fusion framework system with Work.com, enabling customers to return to work effectively and safely. Relevant data might include your critical locations and vendors, and the status. You can tie your processes to the locations that you’re opening, including the employees in those locations. These types of actions can take place in Lightning app builder. You can drag and drop Fusion Lightning components onto the Work.com Command Center, to see relevant data that’s important for making decisions as you go through the process of reopening your business. Critical information about your sites, critical services and products you provide your customers, the underpinning processes, people, systems, and third parties are displayed from the Work.com Command Center. We take that information and extend it to help customers make effective decisions by prioritizing what matters. You’ll be making informed decisions not because it’s next on the list, but because it’s the next most important thing on the list. Thank you, Bob and Fusion Risk Management for your time and insights. It’s inspiring to hear that getting back to work requires working together, as people and as a community, and with technology, we can make it happen. Learn more about Fusion Risk Management and other solutions that extend Work.com at AppExchange COVID-19 Resources. This post was originally published on the AppExchange and the Salesforce Ecosystem blog.
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thifalrafif · 4 years
Pertanyaan Untuk Siapa?
“Kesengan dapat dicari dengan cara apa?”
Aku mau nanya pertanyaan itu sama donald trump awalnya, tapi aku liat akhir akhir ini sedang sibuk perang atau sibuk bikin tweet yang viral. Ah makin bingung aja.
Mau tanya ke anis baswedan tapi jangan deh, kayanya dia juga lagi pusing mikirin kritikan jadi gubernur, pak saran saya enakan jsadi tukang somay pak dikritik cuman perkara bumbu kacang yang kedikitan sama saos oplosan. Tapi kasian ya Anis Baswedan, pak doa saya selalu menyertai bapak dari kejauhan.
Masih belum tau siapa yang aku mau tanya, yasudah aku tanya aja teman dekat ku yang pintar, “google kamu lagi sibuk ga? aku mau nanya niatnya sih maunanya ke donald trump sama Anis Baswedan tapi keliatanya dia lagi sibik jadi aku mending tanya kamu aja ya kamu maukan”. Tanpa basa basi dia langsung jawab, tapi perasaan ku ga enak pas tau jawaban dia. Mungkin dia udah bosan kali jawab pertanyaan orang orang, “google kamu keliatan kurang santai deh, minum dan rokok dulu yu tipis tipis” langsung aja ku ajak dia ke bar. 
Tadinya mau naik skuter tapi google bilang belum lama ada yang ditabrak pas naik skuter, aku langsung mengambil keputusan jalan kaki aja setelah dengar cerita si google seenganya ya menikmati cipataan tuhan juga, tuhan nyiptain kaki malah ga dpake kasian kan. 
Sampai di bar langsung minum karena cape juga ternyata jalan kaki, aku lupa yang aku minimu ada kadar alkohol aku kira itu frutang, akhirnya aku jatoh tertidur di meja bar sampe yang ngasih minum bangunin aku, aku cari si google kayanya pulang duluan kayanya marah aku ga jadi nanya ke dia, tapi kayanya aku dapat jawaban pas teler tadi gatau siapa yang bisikin kayanya gelas atau batu es deh suaranya gapernah aku denger juga sih.
Ternyata kesenangan itu ga perlu dicari kesenangan datang dari diri aku.
Makasih keteleran malam itu.
Aku jadi teman kamu sekarang.
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jansibik · 1 year
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Kushti is a dying ancient Indian sport. #kusti #wrestling #india #indiapictures #wwe #prowrestling #prowrestler #fight #reportage #kolhapur #kolhapurkar😎👑 #sibik #bookstagram #incredibleindia🇮🇳 #incredibleindia #indiapictures #indiasports #wrestlemania #wrestler #reportage #instaindia (v místě Kolhapur - कोल्हापूर) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp4sZl2vI9i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dduane · 2 years
I do apologize for bothering you on a weekend, but I’m working on a tattoo design, and was wondering, what color are sibik eyes?
(laughter) ...
...I do not have the faintest. damn. idea. Let me take a moment to see if there's anything expressly mentioned in What Passes For Canon.
(takes a moment)
...I went hunting and can't find any qualifier more useful than "dark". I have a feeling the eye color usually fairly closely matches the skin color, which the text suggests can be all kinds of soft blue-green colors.
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toeleafsilas · 6 years
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MaTa , "  Pagkatapos ko makadalo sa NM of Anthropology, nag-iisip ako ng salita na ibabahagi at isasalin ko into sa baybayin, (alam ko baguhan pa ako, pero ang karanasan Kong ito ang magtuturo sa akin) .... Ang salitang "Mata" , #mata ay ginamit ni Jan Sibik para makalikha ng ,"photographs " #photograph para makapag-communicate sa mundo sa loob ng 30 years niyang karanasan sa mundo at sa nais niya ipakausap o makipag-usap sa mundo gabay sa #conflicts and #crisis , nag-uumapaw ang mga larawang kuha niya, kilala siya sa mundong buhay.  #mata #jansibik #baybayin #photographs (at Metro Manila)
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Kamu, gimana kabar? Sehat? Makin bahagia? Hmmm, sudah menemukan tambatan hati yang pas? Yang sesuai dengan kriteriamu, yang lebih cantik, dan yang bisa diajak traveling kemanapun. Kamu, ingat tidak pertama kali, kamu datang di 'hidup' saya. Ingat tidak pertama kali kamu meminta ijin sama temen saya yang sebetulnya temanmu juga untuk mendekati saya. Kamu, tau tidak kalau saya disini sudah mulai menyukaimu pada saat kamu datang. Tau tidak kalau saya disini mulai berharap, tau tidak kalau saya disini mencintai kamu. Kamu yang datang dengan tiba tiba, dan saya juga yang menerima dengan tergesa gesa. Kamu yang datang dengan sejuta harapan, dan saya juga yang menerima dengan sejuta impian. Kami, tau tidak kalau saya disini berjuang sendiri untuk menghilangkan kamu dari otak saya. Menghilangkan nama kamu yang sering dibuat bahan ledekan teman teman dikantor, menghilangkan nama kamu dari bayang bayangan saya. Butuh waktu lama untuk saya mencerna apa yang sebenarnya terjadi pada diri saya. Kamu mulai memberikan perhatian-perhatian kecil namun manis, membuat saya berfikir tidak logis. Membuat saya setiap hari tidak bisa berhenti untuk melihat handphone saya walaupun saya sibik, membuat saya saya jadi punya kewajiban untuk memperhatikan kamu entah bagaimana caranya tapi saya harus tetap lakukan agar saya mendapatkan kabar bahwa kamu baik baik saja disana, dan memberikan harapan harapan lain yang membuat saya bahagia. Kamu, tidak berartikah usaha saya dimata kamu? Usaha saya yang ingin menyemangatimu setiap pagi Usaha saya yang ingin memberikan kamu kabar setiap hari Usaha saya yang ingin terlihat cantik ketika kamu meminta foto saya Usaha saya yang berusaha membuat komunikasi kita menjadi lebih hidup, meskipun kamu jauh di luar kota Usaha saya menyemangatimu & membuatmu tidak merasa sepi ketika kamu sedang kangen rumah Usaha saya untuk jujur bahwa saya tidak bisa memasak Usaha saya yang mau repot repot mengantarmu Usaga saya yang rela selfie dengan tidak menggunakan make up sama sekali untuk membuatmu senang Usaha saya yang tidak tidak tidur hingga larut supaya bisa bercengkrama denganmu Usaha saya yang ingin menghargaimu Usaha saya yang tidak ingin mempermalukanmu pada saat kita pergi nonton bioskop, karna sebelumnya dalam waktu 30menit saya menatap isi lemari baju saya, memilih baju mana yang pantas untuk digunakan agar kamu tidak malu jalan dengan saya Usaha saya yang terus ngemil dimanapun saya berada Usaha saya yang minum susu coklat hangat setiap harinya, berharap keesokan harinya berat badan saya bisa naik Usaha saya dekat dengan teman terbaikmu Dan usaha saya menyebutkan nama lengkap mu didalam solat saya. Berartikah? Kamu tau, setelah apa yang kamu lakukan ke saya. Kamu membuat ini semakin tidak mudah. Kamu membuat kepercayaan diri saya semakin hancur, habis sudah kelindes dengan semua perkataanmu. Kamu membuat saya menjadi orang yang takut untuk mencoba hal baru yang saya inginkan. Kamu membuatnya semakin sulit. Mengapa kamu harus mencoba, ketika kamu sudah tau jawabannya adalah bukan saya?! Banyak pertanyaan yang ada dikepala saya. Ketika kamu memutuskan untuk menghentikan semua ini. Pertanyaaan yang hanya kamu saja yang tau jawabannya. Pertanyaaan yang mengganggu saya hingga sekarang. Pertanyaan bodoh yang sepeti "salah saya dimana? " "dimana letak salahnya? " "apa yang kurang? " dan sebagainya. Kamu paham kan? Ini efek yang kamu timbulkan ke saya. Teman teman saya bilang, kalau saya ini cukup bodoh untuk meratapi kamu di hidup saya. Maafkan saya yang terlalu percaya bahwa semua orang itu baik, termasuk kamu. Maafkan saya yang terlalu polos untuk menerima perlakuan orang lain terhadap saya. Maafkan saya yang sangat dengan cepat menempatkan kamu dihati saya. Maafkan saya ya Kamu, saya sadar ketika ada teman yang berkata "your happines is your own". Ketika kamu gak bahagia, mereka cuma bisa ketawa, tapi ketika kamu bahagia, mereka cuma bisa nyinyir. Untuk apaa saya terus menerus memikirkan semua yang sudah terjadi. Memikirkan kekurangan saya yang kamu tidak suka, memikirkan bagaimana saya harus bisa berubah meskipun saya harus menjadi orang lain supaya kamu bahagia. Kenapa saya yang sibuk memikirkan ini ya? Padahal bukan saya yang kamu inginkan. Dan padahal hidup saya harus berjalan terus kedepan. Kamu, ini akan menjadi janji saya terhadap diri saya sendiri. Bahwa: Saya tidak akan melihat kebelakang lagi, apalagi melihatmu Saya tidak akan terpuruk lagi Saya harus lebih percaya diri lagi. Karna ini adalah diri saya. Ini adalah saya yang begini adanya. Kamu, akan ada saatnya. Jika saya terlihat tidak begitu cantik dimatamu, nantinya saya akan jauh lebih cantik dimata Pria yang mencintai saya. Jika kamu tidak suka saya menggunakan make up, nantinya akan ada Pria yang bangga bahwa saya bisa membuat dia tidak dipermalukan didepan orang banyak. Jika kamu tidak suka saya terlalu kurus, nantinya akan ada Pria yang bilang ke saya bahwa kamu tidak perlu menjadi gendut untuk terlihat cantik, saya mencitai dirimu yang seperti ini, tanpa harus menjadi orang lain, karna saya akan menerimamu apa adanya. Akan ada saatnya. KAMu, saya tau sekarang kamu sedang bahagia dengan pilihanmu. Selamat. Saya ikut senang. Saya harap kamu perlakukan dia sebaik baiknya kamu memperlakukan saya dibulan Mei pada waktu itu. Dan saya juga berharap kamu tidak memperlakukan dia seperti apa yang kamu lakukan ke saya di bulan Agusutus pada waktu itu. Your happines is your own. And I'll take care my own.
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cottoncandy44-blog1 · 7 years
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We went to the Old Town Hall in Prague 1 to see the exhibition of Jan Sibik, 10 years he has made photos of some important periods: like the Arab Spring. This Syrian girl was in a Refugee camp in Greece. I was really impressed with this photo this child has such a bright facial expression. It is a symbol that a lot of children are suffering in the camps.
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This photo grabbed my attention because this boy is trying to find a way how to survive in the typhoon what happened just recently in the Phillipines. You can still see that it is ongoing as you can see how strong the wind here is. 
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trekkied-blog · 8 years
PLEASE tell me someone's made a sketch of one, or a bunch of, sibiks. I need a picture of a baby, puppy-like octopus like, right now. 😂 Because as I'm reading, there's a crowd around Kit asking for saltine crackers and the picture in my head is stinking adorable. ❤️
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