When I was a kid, I used to think that sitting in the shower and letting the water fill up the tub was just a 'shower-bath'. Now I think it's 'depression'.
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longsightmyth · 2 months
Me: uuuuuhhhhh bath. Showerbath. Shower. You know, rainbox.
@discountalien-pancake : yes, most of us are familiar with the rainbox
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pest-injection · 22 days
ShowerBath technique: Hot Swamps Style
Turn off the lights.
Fill the tub partly with scalding water and lay partly submerged.
Now, with your feet, turn the showerhead on, slightly cooler, to simulate the gentle rain.
Repeat this process 2wice a month to maintain the 'Hot Swamps Monster' transformation.
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halfwayanywhere · 10 months
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Hayduke Day 47: Fortunately, we were not swept away in a flash flood last night. Kanab Creek has a sensor at the confluence with the Colorado River so you can check the current and historical water levels. According to the sensor, Kanab Creek flashed while we were at the South Rim. The near-daily rain hasn’t been inspiring as far as flooding goes. We find @involuted at Showerbath Spring, where we collect water since it’s dubious as to whether the water in Kanab Creek is uranium polluted (after getting reception later on and doing rudimentary internet searching, the water appears to be okay). Kanab Canyon is different than other times the Hayduke has entered or exited Grand Canyon. It’s so gradual you would never guess you’re emerging from one of the most glorious canyons on Earth. Not steep - just lots of wet feet and shrinking canyon walls. We cross the National Park boundary, depart Kanab Creek, and head up Hack Canyon. Here, the terrain changes as we walk in the creek to avoid bushwhacking along the banks. We soon reach a place where we can safely call ourselves “no longer in a canyon.” We make easy miles on grassy benches and down in the crisscrossing washes. Today’s the first day it’s looking like we’re going to have clear skies all night (as we had all day), and it’s nice to not be baking in the heat of the Hayduke’s low point. Tomorrow, there’s a chance we’ll meet friends from the South Rim, @oldmanrigney, and @kasekittykoopkat. They went to Moab to retrieve their car and are piecing together the final bits of the Hayduke. With any luck, they’ll be waiting at the trailhead for us (Hack Canyon emerges to a well-maintained dirt road) with snacks and beverages. Grand Canyon National Park - the final and one of the most daunting challenges of the Duck - is behind us; it’s a straight shot to Zion across the Arizona Strip. However, we still need to hammer out details of our route since the official Hayduke route was closed due to rockfall back in 2018/19 (and may never open again). Day: Scotty's Castle to Hack Canyon Distance: 24.02 mi / 38.66 km Elevation gain: 1,883 ft / 574 m 📷 1: @heavyteva #hayduketrail #EXTREMEWALKING
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Ideas on Bathroom Renovations
Whether you’re renovating a bathroom for a new house or you’re updating your current bathroom, there are a lot of different things to think about. Here are a few tips to get you started on your project.
Wood floors
Traditionally, homeowners have been advised to steer clear of wood floors in the bathroom. This is due to the fact that they can become warped and buckled due to moisture. However, with the right care and maintenance, wood floors in the bathroom can last for decades.
Fortunately, there are several types of wood flooring available. They include engineered wood, vinyl planks, and laminate. Each is suited for different conditions, so it’s important to choose the right type of flooring for your bathroom.
Engineered wood is a better option for bathrooms than solid hardwood. It has multiple layers of real wood that mimic the look of solid wood. It’s also more flexible than other types of alternatives. This means that you can install it over your existing flooring or over top of another type of flooring.
Vinyl wallpaper
Choosing the right vinyl wallpaper for a bathroom renovation is not always easy. There are several factors to take into consideration, such as moisture, durability, and pattern. You should also consider whether or not the vinyl wallpaper is washable.
Vinyl wallpaper for bathrooms was developed in the 1970s as a waterproof alternative to paper-based wallpaper. Its PVC coating helps to resist moisture and water vapor. It can be used on walls that have direct or indirect ambient moisture.
Vinyl wallpapers are available in both peel-and-stick and permanent varieties. For a more permanent installation, it is best to use a professional. However, if you want to save money, you can peel and stick vinyl wallpaper yourself. Peel-and-stick wallpaper is more resistant to tearing and removal than permanent wallpaper.
Using stone for your bathroom renovation is a great way to bring a luxury look to your space. Granite and marble are the most common types of stone used for countertops and floors. They are durable, fireproof and resistant to rot. You can also find natural stone sinks and faucets to suit your tastes and budget.
The best part is that there are a wide range of sizes and colors available. Marble is the most popular type of stone, but it can be expensive. You can find granite, limestone, travertine, onyx and other types of stone for your bathroom.
The cheapest form of real stone is limestone. Limestone can be found in a variety of colors, including white, cream, gray, blue and green. The matte finish of limestone is attractive, but it can contain mineral inclusions that require regular cleaning.
During bathroom renovations, many homeowners are replacing their bathtubs with showerbaths. This is a great way to save money and create a more efficient bathroom.
In addition to saving space, showerbaths also make showering easier. They prevent clumsy moments, which can cause injuries.
You can also use textured tiles in your bathroom to prevent dangerous falls. You can also choose accent tiles for a splash of color. Having a shower bath in your home will make it more comfortable for your family.
When choosing a showerbath, you have to think about your needs. If you have small children, you might want to consider a larger tub. Also, you might need a walk-in tub if you’re an elderly person.
If you have a small bathroom, you might want to consider replacing your tub with a shower. This can help you save space and also provide you with additional storage space.
Glass walls and sliding glass doors
Using glass walls and sliding glass doors in a bathroom renovation can make a small space feel larger. These can also be used to enhance the overall design of a bathroom. They can create a sense of openness in a small space without sacrificing privacy.
Using a glass wall in a bathroom can be an economical way to allow light into the space. This can increase the overall value of a home by adding an element of luxury. It also makes a space feel more open and inviting.
These glass walls can be made from any material, and they can be adapted to fit a variety of needs. For example, a glass wall made of wood or metal can add an aesthetic touch to a high-end hotel room.
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Whether planning a bathroom renovation or simply looking to update your existing space, Vancouver Kitchen Renovation is the place to turn. We’re Vancouver’s premier bathroom design and renovation specialists, and we pride ourselves on being able to create spaces that fit perfectly within your budget. Whether you’re renovating a small guest room or transforming a whole house, we’ll guide you through each step so you can enjoy your finished product for years to come. As a locally owned and operated business, we know what it takes to build lasting relationships with our clients. We’re committed to providing quality products and services and strive to exceed expectations every time.
We understand that to be successful is to stay ahead of the curve. That means staying current with the latest technology and design trends. We always want to improve our products or services without breaking the bank. That’s why we stay connected to the latest technologies of NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association. In addition, at Vancouver Kitchen renovation, our primary focus is providing sustainable bathroom design and renovation packages, and we believe in sustainable living. Sustainable living is a way of life in harmony with nature. It is a lifestyle which focuses on the preservation of our environment. Sustainable living is a philosophy emphasizing respect for the environment and concern for its well-being. This means we should take care of the planet and treat it as if it were our home. We should try to preserve what we have and protect it from destruction. If we do this, we will enjoy the benefits of the earth’s resources for many generations. Whether you’re planning a major remodel or adding finishing touches to your current bathroom, we’d love to discuss your project. Book your showroom consultation online.
Main Areas of Service in British Columbia:
North Vancouver
West Vancouver
Frequently Asked Questions
How can my bathroom feel more modern?
Modernize your bathroom in many different ways. A great way to create a modern bathroom design is to use simple, sleek lines. You can also use black, grey and white. Modern fixtures such as LED lighting or rain showers will give your space a contemporary look. Decluttering your bathroom will make it look cleaner and more minimalistic.
What is the ROI for a bathroom remodeling project in Metro Vancouver
Bathroom renovations are expensive. If done properly, it can yield big returns. HomeAdvisor says that mid-range bathroom redesigns can yield an average of 70% return on investment. However, upscale bathroom renovations typically have an ROI of 60%. This means that if you spend $20,000 on a mid-range bathroom renovation in Metro Vancouver, you can expect to see a return of $14,000. If you spend $40,000 to remodel your bathroom, you can expect a return of $24,000.
The actual ROI you get will depend on many factors including the quality and market conditions of your home, as well as the location. A bathroom remodel is a good idea if you are looking to sell your home in the near future. This will not only make your house more appealing to potential buyers but could also result in a higher sale price.
If you’re not planning on selling your home anytime soon, a bathroom remodel can still be a wise investment. A bathroom remodel that is well designed and executed can improve the value of your home as well as increase its enjoyment. A bathroom remodeling project is worth your consideration, whether you want to increase the value of your house or create a more relaxing and stylish space.
How much is it to replace a bathtub?
A complete bathroom re/re can be expensive in Vancouver, British Columbia. This is for a complete project which would include:
Shower base (including drain)
Floor and wall tiles
Glass shower door or shower curtain
Fixtures (shower head, taps, soap dish, etc.)
Plumbing work
Waterproofing, tiling, and other work
How do you do a facelift in a bathroom?
It’s not enough to replace fixtures and fittings when renovating a bathroom. It’s also about creating an atmosphere that makes people feel at home. Your bathroom should be inviting and relaxing for you and your guests.
Here are some examples:
Plants are a great addition. They can help purify your air and enhance natural beauty. There are many indoor plants to choose from: succulents and mosses; cacti, ferns and succulents.
Lighting is important. Lighting is an important part of creating an inviting space. You can use indirect light sources rather than direct. These will give soft, diffused illumination.
You should create a comfortable area for sitting. A bench or small table could be used as a seating area. To display photographs or art on the wall, shelves could be installed. To brighten your room, you can add a mirror to reflect the light.
To hang your bathrobe or coat, you might consider adding a hook to your bathrobe.
Our website has lots of information regarding bathroom designs, remodelling, and accessories. Our experts are happy to help you plan your next renovation. Give us an immediate call!
What is trending for bathrooms in 2023?
The bathroom industry is evolving rapidly because consumers are demanding better quality products at lower prices.
The next generation of bathroom design is going to be focused on safe and sustainable materials.
This includes low-flow toilets, waterless urinals, dual flush technology and smart home systems.
This trend will also place emphasis on hygiene and health by providing shower heads and other devices to promote better hygiene.
How can I make my bathrooms feel more Zen?
A great bathroom can be a place for reflection and relaxation. It’s where we go to unwind after an intense day of activity. So why would anyone choose a space where they feel stressed out?
Bathrooms are places we can relax. Showering is a way to wash away stress. We wash our hands and brush our teeth.
There are many ways to make a bathroom quiet and peaceful while still providing all the amenities.
A white wall can make a space appear larger and cleaner. White helps reflect light which makes rooms seem larger.
A large mirror allows you to see your reflection without moving.
Candles in the bathroom can create a calm environment. Candles can provide warmth and safety. In addition, scented candles can encourage feelings of calmness.
A bathroom with plants can promote tranquility and peace. Plants are known to reduce stress levels and increase focus.
Lighting is another way of setting the mood. You can create a warm environment by using lighting. Warm lights such as those from candlelight can create a peaceful environment.
Take some time to rest your body next time you use the bathroom. This is where we can be totally free of all outside influences.
2023 bathroom design trends: Chromotherapy, which uses coloured lights to stimulate relaxation, was chosen by 25%. Preset lighting schemes for different times during the day were favoured by 29%. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: Large format tiles were favoured by 59% of those surveyed.mSlab surfaces were favoured by 40% of those surveyed. (https://nkba.org)
NKBA estimates that broken down, most of this cost comes from fixtures and plumbing (about 29 percent), followed by counters and surfaces (21 percent), labour (20 percent), and cabinetry and hardware (16 percent). (remodelista.com)
2023 bathroom design trends: Bathroom faucet designs reflected wellness concerns, with 61% choosing accessible lever handles, 48% choosing motion and 36% going for the touch or tap options. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: Windows above tubs were favoured by 51% of those surveyed. Skylights were selected by 37% of those surveyed. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: Floating vanities were favoured by 71% of those surveyed. (https://nkba.org)
According to a 2019 remodelling report from the National Association of Realtors, 70 percent of consumers “have a greater desire to be home” after a bathroom renovation, so read on and soak up the secrets. (housebeautiful.com)
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had someone call and say they have an existing old tub (which, 99% of the time, is 60” wide once they’re pulled out) and want to convert the bathtub to a shower. (blog.innovatebuildingsolutions.com)
The average midrange bathroom remodels costs $27,164, according to the latest Remodeling Cost versus Value report, and it’s projected that you will recoup 58.9% of that cost when reselling your home. (architecturaldigest.com)
Outdoor showers can dramatically increase the value of your home—according to a 2018 report from Realtor.com, homes with outdoor showers tend to list for nearly double the asking price of other homes! (housebeautiful.com)
2023 bathroom design trends: Large format tile (59%) was the most popular material for tub and shower surrounds. Slab surfaces (40%) were the next most popular (https://nkba.org)
This article will reveal more about AntiBac surfaces and how Villeroy and Boch products have 99.9% fewer bacteria. (superbath.co.uk)
External Links
Find out how much it costs for a bathroom remodel
Where does your money go for a bathroom remodel? | HomeAdvisor
Home – NKBA
Real-World Budgeting for Bathroom Remodeling
How To
How to Design a Beautiful Bathroom by You
Choose a color combination that complements your home Before you choose a colour scheme, consider how it will blend with the rest. Consider the age of your house and avoid bright colors such as yellow, orange, or green. Opt for more subtle shades, such as blue, gray or white, instead.
Living in a newer home gives you more leeway when choosing bathroom colours. If you wish, you can choose brighter colours but only use them sparingly. Perhaps an accent wall or brightly-coloured towel holder is all you need to inject some personality into your space.
You should ensure that there is plenty of storage space
Make sure that there is plenty of storage space in your bathroom. You should have enough space for hand soap, towels, makeup brushes, and any other items you keep in your bathroom.
If you’re short on space, consider adding a medicine cabinet or floating shelves. These shelves will provide extra storage space, but not take up too much space.
Consider Adding Mirrors
Mirrors are a great addition to any bathroom. They let you see your reflections in the powder room. Mirrors come with a variety of sizes and shapes. Some mirrors have a rectangular design, while others are more round. Mirrors can be shaped like animals and flowers.
Get the best lighting
Lighting is vital and should be treated with care. There are many factors you should consider when lighting your bathroom.
First, you should think about what type of light bulbs are you going to use. There are a variety of options including LED, Halogen and Fluorescent.
Next, choose where you want your light fixtures to be placed. The ceiling, walls or ceilings are all options. But it’s best to also consider natural lighting. Your bathroom must have sufficient windows to let in natural lighting. If not, you may want to consider adding a skylight.
It is up to you what type of lighting style you prefer. But, make sure you choose light fixtures that are approved for use in bathrooms. This will ensure that they can withstand the humidity and moisture in this room.
Choose the right flooring
It is important to choose slip-resistant flooring and make it easy to clean. There are many options for bathroom flooring: luxury vinyl, porcelain tiles and natural stone.
Avoid dark-colored flooring if you have a small bathroom. This will make the space look smaller and more cramped. Opt instead for lighter colours like white, cream or beige
Be Careful in Your Layout
It is just as important to plan the layout of your bathroom as the colors and fixtures that you choose. Think about how you will use your bathroom space when planning the layout.
You might avoid putting a tub in a small bathroom. This will make it easier to move around.
You may want to add a double sink in a larger bathroom. This will give you more counter space and make it easier for two people to get ready simultaneously.
Once you have an idea of the layout you want, you can start planning. Use a tape measure to determine the dimensions of your room. Sketch out several layout options using graph paper.
After you have tried a few layouts out, choose the one that best suits your space.
Remember Ventilation
Bathrooms need proper ventilation to prevent mould and mildew from growing. This is particularly important if you live near a humid climate.
Before you install the fan, be sure to carefully read the instructions provided by your manufacturer. Make sure that the fan vents to the outside of the home.
Use quality materials
You should choose high quality materials for your bathroom remodel. The durability and resistance to damage of high-quality materials is better. These materials may be more expensive upfront, but they will ultimately save you money.
Professional Help
Remodeling your bathroom does not have to be difficult. Hire professionals to do the job right. Professional contractors are trained to handle different aspects of building projects. They are qualified to install heating and cooling systems as well as plumbing wiring. You will save time and avoid headaches by hiring professionals. Professional contractors know how to properly complete each step of every project.
Enjoy Your New bathroom
After all the hard work and planning, it’s now time to get into your new bathroom. The final touches include scented candles, fluffy towels, or a plant. These details will make your bathroom feel more homey.
Now you’re ready to begin remodeling your bathroom. Use these tips to create the bathroom of your dreams.
The post Ideas on Bathroom Renovations first appeared on Vancouver Kitchen Renovation.
source https://vancouverkitchenrenovation.com/bathrooms/ideas-on-bathroom-renovations/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ideas-on-bathroom-renovations
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entirebathrooms · 2 years
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deaddeals-world · 2 years
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Hand showers for toilet
Accessorise your bathroom with these hand-held showerheads. Their flexibility gives you the freedom to hold the showerhead handle and move the spray as needed. It’s great for massaging sore muscles and body aches; simply change the spray mode to the powerful massage spray setting and position the hand shower over the area that needs treating.
Check out the entire collection here
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theindiancreations · 3 years
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loveseanlau · 5 years
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Delicate and pretty color and luster, bring for the life experience of fashion with graceful style. #sean #thermostaticshowerset #babyshower #thermostaticshowermixer #thermostaticshowercombo #showercombo #showersets #showerfaucet #showermixerthermostatic #showermixer #showertap #showerbath #walkinshower https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xHvPgpNJV/?igshid=bd9zffima6o7
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Spa Slimming Shampoo Scalp Massage Brush Visit: https://t.co/MmuxiqmP00 KW #Lalbug #Brushprops #CombHair #MassageBrush #ShampooScalp #ShowerBath #SiliconeHeadHair #SpaSlimming #WashingComb #StylingTools #NewYork #Moscow #Tokyo #London #Austin #Paris #LosAngeles #Detroit https://t.co/yj6Sj0Dc6w https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw9D51HJXtj/?igshid=1ims5a8gpx2nz
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nicolamakeupartist · 5 years
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Enjoy the silence #enjoythesilence #thesoundoffreedom #thesoundofsilence #silence #man #beard #water #showerbath #bathroom #nicolaloremakeupartist #me #bathtub #bathtubselfie #selfie #picoftheday #men #boy #showerboy #relax #stoner #stoned #high #highlife (presso Padua, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvHkbH4lp0k/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=z9yp2rqpy4e2
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redmagemain · 4 years
Dad: how long do you think you can last without showering?
Me: bet.
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Tips For Hiring The Right Bathtub to Shower Remodel Contractor
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Do you have an upcoming bathtub to shower remodel project? If you do, you should start looking for the right contractor to do the job. This project can have a lot of benefits if it is done right.  It will not only upgrade the appeal and functionality of your bathroom, but it will also increase the resale value of your home. When most people want to buy a home, they usually check the bathroom area to make sure that it is in the best condition.
So, how do you hire the right bathtub to shower remodel contractor to work with? One of the things you need to do is interview three or more bathroom contractors. Do not just settle for the first contractor you come across. When you speak to just one or two bathroom remodeling contractors, you will gain only a limited set of viewpoints. You need to solicit bids from several contractors before deciding who to hire. . By increasing the number of contractors you interview, it will be easier for you to find the contractor who is the perfect fit for your job. Moreover, you will have a greater range of bids to choose from.
Before you go ahead to hire any bathtub to shower remodel contractor, it is important to review their work. Shower remodelers typically show up for the interview with a picture gallery of the previous bathroom remodels, which could be either in a picture book or on a screen. You can also check out the contractor’s portfolio on their website or on the contractor-matching sites that they belong to. As you check out the contractor’s work, aim to look past the pretty pictures and decide if the type of work is right for you.
For more tips on how to hire the right bath and shower remodel contractor, visit our website at https://www.duracarebaths.com/
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sometimes u gotta take a showerbath so hot ur skin is tingling when u get out and just go on with ur day
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littlemssam · 4 years
Info regarding one of my Mods
All of you who use my Personal Objects Mod and the Shower Bath Part of it:
EA fixed the Bug of not filling Hygiene when showering in ShowerBath Combos by simply redoing the changes they made before. That means they removed the Options to take Mud Bath & Soak Baths. To be honest this was a rather lazy Fix unless they did it this way for a real Reason. But since i made a Fix which let’s you fill up Hygiene & have the new Bath Options i refuse to redo those Changes as well!
If you have the Mod I recommend to use the Shower/Tub Fix in my Random Bug Fixes Mod. 
Either use the Fix or remove the Shower Bath Part Parts of Personal Objects until EA really fixes it & let’s us have Mud Baths in them.
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deaddeals-world · 2 years
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Bathroom shower
There are only a few selected things that spell class. The brilliant collection of showers by Hindware is one such beauty that renders you a showering experience like none other. A soulful unison of artistic features and superior performance – every shower is crafted to give you a refreshing shower after a hard day. From overhead massage showers to round rain showers – each style, cut and curve lends you a unique experience; turning your everyday showers into a royal affair.
Visit here fore more information
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