#shout out to dad ezekiel
wheredidalltheusersgo · 5 months
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Total Drama Future AU design 14!
Ezekiel is 38 in this AU.
After AllStars, he was rescued from the Island by a small search party consisting of Geoff, Izzy, Justin, Gwen, Zoey, and Duncan.
They brought him home and got him some treatments to reverse his mutations. They also got him into some much-needed therapy.
During this time, Justin developed a bit of a crush on Ezekiel. He had seen how starved the boy was for attention and genuine affection.
After a discussion with Trent, Justin asked Ezekiel if he wanted to join their relationship, and Ezekiel immediately agreed.
In 2017, Ezekiel got married to Justin and Trent.
In 2023, he was overjoyed to meet their daughter, Trisha. He vowed to be the best father he could possibly be to her.
Along the line, he grew his hair back and refused to cut it.
He hasn't fully recovered from his time as a mutant, but he's doing great so far.
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tdinyomomma · 9 months
TDWT- Cody X Reader: Walk Like An Egyptian Pt. 1 (Chapter Two)
If you haven’t read: one
“Season three of Total Drama, folks! The world is gonna be mine, sea to shining sea! Sadly I’m forced to share my world with a three-ring traveling teen freak show!” A bus pulls up behind Chris McLean, as he continues to talk. 
“They’ll be competing all around the globe for another one million dollars!” he grins. 
“So let’s meet our players.” The first few teens come out, “Courtney, Duncan, Heather, Gwen, Leshawna!” Introducing them. Gwen accidentally bumps into Heather. 
“Are there reserved seating? I.E. can’t have one behind Heather’s pony-hair ponytail?” She makes a jab at the once bald headed mean girl in front of her. “Um, my extensions are human hair!” Heather folds her arms. 
“You learn something new everyday.” Duncan adds in, to which Gwen giggles at. He smirks, pissing off his girlfriend, Courtney.
“Lindsay!” Chris suddenly shouts, moving on from that whole hot mess, the blonde comes down from the bus. Blowing a kiss. 
“Owen, DJ, and Harold!” He has his eyes shut, waiting for the boys to come out. 
“Hey! Oh! Ah!” Owen grunts, he comes out with DJ bear hugging him from behind. 
“Sweet Strawberry preserves! No!” The big guy yells out. “He’s afraid of flying remember?” DJ speaks for him, walking with Owen away from the bus to let others come out. 
“Aerophobia, from the Latin, as apposed to Aeronausiphobia, the fear of air sickness.” Harold tells everyone his nerdy information,
 “Keep up the fascinating facts and I’m going to be Aeronauseous all over you.” Noah threatens. 
“And returning favorites: Noah, Cody and-” 
“Yo, yo, yo! This years winner is in the house- Uh, bus. I mean runway! Where’s the plane, eh?” Ezekial announces himself. 
“I know right? Let’s fly! Whoo!” Izzy pops out, jumping onto Ezekial’s shoulders. “Watch out! Ooh!” They both fall to the ground. “Yep Izzy’s back. Also returning this season, Tyler and the co-host of Total Drama Aftermath, Bridgette.” Both the athletes trip and fall over Izzy and Ezekial who still laid on the ground from falling themselves. “
Yo, Chris, you forgot to introduce me.” Ezekiel raises his hand, Chris sighs. “And Ezekial.”
“And now to mix things up and keep it all fresh, we’re adding three new competitors. He’s an honor-roll student with a diplomat for a dad and an amazing ability to charm the pants off most species; Alejandro!” The good looking Hispanic teen struts down the steps of the bus. 
“Perhaps I can assist.” He helps up Izzy and Bridgette. “Wow-whee.” Izzy dreamily says. “I-I have a boyfriend!” Bridgette stammers. 
“And, amigos, please allow me.” Alejandro then helps up the two other boys. “Wow-whee.” Ezekiel says. “I like girls.” Tyler defends himself unnecessarily. 
“Here’s our first girl, she’s a well known actress who hates germs, super pretty by the way; [Name]!” The girl comes out with a disgusted expression, trying not to touch the handles of the bus, jumping off the last step. 
“When was the last time this thing has been washed?” She questions, squirting hand sanitizer into her hands. A few of the teens hold back squeals, waving at her and she changes her expression and waves back with a small smile, before she can walk away Chris is already announcing the next girl. 
“And she’s a sugar addicted superfan with 16 Total Drama blogs; Sierra!” The tall purple haired girl runs out, squeezing [Name] into an embrace, lifting the girl up. 
“Oh, my gosh! I love you guys! And this is the greatest day of my life and-” She gasps for breath, hyperventilating and finally letting go of the actress who hurries away from her. “Anybody, got a paper bad I can breathe into?” She asks around then is quickly over that, heading to the other contestants. 
“Ah! Oh my gosh! Cody and [Name] standing together!” She runs up to then, they both look confused. “I dreamt of this moment, Only you weren’t wearing a shirt!” She whispers the last part to Cody.
Cutting that off there’s a loud squeaking noise then they all turn to see a rusted plane.
POV change
“Excuse me, but I’d like to express some concerns about the safety of our plane.” That one smart girl, courtney raises her hand. 
“Relax it’s perfectly safe,” Chris puts his hands up but then a part of the plan falls off. Freaking out that big blonde guy. “Really looks safe.” I comment, and the Noah guy agrees with me. 
“Now, boarding!”
“No! I can’t ride in that! Call the United Nations! Call a cab! Call my mom! No I’m not doing this! I’m out, this is unethical!” He panics, but before he can keep it up, Chris knocks him out with a frying pan. “Mommy.” He whimpers. 
“Anybody else got a problem with it?” The host motions to us.
“No.” Cody says. 
“Love it!” Lindsay rubs her head nervously. 
“Dibs on the window seat.” Bridgette calls. 
“Now boarding on a voyage to a million big ones! We’re saving you a first-class seat for all the action right here on Total Drama World Tour!” Chris sings, “Seriously?” Duncan questions
We get into he plane. “Singing? Really? I thought Chris was joking about that.” Gwen exclaims. “Well I don’t have a problem with it.” Courtney shrugs. 
“Yeah, cause you like singing.” Leshawna adds in. 
“Well, I don’t. Girls sing. Little birdies sing. Duncan’s do not sing.” Duncan folds his arms.“Mm, we can tell.” I mutter, leaning my weight onto my right foot. 
“Think I’ll get to beat box?” Harold asks in a hopeful tone. “I’ll beat you if you try.” Duncan holds up a fist. 
“Why are you doing this to us?” Heather questions the host. 
“Singing reality shows are huge. And the worse the singing the higher the ratings. Which is why this show, there will be no vocal coaches or rehearsals or warning.” Chris announces. Everyone grumbles but I sat there smirking. 
Being a child star meant I had a little bit of an advantage, having extensive vocal coaching I won’t be embarrassed like the rest. 
“Anywho this is the dining area, where you all enjoy in-flight meals.” Chris shows us the room we’ve been standing in for a few minutes now. 
“Not for long, eh? Prepare to lose to the Zeke!” Ezekiel says. “Okay, so not trying to be mean here, but you do know that you got voted out first last time right?” Gwen reminds him. 
“Word. And I spent every minute since making sure that don’t happen again. I’m stronger, faster, smarter-”
 “Chattier, blabbier, can’t-shut-uppier.” Chris shouts, cutting the boy who we falters down. 
“Is there a ladies room?” Leshawna speaks up. “Just through there.” Chris points. “Good, cause I got to make a deposit.” She says.
“Losing teams will enjoy a luxurious economy-class accommodations between destinations.” Chris informs. 
“Okay, well were are our beds?” That blonde athletic girl glances around. “Owen, care to demonstrate?” Chris yells, we all turn our heads over to see Owen sleeping, strapped to the wall. “That does not look comfortable.” Heather speaks. 
“No comfort for losers.” Chris teases. “Safety harnesses and an emergency exit out. No comfort here, here, or here.” Chris jokes, Sierra goes up to him with an obnoxious laugh but it was finally away from me so I don’t care. “O.M.G. Chris I am L.O.L.” She bends down laughing. 
“We should hit the winners compartment, eh? Cause I ain’t never gonna be in here. Ha! Never!” Ezekiel confidently tells everyone.
“Is never your policy on mouthwash too, homeschool?” Noah fans his face, grossed out. We then move onto first class. 
"You smell like coconut and vanilla.” Sierra whispers in my ear and my eyes widen, I move away from her for the hundredth time. 
“This is the first-class cabin, the domain on each weeks winners.” Chris shows off,. “Now this is the kind of accommodation ladies deserve.” Alejandro flirts with Lindsay and I scrunch my face. “They get ladies in first class, too? Oh! Me! You meant me!” Lindsay then gushes at her realization, hiding behind her hand to giggle. 
“That guy is as smooth as moma’s gravy.” DJ says and I agree. “You gotta be stupid to not see it’s poisoned though.” I mutter. “Lindsay’s supposed to like me.” Tyler slumps. 
“Nobody can compete with gravy. Even the poisoned kind.” Dj nudges me and we both chuckle. “Lindsay! I can do a handspring!” We probably should’ve stopped him but instead we watch him do it and completely fail. 
“Oh my gosh! Poor… uh I’m blanking on his name- Oh! Oh! I know! Alejandro.” She holds her r=hands together. “That’s my name.” The Hispanic smirks. “And what a nice name, Alejandro. I could say it all day.” She flirts back with him. “Please do.” She giggles at his response. I look over to see that Heather girl get annoyed.
“I can see right through that guy. You know, this extra confessional is a thousand times nicer than talking in the toilet.” heather admits. “Maybe for you. I’m trying to prep for a flight here.” Chef interrupts. “Hello, venting! Shh! Anyway, new guy is so transparent. So fake, so-” “Deliciously seductive.” chef speaks up once again. “That is exactly the opposite of what I was trying to say.” The girl disagrees. “Pretty good looking guy to boot, I’m just saying. Also there’s that actress it’s gonna be tough to compete with such a loved girl like her.” “Ugh! Forget this!”
“Whoa! Where are we now? A grand piano? Wood burning pizza over? Four person hot-tub with L.E.D. light show and dancing waters?” Cody questions, pointing out everything like we couldn’t see it ourselves.
  “Definitely not ours.” I cross my arms and he looks over at me. “Huh?” “it’s Chris’s.” I laugh, his face turns red as I’m chuckling. 
“Easy tiger, [Name]s right these are my quarters. And they’re off limits? Clear?” It looks like he was mainly talking to Harold but I missed what he said. “Crystal.” Harold puts his head down. “Oh, Chris. I heart your limits.” Sierra sighs.
“Anyway, with Beth gone, Lindsiot and Ale-whatever looking like a real threat, same with Miss all-loved actress, my only strategic option is to make friends with the other new girl, But pretending to like that is gonna be hard. I do not heart the new girl.” Heather declares to the camera, even getting closer to it.
“And that’s pretty much it, I skipped the cargo hold and galley but I’m sure you’ll find those exciting destinations later when I accidentally lock you in them.” Chris uses quotation marks with his fingers towards the end, being sarcastic. Then the plane moves like there’s a huge bump. 
“One more thing. I’m sure you remember a little something called the elimination ceremony. Takes place right in here, my friends.” He points, we all follow him to the next area.
“If you don’t receive a barf bag full of airline-tissue peanuts-” 
“I got a peanut allergy, yo, or more like a sensitivity.” Ezekiel confesses. “You will be forced to a drop of shame.” Chris ignores the boy who decides to carry. 
“Okay, I just don’t like-” “Kind of like this.” Chris grabs the boy, throwing him out of the plane. “All eliminations are final, bro!” Chris waves outside the door.
Now we’re sitting back at the tables. “Every second, we’re getting closer to ad
venture. And further from momma.” DJ frowns, I pat his back. “It’s gonna be alright. You’ll be back with her in no time.” I smile, of course I notice the staring and gawking over me comforting the boy. There’s always eyes on me. 
“Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson and [Name] [Middle Name] [Last Name]. I also happen to know your birthdays are April 1st and February 14th. My own April fool and Valentine.” Sierra stares at us in a creepy way except these eyes just have to be the most unsettling the I actually want to stop looking at me.
A spotlight shows upon the host. “Whenever you hear that friendly little bell, it’s musical number time. So let’s hear ti!” Chris tells them. “But what are we supposed to sing?” Courtney asks. “You have to make it up as you go. It wouldn’t be challenging otherwise now would it?” He questions and then music really starts and the teens start singing.
“Up, up, up, up!” Courtney starts it off, three other girls after. “Sing! Sing! Sing! Sing!” Harold, Cody, DJ, and Tyler go, looking quite panicked. “We’re flying and singing. We’re flying and we’re singing!” They all bunch together to sing. Cody sits on the edge of a snack cart, [Name] behind him as Sierra pushes them. “Come fly with us!” Sierra sings, “Come fly with us!” The three then sing together. “We’ve got a lot of crazy tunes to bust. Ha-ha!” Izzy jumps out of the vent. “Come fly with us!” Bridgette stands on the couch with her arms out and Lindsay does the same thing on a seat opposite side of Bridgette. “Come fly with us!”
“It’s a pleasure and a honor and a must!” Alejandro pulls both the girls down next to him, both blush. “Dudes this is messed. You’re singing in a plane.” Duncan boredly says. “What do you expect? Chris is freaking insane- unh!” Harold gets pushed away as he was swinging around numchucks. “Yeah, but, guys you’re singing on t.v.” Gwen joins in. “Haven’t you always wanted to? It can’t just be meeeee!” Courtney dances like a ballerina around the goth girl.
Then it cuts to DJ and Leshawna dancing. “Come fly with us!” DJ starts. “Come fly with us!”
The plane shakes startling everyone, it shows [Name] grabbing onto Cody since he’s the only one near, then she let’s go and uses her hand sanitizer. “Do you know how to steer this thing?” Heather grips her seat besides Chef Hatchet. “I try.” He leans back in his seat, feet kicked up. “They thought they could leave me and depart! But this stowaway’s got winning in his heart!” Ezekiel belts, coming out of the suitcases in the cargo.
“Come fly with us! Come die with us!” Noah watches outside one of the plane windows to see one of the jets smoking. “We’re flying? I hate flying! Stop the plane!” Owen wakes up in a panic but just gets knocked out again by Chris.
“Come fly wit us! Come sing with us!” A group tries to persuade Gwen and Duncan. “No!” They fold their arms, Chris walks over with a smug expression laid out on his face, papers in his hands. “Anyone care for a copy of the season three rules? Because in order to escape instant elimination-” His singing gets cut off by Bridgette taking the papers out of his hand. “All the contestants must sing in each show!” She reads out, pissing off Chris.
“Duncan, do it, let’s go!” Courtney nudges her boyfriend. “Gwen sing it, don’t go!” Cody pleads. “Well, I don’t want to go home.” She looks annoyed. “Come fly with us! Come fly with us! Come and fly with us!” Gwen shoots up doing a little dance where she ends up on her knees. “Duncan come on, please!” Courtney clasps her hands together. “This su-u-u-cks!” He belts and they all go around him, posing to finish off the song. “Yeah!” They do jazz hands.
“Enough singing fruitcakes, strap yourselves in. We are now beginning our descent into Egypt. Musical numbers. Worst idea ever. Chris is such an id- Hey, why is this P.A. light still in?” Chris gasps at Chef’s words. “Oh sh-” The P.A. turns off. “We’ll be right back.” Chris tells the audience in a short tone, scrunching his face in anger.
And here we stand, in a scorching hot dessert with pyramids. 
“You guys ready for a little fun?” Chris comes over on a chair in Egyptian clothing, carried by two interns. “Huh? Wow! It’s a scorcher out here huh?” He takes a long sip of his cold beverage. “I call today’s challenge… pyramid over under.” He declares.
“An 11-hour flight, Chef’s in-flight cuisine, a forced musical number. Now we’ve got a challenge?!” Leshawna questions his show. I’m really starting to wish I had a different agent as I fan myself with my hand.
“Don’t you love this game?”
He moved us all over to a line to start a race of some sort. “It’s like we’re being cooked in a giant oven.” Harold complains. 
“It might help if you weren’t dressed like a giant baked potato.” Leshawna tell shim, Harold wears a foil hat on his head. 
“Aluminum foil means the aliens can’t read your brains. It’s a real problem in this area.” Harold informs her but is cut off by a cymbal crashing. 
“Man, that’s satisfying. All right. Pyramid over under means you chose how you’ll get to the finish line- either over or under the pyramid. Got it?” We all nod to his instructions. 
“Ready… Set…” “Wait up, yo! You guys wait up!” Ezekial runs in. “I told you I wasn’t gonna lose this time, eh?” Ezekiel points a finger in Chris’s face. “Didn’t we leave you in like Halifax or whitehorse or whatever?” Chris asks. 
“It’s called landing gear, homie. I climbed it and hid with the cargo.” He tells him. “Impressive but you’re still out.” The host cuts off his dream. “No way! I’m in it to win it! Word!” Ezekiel angrily stomps. “Hey, it’s your funeral.” He just carries on. 
“Set… Go!”
We all begin running.
“Oh, great. Our friendly neighborhood host dude failed to mention there were different paths.” Noah says in a monotone voice. I like him. 
“Hey, Sierra which way do you think we should go?” Heather speaks up. “Me!?” Um… uh…” She thinks about it.
 “How do we know which is right?” Owen asks. 
“I know! Okay, I saw this in a spy movie once. You lick your finger and hold it up to find the air flow.” Izzy then licks her finger, “mmm, this sand really crunches in your teeth. Fun!” She doesn’t even do what she explained, instead turns to Owen and DJ. 
“Okay, DJ, give me your hand.”
“Don’t do it DJ. You might catch a case of crazy.” Leshawna jumps before he can do it. 
“Come on Harold.” The three walk away, going through the middle door way. 
“Oh, oh, oh! Let’s take the scary mummy door!” Izzy points up. I fold my arms and end up following Sierra and Heather. Well I didn’t really have a choice as Sierra grabbed me by the bottom of my shirt for me to walk beside her. 
As we make our way through Sierra steps onto a booby trap. Arrows shooting out of the wall almost getting us but Heather shoves us to the ground. 
“Oops, sorry guys.” We get back up, I notice Heather fight back getting mad. “Honest mistake. Could have happened to anybody.” Heather forces a sweet smile. “Yeah, okay and it almost killed us. I’m not okay with this “honest” mistake.” I announce, walking ahead. “Awe, I’m sorry [Name]!” Sierra follows after me. 
“Stop touching me!” I make a disgusted face. 
We end up bumping into Cody, I try to tell him to go away but he stared at me instead and got caught by Sierra.
We hear a groan and a Mummy had it’s arms out, starting to follow us, out of fear and not knowing who it was we started screaming a running, eventually finding our way out of the pyramid. When we make it out, Sierra was holding Cody and somehow now holding the bottom of my shirt again.
 “Oh, I’m so happy we found you. Heather aren’t you so happy? I have both of my loves!” Sierra speaks to the girl behind us. 
“I’m so happy I could scream.” Heather sarcastically says and we make it past the finish line. 
“We did it! Group hug!” Sierra places down Cody then squishes us into a hug with her. “Come on, Heath! You too!” I watch the brunette roll her eyes then force herself to join us into this already forced embrace. 
“And hugs over, Sierra get behind number 2. Heather, Cody, and [Name], you’ll be on team three.” Chris tells us and I feel relief wash over me as Sierra is not with us on this team.
“In Egyptian-” “No one cares, Harold.” Chris cuts him off. “Where’s Gwen? Not like I care, just curious.” Cody rambles after glancing over to me. “Uh, kids!” That ding sound goes off and Chris is shouting up the pyramid with a megaphone. 
“Recognize that sound? Time for whoever's not finished yet to give us a little musical reprise.” Chris pints up to them. “You said one song per episode.” Duncan angrily shouts down. 
“Yeah and this is a reprise. Not a new song. So if you don’t sing. You’re out, now let’s hear it!” Chris yells.
“You know what? No!” He storms down the pyramid, dragging the two girls behind him. 
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Three hours of those two squawking on this stupid pyramid in this stupid heat and you want me to sing?! Forget it!” Duncan spits in the host’s face. 
“Dude, you have a contract.”
 “Eat it McLean! If you need me, I’ll be in the plane waiting for a ride home, cause I’m out. Done.” He cuts the rope he’s tied to after twirling the knife in his hand. 
“I quit!” He stomps off.
“Girls on the rebound are the best. They cry and ten you et to buy them a pop and listen and then well they still won’t go out with you but yo get to buy them a pop!” Cody enthusiastically says.
Then comes out the two mummies one actually being Izzy, the same one that followed us out fo the pyramid having us scared for our lives. 
“You’re carrying the undead!” Noah screams. “Cool! Bite me and I can be your undead friend, like Frankenstein!” Izzy says but it jumps out unwrapping itself. 
“Thanks for all the help you knobs.” Ezekiel thanks us sarcastically.
 “Izzy go join team-” “Teleta or three.” Harold cuts off Chris. 
“Come on, guy! After all this, you’ve got to let me back in the game!” Ezekiel whines, begging. Chris pushes him down by the head. 
“Fine, but only cause we’re down a man, thanks to Duncan McQuitty-pants. Go ahead and join team one.” Chris tells him. “Oh! Yes!” The kid cheers.
“Okay, teams talk amongst yourselves and determine a team name. You have three minutes while I enjoy this ice cream cone.”
“Team victory!” Team one says.
“Team Amazon!” My team says.
Then the second team takes a really long time to pick one. “Got it, Team Chris is really really, really, really hot.” Sierra declares loudly making it the name. “What!?” The rest of her team questions.
“All right, best team name ever! And here are your rewards. Team amazon you win a camel.” He shows off the animal. “Team Chris is really, really, really, really, really hot-” “I think there were only four reallys.” Alejandro corrects but is ignored. “You win a goat!” The goat then runs, crashing into Tyler knocking him down.
“And team victory here, you go.” He shows a stick. 
“So the guys who come in last get a camel and we get a stick?” Leshawna speaks up for her team. 
“All will be explained if I feel like it. Next time here on Total Drama World Tour!” 
Sorry for the late post I had a few things happen the past few days but tomorrow I will try to get the next chapter for the Heather x Reader out and then after that is Cody I do have a family issue rn so it might put a slight hold on some writing later in the week but I don't know. Thank you for your patience!
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natalynsie · 6 months
What A Million Bucks Can't Buy (Heatherra Oneshot)
[req from anonymous. I really hope you like it! I had a lot of fun writing it]
“Karaoke! Let’s do karaoke!” Sierra suggested to the other contestants. It was a celebration. All twenty-three (Blaineley wasn’t invited- she was old, and Ezekiel was in the hospital thanks to DJ) of the Total Drama contestants were having a party to celebrate the end of their time on reality T.V. at the resort in Hawaii.
Heather was probably the most ecstatic she had been in a long time. After almost a year of dealing with Chris’ challenges, she finally won the money she deserved. Getting her hair shaved off, losing a tooth, it was all worth it now. She couldn’t believe Ezekiel almost took the money- with the angle he was going at, he was going to fall into the volcano WITH the money. Thankfully, DJ interfered and no one died. Yet. Ezekiel was on the verge of death, and Heather was pretty sure medical interference wouldn’t save him. Anyways, the point was, she had the money! And she was always down for a game of karaoke- what was the point of music if Heather wasn’t the one singing it?
“To the Total Drama theme song!”
Oh. Well, what the heck?
“I’m in!” Heather volunteered.
She ran up to the makeshift stage (a.k.a. the step from the dining room into the kitchen) next to Sierra, who was out of her wheelchair. A trip to the hospital fixed whatever was going on with her legs. Thank god.
“The Total Drama theme song?” Leshawna asked. “After all of this, I want to forget the words ‘total’ and ‘drama’.”
“Oh come on. It’s a formative experience of all of our teenage lives now!” Sierra argued.
“I just want to do karaoke, don’t drag me in with her,” Heather said.
Soon enough, someone booted up a computer and connected it to the speakers. Geoff found an instrumental version of the theme song, and it wasn’t like anyone needed the lyrics. Sierra and Heather were both holding bananas that DJ tossed them from the kitchen (he was making salads) as microphones.
“I can’t believe I’m singing the theme song with the actual contestants of Total Drama!” Sierra exclaimed, jumping up and down. “Eee!”
“It’s starting, chill,” Heather ordered. “You’ve been saying this type of stuff all season.”
The music began to play.
“Dear mom and dad, I’m doin’ fine,” Heather and Sierra began, synchronized. Heather was fighting the smile off her face and Sierra’s grin was wider than a football field. “You guys are on my mind.”
“You asked me what I wanted to be and now I think the answer is plain to see,”
“I wanna be famous.”
Heather stopped fighting the smile. For god’s sake, she was holding a banana as a microphone. And singing the Total Drama theme song with Sierra. Plus, karaoke was one of her favorite things to do at a party. Heather always outshined everyone there.
“I wanna live close to the sun,” Heather jabbed a thumb at her chest.
“Go pack your bags, ‘cause I’ve already won,” Sierra pretended to send cash flying from her hands while still holding the microphone.
“Everything to prove, nothing in my way,” Heather swished her hands from side to side.
“I’ll get there one day.” Sierra’s eyes grew creases.
“‘Cause I wanna be famous!” Heather squeezed her eyes shut as she yelled the line.
“Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na!” Heather and Sierra leant in closer to one another.
“I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous!” The two shouted the lyrics.
“I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous!”
A couple people whistling in the empty dining room finished off the song. Heather stood up straight and grinned, Sierra copying her actions.
“You are a great singer, Heather,” Bridgette complimented, stepping into the kitchen.
“I know,” Heather threw her hair over her shoulder. “And stop doing your ‘aftermath show’ personality. There are no cameras here!”
“Sorry. Being here has me in stage mode.” Bridgette motioned at everyone. “You are pretty okay at singing, though. Congrats on the million, even if I’m still kind of bummed that Courtney didn’t win. Should’ve been a tiebreaker.”
“That’s better.”
“I’m still pissed about that!” Courtney yelled, from somewhere nearby. “I hate Chris!”
“Salads are done guys!” DJ yelled. He placed a few bowls on the counter at a time, constantly turning back to take the rest.
Heather was about to go grab one for herself. She could use a bite of decent food after all of her time spent on that plane. And DJ’s salads were usually godlike.
“Here, Heather!” Sierra passed Heather a bowl. It was a little emptier than she thought it was going to be. She looked up to Sierra’s own salad, which was a bit fuller. She looked for a difference between the two, and then realized- hers didn’t have spinach. That was weird. It wasn’t like she didn’t like spinach- well, there was that one time she got spinach stuck in her teeth, but she still liked spinach.
“Uh, thanks, Sierra.” Heather walked towards the living room and took a seat on the couch facing the T.V. Cody, Gwen, and Trent were playing Mario Kart. The three of them were on the ground to get a better look at the game, so the couch was empty. Sierra sat next to Heather.
“Beat them up, Cody!” Heather cheered.
“Go Cody!” Sierra added.
“I’m trying!” Cody yelled, frantic. It looked like Trent was winning, and Gwen was trading spots with Cody. “Darn it Trent, how are you so good?”
“I have literally never played this game in my life,” Trent deadpanned.
“What a show-off,” Gwen complained.
“It’s not my fault that I’m just good.”
“You’re the worst.”
“I think you mean the best.”
Heather finished her salad and placed it on a side table. She watched Gwen, Trent, and Cody play a few more rounds, Trent winning all of them. When they were done, the T.V. was free for the taking. Heather and Sierra were left alone in the room as the other three exited to the dining room.
“Heather, wanna watch the Saw movies?” Sierra asked.
“Um,” Heather gave Sierra a look, “what is up today?”
“We did karaoke, which is normal for a party, but happens to be one of my favorite activities. Then you gave me a salad that didn’t have spinach in it, which was weird because every other salad had spinach in it. Now you ask me if I want to watch my favorite movie series that I never told you was my favorite movie series. What is going on?”
Sierra shifted on the couch, averting her eyes. “I mean, you know I know basically everything about you guys. And I kind of wanted to do some stuff I knew you liked. Just because I wanted to do something nice for you.”
Heather rolled her eyes. “Well thanks, but next time don’t be weird. You did not have to take the spinach out of that salad. That was stupid.”
“Come on,” Heather stood up. “I think I could use some fresh air. Let’s sit outside.”
The beach was empty. The stars were bright. Heather took her seat on a towel in the sand, and Sierra sat next to her. Thank god there wasn’t wind, or else she would be covered in sand. She wasn’t the biggest fan of the beach because of the sand, but she still loved it because she looked very nice in bikinis. But the best part of the beach was the peacefulness there was at night. And it was warm in Hawaii, about the temperature of summer in British Columbia.
The stars were bright, and Heather couldn’t help but stare at them. She assumed Sierra was doing the same thing.
“Sierra, I have a question,” Heather began.
“Hm?” Sierra responded.
“Why were you doing nice things for me?”
“Well, you kind of made me realize something.” Sierra turned towards Heather. Heather returned her gaze. “You should matter more to me than any guy ever should.”
Heather felt a sudden warmth in her face. “Oh.” She smiled a little bit. Sierra grinned back. “You too, actually.”
“Well, in your very own words, boyfriends are temporary, but girlfriends are forever.”
“Yeah.” Heather’s smile turned soft as her eyes dropped to Sierra’s lips.
Sierra took the hint, and gave Heather a small kiss on her lips. It lasted only a moment, but it was pretty perfect.
Heather turned back to face the ocean. She dropped her head to Sierra’s shoulder, and lost herself in the night. A million bucks couldn’t buy a septillion stars.
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themonotonysyndrome · 2 months
Is it possible to write a headcannon on how Castin beats someone’s ass and coming home to celica like that after for idk saying something vulgar to his wife or maybe after beating up Zeke for forcing her to drink poison?
More angry Castin! Now it's Ezekiel vs Castin. Pseudo-father vs husband. Most people have problems with their in-laws, but this takes the cake!
After getting Celica to spill about her practice of Mithridatism at a young age and that it was Ezekiel who started the supply and hooking the young would-be Baroness up with various poison masters and mistresses, (Castin finding out that Jaesa is his wife's favoured pharmacist and poison mistress made him look at the shy young woman with new distrust. He now ignores Celica's obvious glares whenever he rudely inserts himself between the two during their private meetings), Castin sets his his anger on the Anesidora Head Butler.
Celica, sighing for the fifth time during dinner, once Ezekiel left the dining hall: Castin, please. Do not 'throw hands' at an old man.
Castin, pretending to look innocent: Whaaa?? Me? Nu-uh! Why would I ever have beef with someone who is supposed to look out for you?
Yeah... that did not fly over Celica's head. She'd like to sort... whatever this out with her husband, but she needs to prepare for parliament tomorrow. So instead, she throws a warning at Ezekiel that Castin is probably going to confront him soon.
Soon turns out to be on that very same evening.
Plot twist, though? Ezekiel let's Castin punch him in the face without so much of a hello. How he know that the old butler lets him? Ezekiel didn't stumble onto the ground; just stood there. Surprisingly strong to be more than just a mere butler. This just upsets Castin even more.
"How dare you," Castin hisses. "You were supposed to be her Dad!"
Ezekiel nods. Castin's punch wasn't a love tap, and the butler didn't avoid it at all, so the fact that he hardly blinks at the pain is kinda creeping Castin out. "I protected the Baroness as one."
"Like hell you did!" Castin all but shouts at him. "You abused my wife! You! You were meant to protect her, Di Angelo! What would her parents think!?"
"Roman Anesidora would be proud of her."
Castin wonders if a second punch would finally hit home to Ezekiel.
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You've mentioned it before a handful of times, bit do you have any in-depth thoughts on JMS' tenure on Spider-Man? Were you fan of the more mystical stories?
Huge fan, it was my gateway into 616 Spider-Man. All the best and worst facets of Spider-Man, and his handling by Marvel, can be found here.
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The highs are some of the best in the franchise's history. Within this run we get a Peter Parker who really does feel like an adult. He's mature, wanting to help guide the next generation by being a teacher. He solves conflicts with his brain as well as his fists, gets angry as hell, but also never loses touch with the source of compassion that makes him a hero. Drama and comedy flow smoothly together, this run has the second best handle on Peter's "voice", only beaten by the original Lee/Dikto/Romita Sr. run. Incorporating some mystical elements into Peter's origin didn't bother me as I saw it as a cool attempt at widening the scope of Spider-Man's adventures, and Ezekiel was an interesting character who stood as an example of what Peter could have been if he had never lost his uncle. We didn't get as many stories with the classic Spidey Rogues as I would have liked, but I enjoyed stories like Peter and Doc Ock briefly teaming up, or Spidery having to deal with Doom and Loki.
Romita Junior isn't to everyone's taste but he was born to draw Spider-Man, and not just because of his dad. Nobody else can capture the visuals of dudes getting the absolute shit hammered out of each other when they're fighting, an aesthetic perfect for Spider-Man. Morlun outlived JMS' run when not many expected him too partly because Romita Jr. sold you that this guy was a big deal, that he pushed Spider-Man to his limits in a way few other Rogues had ever done. Kid me reading this run for the first time was legitimately shocked and scared when I saw Spidey all torn up and bleeding after going a few rounds with Morlun. Love Romita Jr.'s art, he's as perfect a match for Spider-Man as his dad was.
Peter’s relationships with the traditional women in his life have never been better than this run either.
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Both Aunt May and Mary Jane have regressed since this run hard. JMS had Aunt May outright tear apart the bullshit argument that her knowing Peter's secret would be "too much" for her, by pointing out that May has been through so much pain and loss already and kept going. I loved the mother-son relationship between the two here, May here is everything that people pretend the Kents are for Superman. She's a source of wisdom that doesn't feel hokey, a foundation of strength that gives Peter the ability to stand up again when he's been kicked down. Hate it so much that they reverted to her not knowing and only existing as a cheap source of drama for Peter again.
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Meanwhile the Peter/MJ relationship? Odd as it might be to say it's never been better than it was here. The two of them are funny, constantly trading banter with each other. When they're hurt they'll cry and talk about how they feel without devolving into shouting matches or blaming each other. Two of them are sexy too, constantly flirting with each other and letting you know that these are two young people in total love with one another. There's a maturity in this relationship that I've yet to see in any other Spider-Man romance, a shared sense of history that binds the two of them together in ways that make you understand why people lost their minds when Marvel broke them up. This is the run that sold me on MJ as Peter's soulmate, ironic I know, but I'm not alone in that view I've found.
Most impactful part of the run for me might surprise you. It's not when he gets the shit beat out of him by Morlun, terrifying as that is. It's not when he travels through time and has to fight through every battle he's ever fought amazing though that might be. It's not even when he gets to meet Uncle Ben again, despite that never failing to make me tear up. Instead it's the story right before One More Day where Peter has to commit a series of felonies in order to keep Aunt May safe because his identity is public knowledge and everyone is gunning for him now. That small story where Peter is internally keeping track of every crime he has to commit, and the jail time that would come with it if he gets caught, is peak Spider-Man to me. Nothing else has ever hit as hard in terms of showing how Peter's heroic identity just destroys his personal life, but his love for his aunt and Mary Jane give him the strength to push forward.
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Which of course brings us to the bad, and the bad is on par with the Clone Saga in terms of being some of the worst Spider-Man stories ever. You want to see Marvel's obsession with keeping Peter young at it's dumbest? Here's the run where he sells his marriage to Satan. You want to see some examples of Quesada letting writers take wild swings because it would grab attention? Here's the run where Gwen cucks Peter with Norman Osborn and then plans on lying to Peter that he's the father of her twins. People claim that Superman is hard to write, but the sheer volume of outright GARBAGE I've seen published in Spider-Man's books have convinced me that is a claim more true of Spider-Man than any other character. How the most popular Marvel character, and likely the most popular superhero period, is constantly suffering under terrible, regressive storytelling baffles me.
The JMS era was an era where Spider-Man was moving forward only to end by regressing and freezing him into place, a status quo that has essentially held true ever since. Do I recommend his run? Yeah I do because for all the dross, this run even now contains many all time great Spider-Man moments, and this is the run that even now delineates where modern Spider-Man "begins". Whether those are enough to outweigh the negatives are ultimately going to be up to the reader, but much like Morrison for Batman, JMS and Quesada are the definitive modern Spider-Man creators for better and for worse.
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cheekojr · 2 years
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Test Day
Ezekiel and his son Emmanuel are out in the wild with their bows and arrows. “Dad, I can’t wait to show you what I've been working on.” Emmanuel kept shouting on their walk. “I've been watching you son, you’ve gotten much better.” Emmanuel sees a buck poke out his head and he looks at his father who nods in agreement. They both saw an opportunity for Emmanuel to show his skills. Emmanuel lined up his bow and fired an arrow that hit a tree right next to the deer. The deer flees as Emmanuel groans in frustration and his father’s amusement.
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 3 years
Welcome to the End
Summary: Y/N Winchester was a hunter like her brothers, following in their fathers footsteps. Saving people, hunting things, the family business.
During a case in Georgia, you meet the Dixon brothers and after saving Daryl’s life against a Chupacabra, the two of you become close. But, when the zombie apocalypse starts, life as you know it changes forever.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Winchester!Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Language, descriptions of blood, injury and violence.
Chapter 18-
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"Jesus! It pleases me to see you, old friend." A voice shouted from across the room as you walked inside.
"It pleases him, indeed!" A different voice added causing you to chuckle softly before everyone suddenly came to an abrupt stop a few metres inside the theatre.
"Jerry." The first voice muttered.
You looked across the room to put a face to the voices and figure out why everyone had stopped walking and that's when you saw it.
The tiger.
They had a God damn tiger. 
A pet tiger with a chain laying beside the man with dreadlocks who was sitting on a large chair on the stage. Straight away you knew that was the King. Where the hell did he get a pet tiger from though?
"Tell me, what news do you bring good King Ezekiel? Are these new allies you've bought me?" The King questioned, his eyes scanning the group of you as you took a step forward until you were beside Jesus, but you couldn't take you eyes away from the tiger.
"Indeed, they are, Your Majesty. This is..." Jesus trailed off as he glanced over his shoulder at the group who were all still standing a few metres back with wide eyes staring at the tiger. "Oh, right. I forgot to mention that-"
"Yeah, a tiger." Rick mumbled, nodding slightly as the tiger roared as if on cue. 
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"This is Rick Grimes, leader of Alexandria, and these are some of his people." Jesus introduced as the group of you walked further into the room until you were standing in front of the stage.
"I welcome you all to the Kingdom, good travellers. Now, what brings you to our fair land? Why do you seek an audience with the King?" 
"Ezekiel- King Ezekiel." Rick corrected himself. "Alexandria, the Hilltop and the Kingdom – all three of our communities have something in common. We all serve the Saviours. Alexandria already fought them once, and we won. We thought we took out the threat, but we didn't know then what we know now. We only beat one outpost. We've been told you have a deal with them, that you know them. Then you know they rule through violence and fear."
The King didn't say anything for a moment. Hell, he wasn't even looking at Rick anymore, he was glaring at Jesus who quickly raised his hands defensively.
"Your Majesty, I only told them of the-" Jesus quickly tried to say before the Ezekiel cut him off.
"Our deal with the Saviours is not known among my people, for good cause. We made you a party to that secret when you told us of the Hilltop's own travails, but we did not expect you to share-" Ezekiel started to explain, but now it was Jesus who cut him off.
"We can help each other."
"Don't interrupt the King." The man in the red jacket ordered who you thought was that Jerry guy.
"We brought you into our confidence. Why did you break it?" Ezekiel asked.
"Because I want you to hear Rick's plan." Jesus simply answered and the King nodded, turning his attention back to Rick.
"And what plans have you, Rick Grimes of Alexandria?"
"We came to ask the Kingdom, to ask you, to join us in fighting the Saviours, fighting for freedom for all of us." Rick said, motioning towards the group of you as you spoke and you forgot how good Rick was at doing this.
He was good at talking, good at negotiating with others. That's what made him stand out at the King County Sheriff's Station when you and your brothers rolled into town for that vampire case all those years ago. Rick was a smart man, he knew what to say to people to get them to listen to him and he clearly had an affect on the King who seemed to be taking in what he had just heard.
"What you are asking is very serious." Ezekiel commented.
"Several of our people- good people- were killed by the Saviours, brutally." Michonne said.
"Who?" Morgan suddenly questioned and you only just realised that he would have no idea about any of this. He hadn't been back to Alexandria since, he had no idea what had happened.
"Abraham. Denise. Spencer. Olivia. Nearly Glenn. Eugene was taken. They took Daryl and Y/N, but they escaped. Every second they're out here, they're a target." Rosita explained, looking over at Morgan who stared at her in disbelief.
"Negan murdered Abraham, beat him death. Nearly did the same to Glenn in front of his pregnant wife." Rick added.
It was weird hearing people call your father 'Negan' because in your head he was your dad, but at the same time, it wasn't your father. Negan was a different person. Your father would never do any of this. Neither would your brothers, but they were a threat. They needed to be dealt with and if you had to kill them... you didn't want to think about that.
"I used to think the deal was something we could live with. A lot for us did. But, that's changing. So, let's change the world, Your Majesty." Jesus said, bringing you out of your thoughts.
"I want to be honest about what we're asking. My people are strong, but there's not enough of us. We don't have guns, not enough at least. Not a lot of weapons, period." Rick added, looking up at the King.
"We have people. And we have weapons. If we strike first, together, we can beat them. Your Majesty, no more waiting for things to get worse beyond what we can handle. We set things right. The time is now." One of the Kings soldiers responded.
Again, the King didn't say anything for a moment as he stared at his soldier before he looked back at the rest of you, his eyes flashing over the group before landing on Morgan.
"Morgan, what do you say?" He asked.
"People will die. A lot of people, and not just the Saviours. It... If we can find another way, we have to. Maybe it's just about Negan, just capturing him, holding him. Maybe..." Morgan trailed off, shaking his head.
"That won't work." You said, speaking up for the first time which caught the King attention.
"Why is that?" He asked curiously and you could feel the rest of the group staring at you, waiting to hear what you were going to say and you sighed before taking a step forward.
"Because they are all Negan. You take Negan or kill him, another will step up and take his place. That's how it works there. My brothers... they're with the Saviours. That's how I know." You answered, shaking your head trying to get the image of Dean with the gun out of your head.
"Your brothers are working for Negan? How do we know that you aren't on their side?" The King suddenly questioned and well, realistically you should have seen that question coming.
"She ain't one of 'em." Daryl quickly said defensively.
You reached out and grabbed his hand, trying to silently calm him before you continued talking.
"Do you believe in God, Your Majesty?"
"Y/N." Rick warned, seeming to realise where this conversation was going.
You glanced over at Rick to find him already looking at you with an uneasy expression and you didn't blame him. It took him a while to come to terms with the Supernatural the first time you met him way back when, but the King needed to know.
"God is real. Well... God was real. But, he's dead now and he created Negan." You started to explain which caused a few of your own group members to look over at you in confusion and you had completely forgotten that not all of them knew the whole story.
"What are you trying to say?" The King questioned in confusion.
"Negan isn't really Negan. He is a man named John Winchester. John died over 14 years ago, but God bought him back and turned him into Negan. I know how it sounds, trust me, I do. But, I'm telling the truth. My brothers... I don't know what happened to them, but they're not themselves, they would never fight with the Saviours. But, they are-" You continued to explain before you got cut off.
"Is this some kind of joke?" Ezekiel asked, his tone stern as he leant back in his throne staring at you with a masked expression.
"No, but-" 
"I've heard enough. Richard, escort the people of Alexandria to the gates-" Ezekiel suddenly ordered.
"She's telling the truth. I know how crazy it sounds. I've been in your position before when I first learnt about it. But, she's telling the truth." Rick quickly said.
"The supernatural is real. God, caused all of this. He bought the apocalypse upon this world before he died and he killed off all the supernatural creatures too. It's just humans and the dead. With a few exceptions." You added which just caused the King to look even more confused and pissed off.
Okay, you understood why he was staring at you like that. What you were saying sounded absolutely crazy, but there was no easy or gentle way to say it.
"The supernatural? Like creatures we talk about in children's bedtime stories?" Ezekiel asked in a blunt tone and you nodded.
"Werewolves, vampires, ghosts, ghouls, wendigos, you name it. The supernatural is real and before all this my brothers and I used to hunt supernatural creatures, but when the apocalypse started, all the supernatural creatures just disappeared-" You continued to explain before Jerry started speaking.
"I like cool stories as much as the next dude, but you don't expect us to believe all that, right? That's crazy."
"Crazy as dead people walkin' around?" Daryl questioned, appearing beside you, resting his hand on your shoulder as you glanced over at him to find him giving you a small reassuring nod. Daryl had your back with this, so did Rick. That was all you needed.
"I can prove it. I can prove the supernatural is real." You suddenly announced, catching the Kings attention.
"How?" Ezekiel questioned, sitting up straighter in his seat.
"Because I'm not entirely human." You started to say, glancing back at Daryl with a questioning look and he just nodded.
It was either show them what you were or let them think you were crazy. This was the only way to convince them and you needed them on your side.
"My father was human, but my mother was an angel. They had me and I'm what they call a Nephilim. Half angel, half human." You explained, closing your eyes for a second before opening them again, your eyes now glowing a bright purple which caused Ezekiel to quickly stand up, his soldiers all reaching for their guns.
"Don't." Daryl and Rick quickly shouted.
Daryl took a step forward until he was half standing in front of you, blocking you from the Kings soldiers.
"She's not a threat. She's friend. She's family. And everything she has said is the truth. Her brothers are with Negan, but she's not and we need you and your people to fight with us." Rick quickly said as you turned your eyes back to normal and grabbed Daryl's shoulder, noticing how tense he was.
"It's okay." You whispered, but Daryl didn't move from in front of you.
"The hour grows late. Rick Grimes of Alexandria, you and your people have given the King much to ponder. I invite you all to sup with us and stay till the morrow." The King announced, motioning for his men to relax and they all lowered their hands from their weapons.
"Yeah, we need to get back home." Rick responded.
"I shall deliver my decree in the morn." Ezekiel simply said.
None of you spoke as you followed Richard to the spare living quarters where he allocated everyone a bedroom and told you where all the facilities you needed were.
Once Richard left Rosita, Sasha, Michonne, Tara and Carl all disappeared into the rooms, claiming their bedrooms, leaving you, Daryl, Rick and Jesus standing in the hallway.
"That was risky. Showing him what you are." Rick said, breaking the long silence as he looked over at you and you just nodded lowering you head slightly. "But, it worked. It's gotten him thinking." 
"Ya think he'll join us?" Daryl asked, but Rick just shrugged his shoulders before looking over at Jesus.
"You know him better than us. Will he join?" Rick questioned, but Jesus just shrugged his shoulders too.
"Maybe. He knows the Saviours need to be dealt with, but he doesn't want to fight." 
"Could you do it though? If it came down to it, would you fight Negan? Would you fight your brothers?" Rick asked turning his attention back towards you.
You didn't say anything for a moment as you thought about it, but deep down you knew you could never kill Negan, not when he looked and sounded exactly like your father. You would never be able to hold a gun to John Winchesters head and pull the trigger and the same goes for Sam and Dean.
"She ain't gotta answer that." Daryl responded, grabbing your hand. "C'mon." He muttered and you didn't argue as you let him lead you down the hallway towards one of the spare bedrooms.
It was only a small room with a queen bed, a wooden desk and chair inside, but it was more than what either of you had at the Sanctuary.
Daryl didn't say anything as he closed the door behind the two of you before he walked over to the bed and immediately collapsed onto it, laying on his back as you stared up at the ceiling.
"As much as I hated Rick asking... if it came down to it, ya know what needs to happen." Daryl suddenly said, still staring at the ceiling and you silently nodded.
There was no way in hell that you could kill your father, even if it technically wasn't John, you wouldn't be able to do it. And there was absolutely no way you would be able to kill your brothers, you would rather die than do that and the thought of actually doing it... no. You had seen your brothers die more times than you'd like to count, you couldn't do it again. You had seen your father die once and that was the worst day of your life..
You still had nightmares about that day in the hospital. You and Sam left to get your dad coffee and when you came back... when you came back he was dead on the floor.
You still remembered Sam's screams as he sprinted into the room, dropping to his knees beside your dad while you just stood in the door way, coffee cup dropping from your hands as you stared at your dads lifeless body lying on the ground.
You remembered Sam crying out for help and all the nurses running into the room past you. You remembered Sam leaving for a moment before he reappeared with Dean, both the boys standing beside you in tears.
You remembered collapsing into Deans arms when they announced the time of death and cried. You remembered that day so clearly and there was no way you could do that again. Your dad was back, whether he was Negan or not, he was back and you couldn't lose him again.
"Hey." Daryl's voice suddenly called out, snapping you out of your thoughts as you looked over at him to find him staring at you from where he was still lying on the bed. "Hey, ya okay?" He asked, and you nodded, rubbing your eyes, hating the fact that you could feel tears rising in your eyes.
You were stronger than this, damnit.
"Come here." Daryl said and without saying anything you walked over to the bed and laid down beside him, staring at the ceiling before Daryl propped himself up on his elbow and turned to face you. "What's wrong?"
"Don't lie to me, angel. What's wrong? Ya worried 'bout ya brothers?"
"I'm worried about everything. My brothers. You. Rick. My dad... I can't lose them. I-I can't lose my family again." You whispered unable to stop the silent tear from falling down your face.
"Come here." He whispered, pulling you into his chest as you cried into him.
You woke up the next morning in Daryl's arms. He was still asleep, snoring softly from beside you as you laid there enjoying the small peaceful moment while it lasted. You hadn't slept a full nights sleep in weeks, but you clearly needed it.
You thought back to the days where you'd wake up in with Daryl in his bed in the trailer he shared with Merle. You always woke up before him, not needing as much sleep as normal humans. You'd end up just laying on the bed in his arms in the early hours of the morning, waiting for him to wake up.
Or the times the two of you would go hunting in the woods and camp out for the night under the stars. You missed those days where life was just simple. You missed going on hunts with your brothers and Cas during the week and spending the weekends at Daryl's trailer. You missed sitting under the veranda of the trailer drinking beer and listening to Daryl and Merle bicker about stupid shit. You missed the old days.
You laid in bed for another hour before Daryl woke up and the two of you met back up with the others who all seemed to wake up at the same time.
Ezekiel shouted you all breakfast in some kind of mess hall, but the King himself wasn't there and you had a bad feeling that he was going to say no to Rick's plan.
After breakfast, Richard lead the group of you outside where the King was waiting in the middle of the courtyard near the group that was practicing archery. You watched the kids that were shooting the bows and you quickly realised that most of them had a missing arm or leg. Some with prosthetic metal limbs in their place, others with nothing at all, but that didn't stop them from shooting dead centre every shot.
"This is life here. Every day. But, it came at a cost and I wanted more of this. I wanted to expand. To create more places like this. Men and Women lost their limbs. Children lost their parents because I sent them into a battle against the wasted when I did not need to." Ezekiel started to say while watching the group shoot the recurve bows before he turned back towards the group of you.
"This is different." Rick responded, but Ezekiel shook his head.
"It isn't."
"It is. The dead don't rule us. The world doesn't look like this outside your walls. People don't have it as good. Some people don't even have it good at all." Rick argued, but again Ezekiel shook his head.
"I have to worry about my people." 
"Ya call yourself a damn king. Ya sure as hell don't act like one." Daryl muttered, which caught Ezekiel's attention as he took a few steps towards Daryl until he was standing right in front of him.
"All of this... came at a cost. It was lives, arms, legs. The peace we have with the Saviours is uneasy, but it is peace. I have to hold onto it. I have to try." He stated, but you just shook your head.
"Although, the Kingdom cannot grant you the aid you desire, the King is sympathetic to your plight. I offer our friend Daryl asylum for as long as he requires it. He will be safe here. The Saviours do not set foot inside our walls." The King responded.
"How long do ya think that's gonna last?" Daryl muttered before you both turned around and started walking towards the front gates.
The others all followed behind you as you reached the gates. Daryl called out to the men on the watch platform to open it up before Richard handed back Rick and Carl's guns which he had taken before you entered the community yesterday.
"You're not going." Rick suddenly said before you even had a chance to take a step towards the now open doors.
You quickly turned around to find Rick talking to Daryl causing you to frown in confusion.
"I'm not stayin' here." Daryl responded, staring at Rick like he was crazy.
"You have to. It's the smartest play. You know it is." Rick replied, but Daryl just shook his head before he looked over at you and Rick followed his line of sight.
"The Saviours would be after her as well. Why the hell am I stayin' 'n my girl ain't?" He questioned, slight anger rising in his tone.
"Because Ezekiel didn't offer it to her. He's cautious of her now that he knows the truth. We can hide Y/N at Alexandria, she can teleport out of there in the worst case scenario, but you can't." Rick explained, but Daryl just shook his head as he looked away from Rick, but Rick just moved to the side so that Daryl had no choice but to look at him. "Try to talk to Ezekiel. Or stare him into submission. Whatever it takes. We'll be back soon."
Rick rested his hand on Daryl's shoulder before he glanced over at you with a small nod and started following the others out the gate.
"Hey, I know you don't like this. But, Rick's right. This is the smartest play and the safest for you. Please, just listen to him." You said, walking over to Daryl as you pulled him to a hug before he had the chance to say anything.
Daryl just sighed before melting into your hug, wrapping his arms around your back as he hugged you as well.
"Don't like ya bein' out there without me." He whispered and you just chuckled softly with a small smile as you pulled away from him, your hands still on his shoulders.
"I can take care of myself, Dixon. Just be careful, okay?" You asked and Daryl nodded.
"You too, angel." He replied before leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss to your lips.
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"Y/N, c'mon." Someone shouted and you sighed, pulling away from Daryl who nodded softly giving you a tiny smile before you turned around and followed the others out the gate.
Next Chapter
-Gifs used are not mine. Credit to rightful owners.
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walkerwords · 3 years
“Hey Brother” Carl Grimes & Sister!Reader
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GIF CREDIT: @thetruthwecanthandlee​
REQUEST: From anonymous: “Hello! Just wanted to let you know that your writing is amazing! Also, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to request a Carl x platonic reader where the reader is either his older sister or his close friend and she intervenes when he's about to be bitten, saving his life. You can decide if the reader dies as a result or not, I just think Carl deserved better than he got. If you don't feel like writing this, no worries!”
Word Count: 2748
Warning: Swearing, Angst
Song I Wrote To: “Hey Brother” by Avicii
Note: Carl is not someone who I generally write, but I do like Chandler and the character so I am giving it a shot! 
Even after years of being out in the world riddled with the Dead, you never got used to the groans of Walkers. 
Stepping over one rotten corpse, you encountered another. You held your weapon in your hand, an old fire ax you had found in Woodbury when rescuing Daryl and Merle. Being a firefighter was something you once really wanted. However, when the world ends, becoming a civil servant becomes impossible. Still, being able to wield the equipment did put a smile on your face most days. 
As the Walker approached, you jabbed the crowbar end of the fire ax into its skull. Kicking it away, you continued moving the woods that surrounded Alexandria in search of your brother, Carl. When the turn happened, you had been with Carl and his mother, Lori. Your dad was in the hospital after being shot on the job and you had come home from college to help Lori with your younger brother. 
You and Lori had never gotten along and you didn’t know if that was because she never liked your mother, Dianne, or because Rick had tried everything to keep you in his life. Regardless of what Lori Grimes thought, you weren’t going to let anything happen to Carl and you had kept the promise. 
Even now. 
When Rosita told you that she had seen Carl leaving Alexandria earlier, you had grabbed your weapon and went in search of him. Right now was not the time for him to be out beyond the walls. Not when Negan and the Saviors could show up at any moment and make another move against you and your allies. With Rick and Michonne out in the world as well and Daryl being difficult, you had to be the one to drag Carl’s ass back home.
Negan was a headache for you, but you had a feeling that he wasn’t the worst thing out there. When he had killed Glenn and Abraham, you hadn’t been there. You had been with Tara and Heath, searching for supplies. After finding Oceanside and losing Heath, you had arrived home with Tara to a grieving family and a missing Daryl. 
The first time you had met Negan, Carl had almost shot two of his Saviors. You had arrived just in time to grab the gun from him before he could. That was when Rick introduced you to Negan and he had offered you his hand. Not wanting to piss him off any further, you had shaken his hand, squeezing a bit too hard. He had seemed amused by you, but also wary. Growing up on the streets of Atlanta, you knew how to survive and you also knew how to deal with power-hungry men. Negan concerned you, but you weren’t afraid of him. 
Carl, however, had another opinion. At first, the teenager wanted nothing more than to fill the man with bullets, but after his outing to the Sanctuary, he seemed to have a change of heart. Carl had come to you only a few days earlier and proposed an idea of a truce. He didn’t think the fighting was going to stop any time soon and while you agreed, you knew Negan would never agree to it. The war would only end when either he or your father was dead. 
When you had told Carl this, he had stormed off annoyed. As the older sibling it was your job to tell him how the world worked and when it came to men like Negan, you either had to kill him or appeal to a new side. That was where your plan came to mind, but you knew that Carl would never go for it. 
You didn’t even want to know what your father would think about it if it came up in conversation. However, for now, you had to focus on finding the kid before he did something even more stupid considering the last time he had gone off, he had attacked the loading dock of the Sanctuary with a rifle. 
Shouldering your ax, you picked up the pace a bit. 
“Carl!” you yelled, hearing your voice echo off the trees. “Carl!” 
The woods answered with silence and you could feel the anxiety growing in your gut as you searched. Climbing up another small hill, you finally heard a commotion in the distance. Not knowing what you were running towards, you sprinted through the dying land. Nearly tripping on roots and downed Walkers, you came across a scene that made the air fly from your chest. 
Carl was on the ground as Walkers pinned him down. There was another man nearby, exhausted and trying to get to his feet. Charging forward, you swung the ax, taking off the head of the Walkers closest to Carl. Another grabbed you, baring its teeth and you slammed your boot down on its jaw, separating it from its head. A third Walker then grabbed you and took you to the ground. Shoving your arm under its chin, you managed to get enough leverage to push it off. Your shirt sleeve tore from the force and then blood sprayed you as you pierced its skull with the steel weapon. 
Laying there for a second, you turned to look at your brother who was looking over at himself in worry. “You good?” you asked, your eyes also scanning his body for cuts or bites. 
“All in one piece,” he said with a relieved sigh. “You?”
“Pissed that I just washed these jeans,” you said with a huff as you sat up, pushing the corpse off your legs. Getting to your feet, you offered your hand to Carl who took it and stood up with your assistance. “Who’s this?” you asked, gesturing to the timid man. 
“Siddiq,” Carl said. “He needs our help.” Sighing, you glanced between your brother and the newcomer. 
“Carl, we shouldn’t be taking in strays when we are at war,” you said, needing him to understand. 
“Since when did we stop helping people? I thought that was what this place was all about,” he argued. 
“Last time we helped people, they sent us into a lion’s den that eventually pissed off the leader of the Saviors. We have to be careful and you know it.” 
“I’m not okay with just turning the other way anymore,” he said. 
“Carl…” you began, but he wasn’t done. 
“Aaron helped us!” Carl said. “He brought us here and he saved us when we were starving and on the road. Jesus helped us when we needed food, Ezekiel, too! We took in people at the prison and even helped Gabriel when nobody wanted to. We help people, that is what we do.” 
Looking at him, you started to see more of your father in him by the moment. When he was younger, all you could see was Lori, but in the new world and as he matured, he was beginning to act and look more like your father every day. 
The looks weren’t the only thing that he had from Rick, he also had his heart and while your father’s head was a bit all over the place at the moment, you knew that he had always stood by the fact that people were needed for survival. 
“You’re right,” you said and then took off your canteen from your belt and offered it to Siddiq who took it timidly. Carl nodded to him and he began to drink the cool water. Letting him recuperate, you turned back to your brother. “I know you want to help people, but going off on your own right now is suicide.”
“Because of Negan?” Carl asked and then shook his head. “He would never hurt me.”
“How are you so sure about that, huh?”
“Because he has had lots of opportunities and he’s never done it. He just likes to piss me off and make jabs, but he won't kill him.” 
“Negan may not be the one to worry about. I’m sure there are plenty of Saviors out there that would love to see Rick’s son on a pike.” Carl frowned at that. “Look, just think before you do or you’re going to end up dead and you’re going to be taking down any new friends with you,” you said, pointing to Siddiq. 
“I don’t want to hear this,” Carl said, turning away. 
“I have an idea that may sway Negan,” you said and he paused, turning back to look at you. “Though, you and Dad may hate it. Well, I know for a fact you’re going to hate it.” Carl furrowed his brow as he looked at you, trying to see where your head was at. Then, he remembered the comments Negan made about you when he first met you and the jokes he said in front of Amber and Sherry when he went to the Sanctuary. 
“No,” Carl said quickly. 
“You don’t even know what I’m going to say,” you challenged. 
“You want to marry him,” Carl said and you sighed, hating how well he knew you. 
“I don’t want to do anything, Carl,” you said. “But yes, that was the idea.” 
“No,” he said again. 
“It would work,” you said with a shrug. 
“Bullshit,” he countered. “We don’t even know if he’d even want that and then what? You basically sell yourself for a ceasefire that’s not guaranteed to even happen. Then you’d be a damn prisoner in that place.”
“Daryl got out, so can I,” you argued. 
“He got out only after one of Negan’s wives felt she owed Daryl! This is the most ridiculous plan you have ever had!” he shouted at you. Siddiq had taken a few paces back to give you and your brother some room to talk, but he was looking more nervous every time one of you went up an octave. 
“This is my decision, Carl,” you said, lowering your volume a bit. 
“What would Mom think?” Carl said, crossing his arms. His eyes were boring into yours, almost pleading. With a shrug, you brushed off his question. 
“Your mother never fucking liked me,” you said with a scoff. 
“She treated you like you were one of her own, especially after the Turn.” 
“No, she didn’t,” you disagreed, “and I’m not. I am not her daughter, but I am still yours and Judith’s sister and Dad’s daughter. It is my job to keep this family safe and if marrying Negan is the way to do it, then so be it!” 
“Who says it's your job to be a martyr?”
“Me,” you argued, sounding very much like Dianne. 
“And you think Negan will keep you safe?” he asked, throwing his hands up. 
“He has to have some kind of honor, right?” you asked, thinking of the broad-chested man with a habit for bloodshed. 
“I don’t trust him.”
“Who says I do?” you asked. “Carl, I don’t want to do it, but if it stops more people from dying then isn’t it worth it?”
“You have already made too many sacrifices for this family,” he said, his tone softer. “Ever since the world turned, you have been putting yourself in danger. You were the one who stopped Shane from going after Andrea on the farm when he was going crazy; You were the one who exchanged yourself for Maggie with the Governor; You were the one who tried to take Noah’s place at Grady trying to save Beth; You were the one who nearly died trying to get Cyndie to work with us in the war. When are you going to stop trying to fix everything and start looking out for yourself?”
“Says the one who hitched a ride into the Sanctuary and went all Al Capone on Negan’s men,” you reminded him. 
“I was angry,” he rationalized.
“And you don’t think I’m not? I’m furious! When I found out what he did to Glenn and Abraham, I couldn’t breathe. Then the way he gutted Monroe in the street as if he was nothing more than a sack of meat? Fuck, Carl, I have never felt more anger towards anyone.”
“Because he’s killed people?” 
“What? No, not because he’s killed people, we’ve all killed people. I’m angry at Negan because he made me realize that this is how humanity is now. I was happy to keep believing that we could get back to who we used to be, but let’s fucking face it, humans have never been saints. Negan proved that to me.”
“And yet you want to marry him?”
“I want to stop him from killing more of us! I want the damn fighting to stop and if there is even a chance that it does with both him and Dad alive, it’s worth it because if I’m being honest, Carl, I don’t see us winning this war.” 
“You have to have faith,” he said and you snorted. 
“I stopped having faith the day the fire fell on my city,” you said. 
“I’m willing to fight him,” Carl said, stepping closer to you, placing his hand on your shoulder. “You don’t have to be the only one to make sacrifices.”
“But I can’t let you,” you whispered. “Judith needs you, Carl. She needs you alive and fighting for her future.”
“She needs both of us,” he urged. “When I was growing up, you were a hero to me. All I wanted to be was like my big sister and I know now that to do that, I have to tell you when it's time to stop taking on the world alone. When the prison fell and we lost you, I thought I’d never see you again. When we found you with Maggie, I promised I would never let you go again. Don’t make me break that promise, please.”
“Carl, stop,” you said, running a hand over his face, just below his bandage. “You’re giving me way too much credit, kid.”
“You deserve it,” he said. “You’ve never let me down, but if you go with him, you will. We’re Grimes, and that means we don’t take shit from anyone. Alright?” With a deep breath, you swallowed thickly, looking at your baby brother for a moment, trying to take in his newfound resilience and courage. It warmed your heart. 
“I was going to say that it’s your time to step up as the older sibling, but it looks like you already have,” you said through a thick voice. Carl rolled his eye. 
“Shut up,” he said as he tugged you into a hug. You wrapped your arm around him, clutching him close to you. 
“I love you, Carl,” you whispered in his ear. 
“Yeah, yeah, I love you, too,” he said. “And don’t start thinking you're out of a job just yet just because I stopped taking orders from you. I’m happy with being the middle child for now.” Pulling back, you nodded to him, adjusting the brim of his hat. 
“Fair enough,” you said, wiping at invisible tears on your face. Finally realizing Siddiq was still standing around, you snapped out of your thoughts. “You should take him back home,” you said with an awkward cough. “He does need help and we should do it, you’re right. As always.” 
“You’re coming too?”
“In a bit, I’m going to do a final sweep, just in case anyone else is lurking around,” you said and he nodded, picking up his gun that had fallen when he was accosted by the Dead. 
“Come on, man,” Carl called to Siddiq. “Hey!” he called to you as you turned toward the South. “No, Negan,” he said, his face pleading. 
“I won’t,” you said with a sigh. “I promise you.” Carl smiled at you softly, happy with your answer. Carl helped Siddiq as they headed back to Alexandria. You watched him walk away until the trees swallowed up the pair. 
The lump in your throat was suffocating as you struggled to stay on your feet. Carl was right, Grimes never gave up, but sometimes they didn’t have a choice. With a shaky breath, you pushed up the sleeve of your right hand, the one that the Walker had torn. Through fresh blood, you could make out a double crescent shape wound in the tanned flesh of your arm. 
The bite was burning as blood streamed down your arm and dripped off your fingers. Repressing the urge to scream in sorrow, you tugged your sleeve back down and with glistening eyes, looked back towards Alexandria.
“I’m sorry, little brother.”
TAGS: @thanossexual​ @felicisimor​ @yes-sir-hotchner​ @lucillethings​ @stark-dreams​ @huffledor-able541​ 
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bellisperennis0 · 3 years
If I Stay
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Word Count: 2,733
Warnings: Language, Slight spoiler to Season 2 x Episode 5 - That brotherly talk between EZ and Angel.
A/N: Sorry this is so angsty and so long. Thank you Anon for the request, and sorry it took me a while to get this done for you. Hope I did it justice. GIF credit to @pantherclawz​. Thank you for reading and Enjoy! ❤️
Anonymous said: Hi! I’m shoving all of this into one ask hehe. But it’s 3 seperate requests. So what I’m thinking is you choose which character you want to write for the following prompts: 23 in General, 15 in Angst and 20 in Fluff. I only know Angel, Coco and Ezekiel so you can choose who and what you write with who? I hope this makes sense... and that this is okay...
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A year. That’s how long it has been since the last time you have stepped foot in this town. Making a promise to yourself that you would never return once you had left. Now you find yourself back in Santo Padre, standing outside your Best Friend’s house. With a trembling hand you knock on the front door, waiting for someone, anyone, to answer.
A couple seconds later the front door flies open, “What the fuck do you–“ you hear the familiar voice shout in pure annoyance.
Finally getting the courage to look up to the man standing before you, “Hay Johnny.” You say, voice slightly trembling.
“[Y/N]?!” he barely whispers as he steps out onto the porch, shock all over his face.
Unsure of what to do or say, you throw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around him as you cry.
“I’m so sorry.” You kept saying over and over; your cries quickly turning into uncontrollable sobs. Coco pulls away from you slightly, taking your face into his hands as you do your best to control your cries.
“Hey. Hey, look at me. Focus on me alright? It’s all okay.” He tries his best to calm you.
Wrapping his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side, he takes you inside. He sits you on the sofa, while he takes a seat on the coffee table in front of you. His thumb gently rubbing across your knuckles as he holds your hand in his, letting you release all the emotions you needed.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.” You get out in-between sobs. Finally, meeting Coco’s eyes.
“Shh! It’s okay. We don’t have to go there right now.” He coos as he continues to do his best to comfort you.
“It’s not okay, Johnny. Things got tough and instead of staying and fighting, I fucking ran. Leaving everything and hurting everyone that I love. Who fucking does that?” standing up, you begin to pacing the small room as you continue rambling off your apologies.
“[Y/N]!” Coco shouts, his voice bouncing off the walls in the small space. It was the only thing he could think to do to get your attention and stop you from continuing to spiral out of control.
You stopped pacing and rambling, your brows furrowed as you looked at him, mouth slightly agape in surprise.
“My Bad!! Only thing I could think of to get you to stop.” He tells you, giving you a small smile.
“I’m sorry.” You once again apologize.
He grumbles as he makes his way into the kitchen, “Stop apologizing, Hermosa.” You hear him say from the kitchen as you take a seat on the sofa. Shortly after he returns, handing you a glass of water, before taking a seat in front of you again.
“Thank you.” You say as you take the glass from him.
“Are you back for good?” he asks you. Nodding your head as you take a sip of your water.
“Hopefully.” You finally say as you shrug.
“You know you can stay here with me and Letty, for as long as you need. But I can’t keep this from Angel, [y/n].” he tells you as he reaches for your hand. Knowing he was tapping into a sensitive topic with you.
“Just give me a couple days, Johnny. I know he has a right to know, and I don’t expect you to keep this from him. Just give me a couple days.” You practically beg.
“Its best that Angel knows you are back, Hermosa. That way he can have some time to process. We all know how Angel can get, last thing you need is for him to explode on you.”
“I know! I hear you, Johnny. I’m really sorry for showing up like this and putting all this on you. I didn’t have anywhere else to go.” You tell him.
He quickly pulls you into a hug, “I’m just glad you’re home. We’ll figure everything else out later.” He places a kiss to the side of your head.
Just returning from the grocery store, you were busy putting away everything when your phone rang. Looking over to it, you see Letty’s name on the screen.
“Hay, Letty. What’s going on?” you answer as you continue moving about the kitchen.
“Can you come get me? I was going to wait for my dad, but they had to go to the Dress Warehouse for something. I don’t know when they will be back.” She tells you.
Your heart racing at the thought of stepping foot into the Clubhouse again and possibly seeing everyone, especially Angel. You have missed them dearly, but you weren’t emotionally ready to face the Mayans.
“You sure you can’t just wait, Letty?” you ask her.
“It’s just me and Chucky here, [y/n]. Please!?” she practically begged.
“Alright. I’ll be there in 10.” You tell her instantly regretting your decision.
Pulling into the Scrapyard, you sigh in relief when you spot the yard empty of bikes, a dead giveaway that all the guys weren’t around. Relaxing a little more, you get out of the care and make your way towards the Clubhouse. You’re stopped when you hear someone call your name; turning around, you’re met with a stunned EZ Reyes.
“Hay Ezekiel.” You say, shrugging, giving him a small smile as you do your best to keep your emotions under control.
“Holy Shit. It really is you.” He says as he is quick to approach you, taking you into a tight embrace.
After taking in the moment for a few seconds, you gently pull away, getting a good look at him. “How’s it going, Boy Scout?” you ask him, lightly chuckling.
“We don’t got time for all that.” He tells you as you both laugh.
“Coco told us you were back. Sorry I haven’t gone to see you. Shit with the clu – “ he began, but you were quick to cut him off.
Shaking your head, “Stop, I totally understand. It’s okay.” You tell him, giving him a reassuring smile.
You follow him into the Clubhouse. You smile as you walk in, all the memories you had in this place overwhelming you.
“Is Letty around? She called me to come get her.” You ask as you take a seat on the bar stool. EZ making his way to the other side.
“Yeah. Think I saw her in the Office helping Chucky.” He tells you as he places a bottle of water in front of you and opening a beer for himself.
“So, still Prospect, huh?” you ask as you point towards his kutte.
“Patch-in vote is in a few days.” He says taking a sip of his beer.
“You ready for all that?” you ask him
“Think I have proved myself to everyone. We’ll see what happens.” He just shrugs.
“Proud of you, Ezekiel.” You give him a smile.
He flashes you a genuine smile back. Leaning against the bar table towards you, “Thanks Hermana. So Coco says you’re staying a while. You home for good?”
“It’s looking that way. Just trying to get back on my own two feet.” You tell him starring down at your bottle of water, unable to meet his gaze.
“We are all glad you are home. And you already know, if you ever need anything, we are all here for you.” He tells you, reaching out to take your hand in his. Your lower lip trembled as you did your best to control your emotions.
As you both were chatting, you hear that one familiar voice you have missed the most, enter the room. Turning around, you watched as Angel strolled out from the back room, engulfed by something on his phone.
“Yo, Boy Scout. Grab your shit, we gotta go. We need to get over the border before the sun…” he trailed off as he finally looked up from his phone to meet your gaze. You watched as he tried to process you sitting there; seeing him go from shock, to hurt and eventually to anger.
“Hi Angel.” You say, attempting to test the water. Unsure of how Angel was going to react.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes as he stormed towards the front door, “Get your shit EZ. Let’s go!” he shouted.
“Angel!?” you called out for him. Unsure why exactly, now you held your breath for his reaction.
He stopped when you called for him. You and EZ both holding your breaths, waiting for how he was going to react. He then turned around and stormed towards you, all his anger clear on his face and in his tone.
“I have nothing to say to you! What gives you the right to just waltz back into my life after all pain you’ve caused.”
He just stared at you as you did your best to not completely crumble under his intense gaze.
“Alright, Angel. Lets go, bro.” EZ says as he steps in between you and Angel. Gently pushing Angel to get him to walk away.
“Whatever!” he scoffed as he stormed out the Clubhouse, slamming the door behind him.
“[Y/N], I’m so sorry.” EZ says turning to you to make sure you were okay.
Shaking your head, “No. It’s okay.” You say wiping away the tears from your face. “He has every right to be upset.” You continue.
“Just give him some time. He’ll come around.”
“I doubt that, but that’s okay. I should really go find Letty and get home. Be safe, EZ.” You jump off the bar stool and give EZ a kiss on the cheek before heading towards the Office to find Letty.
A couple weeks after your encounter with Angel, you find yourself back at the Clubhouse. This time for Bishop’s birthday celebration. As much as you didn’t want to be at the Clubhouse, you knew there was no way you couldn’t show up to show Bishop some love; he would never let you hear the end of it if you didn’t. Thankfully Letty would also be there so if you needed an excuse to leave you could use her as a decoy.
You were genuinely enjoying yourself, but the thought that Angel was nowhere to be found wasn’t sitting well with you. He is always here.
You find EZ manning the bar passing out beers, making your way towards the bar you take a seat on a barstool, and wait for him to finish.
When he spots you at the end of the bar, he gives you a smile, opening a beer and placing it in front of you.
“You look like you are having a good time.” He tells you as he leans back against the bar counter.
“I am.” You smile, taking a sip of your beer. “But I can’t help but notice your brother isn’t around.” You continue. You notice how EZ’s face falls at the mention of his brother’s name.
“He’s uh—he’s with Adelita.” He tells you.
You furrow your brows in confusion. Coco and EZ both had told you about some stuff the club was dealing with. Obviously you knew it wasn’t every single detail, you were just thankful they trusted you in telling even the littlest of things. You had heard from Coco that the three stooges, and eventually EZ, began helping the Rebels, and that somehow led to an alliance between the MC, the Galindo Cartel and the Rebels. EZ had also let slip that the MC was to protect the Rebel Leader since she was pregnant.
“Coco mentioned some shit went down a couple days ago. That’s why you guys were over the border for so long. She got taken, you guys were there looking for her, but when you got her back, she told you to let her go. It sounded like some heavy shit, so I didn’t push for any more detail.” you tell him.
“We also learned something during those few days.”
“Like what?” you ask him.
“That night at the warehouse where I told you that Angel and Bishop got into a fight. I didn’t tell you that Angel admitted that Adelita’s baby is his.” He tells you, unable to look at you.
You sat there for a second processing this additional information, everything that you were told up till now slowing making sense.
“I’m sorry, Hermosa. I know all this has been hard for you and being back hasn’t been easy. Last thing you need is for all this to be dropped on you. I just want to see you happy again.” He tells you as he reaches for your hand.
You pull away when you feel his hand on yours, your eyes welling up with unshed tears.
“I—I just need a minute. I need some air.” You say as you get up and quickly make your way outside, before EZ can stop you.
Once you get outside the Clubhouse, you take a couple deep breaths, doing your best to not completely break down into an uncontrollable sob. Taking a seat on the porch step, you wipe the tears streaming down your face as you try your best to compose yourself, secretly regretting showing up tonight.
As your sitting there, it startles you when you hear someone approaching. Looking up, quickly wiping at your tears, you silently curse when you see Angel approaching.
“You alright?” he asks you. You can hear the genuine concern in his voice.
“I’ve been better.” You give him a sad smile as you shrug.
He softly grunts as he takes a seat in front of you on the porch step. You just watch as he pulls out his cigarettes from his kutte, lighting one up. You both sit there in silence.
“I’m so fucking sorry, Angel.” Your small voice breaks through the silence. You can see him slightly cringe at the sound of your voice breaking.
He just shakes his head as he exhales the smoke from his cigarette, “It’s not your fault. I left you no choice but to leave. I was so deep with all the bullshit, I pushed you away.”
“I could have fought better. For you, for us.” You sniffle.
“We both could have, querida.” He tells you finally turning to look at you.
“But you’re not the one that left. For that I will always be sorry.”
He gives you a half smile and a nod.
“I heard about everything that happened with Adelita. You’re going to be a good father, Angel.”
He laughs softly as he bites his lower lip and shakes his head, “You know I’ma fuck it all up.”
You watch as his eyes welled up with tears, fighting back your own tears.
“Everyone talks about love and family, but people don’t do what you’re doing, Angel. In any world.” You continue to tell him. “The promise to Adelita. Carrying the weight of that secret. The shit that went down with you and Bishop. Clearly, you put your family first.”
At this point you both had tears streaming down your faces. As much as it hurt your heart, you knew Angel needed to hear this. You knew firsthand how he always felt less than and second best.
“And if you ever forget that or have any doubts about how good you are, we will all be there to remind you.” You give him a reassuring smile.
Before either of you can respond. The Clubhouse door flies open and Letty comes waltzing out in search of you. Both you and Angel wiping away any remaining tears.
“There you are. I’ve been looking for you.” You hear her say.
“What’s up?” you ask her as you get up from the porch step.
“Are you ready to go?” she asks as she yawns.
You softly chuckle, “Yeah. That actually sounds like a good idea. Go wait in the car I’ll be right there.” You tell her as you watch her make her through the yard towards the car.
You and Angel both stare at each other for a second, “I should get her home.” You say pointing towards Letty.
“Yeah. Get home safe.” He says as he approaches you, gently placing a kiss to your forehead, “I’m glad you’re home, querida.”
“Take care of yourself, Reyes.” You smile and give him a wink.
He just chuckles as he watches you make your way towards your car, and out of the scrapyard.
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Chapter 1
Characters: Angel Reyes x black reader 
Summary: You return to Santo Padre after being gone for nearly 15 years after graduating college. Your life and also others will change. Affecting all you hold dear including your Mayan MC Family.
Warnings: Language and Angel Reyes being a sexy nasty fuck as always (Just enough to wet your whistle)
A/N: Again another shout-out to the Ladies who write some of the most awesome and breath-taking Mayans MC Fiction I’ve ever read. @angelreyesgirl and @blackmissfrizzle have told me to go for it. I hope my Angel Reyes scribble is up to standards and others will like it as well. I haven’t wrote a fan fic in a long ass minute. So please enjoy. And this one is a “slow as fuck burner”. If you like it feel free to leave me a message of what you think or request to join the taglist. Just to let you know this will be multiple chapters. So enjoy.
Pic credit @angels-reyes
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I mean who did not know who the Reyes brothers were?
Hell, practically all of Santo Padre knew of their entire family.
Your grandmother Sadie has lived in the same neighborhood as the Reyes did which was right across the street from them.
Which is how you becoming acquainted with them as time went on. Your family moved to Santo Padre before you were born, and your father Philip took a job working as a mechanic at Romero’s. Which also meant that he made new friends who are also members of a motorcycle gang known as the Mayans. Also, later he eventually became one himself once after he was sponsored.
Mr. and Mrs. Reyes ran the only Carniceria in Santo Padre which was where your mom Catherine would go. Since she got a job working at a popular restaurant as one of the cooks, she met Mr. and Mrs. Reyes while at work.
Which was great because your own mama soon after would begin to visit the Reyes’s place of business.
She appreciated just how kind and polite how Felipe and Marisol Reyes were when she went there.
Their sons Angel and Ezekiel would be there too at the butcher shop from time to time. Your mama would bring you along with her every Wednesdays after leaving the laumdrymat to grab whatever meat she would prepare for dinner. Ezekiel is the youngest of the two if you remember correctly.
A little shy but nice. As far as Angel you often wondered how he was even given that name. At times to you he just seemed…. odd. Angel and you both had the same teacher Mrs. Powell for 4th grade and for some reason he along with his friends Johnny and Gilberto felt it was cool to taunt us girls during recess after lunch or during gym time.
You can recall going home telling your mama and dad about it but, of course they found it hilarious. Your father said, “Aww baby girl boys will be boys”. Followed by your mom saying, “Maybe Angel Reyes likes you honey”. As a child you swore your mom had told you the most disgusting thing you ever heard in your life.
As a child you promised yourself that you would never ever like boys because they were so mean and cruel. Or that is what you thought.
But then here comes High School where I swear those boys grew along with other things. Especially Ezekiel. He soon was the most popular boy in school with staff and students. Shit, he was incredibly talented athlete, and he was dating Emily Thomas. As you recall you did not see Angel as you remember but, that last time was at a local carnival where you hung out with some friends while your parents had some alone time. As boys will be boys, they were rough housing and having fun as their loving parents were all cuddled up looking on. That was the very last time you remember of seeing him. Well that very night everything changed for you.
Two days later you found yourself staring at two beautifully decorated tombstones which is now where your parents were laid to rest.
You then move in with Grandma Sadie as she receives full Guardianship and custody of you. Your parents' house was sold, and the money made from was placed into a trust fund for when you turn 30.  
You finish school as you graduated in the top 2% of your graduating class and you were named your class Salutatorian. You decided to leave Santo Padre and the State of California after graduating from college. As you headed to New York, Paris, France, and even Cancun, Mexico to excel in fashion, jewelry and photography. It was something that you always wanted to do as a young girl. Thank god you were able to have 3 of the best friends along for the ride who also had an undying love for fashion and jewelry as well. As time went on you and your friends all made names for yourselves. Appearing on various shows from television to social media to having demos at various fashions that have launched you and your friends all over the world.  
Of course, you wrote and kept in contact with friends back in Santo Padre including Grandma Sadie and even Mr. Reyes and Ezekiel. That was before Mr. Felipe informed you in a written letter that Mrs. Reyes was fatally shot during an apparent break in at the butcher shop. Also, that Ezekiel was serving a prison sentence for shooting a police officer.
Ezekiel was even nice enough to send you a letter from prison which was a big surprise. He seemed happy as high heaven to have written you. You were curious to understand why he felt it was necessary to apologize on the behalf of his grown ass brother for not writing you. You already accepted that Angel would never communicate with you in any way shape or form, so you let it go and moved on with your life.
Funny how you always told yourself that Angel Reyes would not even give you a second thought or even a look. Sometimes it is good to have it where your mind is set up in a way that it really should not bother you to a degree. So, you pledged to yourself by saying these 4 four words FUCK. YOU. ANGEL. REYES.
You will be turning 30 in about a week so all the people you met in New York, Paris and Cancun surprise you with their own little celebration for you. Even the grumpy and mean executive designers and jewelers you met along the way were nice enough to all write you recommendation letters. Wishing you and your girls’ good luck on your endeavors.
You are having a good time with your eating and drinking with everyone until you receive a call telling you that its urgent that must return home to Santo Padre.
You arrive back home to some familiar faces as they meet you at the airport.
“Oh my god, Y/N is that you?” shouts Ezekiel as he meets you halfway giving you a huge bear hug. “Damn girl didn’t even recognize you. “Eres Hermosa.”  
“No braces and no pigtails. Just wait until the guys see you” as Ezekiel twirled you around checking you out.
“Look who's talking. You walking around all Gold’s Gym Arnold Schwarzenegger swole” you say while laughing as Ezekiel pinches you on your arm.
“Good to see you again Y/N. It’s been a mighty long time” as you give Mr. Reyes a warm embrace and a kiss on the cheek.
“Over 15 years to be exact it's been Mr. Reyes” as he places an arm over your shoulder as Ezekiel grabs your bags to load into the truck.
“Wow that truck is still running after all these years?” you ask as Ezekiel helps you into the truck.
“How the butcher shop going Mr. Reyes” you ask as he starts the truck up.
“Still a blessing to us Y/N” he says leaving the airport.
“Hey I like the Kutte dude. So, you’re a Mayan now am I right?” you ask Ezekiel.
“No, just a prospect for now”, says Ezekiel,
“So, basically you’re with the Mayans maid right now?”
Ezekiel cuts a look at you as Mr. Reyes laughs at your comment. “Whatever shorty” he mumbles.
“Whoa wait how do you know about the Mayans little girl?” asked Ezekiel.
“Bro come on now my dad worked at Romero’s as a mechanic and I know he was a Mayan too. Maybe the custom Harley too was a dead giveaway along with the Leather Kutte he wore too. Also, my parents would ride every Saturday too”, you say as all 3 of you are heading to the hospital.
Mr. Reyes pulls up into the hospital parking lot as you notice you notice other gleaming and chromed out custom bikes are parked.
“I have to head back to shop Y/N but, I will come back before visiting hours are over to pick you up”.
“Oh no, Mr. Reyes you don’t have to go through all the trouble with doing that. I can call one of my friends or I will just catch an Uber” you say in protest.
“Your family to us all Y/N and I don’t think that your parents or Grandmother would want that. Also, I don’t want Sadie to raise any hell either.” says Mr. Reyes.
Before pulling away you give Mr. Reyes a hug and a kiss on the cheek thanking him for the ride as he finally drives away.
“Okay let's go see Ms. Sadie Y/N”, says Ezekiel as you two walk towards the front revolving doors of the hospital.
He notices your hesitation as you slow down your pace and suddenly become nervous.
“I can't do this Ezekiel. I am so afraid that she will not recognize me or even talk to me. For the simple fact that I didn’t come to visit her during these past 15 years.”
“Heey, it’s going to be fine Y/N” says Ezekiel as he rubs your shoulder offering comfort to you.
“I will be by your side if you need me okay?” as he nudges you toward the front doors.
Reaching the front desk, you ask for what room your Grandmother is in as the clerk informs you that the doctor will need to speak to you as she informs you to head to the waiting room.
Ezekiel is walking in front of you, so you are not prepared for what happens next.
“There she is” says a deep voice as you are now face to face with leather kutte clad wearing dudes covered with tattoos.
“She looks just her father” says another deep voice.
“Uh who in the hell are you people?” you say out loud.
“Yep, sounds just like her mother too” pipes up another in the back as they all begin to laugh.
“Thanks, Prospect, for bringing her", says a voice as he finally appears from within the group that has occupied most of the waiting room.
“So sorry sweetheart. Where are our manners? My name is Obispo but, you can call me Bishop or Bish for short” he says as he gives you a warm embrace. You may not remember us but, your father was our brother when you were just a little tyke.
“Come on Honey let me introduce you to my other Mayan Brothers who are also your family. We made that promise to your parents before they died”. His kind words bought tears to your eyes as he offers you a handkerchief from his pocket. As you say, “Thank you.”
The rest of the group approaches you one at a time introducing themselves.
“Hola Sunshine, I’m Tranq but, you can call me Hank if it’s easier for you” bringing you in for a hug.
“Jesus you look just like your grandmother. Same beautiful hair, lovely eyes and gorgeous smile. Sorry I got so carried away I forgot to introduce myself. I am Taza for short. But your grandma called me Che when we’re seeing each other” as he pulls out his handkerchief from his back pocket wiping away his own tears.
“Hey sweetheart I’m Ariza but, please call me Riz and this is Creeper”, he says as they both grab a hand of yours kissing the top of them causing you to giggle putting you at ease.  
“Is this all of you?” you ask.
“Actually, no baby girl. The others are out on a run but, will be returning tomorrow afternoon. You can meet them all then” says Creeper bringing up the rear.
“Here comes the Doctor” says Ezekiel as he returns from the vending machine with a drink for you as you offer thanks.
“Ms. L/N?”, says the doctor  
“Yes, that’s me”, as you walk to the front of the group.
“I can take you to see Ms. Sadie now” says the doctor.
“We’ll be right here” as Bishop pulled you in for a hug as the Doctor lead you out of the waiting area to Ms. Sadie’s private room.
Taza was then flanked by Tranq and Bishop “So you think Y/N knows you’re closer to her than she thinks?” asks Tranq. “Or when will you tell her yourself Romero before it’s too late?” asks Bishop.
“I haven’t thought that far ahead to be honest” says Taza. “I just pray that she doesn’t hate me for it. He amano a esa nina desde que nacio”, says Taza as Bishop pulls him in for a consoling hug. “Lo se Hermano, Lo se”.
 Entering her room, the nurse just pulled back the curtain as the Illumination revealed balloons, bouquets of sweet-smelling flowers, greeting cards, teddy bears, drawings of little stick figures offering Prayers and Get Well wishes from children. The drawing you found the cutest out of all was the picture of little tiny hands. With the message of get-well Love Cristobal that bought a smile to your face. Seeing your grandmother resting peacefully bought new fresh tears your eyes as you sat in the chair closest to her bed as you grabbed her hand giving it a squeeze.
 “So, what happened Doctor?” you ask while touching the skin on her face.
“Well Ms. L/N, your Grandmother suffered a nasty fall in her living room.
” One, of her neighbor’s was nice enough to call 911 and follow the ambulance to the hospital. She is sedated for right now and we have taken X-Rays already. We are just waiting on the results from those results and we will keep her here for observation”, says the Doctor as he gave a reaffirming smile and pat on your shoulder before leaving you alone with her.
“Hey Mama Sadie, it’s me Y/N. I came back as soon as I could to be with you”, kissing her forehead.
“I hate to sound like a bratty child Mama Sadie…. but you are all I got, and I cannot bear to loss you either. I do not know what I will do if you leave this world too. I miss mom and dad like crazy and no offense but, these tattooed guys that are outside in the waiting room are kind of freaking me out right now”.
You crawl into her bed and as you rest your head onto her shoulder lacing your fingers with hers. You remember that smell of Chantilly powder she would always wear. Or when she would let your brush her long and luxurious hair before you both went to bed for the night. Your favorite breakfast of Black-Eyed Susan’s just before heading to church every Sunday morning to your favorite dinner of Spaghetti and Meatballs she would always make.
All those memories came rushing back to you as you grabbed onto the silver locket that hung around your neck. You grab it as you open it looking at the pictures inside. The first picture is of your dad rubbing your mom’s swollen pregnant belly. The picture on the right is of you as a toddler hoisted up onto your dad’s strong shoulders as Mama Sadie and your mom wave on.
The doctor returns to her room again. “Ms. L/N we just got the results back. Her fall was not too serious as we anticipated. But, due to her age and to the fact that she is still in a significant amount of pain so we will keep her here for 2 weeks. She will be getting some physical therapy and we’ll go from there”.
“Thank you again Doctor. Also, can you let those gentlemen know out in the waiting room as well please?”
“Yes, ma’am I will” as he heads to the waiting room leaving you alone again.
You look at the locket in your hand again as your mind wonder to your parents again. Tears fall bigger and faster as you whisper to yourself “Love you Mom and Dad”, as you cry yourself to asleep.
You did not realize how much time had passed as you felt someone patted your shoulder trying to wake you. “Hey sleepyhead visiting hours are almost over.”, says Ezekiel as he and Bishop entered the room to retrieve you. “I can have the prospect bring you back here tomorrow if that’s alright with you novia”, says Bishop. “Well sir that won’t be necessary”, you say as Bishop chuckles to himself. “Baby girl do me a huge favor”, asks Bishop.
“Please call me Bishop amor. Sir just makes me feel old”.
“Okay Si- I mean Bishop. I will try to do so from now on.”
Leaving the Hospital, the other Mayans were still waiting. You noticed Mr. Reyes truck is there but not him.
“Y/n just wanted you to know that what I said earlier is what me and my brothers meant”, said Bishop.
“You are and will always be a part of the Mayan family” says Taza. “Also, I loved your Mama Sadie so much. So, I still do hold her close to my heart. And yes, I consider you a loved one that I never had.”
You give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Gracias Taza”.
“De Nada Carino” says Taza as he kisses your forehead wiping away your tears wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“For a bunch of big scary looking guys, you all sure can bring a girl to tears”, you say as more tears fall away.
“Also, we’re having a Pachanga tomorrow night at the club house. We want you to come and have fun with us,” says Creeper.
“And saying no is not an option baby girl. Plus, you should bring some friends too”, says Bishop as they head out of the parking lot roaring off into the night.
Ezekiel is waiting for you outside leaning on his father’s truck. You run to him giving him a hug and a kiss thanking him for bringing you to see Mama Sadie.  
You finally arrive at the Reyes home as Ezekiel helps you get settled.
“You can sleep in Angel’s old room for tonight. There are plenty of towels in the bathroom since I am sure you would want to freshen up. I’m going to help Pop at the butcher shop so I will leave you to it”, says Ezekiel as he leaves you alone heading to the butcher shop.
You unpack items you will need as you get ready you take a shower when your phone chimes. Grabbing the phone, you read heart felt messages from your school friends and others checking in on you.
“Have you seen big brother Angel Reyes yet? says Danielle you classmate and longtime friend from her childhood in Santa Padre.
“Uh no.” you respond
“Why not? You know you want to” says Danielle.
“Honey the world is whole lot bigger than Angel Reyes. Besides, he hated me in school remember. He would always tease me. By pulling on my hair and step on my jacks when we would be playing. Of course, Gilly and Johnny would be right there as his damn goons”, you say as a hint of a smile came across your face.
“Girl please it’s been over 15 years and you two have changed quite a bit. Damn girl have you looked at yourself? If Angel does not do a double take, then he’s a fucking moron”.
‘But, come on now Y/N. You are telling me that if you were to see Angel at all you would not want to jump his bones? I mean just slobber him down and let him just have his way with you? You know rumor has it that he is working with some serious hardware downstairs. Legend says that is dick his apparently bigger than that planet you referring to. I mean hung like a fucking horse, says Danielle as she snickered like a horse into the phone causing you to laugh out loud.  
“Danielle, good god girl you can swear like a sailor.”
“Hell, what you expect Y/N I only have brothers and my parents are just as bad too.”
“Oh Danielle, I almost forgot to tell you that apparently they’re having a get together tomorrow night at the club house and I was gonna ask if you wanted to come along with me.”
“Fuck yeah I soooo want to go. Hell, never know who would bump into. Especially if they also happen to be leather wearing, motorcycle riding sexy ass men. Count me in honey” says Daniella as you laugh shaking you head.
“Oh, and we gotta have the Dynamic Duo come with us too” you say reminding Danielle to ask Scarlett and Naomi to tag along.
You two chat for a few more minutes as you finally said your goodbyes and “I love you’s” for the night.
After showering you feel well rested but not that tired. So, you put on a black pair of boy shorts and a black camisole as you see a black shirt with rolled up sleeves hanging on the closet door. You grab and put it on. It smells like a man most definitely. One that does not mind getting his hands dirty. Leather, Sandalwood and smoke.
At times you remember your father when was alive would smell similar like this. But this was different. You did not want to obviously think or say who this shirt belongs to but, your curiosity made you keep it on. You grab a bottle of Forever Red from Bath & Body Works as you spray your body smelling good. Then you head to the kitchen for something to drink from the fridge. There was a bottle of your favorite Moscato inside for you as you grabbed a wine glass and poured yourself some. Turning away from the fridge you notice a colorful and floral looking urn on a stand towards the doorway as you take a sip of Moscato.
“Buenos Noches Mama Reyes. I sure do miss you too. Hopefully, you are reunited with my mom and dad as we speak and are exchanging good laughs and memories”, you say as you kiss 3 fingers on your hand and press it against the colorful urn.
“Good night” you say again as you leave the kitchen heading to bed.
You finish off the glass of wine as you set it down on the nightstand next to the bed. You notice that the moon is full and high in the sky as you finally lay down falling asleep.
It is 2:30 in the morning as your dead asleep to the world. But of course, you did not hear the roaring of a motorcycle signaling that Angel has arrived back early from just completing a run. Heading inside he sees Felipe asleep in his favorite chair as the t.v. plays on.  
“Come on pop, let’s get you to bed” says Angel helping his father to bed.
“Good Night Pop” says Angel as he kisses his father on the temple to a good night rest while draping covers over the old man’s sleepy figure.
Walking down the hall to his bedroom Angel notices a sweet smell. It is Alluring, Soft, Beautiful and very appealing almost like a marshmallow toasted over a campfire. He notices that the door is closed as its often left open. Angel opens it to see a silhouette of a woman in his bed. You are lying on your back as the moon is shining upon your body. Your body has more curves than the roads he’s traveled on his bike he so wanted to bite, kiss, lick and touch.  Your glorious and luxurious mane is fanned out onto his pillow. Also, the camisole you have on has ridden up revealing your stomach and pierced navel that is practically making Angel’s mouth water. The rise and fall of your chest as you breathing made him want to give your perfect round breasts a gentle squeeze. Sometime during the night, you must have kicked off the covers off while sleeping because your long smooth dark brown legs of chocolate were on display as Angel’s dick began to brick up in his pants. Hell, he wanted to snap a photo and keep it for dick beating purposes later but, he opted out on that. He chose to take a very cold shower to where he could give himself a good self-serve handy. He imagined you on your back writhing under him. Being breathless digging your nails into his skin as he’s sawing in and out of you taking you to the very edge. He wondered if he could make you hit high notes and scream his name out in white hot ecstasy. As he fucks you from the back with his dick hitting that sweet spot over and over until you black out. He groaned the thought made him stroke himself faster. He would kill to have those beautiful legs of yours wrapped around him as he dug deeper into you molding himself to how he wants you to be. Throwing his head back with a guttural groan as he cums all over himself and the tile wall. Wrapped in a towel he pads down the hall to the laundry room where he retrieves a tank and boxers. He walks back to his bedroom as he leans against the door frame to find that you still laid in the same position. Suddenly he felt protective as he grabbed the covers and draped them over your body.
“Thank you” you whisper as Angel leaves with a smirk on his face. He heads to the living room where he falls asleep on the couch.
 “Good Morning all” you say walking into the kitchen as you find Felipe reading the morning paper and having a cup of coffee.
“Buenos Dias amor” says Felipe as you kiss him on the cheek. You see Ezekiel manning the stove cooking breakfast as you wish him good morning.
“Good Morning Gold’s Gym” you say hitting him in the shoulder with the dish towel putting it back.
“Good Morning shorty” he says passing you a plate as you sat down to eat with orange juice.
“Did you sleep well last night” asks Ezekiel.
“As the dead”, you say as you dig in on the plate of food.
“Damn prospect. This is good. I’m sure your girlfriend enjoys your cooking, right?”
“You sure do have jokes this morning” says Ezekiel as Felipe laughs under his breath.
“You know I don’t have a girl right now.”
“My bad. I assumed you did.”
“Well you know what happens when you assume?”
Felipe laughs at your exchange of banter with Ezekiel.
“Hmmm well tonight you might be in luck”.
“What does that mean pint size?”
“Pint Size?” you say.
“Dude I’m practically an Amazon.”
“Yes, you are. Queen Amazon of the midgets” he says as you hit Ezekiel in the back of the head”.
Felipe laughs even louder now as he tells you two to go back to your corners at the end of round one.
“Oh, and Angel was here this morning but, he left out early to handle some business with Coco and Gilly. I’m sure he’ll be there tonight too”.
“Oh, and before I forget this is for you” says Ezekiel as he passes you an envelope as you just finished your breakfast.
You open it and it’s a key to Mama Sadie’s house across the way.
“While you were asleep Angel, and I took the liberty of taking your things and dropping them off there”.
“Thanks Ezekiel” as you pull him in for a hug.
“Do you need to do anything before I head over to the club house?” asks Ezekiel.
“I do want to see Mama Sadie for a bit today.”
“Well go get ready and I’ll be waiting for you outside.”
“Having a good day Mr. Reyes and thank you so much”, you say as you kiss him on the cheek heading out the kitchen but, you stop as you see the colorful urn again. Mr. Reyes and Ezekiel stop in their tracks watching you.
“Adios Mama Reyes” you say as you run down the hall to get dressed.
“Any man would be blessed to have that woman as his own” says Felipe shooting Ezekiel a quizzical look. “Lo se Pop.”
Ezekiel drops you off at the hospital just before 11 a.m. You walk around the corner just as you see Taza departing her room.
“Buenos Dias Mi Amor” he shouts happily pulling you in for a hug.
He kisses her forehead with tears in his eyes.
“She’s awake baby girl and asking for you.”
“OH MY GOD!!! She is?”
“Yes novia” he says grabbing you hand pulling you inside her room.
“Mama Sadie!!” you shout dropping your purse as you run towards her gently giving her a hug.
“There’s my tall and gorgeous grand baby” says Sadie as tears fall nonstop from your eyes.
“Oh, it’s so good to see you Y/N. I have missed you so much baby girl”.  
“You too Mama Sadie” you say you grab her hand and conversate like it hasn’t been 15 years since the last time you saw each other as Taza leaned up against the door frame watching you two catch up with the biggest smile on his face.
After leaving the hospital you catch an Uber to Mama Sadie’s house. You stood outside on the front porch for a few minutes to get all your bearings together as you took a couple of breaths. Finally unlocking the front door made all those wonderful memories rush back to you. All those past summers and winter breaks from school were spent with Mama Sadie as you both worked in her vegetable and rose gardens was such a fun time for you especially being away from your mom and dad.
Photos of you with your parents hung on the living room walls as you ran your fingers along the couch and loveseat. Sitting in her loveseat you saw black and white photos in front of you. They were of her having fun with the Mayans hanging and having a good time. Then off to the side there were some of you with Sadie and Taza with Bishop. Making goofy faces and laughing with you as you were a child and even wearing a Mayan Kutte that was sizes too big and adult sunglasses looking tough. Looking at all those photos bought a smile to your face and made you realize that you are indeed a part of an even bigger family.
Later, that evening you are getting yourself ready for the festivities when there’s a knock at the front door. It’s Danielle with your other best friends Scarlett and Naomi. You all give hugs and kisses as you all get ready.
“Okay Y/N spill all the tea honey” says Naomi as she removes hair rollers from your hair.
“I’m so lost right now and what are you talking about?” you say as you swat Danielle on her butt.
“Ouch Heifer” she shouts.
“Well stop running your damn mouth” you say.
“All I said was that you slept in Angel’s bed last night” says Danielle as Scarlett comes running into the bathroom.
“OHHHH BITCH!!! Now you better spill it all”.
“Nothing happened last night. Well except….”
“Except what girl?” Naomi and Scarlett screamed simultaneously.
“I could feel someone watching me sleep” you say.
“Daaaamn for real girl?” says Scarlett as she stops applying makeup to Danielle’s face.
“I mean it didn’t feel scary or uncomfortable or anything like that. I just felt as if I was being protected from all the bad things in the world and what I’ve been going through”.
“What if it’s was Angel?”, asks Naomi.  
“Because didn’t you say that EZ wasn’t there and maybe Mr. Reyes was already asleep too” piped up Scarlett.
“Honey let’s face it. You should at least give Angel Reyes a chance and hear him out. I mean shit what harm can come from that?”
“Hell, she might get hooked on Papa Bear Angel Reyes that’s what”, says Danielle as you toss a wadded piece of paper towards her.
“Shit just wait until Y/N sees what he looks like now. Bitch gonna want to sit on that fat tip and go swinging like Tarzan in his pants.
“Oh, hell yeah he’ll have her ass doing the Tarzan Yell all night long”, the other girls cajole teasing you as they all do the Tarzan Yell making you die of embarrassment and your face becomes unnecessarily warm.
“No, seriously babygirl ever since that bullshit you went through with Marcus it’s been 4 years since you’ve been with anybody. Now I know that cootchie of yours has filed a complaint against you with the “Dickless Board” says Scarlett as the others began to laugh in an uproar.
“I can’t stand you heifers” you shout as you all hoot and howl with laughter out loud.
 About 30 minutes later you arrive with your girls in Scarlett’s car right outside Romero’s as you all exit the car, and a sliding door is pulled open for you all to walk in. Suddenly everyone’s eyes on you and your girls as you arrive “Fashionably late”. In all good reason too. Danielle chose to wear a copper colored fitting dress that came to the top of her knees with same color pumps and matching accessories to compliment her almond toned skin. Both Scarlett and Naomi selections were short sleeved bell-bottomed jump suits with matching color Velveteen Ballerina Heels and both with Silver accessories to complement their outfits and their smooth Cinnamon tones. Scarlett in black while Naomi in white as they both look like beautiful chess pieces. Last, and not least you chose the colors of Red and Black. Wearing Red high wasted bell-bottomed jeans to accentuate your small waist and curves making your pear-shaped ass look enticing to the slightest touch. “Phenomenal Woman” are the words displayed on the black form fitting t-shirt you bought in Paris the year giving you a daring and drool worthy cleavage pairing it with a short-sleeved jacket. You made the outfit look fun with red colored apple accessories and open toed heels showing off your cute candy red pedicure. You and your girls were literally ready to paint the town any color you all wished.
“Si, Los bonitas han llegado” says Bishop causing you all to turn around.
“You look stunning amor” says Bishop as he hugs you giving you a twirl to look at you.
“Thank you, Obispo,”. As you kiss his cheek.
“And who are these lovely ladies with you baby girl” says Bishop as other Mayans approach you all.
“Oh, shit here they come girl”, whispers Naomi elbowing Scarlett.
“Naomi, Scarlett and Danielle meet the Mayans. Mayans these are my sisters from other misters” you say as Bishop takes the reins of introducing his brothers to you friends.
“Aye is that Y/N I see” shouts a voice out of nowhere?
You turn around and see Gilly and Coco approach you.
Jumping into Gilly’s arms he spins you around.
“Damn girl you look beautiful” says Coco kissing you on the cheek and checking you out as Gilly still has not let you go with his arm around your waist.
“Over 15 years later looks good on you mamacita. I know you got to be married with some offspring by now” says Coco as you and Gilly laugh at his comment.
“No sir, been single for almost 4 years now” you say.
“Hey shorty. Looking good” you hear as you turn to see Ezekiel behind.
“Hey Muscle head” you playfully say as you see Danielle, Scarlett and Naomi’s mouth hit the ground as they finally see Ezekiel as he hands you all a glass of your favorite Moscato.
“Gilly. Coco. Prospect. We need you.” Shouts a voice across the way.
“Duty calls” says Ezekiel as he kisses you on the cheek to leave flashing you a megawatt smile.
“Hey, we’ll catch up later Bonita”, says Gilly as he and Coco hug you at the same time and they walk off.
“Oh, chile is that the infamous baby brother Ezekiel” says Danielle as your girls finally approach you looking all flushed and starry-eyed.
“Are you heifers okay?”, you ask while giggling under your breath.
“Damn girl the dudes are killing me, and they’re hot let us not forget that too. Especially Bishop. Oh, his sexy take control daddy looking ass can get it”, shouts Naomi.
“Wait but isn’t he a bit on the short side and older than you?” asks Danielle.
“Girl bye. Have you seen his walk? He makes up the height with length between those legs and probably stands on his wallet. Who knows? Daddy Bishop can probably teach me some things too.”, says Naomi as Scarlett goes “Aoooow I know that’s right. Preach sister preach”, as they clink glasses again.
“Amen sister. Hell, I’d let Riz bend me over right now. I just want to play with his long hair for the love of god” shouts Scarlett as she and Naomi clink glasses together and taking a sip.  
“What about you Danielle?”, you ask.
“I’m digging Ezekiel. He’s a sweetheart and such a gentleman and he’s fine as hell too”, says Danielle looking at you as she hit a sore spot with you.
“That’s okay right?” says Danielle.
“Yes sure. Whoa wait you all thought I had something going on with Ezekiel?” you say as 3 pairs of eyes watch you with baited breath.
“Oh no, Ezekiel is like a brother to me. Ever since we were been kids. Especially when Mom and Dad died, we became good friends”.
“Let me refill your glasses ladies” says Ezekiel as he winks at Danielle before walking away.
“Hey, let me use the little girls’ room” as you step away from the group heading to the clubhouse.
Of course, while your away Angel finally arrives on his motorcycle as Creeper is behind him in the van and Mr. Reyes bringing up the rear.
“Uh oh look at who just showed up” says Scarlett as she and her girls drooled over Angel as the other women followed suit.
“I’ll be back sweetheart” says Ezekiel kissing Danielle forehead as he goes to help unload the van and his Pop’s truck.
After helping Angel shows his Mayan brothers love as he sees your homegirls talking and laughing to Bishop and Riz not too far away.
As you finish using the rest room you do a final look over of yourself by checking your hair and makeup as you wash your hands. You like what you see as you flash a smile as you leave the restroom.
“Hola Bonita” says Taza waiting for you as he sits at the bar.
“Hey Taza” you say giving a warm hug as he kisses your forehead.
He had a look of apprehension on his face as he was trying to find the appropriate words to say.
“Are you okay Taza?”, you ask with a look of concern on your face.
“Yes, mi amor I am. But I must tell you something right away”, he says as you lean forward with anticipation.
“Hey Taza, Tranq is looking for you”, says Creeper as he interrupts the conversation as Taza closes his eyes.
“Hey, enjoy the party little one” says Taza leaving ahead of you as you finally walk out.
You stop on the front porch to see there is someone else talking and laughing to your friends. Of course, your friends are seeming to hit it off rather quickly with the Mayans which kinda makes you a bit envious of them. You notice that Bishop is hugged up on Naomi as Riz has his arm wrapped around Scarlett and Danielle is being held closely by Ezekiel.  He is tall and slender but, well-built with tats running up and down his arm and wearing dark colored jeans and heavy black work boots. With a black and red checked shirt on you can see sticking out from his Leather Kutte. His hair is slicked back and neat as your curiosity peaks even more.
“Oh, we wondered where you were girl. Look who finally showed up Y/N”, Scarlett shouts.
He finally turns arounds meeting your eyes and it seems as everything slows down as he walks toward the porch. You finally see Angel Reyes in his natural hot state and you swear to God that you were not ready for what's in from of you. He reaches out to grab your hand as he helps you down the porch stairs. And “FUCK” he is sexy as hell with his full and manly beard and dark as molasses syrup looking eyes you could just get lost in. Of course, your girls are enjoying this because they know you talk a big game but, all your communication skills cease once you see Angel.
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with Ezekiel Reyes and the crew.
Request: what about ez reyes daughter imagine that the Mayans you know her uncles find out she has a crush like how would they react guessing there so overprotective and everything.
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Warnings: someone, please, tell the guys to chill the f* down.
Word count: about 1k.
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: @angels-reyes.
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Angel hits the pool table with both palms, making you jump on your feet for a second. It's the first time you see your tío be this angry. Last night, your father caught you in a lie. You told him you were going to Sharon's house to study, but you went to a date. Coco, Gilly and Creeper are by his side, while your EZ is sitting on the table cross-armed.
“Carnal, take it easy… I'm sure you lied to your pop a lot of times”.
“Don't forget she's my daughter, Angel. Calm down”.
“I CAN'T FORGET THAT MAYBE HE'S A PSYCHO!” Angel's eyes are opened to the limits, turning his face to his little brother who doesn't look worried.
“Okay, tío, you're a drama queen”. You mutter rolling your eyes, seeing how your father walks towards you.
“Is your boyfriend…?”
“Dad, I do—”.
“Yo, man! You need a fucking linden tea. Calm down…” Gilly says palming his back, making you shake under his shouts.
You're about to cry, with your lower lip beginning to tremble, when your father hugs you hiding your face onto his chest. You told him that you were sorry a thousand times, and that you're not going to do it again. At least, to avoid this kind of interrogatory with your tíos losing their minds. Leaving a kiss on your head, EZ takes you to the closer chair to sit you down there, squatting in front of you and holding your hands.
“Baby, we're just… worried about you. You know what we do, and that… there are many people that want to hurt us. Just tell us who he is. We will ask Frankie to… check if his family is legal, and that they don't want to use you against us”.
“Dad, why are you… why are you al-always thinking about the worse?”
“Because we're fucking Mayans, not hermanitas de la caridad”. (Sisters of charity). Angel speaks then, walking towards you. Letting a heavy snort escape from his lips, he leans forward adopting the same position of his brother. “Mi pequeño dulce, I love you. You know how much, and… yes, maybe I'm a little jealous… But I'm worried about you”.
“Can you imagine my life without you? Because I don't. Neither of us don't. Princesa, talk to us, please. I promise I'll not be one… of this overprotect—”.
“Dad, you already are a super overprotective father. Without keeping in mind these… four pitbulls always following you everywhere”.
“You like dogs, kid, don't lie”. Creeper clicks his tongue, before drawing a soft smile on his lips.
“If something bad happens to you, I die, mi amor”.
You have a look at your tíos, before putting your eyes on your father's. They're right. They're pretty right, and you didn't think about it last night. You just know him from school, he looks like a good guy. But your tíos too, and you know what they do.
“His name is Mateo Ramos, from Santa Madre, but we're together in Math class”.
“Math... class?” Angel asks, somewhat confused.
“Yeah… he's the kind of boy you would like to bully”.
The five men break into laughs, understanding why you didn't tell anything about him or his family. You're not ashamed, but you really like him and you were sure that they would make some fun about a badass girl dating a nerd.
“Looks like you have a new best friend, lil'bro”. Angel teases your father by hitting his left shoulder.
“He… took me to a bar… with… open mic, to… read poems”.
“AWWWW, LOOK AT HIM. TODO UN GALÁN, CARNAL”. (A prince, brother) Coco says exaggeratedly.
And probably, you would punch him on the face if it was another situation, but seeing your father smiling like an idiot melts your heart.
“Mateo told me that… maybe we could go again… tomorrow night”. You say with pursed lips and a shy tone of voice, lowering your gaze to your father's fingers caressing your hands.
“Okay”. EZ just nods.
“‘Okay?’ What does it… means?”
“That you can go, but with a condition”. Raising up your eyes to your father, you wait for it. “I'll pick you up to come back home”.
“C'mon, man! Let the ner—Mateo earn a kiss on the front door”. Angel hits him again, making your father frown at him.
“I want you at home at eleven, okay? That's the condition. And if I text you, you tex—”
“He's not gonna text you, mami, don' worry 'bout'ha”. Coco shakes his head palming the back of the younger Reyes.
“Do you need money?” EZ finally asks, rolling his eyes annoyed because of his brothers.
“I got twenty bucks”.
“Not enough”. He replies, taking off his wallet to give you fifty more.
“Dad, we're ju—”.
“Nah, buy something cool for him to make his nose bleed”. Angel says adding another fifty. “We can pick you up in the hospi—”.
“Tío Angel, if you don't stop of bully him, I'm gonna fucking punch your mouth”.
“I would like to see you trying, mi dulcecito”.
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dc41896 · 4 years
Safe Haven
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Hey guys! So a little backstory for this imagine, I randomly had a dream about this scenario with EZ and as soon as I woke up I was like “I gotta write that!” so here we are! Also just want to add how I really miss Mayans MC and my bois and I can’t wait for season 3 to come out🥰! Okay that’s pretty much it other than I hope you guys like it and sorry if it’s long or doesn’t flow well (I feel like it kinda seems rushed and towards the end doesn’t sound the best, but then again that might just be me being overly critical of myself 🤷🏽‍♀️ lol).
Pairing: EZ ReyesxBlack Reader
⚠️: Bit of angst, mentions of blood (very tiny), fluff mixed in throughout though
Sunlight beaming down from the small window above your bed, EZ slowly opens his eyes to see your still figure lying next to him. Hand placed just below his newest tattoo marking the birth of your son and leg draped over his, he gently brings you closer taking in the coconut scent of your lotion still radiating off your skin from last night.
Living a life like his, rarely could he experience peaceful mornings just lying down hearing the birds chirp outside, so he made sure to appreciate every second of it that he could.
Barely muffled shouting from your neighbors coming through the walls, EZ rolls his eyes with a soft groan while you begin to wake up.
“They’re arguing again?,” you groggily ask rubbing your eyes as a yawn slips from your mouth.
“Yea they just started.”
“Well, it could be worse. They could’ve started at one in the morning like last time,” you softly laugh grazing your thumb along his cheekbone. Taking your hand in his, he kisses your knuckles before leaning down to give the same attention to your pouted lips. Slightly calloused yet soft hand gripping your thigh, you push against his chest separating his lips from yours.
“Don’t start.”
“Start what?”
“You know exactly what,” you smirk. “Today we’re supposed to go get more diapers for Omari and more food for my fridge since someone and his brother keep eating everything.”
“That’s all on Angel, I know how to limit myself. And your leg was draped over me so really I should be the one telling you don’t start,” he chuckles kissing your jaw as you stick your tongue out at him. Sitting up, you carefully step over him to make your way to the bathroom.
“Whatever, I can’t help how I sleep Ezekiel.” Closing the door behind you, a wide smile spreads across his face as he shakes his head. While the use of his full name was only reserved for his father and brother, the way it rolled off your tongue made him want to hear you say it all day.
Swinging his legs over the side, he stretches before hearing the soft cries of his eight month old son in the other room. Quickly putting on his white tank and boots, his long legs guide him to the wooden crib in the next room. Tiny arms reaching between the bars, he carefully lifts him up to bounce him in his arms.
“Hey man, annoying neighbors woke you up too huh?” Reaching in his crib, he removes an older looking stuffed bunny with different sized buttons for eyes and a random patterned patch sewn on its belly. “Look what I got.”
Calming down, his hands roam around it’s face fixated on the black point that was its nose. “That patch was because your uncle Angel decided to keep throwing him at the ceiling fan seeing if he would stay on the blade. Don’t ever let him play with your toys ok?,” he smiles kissing the top of his head.
Like every event in his life, he could vividly remember everything that happened that day. Him begging Angel to stop. His hard headed older brother not listening until cotton fell from above. His mother calming him down insisting how it could be fixed as she smoothed his dark hair before kissing his forehead.
It may sound weird, but every time he saw that bunny he felt his mom’s presence as if he was back to that day sitting in her lap watching as she sewed his friend back together. That’s one reason why he wanted his son to have it, so his abuela would be with him.
Hearing your footsteps, he looks up to see you suspiciously looking towards the door instantly making him worry. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing I just thought I heard someone stop in front of the door,” you answer taking one last glance towards the front of your apartment. “It’s nothing though, they probably just paused for a second.”
Handing Omari to you, he approaches the door looking out the peephole before opening it to peak outside making sure no one was hanging around.
“Something like that happens again and I’m not here, call me.”
“I doubt-,”
“I’m serious Y/N.” Locking the door behind him he walks up to you and your babbling son peering down with dark brown eyes that were stern enough to know he meant business, yet still displayed their usual softness showing it was out of love for you and Omari that he was being so protective.
“Okay,” you answer; soon after feeling his beard brush against your skin as he pecks your lips.
“Ready to go to the park love?”
Bringing the diaper bag higher on your opposite shoulder, you balance your baby boy on your hip as you lock your door. Just as you turn around, you’re faced with three men patiently waiting while two of them intensely looked at you and your son. The tall, slender one in the middle, clad in a grey suit, displayed a small smile trying to appear friendly, but mostly seemed awkward as if he wasn’t used to that emotion.
“Hello, my name is Lincoln Potter and these are a couple of my associates. We’re looking for a man by the name Ezekiel Reyes, or EZ, as some call him. We have a couple witness accounts on seeing him in the area so we’re asking around for more possible information.” Holding up a candid picture of him on his bike outside his dad’s carneteria, you lightly bounce Omari hoping to distort his view so he wouldn’t possibly recognize his father.
“Sorry, haven’t seen him.”
“Well it doesn’t have to be around here. Have you seen him anywhere else? In town perhaps?”
“No, nowhere else,” you answer showing no emotion. While this was your first physical interaction with Potter, you were definitely familiar with the attorney. A few times while you were at EZ’s trailer he’d have to step away to answer his call or meet him in some secluded location. It was then you saw how much of a pain he could be to any target he had his sights on.
Looking at you for a few seconds his mouth parts as if he had more to say, but instead the awkward smile returns as he hands you his card.
“If you do happen to see him, please call. He’s needed for...very important matters.” Taking the card from his hand, he gazes down to Omari innocently nibbling on his fingers. Black coils on the top of his head shifting from the light breeze, his dark eyes finally meet Potter’s crystal blue ones causing a low chuckle to escape the man’s lips.
“Might I add you have a beautiful son. His father is very lucky to have such a beautiful family.”
Through his compliment you could feel a sense of iciness laced within. Like he knew what information you were keeping from him and was 10 steps ahead of your two.
Politely nodding your head as a soft “thank you” leaves your mouth, you walk by the three men feeling eyes on your back. After buckling your son in his car seat, you move to the drivers side quickly closing the door behind you before resting your head on the steering wheel to take a deep breath.
“Mama,” Omari whines lightly kicking his feet wanting the car to move.
“I know we’re going baby boy just give mommy a second.” Dialing EZ’s number, you pull out of the parking lot onto the busy street anxiously waiting for him to answer.
“Hey, you okay?,” he asks, deep voice full of concern and worry.
“Um well yes and no....it’s Potter.”
Sat on the floor watching your little boy laugh as he plays with his interactive animal book, you occasionally look out the window anxiously waiting to see EZ and Angel arrive any minute. After telling him what happened, he instructed you to meet him at the clubhouse where he’d take you to his dad’s just in case you were being followed.
Dropping you both off, he didn’t say much as he walked you into the small house. Kissing Omari’s cheek and then your lips, he quickly left again with his brother instantly making you worried. Knowing what was going on, Felipe tried to get your mind off things by offering you food and getting you to talk about yourself or Omari, which worked but not for long.
Now over three hours later, it was dark outside and neither you nor Felipe had heard anything from the brothers.
Motorcycles humming outside, you peer out the window to see Angel and EZ slowly making their way to the front of the house causing you to sigh in relief. However, your worries quickly returned seeing both tiredly trudge through the front door and the front of EZ’s grey shirt crimson with blood.
“What happened?!,” you ask rushing to examine him for any other injuries.
“Calm down, it’s not mine,” he answers bringing your hands to his lips with a small smile. “Just had to save this one as always.”
“Save me? Pretty sure that’s not how it went at all but ok. And I’m good too, thanks for asking.” Shaking his head Angel picks up your son before sitting down on the couch and flipping through the channels on the outdated tv. “You care about your tio don’t you man?”
Little hands pulling his hair as he giggles, Angel lets out a small yelp trying to loosen his strong grip.
“Omari be nice,” you laugh before returning your attention back to your boyfriend. “Here, let me help you clean up.” Leading him to the bathroom, you close the door behind you as he removes his leather vest and shirt before sitting on the toilet.
“Try not to cry this time alright?”
“Psh, whatever,” he lightly chuckles resting his large hands on the back of your legs. A comfortable silence falls over you while you stand between his legs carefully cleaning the blood from his scars. Although you had grown used to these moments being with him for a while now, that still didn’t take away the ache you always felt seeing him hurt.
“You and Omari might want to stay with your mom for a while,” he speaks just above a whisper.
“What do you mean why? You saw what happened today Y/N, I don’t want you guys hanging around for it to happen again.”
“If it happens again,” you correct making him roll his eyes as he stands up.
“Now’s not the time to be naive, I’m driving you tomorrow. Your stuff is already packed waiting at the trailer.” Reaching for the door, you stand in his way planting yourself against the worn looking wood with arms crossed over your chest.
“Last time I checked, you’re Omari’s father not mine.”
“Y/N move.”
“No. I’m not afraid of Potter or the men under him, he’s all talk.”
“And how do you know?”
“Because if he really wanted to do something he would’ve done it then and there. I mean think about it they had me at my most vulnerable state with no where to go and no way to defend myself,” you explain receiving an exasperated sigh from EZ as his hand rubs down his face.
“It was a warning. Yea they didn’t do anything when they could’ve, but they wanted to scare you into telling them what they wanted to know and intimidate both of us with what they could do.”
“Well it didn’t work,” you reply guiding his chin to look at you. “Ezekiel I knew what I was getting into when we started talking and I’m still here. If it ever gets to the point where I don’t feel safe or fear for our son’s safety then we’ll leave, but until then I’m not letting Potter get to me. Plus do you think it would be easy for us to just leave after all this time?”
Placing both hands on either side of your head, he slightly bends down leaving his face inches from yours. “I’m not saying it would be easy, but if it needs to be done then that’s it bellita.”
“And when it needs to be done it will be.” Connecting your lips with his, your hands roam from his bare chest to the nape of his neck while his wrap around your body bringing you closer.
“We’re gonna need to put you in a new apartment too,” he says separating his lips from yours as his fingers graze up and down your spine.
“Hopefully your dad is okay with me staying here for a while longer then.”
“Here? What about the trailer?”
“I think the constant revving of motorcycles and occasional parties might not be ideal for a baby to be around.”
“True, you’re probably right,” you both laugh before being interrupted by loud knocking.
“Aye I hate to interrupt your probably intimate moment in there, but your kid is hungry and I’m not sure if it’s for what I can give him or what only mom can,” Angel explains as Omari fusses in his arms. “Relax man I’m trying to get her out here.”
“I’m gonna shower, you better go ahead before he starts pulling his hair again,” he smiles kissing your temple.
Opening the door, you carefully take Omari from his hands tickling under his chin to make him laugh. “Okay my baby lets get you fed.”
“The amount of strength he has that’s not a baby, that’s a tiny grown man,” Angel adds making you laugh.
Tags: @crushed-pink-petals-writes @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @literaturefeen @damnitaa @curlyhairclub @renfrewscorner @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @secretmysteriousperson @plokyu23
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appalachianwiine · 3 years
Swim Chapter 9 - A Friend
Chapter 9
And if it feels like it's already over
Lean in closer, rest your bones
You've got a friend when times get mean
Yeah, in the meantime I'm on your team
“In the Meantime” - Randall Kent
The day passed in an odd sense of time for Carol, while the kids and her classes kept her busy enough the moments between periods and over lunch seemed to stretch on forever. The opening and closing of the heavy classroom doors shoved and yanked by teenagers all too ready to leave class brought back clear memories of heavy hospital doors being swung open and the room filling with people. Every time a phone would chime or the office would call she’d be dragged back to memories of the nurses calling in codes and shouting for doctors.
3 o’clock came and went and instead of staying after to grade papers or work on paperwork she started cleaning up the classroom to leave. To get to the hospital by 430 she needed to be out of here by 4. She moved robotically through the motions of wiping down the desks and straightening the textbooks. Her mind was with Lydia and Daryl now.
She knew all too well the feeling of being in one of those rooms, time lost to the hospital. Morning, noon, and night change to first shift, second shift, third shift. Hours turning to IV drip times and vitals checks. It could crush a person alone like that and Daryl seemed to think he was very alone. She got the sense he had been for a long time and it worried her. It reminded her of Leah and Matthew really, they’d come from a small farm in northern Georgia and despite all of Carol’s pushing and offering and turning up Leah had never been friendly. Even Ezekiel hadn’t managed to get more then a few words at a time from the woman and he could get just about anybody to talk. She didn’t want to see Daryl and Lydia facing the same sort of isolation.
Carol stopped to pick up coffee for her and Daryl on the way to the hospital. It wasn’t a lot but sometimes a warm drink that wasn’t crappy hospital coffee could make a difference. Pulling into the hospital parking lot she spots a familiar face. The dark haired woman and little boy who’d come to see Lydia and Daryl a few days ago.
“Excuse me!” Carol calls, hurrying to catch up. The woman turns around. “Sorry sorry are you going to see Daryl and Lydia?”
“Yes.” The woman nods. “You must be Carol, from the group. I’m Dr. Grimes.”
“Yeah, Carol.” Carol nods. “Dr. Grimes, it’s nice to met you. Have you known Daryl for long?”
“Seven years almost. Carl was just a baby when my husband and Daryl started working together.” Dr. Grimes says. “I’ve been Lydia’s pediatrician since Daryl adopted her four years ago.”
“Oh.” Carol frowns, “Then you -”
“Caught the cancer?” Dr. Grimes nods. “Yeah, something was wrong, I pushed the lab to expedite the sample, and I’m glad I did it but I have to say that wasn’t ever a call I expected to make in my career. Especially not to someone I know so personally like Daryl. It’s the worst phone call I’ve ever made.”
“I can imagine.” Carol nods. “But I’m glad he has friends behind him, he needs them.”
“Well maybe you could tell him to call every now and then.” Dr. Grimes mutters, pressing the elevator door button. “He nearly gave us a heart attack the first time he called. It was nearly a full 24 hours after he came to the hospital.”
“It’s overwhelming.” Carol frowns. “Learning your kid is that sick, I’m sure he didn’t mean to worry you. He’s a nice guy.”
“He’s too nice.” Dr. Grimes sighs. “Carl step away from the doors or they won’t close.” She pulls the little boy back a step or two by his shirt. “Every time i call it’s vague answers and I know he doesn’t want to worry us but still…”
“He doesn’t want to be a burden.” Carol nods. “It’s - it’s pretty common in this world. Most people pull away when they learn you or your child has cancer. And the ones that don’t - we don’t want to burden the people who stay.”
“He’s always been like that.” Dr. Grimes sighs. “I just wish I knew how to help so he didn’t have to ask.”
“I can help with that.” Carol offers. “If you want.”
“Really?” Dr. Grimes says, ushering Carl out of the elevator. “What can we do.”
“Well - right now… everything is kind of managed for them, the doctors and nurses tell him how to clean, when to eat and sleep, what medications to take when.” Carol explains as they begin the walk down the hall. “When they get home, it’s - it’s going to be a lot scarier. Because then everything is on Daryl. If you’d like my help I’d like to help prepare the house for when he and Lydia get back. Pill organizers, cleaning supplies, wound care, that sort of thing.”
“Okay.” Dr. Grimes says. “Yeah, of course we’ll help.”
“Moooommmmm” Carl whines. “You’re being slow.”
“Alright, alright.” Dr. Grimes rolls her eyes good naturedly. “Sorry about him, this is the most he and Lydia have been apart in a long time. They were in the same class at school, and they were supposed to go to camp together this summer.”
“It’s fine.” Carol chuckles, picking up the pace slightly.
Lydia’s room has a white board attached to the door reading;
“Mom what’s vin - vin -” Carl frowns. “That?”
“It’s medicine baby.” Dr. Grimes says. “To help Lydia get better, but it might make her feel sick so we need to be quiet and calm when we go in okay?”
“Okay.” Carl nodded solemnly, reaching for his moms hand.
Carol leans forward and knocks on the door.
“Come in.” A tired, gruff voice says.
Carol pushes the door open and holds it for Dr. Grimes and Carl to go in first. Lydia is curled up in a ball on Daryl’s lap, pale as a ghost and wrapped in a blanket.
“Carl!” Lydia mutters, moving off Daryls lap and holding her arms out. Carl looks up at his mom and she nudges him forward. That’s all it takes for him to rush over and embrace Lydia.
“Hey Daryl.” Carol smiles. “I brought you decent coffee.”
“Thank.” He mutters, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. “T’ be hones I think I’m too tired t’ tell the decent stuff from the shit stuff.”
“Long night?” Carol asks.
“Yeah.” Daryl mutters. “Thanks fer comin’.”
“Of course.” She offers a supportive smile.
“How’s Carl an’ Judith?” Daryl asks turning to Dr. Grimes.
“Judith started walking, much to Shane’s horror. I sometimes forget this is the first baby he’s responsible for.” Dr. Grimes chuckles.
“Hey that’s a hell of a shock.” Daryl says. “Imagine getting a four year old and having no parenting experience.”
“You’re doing great.” Dr. Grimes says.
“Thanks Lori.” Daryl mutters. “So uh, you met Carol?”
“Yeah we ran into each other in the parking lot.” Carol nods. “So, how you holding up?”
“Um.” He glances at Lydia and Carl, who are now both wrapped in Lydia’s blanket on the end of the bed and whispering to each other. “It’s uh - it’s been a rough day. Henry and Ezekiel came by earlier, tha’ was nice. But It’s just kinda...”
“Numb?” Carol asks quietly.
“Yeah.” Daryl nods. “Numb. I was uh lookin’ at this binder and it’s - it’s like… it’s insane. I mean, three months in the hospital getting intensive chemotherapy. How do - how I even prepare for that?”
“You ask for help.” Lori whispers. “And you take it when it’s offered.”
“She’s right Daryl.” Carol says. “Those stays are impossibly hard when you’re on your own, so you let us help.”
Daryl didn’t look so sure about that, and next to her, Lori folded her arms. “Daryl Dixon. You’re not on your own anymore and trying to do it all on your own isn’t going to let you focus on Lydia. So you’re going to let us help. Got it?”
“Alright, alright.” Daryl runs a hand over his face.
“And right now you’re going to let us help by going down to the cafeteria with Carol and getting some real food.” Lori continues, looking over at Carol and raising an eyebrow. “Because if theres one thing you look like you could use right now it’s a good meal and an adult conversation.”
“I shouldn’t leave Lydia.” Daryl argues.
“She’s fine.” Lori insists. “She knows me, and she and Carl can watch a movie.”
“Lyd?” Daryl asks quietly. The little brunette turns back to look at her dad. “You okay if I go get some food with Ms. Carol?”
Lydia cocks her head and looks between the two of them. “I… I guess. You’ll come back?”
“Soon as I’m done.” Daryl nods, leaning over and kissing her hair.
“Okay.” Lydia nods.
“You two want to watch a movie?” Lori asks, motioning them out of the room.
Daryl lingers and Carol reaches out and touches his arm lightly. “Come on, they’ll be fine.”
Daryl doesn’t say a word until they’re out of the room. “Sorry about Lori she’s just -”
“She’s looking out for you.” Carol cuts him off. “I know it feels awful leaving her right now, but you have to take a minute to recharge too. Come on, I’ll buy you lunch.”
“You don’t have -”
“I’m doing it.” Carol insists. “We can go over that if you want.” She nods at the binder still in his hands. “I uh, I know pretty well whats in there. I’m sure you have questions.”
“Oh.” He frowns at the folder. “Do uh - do we have to?”
“No.” Carol says, stepping into the elevator. “We can just chat if you want. Try to get your mind off of everything in there.”
Fifteen minutes later she and Daryl are sat with a soda and sandwich each at the back of the cafeteria. Daryl seems to realize he’s hungry and inhales half the sandwich without a word, he pauses abruptly, mayonnaise on his face and turns red.
“Sorry.” He mutters, reaching for a napkin. “I uh -”
“No need.” Carol smiles. “I’ve been there, any food you have eaten has been eaten in between what little sleep you’re getting.”
“Not gettin’ much ‘f either at the momen’.” Daryl mutters. “Lydia was up most of the nigh’ sick again. Probably will be again t’night. The only time she settles is when I hold her.”
“Yeah Sophia was like that.” Carol nods, taking a bite of her own sandwich.”
“I’m usually pretty strict ‘bout everyone sleepin’ in their own bed but I can’t bring myself t’ say no right now.”
“Sophia only slept with me when she was sick too.” Carol nods. “I was always bad at saying ‘no’ while she was sick, but they do need some semblance of structure and routine.”
“Yeah.” Daryl nods taking a swig of his coke. “Tha’s gonna be hard, I know when we get home an’ she’s safe an’ secure again she’s gonna lash out an’ stuff, but I’m gonna have a damn hard time keeping boundaries.”
“I did too.” Carol nods. “Sophia was processing a lot at her diagnosis - our living situation had changed, I left her dad, it was a nightmare.” Silence hangs between them. “Have they said when you’re going home?”
“Hopefully sometime next week.” Daryl mutters.
“Okay.” Carol nods. “Lori and I are going to get the house ready for you okay?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well,” Carol sighs. “You’ll need some things, medical supplies, pill organizers, hand sanitizer, bedding. Something I like to do for the families here is help get their house ready to be home again.”
“You don’-” He stops, seeming to take what they’d said earlier in. “Thanks Carol.”
“It’s why I’m here.” She says, taking a bite of her own sandwich. “No one was for Sophia and I and I’m not gonna let that happen to anyone.”
“Her dad a dick?” The blunt way he says it makes her raise her eyebrows. “Sorry.” He mutters sheepishly. “I uh - I shouldn’ ha-“
“It’s fine.” She says quickly. “He uh - he was yeah. I left because I thought he hurt our little girl.” The words tumble out before she can stop them and she blinks, stunned at herself. She never spoke of Ed. She never spoke of why she was single. She left it at messy divorce and that was that.
“Shit.” Daryl mutters.
“Yeah.” Carol nods.
“It’s okay.”
“Nah.” He shakes his head. “It ain’. Ain’ nothing I can say gonna make it okay neither.”
There’s that blunt honesty again. Harsh, but welcome. No ‘I’m so sorry that happened’ or ‘you’re so strong’ just ‘ain’ nothing I can say gonna make it okay neither.’
“You’re special victims yeah?” Carol asks.
“Yeah.” Daryl nods.
“So I guess you’ve seen some of that.” She nods.
Silence hangs between them again.
“Thanks.” He says. “Fer all yer doin’ fer Lydia an’ I.”
“You don’t need to thank me, I’ve walked this path before. A little closer then I’d like, so if you need anything or just want some adult conversation just call.” Carol says.
“I- yeah, I will.” Daryl nods. “I uh, didn’ mean t’ scare ya this mornin’ if I did. I jus’ - you’re the only person I could think of to call.”
“That’s what I’m here for.” She smiles, reaching across the table and squeezing his hand. “You’re a good dad Daryl, and you’re gonna get through this.” Her attempt at a reassuring smile falls a little flat, because this time she’s not telling the entire truth. He will get through it, but Lydia? She was a different story all together, one with possibilities no parent wants to face.
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dprwolfgang · 4 years
Sin Ti // Angel Reyes
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Angel Reyes x OC
OC and Ez speak some Portuguese to each other.
Gif isn’t mine, credits to the owner.
"You gonna have to tell my brother sooner or later mamita." she could hear the words coming out of his mouth but it didn't mean she had to listen to them. If Angel wanted to continue running behind Luisa and a baby that wasn't his then so be it. If he wanted to ignore her and play house with his precious  “Adelita” then he could go right ahead.
"Escolho mais tarde Ez, now can we talk about something else?"  
"No Sol, when else are we gonna talk about this huh? When that kid's sixteen and wondering who the fuck its dad is? You seen what that shit did to Coco ma. Você realmente quer esconder isso dele?"  
“Sim, as long as I have to Ezekiel because I refuse to let your hard headed brother hurt my baby the way I let him continuously hurt me.” She says placing the last glass on the shelf behind her. The others had been called to some urgent meeting and Ez was left on cleanup duty with her.
Ez had no idea what had transpired between Solana and Angel but he knew it had to be something serious if she was showing up at his pop’s house at 3am with tears streaming down her face. He didn’t question her, just let her cry it out against his chest before she finally stopped and told him about her pregnancy.
He had no idea how Angel was gonna handle another baby mama but he knew that Solana meant more to Angel than he let on. They all grew up together, from an early age Angel was always protective of her - he beat her first boyfriend to a pulp for trying to force himself on her- just as he was protective of Ez. La sangre es la sangre so Ez knew that all she had to do was talk to Angel and sort shit out because deep down Ez knew that fatherhood was something Angel wanted to experience.
Wiping her hands on the towel she was using, she steps around the bar throwing it on the counter. “ I promised Letty I’d make tres leches so I gotta make a run to the grocery store real quick.” She places a kiss on his cheek and throws a quick “I’ll see you later Ez” over her shoulder as she exits the clubhouse.
Truth be told Sol had already made Letty tres leches before she came into work but she knew that if she didn’t leave she’d get Ez involved in her and Angel’s drama and she refused to come between the both of them. ____
“He’s beginning to have doubts Miguel.”
“Then make him have faith again linda. You know as well as I do that in order to keep the Mayans on our side we need him and his brother. Emily can handle Ezekiel now make me proud and handle Angel.” Miguel leaves with a kiss to her cheek.  
The power that Miguel Galindo had provided had no doubt gone to her head especially now that she was carrying his baby. She held it over Emily’s head that it didn’t matter that she was his wife, Miguel would seek comfort in her because they were of the same world - a world he felt like Emily could never fully accept or understand.
Adelita smirks as Miguel gives her exactly what she wants. It wasn’t so much as Angel having doubts about her baby being his but the person instilling those doubts in him. Solana had come back into Angel’s life a couple months before his brother did but from what Angel had told her they had never lost touch with each other. Adelita didn’t think that his bond with the woman would interfere with her plans but she really should’ve known better given the way she’s seen Angel look at her or the way he lost his shit when Potter had her kidnapped. Though she had what she wanted, Adelita was jealous of the woman. No matter how much she preached that her and Angel were just business partners she had to admit that a small part of her liked him.
She wasn’t blind and apparently neither was Solana if Angel was calling Adelita by her name the last time she went down on him. The solution was simple really, scare Solana off and Angel would be hers.
“Nestor,” she calls out to the head of security.
“Esos conejos que te pedí que pusieras en  lugar antes, están listos?” She questions.
“They are ready and awaiting orders.” He reports back to her and she smiles.
“Make it hurt but don’t kill her.”
Nestor nods and pulls out his phone to give the orders. Adelita knew she was playing with fire, especially if Angel found out but in that moment she didn’t care.  ____
They waited until her car was parked before they surrounded her. Letty who was sitting on the front porch waiting for her like she usually does instantly becomes alert and grabs the screwdriver she had hidden under the chair.  
Solana exits the car and they start crowding and pushing at her. Letty moves to make her way down the steps but Solana’s voice telling her to get in the house stops her in her tracks. Solana shakes her head when she sees Letty make another move towards her.
She was unarmed and outnumbered. They were clearly there for her so she had to ensure that their attention didn’t shift from her to Letty. She’d never forgive herself if something had happened to the young girl.
Letty reluctantly turns and heads back up the steps and goes into the house, opening the front window and immediately calling Ez because she knew the others were busy after speaking to her dad a few minutes before.
“Get to Sol’s place now!” Is all she says before hanging up.
“So Adelita can’t do her dirty work herself?” Solana knew she wasn’t going to get out of this unscathed but the only thing on her mind right now was to protect Letty and her unborn child and if that entailed letting them have the upper hand then so be it.
One of them behind her pushes her forward and grabs both her hands pulling them behind her back. As soon as she’s somewhat restrained the others start beating on her. A right hook to her jaw has her spitting blood in the face of the person in front of her which earns her a slap to the face. The person holding her hands lets go and grabs onto her hair pulling her head back on their shoulder.
“Adelita sends her apologies that she can’t be here to do this herself.” The man whispers before flinging her body to the ground.
“Adelita can kiss my ass,” she smiles, knees pulled up to her chest and arms holding them close as kicks start raining in from every direction. The last thing she feels is a kick to the back of her head before she passes out. ____
“What the fuck do you mean we can’t see her?” Angel shouts at the doctor. It had been five days since she’d been admitted to the hospital, five hours since she woke up and Angel was losing his mind.
The only person that had been allowed inside her room within that time was Letty who had since been taken back to the clubhouse by Coco.
“She’s asleep Angel, her body needs all the rest it can get and she’s made it clear that she doesn’t want to see you right now.”
It stings. Angel knows that what had happened to the woman he loved was because of his foolish behavior. Their last conversation on repeat in his head. All the spiteful shit he’d said to her simply because he refused to believe that Adelita’s baby was Galindo’s and not his. He’d been so excited at the idea of fatherhood that he had bypassed all the facts and hurt the one person who was always down for him no matter how fucked up his decisions were or the consequences.
He couldn’t lose her. He’d do whatever it takes to earn her forgiveness. Angel looks to Ez who’s shaking his head at him silently letting him know that whatever he was about to do was a shit idea but Angel has and always will be a stubborn man.
It takes all but ten minutes after the doctor left for Angel to bounce into the hospital room leaving Ez on look out. Solana stands facing the window on the phone with who he assumed was Bishop unaware to his presence.
“Tio I’m fine… the baby’s fine as well…stop worrying so much and I love you too.”
“Baby! What baby?” Angel thinks he might faint.  
“Tio I gotta go, Angel’s here… I can’t promise you he won’t leave with some cuts.” She places the phone on the bedside table and just turns back towards the window.
“I thought I made it clear that I didn’t want to see you Ignacio?” Her arms cross over her chest and he knows he’s threading a thin line.
“Past tense and you know I’ve never been able to follow rules properly mi sol.” Comes his smart ass reply as he makes his way towards her. Arms wrapped around her waist, palms splayed on her stomach he rests his head on her shoulder.
“Am I gonna get to be a dad for real this time?” His voice is soft as he asks the question. Angel didn’t want to get excited only to be disappointed again.  
Three months wasn’t much but he told himself he had no right to be mad if she was seeing someone else or even carrying their child. He was the one that fucked up what they had because he kept neglecting what was right in front of him.
“Who said anything about your baby Angel? It could be Oscar’s or Rio’s and even if my baby was yours, do you honestly think I would tell you so that you could hurt my baby the way I let you continuously hurt me?” She hates the way her voice cracks.
Solana tried to get Angel’s arms from around her but he wouldn’t budge. He pulls her flush against his chest and refused to let go.
“I can do this, sin ti.” She sniffles furiously wiping the tears that fell.  
“I know you can but I don’t want you to and I won’t let you go through this on your own. I know I’m a fuck up and I know that I don’t deserve you pero yo no puedo estar sin ti. No puedo hacer esto sin ti. I’m far from fucking perfect but I’m trying my best to be the man that you deserve. Perdóname por favor.”  
“Te amo.” her breath hitches and she freezes. Both had said I love you to each other but it had always been in the form of “te quiero”.
Angel doesn’t expect the slap he collects once she pries his hands of her and turns to face him nor does he expect the tears that are freely streaming down her face.
“Fifteen fucking years Ignacio and you suddenly love me as more than a friend or family? You think telling me you love me is gonna change this shit? I get that we didn’t have a title but I held you down no matter what since we were fucking children, been in love with yo stupid ass since I was fifteen and you think those two words are gonna change the fact that you left me when I needed you the most? When all I needed was for you to hold me and tell me that we were gonna be fine?”
Angel makes a move towards her but stops when she takes a step back.
“You don’t get to have me here like some fucking doormat that you can walk all over when you’re done playing house with Luísa. I’m here because you’ve got your head so far up her ass that I don’t know who you are anymore. You wanna play house with her and Galindo’s baby go right ahead but leave me and my baby the fuck alone. I’m done…you and me Angel, we were never really anything but we’re done. You made sure of that.” She turns away from him and it’s like his body is rooted to the spot in which he stands. He wants to go to her, to tell her that he confronted Adelita but he couldn’t move.
Opening his mouth to speak he’s cut off by Ez, “ The nurses are doing their rounds mano, we gotta go.”
“Leave Angel. Don’t come back.”  
Ez grabs his brother by his upper arm and drags him out of the room and down the hall until they’re both standing outside.
“You okay Angel?”
“I fucked up my family before we even had a chance to be one. I gotta fix this Ez but she wants nothing to do with me.” He doesn’t like the way he’s feeling but thinks that it’s just maybe what he deserves to be feeling.
“Angel, anyone with eyes can see how much Solana loves you but you hurt her and she’s upset. Just give her some time, we both know she can’t ever stay mad at you for long.” He pats his brother’s back before hopping on his bike.
Angel looks towards the window as he gets on his bike. “Sin ti, estoy incompleto. I promise to fix this querida.” He says to himself as they leave for home.
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Chapter One:
The Past
TW: Angel gets really mouthy.
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She was Esmeralda Paloma, a best friend to Ezekiel Reyes, totally in love with Angel Reyes. Fifteen years old and screaming as she ran down the sidewalk, EZ found her and took her to his house.
“Mom! Dad! I need to talk to you!” He shouted up stairs at them.
“You get her pregnant?” Angel snorted.
“No, her dad was trying to kill her!” EZ barked, spun her to face his older brother. Her eye was bruised and she heard a huff as Angel grabbed his pistol from the table and stormed out. He wasn’t her biggest fan, as she followed him around doting on his every move.
“Ezekiel?” His mom asked, head slightly tipped to the side.
“Mom, I’m sorry. It’s so late, but her dad was beating on her again. Can she just stay with us please?” His mom nodded and let him lead her up to his room. It was about three in the morning, EZ was asleep and she heard Angel softly thumping down the hall. Hopped up and peeked out the door, he stopped and faced her with a tired expression. He reached up and pinched her chin in his thumb and first finger, raised her head to look at him.
“Don’t worry, Chiquita. He won’t hurt you again.” He nodded and left her as quickly as he had come.
At sixteen, she ran into the house bawling. Angel laughed and rolled his eyes as she asked a question.
“What is a puta?” She sniffled.
“A puta?” He overheard her asking EZ.
“A puta?” He barked.
“Yeah, Santiago told I could be his.” She shrugged, swiping the tears. Once more, Angel stormed from that house, returning around two in the morning. Just like the year before, she slipped from the bed to see Angel shuffling down the hall with a beer in his hand.
“Angel?” She hushed. He turned to her, and she saw his black eye and bloody knuckles. She grabbed his elbow and lead him into the bathroom without a word. Busied around him, cleaning his wounds and bandaging him.
“Chiquita?” He ruffed. For the second time, he gently lifted her chin to look at him. “I didn’t kill him, but if he messes with you again, tell me.” With that, Angel disappeared to his bedroom.
At eighteen, she followed him like a puppy, he was her protector. Nothing could hurt her when he was around. He was at the clubhouse, she was outside on the swing set on her cellphone. Angel sauntered towards his bike, but he stopped when he saw her sitting there.
“Chiquita!” He yelled, jamming a finger at the ground signaling her to come to him. Standing and skipping to him, she finds him less than impressed. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“I was just waiting for you-“
“Me? Get on. You’re going home.” He barked.
“Why? I didn’t even do anything!” She argued, yanking her arm from his grip.
“You’re right! Now get on the bike.” They’d gotten a crowd.
“No! You can’t tell me what to do!” She hissed.
“Really? Is that right?” He got close to her, his hot breath falling on her face, his brown eyes meet hers darkly. She swallowed hard and nodded. “You want to be a big girl and hang out with the big dogs?” He asked, his nose centimeters from hers.
“Yeah, I do.” She nodded. He gripped her arm so tight it hurt as he dragged her into the clubhouse.
“Boys! Would you look at this! Mi Chiquita wants to be a big girl!” She was dragged to the bar where Angel unbuttoned her plaid shirt, tying the ends high above her belly button. Pulled the ponytail from her hair, and shoved her behind the bar. “Get us a round of beers from the fridge.” He hissed. She did as she was told. She grabbed six beers from the fridge and delivered them to the guys. He grabbed her ass as she walked by and she squeaked. Angel pulled her into his lap, she was stiff against him, scared. “Loosen up, Chiquita. Isn’t it what you wanted? To be man handled? To be a puta?” He ground. She stood and spun on her heel, stared at him with tears in her eyes.
“Angel Reyes.” She barked, hand slapped his face hard.
“What Chiquita? You wanted to make grown up big girl decisions? Here you go, Puta!” He shouted, grabbed her arms. “Were you ready to leave now?” He hissed.
“Not with you.” She nipped, stalked out of the clubhouse and headed to pop’s. When she arrived, EZ was sitting on the porch with Emily. Quickly skating passed them, she headed into the house.
A couple hours had passed when she heard the roar of Angel’s bike pulling into the drive. He hadn’t meant to yell so much. He hurt her pretty badly. He hadn’t meant to call her a puta. He hadn’t thought she’d challenge him the way she did. He called her a puta. He beat up another grown man for calling her that. He heaved a deep sigh and headed inside. She was sleeping on the couch when he walked in and he took a moment to take her in. How could someone so small and dainty make him feel so mad? He’d killed a man, and nearly killed a man, just for disrespecting her. He pulled the little figurine from his pocket and placed it on the table next to her.
“Angel.” EZ hushed from the kitchen. He looked behind him to find his little brother in the kitchen doorway. He walked into the kitchen and headed for the fridge. He grabbed a beer and sat at the table. “I don’t know what you did, but she hasn’t said a word all day. I asked her what happened, she wouldn’t say. Do you know anything?” His heart beat a little faster.
“Yeah, she showed up at the yard while I was there. I told her to get on the bike. She said no, wanted to hang out with the big dogs. So I let her. Took her into the clubhouse and made her into the puta she wanted to be.” He shrugged.
“Christ Angel! She was abused as a kid! And you really thought that you should make her go in and do some shit like that?” He barked.
“Well I told her she needed to go home. And she wouldn’t listen.”
“Because you make her feel safe! You killed her abusive dad, you nearly killed Santiago for calling her a puta. God forbid she feel safe around you.” He nipped.
“Well I ain’t no babysitter. Nobody wants to be around a fresh little annoying high schooler. She’s always around, Chico. She doesn’t leave! I haven’t been laid in weeks because every girl I try to take home meets her. She’s scares ‘em off with that nerd shit.” He waves a hand to the pile of books on the end table.
“Listen Angel, all I’m saying is that-“
“All I’m saying, little brother, is man up and start protecting her then, I’m done. I don’t want to see her, or hear her, or know she exists.” He barked, stomping back into the living room to find her sitting on the couch, tears rolling down her face. She wrapped the blanket tighter around her as she sobbed. Angel stopped walking for only a moment, clenching his jaw. His left hand quaked at his side as he stuffed it in his pocket. She wasn’t meant to hear them. He never wanted her to hear that. Just wanted EZ to know that he needed some time to himself. He stood with his back to her, hearing the sniffling and choked sobbing. His heart dropped to the floor. He’d never meant to hurt her. He ran his fingers through his shaggy hair and scrubbed his bare cheeks, nerves eating at him.
He enjoyed her doting over him sometimes, she made him feel like a god. He huffed and walked out the door, slammed it hard behind him. His bike roared to life and he peeled out of the driveway. He rode all night, not wanting to sit still. He hadn’t meant that shit the way he said it. He didn’t mean that he never wanted to see her again.
As the sun rose, he pulled into the driveway. EZ was sitting on the porch with Pop, both heads hung low. He licked his lips as he approached, nervous of what they’d say.
“Where’s Esme?” He asked, calling her by her nickname. EZ glared up at him. He didn’t understand what it meant. “Well move boyscout.” He shoved passed them and stormed into the house. It was quiet. She wasn’t singing too loudly while she was in the shower. Angel would sit in his room and listen to her, shut off his radio to hear her.
“Esme?” He called. Tingles and chills shook his body for a second before he took the stairs two at a time. Swinging her door open, he found her room ransacked. His heart jammed against his chest as he headed down the hall to his room. Sometimes at night, she would have these awful nightmares and she’d sleep in the chair in his room. “Esme!” He shouted. “Esmeralda!” He cried, tossing the blankets out of his chair. “Esmeralda Paloma!” He bellowed in the hallway.
“Angel.” His Pop ruffed from the bottom of the stairs.
“ESME!” He shouted, swinging open EZ’s door. He stomped to the bathroom and swung open the door.
“Angel!” Pop shouted, gaining his attention. Angel hopped to the bottom of the stairs, his chest rising like a tidal wave rising and crashing into the beach. “Sweet boy, she left.” He whispers. Angel stood in shock. Jaw slack, eyes wide. Swiftly, he was out the door and on his bike, riding for somewhere. The bus station. The airport. Wherever she was leaving him, he’d prayed he’d find her. His eyes scan the crowd at the bus station.
“Esme!” He shouted. Skittering to a table, he jumped on the top and shouted once more. She looked over her shoulder when she heard him. His eyes caught hers and jumped from the table and shoved his way through the crowd to her. “Esmeralda.” He whispers, grabbing her arm. “Thank fuck. Let’s go, Chiquita. You win. I’m sorry.”
“Stop, Angel.” She whispered back, tugging her arm away from him. It hurt him more than he’d like to admit that she pulled away from him.
“Esme, get on that bike and go home.” He tried, his voice shaking as he pointed to the exit. She looked up at him with sad eyes.
“No, Angel. I’m sorry, I couldn’t say anything to you. Though you know why.” She gave him a sad smile, and his heart all but stopped. That was it. There wasn’t a thing he could say to her to stop her. He’d seen that look in her eyes only one other time. He’d begged her not to go to a party, threatened and scolded, but she refused to listen.
“Chiquita-“ He pinched her chin in his fingers once more, lifting her face to meet his gaze.
“I gotta go.” She pulled herself away from him. The big bad biker stood there, his hands quaking at his sides, tears in his eyes. His little Chiquita was leaving.
“I’m sorry!” He shouted.
“It’s okay!” She shouted back. He stood there a moment longer, watching the train pull away from the station. His hand covered his mouth, tear slipped down his cheek.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered. He left the station, getting on his bike and riding to the clubhouse. A couple chuckles echoed as he walked in.
“Hey, you leave your little shadow at home?” Riz called from the table. Angel didn’t respond, he didn’t have the energy. Tapping the bar for a shot, he tipped it back. He was finally so drunk it didn’t hurt so bad. His phone buzzed in his pocket.
Chiquita: I made it safely.
He stared at that message for the rest of the night. He didn’t know how to respond. He wanted to tell her that this little escapade was fun, and to come back. But why should she? What would she find in Santo Padre? Nothing. He knew it was selfish, but he frowned at the thought of something bad happening to her so far away. He didn’t even know where she was.
Angel: Where are you?
She nearly fell out of her chair when he responded.
She’d felt so awful leaving him there, broken. He’d never so much as batted an eye in her direction, but she had to admit that it felt good when he chased her to the train station. She wanted to see what the rest of California looked like without the shadow of Angel looming in the background. Though she had to admit, she missed the Reyes family more than she could have ever imagined. She missed EZ grabbing her and swinging her around. She missed Angel brooding in the corner. Missed how safe he made her feel. She missed mama and Pop. She missed the bikers Angel hung out with, missed Coco’s crooked smile.
“Girl! You okay?” Asked her friend Lena.
“Yeah, just a little homesick.” She assured, not responding to Angel’s message. Her phone buzzed once more.
Angel: Hello?
Chapter one y’all
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If u can a request for angel Reyes about you guys having a mixed baby and how he is as a father to a newborn and a toddler??
*I’m really feeling the fluff today so here’s this one too! I hope it’s everything you were hoping for and more!😊 Ugh Daddy Angel is making my angsty heart go soft 🥺❤️*
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*gif not mine*
Warnings: Just lots and lots of fluff.
The sun shined brightly in the big blue sky as you sat on your blanket under the blissful shade of the large oak tree. The joyous sounds of children surrounded you as you watched your three year old son running around laughing amongst the other children bringing a smile to your face.
Angel watched you as you watched your son play. He grinned as he took in how beautiful you were, legs out and crossed at your ankles as you were leaning back on one arm the other placed protectively on your sleeping newborn between you.
You were so stunning and you were all his. The day the two of you got married was one of the best days of his life, tied with the days you brought his two children into this world.
He soaked in all of your features, like he had done so many times before. He started at your dazzling eyes, then down the curve of your nose, to those delicious lips of yours, by far one of his favorite features.
You glanced over at your gawking husband, “Can I help you?” You asked, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“Nah,” he shook his head, licking his lips, “Just enjoying the view on this beautiful day, mi dulce.”
You blushed, his compliments never failing to make you feel like that young girl again who met him all those years ago.
You leaned over the sleeping bundle as he grabbed the back of your head gently bringing you close for a kiss, smiling into it.
Your little girl began to squirm between you and you both pulled away eyeing the small being, careful to see what her next move might be. She settled back down still in a deep sleep, a smile twitching on the corner of her lips, and you both relaxed.
“Fuck,” Angel breathed out as he stared at his little girl, so beautiful and already looking so much like her mother, her skin matching yours beautifully and her tiny features looking more and more just like yours as the days passed “You gotta be fuckin’ kidding me.”
“What?” You asked, eyeing him suspiciously, while still being very aware of your son out of the corner of your eye.
“She looks just like you,” he mused.
You let out a laugh, “And that’s a problem? I certainly don’t want her to look like you,” you teased.
“Damn straight it’s a fuckin’ problem,” he said looking back at you, “I could hardly keep my eyes off you let alone my hands, those little fuckers are gonna be all over her. I wish she looked more like me, then I’d never have to worry about some asshole thinking he can get whatever he wanted from her.” He grumbled.
You laughed shaking your head, “You can’t expect her to never date anyone Angel. I’m sure if she ever brings a boy home one look at you and the kid would never dare to try anything,” you reassured him, placing your hand gently on his face, “And we don’t have to worry about any of that for a while now, yeah? Let’s just enjoy these moments while they are still little.”
He smiled, “How’d I get so lucky to find you, mi amor?”
Your little one started wiggling more in her sleep now as she started to fuss waking from her nap. Angel scooped her up into his arms cradling her lovingly, “What’s wrong mi princesa,” he cooed, “You hungry?” He guessed as she was usually hungry after a nap.
Reaching into the diaper bag beside you you pulled out her nursing blanket and began situationing the fabric across your body. Once you were all set he carefully passed her to you helping you situate her comfortably before straightening out the blanket around the two of you.
“At least that’s one thing she got from me,” he smirked, “We both love mommy’s boobies.”
You rolled your eyes at the big goofy man you were fortunate to call yours, smiling all the same. “Would you do me a favor and make yourself useful,” you teased.
He mocked hurt from your statement placing a hand to his chest, “I’m always useful.”
You shook your head giggling, “Go be bad cop and get your son to come eat some lunch.”
“Yes ma’am,” he replied standing up and sauntering off in search of the little him he had running around the play equipment.
You watched as he found him and scooped up the screaming child who didn’t want to stop playing with his new friends before swinging him over his shoulder giving him a couple spins on the way back turning the screams of displeasure to screams of laughter.
He set the giggling boy down carefully before stumbling down onto the blanket acting like he got too dizzy and fell over. Your child ate up his dad's silliness and giggled more before climbing on top of him sitting firmly on his chest.
Sometimes you felt as if you had three children.
“Alright, alright,” he laughed, picking the boy off his chest and sitting him down on the blanket. Grabbing the cooler he began dividing out the sandwiches you had prepared earlier that morning. Taking the crustless peanut butter and grape jelly he unwrapped it and handed it to the eager toddler before setting out the containers of fruits and vegetables you had packed as well.
He opened another peanut butter and jelly taking a bit of one half of it before extending the other half out to you for you to take a bite. Feeding himself and you as you fed your little girl.
You were forever grateful for him. He always took care of you and his family doing his best to put you first, taking time off to just be together. He doted on you hand and foot the whole time you were pregnant and any help you needed with the kids he was always there for you.
You were a team and in this together completely.
You ate in silence, your toddler making a few silly noises as he played while he ate his food. Two sandwiches and a bunch of carrots down and he peered into the cooler searching around.
“What are you looking for buddy?” You asked, if the cooler was big enough he’d probably crawl right in.
“Another sandwich,” he mumbled, still digging around.
“Another sandwich?!” Angel exclaimed, “You already had two, little man.” He pulled the boy into his lap.
“Still hungry Papi,” he said giggling as his dad began lifting his arms and “searching” his son.
“Where the hell you hiding it?” He teased, “there’s no way you ate all that food and are still hungry.”
“Here, here Papi!” He shouted, pulling up his shirt and pointing excitedly to his belly.
“In there? Where?” He began looking closely at the boy's small belly acting like he was looking through his belly button, “I don’t see anything… wait!” He said grinning, “I see something!”
“You do?!” The boy squealed, “What is it Papi?!”
“Oh no,” Angel said dramatically pausing for extra suspense, “It’s the tickle monster!” He then began tickling the small boy relentlessly, resulting in screams and laughter that made your heart soar with love.
Your daughter, now done feeding, you situated yourself back up before removing the blanket and setting a towel on your shoulder, burping her gently.
Angel was still tickling your son when you thought it was time to intervene, “Enough Angel, you’re gonna make him sick.”
He sat back up releasing the boy, both breathless from the laughter, “Mami’s right. You’re safe, for now.” He teased, the boy's eyes going wide.
Your daughter cooed a few times as you snuggled her into your arms catching the attention of your little boy. He scooted over to you real close, looking at his little sister in awe. “I love you hermanita,” he said softly, tickling her chubby cheeks gently before kissing her forehead.
Pulling his phone out from his cut Angel snapped a quick photo of the three of you while you were unaware, looking down at your two children. He would cherish the little moments like these forever and set the photo as his new home screen so he could look at it whenever he was missing his family.
“Shit,” he said looking at the time, “We better get going.” He started packing up your things as you gathered up the children, setting your daughter into her stroller.
You were supposed to bring the kids over to Felipe’s tonight. He and Ezekiel were always good about watching the two of them so that you and Angel had some alone time every now and then.
The both of you were very thankful for that.
The two of you got everything packed up, Angel swung the diaper bag over his shoulder and expertly pushed the stroller while carrying the cooler in his other hand, you walking behind him with your son on your hip.
Once you got to the car he buckled her up into her car seat as you did the same for your son. You turned on the car and blasted that air conditioning as Angel put the rest of your things in the truck, joining you in the driver's seat once he was done.
He placed his hand on your thigh giving it a squeeze, “I love you.” He said softly meeting your eyes.
“I love you too.”
Pulling up to Felipe’s you got out of the car and opened the trunk as you were greeted by EZ. He pulled you into a side hug kissing your forehead as he grabbed for the children’s overnight bags, “Let me.”
Stepping aside you let him take the things into his father's house and you went back to the backseat unbuckling your son and scooping his limp sleeping body into your arms, cradling his head against your shoulder.
Angel unhooked the car seat and closed the doors of the car following you up the path and into his childhood home.
Once inside Felipe greeted you both, hugging you and giving his grandchildren a kiss. You laid the boy down on the sofa and turned back to the Reyes’ men, “Thank you so much again for doing this,” you said to Felipe and EZ.
“Of course,” Felipe smiled at you. He loved having his grandchildren around, it reminded him of simpler days when his own children were young and his wife was still around. He knew Marisol would have loved you and wished she could be here with him to enjoy in the spoils of being a grandparent, “It’s what family is for.”
“Well luckily the little man tuckered himself out pretty good so he should be easy at least until morning,” Angel said, setting your daughter down, “And my little angel shouldn’t be so bad either.”
“Um everything should be in the bags and if you have any troubles at all just call,” you began telling the two men.
“We got this,” EZ said reassuringly, “Now go, enjoy the night off.” He smiled, patting his brother on the shoulder, and giving you another hug.
You said your goodbyes, kissing your sleeping children before heading back home for some much needed quality time.
Angel practically carried you into your house making a beeline to the bedroom with only one thing on his mind.
He laid you out across the bed and worshipped every part of your body, treating you like the queen you were, and when you were both satiated, breathless and tangled up together in bliss he secretly hoped he had knocked you up once more.
Everything Taglist: @jad3djay @fairygardenss
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