#shipping: Ithadel
justassorted · 11 months
Details: Ithadel
A huge chunk of Ithadel’s reticence about socialization tends to boil down to a) his core assumption that he is not [genuinely, meaningfully] welcome or that his [non-professional] presence is in some way fundamentally detrimental, b) his paranoia about being fooled/manipulated, and c) the lovely intersection of the two.
With that in mind… I think if he ever wound up with someone where they were very upfront that they weren’t emotionally attached & about what they were getting out of the relationship instead, in a way that didn’t directly conflict with his morals, he… might actually feel a lot more relaxed about the situation. It would fit into his worldview; it would feel less like waiting for the other shoe to drop. He might take what he could get.
He might be grateful.
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Shipping Availability
I’ve become a bit more interested in the possibility of non-platonic shipping than I was when I first started roleplaying. So! Have a rundown of the likelihood of that for each character.
Phosa & Linast — Nope. Never. Still kids, and still thoroughly aroace even if I ever do write them as adults.
Diamond — Other incarnations (over on @justatouchjaded)? Yes, though preferably with older muses and leaning towards nontraditional relationships. Spire incarnation? Not impossible, but way less likely. The man is old and Tired ™ , and it’s about all he can do to keep up with his existing relationships.
Clemcy — Ahahah. Uh. He would want to be in control in every conceivable possible way and it would be Fucked Up. But. Maybe. I don’t know, it’d depend on specifics.
Mirian — Yep! She isn’t the most emotionally available person in the world, so it might be difficult to get to a point of true vulnerability/connection, but she does date.
Ithadel — Difficult af between his social hangups and generally prickly personality and being demi, but it’s possible. I do kind of want to ship with him some day, but... 😂
Oscar — Absolutely. Oscar is a romantic sap at heart and he will squee if you bring him flowers.
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justassorted · 2 years
[Continued from this post with @flusenimkopf​​ ! ]
// Send “UFO” to have my muse’s ship crash-land near your muse
@justassorted​ ​ (Ithadel)
Perrine sighed annoyed as leaving the vessel, circled it to examine the damage. Luckily, it wasn’t that bad; only a few more dents and scratches, barely noticeable among the others. Apparently, this wasn’t the first time she had crashed the ship. What’s going to stop her from leaving that soon were the engines, which still refused to work, yet that was a job for D.O.T., her metallic companion.
So, enough time to explore this place. The bruise on her head could wait; it wasn’t that bad, either. But maybe she could find some water to refresh. D.O.T. told her it was drinkable.
After walking a good half an hour, Perrine indeed found a pond. Next to a cabin, not far away from it, it was the only prominent thing around here.
The small alien was about to go for a swim, yet hesitated as noticing a noise behind her. Since it was night and this place seemed to be rather uninhabited, she decided not to wear any kind of disguise.
She turned around, starring directly into the glowing eyes of a.. winged creature?
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Yet another restless night had led Ithadel out to the lakeside in the hopes of clearing his mind of the dreams that had woken him. He really hadn’t expected to encounter anyone; he didn’t have any night appointments scheduled right now, and if there was an emergency, people knew to call him or come to his cabin directly.
But there was indeed someone by the shore—a very small someone. He couldn’t see color very well in the dark, but they seemed monochromatic, and they didn’t look human. They noticed his approach before he could get very close, turning to meet his eyes.
His lips twitched at the curse. “Were you not expecting company?” he asked, tone mild.
Ithadel studied them with faint curiosity—they weren’t a species he’d ever encountered, nor heard about, for that matter. Not too surprising—even after several hundred years of working with the nonhuman populace, the one thing Ithadel had learned for certain was that he never knew as much as he thought he did. Besides, they looked a bit like a jellyfish. If they were aquatic, then it was even more understandable that he might not have encountered their kind before.
There was a discoloration on their forehead, though—Ithadel couldn’t tell whether it was a scuff, a bruise, or a natural marking. He frowned.
“Are you alright?” Ithadel gestured at the mark.
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justashadetalkative · 4 years
🔴 Red & 🟤 Brown
From this munday ask prompt list!
🔴 Red - Do you have a dream AU you haven’t written in yet?
Nothing that I’ve been actively longing for, really, no! 
I enjoy threads with Diamond where he doesn’t have access to as much magic & tech as he does at the Spire, but that’s not very specific and is kind of already covered with the Fallout thread. ^_^
And I guess I do vaguely consider Star Trek AUs sometimes--for Ithadel ( @justassorted ) in particular. Imagining him as a ship or space station medic is fun for me, heh. I really like the shift of him actually being a part of something, and the established relationship frameworks that an AU like that might provide.
🟤 Brown - What is a headcanon you are particularly proud of?
Hmm. Maybe that Diamond is physically affectionate and genuinely playful with the people he likes, as simple as that is? It’s not necessarily the first thing you’d expect from the general character archetype of “cynical old mage,” heh. But it’s important to me.
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