#shes literslly the best ever
dullahandyke · 1 year
Oh also I did some pulls for dreamfes and I got the cutest fucking card ever. She is a lesbian
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[ID: Lisa Imai's 'Feelings Drawn' 3-star card from Bandori. It shows her standing on a beach at sunset, with the red sky tinting the sand and sea purple. She is smiling brightly over her shoulder, and in one hand she holds a sparkler moving through the air, with the afterimage showing a sparkling loveheart. End ID]
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I love those wss tumblr Rp's so in tribute of that I'm sharing my headcanons for the wss characters
Riff: despite Riff being a part of the jets and being in a gang and shit, he knows how to treat women. Like when he's with a girl (or guy, lookin at you Tony) he will go all out to surprise her and treat her like the absolute queen she (or king, looking at you tony) is. He also is the kind of person who is scared to love at first because of all he's lost, but once he falls in love he falls down like 85 flights of stairs metaphorically for them. I also think he like just really likes donuts. No explanation for that. He just gives me a donut-lover kind of vibe.
Tony: Tony is a hopeless romantic. He lies awake at night wondering what it's like to fall in love until he does. He has all these little fantasies planned out, he dreams about his wedding, etc. He sees an old couple walking together on the street and pictures them as him and his future spouse.
Graziella: Graziella is the kind of person who's nice until she's not. She'll be the sweetest girl ever one minute, offering you a drink, giving up her seat on the train for an old lady, but the minute you mess with her loved ones, she'll fuck you up. She will literslly not hold back like your ass will be cooked and locked in a basement or some shit (you best know she knows how to hide a dead body) and then she'll help the authorities look for your body. She is also the kind of person who has a major rbf but is actually nice when you meet them.
Baby John: baby John may seem more innocent and like a kid on the outside, but in the reality he's just as valuable to the gang as anyone else. He can fit in small spaces, he's sneaky, etc. So the jets use him to pull pranks on the Sharks and shit. He also likes to steal small thinks like candy bars off those street stands.
Balkan: alright so yall know how when Gee Officer Krupke starts and Balkan is like "I want no part in this," but eventually gives in? He's an ambivert. He'll go out with his friends if they invite him, but his ideal Friday night might vary between partying hard with strangers or just sitting alone but not lonely at home maybe with a newspaper to read. Also hwar me out Balkan has an astigmatism but is insecure about wearing the glasses, but at night when he can barely see because of the street lights, he'll take out the old pair he got from Valentina.
who's headcanon do yall want next?
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tzyuki · 11 months
[ 김규빈 ] ONE & ONLY ꒰ K.GV x F!READER
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IN WHICH ✶ — Rumors about Y/n pursuing a Zerobaseone member backstage at music bank start floating around the media after she and ZB1 member, Kim Gyuvin are seen talking behind in one of the episodes of ‘Eunchaes Star Diary’. Some netizens believe it and some don’t, some hated her for touching his shoulder and some didn’t care. Y/n went live to debunk the rumors, saying she wasn’t interested in a relationship at the time. The thing was, the rumors were true. She secretly was pursing Kim Gyuvin, or at least she wanted to. Ever since she first saw him backstage at M Countdown when ‘Love Killa’ team got to perform she was starstruck. She saw him at the vending machine and wished him luck in ‘Boys Planet’. She actually never had watched an episode of the survival show at all, she said it would be too painful for her, but that was the night she started to watch and most importantly, vote for Kim Gyuvin.
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NUGUBASEONE | profile two.
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• ZEROBASEONE (제로베이스원), also known as simply ZB1, is a 9-member project group formed by MNET‘s survival show BOYS PLANET. The group consists of Sung Han Bin, Kim Ji Woong, Zhang Hao, Seok Matthew, Kim Tae Rae, Ricky, Kim Gyu Vin, Park Gun Wook, and Han Yu Jin. They are managed by WAKEONE Entertainment and their contract will last for two years and a half. They made their debut on July 10, 2023 with the mini album, ‘YOUTH IN THE SHADE‘.
sung hanbin ; live laugh LOVES zhang hao. literslly his eternal half it’s crazy. best leader foreal! feeds into the haobin jokes bc he actually does adore hao with his whole heart!
kim jiwoong ; acted in bl’s known for being a man kisser!!!! he is silly goofy in the best way possible. loves seok mattchuu for life.
zhang hao ; zhang hao center! the first foreign p01! he loves jebewon so much but gets sick of their silly shit sometimes.
seok matthew ; canadian oppa foreal! lowk a haobin hater 🤢🤢 constantly third wheels esp since he and hanbin are supes close.
kim taerae ; misses kum junhyeon so much 💔 that’s literally his bae for life 💔 sick of gyuvins deez nuts jokes it’s insane.
ricky shen ; ricky sexy boss baby !! in reality he’s very sweet and lovely and that’s why his nickname is lovelicky!! it’s a lifestyle and only pretty cute ppl live the lovelicky lifestyle.
kim gyuvin ; eumpapa defender 4 life. that’s literally his child , like he would do anything for eumpapa. lowk clueless and obvious to the fact that y/n is trying to pursue him …
park gunwook ; so intimidating but a big baby , literal noot noot!
han yujin ; the next pupu tbh … but bunny pupu. maknae and babied by everyone😞he’s finally in high school and sick of shit already!
m.list — previous — next profile
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rjalker · 1 year
To summarize the issues with the Murderbot Diaries into a single sentence that people will probably misundersgand anyways:
There's a difference between "trans representation" and "robot who was assigned genderless at construction specifically because it doesn't have any genitals or secondary sex characteristics who agrees with the assignment of genderless and is therefore in our terms cis."
No just kidding I can't not elaborate.
The Murderbot Diaries is representation for people who use it/its pronouns and nonbinary representation, but it is not trans representation. It does not represent the struggle of being nonbinary while being assigned male or female at birth. It does not represent anything about actual nonbinary people's experiences besides one (1) set of pronouns.
Murderbot's gender has literally never even been discussed once throughout these six+ books, and contrary to what some people are trying to say, yes, you do have to infact discuss gender when you are writing about trans people's experiences and trying to represent trans people.
No, I'm sorry, it is not in fact "enough" to just have characters to use different pronouns if you literally never ever ever talked about any one's gender ever. And by talk about gender, I don't mean we need paragraphs and paragraphs of essays. I mean something as simple and basic that Martha Wells continues to fuck up such as... Literally just asking someone what pronouns they use.
Instead of just having all the information in the feed profile, you could have had Rami explain that te is tercera instead of male or female. Or even just had Murderbot read what ever fucking description was in the profile. How does Murderbot magically know what pronouns Rami uses? We don't fucking know. We are left to assume that all terceras use te/ter pronouns, which again feeds into the larger issue here.
If you are going to write a story about trans people and you want to be representative of trans people and their experiences, you do in fact need to talk about gender. If you don't talk about any of the characters' gender ever, then they are no fucking different than cis characters.
The problem is, yes, that Murderbot is a robot (Semantics aside) and there aren't any reoccurring agender characters who aren't robots.
The problem is also that Murderbot is literslly cis lol.
It would be one thing if Murderbot was like Data from Star Trek and was assigned male at construction and then said "no fuck that I'm genderless go away", or if it was assigned female and did the same thing.
But we don't even get that much representation because that would, again, I cannot stress this enough, go against Martha Wells' understanding that sex = gender.
That is her basis for everything she writes. So much so that when one of her Raksura, a fantasy race which arguably has 6 genders, has one of the characters forcibly magically changed into another one because their colony is fucking collapsing and they're like ants, literally everyone starts treating that character as the new gender, even though he's fucking distraught by the change and hates everything to do with it.
Martha Wells never has any characters ever actually treat this character with any kind of respect in regards to this issue. Even the main character, Moon, our narrator, who's supposed to be his best friend, thinks that Chime should just get over it and stop complaining and just accept that he's never going to go back to what he was.
Martha Wells created a metaphor or whatever the other word I'm looking for is for being trans, didn't even notice, and then took the exact opposite approach than she should have. No one ever respect chimes identity as a mentor rather than a warrior and this is literally just telling you everything you probably have already guessed from reading The Murderbot Diaries. Or maybe you haven't, because the murderbot Diaries I slightly better at this shit than The Books of the Raksura.
So I'll say it again. Martha Wells thanks sex and gender are the exact same thing and this is never changing and there is no variation and you can't have a different gender to your sex.
Like at this point I'm just forced to assume that tercera is something you get assigned at Birth in that one planetary system. You know, since she went out of her way to say that it was a recognized mainstream thing over there, I can only assume it is assigned at birth, and that Rami is fucking Assigned Tercera at Birth.
Like literally. That is what I am forced to assume at this point. Until Martha Wells proves otherwise, I'm not going to assume she's actually breaking from her pattern of sex = gender.
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bubblyernie · 6 years
Hey what’s up I hate to be that one guy but
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magnum-schlong · 2 years
AAAAAA OK SO. First thing to say is that in universe they are all probably boring motherfuckers. just guys being dudes. second theyve only been a thing since Last january so theyre not that old!!
It started with Brad (blue) and Chad (red) who literslly just started as a joke about how Jocks and "the boys" can be so homophobic and gay at the same time? the kind of, "no homo, its ok bro you have socks on" kimda thing? and then we got attatched so now theyre OCs lmao
Then during online school I made a collection of "as vines", but very quickly realised that it wouldnt be very interesting with only the two of them. so we popped in a third wheel: Jake (Yellow)!!! his original idea was just to be the only one with a brain and to have mental crashes every few weeks but he quickly gave up on being the voice of reason? now he mostly just goes along with it while making 7 sex jokes/minute. hes hypersexual what can i say he also probably has a piss kink but what do i know
None of them have any sort of a good relationship with their parents: Chads were masculinity Junkies; Brads were helicopter parents and Jakes were Very religious and pushy
this kinda made Chad angry at everything (mostly jake) all the time, Brad quiet (and also probably the one with the least discernable personality), and jake a whore (affectionate)
The general idea of this was that Brad and Chad scraped together some money for an apartment where Jake just kind of walked in and claimed the couch as his. so they live together now, early twenties. I like to think Jake works at a subway but we have not confirmed this. He kind of slips in and out of polyamory with them, at some point B & C have a small little wedding and Jake is not that commital. sometimes hes the secret third member sometimes hes their boy best friend
And thennnn we were like "lmao what if we made a medieval fantasy AU" so we did, and also introduced the girls (TM). Mori (orange) and Vivere (green) who are also together bc it is out universe and we do what we want. Moris a 6'4, colourblind, partially deaf pirate whos super cool and I love her. she definitely became the voice of reason but isnt very good at it usually. Vivere could very easily be the voice of reason but decides not to; she watches (and encourages) Jake's chaos while eating popcorn and waiting. we also threw in a wyvern. his name is Egg.
this AU was later basically made into an In universe DnD game because theyre all just like that.
Brad and Chad way later in the future adopt twin girls and get a house, and Jake comes with them, but thats yesrs ahead so no need to worry about that.
Jake also has an anxiety service dog (that we definitely need to do research for but havent yet, oops) called Fella bc he thinks its funny.
annnd i think thats all you need to know to understand the memes??? i might rb this later and Raya can add if she wants. ill make a key lmao
6'0, probably a sagittarius, the biggest simp ever, kicking his legs in the air while twirling the telephone cord simp, almost always wearing a blue jumper in the redraws, emotional mess but he has man boobies
5'4 (we think its funny), unchecked anger issues, dyslexic, either wearing a large jumper or red t shirt, curtains :/, possibly the only normal human when in public, pretends he hates jake but eh
Jake (theres no yellow :[)
5'9, Undiagnosed ADHD, always wearing a wife beater, ass shorts, and snapback, would tell you to do heinous things but cry when you say "i dont hate you", he reminds me a lot of bo burnham. take that as you will
6'4, shes wearing a pirste hat you cant miss her, this makes her hard to draw but its ok, shes very pretty and i like her a lot, ginger :/
5'7, Long hair and usually wearing a dress, chaotic neutral, pisces
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dottores · 2 years
hc you and haru's babies <33 ( ILL DO YOUR DAUGHTER AFTER IM DONE THE WHOLE SON SERIES!!, what else do you want to see from this e.g ; first day of school, first fight, christmas, birthday?, first gf/bf..etc )
you'd have a puppy ( name them )
a son ( name him)
he has your eyes, your hair but a little lighter, his hair is just to the middle of his ears, he has haru's nose, and your eyes. he has long eyelashes, and the most handsome smile ever <3
your son would take on your personality, he's sweet. loves everyone, very accepting, but, when he's about 16, he falls down the wrong path. the gang life, of course, haru speaks with him, explaining to him how anything could go wrong and how you want the best for him, he understands, his friends are in gangs, he hangs around them ever so often, you dont like it. you prefer him at home, safe with you, haru and your cute puppy who's now a dog!
as a child he was always a mommy's boy, always attached to your hip. asking to bake with you when haru was at work, then eating three cookies before they could even cool down, he always said 'they are best when they are warm, mama.' some-times, when you'd take a quick run to the store, or come back home late, you'd catch him in your bed snuggling with haru and your dog, haru hadn't gotten home much earlier then you. he seen his cute son laying in bed and joined him, waiting for his gorgeous wife to return home from a night of fun. Once haru realized you were home, he had blinked his eyes open, staring up at you. 'how was it pretty girl?, have fun?' he'd ask, voice deeper then usual. which always got you giggly.
in the morning when you'd wake up and hop in the shower, once you were done, you were greeted by your two handsome boys who just woken up, of course both wanting hugs from you, they love you so much. 'morning, mama' your son would whisper, being the quickest to approach you. sanzu groans following behind his son quickly. 'stop hoggin' her, kid' he'd say, 'she's my mama, old man' your son would reply. a little more mean then he usually is, but thats only because haru beat him in jenga the night before. your son who often visits the haitanis to bring them snacks you made. he eats afew, you and haru let him, he's too cute to resist.
- sweet anon ( im kinda proud of how this turned out) I LOVE YOU
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themcel · 3 years
Anyway happy early birthday to the love of my life i literslly can't believe it's been nearly a year since we started dating.... I love her so much I hope she has the best day ever
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foxcoin · 3 years
hi!!!!! im the anon who told you i think kicks is a lesbian i thought it might maybe improve(?) your day if i sent you a message. so i just got back off a week long vacation with my girlfriend it was awesome we stayed in a hotel by ourselves for the first time and we actually ended up playing animal crossing and i told her this specific hot take of mine and she agreed with it. so i think that's cute :) i really love her so much and cant believe he's a canon lesbian now happy pride month
w...WAHHHH!!! ANON..this LITERALLY made my day...playing ac togeher is literslly the best date ever!! im staying with my ldr girlfriend myself rn so hearing that u got to spenf time with yours isnjust... so sweet... the happiest pride month to you both you sweet lesbians and congrats on helping kicks come out of his hesbian closet..!!!! 🥺🥺🥺
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