#sheldon fucking cooper???????
ofalltheginjoints · 1 year
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I might be a loser
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lecoindecachou · 9 months
Hot take but Mandy ending up pregnant was basically all Meemaw's fault. If she'd just told Mandy that Georgie was 17 like any rational adult would Mandy wouldn't have slept with him and none of this would be happening.
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thatdeshigirl · 2 months
i will hurl if mandy and georgie don't end up together
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king-bert · 2 months
i think it’s okay to enjoy characters that would be terrible in real life
sheldon cooper? fucking hilarious as a sitcom character. horrible caricature of autism and insufferable irl
eowyn? iconic badass in middle earth. also the only fucking woman in the story to wield a sword
elliot stabler? empathetic, loving, passionate man. also the poster boy for reasons why we need police reform in the us
captain nash? lovable father figure and an awesome, reasonable realistic story of addiction recovery. also decided to randomly stab upwards at a man trapped in his attic
each of these are lovely, enjoyable characters who should absolutely lose their job irl
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“specific posts” guide
my miserable effort to make my blog easier to navigate ‘cause i post the randomest things on here
mcu dr related stuff
#shifting to mcu
stranger things dr related stuff
#shifting to stranger things
the originals related stuff
#shifting to tvdu
fame dr related stuff
#fame dr
grishaverse (shadow & bone) related stuff
#shifting to grishaverse
newest addition - #nya’s yapping
(random thoughts or elaborations on various drs, basically just me not knowing how to shut up)
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ghoulishtomato · 9 days
Sheldon Cooper is just Arnold J Rimmer if Rimmer had parents who loved him
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Thank You Dave Strider Homestuck
I literally woke up with this thought y'all. Read my tags they go more in depth BFJDKDJFKSKS
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dykes4jamescorden · 10 months
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fuck i can't send this anonymously can i. okay
[ID: tumblr post by cistranny that reads as, "my "girlfriend" is "concerned" about the "gasleak" and the "black mold" in my "house". the liberals strike again." below the post is a meme of Sheldon Cooper from the big bang theory looking straight at the viewer with raise eyebrows. There's text on it. The top text is," Love in the air?", the bottom text is," yeah! gas leak."/end ID]
look at this loser sending an ask not on anon everyone laugh and giggle and point and even go follow them??
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I'm gonna be the odd one and say Mandy is justified to hold a grudge against Georgie and if anything is actually nice since she still interacts with him and even has moments of sympathy for him. Her feelings are totally justified and she is NOT entitled to be beholden to him just because he's "nice". He deceived her into sex and got a baby into her and even if she is part to blame to have sex with him, she did thinking he was an adult, a whole other person that he claimed to be....so yeah she's justified because SHE WAS BETRAYED and worse is the one experiencing most of the fallout by being disowned by her parents and carrying the rat bastard's baby. Who cares how nice he is. He's freaking acting all smug and like he didn't do anything wrong. He's not being repentant at all, he's acting like they're in a freaking relationship when they aren't and trying to sweet talk with her just like he did when he first met her. OF course, that's not gonna work with her NOW because that's what drove her to her situation in the first place so she is JUSTIFIED in hating her baby daddy's ass. I mean the fact that she says he's the best thing in her life while crying really showcases how miserable and sad she is. She's actually pretty nice. I would hold a grudge against Georgie forever and not even accept his kindness because I'm stubborn and stupid like that...but she does
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lipstickmarks · 10 months
all this retrograde nonsense needs to end, I can’t keep having these insane vivid ass fucking dreams
first it was aang finding his parents and hanging out in their greenhouse/produce store, then a tobey spider-man movie that took place inside a shopping mall, then i was having a moonlit kissing party with the big bang theory friends, then i was trying to explain something to jimmy neutron, then eddie munson was my cousin’s boyfriend and i was stealing him away from her, then, me, howard wolowitz, and raj koothrapoli almost got trapped in a giant dishwasher, then I was trying to introduce Sheldon Cooper to the mauraders fanfiction, Wolf Star, and the theory that Taylor Swift wrote “to all the young dudes”
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angeltannis · 1 year
My favorite thing about Friendship is Magic is how it always tried to be kind and show the best in everybody…except for the several baffling occasions they swung for the fences with the most offensive shit you’ve ever seen in a modern kids’ cartoon
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tuhbanbuv · 5 months
I love how Jim has multiple robes + shark slippers, a shelf dedicated to snowglobes, a stamp collection and addresses them as his "little friends" he is so autism
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no-more-nightingales · 11 months
season 10 sheldon can GET IT
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eelfuneral · 1 year
I hate it when people compare Tech to Sheldon Cooper — it’s like comparing Rose Art crayons to artist-grade oil pastels. Sure, Tech isn’t 100% perfect autistic rep, but he’s still pretty damn good rep, IMO (I’m saying this as an autistic person).
Sheldon Cooper wishes he were Tech.
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fort-cozy-mcblanket · 5 months
hey! i just finished rewatching s9 ep 20 “the big bear precipitation” and i’m curious to know your opinion / headcanon on this : do you think that sheldon and amy shared a room / bed at the cabin, even though they weren’t living together yet? (personally, i’m enjoying the thought of them making another blanket fort in the living room by the fireplace 🥲) (also, sorry if you’ve already shared your thoughts on this before!!)
This is hard for me because I want so so so badly to say yes, they did share a bed at Big Bear, because they should have. They should have! But logically I think the answer is no. When they start their cohabitation trial Amy says sharing a bed is "uncharted territory" and they have that whole talk about it, so I am forced to say that canonically they did not share a bed prior to that point.
Potentially they could have shared a room, assuming there was a room in that cabin with 2 beds. The cabin belongs to a doctor Penny knows from work though, it's not a regular vacation rental, and so there might not be unless that doctor has kids bunking together there.
I am absolutely loving your blanket fort idea though! This is like the perfect canon loophole. That would allow them to still be together but not sharing a bed or room exactly. The thought of them all snug and warm in a blanket fort by the fire in a cabin with the rain falling outside makes me so soft. 🥺 Also lol @ Leonard and Penny making up and finally coming out of their room to find all the sheets and blankets strung up across the living room and being promptly told they're not allow in.
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ahhscheisse · 1 year
was told i’m autistic by a doctor and caved and told my mom during a moment of weakness and it definitely went a kind of way
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