#she's technically a companion OC....
crowetesque · 1 year
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Backlog: My grouchy resident tsundere, Herah "Ginger" Adaar.
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jcwdrawskinda · 1 year
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//Proceeds to do everything in the commonwealth but the main story
I'm sorry MacCready, I have wander lust :')
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stinkrascal · 2 years
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i tell you, i tell you, the dragonborn comes 🐉
i remade my skyrim ocs in ts4... again :’)
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dearnyu-njsz · 1 month
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Pro tip: don't hurt a spirit's friends if they have the capability to turn into a feral beast and flood the deck with blood. (your blood.)
The beast form of my sona! :3 Most relevant in Pirate AU
(the Captain is @mapo-leon's sona)
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tommyarashikage · 2 years
OC Touch & Core Aesthetics
I was tagged by so many beloveds @socially-awkward-skeleton @leviiackrman @purplehairsecretlair @strangefable @dihardys and @natesofrellis + @shellibisshe to take these uquizzes for touch and core! thank you 💙
a lot of tags have made the rounds lately, so I hope I don't double tag anyone; @sstewyhosseini @hoesephseed @thomrainer @ghastlyrider @risingsh0t @shadowglens @indorilnerevarine @adelaidedrubman @aceghosts @confidentandgood @josephslittledeputy @theresaruggedroad and anyone else who would like to and hasn't done this already!
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you crave a hug that cracks your ribs... the feeling of your wandering soul being crushed back into the bones that can't seem to hold it. you need a hand gripping yours so tightly you almost fear it may leave a bruise, a reminder that you are here. and that you are not alone.
i'd be genuinely surprised if you didn't have a "i want to believe" poster in your room. you find a weird sense of comfort in knowing how small humanity really is, and despite your somewhat nihilistic beliefs, you think it's more empowering than anything. you're definitely a night owl, and you love to gaze at the sky while having deep, philosophical discussions with a close friend. you don't have much of a dream other than living life at its fullest, and you're already working on that.
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your teeth are bared, as they have been, your jaw aching for so long as growls slip free. you always have to defend yourself. you lash out in fear. you need someone who does not shrink back... a hand falling slowly to your shoulder, however briefly, in a reminder that you do not have to lunge. there is no danger here, now.
maybe you weren't born in summer, but you're a summer child at heart. there's something about the warmth of the sun on your skin, the relief of drinking a cold soda in a hot day, the loud laughter of your friends after a joke you've made... these are the small things you live for. you dream of living free, with your friends by your side, going together on adventures. for now, you'll cherish every moment you get to spend with them.
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you need to be held as though you're going to break. you need someone to trace your scars like cracks in a wall, crumbling. their touch is almost painful; you've been without it for too long, without someone to hold you. but, you cannot bring yourself to pull away.
you're just a liddle creacher. you canot chagne this. you probably have lots of trinkets and little objects that you like to fill your room with, and most of the time you find them in very odd places. your dream is to disappear into the woods and become a chaotic entity that lives in it, possibly with the help of a rodent companion.
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aldcaldos · 1 year
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endless ocs + ilithiya de vryes
“It will be my birthday soon enough.” “Do you know what you will wish for?” “Don’t I always?” “The last time you were specific with your desire, you were a girl. You asked for a pony.” “Nemetes. The most beautiful horse in the world.” “Since then, you’ve only ever asked for more. More of the world, more of life. More of yourself-“ “More of you.” “Soon.” “You’ve been saying that for years.”
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its-captain-sir · 2 years
[Follow up to this post]
Luoma didn't want to take on another padawan.
She's never agreed with the council's decision to let their younger members take part in the war. Diplomatic disputes are one thing, but full scale battles? That's a grueling challenge for even the most accomplished of masters, let alone a padawan. She remains endlessly grateful her last apprentice is well into their adult years by the time the war rolls around, with the skills and experience to back them up and hopefully keep them alive.
She swears off taking another padawan until the war is over, and for the first year of the fighting, she has no trouble keeping to that promise.
Then she meets Uwu.
He's loud and funny and absolutely bursting with personality, much more than she ever would have guessed fit in his tiny little frame. She knows instantly they would make a great pair, despite how it may not seem so just by looking at them. She can feel how it's a Force-made match. (and oh, how she hates the Force for that, for sending her a student now of all times when she has spent so many years alone since the knighting of her last padawan, when he is young and small and not at all ready for what this war will throw at him and she is terrified at the thought of not being able to protect him) She would step away from the war effort to train him, but she refuses to abandon her men like that. She can't leave, and he can't go with her. The only other option is to let someone else become his master, someone stationed at a safer posting away from the main bulk of the war.
The safest place she can think of for him is right by her side.
It's not distrust in her fellow Jedi per se, just greater faith in herself. Riley was right in that they're one in the same; she knows the limits of her own ability, and that makes her more likely to trust herself with Uwu's safety over anyone else.
Beside, something has been tugging at her gut since the moment she laid eyes on Uwu, glimpses of futures, warnings in her ear. She knows that if Uwu is not with her, he will die.
(And she is right. After all, in the end it's Luoma's sacrifice that allows Uwu to escape order 66. She is the one to make it so he can live.)
It's not even a choice. She takes on Uwu as her padawan, teaches and loves him as best she can, and desperately hopes above all else that it will be enough to keep him alive. When he smiles at her during training or jokes with the commander and his friends at the end of a battle, it's easy to ignore the way the decision still eats her up inside.
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galpalaven · 4 months
Wanna work on a few fic ideas but my energy is Crashing and I’m Achy the steroid high from a few days ago is wearing off and am in pain again
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rosecreates · 6 months
A funny(?) thing about Raven is the way she is an expert at manipulation and yet she is in fact one of the Companions manipulating you the least. She doesn't outright lie to you at any point, although she does hide her past, but most of the Companions do that.
And anyway, her past in her eyes isn't anyone's business considering she isn't hiding a huge secret that actually could affect everyone like Gale's orb or Wyll's Warlock Pact. Or well, in her mind it wouldn't affect anyone- sure, she's being hunted down by the Drow because she's wanted for murder and for desertion, but really, she isn't forcing anyone to fight for her, and if hey want to they can just abandon her, and she honestly would take no offense (so she claims anyway; it's more debatable in actuality). If she were left to fight the Drow off by herself it depends on which group is being fought.
In her Companion Quest I plan there would be three groups encountered during Act 1, each progressively larger than the last, and the third one Raven can't fight off by herself and even though she says otherwise, no matter how strong of a sorceress she is and how in-lore she's actually physically much tougher than you'd expect for a sorceress, this time? She's doomed if left by herself and you'd be able to tell how she actually knows deep down she can't handle this by herself this time.
Raven has a lot of trouble with asking for help though, partially due to pride (she's trying to shake it off, but three centuries of being subjected to indoctrination and being told the Drow are superior to all other races has given her a lot of pride and she'll probably always be a bit prideful as a result, but in fairness, it tends to be justified when it comes to her capabilities) and partially because she's just never had the option before. In the sense of showing weakness in Drow society was both a surefire way to either get killed or in general find yourself scorned.
Vulnerability had no place. She had to be strong, and she was! Raven was admired for her strength! And yet even as she basked in the admiration of her peers and reveled in the power she had, she's looking back now and wondering if she was really happy that way. If she was really happy being above so many people, unreachable, either admired or envied, and forbidden from "lowering" herself.
Power is great and all, but Raven is realizing perhaps having an actual equal is what she wants more.
#{oc ramblings}#{oc: raven}#the way this was gonna be about how raven is great at manipulation to a point where she usually can tell she's being manipulated instantly-#but she'll usually play along just for fun partially because of arrogance but also because she'll turn the tables when the person least-#expects her to do so because she knew all along what they were going to pull#but instead this turned into a post about raven's weird relationship with power dynamics GFBJKGFB#AND I THINK ITS FUNNY THAT SHES KIND OF A CONTRAST TO THE OTHER COMPANIONS#cause a lot of the companions have a thing where they're whether knowingly or unknowingly like. placed in a lower position of power?#if that makes sense. like a lot of them end up being powerless before their situations#raven though GAVE UP the power she had and i think its a fascinating contrast. cause she was of house baenre and a powerful sorceress#she still has her magical power sure but she gave up the majority of the power and status she had because she realized a lot of things#i need to get around to properly typing out everything but she left all of it behind for the surface so she could bask in the moon and star#so that she could go and experience what she was told for so long was a place so much worse than the underdark but she realized to be-#a beautiful and so much kinder place than the society she grew up in and spent three centuries at. in a high position yes but no less abuse#than everyone else there. with the only person there who could be said to have not been abused being lolth herself. everyone else?#all pawns. abused and manipulated and used. which perhaps suggests even raven was technically powerless in her situation#since lolth will play a factor in her story. however raven still gave up the power she had for a chance at a better life and i think its-#just so interesting
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solarwreathe · 4 months
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searching for leviathan bones in the hebra tundra. from my oc zelda fic which you can find here
lore under the cut
the fur hood was made from a great-horned rhino. they resided in the highlands and hebra mountains until gleeoks and people hunting them (estan's silence on this topic is deafening) drove them to near extinction.
aubri and her yiga companion (his alias is twigs. i'm tired of calling him data expunged that bit has ran its course) encounter one of the last on their hebra trek, having barely escaped a gleeok, but slowly dying from its wounds. twigs wants to save it (misanthropic vegan that he is) but aubri elects the humane choice would be a mercy kill.
after which they clash again over their beliefs; aubri thinks every part of it should be made use of: cook its meat, sell its valuable tusks, make armour from its hide. because it's dead anyways who gaf. but twigs believes every part of its body needs a burial to pass on.
eventually she compromises to just shave its mane - it's not technically a fixed part of its body so it doesn't count.
burial is as important to the yiga as it is for the sheikah - fail to do so and they'll remain in this world as malevolent spirits. i think even if they killed link they'd give him that rite purely because they'd otherwise be haunted by his unfunny pranks for eternity.
it's also why they left dorian's wife in the underground well labyrinth - they knew she'd be a particularly determined vengeful spirit even when buried, so it keeps the spirit lost.
and if you got this far: bonus doodles!
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cuffmeinblack · 2 months
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Azkaban. A fortress to hold the foulest of wizardkind, meant to keep us safe from their wrath. Yet for all we know of Azkaban, there is much more that remains hidden—a deep well of corruption rooted in government to hide the true horrors of the prison and its nightmarish keepers. Garreth Weasley is the first prisoner to walk free from its walls in centuries. As he tries to pick up his life from where he left off, he soon realises that his imprisonment has reshaped the man he once was. Battered and broken, he draws on the strength of a friend to right the wrongs he's suffered. In matters of justice and those of the heart, will truth finally out?
Garreth Weasley x f!OC (Adanna Egwe)
Tags: explicit | friends to lovers | dark themes | trauma
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Garreth took a tentative step towards his salvation, one foot in front of the other on quaking legs. They shook with fear, both inflicted and for what awaited him outside the towering stone walls. Malnourishment had set in months ago, withering his muscles and the spritely step he once held. Gone was the layer of healthy fat from years of Hogwarts’ delicious fare, and long had faded the glow of his skin, leaving only a palid complexion and freckles that looked more grey than golden. He didn't know this, of course—Azkaban didn't have mirrors, or bathrooms for that matter, only buckets and hard walls and harder floors—but he felt it in his bones and the way the woman now looked at him.
The first person to see him after the long nine months was not his mother, father or various siblings—it was a Ministry worker, unnamed and uncaring. The stout woman looked at him blandly without so much as a sympathetic nod, her lip curling faintly in what looked like disgust. Didn't she know? He was innocent! Garreth supposed she might not be privy to the details, assumed he'd been released on some technicality. A murderer walking free deserved no sympathy, no kindness. She kept her distance and waved him forward, the blazing white of her deer patronus keeping the foul creatures that had tormented him at bay. The cloaked figures of his nightmares lashed out, displeased to be losing their sustenance, only to be buffeted away by the powerful magic. The closer he walked towards her, the lighter he felt. A heavy blanket of despair was gradually peeled away and memories seeped through the edges. Smiles, laughter, a kiss, the smell of apple pie and the freshness of Spring. And then the air shimmered as he entered the deer's embrace, emotions he thought long buried flooded back in one great tidal wave that almost knocked him flat on his back. He remembered hope, once a constant companion that had been suffocated within a few weeks of entering the great fortress behind him.
“Steady, now.” The woman watched him stumble but made no attempt to help him. Garreth thought she moved to offer a steadying hand, instead it plunged into her pocket. He stood within arm's length of her now, could see every line of her face and the hint of warmth in her eyes that she didn't offer to Garreth. He felt suddenly self-conscious—a rarity for him—as he became more aware of his unwashed hair and filthy nails. He must have smelled vile. So distracted with his own dismal appearance, he almost missed her hand hovering between them. Atop her palm, a square of chocolate sat. He could smell the rich aroma permeating the damp and salty sea air, and he salivated. “Take it. It will take the edge off.” She jerked her head towards the dementors still straining against the patronus’ shield. “The portkey leaves in thirty seconds.”
Garreth took the chocolate and shoved it in his mouth with little decorum, savouring the rich cocoa as it melted on his tongue and coated his mouth. He'd not tasted anything so delectable, though he knew it was likely the cheapest the Ministry could source. A far cry from the gruel that had barely kept him alive. The woman bent to pick up what Garreth assumed was his ticket out of this hellhole—a small gold pocketwatch of which the hands twitched back and forth with no progress. The time read one o’clock or thereabouts, yet judging by the stormy grey sky and waning light, Garreth put it closer to six. He was pretty sure it was now Autumn, though there were no trees with their copper hued leaves to confirm his suspicions. All he saw now was grey rock, grey sky and turbulent waves, all desaturated as if the dementors were not only capable of sucking the happiness from the landscape but the colour too.
“Ten seconds.”
Garreth placed his hand over the pocketwatch and the woman clasped him firmly, the cold metal warming between their palms. She herself was warm, her skin soft against his own calloused and clammy fingers. With a jolt, Garreth realised that this was the first human contact he'd had since entering the prison all that time ago. The last had been his mother desperately reaching for him as he was dragged by chains from the courtroom deep below the Ministry. She'd stroked his cheek and told him not to worry before he slipped into darkness, her tear-streaked face etched into memory.
“Five, four, three, two…”
On one, Garreth felt a pull behind his navel and he lurched forward with dizzying speed into the abyss, only to emerge and fall promptly to his knees. His bones hit cobblestones strewn with leaves and he doubled over, retching and gasping for air. Whilst his head swam, he heard voices, cries and screams. He thought this was a cruel trick, that he'd been taunted with the promise of freedom only to be deposited back in Azkaban for some sick amusement. They grew louder as the black spots cleared in his vision and he realised that they weren't cries of pain and hopeless wails—these were shouts of excitement, relief. They called his name and he managed to peer up into the sunset to find familiar faces crowding him. He was home at last, surrounded by countless copper manes and freckled grins, and two figures that hung back, different from the rest. Natty, he recognised by her flawless dark complexion and glittering smile, and the woman next to her by the way his heart leapt at the sight of her. She was here. She'd not forgotten.
He was barely aware of anything the woman from the Ministry was saying as hands pulled him inside the cottage and Charlotte—his dear little sister—was babbling on about such nonsense that Garreth couldn't help but laugh. The sound was strange to him and his voice was weak, so weak. His vocal chords seemed to struggle and creak like something old and long-abandoned, groaning back to life. “You're all here…,” he managed to say before a wave of exhaustion crashed into him.
“Give him some room. Charlotte, Hector, enough. He needs to rest. Oh welcome home, Garreth…”
Mum. She wrapped him up in his arms and he felt ten years old again. Here he was finally safe and loved, though almost inexplicably as if he didn't deserve it. His brother clutched an arm and helped him up the stairs that creaked less noticeably under his newly lithe form. More chocolate found its way into his hand, this square much silkier with chunks of honeycomb that stuck to his teeth. As soon as his head hit the pillow—his pillow—he drifted off to sleep and had his first nightmare-free slumber in months. He didn't dream at all, only surrendered to the sweet silence and infinite dark.
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casolitaire · 3 months
A Proper Introduction To All You Lovely Circusgoers!
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The PC that the circus is installed on has more than just the simulation, you know. The company that created it, C&A, had included a solitaire app that came pre-installed on the computer. The game came with a mascot by the name of Cardlan, who would commentate on your gameplay, or even play against you, though many players complained that her AI was too difficult.
Cut to the modern day of the circus, and Caine's AI shenanigans had begun to spread to other facets of the computer. One day it reached solitaire, and Cardlan came to life. She initially spent many years alone in solitaire (going somewhat insane), but she eventually figured out how to leave and discovered the circus.
Cardlan's entertainment comes from breaking into the circus and interacting/toying with the members. Butting into adventures, making her OWN adventures, causing chaos, and generally just aggravating Caine. Whenever she showed up however, it wasn't long before Caine would find her and firmly kick her out back to solitaire, where she'd wait for him to let his guard down before coming back.
This time after an especially long excursion, Cardlan returns to find... several changes. The original cast is all but present, there are multiple new faces, and the simulation has expanded tremendously.
"Ohoho... This is going to be fun!"
I'm gonna be completely honest, Cardlan is kind of a jerk. She's somewhat insane, she's definitely narcissistic, petty, teasing, and she has an insurmountable ego and superiority complex. Her showman-like disposition prevents her from being entirely insufferable however. Does she have a softer side, you may ask?
Not yet, at least. She'll probably gain one after some time. Either by friendship, or uh... trauma. Because what kinda tadc oc would she be if there wasn't potential for that?
Her pronouns are she/her. She can technically be classified as an "it", but it ticks her off.
Sexuality? The mirror.
Nobody knows her age, not even Cardlan herself. If you can find out how old the computer is, that's how old she is.
Despite her ego's size, her height is incomparable. She's 5’3”.
As an AI, she has powers similar to Caine, such as flight, teleportation, and AI creation (in the case of Sweep). However, she's weaker than Caine when within the circus.
She's immune to abstraction, but she can't undo it on others.
She tends to use her flight to make herself appear taller than others.
Cardlan's cards are items that can be used. I'm talking about the big ones that make up her torso. You can attain them by being gifted one, winning a game of hers, or you can be a jerk and steal one. They can do many things, and it all depends on the card's icon. Just don't take the heart card in the center of the deck. She needs that one to live.
Cardlan has her own realm in the computer within the Solitaire application. It's quite difficult to access, but one of her cards is a door that'll take you there.
Sweep is Cardlan's cat. He's from minesweeper, and was Cardlan's only companion for years. She's quite fond of him.
Be careful around his tail though, it's explosive.
If Sweep likes you, Cardlan likes you.
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lizhly-writes · 15 days
hello have my one svsss oc i made. it's also technically a piece of a different theoretical first meeting between sqh and mbj, but this seriously focuses more on the oc so like... pay no attention to canon characters lmao
There was another cultivator here.
Shang Qinghua could see her flying in now, a woman gracefully dismounting from her sword in a swirl of blue and black. Wow, this area must have gotten a lot of complaints if there was another one showing up, huh? Shang Qinghua hadn't even been gone that long!
"Hey!" Shang Qinghua shouted, and the other cultivator snapped her head towards them -- or, a bit more noticeably, the golden barrier encasing them. Beautiful and delicate, like a fragile sphere of glass, except fucking punching the goddamn thing didn't do anything but break fingers.
Not that Shang Qinghua had tried! Mobei-jun had, though! This entire situation was bad, but Shang Qinghua had to admit it was a little gratifying that the demon who had been scaring the shit out of him ever since they'd gotten trapped in the same bubble had to deal with the consequences of punching the equivalent of a steel wall!
"What are you doing," Mobei-jun hissed, probably worried that the lady cultivator was going to try killing him on sight.
"Hey, do you have any better ideas?" Shang Qinghua hissed back. Shang Qinghua wasn't great at barriers, Mobei-jun wasn't great at barriers, and neither of them had enough qi to even make an attempt to break out. The latter wouldn't have been an issue if, for some reason, they didn't seem to be recovering any qi, either.
If they did nothing, then the only thing they were going to do was die in here.
Mobei-jun scowled at him. Shang Qinghua took great pleasure in the fact that Mobei-jun couldn't do anything but scowl at him.
The woman slowed to a stop just before the barrier, leaning in carefully. This close, it was easy to tell she wouldn't have been out of place on An Ding -- slightly unkempt, with faint shadows under her dark eyes and a smudge of ink on her forehead. Put her in yellow robes, and she really could have been one of his seniors running around during tax season!
"Madam! Excuse me!" Shang Qinghua cried out, making sure to look extra pathetic. "But this one and his companion have run into some trouble! Is madam any good at breaking barriers or wards?"
"Hmm," said the woman, tapping ink-stained fingertips against the golden surface of the barrier.
Then her fingertips sunk through, and Shang Qinghua had a brief moment of relief that she was able to do something at all. And then, suddenly, he was feeling... bad. Drained? Somehow way more drained?
There was a dull thud beside him. Mobei-jun had hit the ground. That was...
Oooooooh no.
"Interesting," the woman said, and withdrew her hand. It was glowing gold -- the same gold as the barrier, the same gold as her eyes, the same gold as the smudge of ink on her forehead that was actually very much not actually a smudge of ink, was it.
Not a righteous cultivator!!! Very much not a righteous cultivator!
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dislyteshack · 2 months
Originally I did not know what to do with my Odysseus esper but after listening to some epic the musical songs I have some really cool ideas
Basically like he hasn't technically seen his family in 10 years but that's only because he was in the union all this time but then
Starting from 2027 he's like unironically missing
And also for context I have his son as an esper of Patroclus
Achilles esper event: Adrian helping his boyfriend track down his dad
Also I like to think that they end up metaphorically encountering some events that are inspired by obstacles in The Odyssey
It's going to be very very very very loosely based
I am including certain espers with patrons like Scylla calypso and what not and they are going to be a few new OCS
Some of them non esper but representing Odyssey characters
Some of them existing espers who might not be in the same mythology but they do serve a purpose
Oh epic the musical we're really in for it now
I know technically it means the event technically focuses more on relationships other than Adrian himself but like he's kind of like the glue starting it and moving stuff forward
And there is in fact a personal character arc for him in there
I'm going to be putting a bunch of four stars in this event
I imagine some of the events happened to Peter and it would be Adrian and Orion walking in on the aftermath
While some of the loose events would happen to the boys directly
It's probably going to be like an odyssey Saga where the characters kind of move back and forth between the worlds but it's held together by the story
So there's going to be an event for
Adrian (Achilles)
Orion (Patroclus)
And Peter (Odysseus) to tie it all together
Although I am a little torn as to whether I should put Orion first or Adrian
Because technically you can count them as both protagonists because they're the ones following the trail that was left behind by peter
Peter can also be counted as a protagonist but I'm having parts of his perspective obscured until his event
Supporting characters include dahlia, Meredith, a little cameo from leora or David maybe
I was almost thinking about Arcana making an appearance but no one will probably need to give me propaganda for that dude to make me consider
Biodina has a partial role that shares loose similarities to Poseidon's actions but it's more impersonal
If anything she would be acting on behalf of a client or someone who had accompanied Peter on his personal project that caused him to disappear but then they disappeared too
I think you can tell I have kind of been listening to epic the musical because this is why I have so many thoughts on this
I Def am planning on Peter having certain espers as temporary traveling companions
For the prophet who ends up giving the prophecy on one hand I could take a certain canon character who is already predisposed to seeing the future but on the other hand it would not be wrong for me to make an entire OC
But also dont I want to go through the effort?
Because they effectively share the same purpose of saying a prophecy
And also I think the problem I have the most is that like I already have arcs planned out for Orion + peter
It's mostly me figuring out stuff for Adrian
All right I did figure out a reason for the disappearance
Basically I kind of engineered my own ocean monument where I imagine there's like a bunch of Raya shit in there and then initially Peter owed a favor to someone and they decided to cash in on that favor so that he investigates the archeology site for him but then after that stuff starts going wrong when he decides to turn around and go home after they got everything
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skyloftian-nutcase · 6 days
Wow ok so apparently reblogging things for my OC Links is a marathon LOL 🤣 I forgot how much I’ve written for these guys. Anyway, it gets easier from here!
Up next are Gerudo Link and Mystery Link! Basic info on the boys:
Gerudo Link!
Era: AU?? Long after Twilight Princess, whether that makes it canon or not will depend on Nintendo I suppose
Age: 18-19
Companion: Zelda
Quest: Get dragged around Hyrule by Zelda to find others named Link so they can figure out who has the Triforce pieces she broke. Also avoid that weird sword spirit who tries to keep convincing him to be evil
Fun fact: His parents named him Link to ward away the Bad Destiny Juju that seemed to get to Ganondorf in the past. As a male Gerudo, Link is technically supposed to be their king, but that tradition faded after their last king kind of tried to destroy the world and all.
Mystery Link!
Era: Same as Gerudo Link
Age: 25
Companion: Friend (his doggo)
Quest: Avoid quests at all cost. He’s had enough, thank you very much. No, helping villages and individuals doesn’t count. Just the big Destiny Things. No, he won’t notice the increased monster attacks, that’s a coincidence, thank you very much. No, he won’t take any questions about why a sword spirit keeps trying to chase him down to kill him.
Fun fact: He has wielded two different Triforce pieces, but never the whole Triforce
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collegeoflore · 2 months
OC meme!
tagged by @aliasknives!! thank you love :3
tagging @menzoberranzans @elminsters @tadpole-apocalypse @undead-potatoes and anyone else who wants to do it :3c
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Full name: xarrai. just xarrai lol. they’ve never once used their last name and so that gave me an excuse to never make one up for them :)
Gender: sure. whatever. (transfem flavor)
Sexuality: bi/pan/who cares
Pronouns: any
Family: they don’t remember if they ever met their father or not, and while their mother and at least two half siblings live in neverwinter, they don’t speak at all
Birthplace: the outer city, somewhere between wyrm’s crossing and the basilisk gate
Job: bard, courtesan, information broker, pickpocket, con artist, professional drunkard, etc etc etc. post-game, they add adventurer and (reluctantly) bard college instructor. (jury is still out on if the xarrastarion harper ending is canon in which case they add harper to the list even more reluctantly LOL)
Phobias: loss of autonomy, The Church Of Bane As A Whole lol
Guilty pleasures: if you asked, xarrai would tell you they’re a true hedonist and would never feel guilty for any pleasure. but if you dig deep enough into the trunk they had stashed at the elfsong you will find a collection of some of the worst romance novels in faerun buried under fancy dresses and thigh high boots that they would VEHEMENTLY deny is theirs. they don’t Like these books but they are obsessed with them the way people hate watch reality television LMAO
Hobbies: reading, leather working, writing (mostly music or poetry), stick n poke tattoos, drunkenly making out with strangers at the blushing mermaid, petty theft. obvs they sing and play their lyre but that’s part of their day job so i’m not sure if it counts under hobbies? lmao
Alignment: chaotic neutral, leaning a littleeee chaotic good by the end of act 3. a little.
Sins: most of them if we’re being fully honest. lmao
Virtues: self-control, vigilance, freedom (is that a virtue? whatever.)
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
this section was such a challenge for xar they r very much an Everything All At Once guy lol. take these answers with a grain of salt ig
OTP: astarion, unfortunately for everyone involved
Acceptable Ships: gale (but it never really works out for them,) technically they romance halsin in game as well but it’s not really romantic. tbh u could make an argument for them with most of the companions and it wouldn’t be That outlandish
OT3: i mean like astarion/xarrai/halsin is vaguely canon but they’re never Serious with halsin, though perhaps they get a little more romantically involved with him post-game? realistically i think xar just keeps a rotating cast of other partners coming in and out of their life until the end of time and i rly dont see astarion ever having an issue with it. they would get bored without hearts to break tbh. its enrichment.
Brotp: karlachhhh forever and ever. after she dies, they’re probably closest with gale (sorry gale lol)
Notp: it’s not technically a notp but i am obsessed with how badly xarrai wants jaheira and how she turns them down every time. ur never gonna get that milf honey but u can keep trying
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