#Ginger Adaar
crowetesque · 1 year
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Backlog: My grouchy resident tsundere, Herah "Ginger" Adaar.
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creamecream · 1 year
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The inquisition went and got an upgraded look.
Left to right
Helena Adaar - Mage - Sera Romance
Terra Lavellan - Rogue - The Iron Bull Romance
Venus “Ven” Trevelyan - Mage - Dorian Pavus Romance
Aurora Cadash - Rogue - Blackwall Romance
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lesbianladyeboshi · 2 years
Me: I'm gonna develop and export one of my other Inquisitors over, I want different dialogues.
Me: 4 lady lavellans later...
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kaaras-adaar · 11 months
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LEGAL NAME : Kaaras Taashath Adaar
NICKNAME[S] : Adaar, Inquisitor, Worship, Herald, Captain.
DATE OF BIRTH : Haring 4th, 9:12 (December 4th)
PLACE OF BIRTH : Starkhaven
CURRENTLY LIVING : Skyhold. Kaaras's family home is in Southron Hills, Ferelden, and he has a home in Starkhaven where he's been working the last few years.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES : Common (advanced), Qunlat (intermediate).
EDUCATION : Kaaras was home schooled by his mother, who as a Tamassran would have given Kaaras a higher schooling vs the other commoners of Ferelden.
HAIR COLOUR : Butterscotch blonde
EYE COLOUR : Red with orange freckles
HEIGHT : 2.0 metres (6'7")
WEIGHT : Overweight
SIBLING[S] : Aith Adaar - adopted younger sister (elf) Talan'ash - half older brother from his father's side (tal'vashoth) Multiple unnamed siblings from his father under the Qun.
PARENT[S] : Aban Adaar - mother, alive and well. Anaan Adaar - father, deceased. Kos - step father, alive and well.
RELATIVE[S] : Unknown (under the Qun)
CHILDREN : None (as of yet)
PET[S] : Ginger - male maine coon cat Asaara - female Frostback elk (passes during the end of the game) Atlas - male draught horse (replaces Asaara as his mount) Multiple rams at the farm and other livestock
RELATIONSHIP STATUS : Verse dependant (The Iron Bull in canon)
SINCE WHEN : Verse dependant
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Tagged by: Stole from @seeasunset Tagging: Y'all <3
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roguecs17 · 2 years
Rambling about Dragon Age Part 1
Cole is precious, he’s like the little brother I never had
I just want to put him in my pocket and give him soft pats like a kitten
My first reaction when I met The Iron Bull was “wow he could step on me”
And when he said he likes red heads I saw my ginger Lavellan look down at herself and say “wAiT I’m a red head”
I’ve never romanced him but im thirsty for qunari with rough, growling voices
Though when Bull came in to my Adaar’s room and said message received on her flirtatiousness I could see my girl just start laughing because my Adaar is like no boy I’m gay, but thanks 🙏
And I could see Bull just connecting the dots
My Adaar and Dorian are soooo lesbian/gay solidarity
Like seriously, completely and totally
She heard about his father and planned about sixteen ways of killing Halward
After the discussion between the two, after going to camp and resting before leaving for Skyhold, Adaar totally snuck back and threatened Halward
Like single handedly knocked out his guards, pinned him to the wall if pure strength not needing her magic at all as she looked down at the pathetic weasel her hurt her friend
And she said, “The only reason I haven’t killed you, is because you are not worth the effort of cleaning my blade. I’ll say it now, you’re going to let Dorian go, you aren’t going to approach him, you aren’t going to stalk him, follow him, speak to him again. If you do, I swear on every ancestor you believe in, that I will hunt you down- and you know I will, I’ll cross every sea, fight every demon you raise, and than I will gut you- pig!”
Adaar is very protective of her friends, case in point, and would put herself between them and an archdemon itself to keep them safe
My first reaction at the choice between Hawke and Alastair my brain immediately went, I’ll stay
I still wonder what would happen, I mean the mark can open and close rifts so logic states she’s be able to fight the fear demon, reopen the rift and close it from the other side
My first reaction when I met Josephine was that she was so cute- especially when you meet her as a qunari
‘You’re, a lot taller than I expected.’
She’s just so cute and soft, and the romance with her is sooo sweet
Mind you my Adaar flirted with everyone, Cullen, Bull, Dorian, Josephine, Harding, Varric, Krem, etc, etc- my big girl did not shy away from romance or sex
But that scene where Josephine’s finally free from the assassins after her and they watch the sunset
And again at the Winter’s Ball when they slow dance on the balcony
It’s just so freaking cute!
I also love that in trespasser Cassandra basically tells Adaar she wants to be the maid of honor in her wedding to Josephine because Varric played a joke
And I could just see Adaar all wide eyed like, yes, I can marry her?
Yes I want to marry her!!
But the world is still crazy, all at arms, and she plans to wait- but
Then Adaar nearly dies
She knew she wasn’t going to live a long life- even before the events of Inquisition. She’s a qunari mage, one who never quite knows when to keep her mouth shut, she knew her life would be rather short
But, now she’s got something to fight for- no someone to live for
After the events of Trespasser, things are still crazy, especially with whatever Solas is planning
But Adaar finds herself carving out a piece of her horn- she asks Dorian as he knows where to cut to not hurt her and has steady hands
Plus she’s trying to give Dorian ideas for his own proposal to Bull
Adaar’s known about their relationship, they’re not good at hiding it
Or better Dorian is not good at hiding it and Bull doesn’t care what people think
Honestly she might have better luck talking Bull into proposing, however in doing so she’ll lose the pool, so-
Yeah she and the others- especially Varric- have been shipping them since the night they shared a tent in the Western Approach
Adaar had shared with Varric because he doesn’t take up much room
Though at that point Adaar wasn’t sleeping much
She was always good at compartmentalizing- she had to be in order to survive as a mage- let only a qunari mage
While she has her anger, and her despair, fear demons often flock to her- especially since the Mark
She’s good at fighting them back, though she’s tired
She’s so tired sometimes, though with Josephine…she has a reason to keep going
It takes some time before she can get the horn piece ready, though Dagna is willing to help polish and set it into a gold band with a small trio of diamonds next to it
Once it’s made up, well Adaar has some proposal ideas- and it helps when she’s called away on a mission
In the end she gets all her work done early, and sneaks home, not telling Josephine
Cassandra leads Josephine out to a balcony overlooking Orlais- it’s not the same place as where they were before but it’ll do
And there’s Adaar, who hauled her six foot+ self up the wall to avoid suspicion
She’s a bit out of breath, black hair braided and tied back, and she’s taken off her vitaar
Josephine is surprised, taken aback, lost for words before she takes a step forward only for Adaar to raise her hand
She gives Josephine a small smile, before easing herself onto one knee, and says- well, she says:
“Josephine, I never thought I’d live long- especially after-“ she looks down at her prosthetic arm, a gift from Dagna, phantom pain from the mark lingering in her mind, “Well after everything. And I was ready for it, I was ready for a short life.”
She looks up to meet Josephine’s eyes, “Then I met you, and I realized, that I want to wake up again and again next to you. I want to listen to your day, dance with you to your favorite song, making you your favorite breakfast even though we both know I can’t cook.” There’s a little laughter, but it’s emotional and breaks easily.
“You saw through the facade I never realized I had, you saw me, not as the inquistor, but as me. And I want to spend the next lifetime, however long that might be, showing you how much that meant- how much you mean to me for the rest of my life.”
“So, will you marry me?”
The answer…
Was yes! Of course, and they kissed deeply, richly and Adaar slid her ring onto the woman’s finger
In the background Dorian shoots off a blast of magic, light arraying across the sky letting sparks falling over them
Cassandra wasn’t watching…no she definitely was and the hopeless romantic is in victory
Varric is definitely not writing down ideas for his book
And Bull- well Bull is glancing down at the ring carved from Adaar’s horn and wonders if he should look into that
Since Adaar lost her left hand, she decides to go in the style of her parents, who wore their wedding bands around their horns, and Josephine styled it too match, all warm gold and pinpricks of white diamonds.
They end up having two weddings, one for the nobility and the other for themselves
The noble wedding is huge, bombastic, though there’s whispers in the background. A qunari, two women, a mage! It was all so shocking.
But Adaar did defeat Corypheus
And Cassandra and Lelianna are scary when they’re glaring at you
No one forgets that Adaar is friends with the Grand Divine
And said Divine used to be an assassin
The noble wedding is over the top with gold chiffon, at least a hundred people with a cleric officiating and Adaar somehow wrangled into wearing a dress.
But the home wedding, it’s just the main members of the inquistion, a few soldiers and friends, but mainly all of them
Lelianna can’t come, being the Divine doesn’t give much free time
Adaar doesn’t believe in the Chantry or the maker, so while the cleric married them in the noble wedding, this is just an exchange of vows, toasting and celebration
Adaar wears her dress robes for the occasion (she wants to burn the wedding dress but Josephine won’t let her)
And with her friends by her side, she feels as if all the pieces have come together, even for just this one moment
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an-mallaithe · 3 years
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 @kaaras-adaar​​ sent:  Ginger snuggled close to Ardyn, purring alongside the other.
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Oh...? What was this? 
Ardyn’s head tilted a bit as Ginger nestled against him, slowly blinking in surprise. A brow raised, he glanced around, as if wondering if anyone could see. “Well, then,” he whispered in amusement, reaching to pet the feline. Was it possible that he had come to realize that Ardyn, even in this form, was his same furry companion? Cats truly were intelligent creatures. 
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With a smile, Ardyn settled in comfortably, an arm draped almost lazily over the beast’s body while he scritched behind his ears. As a bit of a returned gesture and thanks for the trust, he softly thrummed a purr in return, hoping that it would be recognized. 
Maybe a bit of a nap wouldn’t hurt. Somehow, Ginger’s warmth and rumbles had the ability to make him tired, instantly...   
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Confession: I literally want a qunari inquisitor to put his penis in my ass
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kaaras-adaar-a · 6 years
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// So I was cleaning my old things up, and I couldn’t see that I had posted this here, unless I used a different tag. But hey, have some cute Kaaras and Ginger from like... early 2017 :’D
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aylenlavellan · 3 years
Ginger jumped up beside Aylen and rolled into his back, exposing his pale belly with a meow which could only be seen as him begging for scratches.
Of course she wouldn’t have the settee all for herself for long: though to be honest, she appreciated the company. She glanced down to the large cat as he rolled onto his back right next to her, meowing for attention.
“Why yes, I too believe you’ve gone without my attention long enough today,” she replied to his meowing playfully. She put down what was in her hands – her old Dalish tabard that she was patching up as best could –, and reached a hand down to happily scratch Ginger’s furry belly.
“How’s that, Ginger?” She scratched his side as well, gentle and generous with her attentions. “All the scratches you want, falon.”
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ode-of-odr-archive · 2 years
While I’m in a crack mood a few more things that’ve crossed my mind.
@kaaras-adaar figuring out Ras is the one sneaking treats to Ginger, and the Avvar seeks her out for her daily snuggles when he’s not out on a mission. Also Kaaras is smart and quickly figures out Ras for the most part favors spirits and animals over most people. 
So this man will use his own cat to get Ras to stand down. Like Ras is starting to move towards a noble who has no idea he’s about to be rung like a bell and Kaaras just goes, “It would be a shame if my quarters lock was changed and the person feeding my cat couldn’t get in.”
Ras just acts like he was adjusting his weight, what do mean he was going to start a fight? Him? Never!
Or Kaaras giving this well laid out plan to his men only to hear Ras laughing and he knows it means the Avvar just charged and Sera may or may not be with him. He knows Bull is, and this is why he can’t take them on jobs together. 
@dalishflame After Atreion walking in on him naked so many times, Ras just assumes one day it’s him and get’s all excited and lays on his bed expectantly, but for the first time in like months it’s fucking Helgi and Ras about checks his own soul into the Underworld. 
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@kaaras-adaar liked for a starter
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“Kadan I think I need your help.  My legs are falling asleep but Ginger won’t move from my lap...”
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orcapologist · 3 years
Throughout her life Adaar had always had long hair. At first it was because her parents had thought it was cute, then puberty hit and suddenly she was tall and muscular, something that humans feared, and she found it softened her image a bit, made her into something not quite desirable, but maybe less worthy of scorn from those outside her small community of Tal Vasoth. She kept her hair long for years, pulling it out of her face in messy buns and clumsy braids, anything that would last just long enough for her to get her work done with minimal interference. When she became part of the Inquisition, cleared of the accusations of killing the Divine but not yet considered chosen by a god she Did Not Worship, Josephine offered to help her with her locks. The two spent hours with Josie teaching her the complicated finger work required to make the small, delicate braids that would swirl across her scalp and cascade over her shoulders, turning her into a piece of art. She left the office happy, proud of both the effort put in and the results. Until she passed by one of the pilgrims, human of course, and overheard him speaking to his companions.
“Pretty, that one. Well, for an ox man I mean. Can almost believe that one is woman!” Adaar lowered her head to hide her flaming cheeks and rushed away from the men laughing at her expense. It wasn’t anything new to her, just a normal part of being Qunari outside of Par Vollen her mother had told a younger, thinner skinned Adaar. It was just something you dealt with. You did everything in your power to make yourself smaller, prettier, less threatening to the communities around you so you don’t get run out. Make yourself palatable and maybe you would be safe. Bend to prevent breaking. She was used to it.
And then Sera joined the ranks. Sera with the messy hair and the mismatched clothing, who was so loud and so unapologetic and so so strong despite being such a tiny thing. Adaar envied her. Sara let herself go, expressed herself shamelessly, wasn’t crushed under the pressure to fit in with others. Adaar had expressed this once to her, had confided about how heavy the weight of being the Inquisitor was, of conforming to the beliefs and expectations of people who would spit at her if she wasn’t considered “holy” or “chosen” by the Inquisition, who wouldn’t even acknowledge that she wasn’t fucking Andrastian and had no connection to their Maker, weighed on her. How she sometimes felt she was drowning under it all. How she was kept up at night with a tight chest, hardly able to breathe from it all. She didn’t mention the hair. It seemed silly. Trivial. Until one night, after a particularly grueling trek through the hinterlands, full of hair caught in various trees and plant life hitching a ride in the loose braid at her back and more than her fair share of cursing, Sera appeared at her door, dull scissors clutched in her hand. She grinned when Adaar stepped aside to let her in, didn’t stop grinning as she went to town on her locks, calloused hands directing the tilt of her head so she could cut around the horns. Those hands weren’t exactly gentle or ginger, but careful in a way that Adaar hadn’t experienced. No one had treated her with any real care in years. When sera showed her the cut, a messy bob with uneven lines reaching just a bit below her chin, she broke out into laughter. She didn’t stop smiling that night as they sat on her balcony talking and she couldn’t help but to grin at her flabbergasted advisors when they met at the war table the next morning.
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slothssassin · 4 years
10 Questions
Tagged by @alyssalenko thanks lovely! ♥
Tagging: @briarfox13 @kinokochouchou @adaar-i @scorpio-skies @lookbluesoup @gamermage91 @tarberrymentats @overboss @eluvisen and @alongtidesoflight but no pressure of course!
Rules: Answer these questions, then create 10 new ones and tag 10 people
1. If you could choose a hair color to have for the rest of your life what would it be?
I’ve always wanted ginger coloured hair :D
2. What video game do you go back to the most when you have free time?
I often go back to Fallout 76, Fallout 4, the ME Trilogy, the DA games and Skyrim. Oh and Stardew Valley!
3. If you could have one superpower what would it be?
Teleporting myself to wherever I want!
4. What’s your favorite movie?
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Cloud Atlas.
5. Do you have a lucky number, and if so what is it?
I’ve always liked 5 and 33, but I don’t know it these numbers are lucky for me :D
6. What’s your favorite thing to cook/bake/make?
I like to make burgers, cook pasta and bake cookies :D
7. Dream job?
Honestly, at the moment I don’t even care, I just want to have fun doing it. Maybe concept artist or video editor.
8. Favorite snack?
Pringles! The green ones, or the BBQ ones.
9. Who is your all time favorite villain?
Handsome Jack!!!11!!!!!!1
10. If you were given $500 dollars and you had to spend it on something frivolous for yourself, what would it be?
Some new goodies for my PC and a VR set-up :)
My questions are under the cut ^-^
What are 3 words to describe yourself?
A happy memory you want to share?
Your top 3 games of all time?
Which skill would you like to learn in the future?
What is one thing you’re always tempted to spend your money on?
Do you prefer sunny or rainy weather?
Which piece of advise would you give to your past self?
Do you have a favourite poem? If so, which one?
Which period of time do you find most interesting?
What’s better - to be loved, or to be respected?
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lesbianladyeboshi · 2 years
Me: I'm gonna develop and export one of my other Inquisitors over, I want different dialogues.
Me: 4 lavellans later.
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kaaras-adaar · 3 years
The Privy
Characters: Kaaras Adaar, The Iron Bull Warning: adult content, m x m ship, masturbation
 Sleepless nights weren’t frequent for the Inquisitor, in fact, most of the time he slept like a new born babe. When he’d been young, he’d had night terrors for what felt like years. Since Kaaras was an adult, however, sleep came so much easier. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out cold. It took more than the roaring snores of The Iron Bull to keep him awake. It wasn’t Bull at all, or the summer heat.  Kaaras stared at the patterns on the ceiling high above of the Inquisitor’s chambers. The moon glow that came through the windows made hatches from the doors, curtains drawn open. He should have closed them, but it wasn’t really the moonlight that was keeping him awake now either, was it. The ache that was keeping him awake was down beneath the sheets and buried deep inside his loins.  Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. Bull was fast asleep beside him, oblivious to his plight. It wasn’t Bull’s responsibility. Oh, he was selfish enough to think about waking Bull up, but he’d never act upon such a thing. His body was his own problem, and Bull deserved a good night’s rest, too. He’d be guilt ridden the entire night if he woke his lover up—even if he knew deep down that The Bull would be perfectly happy to ease his body. It wasn’t the point; it was the fact that he just wished he could ignore the burning that settled deep within his lower belly. He wasn’t even hard; it was just stirring within him, making itself known.  Rolling onto his side with a huff, he opened his eyes again to see the settee across from the side of the bed. Ginger was laying there, eyes bright as he stared at him. Some may have found that unsettling, but Kaaras had grown up around animals. He was used to them, used to them being awake at night, stirring, watching whilst in moments of privacy even. Ginger had a judgmental gaze about him at times, and tonight was one of those times. Kaaras frowned. Even his own cat was judging him. He wished he could have crawled under the sheets and just closed off the entire world, but he couldn’t. It was moments like this that the qunari was so hyperaware of everything around him, and everything that touched him. Even the sheets on top of him were enough to make his skin crawl and his muscles cringe, let alone the way his thigh pressed against his flaccid cock as he lay on his side.  It seemed futile, to close his eyes and pray for sleep. Now that he’d brought his own mind to the pleasurable discomfort, he was wide awake. No cup of tea or even a glass of wine would take his mind off it now. Somehow, even the sound of his lover snoring loudly was suffocated to the back of his mind. No, all he could think about was the tingling betwixt his legs, the heat that swelled in his stomach, and the feel of his own blood surging down every vein and artery in his body. He could hear his own pulse rushing through his ears and felt it down his neck, throbbing hard.  With a sigh, the Inquisitor quietly pushed himself up. His movement had Bull stirring, but that was all. The larger man grumbled in his sleep, which Kaaras thought was sweet, but after that he was still once more, his snoring just a little quieter.  For a moment, Kaaras did nothing but look over his lover, drinking in how calm and peaceful the Tal’Vashoth looked like this. His eye patch was across the way, over on the other nightstand, a big jug of water beside it. Lifting a hand, he almost went to put it down onto Bull’s broad shoulder, just to comfort him in his sleep, but the thought of disturbing him and waking him caused him to pull it back. That and if he ended up feeling Bull, he was sure his body would cry if it could. He might even kill to feel Bull’s thick digits over his sensitive skin, those lovely, plump lips against his.  Kaaras sucked in a sharp breath of air as Bull moved, his thigh pressing against his. It’s all it needed for him to feel a spark of heat shoot right between his legs and make his member stir. His long ears lowered as he felt a blush warm his cheeks. Maker’s arse, even when nobody was looking he blushed. How many months had he and Bull been lovers? Long enough that he shouldn’t be blushing at the other man’s thigh brushing up against his, and yet there he was.  This was hopeless.
 Gently moving the sheets down, he pushed himself from the bed. He wore nothing but a pair of loose sleep pants and woolen socks to cover his feet. Thankfully, the weather in Skyhold seemed to be a moderate and comfortable temperature always. Even when it snowed down the mountains, not a single drop touched the fortress. Just like in summer, the sweltering Orlesian heat didn’t touch the height of the mountains.  With it light enough in the chamber to see where he was going, he carefully padded his way to the lavatory within his chambers. It was rare for anyone to have an en-suite, and from what Kaaras gathered, the small room had once been some kind of storage closet. With enough room, however, a privy could be made, and the pipe system went undisturbed all the way down the stairwell and through the walls of the castle to meet up with the rest of the sewer system.  Closing the door carefully, what moonlight had been lighting his way was quickly snuffed out and he was left in nothing but darkness. Lifting his hand, he carefully summoned a small flame and gestured it to the nearest candle stub. The room flickered with a deep, orange glow before the flames spread and jumped to the next wick.  It was a small room, but it served its purpose. At one side, there was a basin and a jug of water that was half full, a towel that hung over the edge. At the opposite side, the privy was a hole with a lid that covered it. The stone jutted out where one could sit more comfortably, but Kaaras didn’t think there was much comfort in sitting on a cold, stone toilet.  Rubbing his eyes to get used to the light, he squinted as he pushed the lid aside. The hole was nothing but a black abyss that went down and down to the very bowels of Skyhold. He supposed at least it meant nothing would ever get blocked… Really not the best of thoughts while he stood there in the middle of the night.  Pushing the waistband of his pants down, his cock fell out and he aimed it down the opening, the stream making little noise as it hit the side and ran down. He was not sure if it were the open air against his skin, the release of pressure from his bladder that ran down the length of his member, or the fact that he was holding his cock that made his arousal even worse.  Looking down, his eyes opened wider as his cock thickened and he almost missed the bowl. “Vashedan,” he whispered, the length growing visibly in his hand as he began to stiffen. He was lucky that the stream ended when it had, because any longer and he was sure to make a mess all over the privy. How embarrassing… Even if it was the middle of the night, surely Bull would wake up and ask what the hell he was doing in here scrubbing around the opening of the chamber to clean it up. There was no way he’d be living that down, either. Bull would tease him for weeks about missing the bowl. Well, technically it wasn’t like he missed, he’d just have… lost control midway through.  As the last of his urine dripped from the tip of his cock, he gave it a gentle shake, which didn’t help his now throbbing erection. He shouldn’t have taken a leak, but he was a well hydrated man, and if he held on any longer, then the same issue would happen anyway. He often found that if he kept a full bladder, the pressure made him tingly and caused erections anyway. Really… there was no winning when it came to just how sensitive his body was.  Sighing, Kaaras leant his head back before he turned and sat himself down onto the toilet, his cock standing between his thighs and his pants falling around his ankles. He leant forward and rested his head into his palms, elbows on his knees. All it took was for him to piss for his arousal to finally take over. He felt like cursing and throwing something, but instead he just gritted his teeth and made a small and angry noise that no one could have heard but him.  Taking a few careful breaths, he sat back up, looking down at his erection. It was the middle of the night, and he had better things to do—such as sleeping—but here he was, sitting in the privy with his cock tormenting him. He looked to the door, an ear flicking. Even with the door closed, he could still hear Bull’s snoring. His lover was dead asleep still. Well… he supposed, in a moment like this, that was not a bad thing, and Ginger couldn’t get in with the door closed.  Biting his lower lip, he moved his hand around the shaft of his arousal, his breath hitching. Fuck, he was so sensitive. A dribble of pre-ejaculate pushed out the last bit of urine that had settled in his cock, running down the base of his length and falling somewhere beneath him—hopefully in the bowl. He didn’t think much of it considering his priorities soon became something else.  With one hand carefully running down his stomach, his fingers brushed against the small patch of pubic hair, his other hand slowly teasing himself. So long as Bull was asleep, and the door was closed, he could spend some time in here. He may as well enjoy it, right?  A few long, slow strokes had his member standing at full length, his foreskin pulled back as the smooth skin of his head was unsheathed. His hands were warm from the bed, but they were dry. He didn’t care. The last thing Kaaras enjoyed was spitting on himself. He’d not have it. He was lucky he was a mage, since he could summon spells of oil, but right now, he didn’t even care about that. His own pre-ejaculate was enough to make the sensation not so raw. He carefully drew a finger around the head of his cock where the slick bubble of pre-come dribbled, spreading it around before his palm took his length and began slowly massaging and stroking up and down.  He leant his back against the wall behind him, thighs parting as he took a slow breath. Maker’s arse, already he could feel the pleasure growing all through his lower stomach and spreading down his thighs and further back. His bare backside enjoyed the feeling of being exposed to the open air, and his free hand ran down the small sack beneath his cock, giving it some attention.  Kaaras had to stifle the moan that almost escaped his mouth, remembering that if he made too much noise, Bull would come knocking. He didn’t need Ginger mewling and scratching at the door either, because that would also wake his lover up.  As the pleasure swelled in his body, his mind took over the rest. Dirty words were whispered into his ear, the touch of his lover, of even an invisible, faceless figure. Kaaras had long ago learned not to feel guilty over touching himself and imagining faceless people. It wasn’t about the intimacy—that was shared only with his lover. It was just about feeling himself, about enjoying his own body.  Once upon a time, this brought nothing but shame and embarrassment. It still did at times (he’d never stop being shy), but he’d grown enough to know that masturbation was normal. Sure, there may not be people who touched themselves as much as he did, but he also learned that he was very sensitive. Thoughts, even words provoked him into arousal. The slightest touch against his skin, just even his arm, or his leg, could get him excited. He didn’t get to enjoy those moments; instead he felt nothing but discomfort and shame when it happened. Now, however, alone, with just himself and his body, he was able to relax and let loose, to enjoy the pleasure of touching himself. Albeit, it wasn’t the best of times, locked in the privy while his lover slept just outside. There were better times for this, but his body was a pain in the arse, and sometimes he just needed to give into it.  Having picked up the pace, his hand pumped up and down the length of his erection, the sound of his palm rubbing up and down his skin could be heard over his breathing, which had started to become pants and shuddered breaths from shallow lungs. His arm pumped with the action, the thick of his muscle showing, and the veins bulging from the rush of blood.  “Ah, fuck,” he whispered, swallowing thickly as he closed his eyes. It was so silent (aside from Bull’s snoring outside), that he could hear every movement of his body. The slight crack of a knee when he moved it, the sound of skin rubbing against skin, his own heartbeat thumping in his ears as it began to thud harder and harder the longer he went, and the more the pleasure grew to climax.  Soon, the Inquisitor realised that he was on the brink of moaning. He had to try and close off his throat to squelch them as his hips bucked against his hand. Biting his bottom lip, he huffed from his nostrils, panting now as a light sweat began to cover his bare shoulders and chest. The whole while, Kaaras’ spare hand enjoyed his body the best he could, running between his thighs, over his soft stomach and up his chest. He wasn’t one to truly enjoy his body in any kind of attractive sense. He had pale grey skin, scars, he was overweight even if he had a well toned torso and shoulders. He’d always seen himself as unattractive, and he wouldn’t dare try and peer at himself in the small mirror above the basin. That would be a mood killer, unless he could watch himself touching his own cock. Perhaps that wouldn’t kill the mood. He always did like to watch…  With shaking thighs, he could feel his climax coming nearer and nearer. His body began to tense, curling forward as his jaw dropped.  “Maker, yes, yes, yes,” he whispered to himself, his teeth clamping down to try and keep the groan to himself. He was getting so close, he could feel the pressure building all through his muscles and somewhere deep inside him—or more specifically, deep between his legs.  His hand pumped at his cock now, the burn of no oil finally making itself known. It was too late, he was too close, and he didn’t give a damn. He prepared his free hand to catch whatever mess he was about to make, until he realised that his orgasm was stronger than he thought it may be, his pants getting harder and heavier and less controlled. It was right when his climax built that he let out a hard moan. His hand quickly slapped itself over his mouth to muffle any noise that came from him as his eyes rolled upwards like a possessed creature. His hips bucked as he pressed his feet firmly against the stone floor, his cock throbbing hard as he felt his orgasm release the pressure that had built up inside him.  His entire body convulsed, muscles contracting with his orgasm that pulsed all down between his legs and to his backside, his puckered entrance contracting with it.  His muffled moan turned into a whine of breathless ecstasy as his orgasm shuddered all through his limbs until he was left leaning against the wall and his body falling limp—his hand still covering his mouth while the other slowly released his still throbbing cock. It slowed, as did his heart rate that was thudding at his temples.  Lowering his hand from his mouth as the white heat left his vision, he panted there, every muscle in his body becoming languid and lax as his cock softened, the last of his orgasm dribbling a thick, wet line down to the edge of the privy.  Fuck, he’d made a mess. He didn’t even have to look to know he had. But if he’d ended up moaning loudly, Bull surely would have woken up and walked in on him. Part of him didn’t even care that there was a mess since he’d become so sated from his orgasm. He could have literally just closed his eyes and fallen asleep in here like this, but Kaaras had a lot more pride than that, and soon the irritation would come that he had not cleaned up. He was a finicky man after all.  Once his breath was back, he pushed himself back up off the wall, leaning forward to examine what had happened. He’d ejaculated across the floor, thankfully missing his pants that were still around his ankles. He pushed himself up from the toilet and held his pants up with his clean hand. He didn’t pull them all the way up yet, since he wanted to wipe himself down with the basin of water and towel inside the room. First, he did that, picking up the towel and dodging the mess on the floor. Once he’d wiped himself down, he pulled his pants back up around his hips. He then used the towel to wipe down the patches on the floor. He’d throw that right in the hamper and be done with it. He’d not leave the dirty towel back there for anyone to wipe their hands on—or to catch what he’d done.  With the basin of water, he washed his hands and then poured it down the toilet so no one would use that either. He then sat it back on the bench and made sure he was clean and tidy, picking up the jug of water and filling the basin with what had remained. He was still a little disheveled, but there was nothing he could do about that.  Snuffing out the candles with a wave of his hand, he opened the door and stepped back out into the main room of his chambers. The moon was still bright, and Ginger was still sitting on the settee. The cat moved when he heard the door open, but curled back up. Kaaras’ own ears flicked when he heard movement from the bed. Bull’s snoring had stopped. Instantly, the Inquisitor went red.
 “Hey, you okay, Kadan?” Bull’s voice was rough from sleep, his one eye squinty and full of sleep.  Kaaras felt his heart relax as Bull wasn’t giving him that knowing smirk or tone of his when he absolutely knew he was up to something. His shoulders loosened and he realised he did feel a lot better now. A lot more tired, too. Sometimes, it was amazing what a little self pleasure could do.  “I’m fine,” the Inquisitor replied, making his way back over to the bed and sitting down. He put his hand onto Bull’s shoulder and leant down to give his bald head a kiss right between his long horns. “I just needed the loo.” Oh boy, how he’d needed it, too.
 Bull rolled back onto his back. “M’kay, you need anything else, let me know.”  Kaaras smiled at the offer as he moved back under the covers. “Good night, Bull.” The only response Kaaras got back was light snoring, though. Sleep came a lot easier.
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smolpocketsmonsters · 4 years
Cold & Raw
While the Inquisitor had managed to preoccupy the healer’s son up in his tower room, introducing Da’elgaara to Ginger which eventually transformed into Dael grabbing a random book and crawling onto Kaaras’s lap to ask in the sweetest voice for the qunari to read to him, Aether had been distracted with a surgery. The infirmary had not been expecting a routine exam of a soldier complaining in pain to turn into an emergency surgery that lasted a couple hours, Aether barely having the chance to listen to the messenger inform him that his message had been passed on and that Dael was with the Inquisitor, but it was vaguely reassuring. Aether was instructed by the head healer to remain close at hand to the patient for observation afterwards, that by the time he was released from his task, the sun was starting to set.
The evening had been a good one for Kaaras and his charge, Dael dozing off in his arms for thirty minutes when the mage had read to him, and they had spent many hours after filled with chatter and laughter and endless questions and snacks while they waited for his father before the child grew too tired to keep his eyes open any longer, cuddled up with Ginger, fur clutched in one small fist with his little breaths tickling the cat’s whiskers.
Aether’s hands were cold and raw, wrung together like an old cloth as he made his way up the stairs, sighing every so often as he tugged at his sleeves, paranoia pulling at him like there was blood still on his hands, he could still smell it saturated through his gloves and he straightened himself awkwardly as he made it to the final landing, nervous, terribly nervous, and sighed again. Finally, after much deliberation, Aether knocked.
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