#she then appeared out of nowhere
darkmoonravewolf · 5 months
I keep having dreams of women manhandling me and its getting closer and closer to being abuse.
I need to reevaluate my standards
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pixiishi · 1 year
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happy trans day of visibility to the siblings ever 🏳️‍⚧️
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slashermoonlight · 21 days
I think most people know about this already, but it keeps staying in my mind so I'm going to write it down. The reason why the Night Nurse had to go through a package to get to Edwin and Charles at the end of the season is because she doesn't know their address. And she cannot get to them without a precise address (paper works and all that). And who has always seemed to know wherever the boys currently are? The mailman. Hence.
This is such a small detail, but it works so well with the continuity that I couldn't help but pay attention to it.
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marlynnofmany · 2 months
My poor cat is Distressed and Upset because she saw a raccoon for the first time last night. It was on the other side of the sliding glass door, and not only did it startle her by being there without permission, but it didn't even have the good manners to act afraid when she yelled at it, in her most terrifying yowls and hisses.
It pawed at the seam of the door to see if it could come inside and bother her without glass in the way (that's a hard no), then it ambled off into the darkness again.
Now it's a bright and sunny afternoon, and the cat is pacing in front of the door with suspicion in her every move.
As far as she's concerned, there was a monster in her territory, and it could come back at any time.
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amelia-yap · 2 years
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girl (derogatory)
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srapsodia · 1 year
i really wish haru wasnt such a late addition to the game. like they show her around a couple of times but you dont talk to her or know anthing about her aside from one mention of okumura foods in hawaii
futaba joins the team just 1 month before, but her tie-in with sojiro makes her feel a lot more present.
idk i think i would've liked if her relevance had been more like akechi's. a side character that you form a bond with, hang out and get to know a bit beforehand, and then their social progress gets locked until you reach the point where they join the team.
like, imagine with me for a moment: joker sees this girl carrying a ton of bags of soil to the roof and helps her out. we learn that she's good at gardening and wouldnt you know!! we have a plant in our room we havent been able to bring back to life, so we ask her to teach us some stuff and in exchange we help her out with her rooftop garden. haru looks somewhat hesitant, but agrees to it.
slowly, as we hang out more, she starts to trust joker and we learn more about her and her family and why she's hesitant of making friends. until eventually we hit a block, she says her father is requesting her presence and she can't join us at the moment. (later we learn it was because her father got her engaged, and was sending her on dinner dates with her fiance.)
the start of the okumura palace would be a bit different, but I'd still preferred they'd prioritized introducing haru earlier.
also!! introducing the vegetables mechanic earlier on would've been nice, considering it takes a while for them to grow and it's harder to get stuff that replenishes SP at the beginning.
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
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me and my kid Dušička (means "little soul", it's a lil reference to slovak folk songs) out here ready to merc people <3 im gon see how bloodthirsty she is, i hope a lot
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nolan-chance · 1 month
I like Hope, but I'm sick of Hope. She just appears out of nowhere winning 😭 Give her some story, development, something! Yes she's a cool looking e-girl who likes cats but make her more than that
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omtai · 26 days
on train home from pvris it was dope!!!!!!!
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randombook4idk · 1 year
me, waiting for a female character, outside of maki, to have screentime
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darkmoonravewolf · 5 months
I keep having dreams of women manhandling me and its getting closer and closer to being abuse.
I need to reevaluate my standards
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bleue-flora · 1 month
your fics have started to jumpscare me when i see them on ao3 bc now i go "wait, i aware of who this is!" get percived idiot (affectionate)
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spoopy-moose · 1 year
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Most normal 14 year old girl
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confessmau · 4 months
i just realised i worded my post horribely
i was meaning more if you dislike kim for s/aing someone, and then turn around and like say mcd!gene whose also impilied to s/a people, its sexist because your holding her to a different level on standard to how you hold men
BUT - if you dislike kim,AND THEN also dislike/fully admit other male charaters sa people its not sexist?
ty for the clarification anon!
while i do think that the fandom does have a sexism problem, liking a problematic character doesn't necessarily equate to endorsing/excusing their actions. you can like a character like mcd!gene perfectly fine while also thinking he's a piece of shit with zero moral compass. it's only really sus if the hypothetical gene fan has a history of excusing his actions and demonizing the women in his life.
the reason that kim is so unpopular is largely due to the fact that she's a mystreet exclusive character who was introduced so much later than the rest of the cast. a good chunk of the fandom were fans of aphmau long before kim was introduced and had plenty of time to make connections to older characters. look at a character like kawaii~chan, who has just as many apologists as any male character because she's been a fan favorite for like eight straight years in a row.
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melien · 5 months
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deathdxnces · 1 day
“ you should’ve tormented him more. ” evelynn offers as she suddenly shifts into existence. perched upon a nearby log, there’s near satisfaction on her features as she stares upon the dead noxian. “ he was nearly ripe for the taking. ”
»  —  ⌜ A WOMAN !⌟ 
— @agonizedembrace
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Irelia knew what mastery over shadows looked like, and had been surprised by the ability to trespass the barriers of the physical world more than once. This isn't it; the being manifests as if only just phasing into existence, despite words that suggest otherwise — it is not purely surprise the appearance elicits, but a wariness that leaves her on edge again, instance guarded as it hadn't been during her fight.
Fight, if it could be called as much. The man was what the noxians called a warmason: a warrior, part of the military, who acted as some sort of spy. They meant to find a way in; Irelia wouldn't let them. This one learned the bloody price any noxian who invaded Ionian soil would pay at the end of her blades, and the blade dancer had rejoiced in it. He would have been a pitiful opponent, had she any pity to offer to his kind. No — this man died afraid, and Irelia was glad of it.
There is no regret even as Irelia looks at the man's remains and sees the crimson picture painted by her rage; nor even at the arrival of a spectator. She knows relishing in the violence is not right, and later the usual ghosts will haunt her about it. At present, she simply glances at her companion, something in the way the woman speaks is almost unsettling. Irelia could have ignored her, of course, but that would likely be rather foolish. It is not unusual to come across spirits or manifestations of the land in Ionia, not all of them kind. Even if she is something else, the dancer had long since learned not to turn her back on someone and expect to walk away unharmed.
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❝ For you to take, I presume? ❞ Serious countenance and guarded posture denounce her caution, but it is the thrum of disquieted blades slowly moving that reveals her uneasiness. ❝ There are plenty of noxians you can torment yourself, ❞ A plague they were, and a persistent one at that. When she continues, venom tinges her words, though they hold truth, in her eyes: Ionia herself fought them back. The noxians remained at their own peril. ❝ I'm sure no one will lament the losses. ❞
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