#she can’t remember whether my dad’s favourite was the first or second doctor so obviously i have to start from the beginning obviously
fingertipsmp3 · 6 months
Whyyyy have I never watched classic Doctor Who before, it’s such a vibe
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neighboursdaily · 7 years
Memory Cove Fanfiction: Chapter 1 “Secrets and Lies”
Chapter: 1/? 
Chapter Title: “Secrets and Lies”
Characters: Fay Brennan. Russell Brennan. Tyler Brennan. Aaron Brennan. Mark Brennan. 
POV Character: Fay Brennan.
Rating: General Audience
Warning: References abuse but nothing explicit.
Summary: After Russell’s death, the Brennans try to figure out what his last words of ‘Memory Cove’ meant. This chapter focuses specifically on Fay and what she is going through and thinks Russell was referring to. 
Author: Kraina
Note: Memory Cove is a fanfiction focused on the way I personally think the storyline following Russell’s death should have been handled. I’m not sure if this chapter is very good but I think I managed to get across everything I wanted for the first chapter and that it has managed to set up where the rest of the story is going to go. it’s been a while since I last wrote fanfiction so it might take me some time to get back into the swing of things.
Chapter 1: “Secrets and Lies”             
          Present Day: 24 Ramsay Street
David’s words were echoing through her mind, ‘Your dad said something, just before he died. Does Memory Cove mean anything to you?’
“Memory Cove,” Fay thought to herself, “Why did it have to be Memory Cove?”
A million thoughts flashed through her mind reminding her of everything she would lose if the truth was revealed and that it was essential for her to maintain her composure as to avoid alerting suspicion that she knew what Russell meant. She tried to remain calm and hold herself together but the more she tried, the more agitated she became. Her breathing got heavier to the point where she started to feel sick as more and more questions started racing through her mind.
“Why? Why that place?” Fay pondered to herself, “why did that place have to be the last thing on Russell’s mind? Couldn’t he have just apologised? Why couldn’t he have just apologised?”
Russell’s actions didn’t make any sense to her. He had done so much damage and caused so much irreparable pain and suffering to her family, apologising would have been the right thing for him to do. Something that everyone needed, they deserved an apology for what he did. A sign that he was remorseful and that he regretted everything he’d done and wanted to make things right.
“Couldn’t he have just told the doctors to let his sons know he was sorry for what he did?” Fay attempted to rationalise what happened, “even if he didn’t apologise, why didn’t be ask for one of the boys? Mark had always been his favourite and Tyler… he could have said something like ‘tell Tyler I’m sorry’.”
An apology could never make right what he’d done to Tyler but it would have been something. A way to let him know he regretted everything he did. Fay’s anger begun to take hold the more she thought about the abuse, “BASTARD!” she thought to herself as she clenched her jaw to make sure she didn’t scream. The more she thought about what had happened, the angrier she got. Russell always had a temper but she never thought for a second that leaving the boys with him would be a bad thing. “He’d never hurt me so he wouldn’t hurt the boys”, was the mentality she maintained for years. It was her safety blanket and a way to ease her guilt about leaving them. She’d never considered that they might be in danger or that Russell was threat to them. That ignorance had eaten away at her from the moment she got the call telling her what Russell had done to Tyler. Just thinking about it consumed her with guilt. Guilt for not insisting that he left when she and Chloe did or checking up on him over the years, especially after Mark and Aaron had left.
“That should have been what he was thinking about,” Fay concluded, “but instead he brought up the one thing he knew would hurt this family even more and used his final moments for revenge. How could he do—Oh, my god!” Fay came to a sudden and horrible realisation, “He thought the boys weren’t coming and that they were never going to forgive him, didn’t he? That’s why he said it – he wanted to hurt them.”
She nearly burst into tears are the mere thought that Russell had been trying to hurt her sons with his dying words. All she could think was: “Sooner or later the boys will start questioning this and when they do… they are going to hate me. They are going to be devastated. How are they going to come back from this? How am I going to explain any of this to them?”
Everything was racing through her mind and the realisation that she would have to tell them the truth eventually caused her wrists to itch uncontrollably. The floodgates were going to open one day and Mark, Aaron and Tyler would end up hating her just like Russell did. Their lives were never going to be the same again and it would be her fault. She’d made so many mistakes leaving, and even with her relationship with Tyler and Aaron on the mends, once the truth was out it would all be over. Her relationship with Tyler especially would never recover and there was no way he would ever forgive her for what she did. Aaron was unpredictable. She hadn’t spent much time with him but the truth could shatter everything they were working towards. Then there was Mark, she like the rest of the family knew he had anger issues, similar to Russell and he got the same look in his eyes when he was about to lose his temper. It truly was a calm before the storm kind of look. Just thinking about it took her back to that day, to the moment hers, Russell’s and their entire family changed for the worse.
           Port Lincoln: Spring 2001
 ‘HE ISN’T EVEN YOUR SON!’  Fay screamed in a harsh voice as the force of the storm blew the kitchen window open shattering a glass vase.  
‘I had an affair at Memory Cove—’ she continued before Russell interrupted her.
‘Who is he?’ Russell demanded.
Fay sighed. ‘I don’t know. I can’t remember.’
She attempted to continue but the sound of her voice was slowly being drowned out by the mumbled voice of another person in the distance. A person whose blurred face was starting to replace Russell’s until she couldn’t see him anymore. 
          Present Day: 24 Ramsay Street  
 ‘Mum?’ A faint voice called out.
‘Mum?’ the voice whispered, ‘are you okay?’ it became clearer and what was originally a blurred image revealed itself to be Aaron standing there, holding onto her arm.
‘Are you okay?’ Aaron asked in a gentle voice.
‘Yes,’ Fay smiled softly, ‘Yes, I’m fine.’
Aaron continued to questioned her, unconvinced with a concerned look on his face. ‘Are you sure? You don’t look okay.’
‘It’s all good.’ Fay responded to Aaron, while patting him on the arm and smiling in an attempt to reassure him that there was nothing wrong. Giving him the incentive to leave her and re-join Mark and Tyler.
Aaron had brought her back to reality but being there, in that house and watching the grief over Russell’s death consume the boys just forced her to confront everything she’d done to her family, everything that Russell had done to her family. Every time she thought about that day, she wished she could stop herself from saying those four words, stop that entire conversation from ever happening. She couldn’t even remember why she felt the way she did. Everything was just a blur. The events leading up to that day, the reason for why she felt so angry and was so upset with Russell. All she knew for certain was that her words caused a ripple effect that ended up hurting everyone she loved all because she’d never considered the full extent of her actions and she couldn’t even remember why.
‘What does Memory Cove mean?’ Tyler asked while looking directly at Fay.
“He’s looking at me,” Fay thought, “why is he looking at me? Does he know what Russell meant and that it was aimed at me?”
The idea that Tyler knew that Memory Cove was connected to her caused her wrists to itch uncontrollably. Over the years, whenever she’d been stressed, her wrists would begin to itch. It didn’t matter what the cause of her stress was, whether it was something serious or insignificant, the result was the same. The boys were bound to recognise the rash that was slowly emerging but she’d hoped that since this was something that had developed after she left Russell, they wouldn’t recognise it for what it was.
Fay took a deep breath and sighed, thinking to herself: “Thank god Chloe is in New York. If she were here, she’d know something was wrong and neither her nor Magdalena would stop until I told them what was wrong and then everyone would know and then-”
‘Are you okay mum?’ Aaron asked abruptly pointing to the rash that had developed on her wrists.
Before she had a chance to answer, Mark interrupted.  
‘We used to go to Memory Cove all the time when we were kids. Don’t you remember? Dad used to call it our little adventures. That must have been why he mentioned it,’ Mark said happily, ‘he was thinking about when we used to go there as a family.’
“We did? Of course, we did. We used to go there all the time,” Fay remembered and smiled, “How did I forget that?”
She hadn’t considered Russell might have been talking about their time there as a family. They’d shared so many beautiful memories at Memory Cove and yet, when confronted with the reality of that place, the only thing she could think of was all the secrets she had kept from Russell and from her family, all the years she’d lied to and deceived them. It was no longer a place where they went on holidays and where they were happy, it wasn’t even a place where she and Russell had grown closer together. Every memory she had of Memory Cove was tainted by betrayal and secrecy.
“When did this happen?”, Fay asked herself, “When did Memory Cove become a reminder of the affair instead of my family and our happiness together? Why wasn’t that the first thing I thought of?”
‘There was this one time that Tyler wandered off, and we thought something had happened to him.’ Mark said.
‘He was just a toddler.’ Fay replied.
“Yeah, I can kind of remember.’ Aaron responded confused, obviously unable to remember the significance of the place.  
‘You and Chloe weren't much older. Anyway, we all went searching for him. It felt like he was gone for ages. And when we found him, he was sitting on a rock, bare- bummed, playing with his nappy.’ Mark reminisced while looking directly at Fay.
Fay laughed. ‘He had a sunburnt head.’
‘Yeah. That was the last time we all went camping as a family. All of us piled in the caravan, and we went swimming, and fishing, and playing Frisbee on the beach. Remember how happy Dad was?’ Mark recalled with a smile on his face.
‘I do.’ Fay whispered.
For a moment, she’d forgotten all the horrible things that had happened. All the secrets and lies and could see Memory Cove for what it was: a beautiful place where the Brennans had gone on adventures and had fun together as a family. But slowly those happy memories begun to fade and they turned into sad ones. The fun they had driving to Memory Cove in that caravan on those nice, warm days turned into a reminder about the chill in the air the day that man came into her life, all their moments together as a family turned into the loneliness she felt for years about what she had done, her and Russell’s first date at Memory Cove was replaced by her night with that stranger. Everything was destroyed. Those secrets had soiled everything and filled her with envy. Envy that was increasing the more she watched Tyler, Mark and Aaron reminisce about their childhoods. Where they could still see the beauty of Memory Cove and the happiness associated with that place, she could only see the secrecy, lies and devastation.
‘Maybe dad just wanted us to remember the good times.’ Aaron said looking at the ground in a soft tone.
‘Yeah.’ Mark beamed, ‘I liked that thought.’
“That was what they wanted to believe,” Fay thought to herself, “They wanted to believe Russell was happy at the end and was thinking about all of them. I can’t take that away from them.”
The more she thought about it, the more she realised she couldn’t be around her sons much longer. She needed to stay and support them in their grief but the very idea of being near them, knowing the damage she caused was more than she could handle. There was so much pain in that house and eventually, the joy they had been reminded of was going to disintegrate and the full impact of what really happened was going to set in and there would be no coming back from that. Those beautiful memories were going to be tainted forever for them too.
‘I’m just going to go out for a bit, okay?’ Fay announced suddenly to the room before grabbing her bag and disappeared out the front door.
She needed to get out of the house immediately. As the screen door slammed shut behind her, a massive weight was lifted – she didn’t have to be confronted with what was going to happen or see her children in that state, at least not yet. Those thoughts, everything about Memory Cove, it was something she couldn’t bury anymore. It was in her head, everything had come back and there was no running away from the past this time.
“I guess that’s the thing about secrets,” Fay realised as she started to cry, “they either destroy you or the truth does when it’s revealed – there is no escaping their destruction.”
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Hello, hello,
Well, it takes me a while now to write.
I am afraid that writing this post will be a long process, cause... I have my nails short.
I know, I know, a huge surprise. But look, I’ve had my nails done for past two years, I believe and I never liked them short. Especially last year I had an amazing nail tech, to whom I still go and she makes my nails look super cool and strong, so I didn’t really feel like cutting them down.
Unfortunately, due to my adventures by the seaside and my nails being absolutely long for about a month, some of them broke and I had to cut them as much as it was possible.
They still look cute for me, somewhat shocking, cause I hadn’t seen them like that for such a long time. What is more, I am so not used to using my phone or computer keyboard like that. 
Because of that, I sent a lot of unwanted or wrong messages on messenger yesterday and writing this post could be a bit of a burden, but, from what I can already tell, I am able to write so much faster, I just have to check the spelling more often. 
It actually surprises me, how big is the change of pace. For the longest time I thought that there was something wrong with me, that I couldn’t write just as fast and now it turns out that I actually can. I mean, hello?
There are a lot of thoughts that I have had recently.
First of all, I am trying to exercise regularly. I do a 100 reps butt challenge from blogilates, day 9th today, cause I started earlier (I am leaving next week and I wanted to achieve as much as it was possible beforehand) and I also do a 30 day plank, squat, push-up and crunch challenge.
Apart from that, it is day three of my diet, as I realised that exercising brings results, yes, but it mostly builds muscles, while reducing your fat only for, like, bare minimum. It is mostly dieting that helps with fat loss, especially around stomach region as it is widely known that you build your abs in the kitchen.
Abdominal muscles aren’t really that hard to build, for them to be visible, as I have had them visible for about four years now. It’s just that you have to put a lot of effort to actually make your stomach lean. 
I am working on my thighs a lot too. I am mostly self-conscious about my face, acne on said face, my breasts or rather lack thereof and my thighs.
Honestly, if I could take some fat from my thighs and put it in my boobs, I would do so 100%. 
But, it’s not possible for me for now. So, I am at least trying to make my thighs lean.
It’s just that, I’ve been a dancer for about 8 years. I had very long, harsh Saturday trainings that took up the majority of my day and later, they became Friday and Saturday trainings. 
I had a very lean, slim body at the time, but also my thighs started to grow as a natural result of putting a lot of work into your legs.
Then I quit, the muscles stayed and I also started eating a bit more, which made the thighs grow even more.
So, now we’re here.
It’s quite funny, how I don’t like the plump thighs on myself, but they are my favourite thing on Internet models and I always love how beautiful they look.
I just can’t comprehend it, how much I can love something on somebody else and completely hate it on me. 
Anyways, yesterday I got my glasses. I had an optometric check-up on Monday, although I overslept and I had to schedule another one. 
Basically, when I went to the doctor for the check-up I needed for my driving school, they sent me to a different optometrist, who said that my glasses were too strong for me and I should have my eyes checked. 
I decided to do so and I was postively surprised with how fast i was able to schedule that. I mean, I scheduled the meeting via Internet after gym on Sunday and it was scheduled for Monday, 4 pm. Since I overslept, I had to reschedule, but I did that quite easily and my next meeting was at 5:30pm. I went with my dad and an hour later everything was pretty much done, I chose how I wanted my glasses to look like and I paid. 
Turns out that the doctor was right and the glasses were actually a bit too harsh and strong with power and obviously it is unhealthy to wear glasses or contact lenses that are not suitable for you.
I also desperately needed new glasses, because the previous ones were very beaten-up.
The new ones are super pretty. I actually had trouble picking them, because there was the other pair that I also liked and it was cheaper, but, I have always wanted glasses that would somehow resemble cat eyes and I think I look super pretty in them, even without make-up and with messy hair, which speaks volumes to me. I didn’t know that it was actually possible to feel so powerful with glasses, but well, here we go. 
Besides, I actually passed the theoretical driving test yesterday. It was all a long journey, as at first, I thought that the school was closed, then it turned out that the really nice lady who works as a receptionist had her heart broken and she cried a lot, so I talked it over with her a bit. Later, we had problems with the computer and it shut down in the first half of the exam, which made me mad, cause I was doing well and was pretty sure of the answers. In the second half of the exam that nice lady started weeping really loudly and I was so sad for her, because I remembered how hard I wept after a break-up with my ex. In turn, that made me sort of unable to focus and I got really scared that I won’t be able to pass.
I did pass though, with maximum score, which made me so happy. I can schedule my theoretical exam from tomorrow, the one that actually counts. 
In the meantime, on one of those nights, Black sent me a snap that he was sad. I didn’t reply, cause I have to fix my sleep schedule, gosh darn it, but even later, when I was deep asleep, he sent me another one, which was showing that he was listening to our song and I nearly lost my shit when I woke up.
It’s so easy to throw me off balance, let me just tell you, but I’m working on at least not showing that to everybody.
So, I still haven’t told anybody about my crush on Black. I think that maybe I’ll do it next week, when I will be leaving with my friend to Ukraine. It’s entirely possible that she’ll come to visit me on Tuesday, we’ll go to the movies together and then she’ll come over for the night and her dad will pick us up very early on Wednesday’s morning. 
I think that could be really awesome. Last year’s trip was one of my favourite trips ever, truly freeing and I managed to somehow let go. I remember being in love, but I didn’t love anybody real. I was happy, though.
We’ll see how it will be this year, but I hope that even better than last year. Besides, I wonder whether talking some things out will make me feel better, but I think that it just might.
I’m going to the cinema today, to watch The Hustle with V. We are also going with Su to the cinema next Monday to watch Yesterday and A Rainy Day In New York. I’ll let you know how I liked them. Moreover, I finished the second season of Money Heist and let me tell you, I loved the ending so much.
I am also planning to donate blood on Tuesday, but that requires my dad and my grandma to help, cause my dad will drive us to the blood donation centre and my grandma will stay with me to reassure that I’m okay, since that will be my first time and besides, you might always feel weak and drained after donating. 
So, for now I think I covered all the topics I wanted to cover. It’s really funny, how unmotivated I felt to write yesterday, but how motivated I feel today, after I’ve been woken up and I know I’ll have to leave my house tonight. I might just do my makeup and all that jazz. I am excited, you know. 
Wish me luck.
Today’s light I’m sending to...
Well, maybe I’m going to explain first.
The idea of sending light stems from my acting classes, when our director said that it’s important to send light to people, imagine yourselves giving them light, cause you open yourselves up for possibilities of conversing and working with them.
I tried that as a way of prayer maybe, you know, having someone in your thoughts and wishing them all the best, keeping positive thoughts and creating positive actions because of that. I do have a lot of unhealthy, bad thoughts, like everybody, I believe, so I wanted to make my mind a brighter place as well.
The thing is, often, when I send light to people, something bad happens. I don’t necessarily connect the events, I just believe that I pay more attention to anything bad that might be happening to them and that’s what makes me hurt.
Besides, I also saw a beautiful drawing that sometimes, when you send the light to someone who has been only sucking everything good inside like a black hole their entire life, then also your light will get eaten up and it might not be never-ending.
But, if you give your light to the person who knows how to return it, then you will both blossom and flourish.
It’s all really nice, but well, I will keep on sending light to people that I believe that deserve it and so far, that’s what I’ve done.
Today’s light I’m sending to one of my close friends, Tulip. I have never introduced Tulip to this blog, but she’s one of the people that I am so, so blessed and grateful to have in my life. She is so smart, amazing, loving and organised. I will always keep on wishing her all the best, cause talking things out with her always makes everything so much better. I can’t even remind myself of a situation when I would have been mad at her.
Take care of yourselves,
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creativitytoexplore · 3 years
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[MF] Daffodils https://ift.tt/34Js2HQ
It was a beautiful morning and the smell of fresh coffee and and bagels wafted through the air. She could also smell daffodils but couldn’t see it anywhere. Mia wondered, why don’t I see the daffodils? Where is this beautiful smell coming from?
At first, when Mia woke up she had no clue where she was but it all started coming back to her. She vaguely remembered being in paradise retreat which is probably a fancy name for rehab.
How did she get herself here? She always thought she was going to be one of those people who is going to be ultra-successful and here she was in a rehab a.k.a. Paradise retreat.
Why can’t they just call things as is why do they have to give a politically correct name for everything?
She saw piece of paper next to her which was presumably the program for the coming few days. This feels more like a jail then a retreat!
07:00 am – wake up to the smell of coffee 08:00 am – yoga 09:30 am – shower and get ready for group discussions 10:30 am – Group discussion
Oh man! They also have group discussions she sighed aloud. She only knew these from whatever she saw in the movies where people sit in a circle and talk about things. Did she really have to do it?
Mia was so engrossed in her thoughts that she almost forgot the strange things that she experienced the previous night. Shaking herself of the feeling she got ready to grab her breakfast and got into her yoga pants.
She really enjoyed the yoga session. A lot more than she would ever want to ever acknowledge. Endorphins thanks to a good session made her glow and she was glad she made it to the session. Unfortunately her happy feeling did not last long, her room looked weirdly out of place. She constantly felt like someone was there but did not want it to be known that they are there. She decided to ignore the feeling and get to the shower.
The hot water falling on the skin made her feel very relaxed. She couldn’t stop feeling excited about how great the shower felt. She did not want to spend too much time in the shower because she had to get ready for the group discussion soon.
As soon as she got out of the shower and start dressing up in front of the mirror she noticed that her reflection was lagging behind her. She couldn’t stop herself from screaming really loudly. It was then she started screaming, she noticed that her reflection was blankly staring at her.
This must have been the moment when she passed out. She opened eyes to see the kind lady in charge of the retreat. Mia started to explain what happened. ��Let’s get to that a later time, you need to rest now, my girl” – said the lady with the softest and kindest voice Mia had ever heard.
Mia thought, does this mean I get to skip that group discussion! Yay!
It almost felt like the lady read her thoughts. She said, “Oh don’t you worry about your group discussion, we moved you to the evening batch. You perfectly all right now and you can go back and continue to rest in your room.”
This was when Mia realised that she was in a different part of the retreat. Mia wasn’t sure whether she want to go back to the room. She really did not like the feeling she got there. Not she wasn’t sure if she could ask to move to another room. She thought she would do that the next day if things don’t feel better.
Mia was back in the room and she decided to rest for a while – she tried to feel calm and focus on feeling better. As she walked to get a glass of water, she felt like someone was right next to her. She could almost feel the breath of someone very close to her shoulders. She could also hear some weird sounds like someone was crying softly. She was very confused. And then again the smell of daffodils.
Mia loved daffodils, why was she smelling them everywhere And could not see them anywhere?
Mia decided to take it easy and get a nap before she could go back to attend the group discussion that she really did not want to. Surprisingly, she slipped into a deep, sound and refreshing sleep.
Mia woke up to a strong smell of coffee in the afternoon. She noticed that the staff had refilled her coffee. She wasn’t sure about having coffee in the afternoon but decided to make an exception. She wanted to be fresh for the group discussion and give it a real chance. How bad could it be?
Mia quickly showered, And wore her favourite white dress. She tried hard to remember why was this her favourite. It was super weird that she could not remember many details about herself. She kept thinking, “oh man! I hope people don’t think that I’m not sharing enough in the group discussion. I just can’t remember much…!”
She sprayed her favourite perfume and and set out for the group discussion. As she opened her door to go out, the smell of daffodils completely overpowered her.
She expected to see 8-10 people seated in a circle just as you would see in the movies. She never thought that she would ever be in this place. Instead, she was pleasantly surprised to see around 20-30 people engaged in easy conversations with each other. They seemed to share a camaraderie that she almost envied. She was embarrassed how easily she was getting envious of people in a “group discussion” that she did not even want to join a few moments ago.
Unlike groups that were difficult for a newcomer to break in, everyone made a genuine effort to include her. They had all posted stickers with their first names.
When Mia wanted to get a sticker for herself, she was told, everyone knows her. It was the same kind lady she met earlier (her sticker read Anna). She said, “Mia, so glad to have you here. We were not sure if you would make it, but we want to be here for you in any case.”
Mia did not get it. “Be here for me?” She thought, this was a group discussion where everyone would pour their heart – but she obviously got it wrong. She decided to keep her thoughts to herself.
That’s when she heard the champagne glass clinking. It was tall, good looking guy call Bryan. Bryan said, “As you all know, we are all here today for a special occasion.” Everyone started cheering and whistling. Mia tried to smile and cheer too – but she had no clue what the occasion was. Clearly, she did not read the memo.
Bryan continued, “Mia, we would gratefully like to celebrate your life. Let’s play the video.”
Mia was dumbfounded but also very curious – what this video could be about. It started with her childhood memories. She shook her inhibitions and pragmatism to figure out how they managed to put this together and started enjoying the video. Her first steps. The first time on a slide. Her parents doting on their single child. Her first-time bringing home her trophy from school. Her finish line memories from the triathlon. Her first boyfriend. Her interview at Harvard. Her first day at Harvard Law School. Passing the bar. Making it to one of the best law firms. Her prepping for her parents 25th anniversary.
“Oh my god! I remember now.” Mia thought, tearing up. “I ordered for thousands of daffodils for the ceremony. Dad proposed to Mom after reading the poem – Daffodils. So, I thought it would be funny. Why can’t I remember the party?”
That is when she realized that she was thinking aloud, and the video had stopped.
Everyone formed a weird circle around Mia and held each other close to each other. Anna said, “Mia, I am sorry, you could not attend your parents 25th anniversary. You checked all the arrangements at the party venue and took the train to get home for a quick nap before the party.
In the train, you saw a guy leaving his bag behind and rushing out. When you called out to him, he rushed out. You had the presence of mind to realize it could be a bomb. Without second thoughts, you picked the bag and rushed out of the station. You ran all the way to an empty field and threw the bag away as hard as you could. You saved 1000s of lives that day but unfortunately you lost a part of your memory. You needed a lot of therapy to have your brain be able to process all this.
The mirror was not a mirror. It was a program that monitored your motor functions. We are glad you are ok and can finally get back to your family. We are all the people in that train compartment. You saved us all. We wanted to be a part of your recovery.”
Mia was too shocked to hear all this and was crying inconsolably. She could only say, “what about my parents?” Almost as if that was their cue, her parents came in and gave her a big hug. They had missed her miserably too. They stayed in the same rehab centre and would regularly sneak in to check in on her when she was sleeping. The doctor had given them strict instructions to let Mia recover first – instead of giving her too many mental stimulations.
They were just excited and happy that their selfless daughter was alive and on a path to recovery. It was too much for Mia to process, but she was finally in peace too.
Mia and her parents agreed, the smell of daffodils was a catalyst for her recovery.
Her father couldn’t stop reciting his favourite part from the poem “Daffodils”
For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils.
submitted by /u/KippenAmm [link] [comments]
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