#seriously there are processes important to the health of your computer that run when you turn it off or on
townofcrosshollow · 8 months
Shocked how many people think you can just turn on a computer and leave it on for weeks or months or years and never turn it off and it'll be fine. Computers need their sleep, and sleep mode does not count
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jsms01 · 11 months
My 10 Hacks for Maximum Productivity
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“How do you stay on track?” “How do you stay focused and productive?” “How do you get so much done?” These are questions I get asked regularly — from friends, my team members, people at the gym, and clients. While I love to be spontaneous and flexible, when it comes to productivity, the name of the game for me is routine and having a plan. For me, it all boils down to 10 simple steps. And it WORKS. Ok, you may be wondering… why is this weight loss guru talking about productivity? Well, when you think about it, they are actually quite similar! When I’m asked, “How do you help people lose weight and keep it off?” the answer is, “I developed a specific methodology.” It’s not luck, or a shot in the dark, or a mystery. The secret here is that there is no secret. There’s a science. A process. Weight loss and productivity have many parallels. That’s why I thought you’d love to learn about my proven 10-step productivity system… because it will help you in your own life (and likely in your weight loss, too). My 10 hacks for maximum productivity: 1. A Morning Routine with 3 M’s Perhaps the most important element of a productive day is your morning routine. For years, I heard this from many experts, but didn’t take it seriously. Here’s what my days used to look like: Within 5 minutes of waking, I would jump on my computer and start working. “Seize the day!” I’d say, as I sat in that same spot from 6am until my body started to doze off around 11 at night. I THOUGHT that this is what being productive meant. Work. Work. Work. But the truth was… I was not being productive or proactive; I was being reactive. My mind was never clear. I was constantly jumping from one thing to another. My brain was pretty much in crisis mode, alway looking for what had to be done next. Because of this, even though I was doing a lot, I never actually felt accomplished. I always felt like I was a step behind, trying to keep up, playing catch up. It was like playing a game of whack-a-mole all day long! Starting my day in this headspace was detrimental to the quality of my work, my health, and the quality of my life. Then I FINALLY realized that… The brain is at its highest operating power in the morning… and I was giving all of that energy to everyone else’s tasks! That’s when I started taking control of my mornings with a clear routine. So now this is what I do. The recipe for my morning routine essentially has 3 ingredients, what I call the 3 M’s of the morning: Mindset, Movement and Mojo. Mindset: I start the morning with a time for meditation, prayer and journaling — anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. The key is to get me to a state of peace and gratitude so that everything that flows out of me, comes from a grounded place. A place of peace. Without this step, I fall into old frazzled habits. Movement: I typically do my “Morning Metabolism Hack” which is a quick run to the coffee shop (more on that in this post), or it might be five minutes of body movement exercises (like push-ups, jumping jacks, and squats), or a few minutes flowing through my favorite yoga poses (like downward facing dog and cobra pose). Mojo: I find my mojo once I have my PFC-balanced breakfast, supplements and coffee! Breakfast is usually a smoothie because I can make this really fast, and I don’t usually feel like eating a big meal when I wake up, AND I can jam-pack it with tons of supplements and nutrition that fuel my body and brain for the day—like Glutapowder Redefined, Multipowder Redefined and Fruits & Greens Redefined. Mornings don’t have to be rough. I now enjoy my mornings more than ever. This short routine generates momentum, and makes me feel like I’ve already won the day! 2. I make my bed. This one is simple. Right when I wake up, I make my bed. It gives me a sense of accomplishment right away, which has a ripple effect on the rest of my day. There may actually be scientific reasons for how this works, but for me personally, I notice that when I make my bed it sets me up for a day of accomplishing things. And because I work from home, for me to be able to focus, my space needs to be tidy. So this is an easy win-win to kick off the day. 3. I declutter. On the regular. And I think this goes beyond the simple fact that I normally work from home and like a clean space. I think decluttering my space also declutters my brain. So, I’ve been working really hard at leading more of a minimalist lifestyle, getting rid of clutter and extra stuff, and the more I move toward that, the more freedom I find. Full disclosure: This has been something that’s been super challenging for me. I was raised to be very resourceful (we got our clothing from garage sales, never threw anything out, and didn’t waste anything). This is probably why it’s been hard for me to get rid of stuff. I’ve realized that having extra, unnecessary, unused things occupies energy and space in my mind. Abiding by the rule “If it’s not beautiful, you don’t love it, or haven’t used it in a year, it goes” makes it super simple. It also means less stuff to take care of, and less decisions to make. That’s why, for instance, when I speak, you’ll see me wearing the same blue dress just about every time. When I’m preparing for a big speech, the last thing I want to do is waste precious brain space and mental energy trying on dresses or rummaging through my closet. I feel great in the blue one, so that’s the one I rock. Just about every time. 4. I put limits on social media. I have an urge to check my phone right when I wake up, but I’ve made a huge effort to put this to a halt, and instead go into the first M of my morning routine (mindset). I don’t want the first things to enter my brain to be other people’s lives or what’s happening in the world. So, I save my brain space for my own tasks and projects, and I set aside time later in the day to check and post on social media. I also schedule some of my posts so that some days I can take a social media hiatus (you’ll notice my posts aren’t always in the evenings). 5. I plan my day. By deciding what’s most important, organizing and preparing for the day, you can easily make your way through the day knowing what to focus on. At the end of every day (or after my last work task of the day), I regroup, cross off everything I did, and organize my priorities for the next day by creating a “Tomorrow List.” Then the next morning, I revisit this list to plan out my day. Planning your day allows you to proactively choose where to focus. As I’m planning, I make note of the projects I need to work on, and I write out a to-do list on paper so I can cross out items as I get them done. This gives me a great sense of accomplishment! During this planning time, I also make sure to schedule in a workout if it’s a day where my body feels up for it (read this post for more on my workouts). I have my calendar set so that no calls are scheduled before 10am, because the morning is my most productive time, and I want it dedicated to my own projects and program development—not someone else’s (it’s okay to be selfish with your time!). This entire planning process takes less than 5 minutes (some at the end of the day and some at the start of the next day). 6. Do the dreaded thing first. Have you heard the term “eat the frog”? It comes from Brian Tracy, author of “Eat the Frog,” and he bases his morning philosophy off of a quote from Mark Twain: “If the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you can go through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that that is probably the worst thing that is going to happen to you all day long.” The “frog” he refers to is your most important task—the one you’re dreading the most because it’s so huge and important. (You know what I’m talking about. Ever had that task sit at the top of your to-do list for days… maybe even weeks? And you find that it never seems to get done!? I sure have.) Creating the habit to do your biggest task first can give you a huge boost of accomplishment first thing, AND it gets it done! Putting off tough tasks until the end of the day makes it so much harder because we have a much lower brain capacity. Get it out of the way and move on! I’ve referred to brain capacity a couple of times already in this post, so let me expand on it now: It’s all about managing your energy. Just like it’s important to manage your time, you need to manage your energy. We (ideally after a good night’s sleep!) start with our energy up, and it drains gradually throughout the day. Think of the brain like a muscle: just like any other muscle it gets fatigued the more you use it. So, as the day goes on, it wears out, until you let it rest and recover for a night. Then, when you wake up after a restful night, it is refreshed, sharp and ready to use again! My biggest downfall (maybe yours too?) is giving away my energy to help other people get their work done (email, calls, etc). That’s why, when I plan my day, I aim to tackle one of my biggest projects first thing. When you start with a big task (“frog)”, it’s easier to do it, and then the rest of your day looks pretty awesome by comparison. It’s most productive to get an hour or more of work done on one of your frogs that takes a lot of focus, will and determination to complete before “the rest of the world” gets into your day. 7. I stay ahead of my inbox. And, I also limit my time in there. I’ve notice that it’s so easy to get wrapped up in an overflowing inbox. Before I know it, hours have passed! So, I try to limit my time to 15 minutes in there in the morning. Because I have a team of many people, I do need to check my inbox in the morning to give direction, and answer quick questions so things can get done. My solution is to set a timer to hold me accountable to my 15 minute limit. A key hack I learned from a friend that has been a total game changer for me is to keep my inbox to ZERO (another thing that makes me feel accomplished!!!). I created an Action folder, so anything that will take me longer than 2 minutes to respond to, or that I can’t delegate to someone else, is moved there. This makes it easy for me to spend 15-20 minutes in my inbox and get through everything. Then I block out time on my schedule later to get through the Action folder emails. 8. I use blue light blocking goggles. There are all sorts of apps to block out blue light to promote restful sleep (blue light has a negative effect on your sleep), but the most effective option is these sexy goggles. They help to filter out the blue light emitted by screens as the day goes on. I find it helpful to wear these nerdy blue light blocking goggles to help me wind down and prep for sleeping. Also, the iPhone has a built in “Night Shift” option (look in your settings). 9. Power Hours. Power hours are dedicated time to focus on a specific task or project, and get it done. My friend Stacie told me about these. I do these throughout the day, but also if I have a free evening or on a weekend or vacation if I just want to crank out some work really quick and move on, I’ll set my Be Focused PRO app for 60 minutes, turn on Brain FM and crank it out. 10. I delegate. This concept has been key to not only help me be more productive with my time, but also (and perhaps most importantly), has allowed me to live a more balanced life (and practice what I preach!). By giving certain tasks away to my team members, I can use my energy for projects that demand more of my attention, and not spend time on ones that don’t. Often I am asked, “How do you do it all?” And the answer is, I DON’T. While the brand “Redefined Weight Loss” may appear to be just me, that’s not even close to the truth. We have an amazing team of full time staff members from our operations manager to customer support to dietitians to graphic design, IT, and finance. It took me too long to learn the importance of delegating but once I began reaping the benefits, it became one of my most favorite things to do. 🙂 Since brain capacity is NOT an unlimited resource, delegating allows me to use mine for what matters most. This can apply to anything in life. Find the tasks that aren’t important for you to do, and practicing giving some of those away! Click here to download my free 1-page PDF that I used to develop my morning routine!
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wisdomrays · 3 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 427
Breast-feeding is extremely important for the mother’s own health, as well as that of her baby. The propaganda in the sixties and seventies of some materialistic physicians in cahoots with baby-food manufacturers tried to throw doubt on the value of breast-feeding and to present it, especially in ‘Third World’ countries, as something second-best, unsophisticated. More recently, however, the scientific community has been forced to recognize the irreplaceable value of the mother’s milk, compared to any artificial product, and the World Health Organisation has banned all negative propaganda directed against it.
In what follows, I shall try to answer, from a scientific standpoint, these three questions:
1) What does mother’s milk impart to the baby?
2)What should be the frequency and duration of nursing?
3) What effect does nursing have on the mother?
For nourishment human beings need the three basic foods, and phosphorous and vitamins. All of these substances, namely proteins, sugar, fats, phosphorous and vitamins, are present in the mother’s milk. The special worth of breast milk, however, lies rather in the fact that it contains these substances in very subtly tuned proportions, and the most important secret of its composition is that fatty molecules are dispersed within it in very fine, small particles.
The mother’s own breast milk is prepared more richly than the table of a tycoon. To begin with, the entire vitamin requirement of the baby is present in it for the first six months. Properly informed science can only be amused at the sight of over-anxious parents rushing about with a fruit press in their hands in an effort to provide baby with Vitamin C.
Secondly, there are antibodies in the mother’s milk during the first six months that protect the baby against all infectious diseases. There are even antibodies protecting against measles in the milk of a mother who has never contracted measles, an inexplicable fact in biological terms. This can only be a divine indication of the value God places on the well being of His creatures.
Certain atheistic scientists have put forward an absurd claim that breast milk is deficient in iron. It has been established in recent years, however, that in adults blood is produced in the bone marrow, whereas in babies it is produced in the liver. Iron is stored in the baby’s liver even while it is in the mother’s womb. Attempts to compensate for this supposed deficiency by medicines containing iron may condemn babies to a lifetime of enteritis.
It is a biological imperative that the baby be nursed on breast milk during the first six months, since the liver, normally the centre of digestive activities, is largely occupied with blood production in babies. Furthermore, the baby uses nutrition for the purposes of growth and development rather than energy. For this reason, it is next to impossible to select and balance the required food types and vitamins. We know that there are more than 50 vitamins in addition to the handful known to medicine. The growth and development of the baby is, through the perfect balance of breast milk, brought under perfect control by Divine Omnipotence. To attempt to imitate this divinely managed blessing with imperfect human imitations of it is both arrogant and ridiculous.
Another burden atheists have put on breast-feeding is the rule of feeding every four hours, which they have invented by analogy with the normal period of digestion. Recent research has shown that milk is completely digested in 45 minutes. When this period is over, the secretion of milk in the mother’s mummeries increases by a telepathic reflex, and the baby normally begins to cry due to hunger. All these events constitute a biological computer system, and if the feeding periods do not correspond, the baby’s stomach is filled with acid, seriously disrupting its digestive system. It has even been conjectured that this may contribute to ulcers in later life.
Regarding the duration of breast-feeding, modem medicine has imposed a wholly arbitrary period, namely nine months. But the basic logic of suckling is based on two facts:
a) The liver is heavily loaded because it is producing blood, and hence there is a need for milk. It takes about two full years for the liver to recede into the background as regards blood production. For this reason, breast-feeding should last two years.
b) The most important phase of development, the period when basic biological materials are required, is again two years. Medical science definitely recognizes that the first two years of development of the baby are the most significant phase.
Another miracle of the Qur’an’s wisdom is that it specified this period, although, before Islam, the practice in the societies in the Middle East was to breast-feed for four to five years.
A final point in regard to the length of the breast-feeding period: Research on childhood mental disorders has shown that an infant needs to be breast-fed for about two years for mental health to be robust. A study done on a global scale revealed that no child in Indonesia and the Philippines suffered mental problems, and the research committee found that this was due to the sense of security and tenderness imparted to the baby during two years of breast- feeding in those countries.
a) The healthy functioning of the mammary glands:
Health statistics gathered world-wide have shown that cancer of the breast occurs seldom in mothers who breast-feed their infants for one or two-years. Mothers who do not do so, on the other hand, run the greatest risk of contracting this disease. If only for this reason, a one or two-year nursing period should be commended as a cancer preventive.
b) Biological regeneration occurring in the mother’s body during nursing:
The liver functions at full capacity in a mother who breast- feeds. All the chemical problems of the mother’s body come under scrutiny in this way. Further, since all the required substances have to be mixed into the maternal blood, the mother’s cells compensate for their deficiencies during nursing. Again, since the pituitary gland is in full control during nursing, the general hormone processes all function properly, and hence the psychological makeup of the mother is vastly improved. This harmony in the hormone balance of nursing mothers and the period of calm it imposes on the psychological structure is a priceless gift. You may have noted that despite being physically tired, nursing mothers are never ill-tempered. The reason for this is the harmonization of glandular secretions during breast-feeding.
Again thanks to this hormonal balance, the womb and ovaries of the nursing mother are also afforded a period of rest. Although this period is not equal to the nursing period, a repose of two to six months is a very valuable rest in terms of the mother’s sex organs. In the meantime, simple disorders of the womb and ovaries are also cured. Two years is, again, the ideal duration of the nursing period for these benefits to fully manifest themselves.
In sum, the disparagement of mother’s milk and of breast feeding generally by proponents of an atheistic modern medicine must rank as one of the most shameful stains on the history of medicine. Biologically and psychologically, the health of both mother and baby is greatly improved by breast feeding for, ideally, up to two years. Independent scientific studies have confirmed that this is so. We should not be surprised that they have done so. For who would know better what is best for the well-being of mankind than the One who created us.
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honestgrins · 4 years
Falls Inn || Klaroline
Inspired by Schitt's Creek: The Mikaelsons were swindled out of their fortune, and they are forced to leave New York and their entire lives behind when the only asset remaining to their name was a town bought as a gift. While the town was kind enough to put them up in the local motel, the receptionist isn't all that thrilled to put up with them.
They stared up at the faded sign, all a bit too dumbfounded to speak. 
Leave it to Rebekah to find her words first. "No. Absolutely not."
"It looks filthy," Kol grimaced, clutching a garment bag to his chest. "My clothes aren't safe here, 'Lijah."
Pressing a tired hand to his mouth, Klaus looked to their eldest brother. "Explain this to me again," he said, his expression already defeated. "Your conniving snake of a wife embezzles all of our money and destroys our business, leaving us to bankruptcy while she gallivants off...somewhere-"
"Dubai," Rebekah added venomously, "with my boyfriend. He won't even call me back."
With a nod, he continued. "Right, so, we have nothing left to our family name but a town you bought-"
Kol's shoulders nearly blocked his ears, they rose so high. "Who buys a town?"
"I bought the rights to the land the town sits on," Elijah sighed, having already gone through the details of their last remaining asset with his too dramatic family several times. "The waterfalls are said to be beautiful, and I wanted Katerina to- It doesn't matter." Clearing his throat, he gave his siblings a serious look. "This is all we have left, and the mayor was gracious enough to coordinate our stay at this...lovely inn until we get back on our feet. It's an opportunity to recover and set a new path forward."
Again, Rebekah was the one to say what they were all thinking. "No."
But Klaus tried to rally; Elijah had been through quite the embarrassment, and the stiff upper lip was like to crumble at any moment. If they stood any chance of getting out of this hellhole of a town, it lay with him. "Okay, let's just check in, shall we?" Grabbing his first suitcase and portfolio case, he was the first through the door, where a pretty blonde staffing the reception desk typed away. "Mikaelson, four rooms."
The woman glanced up for a moment, frowning, only to focus back on the computer screen in front of her. "If you'll give me a moment," she said, her voice saccharine despite a stony expression.
Barely holding it together himself, however, Klaus tapped his foot. He noted the arch of her brow at that, but she still didn't budge. "I believe we have a reservation," he urged.
Sighing, she stood from her seat and met his annoyed gaze with a perfectly serene smile that felt eminently fake. She was beautiful, though, and Klaus had a sudden desire to paint her. "Welcome to Mystic Falls and the Falls Inn. My name is Caroline. How may I help you today?"
"We have a reservation," he repeated, his annoyance returned tenfold. "Mikaelson, four rooms."
Her smile somehow grew even brighter, which he assumed meant she was thinking of murder. Why else would someone so bright live here? "Right, the Mikaelsons. I'm sorry to tell you that Mayor Lockwood only blocked two rooms for your indefinite stay, something to do with the allowable rate of compensation given your...situation."
He could feel his entire face flush red. Nearly about to rage at her insolence, he was interrupted by the cacophony of his siblings entering the modest foyer. 
"What do you mean, two rooms?" Kol asked in that indignant way of his. "Surely, you mean suites."
"I mean rooms." Again with that saccharine smile - Klaus wouldn't be surprised if she had fangs beneath that peachy lipstick. She opened a drawer, pulling out two pairs of keys. "The arrangements are up to you, of course, and please feel free to visit reception if you run into any issues."
Elijah offered his hand for the keys, a pained grin on his face. "Thank you..." He checked her nameplate on the desk before looking back up. "Caroline."
Finally, her smile softened to a more genuine thing, if a bit tinged with pity. "You're welcome. I think the Lockwoods were planning to take you out to dinner tonight, show you around the town."
"Yes," he confirmed with a worried glance to the others. "So he mentioned. It's been a long day of travel for us, we'll just get settled in."
"Of course. Your rooms are up the stairs and at the far end of the hall. It's the most privacy I could get you."
"Much appreciated, Caroline." Nodding to Kol, he began to usher them out. "Let's go."
But Kol and Rebekah lingered among the eight bags they had between them. "Is the bellhop on break?" she asked snidely.
"I am going to need them to be very careful with the red cases," Kol added. "They are very important to my health during this nightmare."
Caroline grinned, like she couldn't believe they were real. At times, Klaus was inclined to wonder as well. "Hair products?" she asked.
Scoffing, Kol placed a loving hand over the smallest of them. "No, darling," he said as though it was obvious. "Skincare."
Her eyebrows raised, impressed. "Fair enough. No bellhop, though. Call it your workout for the day. That's my nice way of warning you we also don't have a gym."
Twin groans sounded, but both of them appeared to be offended by the family resemblance. Rebekah was the first to run away from the moment, quick to follow Elijah carrying just one case. Meanwhile, Kol carefully stacked his belongings until they were surely a moving hazard once stairs were involved.
Left behind with the rest of it, Klaus latched onto the moment of peace. He glanced over to Caroline, who had already turned back to her computer. "Tired of us already, love?"
"Are you kidding? You guys are the most interesting thing that's happened to Mystic Falls all year," she replied, not that she bothered to look away from her screen. "I just get the feeling I'm going to be seeing you all a lot. Want to pace myself."
"I'm not sure what you mean," he flirted, hoping his time here would be short but satisfying. He leaned against the counter, admiring the tilt of her petty grin - the most real he'd seen from her so far. "Are you so hands on with all your guests?"
She snorted, an inelegant but altogether charming answer. Even better, she swung her chair to face him again and pinned him with a wide-eyed innocence. "When's the last time you did your own laundry?"
His jaw fell slightly, thrown at the question. Caroline seemed to take that as a victory. "I thought so. Mayor Lockwood specifically asked me to make sure your transition went as smoothly as possible, and I'm prepared for any number of...informational lapses. Seriously, I have a list of solutions ready for a number of probable issues."
"That's..." Trailing off, Klaus nodded. With the way she smiled at him, he knew the game was lost. "We've led a privileged life, there's nothing wrong with that," he finally said.
"No," she agreed automatically. "But my freshman roommate at Whitmore was a mess of a trust fund baby. The first time she poured too much detergent in the washing machine, she threw the clothes away and bought a whole new wardrobe. I don't think she did laundry the rest of the year because it was easier to just buy new clothes. Money can change your perspective, and that's all I meant."
She was so blunt, it was refreshing. "Very well. While I trust we can figure out whatever issues arise-"
"The Internet is the great dumb question resource," Caroline grinned.
"-I look forward to having your assistance on hand," he finished, trying not to laugh. "Thank you for your help."
Her gaze was calculating, but that only charmed him further. "You're welcome..."
Blinking, he realized they'd never officially introduced themselves. "Apologies. I'm Klaus."
"The artist. Cool." At his questioning glance, she shrugged. "Like I said, you guys are the most interesting thing to happen to this place. We googled. Hard."
Chuckling, he finally picked up his suitcase and made his way to the stairs. But he turned back when he processed exactly what she said. "We?"
Her amused smile turned predatory. "Welcome to Mystic Falls, Klaus. You get used to it."
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unfolded73 · 4 years
Husbands: Two Years In (5/5) - schitt’s creek ff
Here it is, the final chapter!  There's nothing I can say that can get across how touched I've been by the comments on this fic. The number of people who have shared things about their own struggles with mental health -- I'm not worthy of it. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
While I'm including this fic as part of the "Labels" series, the preceding fics are not required reading. Previous fics in this series: Boyfriends; “I Love You”, Partners, Fiancés
Warning: This fic deals with depression as one of its major topics.
Rated Explicit, this chapter 4718 words. (ao3)
Thanks to @high-seas-swan for cheerleading and B13_MaybeThisTime for many valuable comments (and also cheerleading).
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Winter
“So how was your week?” Jessica asked.
Patrick always felt like he should plan before therapy what he was going to talk about, but he never remembered to do that.
“It was a little crazy. The holidays at the store always are, although it’s very lucrative. The money we make in December will carry us through at least half of the upcoming year,” he said, pinching the webbing on one hand between his thumb and forefinger of the other.
“And did you feel more equipped to handle that? The busy store, and all your responsibilities around that? Especially with Christmas a few days away?”
Patrick shrugged, feeling obstinate. “I don’t know.”
Jessica let a silence settle, waiting for him to talk. Patrick hated this part; it made him feel like he was failing at therapy when he didn’t know how to fill that silence. What the right answer was. He crossed his arms and leaned back against the sofa cushions, calling her bluff.
Finally, she relented and spoke, and Patrick felt like he’d won a round of whatever game they were playing. “You’ve never said much in here about your sexual orientation other than to talk about your husband and to say that things with your family are good. Was it always that way?”
Patrick tried not to roll his eyes. He knew this would be coming eventually. He’d been avoiding the subject of Rachel or his coming out process because he knew it would be something Jessica would fixate on. “I’m not depressed because of being gay, or… or anything to do with that. I love being gay.”
She smiled genuinely. “I’m glad. But humor me.”
“My parents always accepted me,” he said quickly, but that felt like a lie even though it was technically true.
“How old were you when you came out?” Jessica asked.
Patrick let out a frustrated sigh, seeing no way to avoid the truth now. “I was… I was in denial about being gay for a long time.” Might as well get it all out, he thought. “When I was twenty-nine I broke off an engagement to my high school sweetheart — who was a woman — and moved away from my hometown. Pretty soon after that, I realized I was gay.”
“That must’ve been hard,” Jessica said.
“Yeah, but once I got through it and… and got together with David, I’d never been happier.”
He couldn’t help but see the smile she gave him in response to that as patronizing. “New love can flood the body with so many good chemicals that it swamps out all of the bad ones.”
Patrick narrowed his eyes. “Are you saying I wasn’t happy?”
“No, I’m saying that the way you’ve framed things in some of our past sessions — that you were depressed before you moved here, and then you weren’t, and now for some reason you’re depressed again… that may not be the right way to frame it. Do you think perhaps it puts a lot of pressure on David as the source of your happiness?”
“I don’t put pressure on David,” Patrick protested.
“Is it possible that you put pressure on yourself, then? When it comes to your relationship with David and its importance in your life?” Jessica asked.
Patrick huffed and didn’t answer. Now she was contradicting herself from one sentence to the next.
“When did you come out to your family?” she asked.
“That isn’t why I’m depressed either,” he said.
Jessica sighed like he was finally challenging her constant state of serene acceptance. “Untangling the web of depression isn’t straightforward. It might be helpful to pull on different threads and see what they’re connected to. Okay?”
Patrick supposed that made sense. “Okay.” Then after another pause, he admitted, “It took me a while to come out to my parents.”
“Why is that?”
He stared at Jessica’s bookshelf for several seconds, his eyes running over the titles without reading them. “I worried that my parents wouldn’t be okay with it. They didn’t talk about gay people when I was a kid, really. Or when they did, they made it sound like a sad thing that we needed to tolerate because it wasn’t a choice. You know, that brand of ‘tolerance’ that is just that and nothing more.”
She shot him a sympathetic look. “It’s understandable why you were hesitant to come out to them.”
“But they were great about it. It wasn’t long after coming out to them that I asked David to marry me, and they were great. They love him, and all my worries were unfounded,” he said, trying to figure out why tears were threatening to spill over.
Jessica took a few seconds to rearrange herself, setting her ever-present portfolio aside and leaning forward on with her elbows on her knees. “I understand that, looked at a certain way, you’ve had a purely positive experience with coming into your sexuality. You had David, who from what you’ve said before is a very loving person. And based on what you’ve told me, you live in an accepting community. And then your parents stepped up and were there for you when you asked them to be. That’s all wonderful, and not to be discounted. But it doesn’t change the fact that for all of your formative years, when maybe on some subconscious level you did know that you were gay, or at least different in some fundamental way, you didn’t feel like your parents or the community you were living in would accept you. That kind of experience leaves a mark, even though everything turned out fine.”
She smirked, leaning backwards again. “Or not. Perhaps your serotonin is low due to simple physiology and I’m completely off the mark.”
Patrick felt strangely reassured by this honesty, this admission that she knew that she didn’t know everything. “So I need medication, then?”
“Maybe,” she said. “Medication might help. Or cognitive behavior therapy could help you. Or both together.”
His reassurance quickly dissolved, leaving Patrick wanting to scream at his therapist, fix me, goddammit! Instead he said, “That all sounds very nebulous.”
She grinned. “From what I know about you so far, I bet that’s driving you crazy, and I’m sorry about that. Can you bear with me for a little while, though? Work through the process?”
He sighed. “I’ll try.”
Patrick drove past the empty storefront on Elmdale’s main street as he was leaving his therapy appointment. He’d noticed every week that the ‘for lease’ sign was still in the window. After the second time he saw it, he’d texted Ray to ask if that was the space he’d mentioned to David. David hadn’t said anything about the second Rose Apothecary location in a while, but it didn’t take a genius to guess that he was still thinking about it, and probably wondering when Patrick would be ready to seriously entertain the idea again.
On impulse, he pulled into one of the parking spaces that lined the street and got out of the car, walking over to the empty storefront. The windows were covered in paper, but he could see enough through the gaps to make out that it had a scuffed up hardwood floor. It would need to be refinished, he thought, but it looked like it was in pretty good shape.
The smell of coffee attracted Patrick’s attention, and he looked over to see that there was a coffee shop next door. Grind House, the sign that hung under the awning said. Curious, Patrick went over and opened the door.
The barista looked up and waved. It being around two in the afternoon on a weekday, the place was mostly empty other than two people at a table in the corner who were huddled over laptop computers. The shop was decorated tastefully for Christmas, and he thought David would approve of the warmth and coziness of the space.
“Hey, what can I get you?” the barista — Taylor, her name tag read — asked him with a smile. Tattoos snaked out from under the sleeves of her t-shirt, black ink against dark brown skin.
“A small earl grey tea?” he asked.
“Sure thing. Is that it? We’ve got a few pastries left.”
His eyes strayed over to the pastry case. “Yeah, could I get a couple of those butter tarts to go? My husband is a real connoisseur.”
Taylor grinned at him. “Smart man.”
“Hey, what do you know about the empty space next door? Do you know if there’s been any interest in it?”
“Oh man, I’m still bummed about that. It used to be a comic book shop. I was afraid to go in there for the longest time — comic stores aren’t necessarily the most welcoming places to black queer women, you know? But the old guy that ran it was super nice. I remember he made a point of telling me when Ta-Nahisi Coates started writing Captain America.”
“What happened to the store?”
She shrugged. “Amazon drove him out of business, I guess. That’ll be $9.25,” she said ringing up his tea and butter tarts. As Patrick put his debit card in the reader, she added, “Why do you ask?”
“Oh.” He scratched his cheek. “My husband and I run a store in Schitt’s Creek. Rose Apothecary?”
“Holy shit, really? A friend gave me some of your lotion for my birthday. It’s great.”
Patrick swelled with pride. “Thanks. Anyway, we’re considering opening a second location in Elmdale.”
Taylor smirked, handing him his tea and a box with the tarts. “Sorry, I can’t allow you to have a store right next door to my coffee shop. I’ll spend all my profits there.”
Laughing, Patrick accepted his purchases. “Oh, well. Guess we’ll have to look for another place, then. Although David would return the favor, I’m sure.”
“What’s your name?” Taylor asked.
“It’s Patrick Brewer,” he said, setting the tea down again to shake her hand.
“Nice to meet you, Patrick. I’m Taylor. And I hope you guys get the space.”
“I… do too,” he said, surprised to find that he meant it.
The store was bustling when he got back to Schitt’s Creek, and David and Bethany were both busy with customers. Patrick put the box of butter tarts in the back room and went to work restocking Christmas decorations. Given how many decorations they sold every holiday season, Patrick had to assume that by now every Christmas tree in Elm County was fully outfitted in David Rose’s aesthetic.
As soon as David finished with the customers he was helping, Patrick went over and put a hand on his shoulder. “I got you something for your afternoon break,” he said. “There’s a white box on the table in the back.”
David’s eyes lit up, and he hurried into the back before he could be waylaid by another harried holiday shopper.
They didn’t have a chance to exchange any more conversation until Bethany finally flipped the sign on the door to Closed and locked up. Patrick felt dead on his feet, but he had to admit that the thought of all the money in the cash register made him feel pretty good. Bethany went to work cleaning the windows while David leaned against the center table.
“Oh my god, Patrick, where did you get those butter tarts? Those are the best ones I’ve had in years.”
Patrick walked over and put his arms around his husband, pulling him into a hug. “A little coffee shop in downtown Elmdale that happens to be next to an empty store that I believe Ray mentioned to you a couple of months ago.”
David pulled out of the hug, his eyes darting back and forth as he studied Patrick’s expression. “It’s still vacant?”
Nodding, Patrick leaned up and kissed David’s cheek. “We should call Ray after Christmas and go take a look at it.”
“Are you sure?”
Patrick shrugged. “No, I’m scared as hell. Among other things, I’m afraid I’m going to miss having days like this with you, working together in our store. But I want to go look.”
David kissed his lips gently. “Okay.”
Stevie stood shivering on their back porch, bundled up in her hat and puffy parka. “It’s way too cold for this,” she said.
Patrick exhaled pot smoke in a crystalline cloud of breath and handled the joint back to her. “Our families are getting here tomorrow and I don’t want the house to smell like weed.” He giggled. “It doesn’t match David’s holiday aesthetic.”
His phone chimed, and he took it out to look at it, expecting a complaint from David. Instead the text was from his cousin. There were no words, just a picture of Justin pressed cheek to cheek with another boy.
Patrick: Who’s this?
Justin 🌈: his name is Jonah
Patrick: Very cute. And closer to your age, I hope?
Justin 🌈: 🙄 you sound like my mom he’s 18
Patrick: Good. Merry Christmas, Justin.
Justin 🌈: thanks you too
Then a text arrived from David, just as Patrick expected. She’s got even more luggage than last year.
Patrick laughed. Maybe it’s a lot of presents for you, he texted back.
David: You give my sister entirely too much credit.
Patrick: See you soon.
“Why are you suddenly so fucking popular?” Stevie groused, her teeth chattering, handing him the joint back as he put away his phone.
“Sounds like Alexis’s flight got in on time,” he said. “And my cousin Justin has a new… boyfriend, I guess?” He took another hit.
“I can’t stand this anymore; I’m going inside,” Stevie said, taking the half-smoked joint from him and carefully extinguishing it, then putting it in a crumpled sandwich bag that she produced from her coat pocket. Patrick followed her back into the house. “Is this the cousin that you rescued a while ago?”
“How many gay cousins do you think I have?” he asked, pulling his coat off.
“I mean, statistically? Given how many cousins you have? More than one.” She flopped down on the sofa and stretched out on her back. “So are you liking your therapist any better?”
Patrick dropped into the overstuffed chair across from her. “I don’t know. As I predicted, she’s starting to fixate on my sexual orientation and…” He gestured airily in a very David way. “All that.”
Stevie turned her head and regarded him balefully. “The fact that you were in denial about being gay until you were thirty? And didn’t come out to your parents until you were ready to ask David to marry you? Is that what ‘all that’ is?”
“Fuck off,” Patrick grumbled.
“I’m just saying, there’s probably some stuff to unpack there.”
“Stevie, I’m completely comfortable with being gay,” he said.
“Didn’t say you weren’t. It’s not about you being gay, but maybe it’s about how you get so wrapped up in your obligations to other people that you lose track of yourself. Or that you’re so obsessed with not disappointing the people you care about that you have a hard time being truthful about who you are or what you need.”
Patrick blinked. “Wow. Maybe you should be my therapist.”
Stevie laughed. “The problem is, I need to be high to have these deep insights.”
They settled into comfortable silence for a few minutes. Finally Patrick admitted, “I don’t like the way it makes me feel cracked open.”
“What does?” Stevie asked, her mind clearly having wandered.
“Oh. Yeah, I don’t think I could deal with that either,” Stevie said.
“It’s like… you know how if you pick up a big rock in moist soil, there’ll be all these bugs underneath it?”
“Ew,” Stevie said in a perfect imitation of David, and the two of them burst into gales of laughter for a while. When Stevie finally got control of herself, she said, “Sorry, what about the bugs?”
He wiped away tears from his cheeks. “It was a metaphor for my brain. I’ve got a lifetime of practice not moving those rocks. I don’t know if I want to know what’s underneath them.”
“Yeah, I get that.” She stretched her toes out, brushing them against the arm of the sofa. “You know you’ll be okay though, right?”
Patrick felt a swell of love for Stevie and he would have hugged her, but it would probably be weird. Also he was comfortable in his chair. Maybe he’d hug her later.
When David arrived from retrieving Alexis at the airport, Patrick put his coat back on to help with the luggage. David opened a bottle of wine and turned the lamps in the living room off, leaving only the light from the Christmas tree to illuminate the four of them as they settled in to talk.
They told Alexis about the new location in Elmdale that they were considering leasing, and she made some marketing suggestions that were good enough that David went and retrieved his journal from the bedroom so that he could make some notes.
“One thing I’ve seen businesses do to get market penetration is sponsor relevant conferences,” Alexis said. “Like, professional association meetings. Then they get their business name and logo printed on everything for the conference — tote bags, lanyards, USB sticks, all that stuff.” Her free hand that wasn’t holding her wine glass flopped around to indicate all of the stuff.
“We don’t really have general store conferences,” Patrick said, bemused.
Alexis rolled her eyes. “But it works for other events too. Summer festivals, parades, whatever.”
“Elm Valley has a pumpkin festival every year,” Stevie said.
Patrick was starting to have a germ of an idea related to what Alexis had said. He sipped his wine and filed it away to mull over later, when he was sober.
Tomorrow, Johnny and Moira and his own parents would arrive and things would take a turn for the chaotic, but for right now, Patrick could enjoy the warmth of David’s hand on his shoulder as his husband bantered happily with his sister and his best friend. Leaning into the crook of David’s arm, Patrick smiled and tried to soak up all of the love in the room, an inoculation against the darkness that might lurk around the next bend in the road.
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” David murmured against his spine later in their bed. Their kisses had been drowsy and a little bit drunk as they decided that sex was happening tonight in spite of their houseguests. Alexis was in the guest bedroom and Stevie had zonked out on the living room sofa, David tucking an afghan around her shoulders before he and Patrick went to bed themselves.
“It’s not Christmas yet,” Patrick said with a chuckle, writhing, pressed against the sheets as David worked him up and up.
“I know it’s not technically Christmas, but tonight was so nice,” David murmured into Patrick’s shoulder, words alternating with kisses. “It filled me with holiday spirit.”
Patrick tried not to laugh, he really did, but it was a losing battle. He made an attempt to smother his giggles into his pillow.
“If you say something about me filling you with the holiday spirit, it’s over between us.” The things he was doing to Patrick with his fingers belied that statement.
Laughing again, Patrick pushed his hips back against David’s hand, and then his laughter turned into a moan, and then neither of them said anything coherent for a long time.
The first town council meeting of the new year came on a grey January afternoon, the threat of snow on the horizon. Everyone was subdued and low energy, even Roland, and Patrick felt drowsy, struggling a little bit to pay attention and type at the same time that they discussed several budgetary issues. A lot of the topics were the same every meeting, with tiny, incremental changes almost too small to detect. Or worse, they were recurring issues that indicated no progress had been made at all.
When they got to the bottom of the agenda, Ronnie asked if there was any new business, and Patrick almost didn’t say anything. The idea that had occurred to him during the holidays had seemed strong on a happier day. Today, he wasn’t sure he had the energy to argue for it. But then he thought about the things Ronnie had said to him about queer activism, and he thought about Taylor and her coffee shop, and he opened his mouth.
“Have we ever considered having something in Schitt’s Creek for Pride?” he asked.
Ronnie raised her eyebrows. “What, like a parade?”
“No offense, but it might be kind of a sad little parade,” Roland said.
“No, not a parade. Like, a street festival. Tents with food and other vendors and LGBT educational booths. Opportunities for people to find out about meetings in the area. Maybe a stage with speeches and musical performances. And we don’t have to limit it to only Schitt’s Creek. I looked into it a little, and even Elmdale doesn’t have anything like it. We could draw vendors and patrons from all over Elm County.”
Ronnie crossed her arms. “Sounds like a way to line your own pockets. I assume Rose Apothecary would be one of the vendors?”
Patrick met her gaze. “I’m sure the rest of council could be counted on to keep us on a level playing field with everyone else. Come on, Ronnie. Can you honestly say it wouldn’t be a good thing for the community? And a good way to bring money into the town?”
She tilted her head in acquiescence. “Put together a formal proposal and we can vote on it at the next meeting.”
“I’m going to vote ‘yes,’” Bob stage-whispered to Patrick.
“Thanks, Bob.”
After the meeting had adjourned, Patrick went over to Ronnie. “I thought later this month I’d go to that Thornbridge LGBTQIA+ meeting you told me about. See what they’re doing and make some connections. Ask if they’d be interested in helping out with our Pride festival.”
Ronnie stared at him for a second. “Your festival idea hasn’t been approved yet,” she said.
“Assuming it’s approved,” he said, unable to keep himself from grinning. “Would you like to go with me?”
“You want me to spend hours in a car with you, driving to Thornbridge. Really.”
“Come on, Ronnie. Someday you and I are going to have to bury the hatchet for good.” He put on his most guileless expression, the one that caused David to accuse him of weaponizing his eyes. “Why not in service to the queer community, of which we are both pillars?”
She almost, for a split second, looked like she was going to crack a smile. Instead she sighed. “Fine. Let me know when it is. I’ll see if I’m available.”
They celebrated signing the lease for the new store with pizza at David’s favorite spot in Elmdale. There were paper hearts colored by children in the front window, and it reminded Patrick that he only had a few days to find a suitably tacky gift for David for Valentine’s Day. It wasn’t worth it if he couldn’t get David to threaten to divorce him on this, David’s most hated of holidays.
While they waited for their pizza, Patrick reached across the red and white checkered tablecloth and took David’s hand. “Thank you,” he said.
David had been fiddling with his phone, but at the sound of Patrick’s voice, he set it face-down on the table and gave Patrick his full attention. “What for?”
“For being there for me so many times this past year. For… for putting up with me at my worst.”
A crooked smile threatened to erupt on David’s face. “Patrick, you know your worst is still pretty good, right?”
“I hope you’re not still grading me on a Sebastien Raine curve, David.”
David rolled his eyes at that. “No, I’m just saying that maybe you don’t have the most objective perspective on what being married to you is like.” His eyes softened. “I’m as happy being your husband today as I was the first day. Okay?”
Patrick swallowed around a surprising lump in his throat. “Okay.”
“You’re nervous about the new store,” David surmised.
“I am, but it’s the right decision,” Patrick said with confidence.
“I’m nervous too,” David said. “Don’t mistake my outward confidence for anything other than a thin veneer over all of my anxieties.”
That statement automatically put Patrick into reassurance mode. “The marketing ideas from Alexis are going to be helpful. The customer base in Elmdale is huge and has more disposable income compared to what we’re used to at home. I’ve run some numbers, and I think the revenue from this location may outstrip our Schitt’s Creek location in a matter of months.”
David grimaced. “Well, that somehow makes me feel irrationally protective of our first store. It doesn’t deserve to be the under-achiever.”
Squeezing David’s hand, Patrick said, “Never. I fell in love with you there, and there’s nowhere in the world more important to me than that store.”
“We can make new memories at the new store,” David said softly.
Patrick knew, realistically, that he and David probably wouldn’t be spending that much time together at the new store after they got it open. They’d have to split time between the two locations, and there would be even more work to do out on the road, expanding their vendor base to support the increased demand.
David seemed to read his thoughts. “And when we spend our days apart, it will make being at home together in the evenings that much more precious.”
“Yeah,” Patrick managed to say, his voice raw. He averted his eyes from David’s piercing gaze, staring out the window between the gaps in the paper hearts. “Can you… can you talk to me more about that?”
David smiled and rubbed his hands together. “Well, imagine a day when I’m at the store here in Elmdale, and you’re at the store back at home.”
“Are you at the one in Elmdale because of Taylor’s pastries?”
“Shhh,” David said, reaching out with a finger like he was going to put it over Patrick’s lips. “I leave the store a little early, letting one of our trusted employees close up, and I bring home some wine and cheese from the store. Maybe some of Heather’s new triple cream.” He closed his eyes like he was having an erotic fantasy about Heather Warner’s cheese.
“Wine and cheese that you pay for,” Patrick said.
“Naturally. Oh, and fresh berries. It’s summer, and there are berries in season. So I set everything up on the kitchen table, just in time for you to arrive home from the other store. And we drink wine and eat cheese and we tell each other all about our days. The sun is setting, and the light is all golden,” David said.
“I like this story,” Patrick replied. “Then what happens?”
“Eventually we move to the sofa. Maybe watch some TV or listen to some music. We put our feet up and finish our wine and you remember something funny that you saw on the internet and you tell me about it. And then when we get tired, we go to bed.”
“What happens then?” Patrick asked as their server set their pizza in front of them and David grabbed a slice.
David’s mouth twisted into a crooked smile and he waggled his eyebrows. “The rest of the story is very interesting, but you’ll have to wait to get home to hear that part.”
“Hmm, okay.” Patrick reached for his own slice of pizza.
“Hey,” David said, drawing Patrick back to looking at him. “I love you. I can’t wait to see what the next year brings for us.”
Patrick smiled. He felt bolstered, lifted up by David’s support and for once, he allowed himself to feel good about it. “Me either, David.”
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brennamokare · 3 years
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wisdomrays · 4 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 108
The Importance of Breast-Feeding
Mothers shall suckle children for two whole years, for those who desire to complete the suckling. It is for the father to provide for them and clothe them honourably. No soul is charged save to its capacity: no woman should suffer because of her child, nor any man because of his. The same responsibilities are incumbent on the heir. But if (the couple) decide by mutual consent to wean (the child), there is no blame on them. And if you desire to seek nursing for your children (by hiring a foster mother), there is no blame on you provided you pay her fairly. Fear God, and know that God sees everything you do (Qur’an, 2.205).
Breast-feeding is extremely important for the mother’s own health, as well as that of her baby. The propaganda in the sixties and seventies of some materialistic physicians in cahoots with baby-food manufacturers tried to throw doubt on the value of breast-feeding and to present it, especially in ‘Third World’ countries, as something second-best, unsophisticated. More recently, however, the scientific community has been forced to recognize the irreplaceable value of the mother’s milk, compared to any artificial product, and the World Health Organisation has banned all negative propaganda directed against it.
In what follows, I shall try to answer, from a scientific standpoint, these three questions:
1) What does mother’s milk impart to the baby?
2)What should be the frequency and duration of nursing?
3) What effect does nursing have on the mother?
1- The nature of mother’s milk
For nourishment human beings need the three basic foods, and phosphorous and vitamins. All of these substances, namely proteins, sugar, fats, phosphorous and vitamins, are present in the mother’s milk. The special worth of breast milk, however, lies rather in the fact that it contains these substances in very subtly tuned proportions, and the most important secret of its composition is that fatty molecules are dispersed within it in very fine, small particles.
The mother’s own breast milk is prepared more richly than the table of a tycoon. To begin with, the entire vitamin requirement of the baby is present in it for the first six months. Properly informed science can only be amused at the sight of over-anxious parents rushing about with a fruit press in their hands in an effort to provide baby with Vitamin C.
Secondly, there are antibodies in the mother’s milk during the first six months that protect the baby against all infectious diseases. There are even antibodies protecting against measles in the milk of a mother who has never contracted measles, an inexplicable fact in biological terms. This can only be a divine indication of the value God places on the well being of His creatures.
Certain atheistic scientists have put forward an absurd claim that breast milk is deficient in iron. It has been established in recent years, however, that in adults blood is produced in the bone marrow, whereas in babies it is produced in the liver. Iron is stored in the baby’s liver even while it is in the mother’s womb. Attempts to compensate for this supposed deficiency by medicines containing iron may condemn babies to a lifetime of enteritis.
It is a biological imperative that the baby be nursed on breast milk during the first six months, since the liver, normally the centre of digestive activities, is largely occupied with blood production in babies. Furthermore, the baby uses nutrition for the purposes of growth and development rather than energy. For this reason, it is next to impossible to select and balance the required food types and vitamins. We know that there are more than 50 vitamins in addition to the handful known to medicine. The growth and development of the baby is, through the perfect balance of breast milk, brought under perfect control by Divine Omnipotence. To attempt to imitate this divinely managed blessing with imperfect human imitations of it is both arrogant and ridiculous.
2- Intervals and duration of breast feeding
Another burden atheists have put on breast-feeding is the rule of feeding every four hours, which they have invented by analogy with the normal period of digestion. Recent research has shown that milk is completely digested in 45 minutes. When this period is over, the secretion of milk in the mother’s mummeries increases by a telepathic reflex, and the baby normally begins to cry due to hunger. All these events constitute a biological computer system, and if the feeding periods do not correspond, the baby’s stomach is filled with acid, seriously disrupting its digestive system. It has even been conjectured that this may contribute to ulcers in later life.
Regarding the duration of breast-feeding, modem medicine has imposed a wholly arbitrary period, namely nine months. But the basic logic of suckling is based on two facts:
a) The liver is heavily loaded because it is producing blood, and hence there is a need for milk. It takes about two full years for the liver to recede into the background as regards blood production. For this reason, breast-feeding should last two years.
b) The most important phase of development, the period when basic biological materials are required, is again two years. Medical science definitely recognizes that the first two years of development of the baby are the most significant phase.
Another miracle of the Qur’an’s wisdom is that it specified this period, although, before Islam, the practice in the societies in the Middle East was to breast-feed for four to five years.
A final point in regard to the length of the breast-feeding period: Research on childhood mental disorders has shown that an infant needs to be breast-fed for about two years for mental health to be robust. A study done on a global scale revealed that no child in Indonesia and the Philippines suffered mental problems, and the research committee found that this was due to the sense of security and tenderness imparted to the baby during two years of breast- feeding in those countries.
3-The benefits for the mother
a) The healthy functioning of the mammary glands:
Health statistics gathered world-wide have shown that cancer of the breast occurs seldom in mothers who breast-feed their infants for one or two-years. Mothers who do not do so, on the other hand, run the greatest risk of contracting this disease. If only for this reason, a one or two-year nursing period should be commended as a cancer preventive.
b) Biological regeneration occurring in the mother’s body during nursing:
The liver functions at full capacity in a mother who breast- feeds. All the chemical problems of the mother’s body come under scrutiny in this way. Further, since all the required substances have to be mixed into the maternal blood, the mother’s cells compensate for their deficiencies during nursing. Again, since the pituitary gland is in full control during nursing, the general hormone processes all function properly, and hence the psychological makeup of the mother is vastly improved. This harmony in the hormone balance of nursing mothers and the period of calm it imposes on the psychological structure is a priceless gift. You may have noted that despite being physically tired, nursing mothers are never ill-tempered. The reason for this is the harmonization of glandular secretions during breast-feeding.
Again thanks to this hormonal balance, the womb and ovaries of the nursing mother are also afforded a period of rest. Although this period is not equal to the nursing period, a repose of two to six months is a very valuable rest in terms of the mother’s sex organs. In the meantime, simple disorders of the womb and ovaries are also cured. Two years is, again, the ideal duration of the nursing period for these benefits to fully manifest themselves.
In sum, the disparagement of mother’s milk and of breast feeding generally by proponents of an atheistic modern medicine must rank as one of the most shameful stains on the history of medicine. Biologically and psychologically, the health of both mother and baby is greatly improved by breast feeding for, ideally, up to two years. Independent scientific studies have confirmed that this is so. We should not be surprised that they have done so. For who would know better what is best for the well-being of mankind than the One who created us?
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jacquelinejacob · 3 years
Heyyy good day everyone so, uhm I’m Jacqueline Jacob and it’s my first time to create a blog post guys so please support me💓❤️. So, I’ll describe myself guys, I’m cute(but I’m the only one who’s saying that because whenever I tell this to my friends they say I’m the only one who knows about it and they always ask me where part of my face is cute because they cannot see it🙄) like duhh guys I’m so cute you know hahahaha wait until you see my face haha. So that, I am cute, I’m short( that’s why my friends are always teasing me and they keep on telling me that I’m a dwarf😤) seriously guys? I’m not that small duhh I love my height, I’m sooo skinny guys that’s my biggest problem in my body, I’m kind of gluttonous🤭 but I still don’t gain weight and it’s so frustrating because I can’t buy the clothes that I like because it doesn’t look good on me, my dear body what is your problem(insert angry tone here guys haha) I think my metabolism is too fast. And most of all guys I’m a wattpad reader and I write love stories and poem but I hide my works because I’m afraid people won’t like it and I’m so afraid just by thinking that they will judge my work. You know that guys? you put a lot of effort on your work but they can’t even appreciate it instead they judge it and say so many hurtful words to the author. It sucks how people appreciate you(insert sarcastic tone here). And guys who’s a wattpader out their? omg pm me if you’re a wattpader, let’s talk about the stories you’ve read already!! It would be fun guys hahaha. But beware guys I am crazy, a cute but crazy girl hahaha(lol just joking) sometimes I am childish, sometimes I am serious, no one can predict what would be my mood(I’m a bipolar guys shh🤭🤭) hahaha. My friends usually call me crazy because I just laugh out loud out of nowhere and I don’t even know what am I laughing at hahaha so guys am I really crazy? please tell me I’m not (insert begging eyes here). Oh and I almost forget guys I’m just 16 years old(but I look more younger because of my height hahaha) and I’m a senior high school student from St. Paul University of the Philippines or sometimes they call it SPUP. I was born on July 24,2004(the day where the cutest was born hahaha stop it self you’re not cute) and guys I’m a Daddy’s girl, I love my father than my mother because my mother is always scolding me while my father always pampered me but it has a limit hahaha kidding aside, I love them both💕💕. So guys please support me? pretty please(puppy eyes). I know you can’t resist my cuteness now hahaha, I love you all guys I hope you appreciate my effort in writing this❤️.
So guy’s this questions that I will be answering has been asked by my teacher Sir Carlos Babaran, Good Day sir😊😊:
So let’s start now guy’s
1. Where do I see myself 10 years from now? Is my learning in SPUP vital to where I’m leading to?
So as I am contemplating with myself, I’ve realized that I can see myself 10 years from now in a plane while assisting all the passengers. Because seriously guys, since I dream of touring to every part of the world and I dreamed of riding a plane that’s why I want to be a flight attendant. And yes, of course my learning in SPUP is vital to where I’m leading to because I can use that learning to be my guide to where I’m leading to, I’ll use that to live my dreams in the near future.
okay so this is the second question guys
2. Was ABM the best choice afterall?
YES, for me it’s a yes because ABM contains the learning that I would need when I will go to college. Also in ABM I will learn how to run a business and I can use that learning if ever there is a change in my plans in the future.
number 3 guys
3. What course will you take in college and why?
The course that I will take in college is tourism. Why? It’s simple guys, I love to tour and as I say on my answer in the number one question, I love to tour and it’s my dream since I was still a child.
And here goes number 4 guys, actually this is just a five questions so don’t worry guys get a little more patience to read my blog hahaha so here it is;
4. What topic would you like to learn more in this subject?
So since this subject is empowerment technology, and technology means different types of technologies that we use in everyday life, I want to learn more on how to use computers, the every part of it, and how to use it. Because honestly guys, I’m not good in using computers. There’s a lot more I want to learn like how to create an app, how to access in different sites, and omg guys I really want to learn how to hack an account. I won’t use it for illegal guys even if I know that hacking is already illegal in online world haha, I just want to learn it because I envy those people I watched in every movies, it’s like it’s so cool.
so we’re in the last questions guys and I can almost hear you saying, “Finally!” hahaha
5. What the corona virus has taught you about life?
What corona has taught me about life is it is important to take care of your health. It’s important to be cautious every day because it’s not just ourselves that we are talking about, corona virus can also involve our whole family without us noticing it. We all should learn how to clean our surroundings, not just our surroundings but also ourselves. Always wash and disinfect your whole body.
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My favourite technology is communication technology particularly computer. So now I’ll make a TECH REVIEW guys about my favourite technology.
1. What makes computer vulnerable?
2. What is the importance of computer?
3. What does a computer allow you to do?
4. What makes up a computer?
5. What are the use of computer?
So here’s the answer for those questions guy’s please read all of it and I hope you’ll learn something.
1. What makes computer vulnerable is because programmers fail to fully understand the inner programs. While the programmers design and programs the computer, they didn’t really into account all aspects of computer systems and that makes the computer vulnerable.
2. Computer became important in our daily lives because it is more accurate and it works fast that can accomplish a task easily. But otherwise to complete those task, people should exert more time in doing that certain task. And it store huge amount of data in it.
3. A computer is an electronic device that manipulates the data and information. It has the capacity to store, retrieve, and process data. And we all know that the computer allows us to create documents, send emails, browse a web and even play games.
4. Computer is made up of two components and that is the hardware and the software. When we say hardware, it means it’s the part of computer itself including the CPU(Central Processing Unit) and related microchips and micro-circuity, keyboards, monitors, and etc.
5. Computers are used to perform several task in industries just like managing inventories, interior designing, designing purpose, and etc. Computer can also be used in online marketing, it has seen a great revolution in its ability to sell numerous products to inaccessible areas.
So here guys is my third blog, and this would be a movie review, I will pick three of my favourite movie and I’ll make my own summary for that movie. I hope you’ll read it guys and I’ll hope you will enjoy it. I love ya’all🧡🧡. And oh! before I forgot guys there would be 4 guide questions in every movie and here it is👇:
1. What life lessons can be learned from the movie?
2. What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? why?
3. Who was your favourite character in the movie? Why?
4. Did anything that happened in the movie remind you of something that has occurred in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?
So that is the guide questions guys and now I will start my movie review I hope you’ll read it guys
My first favourite movie is THE VOW
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When Paige (Rachel McAdams) and Leo (Channing Tatum) have met for the first time, they seemed to be attracted with each other. Then after how many weeks or months of dating and courting, they decided to get married. But one snowy night changed their happy married life, they met a car accident, their car was hit by a truck and their car hit the post in the street that lead Paige into a comatose and she had an amnesia. Paige can’t remember Leo as her husband, she can’t remember all of their 4 years together and all she could remember is her life where she still hasn’t met Leo. Paige’s parents doesn’t agree on their relationship that’s why they want Paige to live with them, but Leo tried to pursue Paige to live with him and Paige gave it a try. But when she really can’t remember anything while she’s living with Leo, she decided to go back to her family and her family take advantage of her situation to go back to them. But Leo still tried to woo Paige, he asked her on a date, bring her on their favourite cafe and on their favourite spot but it seems like Paige like to be with her ex-fiancee Jeremy so Leo gave up on Paige and they got divorced. But after all of those struggles in their life, Paige manages to go in the right path, she became an artist again but she didn’t have the chance to regain her memories.
1. The life lessons that can be learned from this movie is all married couple would end up happy. There is no such thing as fairy tales because not all of the couples end up together. There are a lot of circumstances that may happen on every couples relationship, just like what happen to Paige and Leo, Leo tried to fight for their relationship but it doesn’t work out because Paige can’t remember him. But at least, Paige tried to remember her past.
2. For me, the most powerful part in the movie is when Leo gave up on Paige. Because even though he really loved her, he still managed to let her go and continue his life without her.
3. My favourite character in the movie is Leo because he is so strong and very determined to help Paige remember him. I envy him for being understandable, loving, and caring husband, he always understands Paige even if it already hurts him.
4. It’s the part where Leo tried y pursue Paige but he gave up on the end. It reminds me of my experience when I want to go somewhere with my friends but my parents doesn’t want me to go, I tried to pursue them but I just gave up on the end because I know that no matter how hard I try to pursue them, I know they would not let me go.
This would my second favourite movie guys:
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Alex Stewart (Sam Cliflin) and Rosie Dunne (Lily Collins) are best of friends since they were just a child. They can’t see theirselves being in love to each other. It was Rosie’s 18th birthday that day and they were partying to celebrate her birthday when she and Alex kissed and then she passed out. Then morning came and the two of them talked, Rosie told Alex to forget hat happened last night like it was just nothing. Alex and Rosie goes to a beach then suddenly Greg, the fittest guy in their batch offered her to take her out on their school dance but Rosie refused his offer because Alex is the one who will take her out. Meanwhile, a certain girl named Bethany came up and showed interest to Alex so Rosie told Alex to make Bethany her partner on their upcoming school dance and she will go with Greg.
The day for their school dance come, Greg and Rosie get a private room and something happen between them. Alex’s father told him to go Harvard to study medicine and then Alex convinced Rosie to take the hotel management course at Boston University. But there comes a problem, Rosie got pregnant even if she’s taking contraceptive pills. He didn’t tell it to Alex because she doesn’t want her to burden him so she just keep it to herself, otherwise she decided to give up the baby for adoption after she gave birth but during her pregnancy she already got attached to the baby. One day, as Rosie and her baby Katie is strolling, she accidentally bump to Bethany and the information about her having a baby reached to Alex so Alex decided to pay her a visit and ask Rosie if he could be Katie’s godfather.
In America, Alex met a posh girl and he lived in with her. But it seems like there is something wrong with her attitude so he called Rosie and convinced her to come see him. But things between them didn’t go well because Rosie told him that she can’t see them as good couples and then Alex began to say hurtful words to Rosie and that ends her trip in America and she just returned to her daughter. After that Rosie and Greg get back together while Alex is so devastated because he found out that her girlfriend is cheating on him and got pregnant by some other man. Alex wrote a letter to Rosie about what he feels towards her but Greg saw it and hided it from Rosie. But then Rosie also found out that Greg is cheating on her and soon she found the letter that Alex wrote but it’s already too late for them because Alex and Bethany will soon to get married. On Rosie’s speech on Alex’s wedding day, she told him that she loves him but covers it by saying that it’s just a friendly love. After all of that Rosie starts her own hotel, and then Alex suddenly showed up, they kissed and that is the beginning of their love story that should gave started long back.
1. The life lesson that can be learned from the movie Love, Rosie is sometimes we don’t see the best thing that ever happened to us, the best person who’s there for us. We keep finding them but what we don’t know is they are just beside us all the time. Rosie and Alex have been best of friends since they were just a child so they take each other for granted and they didn’t know that what they felt for each other is not just a friendly love, Its already true love.
2. The most powerful part for me in the story that has been told is the part where Rosie got pregnant. She’s so strong to handle the situation and she even give up her dreams in Boston and she chooses the baby. Because not all single parents can do that, there are a lot of people who chooses to abort or give for adoption their babies just so they can chase their dreams.
3. My favourite character in the movie is Rosie. Because even if life has been tough on her, she still managed to continue her life, she takes all the risk and she’s ready to face the consequences of her actions.
4. None. There’s no part of the happened that reminds me of something that has occurred in my life or to anybody else.
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This is a South Korean Movie starring Du Yeong Go (D.0 Kyungsoo) and Doo-sik Go (Jo Jung-Suk). Du Yeong Go is a judo athlete who unfortunately damage his optic nerve and lost his sight after his game on the International Event. While his hyung(older brother), Doo-sik Go is a prisoner who applied for release on parole and make his younger brothers situation as an excuse. At first he doesn’t really care about Du Yeong and Du Yeong seems to hate his brother too because Doo-sik always make trouble that really annoys his younger brother. But as time passed by they seemed to be close with each other again. They bond together like they used to do when they were just a child. But one day, Doo-sik discovered that he has a pancreatic cancer so he decided to commit suicide by driving his car so fast, he’s nearly hit by a truck but fortunately he survived. After that he decided to help Du Yeong to train his self together with Du Yeong’s coach to be a national athlete. Then the day for Rio Paralympic Games in Brazil came, while Du Yeong is sitting on the corner, fidgeting because of too much nervousness, his coach told him about his brother’s situation. Du Yeong wants to go back in South Korea for his brother but decided to just make his brothers situation to win. After the Paralympic Games, Du Yeong won the gold medal that he really wants to win since he started being an athlete in Judo.
1. The life lesson that can be learned from the movie My annoying brother is even if you are not in good terms with your brother or any member of your family, always remember that they always there for you. From this movie you will learn how to appreciate your family, and not just that, you will also learn that physical disability won’t stop you to obtain your dreams.
2. For me, the most powerful part that has been told in the story is when Doo-sik motivates his younger brother Du Yeong. Having a brother who can motivate you is so heart touching. They will make you boost your confidence despite your situation.
3. My favourite character in the movie is Doo-sik. Because even though he doesn’t care for his younger brother at first, he still learned to love him and he still took care of him. He’s willing to do anything for his younger brother just to make him happy.
4. Yes, there is. My eldest brother always annoys me, he make fun of me all the time and I hate him for that but if he’s having a fever, I always take care of him and we develop a relationship as brothers and sister, he doesn’t annoy me all the time now.
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happinessandbeyond · 4 years
Questioning and Reflections on Educating Gen Z and Gen Alpha: Changing systems, Structures and Interactions.
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Who are the Gen Z?
Gen Z are those individuals who are born between 1995 and 2012.
Who are the Gen Alpha?
Gen Alpha are those individuals who are born between 2012 and 2025.
This article does not cater only to the privileged, to those who can afford schooling and to those without disabilities. I’m going to consciously try and cover how and why our system needs to change for the present generations in the schooling system and the next set of them.
A global pandemic was enough to provoke me into thinking what we really need to start changing in the way we deliver information and how we do it.
Our present system consists of educational boards for the so called normal functioning child. For those children with sensory impairments, specially-abled, gifted, and intellectually challenged, our educational and service providers have a set of activities, fundraising campaigns, trainings and vocational opportunities which only help in functioning to a certain extent so as to make one independent. Have we really invested resources to enable inclusivity into understanding what a person with a certain challenge could be going through in a global crises, has there been a deeper understanding and research as to what a person with emotional and physical challenge needs in order to fight a battle such as this. What does it mean to be self sufficient and independent then?
The “real” question everyone asks ‘what are we preparing our children for?’
And the “real” answer that is often given is “We are preparing them for life”. While we are in a middle of a crises our education system caters only to a handful of people who go into becoming experts in scientific research and solution finding. While we ace in being heavily populated we are definitely falling far behind in providing opportunities for the masses in order to help the masses in turn.
While we constantly emphasize on the fact that children are the future, then how come none of the children are finding any meaning in the system of our education? What future can they possibly even dream of when opportunities are only for some and not others?
The two generations after the millennial’s are the one’s that we need to focus on, in order to save lives and add meaning and not just prepare them for life.
The RTE Act, the rule of having a special needs child in a mainstream school is not what we should be proud of, we can only be proud when inclusion is achieved as an unsaid law and prepares children into inculcating basic qualities and values such as helping, empathic understanding which can then be utilized in a progressive manner where children are encouraged to think and reflect critically. By this I mean using some useful core values and applying the knowledge base towards a healthy and meaningful lifestyle.
Our present structure consists of teacher-student, facilitator-student, guide-student and so on. The role of the “knowledge” provider remains in a position of someone who is experienced and in a place to educate. When a structure based on hierarchy and power exists there is a passive killer that is constantly being built within the psyche of the child which is DOUBT.
As adults most of us have ideas and novel plans on bringing about change in our own ways, but why is it that only a small percentage of us can actually execute it? It’s mostly because we are dependent on an authority for approval and validation on whether it’s right or wrong. But then the reality lies in the fact that risks are involved either way, then why not follow our instincts? And this self doubt mostly occurs because the system in which we are taught and raised makes one doubt themselves FIRST even before standing up to speak and express. Although I do want to emphasize that there is a thin line between thinking twice and expressing, which should also be role modeled at a very young age.
Research in child psychology has shown and proved that children at the age of three onwards have the capacity to absorb any information that is exposed to them repeatedly or instructed. In my work with children of that age group I have observed firsthand, the levels intelligence and their capability to reason and resolve conflicts with their own age groups and even with adults given the freedom to express and listen. If we do have such a wonderful opportunity, then why not expose children to an environment that is real, authentic and free of self-doubt.
The brain of a gen z and a gen alpha child is much more hyper stimulated due to the changing lifestyles of adults and exposure to increased levels of screen time radiation. Where our educational structure and interaction is based on books and exams the ever evolving brain thirsts for something more meaningful. When there is no rationale and logic behind some of the most relevant questions that children constantly ponder over and ask, a bigger passive killer is built within the psyche of the child which is loss of interest. It can arguably be said that children are curious by nature, I do not disagree, but what does concern me and should concern all of us is that they begin to get curious about things that don’t hold any meaning and purpose.
Here I give you some of the questions that children between the age of 6-13 have asked me.
 ·    Why do we need exams?
·    What is the point of carrying so many books every day?
·    Why do we have such limited classed of PE?
·    Why don’t we have an option to exercise choice in how we want to learn and study?
·  Why should we study so much and some of us have to sit at home after marriage?
Honestly I wish I’d told them that it’s all a money making racket and a business idea to run schools, and that no one really cares about what they do or who they become after a given point. But again I’m one of the passive culprit who was also put into the system from the age of 3.
Although to most things I told them that I do not have a definite answer and that I’m still in the process of figuring it out.
In our ways of interaction with children of the gen z and the gen alpha, (I mean all children irrespective of any medical or psychological condition) our education system and training facilities have a long way to go in their ways of interaction which can only start by not repairing the roots but by growing new roots.
Soon after the pandemic hit every country, some of the schools in India were converted into hospitals and shelter for those who need to be quarantined, some institutions have gone out of their way to help students and provide classes online, then again the online classes in India only caters to a handful of them and here again, we do need to question if that’s what education means and if that’s what is important as opposed to providing mental health and physical health services for every child.
I posed this question to a few children in the present schooling system and here’s what they had to say.
 How do you think your education system could have prepared you to battle a global pandemic?
Washing our hands , putting our elbows front while sneezing and all other safety precautions should not only be told when such pandemic arrives it should be mainly put in education curriculum because if we learn this from childhood then itself we can apply it strictly when such pandemic arrives.
It should be taught each and every citizen of the country should strictly follow the rules put up by the respected country (during lock down some people were unnecessarily out without any reason)
Education system should also be prepared for online classes before itself so that studies will not be disturbed.
Education system should bring awareness in the schools of rural areas to help them build up their immune system.
Lasya – 8th grade (Bangalore-India)
Our education system should have some practical experiments in the lab showing the importance of washing hands and being hygienic, and the explanation of it and the consequences and result could have made us aware of all the diseases. The education system should have seminars regarding self hygiene, and how these viruses spread and become a global pandemic affecting people. They should have at least had soaps in the washrooms so that children have some impact on cleanliness. Though there are some chapters in the children’s books but not much importance is being given to hygiene. Our system should teach children basics about viruses and bacteria. The higher grade students know much about it and they are aware of things and it has helped them to stay safe.
 Aina- 10th grade (Bangalore-India)
 I think the education system should have emphasized how viruses and illnesses spread and how important it is to stay home and take precautions against it. I feel like there are people in my school and community who do not understand the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic and think it’s ok to keep going out unnecessarily.
We should have been taught about previous outbreaks in the past and how we as students can help slow/stop the spread of viruses.
As for what my school and education system has done as an effect of the coronavirus, I think they are doing the best they can. Our school district quickly implemented an online learning system for us so that we can still hopefully graduate on time. Although many school events got cancelled, the teachers, principal and counsellors at my school often offer support for students during this time. Many of my teachers and even the school principal are very understanding.
Our school district even gave away the districts laptops to students who don’t have their computers at home and offer WIFI hotspots. There are a lot of things that are unknown at this time such as whether or not my class will even have a graduation and whether or not we will ever go back to school again, but I certainly feel that my school has done the best they can despite the circumstances.
However, we should have been educated on what to do and how not to panic during a pandemic, which my school is also trying to do through online classes.
Prarthana 12th grade (USA-Texas)
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viralartic · 4 years
9 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Eat Avocados Every Day
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They say an apple each day keeps the doctor away. But what are you alleged to throw at him once you run out of apples?
In all seriousness, what we eat features a major impact on our overall health. And eating certain foods every day can cause you to happier and healthier than ever before.
Avocados are one of these foods. additionally, to tasting great, avocados provide a variety of awesome health benefits once you eat them each day! Here are nine things that happen to your body once you eat avocados a day.
Avocados may help slow signs of aging
One of the primary big avocado benefits is additionally one among the foremost important: avocados provide anti-aging effects for your body.
How does one hamper aging, exactly? It all starts with ensuring your body gets the nutrients it needs, including essential fatty acids. These EFAs protect your cells and your skin, helping you look a touch younger every day.
Ultimately, avocado is like salmon: it helps your skin glow.
Avocados may help reduce stress
One thing we all have in common is stress. regardless of who you're or where you reside, the likelihood is that that you’re trying to find easy ways to scale back stress.
Fortunately, one of the advantages of avocado is that it reduces stress. Why is that? Simple: avocados provide the magnesium your body must reduce stress and sleep better. And this creates a cycle where recuperating sleep reduces your stress even further!
If you’ve been handling tons of stress, it's going to be time to find out the way to make an avocado toast!
Avocados may assist you to reduce
Speaking of that dish, ever wonder why avocado toast is so popular among millennials? One reason is that, like coffee, it helps people lose weight!
In theory, losing weight may be a matter of mathematics: we just got to eat fewer calories and burn more calories through exercise and activity. But it gets difficult because certain foods cause you to feel fuller than other foods.
Due to the essential nutrients and healthy fats in avocado, you are feeling fuller for extended after eating. And while avocado calories are often on the high side, you'll dine in moderation and not feel the necessity to snack afterward.
Avocados may help fight depression
Depression is one of the worst things in the world. It can leave an individual feeling helpless and miserable from day today. However, eating avocados may assist you to fight back against depression.
Why is “fighting depression” one among the avocado health benefits? The healthy fats in avocado help fight depression. and that they also help prevent later mental decline which could cause depression (or simply make it worse).
Additionally, avocado provides magnesium to assist you sleep and potassium to spice up brain function. With regular avocado consumption, you’ll feel better, think better, and sleep better, all of which help fight depression.
Avocados may help your muscles get over workouts
Working out is pretty tricky. you would like to seek out exercises that challenge your body and strain the proper muscles. But you furthermore may get to eat the proper recovery meals to assist your muscles and joints heal after an intense workout.
That’s why more people are turning to avocado recipes after they compute. Avocado provides the potassium, healthy fats, and amino acids your muscles got to recover. Add some avocado oil to your recipes and you’ll be able to compute again before you recognize it!
Avocados may lower your risk of a heart condition
In some ways, your heart is the most vital organ in your body. If you’re not careful, things like heart conditions and heart attacks can permanently change the standard of your life.
Avocados, like romaine lettuce, are great for your heart thanks to the ingredients we mentioned earlier. Healthy fats help to scale back your chances of strokes, heart attacks, and various other heart diseases. and therefore the potassium helps keep your heart strong and your arteries clear.
Avocados may assist you to grow stronger nails
Few things are quite as annoying as a cracked nail. But have you ever asked yourself why your nails crack so often? the likelihood is that that you simply don’t get enough biotin in your diet.
Those with a biotin deficiency often experience weak and brittle nails. However, avocado naturally provides the biotin you would like to form your nails healthy and powerful. As another bonus, avocado also provides iron to further strengthen your nails.
Avocados may assist you to grow strong, shiny hair
Regular avocado consumption provides quite strong nails. It also can provide stronger and shinier hair!
If you’re wondering why it all comes back to biotin. even as a biotin deficiency can cause weak and brittle nails, it also results in hair damage and loss.
Once again, avocado provides a number of the biotin that your body needs. If you’re really worried about hair health, though, you'll want to urge biotin supplements so that your body gets a minimum of 30 micrograms per day.
Avocados may aid digestion
Whether you’re trying to reduce or not, everybody strives for a healthy gastrointestinal system. Unfortunately, many of the packaged and processed foods we eat every day are seriously disrupting our digestion.
The good news is that avocado can help put your digestion back on target. it's enough nutrients and fiber to market regular digestion, and therefore the low levels of fructose make avocado less likely to offer you gas.
Also, the potassium in avocado helps improve digestion. And consuming avocado can assist you to fight inflammation caused by other foods like meat. Between fighting inflammation and boosting digestion, avocado has what it takes to urge your body back on target.
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