#selective mute link
zeldas-hair-pins · 24 days
I saw a post and had to draw it
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Btw, Wild is doing the ASL for “why” I probably didn’t get it perfect cause I don’t know much asl but I tried.
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peachssodapop · 8 months
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I love projecting onto characters ♡
I love the selectively mute Link headcanon, sometimes I like to toss in him struggling using sign to communicate as well cause sometimes it's just like that and you have nothing
Second comic is literally based on an mlp scene, I think Link is soft spoken when he does talk
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zelda-supremacy · 5 months
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Silly goofy TotK AU where Link marries Sidon (wanted an excuse to kind of draw Sidlink + design Link a Zora prince outfit) 😋
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m-othfeets · 1 year
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link instigates their first kiss and immediately worries that he crossed a boundary and he wants to fold in on himself and pass away
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
no pressure at all, but i was wondering how you think Zelda would react to a mute/deaf link? i bet she originally thought he was conceited but had the gut punch realization that he couldn’t help it and that she had spent all this time judging him
struggling to figure out how to word this but i think this is.. essentially what happens in canon? canonically, link is selectively mute, which essentially just means that physically, he can technically speak. there's no physical problem with his vocal chords, hearing, etc that makes him mute, it's a mental block instead of a physical one. that doesn't mean that it's something he can control, though. I've heard it described as being like your vocal chords just "stop working" in certain situations, whether due to anxiety, trauma, overstimulation, or some other trigger. meaning you still physically can't talk, there's just no anatomical reason for the mutism. so whether he's deaf, physically mute, or selectively mute, i think zelda still has the gut-punch oh shit, he couldn't help it moment and that she DESERVES to have that gut-punch, because that realization that she'd been projecting her own insecurities onto him and refusing to take into account his situation is an important kickstarter to her personal growth and development. But i guess what i'm saying is i don't think her reactions would change very much if you change the way he's communicating with her. With selectively mute link, i do like to think that he eventually becomes comfortable enough around her that he's able to speak for short amounts of time and begins to communicate that way, as is implied in canon (but that's never actually outright stated, just that he "opened up" to her eventually, so it's possible he never actually TALKED to her at all and communicated some other way.) sign language, written language, however he decides to explain what's going on to her, he still was physically incapable of speaking to her before, and she still judged him heavily for it. so tldr yeah, i think no matter what form of mutism you want to give him, she always has to have that moment of shock and realization that she was pushing her own insecurities onto him and that she was downright CRUEL to him. it's one of the most important moments of her arc!
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ophanim-vesper · 4 months
Hot Take
Link DOES communicate in sign language (Hyrulean Sign Language™ to be precise) but tells people the 'vow of silence' thing because everytime he does HSL people think he's a witch casting a spell on them.
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BDOR Prologue: The Sword that Learned To Speak — Pronunciation (2/?)
Twilight is trying to learn how to read and write. Wild speaks up to help. Twilight tries to bribe him. tw: none? teasing about selective mutism, which is apologized for
“N—no, shut it.” Twilight dropped his head into his hands, closing his eyes so he didn’t have to see the damning phrase—a sword needs to voice—again on Wild's fingertips. He massaged at his temples, fighting the headache steadily building behind his eyes. “I know that you’ve got a voice in there, somewhere. An’ I’mma get it out of ya, even if I have to spend every last rupee I got tryna drag it out.” He raised his head to glare at Wild, pointing an accusatory finger. “You hearin’ me? I don’t give up easy, neither, I’m a Hero of Courage.”
Wild raised his hands in mock surrender, shrugging, but nevertheless his eyes glinted with a humorous light. He didn’t have to sign to get his sadistically gleeful message across: yeah, good luck with all of that.
Read the rest of this chapter here! BDOR Prologue: The Sword that Learned to Speak
Or check out the series, which includes other Prologues and the main fic, Blood Drops on Roses, here! Blood Drops On Roses: A Linked Universe Fanfic
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pianokantzart · 4 months
I don't know if you have ever been asked that before but what are your thoughts on mute/selectively mute Mario? Just curious.
I like it, but I don't have a lot of thoughts on it. There is definitely a lot of evidence to pull from the games to ascribe muteness to Mario, and I do enjoy headcanons and fics that delve into that, but my personal favorite characterizations for Mario come from the Luigi's Mansion series and the Mario Movie, wherein he is quite chatty.
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dubiiousfood · 5 months
Post memory 7, Blades of the Yiga.
After the incident with the Yiga, Link refuses to rest until Zelda is safe. He's tired and practically nodding off, but he can't let himself while Zelda may still be in danger.
At the same time, Zelda is feeling extremely guilty of her behaviour towards Link in the past, after he saves her life, It eats her up from the inside out, and seeing him in this state doesn't help.
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twizel · 1 year
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i just think mask needs a Big Freakin Sword
+ war of ages doodles
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dapperenby13 · 4 months
I’ve been reading botw fic and it kinda jump scares me every time they have link verbally speak. Like….. what?
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carbonateds-oda · 7 months
if they even think abt giving link speaking lines I’m going to throw the fuck up
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solargeist · 1 year
totk Link looking at wolf Link like “if you say something rn I won’t tell anyone, promise”
but wolf Link was mute even in human form so he just stares, maybe barks
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zelda-supremacy · 5 months
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Lazy Sidlink art 🦈
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airoarts · 11 months
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Finished the video game
[Image description: A short two-panel comic based on the ending of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. In the first panel, Zelda looks up, smiling slightly, and says "I was sleeping all this time... but you woke me up, Link." In the second panel, Link is shown giving a thumbs up and thinking to himself, "I'm not telling her that I farmed her for dragon parts." End ID]
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mistresslrigtar · 3 months
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Written for my Birthday prompt challenge. Enjoy!
Zelda stopped in front of an ornate suit of armor on a plinth flanked by two flickering torches. With a side glance to Link, she looked down the long hallway and taking her unspoken cue, Link made a quick circuit, scouting both ends before trotting back to her side. His quiet, relaxed stance made it clear they were alone. She reached for the hilt of the sword at the armor’s side and gave it a sharp twist, before stepping back to stand beside Link. He shifted beside her, no doubt about to step back, but she stopped him with a firm shake of her head and a light touch on his forearm. Without the bracers he normally wore, she could feel the defined muscle beneath the soft white leather glove of his Royal Guard uniform, and her fingers tightened their grip. When he glanced down at her hand, his long lashes cast shadows across his face, highlighting chiseled cheekbones normally hidden beneath the roundness of youth. There seemed to be a subtle shift in the air and Zelda felt heat rise to her cheeks, her corseted gown suddenly constricting her breath. 
The pedestal rumbling and the scrape of stone on stone shattered the moment and Zelda dropped her hand, taking a step back as she did so. Link looked up at her with a furrowed brow and Zelda shook off the strange feeling lingering in her breast and smiled. She mustn’t forget the whole reason she’d brought him here. Stepping into the hidden alcove the statue had revealed, Zelda waved toward a small moonlit courtyard just beyond the opening, indicating Link should go before her. His eyes narrowed, peering past her extended arm and he gave her a bemused smile. 
“Another secret of the castle I’m sharing with you,” Zelda explained, her voice muffled in the enclosed space. “Go on, you’ll see.”
Read the rest on AO3
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