#second cohort
Everyone at camp thinks Hazel and Frank are the camp power couple, when really it’s Dakota and koolaid
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eskildit · 10 months
i think a lot about hot sauce and jeannemary. two young girls so ready to kill and to die. a comparison made all the worse when you recall that hot sauce lost all her family to the cohort, that she can specifically recall fourth style necromancy (using corpses as bombs). a fourteen and thirteen year old that could easily have been on opposite sides of the same front line. 
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mayasaura · 2 years
Did John really make Gideon into a walking corpse, or did Gideon do that? Pyrrha assumes it was John—that he summoned her soul back and bound it to her body—and Gideon casually agrees with her, but.
As Coronabeth points out, Gideon’s body already wasn’t decaying. She was all zesty and lemony fresh well before John even knew she existed. He didn’t do that. And a soul is attracted to its body. It will find its way back, and proximity helps.
When Cam said that they lost something very precious just after they found Pyrrha and Nona, she meant Gideon’s body right? For a very brief time after exiting the River, Pyrrha and Harrow’s body were in proximity to Gideon’s body. That’s a hell of a coincidence. If they had followed the thanergetic link back to Gideon’s body to get there through the River, then when Alecto won the revenant catfight and booted Gideon out of Harrow, where else would Gideon have gone?
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bleachbleachbleach · 7 months
Hello again, ti's I! I've hit a major stumbling block in my academy calculations (either the seireitei has an astronomical death rate 10x real world examples or I messed up my beginning calculation and have to do the whole thing from scratch ToT) but I have to ask: how often do shinigami stand on air in soul society?!
In the human world that's all they do, in heuco mundo I can think of several examples off the top of my head, but in soul society? I can think of *maybe* one example that isn't filler or film. Their buildings are built on a 2d plane for a people that can move in 3 dimensions. Do you have any memories or screenshots of people running on air in ss? Do you know if there's any explanation?
(Do either of you have memories of irl class exercises that involved multiple year groups??)
What do we know about the atmosphere?
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According to Renji, the Living World has a relatively low concentration of reishi in its atmosphere; 
according to Ishida, Hueco Mundo is reishi dense;
and according to Byakuya, so is the Royal Realm.
What do we know about sky standing?
We've certainly seen shinigami stand in the sky in the Living World, no question. Until earlier this year I honestly assumed they could do this anywhere and didn't think about it, and it wasn't until a few months ago it occurred to me I couldn't think of any examples of this! (NB: In the time elapsed since I wrote this, we've gotten 999 examples of shinigami sky-standing in Soul Society in TYBW lol. ALL THE SAME--)
We also have a lot of examples where they are explicitly not sky-standing in Soul Society. Every battle that immediately comes to mind definitely takes place on the ground, to the detriment of the buildings and rooftops. (When I say "every battle that immediately comes to mind" I mean Hitsugaya showing up to fight Ichimaru in socks and Kira, Hitsugaya, and Matsumoto causing roof damage as they tear after each other after discovering Central 46 dead. Rumor has it there are other fights that happen in Bleach.)
The existence of Zabimaru Express also kind of makes it seem like it's not as second nature to sky stand in Soul Society:
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[DiamondDust Rebellion]
-> Below the cut, 2 theories about how sky-standing might work!
Renji also ran down all the Soukyoku Hill stairs, which seems like maybe something that wouldn't have happened if he could have simply Tony Hawk'd it through the air.
I briefly trawled some forums that said that Quincy showed shinigami how to sky-stand in Soul Society, and that Vizard sky stand in Rukongai in TBTP, but neither of those things rang any bells for me. I would happily be tagged in someone else's post if you remember either of these things happening, though!
How does sky standing work?
We know shinigami are able to stand in the sky by concentrating reishi particles under their feet. But what… what does that mean…
Theory 1:
In order to stand on air, you need to be less dense than air. If you can gather reishi under your feet and sky stand, maybe reishi is less dense than air. If you gather enough of it beneath you, it can also suspend you. Kinda like… imagine the atmosphere as a liquid, and concentrated reishi like little air bubbles under your feet as you sky stand.
* Caveat 1: Of course, Shinigami are already made of reishi, but they don't float off into space in the Living World, so not all reishi is less dense than air. But I think we're asked to believe that reishi can take on multiple forms/states and cannot be described as any one thing with any one set of characteristics--shinigami are reishi that understands itself to be corporeal: It holds the memory of blood and weight and flesh. Free air reishi understands itself to be free air.
** Caveat 2: I don't think it makes sense for reishi motes to be knocking around with, you know, carbon dioxide and nitrogen and hydrogen and whatnot in the Living World, so I feel like the units of measurement when thinking about density/displacement don't even actually track in exact computational ways. Like, they can probably occupy the same molecule-sized space simultaneously. We know shinigami in their fleshy-reishi state of being can sit on beds and crash into buildings in the Living World, but they can't eat (easier to imagine interaction with a hard surface than it is to imagine the entire chemical process of digestion? if a shinigami was well-studied enough and concentrated hard enough, could they pull off an autonomous process in the Living World??). Regardless, we know there's various and ineffable forms of interaction between the physical and spiritual worlds, so maybe trying to separate them into discrete categories is the wrong move.
My theory about why sky standing might not work as well in Soul Society is because there's more reishi in the atmosphere and less more-dense-than-reishi Nothing, so it's more cumbersome to gather it under your feet effectively.
BUT THEN. THEN. Why is it possible in reishi dense environments?? I'm going to be honest with you, we just watched the whole Hueco Mundo arc (NB: again, this was like, last winter lol) and I have zero memory of anyone sky standing. I'm not saying it didn't happen; I just have no memory of it. I do have memory of Byakuya BUNNY HOPPING THROUGH THE DESERT, which sure is a Choice if sky-running on an even plane was an available option.
And then Byakuya spends a page and a half hypothesizing as to why they can't sky-stand in the Royal Realm:
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[Bleach 628]
Something something Quincy blah blah, but the relevant part here is that Byakuya seems very certain that normally they can stand in the Royal Realm, and that this is due to the reishi dense atmosphere. Why he would be certain about this, I don't know, but I don't think he's just freeballing. Byakuya doesn't freeball. Maybe he aspires to be Soul Society NOAA incarnate, and that's why he wants to be friends with Hitsugaya. ANYWAY. 
Why would Byakuya's whole spiel here be true? I don't know. If we're assuming it's easier to do in the Living World and not as easy in Soul Society, just based on how often we do or do not see them doing it--this throws a spanner in the works. Maybe they can sky stand in Soul Society, but it's distracting and tedious to sky stand. So if they're not worried about destroying human buildings/killing people, they just resign themselves to destroying the Seireitei on the regular and condemning Joe Shinigami to several lifetimes of new construction. 
Theory 2: Solid vs liquid vs gas particle states
ippoddity: This theory requires us to review a bit of high school chemistry. To review, in order of reishi concentration levels, from low to high: Living World < Soul Society < Hueco Mundo = Royal Realm. Somewhat related to the previous theory, we can think about reishi particles existing in different states of matter, which relates to their availability for usage in situations like sky standing. 
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[particles in states of matter]
Let’s think of the reishi concentration in the Living World as existing in a gaseous state. In this state, particles are in the lowest concentration, because they’re constantly bouncing around in a free state. But, this also allows for skilled reishi manipulators to “grab” those free particles flying around and craft them into platforms to stand on, so they can stand in the air. So even though there’s overall a lower concentration of reishi particles (gas particles floating around in the big ol’ Living World container), they’re easier to scoop up and pack together into a different shape.
In Soul Society, reishi particles might exist in more of a “liquid” state. Meaning they are pretty high in concentration, but not as freely available to manipulate and use for purposes like standing in the air. Since there’s less freely available particles, we don’t see any shinigami sky standing. But for example, as seen in Ishida vs Mayuri, a Quincy can come on by and suck up the liquid reishi particles and craft them for their own use. Maybe there’s some kind of Quincy ability to apply energy to a reishi particle, so that it goes from a liquid to a gaseous state, thus “freeing” it up from the more dense state so that they can use it. 
The most high concentration reishi realms are Hueco Mundo and the Royal Realm. Particles are the most dense in a solid state, and in this state, particles are the least available to use. This is why solid shapes are fairly stable and don’t go around changing very much. Solid states like all their particles to stay packed together, so they’re not available to use for other things (like gathering random particles to stand in the sky). If all reishi are in the “solid” state, then they can’t be grabbed and used for other things, like sky standing foot platforms.
I’m sure there are plenty of loopholes and exceptions to this theory, but it mostly holds up, at least until the TYBW arc I think?
Note: This theory is only half thought out, as my knowledge of chemistry and states of matter is loose at best. It probably doesn’t hold up well if you examine it too closely, but maybe you can get the gist of it!
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((Looks like the poll hath spoken… let’s have some fun shall we?))
Ugh… things have been slow….
(a silver figure comes into the room)
“Ma’am, we have an issue”
(that… seemed to have gotten her attention…)
…. what is it Caltrops?…
“….. someone has taken out Magenta Void”
(One of the screens behind her glitches a bit before landing on a camera somewhere in a lab-like facility. One of many test tube like containers line the area the camera was pointed at.. most notably one of them was open… and a figure seemed to be laying inside it- bearly understanding where the hell it is… but he knows he needs to get out as soon as he’s able to.)
1/14 phighters.
0/7 Deities.
((let the games begin…~))
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wubbelwubbwubb · 2 years
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And I won’t leave her now... nobody should ever have to watch their cavalier die.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
Deadangelos designs status report for those interested:
5th cohort entirely designed with godly parents and godly parent symbols on spqr tattoos/tallies. Names 99%. 18 designs total including Jason and Reyna, then also plus three if you want to count Hazel, Frank, and Lavinia.
At least 37 rogue OCs and 3 hunters of Artemis currently created.
CHB has a total of approximately 80 designs of current residents + Alabaster, not including deceased residents or nymphs/satyrs.
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newvegasorbust · 1 year
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Super Mario World was a lot of fun. It will be a bit too crowded, probably for years, to experience everything they managed to cram inside without being jostled or rushed, but it was absolutely incredible to see.
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allesistrund · 10 months
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an interior view of kugelmugel and a closeup of one of president nikolaus lipburger-kugelmugel's artworks at the right!
photo credit: linda treiber-kugelmugel and nikolaus lipburger-kugelmugel
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I hate when gods visit camp, especially Apollo
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eskildit · 11 months
quick locked tomb world building q: how does being heir to the second house even work. like yes judith’s father is the fleet admiral but also in this section in As Yet Unsent:
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Judith says she never lived in any such exceptions but also that if she had to take on such a burden. So perhaps it is passed from parent to child? But Judith also distinguishes between herself and coronabeth as a princess, so that would point to not an inherited title. Plus, according to the gtn cohort intelligence files, the previous fleet admiral was abigail’s grandfather. 
so does being heir just mean you happen to be the child of the fleet admiral? only to lose status status once someone else is named admiral? or is second house lineage completely unrelated to becoming fleet admiral and judith’s father just happens to be both? house political structure please show me your secrets.
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c0sm0butch · 2 years
"Two is for discipline, heedless of trial;"
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Judith Deuteros, Heir to the House of the Second, ranked Captain of the Cohort
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Marta Dyas, Cavalier primary to the heir, ranked first Lieutenant of the Cohort
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(It was a relatively normal moment, nothing crazy going on... And then something did happen all the way to the left side of the area. A large bang went off and smoke came after it. Something just exploded.)
(SHIT- she immedately looked over to where the hell it came from and looked down bellow at… hey wait is she in the crossroads tower??? That bitch-…)
what the hell??…
(Caltrops rushes in)
“Ma’am, an explosion went off one one side of Crossroads…”
I KNOW, Caltrops (she hissed out)
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windmillcrusader · 1 year
hm hm hm... ianthe and kiriona wearing white and silver instead of gold... white and silver being eighth house colors... hm...
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llycaons · 1 year
noooooo the residency seminar topic is ‘skills’ next month. please please please just make us a separate residency program I do not fucking need to know how to do any of this shit
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katakaluptastrophy · 1 year
It's a shame they've got no video broadcasting or mass communication in their space empire, because Eurovision feels very Nine Houses.
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