#seb please have A Talk about Not Wasting It with him again. and again. and again.
diemnormalis · 8 months
"...if charles and hamilton both get dsq then ferrari will have more points that mercedes overall and get closer to p2 in the constructors." so we are back to turning charles leclerc into a sacrificial lamb, huh?
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faithshouseofchaos · 8 months
Hi! Sorry just saw you do werewolf x resder F1 stuff and I was wondering if it was too late to request Werewolf!Seb protecting reader please? 🥺❤️
Ps reading all the other werewolf stuff tomorrow 👀
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My Luna—werewolf!sebastian Vettel x reader
Tagged— @80sloverry @wolfsbanesbite @toasttt11 @charmisticdisappointment
You remember when you first saw Sebastian he was in his wolf form just walking around in the woods when he saw her a girl taking pictures of nature. Curious he slowly walked up to you stepping on a branch the sound alarming you. You looked up to see a huge light brown wolf with strikingly blue eyes which you thought were beautiful you smiled and took a couple of pictures of the wolf. Once satisfied you placed your camera down and held out your hand the wolf walked closer and smelled your hand before rubbing himself all over you. You laughed at the sight of a giant wolf acting like a puppy. Little did you know said wolf was about to change your life.
You and the wolf continued to build up trust over the next couple of months until one day Sebastian decided that it was time to meet you in person face to face. You were out in the woods again walking around when you saw your wolf friend. “Hello there you said crouching down” the wolf huffed and walked back deeper into the woods for a moment changing back into a human he threw his clothes back on and walked back into the clearing where you were standing “hello there” he said his voice deep and scratchy that was one thing Sebastian hated about shifting was the toll it took out on his body he had to learn how to be human again how to talk and walk. You turned around seeing a man with the same hair color and eye color as your wolf friend “your the wolf I’ve been seeing for months” you said amazed. “Yeah that’s me would you like to go out sometime” he asked “yes I would love too”you answered without hesitation.
You weren’t supposed to be out here in the woods on your own without Sebastian it was dangerous especially for a human like yourself but you couldn’t wait any longer wanting to test out your new camera you wrote a note and left on the counter for Seb to see when he got home and you walked out into the woods. Walking deeper into the woods you started to take to pictures not noticing the unfamiliar wolf stalking you waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
Sebastian just gotten home from his meeting he noticed how quiet the house was looking around he found your note and he began to panic “no no no” he said rushing out of the house and into the woods. His panicking became worse when he caught a whiff of the scent of an unfamiliar wolf shifting when he heard you scream.
The sight Sebastian saw made his wolf seethed with red hot anger. You were flat on your back shaking with fear you should have waited until seb got home to come out into the woods. Sebastian wasted no time tackling the wolf off of you. He stood over your shaking terrified form growling a deep growl one you could only describe as something from hell. The other wolf didn’t seem to take the hint so Sebastian had to teach him a lesson he pounced onto the other wolf and pinned him down to the ground before killing him.
Sebastian dropped the other wolf from his mouth and shifted back into his human self so he can assess the damage if there was any damage. “Luna-Liebe hey hey look at me it’s okay it’s over” seb said brushing you hair out of your face. “I’m so sorry I should have waited for you” you said hugging Sebastian. “Shh shh shh it’s okay it’s okay” Seb said rubbing his hand up and down your back trying to calm you down. “Let’s get up and get back to the house and I’ll draw you a bath and we can spend the ready of the day relaxing” Seb said picking you up and carrying you home.
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bbgem329 · 1 year
Things Are Never As They Seem… Chapter Seventeen
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Pairings—Sebastian Stan x Actress!Reader, Sebastian Stan x OFC (PR relationship)
You and Sebastian Stan have been dating privately for over two years. Everything is perfect until he is coerced into a PR relationship when he signed with a new agency to advance his career. Trouble ensues…
MINORS DNI! 18++. Language. PR relationship. HW sucks. Fluff. Angst. Implied smut. Cyber bullying.
Series Masterlist
January 26, 2021
Ella spoke your name softly, pulling your attention away from the pile of laundry you were working through, “Are you sure you want to take some time off?” You’d almost forgotten you were on the phone with her for all of two minutes, tuning out her rambling about some role you had zero interest in. “It’s just… Well, you just got back into things after lockdown and I’d hate for you to miss opportunities…”
You loved her.
You really, really did.
But you were more than a little fed up with her constant pestering.
All week she’d been on your ass about finding the next project–taking the next steps, knowing damn well you had a movie coming out this spring and would start filming another in LA near the end of March, early April.
What more could you possibly do?
February was really your only month off and you wouldn’t catch a break again until the end of July, early August.
You were taking your damn vacation.
And Ella damn knew it too. She was more than just wasting her breath at this point.
“Ella.” You sighed, struggling to keep the frustration out of your voice. “I’m taking this vacation. We’ve talked about this a handful of times now.” You ran a hand down your face, rolling your bottom lip between your teeth, “Seb’s mom needs this. This isn’t about me getting time off, it’s about spending quality time with her. She’s been alone so much recently.” You paused, trying to remain mindful of your tone, “So please don’t ask me again.”
You really didn’t intend for it to come out as stern as it did and you winced slightly at the long silence that followed as soon as the words left your lips.
“No.” The resignation in her voice was obvious, “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“Thank you.”
You weren’t really sure what else to say and it seemed like she didn’t either. You never really snapped at her like that before but then again she’d never repeatedly ignored your request before either. You made a mental note to check in with Casey and Blake to see what was going on with her. Nothing had changed between the two of you as far as you knew but her attitude towards you for the last week said otherwise.
Thankfully, your saving grace came in the form of your lover’s incoming facetime call.
“Ella.” You said softly, “I have to go, Sebastian’s on the other line and I don’t want to miss him. I’ll call you later?”
“Yeah.” She sounded a little too relieved, “You go ahead. Talk to you later.”
You didn’t waste another second, slamming your thumb down on the green ‘accept’ button. Moments later, Sebastian’s beaming face appeared on the screen.
“There she is.”
Almost four years together and this man still made you blush with just one look.
“Look at you.” He cooed, leaning closer as he rolled over onto his stomach in bed, propping the phone against a pillow. “You look gorgeous, baby.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, lips pressed in a line to hide your smile as you glanced down at the little nighty you were wearing. You looked like an absolute bum with the weird heatless curl thing you found online wrapped up in your hair, eyepatch things under your eyes, and a mighty patch on your chin.
“You are such a fibber, Sebastian Stan.” You tutted, shaking your head at him. You propped your phone against the laundry basket on your bed and stepped back from the camera to give a little spin.
He gasped, hooded eyes tracing down to ogle your bare legs, “Are you wearing panties under that?”
You rolled your eyes, fighting to suppress a smile. “You are absolutely insatiable, Stan.”
“Only for you, baby.” He chuckled, shooting you a little wink. “Only for you.”
You shot him a shy smile as you picked up a tank top and folded it before placing it neatly in your suitcase. “I’m not.” You admitted quietly, “Wearing panties.”
“I knew it.”
You couldn’t hold back the laugh burst from your lips, “You did not.”
“God, I needed to hear your laugh.”
If you thought you were blushing hard before, you were sure you were red as a tomato now.
“I miss you so much, sweetheart.” He sighed softly, eyes locked on yours through the camera and in that moment you wished you were looking at them in real time, not through a screen.
No camera could ever bring justice to those cerulean eyes.
“I miss you more, Seb. “ You frowned a little, “I wish you could come with us tomorrow.”
He breathed out a drawn out sigh, “Me too. You know I would if I could.”
Twenty three days since you’ve been without him.
You wish you could say it got easier with time, having him away, but it didn’t. It wasn’t like this is the longest you’d spent away from him either. But for obvious reasons, it was harder to let him go this time. You were finally in a good place, you spent the holidays in complete bliss–just you and him in your own little world,then reality set back in and it was time to go to work again.
Things were going good between the two of you.
Better than good, even.
But part of you couldn’t help but wonder if that was because he was trapped up in his own little world on set in Canada and Catalina was all the way back home in Spain.
Life was easier when she wasn’t around and you weren’t the slightest bit ready for her inevitable return to the states when Sebastian finished filming ‘Fresh’ and returned to LA with you.
You knew the second she caught wind that he was back, she would hop her desperate ass on a plane first thing. And then you’d finally be forced to meet her.
God, you didn’t even want to think about what that would be like. All you knew, was that she definitely wasn’t going to like you. There was absolutely no way you were going to put up with her shi-
Sebastian called your name, pulling you from your thoughts.
“Sorry.” You shook your head, shaking yourself from those thoughts.
There was no need to get ahead of yourself. It was still January, that was a few months away yet.
“Where did you go?” He looked a little concerned, it was honestly a little cute with his brows all furrowed and his bottom lip plumped out in a small pout. “You okay?”
You laughed a little to yourself, picking up your phone before plopping on the edge of the bed, “I’m sorry. I was getting ahead of myself.” You shook your head, shoulders sagging a little, “I was just thinking about when I’m going to see you next–which is around my birthday,” You waved your hand lazily in front of you, “If everything works out of course. And it just reminded me that I’m going to have to meet Catalina and deal with her and yeah.”
His expression fell a little and you felt bad for bringing it up. But you were trying to be better about communicating your thoughts and feelings so you knew it was the right thing to do.
“I kinda forgot about her.” He tried to cover his initial reaction with a small laugh but you didn’t miss the way his eyes dimmed a little. “I actually got a call from Blake today. I almost forgot to tell you.” He shrugged, chuckling to himself, “I guess she had a little solo pap walk today and in every picture she is holding her phone out in front of her, flashing her lockscreen. You couldn’t see it clearly but it was obviously one of the pictures we took in Ibiza.” He shook his head, running a hand down his face, “We took so much footage that day.”
You don’t even try to hide your grimace, nose scrunching in disgust and teeth bared, “She’s kinda pathetic isn’t she?”
“She’s embarrassing me.”
“I’m sorry for bringing her up.” You frowned, tilting your head a little as you took him in, “I was just on the phone with Ella and she’s been up my ass about taking on another project instead of going on vacation and it got me thinking about the next couple months.” You glanced away from the camera, eyes trailing over your half packed suitcase, “After this, I’ll be booked until early August–just in time for your birthday, I guess.”
“It’s alright, honey.” Sebastian shook his head, his brows pulled down and his lips pressed together as his eyes wandered over your face, “You never have to be sorry for that. We can talk about these things–we should.” He paused, dipping closer to the camera, “You can talk to me about anything–everything. We are doing so good about being open and communicating. We are in a really good spot and I don’t want to lose that because you are holding things in for my sake.”
You nodded, “You’re right.”
You bit your lip to hide a smirk, “I don’t think she’ll like me much.”
“Well,” Sebastian’s nose scrunched cutely, that half smirk that always makes your heart race split across his face, “She doesn’t like me either… But she does like the attention my name brings her so…” He gave a little shrug, “She’ll either try to mooch off you or-”
“Nah.” You interject with a short laugh, “She thinks I’m the one thing standing between her and having you completely. She’s going to make my life a living hell. I’m sure of it.”
“Don’t say that.” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I won’t let her fuck with you, baby. That’s not going to happen.”
“Sebastian.” You huffed lightly, keeping your tone soft, “You and I both know you only have so much control here now. There is only so much we can do. She runs the show now and as long as she doesn’t break contract, no one is going to stop her.”
He mumbled your name, voice full of sorrow.
“It’s fine, love.” You forced a smile, one you knew he most definitely saw right through. “Seriously, it’ll all work out. Besides, what’s the worst she can do? As long as we got each other, we will be fine.”
He didn’t look fully convinced but let it go, for your sake you were sure.
“And I don’t want to talk about this anymore. I have an early flight tomorrow and would rather hear all about your day.” You shoved your suitcase over, and plopped over on your belly, “How’s my girl, Daisy?”
“Oh my God.” Your lover groaned, “You talked to her twice and now you love her more than me! This is absolutely unacceptable.”
“She’s so cute though.” You pouted, “I want to adopt her as our daughter.”
“She’s twenty three, babe!”
January 29, 2021
“Everything okay, dragă?”
You glanced up from your phone to meet Georgeta’s concerned gaze.
Your brows furrowed as you took in the messages lighting up your screen, “Yeah, just..” You shifted in your seat, shoving your phone back in your clutch. Hoping once it was out of your sight, it would be out of your mind. “I’ve been getting really weird messages and comments over the past couple days on all social media platforms.” You took a quick sip of water to clear your throat when your voice cracked, “I think it’s the same couple accounts just bombarding me but,” You trail off, shaking your head, “They are kind of nasty messages.”
That definitely didn’t ease her concern and you kinda felt bad for bringing it up but honestly it had been eating at you over the past few days and you really needed to get it off your chest.
It wasn’t unusual for you to get a gross comment here or there but since arriving at the resort down here in Mexico, it was like someone had opened the floodgates and your inbox and notifications were drowning with messages, comments, and tags. All of them shitting on your acting, your body, your clothes, your hair–everything and anything they could think of.
They were picking you apart.
And you didn’t know why.
It wasn’t like you had done anything recently. You hadn’t posted since before Christmas, and the last pap walk you did was with cast mates back on set in early december. It was quiet for you as of lately press wise, so you don’t understand what could’ve brought this unwarranted attention on.
You had planned to post a little of your trip, maybe a nice sunset picture or something to show your fans you were, in fact, alive but now you weren’t so sure it was a good idea. It wasn’t worth it to subject yourself to more hate.
Georgeta called your name softly, “What are they saying?”
You shrugged a little, brushing it off, “It doesn’t matter. I just don’t understand why this is happening all of a sudden.”
“It does matter though.” She frowned, reaching across the table to place her hand over yours, rubbing softly across your knuckles with her thumb, “It’s clearly bothering you. I can see it all over your face whenever you look at your phone.”
Just like her son, Georgeta had a talent for reading you. You could never ever get anything past the two of them.
You breathed out a soft sigh, eyes trailing the room around you as you leaned over the table, closer to her, “They’ve been messaging me, saying things like ‘Kill yourself’, ‘He doesn’t love you’ I’m not sure who they mean, not a single soul knows about Seb and I outside people we trust or have signed an NDA.” You shake your head, reaching to grab your half filled wine glass before taking a hefty sip. “A lot of shit about my body, my hair, my clothes. ‘She’s a terrible actress’, ‘She has nothing going for her’, ‘She’s ugly’. Every insult that you can think of, they’ve said it.”
“Miere.” The tone of her voice was nearly enough to make you cry, and the expression on her face didn’t help either. “That is awful. I am so sorry.” She reached for your hand again, taking your right between her own and bringing it to her lips to press a kiss to your knuckles, “They don’t deserve you or your attention. You are so much better than that.”
You blinked back the tell tale burn behind your eyes and tried with everything inside you to plaster on even the smallest of smiles. You’re sure it came across as more of a pained grimace than anything.
“Does my son know?”
“No.” You shook your head, “I didn’t want to distract him and really, it’s not like he can do anything to stop it.” You shrugged half heartedly, giving her hand a gentle squeeze, “There’s nothing any of us can do. I don’t know why I’m letting it get to me. I should just turn off my notifications and log out of social media for a while.”
“No.” Georgeta nearly shouted and her eyes widened as she looked around to make sure she hadn’t bothered anyone else in the restaurant. “You shouldn’t let them control you–Don’t let them win. They do not dictate your life. So you know what…” She stopped the waiter on his way by, “Can we get the check? And a bottle of red to go?”
“Of course.” The nice young man replied, “It’ll just be a moment.”
“Georgeta!” You giggled, “Don’t you want dessert?”
“No.” She smirked, “We are taking the bottle of wine down to the beach and we’re going to drink the entire thing down by the water and then I’m going to take picture of you dancing in the waves and then,” She scrunched her nose at you, waving her fingers in your direction, “You’re going to post a few.”
Your heart wanted to burst out of your chest right then and there. Georgeta was, hands down, the best woman you’ve ever met in your entire life and she never failed to amaze you.
“Are you serious, right now? Isn’t it dark out?” Your brows furrowed and you leaned forward to whisper the last bit. “Is it even legal to bring the wine down there?”
She rolled her eyes at you, an expression you could only describe as a ‘what-the-actual-fuck’ on her face, “We literally drank margaritas on the beach earlier. This restaurant belongs to the resort, of course we can bring the fucking wine.”
“Oh my God.” Your laugh was loud, so loud it drew eyes to your table, “Did you just say ‘fuck’? Georgeta!!” You shook your head, eyes wide, “I cannot believe you just said that.”
“Oh, fuck off.”
Your eyes widened even further, and you slapped a hand over your mouth to muffle your laugh, “What the– Do…Do you kiss you-your son with that mouth?”
For a second she looked a little bashful, her cheeks all rosy and her smile shy. She let out a little giggle, fingers pressed to her lips as she looked at you with wide, pretty eyes, “I think I’m a little drunk.”
“I was going to say,” You chuckled, “How much have you had to drink? Did you take a couple shots while getting ready for dinner?”
“Maybe.” She drew out her answer with a little giggle, giving her shoulders a small shrug.
Your eyes widened again, “Are you serious?” You laughed to yourself, in complete and utter shock. “I was kidding but you were serious! Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend’s mama?”
Taking Georgeta on vacation had shown you a completely different side of her. You always got on well before, you enjoyed the same things and brought something to the table that each of you lacked in other relationships–you as the daughter she never had and she as the mother figure you always lacked.
You were used to the put together, sweet, never-swore-a-day-in-her-life-and-only-had-one-glass-of-wine Georgeta. Not once had you expected to ever meet party-animal Georgeta.
And you were so here for it.
“Oh, miere, I’m having such a wonderful time with you.” She cooed, finishing her wine glass off before rising from the table. She tossed a debit card towards you, “I have to use the ladys room before we go to the beach,” She pointed at you, shooting you a stern look, “Use that card to pay for dinner. I’ll know if you don’t.”
You laughed, “Sure. Hurry though, there is more fun to be had.”
You watched her go, not missing the way she pulled her phone from her own clutch before she disappeared down the hall. You had no doubt she was calling Sebastian to tell him about what was going on. He was probably trying to get a hold of you both if the two missed phone calls you found waiting for you when you drew your own phone out of your clutch while waiting for the waiter to return with your bill and wine.
You should’ve told him about what was going down–the hate you were receiving. Thinking about it now, you admit it was wrong, especially after talking about communicating more and expressing your feelings. You honestly hadn’t thought it was a big deal and part of you was hoping that it would just blow over in a couple days. And you hadn’t told Georgeta not to say anything to him either so there was no doubt he was hearing about it at this very moment. She clearly had no filter when she had one too many glasses of wine.
That was fine, you could explain it to him later.
He wouldn’t necessarily be mad, he’d be upset for you if anything.
And maybe he’d have a better idea about it than you. Especially the comments about this undisclosed ‘he’ these accounts were messaging you about.
Could it be about him?
It’s possible but unless it was someone close to you targeting you that didn’t make sense. You meant it when you said no one outside of who you wanted to know, knew about your relationship. You had always been careful about sharing that piece of information and being mindful when in public, even more so with this fauxmance in full swing.
Maybe you were overthinking it, it was probably just some fan pissed off that you worked with their favorite. You just wrapped filming with Rege, you work with Henry regularly, and your next project that was announced in early December was with Pedro Pascal. They were all known heartthrobs, and naturally they all had jealous fangirls.
Either way, you would put it out of your mind for the night–heck, maybe even the rest of this vacation and actually enjoy yourself.
“Are you sure you’re good?”
Not in a million years did you ever think you’d be tucking your boyfriend’s drunk mother in for bed, yet here you were.
Georgeta giggled loudly, directly into your ear, “I’m great, meire. Oh, I love you.” She wrapped her arms around your neck, yanking you down before pressing a handful of kisses across your cheeks and forehead, “Love you so much, Fiica mea.”
Fiica mea
You hadn’t heard that one before. You made a mental note to ask Sebastian.
You laughed, using the last of your strength to untangle yourself from her after placing a kiss of your own against her forehead, “Love you too. Sleep good.”
She mumbled sleepily, eyes already closed and mouth hanging open as she snoozed comfortably in her bed. She was still dressed in the sundress she’d worn to dinner and hopefully she wasn’t too bothered that you left her to sleep in her makeup. There was no way you were going to even attempt that. Not when it took you every last bit of energy to get her up from the beach.
You were pretty drunk yourself, stumbling steps with heavy limbs as you made your way through the day space of your suite and into your own room. You snatched your phone out of your clutch and stumbled into the bathroom, shivering at the cool air nipping at your wet skin.
You’d done the photoshoot.
And you’d had the time of your absolute life running through the waves in your white, long summer dress. It was just the two of you down there and you’d gone a little buckwild. There are over a hundred photos to attest to that.
You had never felt sexier than in that moment and looking at the pictures after, you looked sexy too.
Who knew Georgita had a talent for photography?
And after tonight, she would be accompanying you to every photoshoot for the rest of your life because she was the best hypewoman you’d ever had.
You leaned forward against the counter, elbows pressed to the cool granite as you swiped through your phone. You smiled to yourself when you found Sebastian’s contact and hit call. Not even a second later and his smiling face appeared on the screen.
“Hi.” You beamed.
“Hey, baby.” He chuckled, eyes squinting a little as he took you in, “Are you wet? Are you drunk?”
You giggled a little, “Yes,” You paused, rubbing your fingers against your chin, “ And maybe.”
“Yeah, my mom sounded like it on the phone.” He shook his head, smile growing across his lips, “And I saw your instagram post, baby,” He groaned, head lolling back against the headboard, “You looked so fucking good. It’s not fair how gorgeous you are.”
“Are you sure?” You grimaced, crossing your arms over your chest in hopes to stop your shivering, “It’s not too much?”
“No baby, not at all.” And you could tell he meant it, even with the buzz in your head. “You look absolutely gorgeous, the wet dress stuck to your body–showing off your curves but not revealing too much. You look..” He waved his hands, “You look so happy and carefree. I wanted to jump into the picture and join you.”
“I love you.” Your bottom lip jutted out on a little pout, “You always know what to say and it’s never just ‘you look good’ you always give reasoning and point out what it looks good…” You pause, “Am I even making sense?” You shrug, “Your mom is a bad influence and forced me to drink two bottles of wine with her.”
He belted out a loud laugh, the sound warming you to your core, “First of all, baby, you’re shivering please take off the wet dress and either get in the shower or put your robe on. We can still talk, just do something, I hate seeing you like that when I can’t hold you or help.”
You smiled to yourself as you moved to flick the shower on and began unwrapping yourself from the dress after you propped your phone up on the counter.
“Second of all, thank you again for doing this. She needed this so bad.” He smiled to himself, rubbing the back of his neck, “She keeps sending me pictures and telling me all about how much she loves you and how much fun she is having. I appreciate you so much, sweetheart.”
“You don’t need to thank me, baby.” You smile brightly at him through the camera, ignoring the way he discreetly ogles you as you let the dress fall to the floor, leaving you completely bare and exposed. “You know I love spending time with her and that I love her as if she were my own.” You close the distance, picking up your phone before stepping into the shower. “I hope you know that, from here on out, she’ll be accompanying me to every photoshoot. She’s the best hypewoman ever.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah.” You let loose a little laugh as you set the phone up on a shelf, making sure it was out of the water before dipping under the stream to get your hair wet. “I’ll send you all the pictures. I got some of her too. You’re gonna love them.”
He hummed in agreement, the sound coming from deep in his chest and sending shivers down your spine, “Of course I will. My two favorite girls–the ones I love the most in this world. I can’t wait to see them, baby.”
You paused your shampooing to give him a pout, “I miss you so much.”
“I miss you more, gorgeous.” He shot you a sad smile, “I would give anything to be with you right now, in that shower.”
You spun around, pointing a finger at him, “Are you trying to get dirty with me, Sebastian Stan?”
The laugh he let out lit you up from inside out, “No.” He tossed his hands up in a defensive stance, “Of course not. Why would I want to get dirty with my sexy, wet girlfriend while she’s showering right in front of me?” He playfully rolled his eyes, “That’s just insane!”
You giggled, “Well,”
“Are you..?”
You shrugged a little, hands trailing teasingly over your breast.
Tonight you’d indulge with him and tomorrow you could talk.
Clearly Georgeta hadn’t told him about the hate and it’s definitely something that could be dealt with later.
You were on vacation and all else could wait.
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@justlovelifeblog @inlovewith3 @buckybarnesandmarvel @sleutherclaw @snugglingbucky @perlaluna @littlewhiterose
@idontwannagomrstarkk @abihaaa14 @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer @sebsgirl71479 @getofffmydick @eccentricnos @barnesml
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leoramage · 9 months
matchmaker of the stars plz!
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the lyran mage have matched you with SEBASTIAN VETTEL!
- cancer rising conjuncting his cancer mars + lilith. he will find you physically attractive. oh god, it's going to give push and pull booktok trope 👀 this plot is thick goddamn! "run and i'll chase you till i have you" vibes. there's so much aspecting the planets between you and seb i do not know where to start! he is friends with yours and that's how you meet, seb appeals to be a playboy but you're the type not to waste time and prefer to be more stable in relationships so he sees you as a challenge to attain. he thinks having you to himself would emotionally fulfill him so you make him chase. honestly, walk him like a dog 🫦 WE LOVE GIRLBOSSES HERE - your leo sun is alone as seb does not have leo placements. regardless, your leo sun trines with his jupiter in which is a very lucky placement when it comes to money. so you might have ways to help him expound his wealth and honestly, that's a slay. GET THE BAG FR no fumbling! there's also a lot of aspects that says that you both are going to be good business partners as well! also your sun trines with his ceres which is in his 4th house, it's giving feel at home and harmonious aspect. healthy one i believe but with your pluto sitting on his 4th house, this brings so much into the table. pluto talks about death, rebirth, transformation. just like i said before and i will say again, this is a make or break aspect. it depends on the couple's maturity to work on this. if they managed to plough through, then it will be worthwhile. - your sagittarius moon is aspecting his saturn. very much marriage indicator and the fact that this is conjuncting his inum coeli which makes this even more stronger. you guys will built a house on stone and strong foundation that will last for years. seb will be very mature to you with regards to family life and will take his role as a father and husband very seriously. this man is committed and just as we witnessed, we literally see him retire because of his family. that is so manly of him and you just deserve this just like any other woman should! - i love how your virgo venus is aspecting his ascendant and his moon sitting on your 4th house. 🥹 this is so domestic because you both will be investing in the comfort of your house to the point you guys do not even have to go out if not needed or wanted. i am starting to cry! but please, do family planning! because you and his jupiter is aspecting so much fertility in this synastry chart. if you're not too fond of so much babies like five children at least, family planning helps. SO MUCH. - also, he might visit your dreams (THIS SOUNDS WEIRD I KNOW) but it's a soul bond you know? you both are going to be in the same dream even if you're sleeping next to each other. you guys are going to laugh your assess off in the morning because it's weird 😭😭 he will be most likely to ask if you saw him in your dream and he's going to be teasing you about it. - conclusion: it's giving husband and wife, marriage material and i am absolutely floored. i love domesticated relationships and laid back couples because who doesn't?
any thoughts? thank you for participating! 𔘓 congratulations on your 3k as well again, lola!
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meova101 · 1 year
Okay I have been Thinking lately, and especially now that all I have left is rechewing old crumbs... Sebchal has such character development, you know. It’s actually so different whether you see them now or in 2019 or 2021 and it’s so interesting to see it develop over time. We went from karting together as part of an FDA event to Charles being a nervous wreck to a tribute helmet and ended up at the easy camraderie we see now and there’s so many layers to this shit, man.
In honour of Sebchalday, I figured I’d make a little write-up of the character development I saw in real time. And with little I mean someone stop me this shit is almost 5k. Yes I also had to add in how I watched the public perception of them change because I might as well honestly, the dichotomy in their teammate years truly was something else. Anyway, without further ado, here’s Sebchal throughout the ages, as told by Meo.
2018 and earlier
This really is just a lot of what seems like hero worship from Charles and Seb being polite, a good guy and up for a laugh. In 2017, Charles occasionally starts going on track walks, there’s the iconic moment in Monaco of course, Charles is just a little starstruck. Why else would he make damn sure he’s got Seb in an Instagram post about the karting event. Or look like he’s in a straight-up romcom when Seb talks to him there.
Seb, on the other hand, seems generally aware of Charles (his F2 results, ofc the track walks, signing that picture of Charles from testing 2018, offering Charles a seat during a drivers parade), but he keeps his distance for the most part. Which is completely understandable, honestly. But this all sets up the scene, because who would have ever thought that this would turn into a rather unlikely friendship?
Rivalry time! We kick this off with, uh, a very nervous Charles on the first team outing to the Dolomites, followed by a hug and a cheek cradle in the second race. Yeah idk either where this went off the rails.
Okay no that’s a lie, I know exactly where it went off the rails, and shit really hit the fan in Monza. The media was already pushing a rivalry and it makes sense - the story of the old veteran and the young hotshot, both equally talented (don’t fight me on this Barbara) and vying for the top spot in the iconic team. Charles was settling in well, quickly matching Seb in the first half of the season, something was clearly brewing. It’s brilliant. It’s a showstopper. It’s also not true, but imagine listening to the drivers themselves.
So Monza comes around and all hell breaks loose. No, legit, this streak of races is the main cause of the rivalry talk persisting. In Monza, Charles doesn’t give Seb a tow during qualifying, leaving Seb unable to even set a final time in Q3 (along with basically every other driver, this quali is so funny). Seb has a race to forget after that while Charles wins. He wins in Spa, he wins in Monza, it’s fucking insane. Il Predestinato for real.
Singapore is up next and Charles gets pole, Charles has a good start, but then. Ohhhhh, then. Seb pits, has a very good outlap, starts overtaking the as-of-yet-unpitted like they’re barely there (in fucking Singapore y’all), while Charles falls further behind. Exasperated, Charles gets on the radio and says he wants everything, but what d’you know, Seb wins. Charles does not look pleased on the podium. Seb does.
And then Sochi. Oh my god let me tell you about Sochi. Charles has pole, again. But you don’t want pole in Sochi, and Seb wastes no time in overtaking Charles, nabbing P1 in the process. And what happens next is the perfect example of what I like to call a bitch fight. You’re gonna want to see this to believe it. Here’s a link to the team radio. It’s funny as hell, it’s petty as hell, Seb DNFs and Charles barely hangs on to the podium in the end, ladies and gentlemen: a rivalry.
Brazil only fanned the flames, I’m just saying.
But even with all of this. Like, it seems very explosive, you know. Which makes it all the more interesting how they don’t actually... seem to explode? They’re still nice to each other? Sure, it’s still very careful, and the videos they do together have that awkwardness, but they’re nice. And if you dig, just a little, you find Seb and Charles... actually having fun together. You can see their dynamic here most clearly in the language videos, in my opinion. Charles is gushing over everything Seb is saying in French, while Seb is teaching and teasing a little in the German video.
Ferrari themselves somehow manages to hide all the cute stuff, too. Because they sure tried, but you have to know where to look to find their date road trip through the Italian countryside, the videos for Shell and Ferrari themselves, the utterly endearing UPS video where they are both very confused but having fun with it. This stuff is all there, it was uploaded in real time, but it just… got ignored or brushed off as PR.
I remember watching all of their videos at the tail end of 2019, and just gloating like… if only they’d known what would happen afterwards. They wouldn’t be so cordial to each other now if they’d known what lies ahead. Until I realized, and yes this took a hot minute, that if they were always nice to each other, even in the second half of the season, even after everything that had already happened… maybe they actually liked each other.
This was a revelation. Unheard of. These two hated each other, were vying for top spot and there could only be one winner, the other one was just collateral damage, of course they didn’t like each other!
The first half of 2020
Dear reader, turns out they like each other.
There were two camps developing at this time. One of them was still convinced these two hated each other, disliked each other at the very least. The other camp was watching Charles slowly lose his mind on Twitch.
I really can’t understate just how much the lockdown did for the perception of Sebchal, although the major turnaround would happen much later. There really are two factors at play here and I will get to the second one in a bit, but you cannot underestimate how much the Twitch era helped.
Because Charles – and you have to understand, Charles was still seen as a very arrogant, incredibly pretty, extremely talented guy (two of those three are true) which did not help – brought up Seb, a lot. He told us about how he’d been in touch with Seb, trying to get him to play games with him on stream. He wanted to be teammates with Seb so bad while playing F1 2019 that he accidentally picked Seb to play as. He watched F1 compilations that definitely had other drivers in it while exclaiming they were videos about him and Seb. Whether you ship them or not, it’s clear as day that from Charles’s side, there was no rivalry.
Seb, of course, was pretty quiet during this time, but there’s this one interview for Marlboro Mission Winnow that feels more like friends catching up than an actual interview, so there’s that.
The second factor in this is Netflix getting involved. We all know and love to hate Drive To Survive and for season 2, they finally got access to Ferrari and Mercedes. Of course they’d dive headfirst into the rivalry storyline, because believe it or not, once upon a time Drive To Survive actually pretended to base their plot on reality.
And this one backfired. What they thought they were showing were two guys who didn’t much like each other, trying to figure out a way to keep the media at bay. What they actually showed were two very much exasperated guys, teasing and joking with each other while trying to focus on their job. Netflix failed to account for the fact that people might actually look beyond the framing, and thanks to Ferrari trying their best at social media but being endearingly rough around the edges with it, we had plenty of material for that.
And while all of this was playing out, we heard that Seb’s contract at Ferrari wouldn’t be renewed.
Now that’s a whole mess I won’t get into further, because this is also the part where the rats get divided into two camps and I’m not here for that. What I am here for, though, is Charles’s reaction, because he posted a very heartfelt message about the news a bit after it dropped. Why did it take him a bit? Not because he had to run it past PR, I’m pretty sure, because I don’t believe for one second his messages would have gotten the green light. No, it was because not only did Charles take special care to pick out a few pictures of him and Seb together to add to the message, but also because he was driving back from France that day and also, he didn’t know.
I only know he was in the middle of a long drive that day because he’d mentioned it on his Twitch stream before. Also, while looking up this Tweet, I noticed the location tag so that helps. I’m sure I didn’t hallucinate it but since Charles didn’t feel like archiving his streams, I’m also pretty sure this is lost to the void by now. If you happen to have this clip, please let me know so I can stop doubting my memory.
But the second part, where he plain didn’t know? It never got confirmed, but I’m positive. Once again, so many people were convinced here that Charles had been pulling strings behind the scenes, that them working together was impossible after 2019 and especially Brazil, Ferrari had to make a choice and they picked Charles. Except Charles has gone on record multiple times, stating he’d like to keep Seb as his teammate. That he still had so much to learn from him. If it was up to him, Seb would be his teammate for years to come. If he’d known, why would he not have had the messages ready? Why would he have been hyping Seb up as his teammate? Why would anything else in 2020 have happened?
Because trust me, we’re only through the first half of the year now, and it’s only getting better.
The second half of 2020
As we know now, the 2020 Ferrari sucked. Which, in hindsight, was clear during testing, but we all thought Ferrari had just learned how to sandbag. It took until the season finally got underway in Austria that we realized just how deep in the shit our guys were. Charles got a podium in the first race while Seb barely got one point, undoubtedly helped out by the fact that almost half the drivers DNF’d.
In their second race… they crashed. Charles attempted a divebomb down the inside and instead humped Seb’s rear wing. I was crowing at the television at that point, ready for the will-they-won’t-they rivalry of the previous year to continue, yes they’re friendly off track but on track it’s spicy, this was bound to explode…
And nothing.
Because what had happened, especially with them both knowing this partnership would end after this season, was that they started backing each other up. This season was going to be a wash either way and Seb wasn’t going to be there to deal with the fall-out of it. There was no reason for them to remain cordial, to not throw each other under the bus when necessary, and especially in this case it seemed clear-cut, yet they didn’t.
The difference between what happened on track and what happened off track became even more stark. On track, Charles was outdriving Seb so incredibly hard. He qualified so well, while Seb started getting booted out of Q2 more and more often. Charles nabbed another podium in Silverstone, Seb fought for singular points most races. And yet they made sure that whenever the media brought up their results, or tried to poke into their partnership, they always backed each other up. They never once talked bad about each other, tried to make sure the media didn’t forget both of them are extremely talented, and presented themselves as a united front.
Not that anyone bought that, but whatever. 2020 was a weird time and we didn’t have Fernando back on the grid yet. They were aching for some drama.
Off-track, though, and once again you had to actually look for this, which is a common theme with Sebchal… man, this era makes me the most feral still. We not only get Charles saying Ich liebe dich at the end of Seb’s birthday video, and Seb making awkward jokes in Charles’s birthday video, but we get the hourglass challenges. Quite frankly, this is the best social media to ever come out of F1, hands down, nothing will ever beat this. Because you can see, in real time, how Seb and Charles grow closer and more comfortable with each other.
They constantly get paired up with other Ferrari team members, but that doesn’t matter, because when Seb and Charles start talking? They’re talking and no one can disturb them. Like when Seb tries to explain what a pocket watch is briefly, in the background of a video. Seb trying to teach Charles some more Ferrari history during Memory. The entire music challenge, which might as well not have anyone else there.
We get a true glimpse of their fun competitive vibe here, even though Charles gives Seb more chances to win when it looks like Seb might actually lose (you might claim that Seb let you win, Charles, but we have the proof in the darts video and the categories video). I’m pretty sure that if you’d let the two of them alone with a game, you could come back hours later and they’d still be racing tiny little racecars.
You can tell how much closer they got during this season, but as usual, you have to look and listen for it to click. There’s the moment during qualifying for Spa, when they both get knocked out in Q2 and we get a shot of them looking at each other and smiling in understanding. There’s Turkey, where Seb finally gets his podium because he can capitalize on a mistake from Charles, and Charles actually stops beating himself up over the radio for a moment to congratulate Seb on his podium.
The final few races are just a fever dream, really. You have to see the challenge videos to believe them, but they truly have found their dynamic there and they’re so comfortable around each other. And the Danke Seb helmet is still, to this day, probably my favourite moment. Charles made a fucking scrapbook on his helmet. And just to show how even at that point, people still wanted the rivalry to be real so bad: I vividly remember someone on commentary saying “what’s he thanking Seb for, leaving the team?”. It’s crazy. That’s how pervasive the rivalry narrative was, even when Seb and Charles did everything to prove it wasn’t true.
So 2020 was a whirlwind of character development, of notable moments, and definitely lit a fire underneath the ship. Now, however, we enter uncharted territories. The rivalry talk is finally over, now that their time as teammates has ended. But this also means we don’t get to see them interact quite as often, since they’re no longer shoved together at every possible opportunity (lol, not like they were anyway, seeing as the shipbaiting only really starts kicking off around this time in F1 socmed), and we’re rats looking for crumbs now.
Luckily for us, we get a lot of crumbs, and once again it shows very well how their relationship evolves and how they actually work together.
Now, during the winter break and after testing, there were quite a lot of doubters. Which is fine! Everyone gets to have their own opinions! But because the whole rivalry thing was so incredibly pervasive and even without that, Seb and Charles just seem like very different people who only got shoved together because they drove for the same team… it’s entirely understandable to doubt whether they’d continue to interact. And let’s be real, testing did not necessarily give us any indication to think otherwise.
But once again, this is exactly what’s so nice about them, if you look a bit closer… they actually became friends somewhere along these years.
Charles stands next to Seb for the We Race As One ceremony. This might be planned out beforehand, I don’t know, but what certainly isn’t planned out, is them talking and sharing their customary fist bumps before and after these little bits. After races, they also catch up if they find each other either near the car in parc ferme or in the press pen. It’s never that obvious unless you look, and we sure looked.
But it became blindingly obvious during Monaco and Baku this year.
When the drivers were waiting around for the parade, we find Seb and Charles talking to each other, once again so invested in their conversation that Charles almost misses his cue for the bus. And then, once it becomes clear that Charles can’t participate in the race, plenty of drivers offer some words of comfort. But Seb’s the only one to hug him, really talk to him about it, and Charles even leans back into him when Seb’s let go. We don’t know what was said of course, but it’s clear as day now that if anyone’s still hanging onto the old narrative… they’re dead wrong.
And then Baku. Not only do they find each other on the grid again (a recurring theme, there’s so often just a small moment of them getting the other’s attention to say hi), but after the race, Charles obviously first congratulates Pierre on his podium, and then beelines to Seb, where Fernando stares at the display of affection in front of him like he’s watching two aliens land.
It’s the easy way they both grab onto each other there, no hesitation from either side. And yes, I know it seems like Charles is a very tactile guy, but it’s always other people grabbing him. There’s two people where Charles will take the initiative, and both of them have made it onto the podium for this race. Later on, Seb lets us know that he told Charles the previous night, through text, that he’d see him in his mirrors, which once again shows that quietly, they’re still in touch. They’re texting, still teasing each other, and we had no idea until that moment that they still kept in touch in that way, and once again, even if you take the shoggles off it’s still frankly unbelievable that they managed to build a friendship when literally everyone was pushing them towards a rivalry.
This is the moment the rivalry talk really fizzles out, insofar it still even existed. Yes, there’s still people hanging onto it, and it does make a good story, but it’s just that. A story. What we see now is two people who are seemingly very different, pushed together in circumstances that would make other people crack, and they’ve somehow built a connection.
And isn’t that the best story of all?
There’s no topping these crumbs, not even the moment in the Spa press-pen tops this, where we all figured out Charles was talking to Seb before even hearing or seeing him just based on his facial expression, but it does show where Sebchal is at in this year. They’re figuring out how to be friends now that there’s no obligation, because both of them want to be. Seb isn’t one for big gestures and Charles (surprisingly, I know) isn’t either, so we only get the one in Baku. Hell, even Monaco was more of a background thing, and I sure nearly broke my tablet when I spotted the two of them during the We Race As One ceremony as the camera was panning away.
But in the background, there they are, always somehow finding each other, and that’s what truly solidified my love for this ship, really. They don’t need flashy moments, they’re comfortable with each other and it shows.
And then we get to 2022, where everyone finally seems to have figured out that the whole rivalry narrative was never actually a thing. I’m sure part of this is the fact that they haven’t been teammates in a year at this point, that they’re both still persisting in only ever talking nicely about the other when asked, and well, the Aston Martin isn’t actually good so there’s no chance of even having battles on track.
And what we do get, is more crumbs. Honestly, we get much more than in 2021, even without really big moments like Monaco and Baku.
The thing is, we see yet another development in their dynamic for this season. And that’s really one of the big things about Sebchal all this time, we get to see them develop as people, as friends, and this really feels like a culmination of sorts. It doesn’t get picked up much by the social media accounts (thank fuck) and both of them definitely have their people on the grid (Seb gravitates towards Mick, Charles gravitates towards Pierre), but they seem so comfortable in their interactions now.
Take, for instance, the times they get put into the same press conference. We’ve gone back to the bigger pressers now, five people in each session, so we already get more moments where they’re together in the room. And pretty much every time, there’s these quiet friendly moments that don’t necessarily get picked up by the media, but they’re endearing as hell.
Yes, we get the moments where Seb’s flirty on main (which is so fun to watch too, and I dare say it’s even more pronounced now than it even was in 2020). There’s the bus tour jokes in Monaco, where Charles offers to take Seb on one. There’s the presser in Monza, where Seb says he never had as many issues leaving the hotel as Charles does, probably because Charles is more handsome. This kind of open teasing is something new and definitely shows how far they’ve come already.
But there’s also the moments that are more brief, more subtle. Like when Charles motions at Seb about his moustache, or when Seb heads straight towards Charles when he’s late to give him a fistbump. Or when they’re sitting next to each other and end up deep in conversation again, while the presser’s still going on. I know I say the word comfortable a lot, but that’s what it is. They seem to enjoy each other’s company, they like talking to each other and seem to search it out, too, and it’s so organic when you’ve followed them for all these years but it’s a stark contrast to where they started and where the narrative started, too. It’s also a slap in the face to everyone who doubted they’d even acknowledge each other after Seb left the team, which I’m totally here for because I’m not bitter at all lol.
Besides these moments, where they’re already in front of a camera and don’t care that whatever they do is being recorded, there’s still more moments when they’re not. Like, this is just what they do, they don’t ham it up for the cameras at all. There’s plenty of times in the press pen, after a race usually, where they will find each other and catch up a little. To the point where Britta and Mia, both their PR people, just start talking among themselves as well. And it’s always so interesting to see how, even when Charles is looking down (like after Silverstone, or before Hungary for obvious reasons), Seb will always manage to coax a smile out of him.
Because we have more interactions to go off here and we have so much history by now, it’s easier to point out where it seems like they’ve figured out how the other one wants to be treated. As I pointed out in the 2021 section, Seb is one of the few people Charles will actually initiate physical contact with. And throughout the years, throughout this season, it’s not hard to figure out why that is. Most people will grab Charles when they want to touch him, not give him much of a choice. On the other hand, Seb does give him that choice, either touches him briefly and then lets go (like with the upper arm touches that are often used between them to get the other’s attention), or he hugs him from the side, leaving Charles an opening to get out of it if he wants.
On the other hand, Charles seems very aware that Seb is a private person and gives Seb the chance to maintain that privacy, too. During the Twitch streams in 2020 already, he would talk about Seb but never reveal much of what they were talking about together. Most of the times they interact are in the background and Charles is happy enough to let Seb initiate their contact when they are in front of a camera.
And while it seemed like Charles wasn’t very involved in Seb’s last race, I would argue he was and actually took a step back himself to let Seb do what he had to. Even when he felt ill, Charles was still there for the final track run, in the crowd. He did the donuts he promised, mimicked Seb’s finger when he was on the podium after the race. He was also one of the few, if not the only one, to temper expectations and tell people that when Seb’s made a decision, he’s sticking with it, and to not pin hopes on him returning (he’s very stubborn, after all, and his favourite colour’s blue). It might not seem like a lot, but there’s a very real respect and acknowledgement of who Seb is as a person there.
The narrative surrounding Sebchal has changed so much through the years – to the point where even Ferrari called it a very special bond in their social media posts about Seb’s last race – and their dynamic has evolved alongside it. The “rivalry” was very fun while it lasted, don’t get me wrong, but the guys have been telling us all along that it was fabricated and luckily, we now have the full picture. It’s been a fun journey to see it all develop right in front of my salad (I might have only joined after the 2019 summer break but all in all, missing out on half a season is excusable I think) and while I do miss seeing the two of them together on the grid, I will absolutely go down with this ship. No one does it like them and even without new crumbs, there’s still plenty to chew on and pick apart to keep me busy for a long time to come.
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Hiiii Seb! @sugarcoated-lame back again! Hope you’re doing well and having a lovely day my dear!! <3 an ask you got about single dad Rhett & single mom reader where their children kinda set them up got me thinking about single dad jake and single mom reader except it’s like an enemies to lovers sort of situation 👀 you meet when you’re both called down to your kids’ school to meet with the principal bc Jake’s son and your daughter have been fighting/not getting along in class (you can’t tell me Jake’s kid wouldn’t be an absolute menace and love to pick on all the girls and pull their pigtails so to speak 😂). So maybe you don’t like Jake at first bc he’s a bit blasé about the situation, saying it’s normal, just kids being kids and that they’ll work through it on their own. Ya know, just being his usual cocky, smug self, saying he was a little rascal as a kid himself. So the two of you start arguing in the principal’s office (and Jake finds it super hot when you start yelling at him bc he definitely loves it when women are a little mean to him, and you can’t help but think about what a waste it is that someone that attractive would be such a dick) and the principal has to tell you both to cut it out 😂 You never hear about any further incidents between your kids again because unbeknownst to you, when they left the school that day, Jake told his son he should apologize and try to be friends. But every time you see him after that when you’re both picking your kids up from school, you’re rolling your eyes and glaring at Jake as he just waves, giving you that signature smug smirk. So your kids, now friends, conspire to get you and Jake together, each asking to be taken to the park on the same day and “running into each other” there. You’re left to sit on a bench with Jake while your kids play, staring straight ahead watching them in an effort to ignore his presence. Eventually when he can’t take any more of the tension he tries to talk to you, probably saying something like, “what, you’re not gonna yell at me today?” Joking around and trying to lighten the mood, telling you you’re really cute when you’re angry which leaves you blushing and trying not to smile. And that’s when you learn Jake is actually really funny and charming. And maybeeee that smug grin of his is actually starting to grow on you a bit, and he just wants to keep making you smile and laugh because it’s one of the most beautiful sights he’s ever seen. After a while of playing, your kids are running up to the bench where you and Jake are sitting, begging the two of you to take them out for ice cream and of course neither one of you can say no to your babies. So you go and get to spend more time with Jake, getting to know him a bit and watching him interact and goof off with his son and your daughter and you think maybe, just maybeee he’s not so bad. 🥹 I’m sorry this turned into a whole ass novel lmfao oops! 💜💜💜
AH!! my love, please don’t apologise at all!! we love whole ass novels in this household and i love this so much!!!! 🥹🥹
enemies to lovers with single dad jake and reader?? oooof. you’ve created something really special here!! because of course you think he’s an ass at the beginning, but then you get to know him and see how sweet he is with his son. you see that he’s had to practically raise his kid on his own all the while being a pilot in an elite ‘death’ squad and you understand that he must have a lot on his plate. you come to acknowledge that jake can’t always keep tabs on his son’s behaviour, but he’s trying his best.
you would offer to take care of his kid on days when jake was busy with work, seeing as he was such good friends with your little one anyway. a couple of play dates ended up with you staying in jake’s house so your little ones could sleep over together while jake was away for work. that then turned into you leaving jake dinner some nights, which then turned into you and jake finally sharing a kiss on his couch when he came home from work absolutely exhausted and so grateful you were there to look after his son.
thank you so, so much for this my love!! 💌💖
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watercolor-hearts · 11 months
Hi hi! Ik AO3 is down too, i wamna read fics so bad.it hurts. But i saw your post on wanting to write. So...u can choose ,Up to your likings!
1. Its Just a Nightmare, Its nothing real
2. A won a stuff animal for B
3. They go out on a date and one of them is sick
4. I wish we'd have more time
1. Can you please hold me
2. You're falling asleep on me love
3. Your hands are big, I love it
4. Come, sit on my lap
Thank you for offering me options, it's really nice of you. 😊❤ I chose the fourth one for the Simi story. It's a bit sad-ish at the beginning because it's a conversation about death and a past medical problem but I don't do sad ending so it's happy at the end. It still made me cry though but I cry at everything so it's not surprising. (Since it's a bit longer than I planned it to be, I'm gonna post the second story in a separate post once I'm done with it. 😊)
Seb/Kimi • 1354 words • conversation about death • past heart attack • crying • old age • growing old together • fear of the loss of a partner • grandparents Simi • future female F1 driver • happy ending • Ao3 link
“You know, sometimes I wish we would have more time,” Seb said, leaning on Kimi's shoulder as they were sitting in their outdoor swing, enjoying the nice weather surrounding their home in Switzerland. 
“We still have plenty of time.”
“I hope so,” Seb smiled, searching for Kimi's hand to hold it and to look at their interlocked hands, all wrinkly and old but still just as beautiful as it was when they started dating fifty years ago. 
It's insane to think that it's been fifty years and they stuck together forever. Sebastian thinks about it a lot. Kimi not much. Or he doesn't talk about it. He usually just listens to Seb talking. Seb loves talking, Kimi loves listening, and they complete each other. 
“Do you ever think about death?” Seb asked, looking at Kimi's face. His husband didn't look at him when he answered. 
“No.” It wasn't an honest answer but Kimi didn't want to talk about this topic. It hit too close to home. 
“I do,” Seb said, and then there was silence. 
A long, long silence. 
Kimi stared at the Alps rising in front of them, hoping for a change of topic. Seb looked at their hands, thinking about whether to tell what was in his mind. 
“That day...,” Kimi was the one to break the silence to Sebastian's surprise, “That day I almost lost you. When... When...”
“When I had that heart attack,” Seb finished Kimi's sentence. 
A fucking heart attack, Kimi thought, when Seb was a sportsman for the majority of his life. And then one day he almost died because of a fucking heart attack. 
And then there was silence again but Seb was waiting patiently because he knew Kimi hadn't finished what he wanted to say and needed a bit of time to do it. 
“I just... Hate death,” Kimi sighed, “I don't want to think about it. I already thought too much about it when you were in the operating room. Death almost took you away from me.”
“But I'm still here,” Seb said, reassuringly caressing Kimi's hand and looking at him with a soft smile on his face, “I might be a bit old and my body sometimes not working properly but I'm still here. I don't want to go. But... I do think about death. And I want to talk about it because we're not that young anymore.”
“You can talk about it.”
“I started preparing for it. Mentally. I've been preparing for it since I started racing but that was different because I was young and healthy and it was just the dangerousness of the sport that made me think about it. But now I think... Death is only scary if you weren't living your dream and you just wasted your whole life. I had the chance to live my dream and then when it was over I found other dreams to live. And I never felt like I missed out on something. As I got old—we got old, I realized that death is a part of the whole thing. We don't know when but it will happen one day because that's how it works. We are born, live, and then die. And what matters in it is how you live your life, what makes you happy, what is your passion. I still have passion; I love our bees and our little honey business. And if you live your life fully you won't fear death because then you'll know that it's natural that everything comes to an end after a while.”
Kimi looked at Seb, hesitating to say what he wanted to say. But he did say it because communication is important for a good relationship and also, they don't always have to agree. 
“You weren't the one that had to experience seeing his husband almost die at home and then in the ambulance too. I was the one who had to see it and hope that I won't have to leave the hospital alone, Seb,” Kimi said, finally looking into Sebastian's eyes, “I can't think about death like it's something... Something nice and reassuring and part of life and things like that. I'm okay with my death. I don't care about it. But yours is different. You're my husband, you're my everything. It's not a part of my plans to see you leave me alone for the rest of my life. If you have to go, I want to go with you. It wouldn't be the same without you.”
And this was when tears started filling Sebastian's eyes and he really had to concentrate not to let his lips tremble and crying overcome him. 
“Please don't cry,” Kimi said, pulling Seb closer, “I didn't want to make you cry.”
“I'm not, I'm not,” Seb tried to save the situation but cried anyway. 
“No, it's okay,” Seb mumbled, “I just... I didn't think about it this way. Like... Losing you. In my mind, it was always that we go together and that way it was never really scary. But... It's a legitimate fear to lose your partner. Especially after what happened a few weeks ago. Sorry for ripping off the bandage and thank you for telling me how you feel about this.”
“It's okay,” Kimi said, kissing Seb's head, his hand brushing his husband's last few white-ish curls. 
“I love you so much I wanna be with you forever,” Seb murmured, hugging Kimi a bit tighter. 
“I love you too,” Kimi whispered, letting the tears roll down his cheeks as there was no reason to hold them back. He learned to appreciate the precious time he gets to spend with Seb and since Seb never really held his emotions back, Kimi didn't have to either. “We've survived fifty years next to each other. Forever is more than possible.”
“Grandpa Seb! Grandpa Kimi! I'm here!” They heard a familiar voice coming closer and closer. Kimi wiped off his tears while Sebastian released him from the hug. “You said you want to see me before the final round.”
“Our little Formula 2 champion is here,” Seb said, smiling at the girl, Lily, their first grandchild out of five so far. With Kimi's help, Seb got out of the swing and went to hug his granddaughter. 
“Not a champion yet,” smiled Lily as he hugged back.
“But for sure gonna be one,” Kimi said, squeezing her shoulder. 
“That's the goal, yeah” she nodded. 
“Let's go to the kitchen,” Seb said, heading to the house, “we cooked your favorite as a good luck present before the last race. You need to have a good meal to have energy for the next week to be able to prepare for the weekend.”
“Aww, you really didn't have to do this for me.”
“We wanted to,” Kimi said, opening the door for them. They went to the kitchen and before Seb could show Lily what they made for him, Lily looked at them like she had something very important to say.
“Are you alright?” Seb asked to make sure she was okay. Lily nodded. 
“Yeah, I just... I want to tell you something...,” she started, hardly able to hold her smile back, “It's a secret so please don't tell anyone but... Ferrari has offered me a test drive!” she said, wanting to jump out of her skin. 
“Oh my god, congratulations!” Seb said, eyes wide in surprise, giving her a bone-crushing hug. 
“They still have eyes for the talent,” Kimi noted, “Congratulations, little one,” he hugged her too, “You're the future now.”
And after this, Seb and Kimi didn't talk about the death again because they had already settled everything important about it and they had a far more important thing to do: watch their granddaughter win the Formula 2 championship and then become the first-ever female Formula 1 driver for Ferrari. She is the future and she has everything it takes to be the best. Kimi and Seb might be the past in the history of racing but they still have a lot to do in this world as they're the ones that make the future unstoppable. 
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iglooracing · 2 years
at the blegian gp seb and charles finally both got to finish in decent spots in the points together for the first time in what feels like forever all season, yay!! i know it wasn't the perfect race, but i wanted something a bit lighter for this drabble to break up the more angsty and bittersweet drabbles in this series. this is pure fluff, a lot of laughing and teasing, these two are so sweet on each other it's unbearable. hope you enjoy if you read! :)
// belgian gp 2022 //
“nice?” seb asks softly against charles’ bare stomach.
charles let’s out a soft sigh and cards his fingers through seb’s curls, scratching gently.
“is that a yes?” seb teases before pressing another kiss there.
charles chuckles and seb laughs in return, squeezing charles’ hips gently where he holds him.
they had been laying in seb’s hotel room bed, talking about the race as the light faded through the curtains behind them. the talking ended about 15 minutes ago now.
seb has slowly been making his way down charles’ neck, where he took his time kissing over charles’ pulse point and the tight, post-race muscles there. then down to charles’ collar and chest to swipe his tongue over where the sharp joints and curves of charles’ torso meet. down to charles’ stomach where seb left a wet and achingly slow trail of kisses down to charles’ navel.
but as soon as seb shifts over to charles’ left side above his hip charles loses it. seb’s barely there kisses and beard create a wicked combination of soft and harsh tickling that has charles’ muscles twitching.
“hey,” charles breaks off into a laugh. “hey, that tickles!”
charles giggles and tries to tug at seb’s hair to pull him up. all seb does is laugh against charles’ side in response and reach up to tickle his right side near his ribs.
“seb, no, please ahahaha,” charles loses his argument in a fit of giggles as seb blows a raspberry against charles’ ticklish and now over-sensitive side.
seb laughs as he pulls back and brushes his messy curls away from his forehead and out of his eyes.
“where is that ridiculous headband you were wearing all weekend?” charles asks in between laughs. he tries to roll over as he starts searching the floor and seb’s nightstand for the piece.
“don’t know,” seb muses as he gets up to his knees and tries to pull charles back. “why?”
“because, ah!” charles giggles again as seb succeeds in dragging him back down to lay on his back on the bed.
they stare into each other’s eyes as charles catches his breath from laughing so much. his stomach aches slightly, but he feels it flip when seb winks at him and catches his tongue on one of his canines when he grins down at charles.
charles thinks seb has never looked more beautiful than the way he does now, his eyes glinting in the golden hour and grin smug. he looks so happy to be here, in bed with charles like they aren’t wasting away hours fooling around like teenagers.
charles wishes every race weekend could be like this. the next thought that follows is only eight more, but he pushes that out of his mind as quickly as it came.
“because,” he finally continues. “i want to see if i can tie your hands up with it.”
seb barks out a laugh and then leans closer over charles.
“oh really? is that a promise?”
“seb!” charles rolls his eyes. “it’s so you’ll stop torturing me!” but he can’t stop laughing as seb leans down to nose along his jaw.
“torture you?” seb responds with mock offense before he nips at charles ear. “i would never!”
charles wraps an arm around seb’s shoulders and pulls him close as he slides his other hand up the back of seb’s t shirt, which charles thinks should have been removed at least 15 minutes ago.
“i’m sure you’ll make it up to me,” charles whispers. he can feel seb grin against his cheek.
“oh, absolutely,” seb whispers back before pressing a gentle kiss to charles’ cheek. “always, schatz.”
charles doesn’t have time to respond before seb blows a raspberry onto his neck and they're both laughing again.
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crackonhq · 2 years
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on the afternoon of day 24, the islanders all gather to play license to swill. in this challenge, the islanders will be shown quotes and get to guess who said them or who they were about – the unanimously voted person will be dunked in water. 
the person with the most correct answers in the fastest amount of time will get the hideaway on night 24 – if they’re in a couple, they win it for their couple, and if they are single, they win it to take whoever they choose. 
question 1: who said this about bash? “he's an actor, he's got a fucking history of film book in the villa there's no fucking way i can't try [to get to know him], you know?”
most people in the villa, including bash, vote for rhys who is dunked. that’s the correct answer.
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question 2: who did callie say this about? “hey, if kenny wasn’t in the picture, i’d be taking a shot at you. ”
frankie votes for herself, but most people vote bash as the answer, and he’s dunked. however, the answer is revealed to be naomi. 
dylan laughs at this. 
“and i stand by it,” callie pipes up with a laugh. naomi reaches out to high-five her playfully. 
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question 3: who said this to naomi? "i’ll admit, if we were outside in the real world, i’d have wasted no chance to kiss you."
“obviously we all know who that is,” josh remarks.
most people vote for dylan, and he is dunked. it’s revealed to be the correct answer.
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question 4: who said this to jenny? can we keep this between us for now? please. we're talking tomorrow, and then... we can pick this up where we left off.
most people vote for josh, including josh himself, and he’s dunked. it’s revealed to be the correct answer. 
question 5: who is naomi talking about? "things in here have been complicated and intense. for both of us. but when i'm with him, i feel like...it's just really fun. it's easy, in the best way." 
“oh, if this is about dylan i’m adding complicated and intense to my resume,” rhys jokes. 
most people vote for dylan, and he’s dunked. josh votes for himself. dylan is the correct answer. 
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josh looks pissed, like he’s clearly holding back, but he doesn’t say anything. seb leans over to josh and naomi, looking smug, and says, “so is it a good time to say 'i told you so' again or?” 
question 6: who said this? "when you’re with that guy... do you ever think of me? ‘cus he reminds me an awful lot of how i used to be when we started dating."
most people vote for dejan, which is correct. dejan is dunked. marcus rolls his eyes. 
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question 7: who did maddox say this to? "and your pussy will have its place in my personal hall of fame."
frankie covers her mouth like she’s about to puke, “wish i could unsee that.”
it’s almost split between mimi and jenny, but mimi wins out. she’s not there to get dunked, so they just dunk maddox instead because he probably deserves it – even though he also voted jenny. 
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question 8: who did romi say this to? “you are the person I want to kiss the most.”
most people vote marcus, including romi, so he gets dunked. marcus doesn’t think it could be that easy, and votes for dylan. however, the answer is revealed to be josh, even though he also voted for marcus. 
“i forgot about that,” josh laughs. 
marcus looks shocked and confused, but not that rattled.
dejan is the only person who voted for josh.
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question 9: who said this? "if that was my ex i don’t think i’d be settling with a guy like marcus."
most people vote for jenny, and she’s dunked. the answer is then revealed to be frankie. 
marcus looks visibly upset by this, and doesn’t make eye contact with anyone. 
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frankie holds up her hands in surrender, “okay, yeah, i will hold my hands up to that one, sorry marcus. but admittedly, that was before i met you and obviously now i think you're a god, so...”
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question 10: which couple did kenny say this about? "her fella keeps gawkin’ at me like the juiciest lookin’ lamb at the slaughter."
it’s pretty split between jenny and maddox and josh and naomi, but josh and naomi win out and have to get dunked. that’s the correct answer. 
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question 11: who did jenny say this to? "you liked the sound of your dick in my mouth? is that what you said?"
josh immediately starts cracking up. 
dylan raises his eyebrows, judgemental. “jesus christ.”
most people vote for josh, including josh and jenny, and he’s dunked. that was the correct answer.
“wow, okay, does everyone in here know something i don’t?” naomi remarks, stunned.  
question 12: who said this? "i like someone who will bring out the worst in me, honestly."
rhys nods emphatically, “shit, me too.” 
the majority of the islanders’ votes are for sebastien, and he’s dunked. the person who said it was sebastien.
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question 13: who said this? "do you know how hard it is not to laugh at everyone here? it's pitiful really, that any of them think they'll find love, when they're going to be met with just disappointment."
most of the islanders vote for maxwell, who is dunked, but nana has voted for herself – which already raises some question marks. when he emerges, the answer is revealed to be nana. 
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rhys looks around, shocked, “is this her lohan moment?” 
“i guess it’s not hard anymore, go ahead and laugh at us,” dylan remarks, pissed. 
seb breathes out a low, impressed whistle. a number of the other islanders looked pissed, upset, or annoyed. 
nana’s wide-eyed, speechless. for the first time since arriving to the island...she has no thoughts. she feels and looks empty, that anyone can see.
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at the end of the challenge, a text rings out on dejan’s phone.
SMS: wow, you really spilled the tea! for the highest score in the challenge, you have the keys to the hideaway tonight and can bring the islander of your choice. 
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logicalstansadvice · 2 years
"Nooo, please, nooo. Good God, he’s going to waste time in a mcu movie again." But he's not in the poster, is he? If he's not even in the poster, he's not wasting much time in CA4.//
I'm not sure why it would be considered a step down or waste of time if he's in CA4. With Anthony Mackie being the 1st Black CA, this movie could be as popular as Black Panther. He could have more exposure cross culturally and widen his fan base. Besides wasn't he under a 5 or 8 picture deal with MCU, maybe he's honoring the last deal of his contract.
Anon 2: They set up Sharon to be a similarly gray character in FATWS,>> Doing human experiments and killing innocent people is not gray character.
Anon 3: Maybe it will be one of the plot twists that they finally find out who she really is.>> Bucky is a Hydra-trained spy, who managed for years to be known as Ghost Sotory, Nat himself said that, we know how badass she was. He should have realized by now that she's a villain, but the MCU allows Bucky to be smart and use his full potential when it's convenient. We're talking about a character who managed to trick Wolverine in the comics.
Anon 4: why are some Sebastian fans thinking he is too big & will “waste time” doing a movie or more for them?">> Nobody said Seb is big, but if you like Bucky, you know what the MCU does is waste him.
Anon 5: He’s gotten nowhere near that for most of his MCU appearances though//reports say Anthony Mackie is getting 10M for cap 4, so as a second lead (if we believe the photo) Seb would get at least 1 to 5M as well. And I think they both got at least a couple millions in total for the 6 TFATWS episodes.
Anon 6: Why some people hate TFATWS Bucky so much? Maybe it's not good enough for me to feel fully satisfied. But I really enjoyed Bucky in TFATWS. He got a lot more screen time than he ever did before. If you can enjoy the little screen time and development before, you can enjoy this. This hate really make me think they hate just because Bucky is not with Steve but with Sam. If it's with Steve, then everything will be fine.
Anon 7: IMO Seb doesn't expect much from the MCU, he knows there's nothing good left for Bucky so he goes with the flow. If Bucky shows up for a minute, seconds, whatever, he'll be ok. He's kind of given up already, he knows the MCU doesn't give a fuck about the character, but the exposure for the career is good, so he accepts to do it.
Anon 8: . I think if Sebastian truly thought he was wasting his time or had another more important project to do, he would.>> Not if he has a contract. We don't know how his MCU contract is, but if he's re-signed for more productions, he can't say no.
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duuhrayliegh · 3 years
europe - request
pairing: sebastian stan x singer!reader (seb!pov)
summary: singer!reader writes another song, this one is about seb
warnings: suggestive content (*wink wonk*), language, the works ya know
a/n: this took so long bc im not lyrically inclined and there isn’t even that many lyrics in here. i can’t even guys this was a nice break though. i liked the concept, i hope i lived up to your dreams. :)
p.s.: my requests and tag lists are both open loves!
check out my other writing on my full m.list
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Sebastian was doing a press interview for his new movie. It was his first on television interview. First time being back in the studio for The Late Late Show with James Corden. First time since you and him had gotten together. He was eager to see what James had in store for him.
He was wearing a bright yellow shirt paired with a red leather jacket. His legs were clad with a different pair that he wanted to wear originally because you couldn’t get quite enough of his thighs. Had he worn the other pair, there would’ve been a prominent wet spot on one leg where you rode him to your own satisfaction. The memory made him bite his lip and adjust his pants to try to quell his oncoming boner.
“Good luck out there tonight, lovey. You’re gonna crush it.” Your voicemail warmed Sebastian’s heart. He missed you a lot, but you were currently on your own press junket. Your new album finally came out and your manager had been running you ragged. Sebastian was so proud of everything you’ve accomplished, and he wasn’t afraid to show it.
“Hi, Mr. Stan. You’re needed on deck in five minutes.” He nodded at the assistant producer who stuck her head in his dressing room. Sebastian ran his hands through his hair one more time before deciding enough was enough.
“Well, this is as good as it's gonna get.” He murmured to himself as he walked out of the dressing room. He rolled his shoulders, snuggling into the leather jacket encasing his back. Sebastian took a swig of a water bottle from the table backstage. He still got nervous when doing interviews, always worried that he’s going to say the wrong thing.
“And now I would like to introduce our next guest. You’ve seen him as Bucky Barnes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the last ten years. He’s played the borderline psychotic Jeff Gillooly in I, Tonya, and the corrupt Sheriff Bodecker from The Devil All The Time. It is my pleasure to introduce the one, the only, Sebastian Stan!”
James stood, clapping as Sebastian made his way to the main set area. He raised his right hand, his left remaining on his stomach. As he approached James, Sebastian switched hands, his left coming up as an offer for James to shake. Afterwards, James held his hand out to the chair beside his desk, waiting for Sebastian to sit down.
“Hi, Sebastian! It’s so good to have you back.” James’ accent broke Sebastian’s name up into three distinct syllables, bringing a smile to Seb’s face.
“It’s good to be back, man.” He grinned big, waiting for James to ask the first question. Once they got into it, the interview went smoothly. Sebastian was able to avoid giving out spoilers for his new project, leaving just enough to the imagination. James was in a fit of laughter after Sebastian had told a crazy story from being on set. James wiped tears away from his lower lashline, calming down just enough to catch his breath.
“Okay, so I want to move onto something else.” Sebastian sobered up quickly, unsure of where James was taking the conversation. “We want all the juicy details about your relationship with Y/N.” Sebastian’s brow raised as he pulled a face at James’ question. He laughed to himself for a minute before answering.
“Ya know, we really have you to thank for that.” Sebastian pointed at James, before bringing that same finger to rub his eye.
“Really?” The man’s voice pitched up, brows hitting his hairline.
“Oh yeah. We were only introduced because of your show.” Sebastian leaned back in his chair, remembering that night with you. The two of you had gone out for drinks, talking for hours at the bar and then even longer in his hotel room. He remembered waking up with you wrapped up in his arms. You didn’t have sex that night, but you definitely did the second night.
And oh god, if  that second night wasn’t just as amazing as the first. The face you made whenever you climaxed danced it’s way to the forefront of Sebastian’s mind. Not good, definitely not good. He had to readjust himself in his pants again, crossing his legs to cover up his rather large problem.
“Yeah, we started dating that same week. Kept it quiet though.” Sebastian held his palm out in the air, bouncing it up and down.
“Right, right. And do you want to tell everyone how you did end up revealing that you and Y/N were an item?” Sebastian looked down at his lap, smirking to himself. “Or should we just play the clip?”
A clip played for the studio audience. It was Y/N doing her makeup for the Vogue Beauty Secrets Youtube video. Sebastian waltzed in the background of the shot. It then cuts to Sebastian kissing Y/N on the cheek, brandishing the hickey’s that she had sucked onto his cheek the night before. Mhm, I remember that night too.
Sebastian had surprised Y/N by coming to see her. He wasn’t doing anything and he missed you, so why waste a perfectly good opportunity. He spent the night there completely ravishing you until you begged him to stop. That night he proudly wore your thighs as earmuffs, burying his face in you. He really needed to stop reminiscing during an interview.
“How adorable. Was that planned at all? Or did you just do that because you could?” Sebastian shook his head, his right hand scratching at the stubble decorating his jaw.
“Oh, no. It definitely wasn’t planned. I honestly don’t remember if I knew Y/N was filming that morning, so I’m just glad I put on pants before I left the bedroom.” James laughed at Sebastian’s comment.
“Okay, so I’ve gotta ask your opinion on something though.” Sebastian made a hum of acknowledgement, signalling for James to continue. James leaned back, pulling out a cardstock of your new album. “So, this is Y/N’s new album, it just came out about three or four weeks ago?” The crowd clapped for you, and Sebastian cheered along with them.
“What do ya want my opinion on? If it’s the album, then I gotta tell ya, I loved it. Every single song on there is absolutely amazing.” James nodded, a smirk forming on his lips making Sebastian think he made a mistake.
“So you’re aware of the song Europe?” Sebastian smirked, nodding his head because he knew where this was going. “Would you like to tell us what that’s about?” James laughed as Sebastian stammered, looking for the right words. “I mean, let’s just read some of the lyrics.” James looked at the cards in his hands as Sebastian drifted into his thoughts again.
You had brought him into the studio before finalizing Europe. He remembers watching you twist your hands at your waist and continuously cracking your knuckles. Sebastian was curious because you hadn’t ever been like that when showing him a song before. Every question he had about your anxiety revolving around the song was thrown away when he heard it.
Europe was an ode to Sebastian, all of Sebastian. He couldn’t help pulling you down onto his lap by your waist as he listened. You were the only two in the studio, so the two of you were free to do whatever you wanted. The funny thing about that night was that there was a new track recording.
“Oh shit, Seb.” The dam broke afterwards, peels of laughter leaving your lips without explanation. Your right hand raised to your mouth, attempting (and failing) to quiet your giggles.
“Babe, why the ‘oh shit’?” You held up a finger to your lips, telling him to be quiet and listen. He strained his ears, waiting for his own ‘oh shit’ moment. Then, his own voice filtered into his ears, making him crease his brow in confusion. “What is that?”
“That’s the audio from when I first played you Europe.” Small giggles passed your lips again. “I was going to ask you if I could use, like, a sound byte from it for either the beginning or the end of the song.” Sebastian nodded, slightly amazed that you were so creative with your work. “But, I forgot to turn off the recording.” Sebastian’s eyes locked on your expression, waiting for him to connect the dots. He pulled a face and then,
“Oh shit.” His eyes widened, a huff of laughter escaping. “Wait, so it caught all of it?” Your lips rolled inwards, holding back laughs as you nodded your head. Sebastian raised a brow, his eyes flicking over your face. “Use it.” He had a few new hickeys after that night too, but not after decorating your body with a few of his own.
“Sebastian, I would like you to read a few lines from the song, please.” James handed Sebastian a card, a snort leaving Sebastian’s body involuntarily. He glanced at the cards, know the lyrics by heart already. He took a big breath, reading the lines that James chose. He threw him a look with his eyes, head tilting slightly toward the British man.
“Uh, okay, here we go.” Sebastian laughed to himself, blowing out a breath through clenched lips. He lifted the card again, “You know,” dropping his hand back to his lap while raising his other hand. “You know, she’s gonna make fun of me for this right?” James laughed, looking into the camera as if he was on The Office, then to the audience with a duh look on his face.
“Sebastian. We’re going to make fun of you.” The crowd didn’t hesitate to join in James’ amusement. Sebastian dropped his head into his hands, groaning loudly. “Do you need a little encouragement?” The audience began cheering and clapping for Sebastian.
“Fine, alright, alright.” He shook his head before starting. “Long nights with hickeys earned like a badge of honor. Teasing kisses, twisted sheets, all signs of true seduction.” Sebastian looked up from his hands, expecting James to say something. All James offered, though, was a wave of his hand for Sebastian to continue. “I never have to worry because all my sins are forgiven when I’m with you.” James held his hand up, stopping Sebastian from continuing.
“Okay, let’s dissect that, Mr. Stan.” James propped his elbow on his interview desk, placing his head at an angle in his palm. “What is this song about?” Sebastian’s lips curled inward, stopping himself from laughter.
“James,” Sebastian leaned forward against the arm of the couch. “I thought this was a family show.” The British man quirked a brow, sweeping both hands in front of his body gesturing to the studio.
“This is the Late Late Show, Sebastian.” He turned back to the audience, addressing them and the cameras. “And that is all the time we have tonight! Thank you to Sebastian for coming on the show with me tonight! And thank all of you for tuning in tonight. We’ll see you next time.” The producer beside the camera signaled that the show ended and Sebastian turned back to James.
“It’s a good song.” Sebastian smiled wide afterwards, saying his goodbyes to the crew. He was back in the safety of his dressing room when his phone started ringing.
“Hello?” He knew that it was you from the personally assigned ringtone you picked out when he wasn’t looking.
“The Internet is going to eat you alive.” Sebastian grinned as your peels of laughter trickled in through the speaker of his phone.
“Oh yeah, could you imagine if I told them that it wasn’t just random sounds at the end?” He could just imagine your smirk at his mention of your little addition to Europe.
“We’re gonna have to do that again.” Sebastian paused, waiting for you to explain. “Although I think next time we should do a visual along with the audio. You pickin’ up what I’m putting down Stan?” Sebastian smirked to himself, thinking about being able to watch himself bring you to the brink over and over again, even when you’re not together. His pants got tighter at the idea.
“I think we might have to look into that, Y/L/N.”
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badassbuchanan · 3 years
Call for Assistance
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Request: Hi hi! Idk if you write for Seb or not but if you do, maybe could you do a fic where reader is his assistant and sometimes that means assisting him with ~those~ needs 👉👈🥺
Warnings: smut; oral (male receiving), dirty talk, semi-public.
Word Count: 2246
a/n: I’m sorry the ending is so cheesy lmao - requests and taglist are open!
“There you are.” I smiled brightly as I walked into Sebastian’s private dressing room, throwing my Gucci purse on to the velvet armchair in the corner of the room.
Tonight he was a special guest on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon, it was one of the only talk shows he didn’t mind doing. Tonight’s appearance was part of the publicity schedule for new The Falcon and The Winter Soldier series, but unfortunately, Mackie wasn’t able to attend.
I knew how nervous Seb got doing these interviews without his colleague beside him, which is why I wasn’t surprised when I was beckoned to his dressing room before he was set to go on.
Seb turned from where he was preping himself in the reflection of the mirror, a smile of relief appearing on his face when he saw me.
He was sporting a simple crisp white shirt, buttoned up with a navy tie around his neck. A black, open suit jacket and matching pants hugged his body nicely, complimenting his skin tone. His hair was slicked back and I could tell he hadn’t shaved today just by the slightest bit of stubble growing through his face.
“You feeling okay?” I asked innocently, walking over to stand in front of him as I patted down his chest to get rid of any dust which may have settled there.
His whole week was a full of press interviews and I knew exactly how much he’d be dreading it. He worked himself up and overthought everything, and he got real touchy when he was nervous.
Sebastian wrapped his arms around my waist softly, head dropping as he whined into my neck. I chuckled lightly, unable to hide the smile which covered my face as I ran a hand through his hair lightly. “It’s just part of the job, you know that. and you love your job.”
“Why do you have to be right all the time?” He mumbled against my skin, a smile curling on his lips in amusement. Seb leaned his head back against the wall behind him, peering down at me with a cheeky smile.
He looked fucking hot. Too hot.
“Because one of us has to be.” I raised an eyebrow and smiled up at him in admiration, my chest pressed against his as I played with the back of his hair, careful not to mess it up.
I could smell his aftershave and it was intoxicating. “C’mere.” He gestured me closer with his head, causing me to move my face closer to his. “Help me relax.”
Seb took my lips with his, kissing me softly as he pulled my hips forward to rub against him.
I nodded as I kissed him back softly, tilting my head to give him more access. I part my lips slightly, letting my tongue gently run over his bottom lip.
Seb let out a grunt that vibrated from his throat, taking the lead as he glides his tongue teasingly into my mouth.
I let my other hand glide up touch his chest over the steamed shirt, feeling the definition of body. I sighed in satisfaction, deliberately palming over his nipples as my hand moved across the material of the shirt.
Sebastian moaned into my mouth, his kisses passionate and needy. It soon became too much, my clit twitching when I felt his hard cock pressing against my body.
I leaned my head back, my eyes dropping to the space where our crotches are rubbing together. I noticed his big cock straining against the material of his pants, desperate for attention.
“You like it when I touch your nipples, hm?” I asked sweetly, my hand roaming further down his chest to his toned stomach.
“Yeah.” Seb let out in a desperate grunt, his hips bucking to mine as I leaned in again, this time leaving gentle kisses down his neck.
I let out a little whine, causing vibrations to erupt against the skin of his neck. “Seb.” I nipped at his sensitive skin, feeling him buck his hips again as I moved my hand to the waistband of his pants.
Seb’s hands moved up to my waist, over my back and around to my tummy, just under my boobs as he gripped on the black lacy material of my top. “Off.” He whined with a pout.
“I can’t, bub.” I sighed sadly, pouting back as I used the pet name to soften him up. I skilfully unbuttoned his pants before lowering my hand inside, feeling my way into his underwear as I looked up into his gorgeous eyes. “It’s a bodysuit.”
Sebastian whined again out of frustration, unable to get what he wanted before he came up with the perfect solution. He tugged on the material each side of the low cut ‘v’ shape between my cleavage, adjusting it so that it rest under either side of my boobs, my tits now on full display for him.
“That’s better.” Seb smiled proudly, satisfied with himself as he cupped my tits in his hands, massaging them as my nipples harden under his touch.
My fingers wrapped around his cock as I kissed the base of his neck, pumping him slowly whilst collecting precum from his tip. Seb was big, but he looked even bigger with my tiny hand wrapped around him.
I leaned back with a smile, watching him play with my chest as his eyes focused on my tits. He tugged harshly on my pebbled nipples with his rough fingers. I bit my lip, fucking his cock with my hand as I felt myself getting wet.
I moved my lips millimeters away from his, our breaths meeting as we pant against each other. “M‘not gunna last, darling.” Seb whimpered out, his eyes looked up to gaze into mine.
“S’okay,” I squeak out reassuringly, lust taking over as my palm feels every vein on his cock. “You feel so good in my hand.”
“I wanna cum in your mouth.” Seb admitted in a mumble, his hands tugging on my sides to pull me down. I knew he was getting desperate from the way he was starting to talk dirty.
I kept my hand wrapped around him inside his pants as I got down on my knees in front of him. I shuffled close to him, Seb helped push his trousers down, out of the way, so that his cock could spring up freely.
I licked my lips, wasting no time guiding his tip towards my mouth with my hand. I kissed his leaking tip, swirling my tongue around it as Seb gasped loudly at the feeling of my hot mouth on him.
I hummed around his tip, still pumping his shaft with my hand as his hands moved to the back of my hair, guiding me further down on him.
Seb’s eyes closed tightly, a hiss escaping his clenched jaw as I replaced my hand with my mouth, taking him all in.
I moaned around his length, trying not to choke as I breath shallowly. My hands rested on his thick thighs, saliva escaping the corner of my mouth as I wait for him to take control.
But he doesn’t, he’s too fucked out, too close to even move. I could tell by the way his chest was rising and falling so uneven, trying his best to keep it together. Sweat was building on his forehead and above his parted lips, his eyes only opening when I started to bob my head up and down his length.
I flattened my tongue, relaxing my throat so I could fuck his cock with my mouth. I looked up at Seb, eyes so hooded he almost looked drunk, his hands dropping from my head weakly as his head dropped back against the wall behind him.
His eyes were fixed on the ceiling, he didn’t want to cum. It felt too good. He loved the way my lips felt so soft moving up and down his length. My mouth so warm and welcoming for him.
It sent me crazy seeing him like this, desperate to make him cum, to please him. I swallowed around his length, keeping him deep inside as my tongue flicked rapidly against the underside of his shaft.
My fingers traced ever so slightly over his balls, immediately causing him to cum with one final moan, spilling his load into my mouth. I pulled my head back, opening my mouth wide as he shot every single drop of his cum inside.
I watched his cock twitch, his eyes now glued on my mouth as I swallowed all of him.
Seb tried to calm himself down as I stood back up, tucking my boobs back into my top before helping him re-do his pants back up, his cock safely inside.
“You relaxed now?” I asked softly, looking up into his blown out eyes as he admired me with a nod.
“So relaxed.” Seb leaned in to mumble against my lips, making me smile against him as my arms wrapped around his neck.
“I’m glad to hear it, mister.” I replied sweetly, pecking his lips over and over.
“Mr Stan.” A voice called from beyond the door, startling us both with how loud they knocked.
“Mmh, maybe I’m still a little stressed.” Seb mumbled between kisses, making me giggle at the audacity he had to ignore whoever was knocking.
“Sebastian!” I used his full name to notify him of the seriousness of the situation, leaning my head back as I smile up at him in adoration.
“You’re on, Mr Stan.” The person decided to call out again anyway, hoping that someone inside would be paying attention.
“Guess it’s showtime.” He pouted slightly, stealing another kiss before he let go of me. “Thanks for coming to see me.”
“Thanks for coming.” I respond with an innocent smile, my cheeky comment catching Seb’s attention as his head swings around with a smirk.
“Just you wait till I’m done with this interview.” He shook his head, chuckling in amusement at my remark as he opens the door, taking one last glance back at me, which was when I noticed it. My heart sunk.
“Oh wait, Seb-“ I called out but it was too late. He’d gone. I didn’t get to tell him. Oh well. No one would notice right? Not a single one of the national viewers would notice the lipstick on his lips and neck, right?
———————- LIVE ON THE AIR ————————
“So Sebastian, we’ve talked about the new show, the friendships and behind the scenes mayhem, the travelling, even the amount of lube needed to get into your costume.” Jimmy cracked the joke as he started speaking, crossing his arms as he lent back in his chair.
“That’s right.” Seb nodded shyly, speaking unnecessarily to amuse himself with a little smirk as he became more comfortable in the interview.
“But one thing I think everyone is dying to know,” Jimmy continued, building suspense as he swivelled in his chair towards the audience, gesturing for them to nod in encouragement.
“Okay.” Seb dragged the word out slowly, anticipating what it could be as he sat up a little straighter in the armchair. He chuckled nervously, tugging on his jacket to straighten it.
“Is how exactly those lipstick marks on your neck got to be there.” Jimmy said in a wonderfully sarcastic tone, eyebrows raised as the audience cheered loudly.
Seb suddenly stopped all of his movements, trying to keep a straight face as the crowd kept on cheering. He stared at Jimmy, who was now giggling like a little school girl.
Seb caved after a couple of seconds, laughing loudly as he leaned forward to cover his face with embarrassment of being called out.
“And Sebastian,” Jimmy continued as Seb regained his posture, sucking in his cheeks and sitting up straight as he tried to get rid of his guilty smile, faking a frown of concentration.
“Yeah?” Seb answered shyly, letting out a nervous cough as his face twitched back into a smile momentarily.
“I couldn’t help but notice that Y/N is here with you tonight.” Jimmy’s words make my heart drop as a spotlight points me out in the audience.
My eyes go wide, but I can’t help but laugh as everyone cheers loudly. I cover my mouth, watching Seb able to do nothing but clap for me from the stage.
“So.” Jimmy dragged out the word in a high pitched voice. “am I right in suggesting that Y/N might’ve visited your dressing room before the show?”
Seb smirked, rubbing his hand over his mouth, his silence hid nothing considering the fact that his face completely gave it away. There was no point in him denying it.
I covered my face with my hands, utterly shocked that we had been called out on national television.
“Yeah.” Seb let out in a shaky breath, a beaming smile on his face as he chuckled from embarrassment too, his tongue running over his bottom lip.
The audience clapped, screeched and cheered at his answer, making me want to disappear in my chair.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Jimmy called out as the audience continued cheering us on. “Mr Sebastian Stan and Miss Y/N Y/L/N.”
And just like that, the cat was out of the bag. The many rumours confirmed. The many fans who shipped us would be tweeting, we’d probably be trending in an hour. I guess I’d just have to convince his publicist that we did it as a stunt.
I promised myself that after that, I was never going to attempt any kind of sexual activity in a public place again. But I knew that was a lie.
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Take It Off.
Mob/cherry!seb x reader HC
Run-through: Your beloved man is coming home from a long, tiring day filled with stressful meetings and now all he wants is to ravish you. So he calls and makes sure you’re ready and waiting for him just like he wants you to... 
Themes: SMUT, phone sex, fluff, cherry!seb
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He grips the steering wheel tightly and groans as he drives away from from a stressful meeting
fuck... he’s had a long day and only you can make it better. And although he was currently on his way home, it would take him at least 30 minutes before he gets to you. So he decides to call you in the meantime
Your phone vibrates beside you on the couch as you’re sat there waiting for him, in the living room. 
“Hi baby! Are you on your way home?” you speak through the phone and only get a sigh as reply. 
You knew him well. Too well. And just by the sound he made you could tell that he was frustrated - in more ways than one. 
“Where are you, babe?” you hear his gruff voice. There was just something about his voice which made pleasant tingles dance down your spine no matter what or when. His voice alone was pure sex
“Downstairs, watching TV. Why?” you ask, unknown to what he has in mind
You hear a ‘hmm’ of appreciation from the other side. “I’m on my way home right now, keep the call going until I get there. Understood babe?” 
oh you knew that voice... “Yeah. What’s-,”
He cut you off. “Go upstairs, hurry. And tell me when you get to our bed.” his voice sounds low, and velvety and lust shamelessly dripping from his voice. 
You whisper an ‘okay’ and make your way upstairs as quickly as possible. 
“I’m here.” you say and wait for his further instructions. Your heart raced as your body burned in anticipation. 
“What are you wearing?” he asks, wishing he was right there with you. Instead he was half an hour away from home. 
“Just a robe.” like he likes it. Your answer makes him swear under his breath. He can visualize you in his mind; dark satin robe cool against your burning skin. You erected nipples showing through the thin material of the robe... fuck he was hard already. 
“Take it off. Take everything off and lay down for me. I want you naked in my bed.” his voice sounds almost like somewhere between a growl and a groan. He’s just as hot and bothered as you, you can tell.
You put your phone on speaker and place it down on the bed and untie your robe. Midway through you hear a growl from him, “Hurry up.” 
You quicken your pace and shrug your robe off and get on the bed. “I’m done.” you sound almost breathless
You hear him swear under his breath again. “Touch yourself for me. I need to hear you moan.” his voice is hoarse and almost as deep as his morning voice; lust lacing his words. 
Your face heats up at the sound of him and you hesitate for a minute and he catches it. 
“God damn it, Y/N!” he hisses, “Know what I would do to you if I was there? I would push you down on the bed, and eat you out until you’re squirming.” 
You swallow audibly and lay down, your body burning with desire and need. “Fuck...” you whisper under your breath and shyly reach down in between your legs
Seb goes on, “I would press my body down into yours, I would let you feel my big, erected cock against your wet little cunt.” he chuckles. “You’re already wet for me, aren’t you kitten?” 
You sigh and whimper. The sound makes him smile as he makes his way into traffic. 
“I would kiss my way down your body, bite you and tease you and make you moan for me. I would bite and lick and suck on your nipples.” he chuckles when he hears you moan through the phone. “I know you like that, babygirl.” 
You whine out loud as you pinch and twist a nipple between your fingers, wishing it was his mouth and teeth instead. “Seb... please.” you whimper his name and he smirks. 
“I’ll be there in a little while baby. And I will fuck you until you cry. I’m gonna make sure you have trouble walking tomorrow.” he teases you even more. “Finger yourself for me.” his voice sounds like pure heaven even through the phone. You waste no time in pushing two fingers past your wet entrance. Your back arches off the bed and you moan as you slowly stroke your walls. 
You hear his words of encouragement. “That’s it baby, let me hear you. Moan for me.” he sounds desperate but hungry and feral at the same time and it messes you up in a good way. “If I was there I would finger fuck you slow and deep. I would let you feel yourself stretch around my fingers as i’m knuckles deep inside you.” he sounds a little breathless, but still authoritative and hot as fuck
You whine as you quicken your pace and stroke yourself faster. “Sebby...” you cry out, whining like a little brat
He chuckles. “I know,” he coos, his voice thick and deep. “You’re never satisfied with your pretty little fingers, are you baby? You want my cock, don’t you? You want my big cock to stretch you out and fill you up until you can’t think straight,” he teases, mocking your never ending need for him. “You need me to pound into you like a wild animal. You want me rough and raw...” his voice dies out into a moan. 
Seb looks down at the hard on in his pants, which only throbs more and more as your wanton moans and whimpers fill his expensive, sleek car as it makes it way into the traffic. “Fuck... the things I would do to you if i was there babygirl...”  
You can’t talk anymore. You can only moan as you finger yourself, your head getting more and more foggy. You feel lighter as you take yourself higher and higher with the help of his voice. 
“You know I would fuck you until your body can’t take another stroke of my cock against your walls.” he chuckles again. “I bet you would do anything to have my hand wrapped around your throat right now, wouldn’t you babygirl? Yeah, I bet you want to feel my cold metal right against your burning skin as I lean in to kiss you, and bite your lip and spit in your mouth.” He scoffs. “Like being fucked like a little slut, don’t you baby?” 
You heartbeats ring in your ears. It’s too much, his voice, his words, knowing his cock is hard and straining and throbbing in his pants. All you want to do is wrap your hand around it and feel it. Feel his hunger for you... 
You whine as your body shakes and writhes in the middle of the large bed. Seb smirks as he hears you getting closer to your release. 
“Are you close, baby? Can you feel yourself on the edge? So close... so needy,” he murmurs, and you can hear the engine of his car getting louder - meaning he’s driving a little faster to get to you
“Seb... please, can i cum?” you ask, breathless, needy. 
He smirks at the sound of desperation in your voice. “No. Don’t you dare cum until I get there.” 
You whine in frustration. Seb smirks, because that’s exactly what he wanted. He needed you to be as impatient as he was. “Keep fucking yourself with your pretty fingers baby. Think of my cock inside you, filing you up entirely, twitching against your walls, pulsing...” he teases
You clench around your own fingers as you try to fight the feeling of letting go. You feel your mind getting all sorts of messed up as you feel yourself right on the edge... waiting... needy. “Fuck!” you scream and you hear Seb chuckle. 
“I’m two minutes away baby. Hold on, I’m coming.” He reassures you he’s close by. 
You whine and moan and whimper wantonly, shamelessly as you squirm and writhe on the bed, your body begging for a release; shaking in need and desire. 
You needed him. Bad. 
Seb didn’t even bother checking if he parked his car correctly once he made it into the yard. He rushed inside, clutching his phone to his ear. You could hear him moving up the stairs. 
“I hope you’re wet little cunt is ready for me, babygirl...” as soon as he finished his sentence, he barged into the bedroom and found you in the middle of his bed. 
Legs spread apart, your chest heaving, your body bare and your eyes showed how wild and hungry you were. He found you just how he liked you - ready for him. 
“Fuck...” he threw his phone somewhere and rushed to climb up your body in bed. He hovered above you and you threw your arms around him. “Missed me?” he smirked. 
You sighed, in frustration and in relief as well. “Fuck me, Seb. Please.” You begged, just like you had been on the phone. Sebastian could almost smell your arousal. 
He chuckled and settled in between your hips, he pressed his clothed erection against your wet core and you moaned and mindlessly bucked your hips against him, trying to alleviate the sweet pain. 
“Fuck...” he groaned. “I can feel your pretty little cunt throbbing. You want my cock so bad, don’t you baby?” 
holy fuck... “Seb, please...” you whined as he pressed himself further into you. 
He lifted off you for a brief moment, taking off his dark suit and undoing his pants and removing his underwear in a hurry. He hovered above you again in no time. “I’ve missed you so much all day,” he spoke as he pushed his cock inside you, you walls welcomed him in perfectly, “Been thinking about your perfect cunt all day,” he set a pleasurable pace, speeding up with each thrust
You whined and squirmed under him, but he had you pinned down on the bed. Hands above your head, tight in his grasp. Your legs wrapped around his waist and his mouth on top of yours as he pounded into you and made you scream
Your walls clenched around him, milking him as he moved in and out of you like his life depended on it. He bit down on your lip, kissed your open mouth and spat in your mouth making you moan out loud
His hand came up to your neck and his long fingers wrapped around your throat, his cold metal rings pressing against your skin just like he promised. “You feel so good...” he murmured, pushing his face into your neck and biting down on your shoulder as he speeds up into you. 
Your back arched off the bed as the tip of his cock touched you in all the right places. There was nothing else you could focus on in that moment, just him and his body. 
He sped up again, gripping your hips and pinning your body down on the bed as he fucked you into the mattress; hard, passionately, wildly. “Cum for me,” he murmured against your mouth. “Cum for me now!” he growled and kissed your open mouth as you cried out and moaned, letting go and gushing out all around his cock. 
You felt his warm load filling you up not even seconds later. He panted against your mouth, his hot breath giving you goosebumps. He pulled out of you and rested his forehead against yours, breathing heavily and you could even feel his heart racing along with yours. 
When he caught his breath, he pushed into you again and his next words made you tingle in excitement, “Now let’s see how many times I can make you cum until you beg me to stop, babygirl...” 
a/n: ah cherry!seb... how i missed him!!
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clairebear1298 · 3 years
So. My submission for the Fluff Crawlspace is really only, like, 2/3 fluff. Because I'm me, and I can't help but throw in a little angst in what's supposed to be a day to celebrate adorable, light-hearted Shamy goodness. But I hope you enjoy it anyways:
The parameters of Date Night became much more blurred once Sheldon and Amy started living together. They were with each other constantly now- at home, at work, and everywhere in between (literally; they drove together from the apartment to CalTech every day). They had virtually every meal together now, even at work, so did that make every time they ate together a date? What about when they watched a movie, or went to a lecture, or spent any kind of quality time together? It was a pesky game of semantics that Sheldon still wasn’t sure how to clarify in their Relationship Agreement.
Regardless, Date Night remained a fixture in their lives, every second Thursday of the month or every third in a month with five Thursdays. It was comforting, in a way; no matter how their relationship would evolve or change, no matter the discoveries they would make, the children they would have, or the years they would share together, taking one evening a month to get dolled up for a night on the town to reconnect would remain a constant. Their love would always be a priority.
So it took Sheldon by surprise, when it was Amy’s turn to pick the location of their next Date Night, that she chose to have a night in. Amy always enjoyed a little pomp and circumstance when it came to their dates, so when she told him that they were just going to order chinese food and stay in their regular day clothes, Sheldon was more than a little suspicious. He’d been with her long enough to recognize when she was trying to butter him up, but if there was one thing that he loved, it was getting his way even if there was an ulterior motive behind it. And besides, a low-key night at home with his girlfriend would be worth the price of whatever said girlfriend had up her cardigan sleeve.
Unless that price was watching what was to him the most dreaded movie sub-genre in existence. The rom-com musical.
“La La Land?” Sheldon asked as he sat on the loveseat, arms crossed and staring down his girlfriend. “You mean the movie that won Best Picture for all of two minutes before going to the actual deserving film?”
Amy paused in the middle of unwrapping the DVD to look at him. “You know about that?”
“Of course, it’s all Penny talked about for weeks. I also learned from her that the movie is full of unrealistic bursts into song, signs of Hollywood’s narcissistic self-absorption, and jazz.” Sheldon crossed his arms and sat back in his seat. “I won’t let you put me through this.”
“If I can sit through the extended edition of Batman v. Superman for you, you can sit through this for me.”
“No buts. It’s my turn to pick the movie. End of story.” And with that, Amy popped the DVD in and moved to the couch, plopping the popcorn between them as she went. “I won’t even make you hold my hand this time.”
Sheldon sighed. It was only when Amy was irritated that she started picking at years long fights like this one. “I’ve told you, I don’t object to holding your hand in general, but for prolonged periods it gets sweaty and itchy and keeps me from paying attention-”
“Just start the movie, Sheldon,” Amy said.
And so he did. From the moment the movie opened with people dancing on cars on a freeway he unfortunately knew well, Sheldon knew he was in for a miserable ride. He heaved a sigh at Mia’s acting woes and rolled his eyes at Seb’s hipster attitudes. Never mind that he found the colors aesthetically pleasing or the script surprisingly sharp, nothing could save the horrendous, erratic notes of jazz. Even if Seb’s passionate explanation of the genre reminded Sheldon of Physics.
Then as the movie was bathed in the purples and pinks and a hint of orange, and Mia and Seb tap danced to the backdrop of a Los Angeles sunset, Sheldon somehow found his toes tapping out a soft rhythm with them. Amy glanced down at his feet as well, and Sheldon quickly drew them closer to the couch and out of her line of sight.
But it was the scene at the Griffith Observatory that did him in, the horror he felt at their audacity to sneak in after hours offset by his fantasy of enjoying the museum without the usual throng of people surrounding him. And as Seb and Mia gazed into the astral projected sky, and as he lifted her into the starry night, Sheldon felt his hand creep slowly around the half-full popcorn bowl and towards Amy. Maybe it was his deeply secret love of astronomy, or their perfect waltz pose, or the memories of dancing with his own love as the universe watched over, but just as the scene began fading into white Sheldon decided to leave old arguments and his own stubbornness behind and take his girlfriend’s hand.
As the music drifted down from it’s crescendo, Amy glanced at him, and they shared a smile before turning back to the movie.
The rest of the movie was expressed through their hands. Sheldon found his thumb tapping out a rhythm on Amy’s hand during the summer montage, and Amy’s fingers grew restless and fidgety when Seb left to go on tour. Sheldon’s nails dug into her palm during their argument, and they both held each other in a vice grip when Seb chose to skip Mia’s show. They relaxed during Mia’s audition, and as Seb and Mia sat on the bench afterward Amy slipped her other hand into the crook of his arm and rested her head on his shoulder. But Sheldon felt himself grow more and more tense throughout the epilogue, his hand going cold in hers, and in the final moment where Mia and Seb parted ways he dropped it altogether.
“Well,” Sheldon declared as he tossed the remote aside. “That was a colossal waste of time.”
“What do you mean? You seemed like you were enjoying it.”
“How can I enjoy a movie with an ending like that?” Sheldon stood abruptly, grabbing the long abandoned popcorn and taking it to the kitchen. “You take two characters, endear your audience to them, demonstrate over and over how perfect they are for each other, and then break them up for good?”
“They wanted different things,” Amy said. “Their dreams didn’t align anymore.”
“They would’ve been fine,” Sheldon said as he emptied the popcorn into some tupperware with a little too much vigor. “Mia could’ve done her movie and then gone back to Seb.”
“But he was touring with the band,” Amy argued as she rose to join Sheldon in the kitchen. “They just grew apart, that’s all.”
“They didn’t even try!”
“They did try, and it only made them grow to resent each other,” Amy said, resting her arms as she stood at the island. “They broke up so they wouldn’t keep hurting each other. All that long distance, back and forth and back again. It would’ve been too much work.”
“It’s not too much work for the person you love!” Sheldon almost shouted, making Amy take a step back again. “No, the problem was that they put their own ambitions above each other. A partnership is about working to achieve your dreams together so that you can have it all in the end. Is it even worth it to open that jazz club, or get that Oscar, or win that Nobel Prize if you don’t have the love of your life to share it with?”
The air hung heavy after Sheldon’s words, the silence deafening. Sheldon felt his eyes grow wide in realization of the carefully guarded emotions he let slip to the surface, and he quickly turned to avoid seeing Amy’s face. He had no clue what Amy must be thinking, and he feared the worst until he felt her small arms come around to hug him from behind.
“I didn’t know you felt that way,” Amy whispered, her head pressed between his shoulder blades.
Sheldon’s hand came up to grasp her own, feeling like he and Amy were fused together as one, like this was how they had always been meant to be. “Well, now you know,” he said, speaking just as softly.
“Sheldon…” He heard Amy’s voice grow tight along with her embrace around his middle. “You know I’m always going to come back, right?”
Sheldon craned his head to look at the black suitcase sitting in the corner of the living room, its omen constantly draped over them as Amy’s departure for Princeton drew ever closer. He turned in Amy’s arms so he could look at her. “That wasn’t what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean?”
Sheldon released a heavy sigh as his hands came to rest on her shoulders. “I wasn’t talking about you, I promise. I meant it when I said that this is a chance you need to take. I was talking about me, before, before…” Sheldon thought back to years of putting his work before Amy, of looking down on her achievements, of taking for granted that she would always be there until she left behind the shattered pieces of his heart in the middle of Howard’s living room. “Before.”
Amy stepped closer to him so that their chests pressed into each other, her heart beating beneath his. “Well… we’re just gonna have to find a way to make sure our dreams align.”
Sheldon tilted his head down so he could look at her, a smile playing at his lips despite his earlier melancholy. “We’re two of the smartest people on the planet. I’m sure we’ll think of something.”
Amy grinned back, then stood on her toes to kiss him before turning back to put away the popcorn. With her no longer looking at him, Sheldon took a chance to glance at the bookshelf beside their bedroom door, where Gollum stood watch over a certain something tucked behind a stack of comic books, where Amy was sure to never venture near. That could be one way to get their dreams aligned… but no, it wasn’t time yet. He didn’t know when it would be time, but people seemed pretty adamant that he’d know when it would. So for now, he would wait. Maybe after the summer, when Amy came back to him. Because she was right, no matter how long she left, she always came back.
But there was one thing he knew without a doubt, as he wrapped an arm around Amy and she held his hand in reply as they turned off the lights and went to bed. He was adding the La La Land soundtrack to his Spotify, even if it was jazz.
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lovieebby · 3 years
White Winged Girl (part four)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
SugarDaddy!Henry Cavill x Fem!Reader (She/her)
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Summary: As the universe would have it, she craves attention and it doesn’t matter what form it comes in. For Henry, it works perfectly because he loves to see the poor girl squirm as she begs for it.
WC: PFFT 1.2k
Warnings: 18+!! SMUT SMUT SMUT!! Oral (m receiving) tad bit of gaslighting, anxious reader & praise
Note: Guys I’m having so much fun with these! I wanted to keep these little parts at least 800 or less but I don’t think its gonna happen lmao! Tell me what you think, love you bunches!!
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Today she had to prove herself. It wasn’t asked of her, but she had to. Henry didn’t talk nor look at her the same and she had convinced herself she wasn’t making it up. Even though he forgave her the night of her threatening to leave him, she still felt her heart deep in her gut. She secretly cried every time he didn’t answer her texts back within the few minutes he usually does and her knees shook every time she sat in his car on the way to wherever Henry was taking her that day.
She had begged Henry to just have a lazy day with her, though it didn’t feel lazy or relaxing when she took small steps up to his door. His cologne was strong as he pushed the door open for her— strong green sage mingling with sandalwood. His smell alone demanded attention and respect, shouting that there was a big and powerful presence before he even appeared.
She wore something cute but comfortable, Henry said they’d stay at his place for the night so she just expected a normal sleepover.
“You know you have a key right?” The way he said it made her shrink. There was the tinge in his voice; annoyed and frustrated.
“I-I know, I just…” She studdered as he led her inside his home that she dubbed as a castle. Her palms began to sweat with anxiety now that she had placed her bag by her shoes and had nothing to hold onto.
Henry seemed to ignore her drifted explanation, instead kissing her forehead before walking into the kitchen. He shouted that he had ordered in and the food should arrive soon and that only made her anxious mind ease just a tad at the promise of food. As she followed his voice, she felt out of place even though she had been in her daddy’s house many times before but this time she felt like there was tension heavy enough to bow the roof in.
The night was going easy enough with small talk, and she was glad Henry hadn’t asked her why she was so quiet. She truly didn’t want to have a confrontation about her mind running wild. They ate quietly, Henry’s four portions quickly gone and her small take out bowl half eaten. And that’s what made Henry believe nothing she said was right.
“What’s going on with you?” He asked, his tone once again short and agitated, “You love this kind of food, I mean unless that’s changed suddenly.”
Her heart had sunk deeper in the seemingly endless pit of her gut. She swallowed thickly, shaking her head with a quick ‘nothing!’ Though Henry wasn’t dumb, her body language said something completely different.
“Do I need to force it out of you or are you going to tell me yourself?” His fork clinked on the wooden table, his shoulders widening with a deep breath.
She didn’t know what to say, she didn’t want to know how he’d force it out of her but she also didn’t want to make herself out to be a dumb girl again. That’s what she feared the most; she didn’t want to be belittled by him and hear his teasing tone about how dumb she truly is. Her mouth opened and closed tightly, eyes wide with her chin wobbling. Henry’s brows rose, his jaw tilting down as he pushed his chair out and before he stood all the way, she stood up from her own chair.
“I fucked up and-“ And here we go again, her thoughts racing too fast where she stumbled and couldn’t complete one sentence, “and I know that so I want to fix it because you’re still upset with me.”
While she continued her babbles, the big man sat with a huff, his hand cupping his mouth to hold his smirk. The way she assumed he was upset and apparently distant with her more made him internally chuckle. It was wrong for him to get entertainment out of her anxious filled rant, but nonetheless he did. He breathed deeply when her words died down and her plump bottom sat in her chair beside him.
“I love how you assumed all of this. You got your punishment and you’ve learned right? So you shouldn’t be worrying your pretty head with all this nonsense.” He chuckled lightly as her cheeks heated, her lip trapped tight by her teeth and god did he love the way her eyes watered slightly.
“But you— It's true!” She yelled, her fists clenched on the table, which made Henry’s dark brows rise again. She knew this wasn’t made up and she knew he was doing that thing again with her. “You’re mad at me and yes, I’ve learned my lesson but you don’t talk to me the same or even touch me the same.”
“Baby, I might have been mad the first few days afterwards but we’re alright. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Henry spoke softly, he really didn’t like the way she yelled and he attempted to keep his cool.
The tears gathered up quicker this time, she wasn’t going to take that for an answer and she didn’t know what else to do other than sink to the floor and crawl in between his thick thighs. Henry shot back, his chair scratching on the hardwood floor from surprise, though he opened his legs wider to invite her in as he choked on a quick inhale of air.
“I ju-just want to be your good girl again.” She pouted on her knees, hands gripping tight on her loose joggers. “Please daddy.”
Henry wasn’t going to lie, the moment her knees hit the floor, his cock immediately swelled. And now that her doe like eyes glistened with remorse made the situation fall amazingly into his hands. He looked down, chin on his chest with a displeasing yet all the same pleased look. She waited for his nod of approval before she touched him and watched him move his shirt up and give her the go ahead.
She never moved so fast in her life. Her hands grasped the waistband of his jeans as he helped her undo all the steps to get his heavy cock out and into her mouth. She didn’t waste time, placing his long and thick cock in her watering mouth and shoved him all the way down her throat, making her daddy choke on his gasp. His hips launched forward as one hand gripped her hair as the other clenched tightly on the table top above his best girl.
“This what you need?” Henry grunted, legs quivering when her head bobbed while her spit created a lewd squelch, “Cock in your mouth to make you feel special?”
She hummed happily, her hands rubbing up and down his jean clad legs as his hand trailed down to hold the back of her neck. This is what she needed. Pleasing her daddy and making him proud and if she needed to be on her knees for him, then so be it. Her eyes strained to look up into his darkened seas of blue, old tears mingling with pleasured ones on her lashes. She could feel his cock bounce in her warm mouth, making her moan lowly in happiness.
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Some previously unshared HSMTMTS thoughts because it’s apparently my new hyperfixation
I decided to rewatch the Belle audition scene this morning (and have been watching it on loop for hours since), and I just... I love it so much! So now I’ve got some things to say about it and about the series in general because it’s all I’ve been able to think about for over a week.
My favourite parts, in no particular order:
Carlos starting off the song (Frankie’s voice just, how you say, butters my toast, waters my crops, clears my skin... is that what young people say these days? Boy, I feel way too old)
Seb's expressive singing - he should have been given a part that actually gets to sing and I will die on this hill
Ashlyn absolutely nailing the role of Belle (can we talk about her facial expressions and gestures in the 'no sir, not me...' part tho)
Ricky absolutely blowing the audition... how he got the lead is still a mystery to me. Being awkward and unprepared is in character for Troy, but not for Beast [side note: I usually refer to the Beast by his actual name, Adam, and I just find it funny that his name literally means ‘man’... IDK, this is old news, like last-century old, but that doesn’t stop it from being funny]
Gina doing a French accent... or at least trying to. Also, it’s totally visible in her audition why she got Babette, whereas some other people’s casting is questionable at best (*cough* Ricky as the Beast and Seb as Chip *cough*)
Big Red being adorably awkward and hiding behind his sheet music
Carlos' high-pitched rendition of Gaston's part - he was like, yeah, I'm not even gonna bother - and we love him for that
EJ just effortlessly being Gaston, while Ricky does that ridiculous fake deep voice (so adorable btw)
Just literally everyone being themselves and having their little quirks. Not Lily, though. That girl can go to Hartford, Hereford and Hampshire and I hope she stays there.
Some things I want from upcoming episodes and I want them NOW:
Their version of ‘Gaston’ - I need EJ to finally sing again, plus if they don’t give LeFou a tap solo I will riot! They can’t just waste casting my Reddy in the role, right? Right?
Carlos singing, nay, performing ‘Be Our Guest’ (I need more of Frankie’s voice this instant) and putting on a French accent that is lowkey better than Antoine’s, which will eventually lead to the revelation that ‘Antoine’ is not French at all, and his name is, like, Anthony or something. IDK, that’s just a little theory I’ve had for a while. Just... let Frankie sing more, ok?
[On that note, who is their Cogsworth? I’m lowkey hoping it’s Kaden, he was cool in the auditions. Or will Cogsworth  be given the Ryan treatment from last season? I guess when someone is cast opposite Seblos that person turns into a living prop, which... cool for my boys getting their time to shine, but the background characters are kind of underrated. Be that as it may, I need answers re: Cogsworth now!]
More of Seb calling Kourtney ‘Mom’, that was precious plus I miss their interactions. I’m still bitter that Seb didn’t get an actual singing role, but if that’s how things are, let’s try and make the most of it, right?
Big Red confronting Antoine about Ashlyn, but like, in a mature and classy way. That would be so cool! I mean, I know it’s probably not happening, but a girl can dream, right?
WHOLESOME SEBLOS WHOLESOME SEBLOS OK please don’t let them have a fight or anything I can’t handle any more relationship drama, the Redlyn jealousy arc is quite enough please and thank you
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