1863-project · 11 months
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Everyone here is objectively correct about me
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Happy Anniversary to The Young Ones!
The sitcom that changed British comedy (and my gender) where the fan community resulted in me meeting most of you
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resulting in numerous fanfics, fanart and a fan-zine.
To British Comedy, this show paved the way for the themes to be more alternative and anti-establishment, to skyrocket the careers of Rik Mayall, Ade Edmondson and Nigel Planer.
Some characters can be read as queer-coded, becoming one of the big queer fan communities tied to British pop culture alongside Doctor Who and Sherlock.
Yet compared to them, tyo was niche, just like how it was in the realm of British television, there was no nuclear family unless you see the lads as the "found family" trope, just a bunch of chaotic unlikeable uni students causing havoc while having musicians play, the variety show style layout resulting in later shows like Family Guy using cutaway gags.
To Me, The Young Ones made me rediscover and re-evaluate myself, as I mocked characters like Rick for their weird behaviour I noticed some of those traits in myself, making the character help in making me adjust better socially while accepting the "good traits" I still share with him like our interest for 80s pop music and lefty activism.
Rick was what changed the trajectory of my gender, my vibe and my belief system, having been centrist in my teens, watching this show encouraged me to learn the historical context of 1980s Britain to see the horrible situations Thatcher put people through and noticing the parallels in my own generation with Teresa May and Liz Truss.
Vyvyan was also an awakening, I ended up befriending my pal @thrillbroswaggins due to this series and we connected over it
then via them, I found an amazing discord community of britcom fans all across the world, @scumbaganarchy , @shotsofnovacaine, @1863-project @st4r-sh1ne amongst many many others.
Through this series, I started learning more about Rik Mayall as an actor and his other work, I resonated a lot with some of his characters, resulting in loads of poetry and headcanons.
and on the Twitter side of the Britcom fandom sphere I met one of my best mates Holly, both being Performing Arts students at the time and still buddies 5 years later.
British Comedy is still something I'm incredibly passionate about and while I try to balance it with my other fixations, it holds a special place in my heart and continues to influence my creative projects
(such as my Rick Bratt drag routine for Cait's Laughathon for Eric Idle last year)
heres to TYO, for making comedy cool and punk, for making me figure out gender and for resulting in me meeting some of my best pals from around the world
you're all ruddy amazing!
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Merry Easter, scumbags! Here's the Dangerous Brothers fic I wrote for the Rik and Ade Fest:
Mixed feelings about this one. Still, hope you enjoy! 😁
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a-a-a-anon · 15 days
tagged by @aanalytic ty <333 banger music taste
5 songs i've been listening to a lot recently
people pleaser - bluffing
i won't share you - the smiths
i want you - carter vail
fascination street - the cure
sanity - bad religion
tagging some mutuals: @egonkula, @neil-neil-orange-peel / @scumbaganarchy, @wat-the-cur, @gummycore, @malcolmreeds, @sometimesafantasybillyjoel, @prince-luffy + anyone who sees this who wants to do it, feel free to say i tagged you! <3
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fourstarsandahamster · 5 months
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Bottom (UK), The Young Ones (TV 1982) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Edward "Eddie" Elizabeth Hitler/Richard "Richie" Richard, Original Male Character(s)/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Vyvyan Basterd's Mother, Edward "Eddie" Elizabeth Hitler, Richard "Richie" Richard, Vyvyan Basterd, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Dick Head (Bottom), Lil Potato (Bottom), Aunty Mabel (Bottom), Ethel Cardew, Dave Hedgehog (Bottom), Spudgun (Bottom), a whole smattering of minor bottom characters, SPG (Young Ones), Rick (Young Ones), right at the end - Character Additional Tags: Time Skips, Post-World War II, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, Teen Pregnancy, Childbirth, Major Original Character(s), Implied/Referenced Character Death, Loss of Parent(s), Implied/Referenced Suicide, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Non-Graphic Rape/Non-Con, Underage Rape/Non-con, Underage Sex, Drunk Sex, Gay Sex, Loneliness, Poverty, Childhood Trauma, Dysfunctional Family, Mistakes, Regret, Bad Parenting, Single Parents, Protective Siblings, Child Neglect, Estrangement, Resentment, Child Abandonment, Communication Failure, School, Orphanage, Corporal Punishment, Period Typical Attitudes, Parent-Child Relationship, Prison, Underage Smoking, Underage Drinking, Slut Shaming, Drunkenness, Vomiting, Semi-Public Sex, Bisexuality, Trans Character, Headcanon, Backstory, Canon-Typical Violence, Hopeful Ending, Pre-Canon, Slow To Update Series: Part 2 of Forged Summary:
"You get born, you keep your head down, and then you die - if you're lucky."
The Basterd family aren't known for their good luck, it has to be said. If Hammersmith was a toilet, they'd be the soggy bits of loo roll clogging up its U-bend. This isn't to say they've never had their fun... just not much of it. Addie thinks the Basterd name is cursed. Pauline's inclined to agree. Most of their peers wouldn't see any fault in that theory either - apart from Eddie, that is, who doesn't think the downsides of being named Hitler should be overlooked. Vyvyan isn't so fond of the family mantra - it makes him fucking furious, actually - but he'll always be a Basterd, won't he? And who in their right mind would hang around a Basterd? Maybe one day some prat'll give the family some relief.
...But this story isn't about that. This story is the history of the Basterds, in all their anger. For that, we're going to have to go back a bit of a way: back before punks, poets, hippies, and cool people wrecked havoc on Codrington Road; back before the Hammersmith hardmen pitched tent in Mafeking Parade and never left. Our story begins in 1945, with a new world already haunted by ghosts from the old.
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🍰💖 do both this time /lh
💖What do you like best about your own writing?
This is a bit silly but -- that it makes me laugh.
I usually include jokes and situations in my work because they? genuinely amuse me! And reading back, when I can stomach it, I get a lot of joy out of feeling like a joke landed, or that I got timing right or described something in a really amusing way.
I also really like that I think I care about character a lot. I love to show who a person is in little things; what they like to eat and drink, how they spend their free time, what they choose to wear and how they wear it. I love describing the spaces people inhabit-- bedrooms, offices-- what do they surround themselves with. I believe that soul is encapsulated in a bunch of small aspects.
Lastly I would say I'm proud of the research I do, specifically regarding past eras. Historical accuracy mean a lot to me, but I also cherish nostalgia as a central part of my work. If a character is watching TV or eating cereal, I'm going to make sure that show or brand is true to the world I've put my story in.
🍰What are some comfort fics of yours?
I got a few classics. A lot of what makes a 'comfort' fic of mine comes down to things I actually enjoy reading and often admire, and use as goalposts for my own work. When you can enjoy a fic like literature, and it lets you see characters in a new light, you keep coming back.
This is sort of an honorable mention but I read a lot of NorriBeth fics back in the day on fanfiction.net. It's a favorite ship I always treasured, and I still stand by it, even if learning that Keira Knightly's age was much younger than her character's was a bit of a 'woof' moment (17 vs 19, I know it's not a lot but geez, UK age of consent, cmon now...). So many of my favorite fics are literally lost either to time or to the deteriorating watery grave of the FFN platform, but they forever have my heart.
Of the ones that survived Davy Jones' Locker, I adored Bound in her bones by snowbryneich.
A 27 chapter masterpiece of romantic tension, featuring a realistic take on arranged marriage of convenience to lovers with an empowered and relatable Elizabeth, a Darcyesque Norrington, an perfect historical accuracy to the nines. I was fucking riveted, and the same author did a couple other great ones, such as 'Fresh As A BrideGroom'. Other than that, I would be remiss to answer this without touching on one of my all time favorite fics, In A Strange Land by @mrs-evadne-cake, a phenominal writer who I'm sure is tired of both the Stranger Things fandom at large and also me, this specific fanfic author greenhorn, continually singing her praises. It almost embarasses me to gush MORE about it, especially since the author is an honest to god professional. I've written on it before, it's well paced, well crafted, terrifying, and exceptional use of every character. The kids are well written and adorable, the teens are nuanced and REAL in a way the show never grasped. There's enough Steve to sate my voracious need to watch his character development, and I even got a bit of Murray who is probably my weirdest blorbo of all time. If a fic is a weapon, this fic is a mythic one-of-a-kind sword, OP is a legendary dwarven blacksmith, and i am an awestruck lil hobbit apprentice hastily scribbling notes. If I had to rate my favorite Stranger Things seasons it would go like this: 1. Season 3
2. In A Strange Land
3. Season 2
4. Season 1
5. Season 4
That's all I have to say about that.
Third space I would say is a tie between : Praise You by HeartlessMemo, which is a master class on erotica and plus size bodies, but speaks to me personally as a bulimic and will likely touch anyone with body issues. It's hot, it's passionate, it's kinky as hell. Nandermo from WWDITS at its absolute best.
And the other one is A Bastard's Carol by scumbaganarchy @scumbaganarchy, who I have been honored to get to know as of late! What the hell do you want me to say. It's 'A Christmas Carol' with the entire Rik Mayall cinematic universe. Not only is funny, but it's also touching, genuinely heartwarming, treats all these bizarre characters like real, breathing people. I cozy up to it every holiday when I can with a hot drink, it's a true classic and just goes to show that passion and creative understanding of any fandom no matter how niche can produce something really meaningful. This fic is the pride of the 1980s Bitish Anarchocomedy Fandom of the modern era, and any Young Ones (or Bottom) fan should give it a look.
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wat-the-cur · 2 years
WIP Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you @butchybats (love your new name by the way!) for tagging me!  It was fun to look through these and remember what I was thinking at the time. Most of these are old and will likely not be finished, but you never know.  1. Frighten, Dagger, Nightmare
2. The Pink Belt
3. Crystal
4. Naked
5. 5AM
6. Bodyguards 
Tagging: @scumbaganarchy @superfast-jellybitch @foreignobjecticus @spookywitchnerd24 @bunn1cula @teenagegothintegrity (Listen, I have a head like Swiss cheese, so if you write PLEASE consider yourself tagged!)  (No obligation to play, of course!)
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mariigoldmayall · 2 years
Bottom for the ask game, you simp 😉
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): this comes as no surprise to anybody but 😭 richie!!!! i love richie a lot he's just a really interesting character to me tbh i love his personality and the way he does things even if he is a bit insane lmfao
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): ONCE AGAIN HSJKDFJJHSK EVERYBODY SAW THIS COMING BUT RICHIE FOR SURE 💔💔 he is actually so pretty like his hair 🥺🥺 i will literally be watching bottom sometimes and richie will do something and i'll literally audibly be like "awww" can't believe this 💀💀
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): honestly eddie's kinda my underrated fave, there's very little characters besides the main two in this show so there's not a lot to choose from but lmfao i really like eddie a lot, he's a bastard but a lot of the show's comedy comes from dumb shit that eddie does so we can thank him for that 🙏
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): these names are really funny LMFAO BUT ANYWAY honestly i like dick the barman a lot, he only appears in a few episodes but he's funny and he's always so done with their shit 💀💀 also i kinda like kate from the first episode!! when richie was asking her what her "little name" was and she was like "my little name's kate today, same as it was yesterday" like hell yea you get em girl
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): richie is genuinely my poor little meow meow he is a literal dumbass and, as eddie would say, talks a tremendous amount of bollocks, but honestly deep down he just wants to be loved 💔 he just like me fr
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): both richie and eddie LMFOSJDSKJF NEITHER OF THEM ARE SAFE i would definitely fuck with them just for the sake of it 💀💀
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): honestly everybody in this show kinda deserves to go to superhell but i can't think of anybody specific 💔 they're safe for now
can you tell i really like bottom lmfao whoops
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mcrmadness · 2 years
Ask game: weird asks because I'm bored
Thanks! I actually already answered this in another ask, so I'll copy-paste the answer and modify it a bit to be easier to understand when not in a fandom! :D
44. do you collect anything?
I do, I’m such a collector nature that I’m constantly collecting something. Right now mostly:
stuff related to my favorite band 'die ärzte' (which is not that easy while being from and living in Finland)
vinyl records
movie DVDs and Blu-rays and tv-series etc.
books to some extent…
Usually I have like, a narrow section from all these from which I then try to collect as much or everything possible. E.g. I don’t have that big of a collection of comics in general, but I do have a big collection of the comics I collect (e.g. Garfield, or Lucky Luke, or Asterix etc.), if that makes any sense :D
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scumbaganarchy · 3 years
Hi there! This is the blog formerly known as oh-smeg, a Red Dwarf centric blog. If you're following me for that, you can find my Red Dwarf side blog below. The chances are, if this blog is following you then it's on behalf of one of my side blogs.
*In order of most to least active*
@shelikesthosefunnypeople - For general stuff, mainly reblogs, no particular fandom, although you will find me being incredibly normal about Steve Coogan and Alan Partridge here. Fairly active.
@neil-neil-orange-peel - For The Young Ones / Rik Mayall / alternative comedy in general. Fairly active, though not as much as it used to be.
@baldricks-cunning-plan - For Blackadder. Not a super active blog.
@oh-smeg - For Red Dwarf. Contains everything formerly on this blog. Not a super active blog.
@rikandadefest - For the annual Rik and Ade Fest, a fanart and fanfic prompt fest for all fandoms featuring Rik Mayall and/or Ade Edmondson, which runs every 12th June on ao3. I co-own this blog with a mutual.
@scumbag-monthly - For Scumbag Monthly, which was a fanzine for The Young Ones. I co-own this blog with several others. Scumbag Monthly is no longer active.
Please allow me to also plug my ao3 account, scumbaganarchy. I mainly write fic for The Young Ones but have also written fic for related fandoms. Basically, does it feature Rik Mayall? Then there's a chance I've written or am planning to write something for it.
Thanks for reading,
- R ❤️
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frankenbolt · 4 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Drop Dead Fred (1991), The New Statesman (TV 1987), Absolutely Fabulous Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Elizabeth "Lizzie" Cronin/Fred, Fred (Drop Dead Fred)/Other(s) Characters: Fred (Drop Dead Fred), Elizabeth "Lizzie" Cronin, Janie (Drop Dead Fred), Sarah B'Stard, Alan B'Stard (New Statesman), Patsy Stone, Saffron Monsoon, Edina Monsoon Additional Tags: Role Reversal, Fluff and Angst, Abusive Parents, Imaginary Friends, Alternate Universe, Alternate Ending, Childhood Memories, we'll see where we go with these as the plot progresses, fred is basically a dork, lizzie is here to be fabulous and "help" Summary:
Oh, look - a Role Reversal AU for Drop Dead Fred!
When Frederick Cronin's life falls apart around him, his troubles seem to be multiplied by the sudden reappearance of his childhood Imaginary Friend, the one and only Dizzie Lizzie. She's a lot to handle and Fred isn't sure he's capable anymore. You know how this story goes (or do you?): it's Fred's turn to get the blame!
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1863-project · 3 years
Emmett! 1, 14 & 17 😁
literally every server I'm in knows about this by this point oh my God I can't keep my mouth shut about the little nerd
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Look at him, though, he's adorable.
1- Favourites thing(s) about this character?
SO MUCH OH MY GOD. This is going to be a list.
He is one of the single most autistic-coded characters I have ever seen in anything in my entire life. I'm not sure I've ever felt more seen than I have here. You can make a strong argument for his twin brother, too, actually. Emmet's just the more obvious one. (There really are a lot of us who fit the "likes trains" stereotype. I tend to go through periods of being open and being closeted about it because it's a stereotype but this is very much an open period right now and I'll probably stay that way this time.)
He's genuinely delighted by and enthusiastic about things and it is ADORABLE. He hasn't lost that and it's so endearing. He'll talk your ear off about doing Double Battles if you let him. I'd always let him.
His actual in-game appearances in Pokemon Black and White/Black 2 and White 2, which are primarily postgame content, establish him as the single most competent Doubles battler in all of Unova. I started an experiment where I actually used the Pokemon on his team in other battle facilities in other games. They were alarmingly effective. He's GOOD.
A bit of his dialogue in Masters EX has actually helped me feel good about my natural smile and I can't thank him enough for that, in all seriousness.
yes he does have a cute laugh yes I have a type I know
14- What outfit would you really like to see this character wear? Or what’s your favourite outfit of theirs?
Canonically he just has this uniform, which is lovely on its own because I have a noted love for giant coats...
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But throughout the years fans have given him and his twin brother Ingo summer uniforms, which I genuinely enjoy, and Pokemon Masters EX did an alternate of the uniform which puts it in a lovely green that oddly enough makes it look like a specific Shinkansen model. My roommate will also tell you that I really enjoy fanart in which he's undone his tie and unbuttoned his collar but let's not get into that
17- Have you ever had a crush on this character…?
TEN. MONTHS. I HAD ONE FOR TEN GODDAMNED MONTHS BEFORE I REALIZED IT. I AM SO STUPID. It finally hit me in early July of this year. I'm making up for lost time with it but OH MY GOD. LITERALLY EVERYONE KNEW EXCEPT ME. My roommate has not let me hear the end of it since and has been finding fanart of him on Pixiv to send me when I'm at work so I blush up to my ears for over two months now. It has yet to stop working.
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Merry Easter, scumbags! And happy Rik and Ade Fest reveal day! Here's the TYO/Bottom crossover fic I wrote:
It's a little all over the place but hope you enjoy! 😁
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neil-neil-orange-peel · 5 months
WIP challenge: Snakes and Butterflies sounds interesting! 😁
Hi, thanks for the ask!
Snakes and Butterflies is a crack crossover between The Young Ones and Blackadder. After the TYO episode Time, where the lads are transported to the Middle Ages, they end up bumping into Baldrick and Percy, who are both fleeing the castle after the accidental mass poisoning of the royal family. Eager to get back to the 20th century, but not having a bloody clue how to do it, their problems are complicated further when Henry Tudor seizes the English throne and two young boys - one of whom is the only child of the late Prince Edmund - come to light.
I posted a chapter back in June, intending to work on it during the summer... But, as is the apparently the way whenever I publicly say more fanfic is coming soon, the next chapter isn't here yet. 😂 To be fair to me, uni has been crazy, so I've been writing... Just not for this. But I will at some point! It's a WIP I've had for a good few years, partly inspired by a fan theory about how the Blackadder dynasty continued after the first series. I added The Young Ones in for a bit of fun, and because I like playing with the idea that various characters are related.
Here's a segment from the as yet unfinished Chapter 2: The Snake in the Crib (for context, Baldrick and Percy are dressed as nuns) -
“M-my name is Percy,” Percy told her.
As soon as he said it, his eyes went wide, and Baldrick wished Prince Edmund was still alive to insult him.
“Percy?” Marjorie repeated, brow furrowed. “That’s a very odd name for a girl, isn’t it? Girls are normally called – oh, I don’t know – Elizabeth.”
Percy nodded solemnly. “Or Mary… sometimes Jane.”
He narrowed his eyes again, evidently thinking hard. Marjorie nodded back and ate a spoonful of pottage.
“Yes, or Margaret,” she said, now waving the spoon around. “Or Ann, Agnes, Katherine, Gertrude-”
Baldrick coughed a second time. “Yes, Marjorie, what my friend here meant, of course, is that her name is… her name is…”
Marjorie and Percy both stared at Baldrick expectantly. Baldrick could see the panic swelling in Percy’s eyes. God, where was his quick-wittedness now? It was as if it had abandoned him along with Prince Edmund. He winced under the scrutiny. The lovely, comforting straw was calling to him, sapping at his energy.
“Her name is Percybeth,” Baldrick said.
Percy choked on his pottage.
“Percybeth? I don’t believe I’ve ever heard that one before!” Marjorie laughed and placed her hand on top of Percy’s. “What an interesting name you have!”
“Th-thank you, Marjorie,” Percy said.
His cheeks had grown faintly pink, which made a change from the stark white they’d been since the mass poisoning that afternoon. Baldrick wondered if he looked as worn out as Percy did – he certainly felt it.
“And your name?” Marjorie asked him.
Percy was staring at him intently again. Baldrick supposed being surrounded by people with several turnips short of an allotment did have some benefits. He tasted a spoonful of pottage – it was good, didn’t seem overburnt to him; Marjorie was underselling herself – and smiled a wry smile.
“I’m Balderella.”
Here's the first chapter, for anyone who'd like to have a read:
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neil-neil-orange-peel · 5 months
“Well, sweetie,” Addie murmured as she awkwardly manoeuvred her aching body, groaning at all the new – and not so new – twinges she’d acquired. “Do you have any idea what we’re going to do with ourselves now you’re here? Because mummy certainly doesn’t.”
Here it is, as promised: the big moment. I honestly can't say when I'll next be able to update, as a new uni semester is about to start, but I hope you've enjoyed the double posting!
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neil-neil-orange-peel · 5 months
“Excuse me!” Dicky said. When Addie glowered over at him for interrupting, she saw he had his hands on his hips. “Silly me, not realising it’s act your shoe size day. Is there some kind of competition going on in here as to who can behave the most immaturely? This is a public house for grown-ups – if you’d like to practice spit takes, do it in the street.”
Oh wowwww, finally an update for The Basterds of Hammersmith! 😱 And this is the first of a double update because I overwrite and everything ended up too long. Chapter 5 will be with you all tomorrow. Hope you enjoy!
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