#scoups brings me too much pain
cosmickyeom · 2 years
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seventeen boyfriend headcanons: ⋆ ﹕₊˚ seungcheol, late night snacks
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word count: 0.3k content warning: food genre: fluff a/n: because a whiny seungcheol is a personal weakness for me and i haven't stopped thinking about him literally egging the other svt members to eat with him. he has no shame. 
he will absolutely try to get you from every angle. as he’s scooting himself impossibly close into your personal space, seungcheol tells you that the combination of instant ramen and meat just tastes better at night. he might lose himself in a little tangent about how someone, probably jeonghan, told him that our taste buds are biologically more receptive to flavors at night, whether that's actually true is another story. to be frank, it probably isn’t, but it sounds good, right? 
when that doesn’t convince you, he’d wrap his arms around you, effectively trapping you against him as he wiggles his body against yours, as if it would shake some sense into you. in his pleas and whines for you to join him, you can tell that he just doesn’t want to have this meal alone, especially if the love of his life is just a few rooms away. plus, he argues that you guys could treat this like a really late night date. it’s hard to say no to that logic, especially when he’s got his cheek pressed up against the top of your head and you know that it’s making his lips jut out as he’s trying to come up with more excuses to get you to come downstairs with him.
once you agree, he’s out of the bed and half-hopping to the kitchen before you even have a chance to say anything else. before you know it, you’re leaning against the kitchen island next to your boyfriend with a pot of fresh ramen and a plate of pan-fried meat to share. he’s feeling a bit cheeky and insists that it definitely tastes better because it’s one in the morning. just as you’re about to make a snarky comment, he leans over to press a quick kiss on your cheek, quickly correcting himself that it’s only so good because he gets to share these little moments with you, his favorite date.
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horanghater · 6 months
Hi! Idk if I'm doing this correctly but can I request a fluffy/humor sfw scenario where wonwoo/scoups (I couldn't decide which member but you can choose whichever you prefer) accidentally hurts their gf while play fighting. Nothing angsty or done on purpose. Feel free to ignore this tho lol
▸ Pairing: Seungcheol x F!reader
▸ Rating / Genre / AU: 13+ / fluff, humor / established relationship
If you are a minor AND/OR if your account has no age in the bio, you will be blocked upon interacting (liking/reblogging) with this post. (Yes, even though this is sfw.)
▸ Warnings: none
▸ Word Count: 581
▸ A/N: Don't worry, you did it right! This idea is so stinking cute!! Thank you for requesting it, hope you enjoy! Kisses as usual for world's best beta @shuadotcom <3
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Not everyone appreciates rainy nights, but you do. The soft, white noise of the shower outside and the smell of wet earth wafting through the cracked window never fail to put you in a good mood. You and Seungcheol are cozied up under a blanket on the couch, a bargain bin movie watching you more than you’re both watching it. While your boyfriend is on his phone, sleep is dangerously close to pulling your eyelids closed for the night. The sweet embrace of sleep is yanked from you when his fingers skate over the sole of your foot, making you shriek and jump at the sudden contact.
Seungcheol’s laugh pulls at your heartstrings even when it’s laced with deviousness. “You’re not falling asleep on me again! Wake up!”
You draw your knees to your chest, throwing the blanket off of you so he can’t sneak another tickle. “Sorry! This movie’s just boring.”
“Boring? You picked it.” Seungcheol closes the distance between the two of you on the couch again, placing a hand on the back cushion so he can bring his face close to yours. “Your movie, you watch it.”
“And if I say ‘no’?” you ask, puffing up your chest in defiance.
“Well if you say ‘no’, I’ll just have to…” Seungcheol’s eyes scan your body, looking for an opening. He doesn’t finish his sentence when he finds it, instead lunging on top of you so he can tickle the exposed skin on your neck. 
You screech again, wriggling under your boyfriend’s weight and giggling madly as his fingers dance across your skin. The only thing that stops Seungcheol’s assault is a conspicuously loud clap of thunder – and the crack of your foreheads slamming together. You both recoil immediately, hissing and groaning as you cradle your heads in your hands gingerly. Seungcheol nurses his wound only for a moment, springing into action when he squints and sees you’re in pain too. 
“Baby,” he coos, scooting back over to you, “I’m so sorry. Are you hurt?”
Even now, you’re snickering, taken by just how much joy can come from the most childish moments if they’re happening with Seungcheol. You try to waive him off, saying you’re fine, but your ever-attentive partner won’t have it. 
Seungcheol bats your hands away, his own coming up to hold your head like it’s fine china. “Ssh, lemme see.” You sit still as he inspects your forehead for bruising, knowing all too well that it’s easier just to let him fuss than convince him that you’re uninjured. When he seems satisfied, he sits back to inspect you in full. 
You grin back at him, appreciative of his concern even though it’s overblown the majority of the time. “Cheol, I’m not going to keel over. Really.”  You reach to hold his hand, but Seungcheol has other plans, yanking you forward and then forcing you to turn around so he can spoon you sitting up. Seungcheol wraps his arms around your torso, squeezing tight before leaning over to burrito you both in the blanket once again. 
Once your back is settled against his chest and your chuckles subside, Seungcheol peppers you with kisses, sumptuous lips pressing into your shoulders, the back of your neck, the side of your head – whatever he can reach. 
“Sorry, baby,” he says again. “Love you so much.”
You twist around the best you can to smile at Seungcheol and the sparkle in his eye that’s reserved just for you. “Love you too, darling.”
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
hey scoups... I'd like to ask.. other than Ikki, (and maybe George) is anyone else aware of Ikki's ultimate fate of being forgotten? (wait, is George even aware of Ikki's fate aside from disappearing in pictures?)
As far as I’m aware (up to episode 33, maybe I’ll REBLOG this with updates as I catch up.)
The only people that have even noticed Ikki’s photo disappearance are: Vice (the cause), Ikki (sacrifice central), and George (manipulative bastard)
I think out of everyone — the only family member with the slightest chance of noticing Ikki’s deletion-of-self would be Daiji — but uuuh lol
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I’m gonna be under the assumption that Daiji will be too self-involved to be aware of what’s going on until it’s too late.
(And seeing as we’re entering Daiji’s Go-Stupid-Go-Crazy Arc — Haha we love a good pathetic!loser Arc let’s goooooo)
I highly doubt Daiji is going to notice.
Sakura still in a way sees Ikki like a Superman figure, I don’t think she knows a single lick about his insecurities and traumas so she 100% does not know what is happening and most likely won’t until it becomes so explicitly obvious — like Ikki forgetting her name or something.
And his parents?
Oh, they mean well <33. But they don’t know sh*t about Ikki.
They’re used to the other kids having problems — not Ikki.
I’m always reminded of episode 8 and episode 12.
At the end of episode 8 — the absolute insanity of asking Ikki to save Daiji RIGHT after Daiji beat the sh*t out of him and tried to kill him still boggles my mind.
Tbh I don’t think they would ask this from him if they understood how much pain and anxiety and hurt it put him through.
I was talking with my friend Nacho about this not too long ago, but they messaged the chat saying they got a closer look into Ikki's parents mentality. (As Nacho and Ikki are very, very, similar.)
Here's their personal reference:
Nacho: (basically had walked too much and got blisters/sore feet)
“--Anyways we had been at the airport for hours already — but it wasn’t until the last hour that my dad was like:
‘Oh? Does your foot still hurt?”
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“If I had ever complained my parents would’ve fallen over themselves to help me. But I never do, and even when somebody else brings it up, I always deny it and downplay it, and have been doing it my whole life.”
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[End personal reference quotes lol]
So I put in my friend’s personal reference to show just how Ikki and his parents are in relation to each other.
Yeah — obviously different people, different lives. But the foundation is the same.
Ikki’s parents aren’t able to read his micro expressions. They never learned how, and since he hid how he really felt because he had the be the one capable enough to protect the family and raise his siblings.
(He couldn’t let himself be a burden.)
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This is why the end of episode 8 and why just episode 12 in generaal really GOT me. There’s no better proof that Ikki’s parents don’t know how to read Ikki’s expressions than the episode 12 dinner conversation.
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I screenshot and bring it up often and I won’t be stopping now
The episode 11 lunch scene has GOT my a$$.
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Even injured his parents don’t realize that Ikki is really hurt and anxious. Dude is not eating! Not acting how he usually does!!
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And it’s still wild to me that they aren't able to pick up on this--
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Ugh breaks my heart every time I watch the scene LOL. My DUDE :((.
"(wait, is George even aware of Ikki's fate aside from disappearing in pictures?)"
Hmmm. I don't know how the narrative is placing this--
But I'm assuming George knows exactly what is going on.
We've seen (legit the first 13 episode are a good example of this) just how perceptive George can be. It didn't take him long to find Daiji suspicious, and it also didn't take him long to figure out Daiji had split into a different personality.
Then he manipulated Hiromi -- Knowing exactly what Hiromi would do-- because George needs to be that perceptive.
Which is why I can't help but wonder just what his game is here
What reason does he have for not telling anyone? Hm??? Really suspicious. Makes me wonder just how much of an "ally" he really is.
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odetojeons · 3 years
Can u please do scoups biggest kinks? Please <3
OMG OKAY OKAY I WILL pls I’m already nervous as fuck.
Daddy Kink — LMFAO of course I would start with this. I’m not into daddy kink at all, but when it comes to him I just suddenly am obsessed with it?? It’s Choi Seungcheol after all. Choi Fucking Seungcheol. There’s just something about the way that he’s always taking care of the members that gives me the impression of him being into daddy kink, loves when you call him that, it drives him absolutely insane.
Shibari — I didn’t put bondage in general because I think he’s so much more into shibari than other types of body restriction practices. Seungcheol likes to tie you up, watch the pretty press of the ropes on your skin just so he could get himself worked up to fuck you later. I also would like to pinpoint that there’s a dark side of him who likes to see the red marks of the ropes on your skin later, the beautiful patterns drawing on it likes it’s its personal canvas.
Verbal Humiliation — Would you be surprised if I said I think he’s into you verbal humiliating him? Hear me out fam, Seungcheol would be so turned on when you tell him how pathetically desperate he is, how he couldn’t even hold himself back from jerking off like a horny teenager to the thought of you. And he would get off especially when you call him a whore. Yes. A whore. Why this particular name I don’t know, he just gives me the vibes of someone who loves to be called a whore. But at the same time Seungcheol would also want to tease you in a condescending way, but won’t do as much name-calling as he likes to be done with him.
Studio Sex — Okay I know sometimes I put something that it’s not a kink but I think we can all agree about this one. Like when Seungcheol’s working on the studio, he would like to bend you over his desk and just fuck all of his frustrations on you. Maybe even record your moans to be his fap material later (with your consent, of course).
Choking — Hello???? Seungcheol and choking are my biggest ship. He would absolutely love wrapping his hands around your neck, squeeze at it softly to see you try and gasp for air, and then orgasm harder than you ever had with a spinning mind. But not without safety instructions first, I just know this man worries sick about your health and takes care of you like you’re the most precious thing in the world.
Semi-Public Sex — Aha. Ahaha. Y’all notice how I’m freaking out while I do this stuff. Like Seungcheol and semi-public sex?? Such a match. Please, this man would love to fuck you in places that you weren’t actually supposed to fuck, just so he could tease you about your sounds and tell you that if you stay quiet he will give you a reward later. Or put a vibrator inside you and make you both go on a date as he has the control on his hands and kicks it up a notch only to see your surprised yelp as your body falls forward on the desk.
Group Sex — Damn, okay. Let me get this straight. Unlike Jeonghan, Seungcheol would rather people pleasing him than him just watching people please you. It comes with how sometimes he just wants to be babied and cared for, wants to be able to lay down on the bed and let people have his way with him until he’s a moaning mess and putty into your hands.
Blowjobs — Not an actual kink but I think Seungcheol would be lowkey obsessed with your mouth on his cock. He would love to grab on the base of it, slap against your tongue where it rests waiting for him, and push you down on the length until you’re choking on it. It’s something about your lips wrapped around his thickness, your mouth and face dirty with cum when he orgasms all over you.
Hair Pulling — Oh yes. Seungcheol would fist your hair tightly and pull at it when he’s having his way with you on all fours. Or even to bare your neck for him to suck some hickeys and bite everywhere, or when he’s fucking your face until your voice gets rough. Just. His hand on your hair. He would absolutely love that. And also your hand on his hair too, pulling the strands when he hits your sweet spot just right and fingernails scratching all over his back. Which brings me to the next kink:
Sadomasochism — Well, Seungcheol is into both. Both being a sadist, likes to see you flinch when he causes you the pain you beg him to, and also being a masochist, likes when you make him flinch with pain. Can be anything, from the scratch of your nails on his skin to him spanking your ass. OH YES.
Spanking — This. THIS. Seungcheol wants to leave his handprints on your ass and thighs so he can admire his work later on. Likes how you squeeze tighter around him when he does so. Or even the red mark of his hips hitting you when he fucks up almost brutally. Just him being the dirty motherfucker he is.
THE END. I hope you liked it!! Feel free to tell me your opinion about his kinks too if you want 💗 thank you for the ask!!
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mylovelyfandoms · 4 years
It’s you (Choi Seungcheol)
Seventeen Dystopian Au
Request: Hi! I love your writing so much! This is a great Idea so don’t give up on it! Anyway I wanted to request a Scoups x reader where the reader is a moon who’s mom used to work at the facility but when she found out that Y/n was a moon she left but one of her colleagues found out and raided her home and killed her mom so she came to the facility and she meets Seungcheol because their often tested together? Thank you so much!
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A/N: Uh...hi...and I’m sorry. This took months and I am so so sorry about that. School started and my AP classes did not seem to like letting me sleep. I could make a part 2 of this if someone asked, I do have ideas, but it might take a while...sorry. 
Warnings: Talks about torture, kind of angsty
Word Count: 6,789
When you were three, your father’s life was taken in front of your eyes.
It was dinnertime and your father was feeding you in all the ways he could think of; the airplane, the choo choo train, etc. Everything was disrupted when a sudden scream sounded from outside your home. Your father, being a trained soldier, gave your mom a look and kissed her temple before running out the front door. Your mom ran to the door and you followed suit, hopping off your chair and curiously looking at whatever it was that made such a noise.
In the middle of the streets was a kid that was much older than you. She was surrounded by some soldiers in uniform, and some people, like your father, without. Her hands were up and her eyes were wide, head snapping around as she glanced at all of the soldiers.
The next thing you saw was your father running towards the girl, only for her to turn and shoot a flame out of her palms at him. Your mother let out a shriek and fell to her knees, pulling you to face away from the events happening outside of your home. As she cried into your shoulder and held you tight, you turned your head back only to see the child being dragged away by multiple soldiers.
Your mother, being the strong woman she was, never let you know that she was upset about it after that day. Instead, she decided to honor his legacy and sign up to be a soldier just like him. She wanted to make sure that nothing like that happened to anyone ever again. Your mom finished her training and officially became a soldier when you turned five years old.
Since you were born, you were the best kid (or so your mother told you). You were always well behaved, you never threw a tantrum, you were always polite and asked for what you wanted rather than demanded. That was probably how you managed to hide your abilities for so long...
It had been a long day for a seven year old. Your teacher had assigned you two whole pages of addition and subtraction, you tripped during playtime, and you missed your favorite show on TV. So that only meant that you were especially grumpy towards the pre-teen babysitter that your mom hired to look after you.
“Get back here you little brat!” The prepubescent boy exclaimed, chasing you around the living room.
“Never!” You shouted back, running towards the front door.
It was a hard day and all you wanted was a warm hug from your mom. You knew that it was nearing twilight, meaning your mom was almost home. Maybe you could find her as she was driving home.
But then the oily-pimple-faced-voice-cracking boy managed to catch up to you and picked you up. You started kicking and screaming, doing whatever you could to have the boy let go.
“Calm down you weasel!”
You were so frustrated that you shouted as loud as you could, “Let go of me!” Your babysitter’s arms went limp around you, dropping you to the floor. “Hey! You-” When you looked up, you saw the boy’s eyes become a beautiful electric pink. You were only snapped out of your amazement when the pink faded, and the boy��s eyes rolled back before he fell to the floor.
“Y/n?” Your mother’s voice called tentatively from the door. She seemed to have stopped in her tracks, eyes wide as she stared at the unconscious boy.
“Mom!” You ran to your mother, burying your face into her shirt. Your eyes were brimming with tears as memories of your father that one fateful day flashed through your mind. You had just killed a person! You were just as bad as the kid that had a meltdown! “Mommy I’m scared!”
“Sh, sh, sh,” Your mom soothed. “It’s okay, y/n you didn’t do anything. It’s okay, he’s just sleeping.”
After calming you down, your mother brought you into your room and told you to stay put. You sniffed the snot that threatened to run down your nose and listened to her, too scared to do anything else.
The next day, you woke up to the sound of rustling all around your room. You saw your mom frantically packing your clothes into a duffel bag. Sleepily rubbing your eyes, you looked to the clock and saw that it was 5 am, long before you were supposed to get ready for school.
“Mom? What are you doing?” You asked.
“We have to go, sweetie. Pack only the things that you absolutely need, okay?” Your mom replied in a voice more serious than you’ve ever heard before. She turned back into your closet and started packing some pants.
“Why?” You were starting to tear up. You didn’t want to leave your life at home. All of your friends were here, all of your toys were here...you couldn’t go.
Your mom, seeming to sense your tears with her motherly instincts, turned around and held your face.
“You’ll understand when you’re older, sweetheart. I’ll explain everything to you when I know you’ll understand, but right now, it’s not safe here. We have to go, okay?”
“Mommy you’re scaring me,” You admitted, hiccuping as your mom pulled you into a hug.
“I know, I know. It’s okay, sweetie. Just pack your things, we’re going to leave in a couple of hours. I have to go to work for a little bit, but I’ll be right back.”
“Okay mommy.”
You continued to pack your things, looking for everything important you could think of. Your mom left the house after she made you some breakfast and promised that she’d be right back.
It had been a while since your mom made that promise and you were starting to get scared. Tears started building up in your eyes and you ran back up to your room. You decided to listen to what your mom said and continue packing. You ran through all of your favorite items in your head until one suddenly came to your mind. Your dad’s necklace!
You scurried over to the pink and blue jewelry box you had right by the window and opened the first little drawer. You were about to pull out the dog tag necklace-that all soldiers get when they complete their training-when you heard the door open. Dropping the necklace, you ran out of your room and saw your mom looking through the peephole of your closed door. There was something about her that looked more panicked than she was before.
“We have to go now.”
Quickly, your mom ran upstairs and grabbed all of the bags before dragging you out the bag door by your wrist. The two of you were in your backyard, making your way towards the gate. You turned to send one last look at your house, but upon seeing the pink and blue decoration on the side of the wall, you remembered your necklace.
“Wait, mommy! We have to get my necklace! I have to go get it!” You cried, pulling on your wrist in her grip.
“What? No, sweetheart, we don’t have time.”
“But it was dad’s necklace!”
Your mother stopped pulling you. She stood frozen for a moment before letting out a sigh and crouching down in front of you.
“Stay right here for me, okay? I’ll get the necklace for you, but I need you to hide. Make sure no one can see you, okay?” Your mother instructed.
You nodded your head and turned to hide inside of a bush. Though you were out of view, you could see your room’s window through the spaces of the leaves. You saw your mom approach the window, knowing exactly where you kept the necklace.
Just as she was pulling out the necklace, she whirled around in a panic. Your heart started to race in fear and at this point, you didn’t care about hiding. It seemed as if she was talking to someone, but you couldn’t see who. Her hands started to shakily raise, as if she was bringing them up to surrender.
You didn’t know what was said, you didn’t know what happened, and you weren’t sure if you ever would. One moment, everything seemed fine, but then BANG! You immediately fell to the floor as if you were hit, but not before missing the blood that splattered all over the window you had stared out of so many times before.
Almost as quickly as you went down, you scrambled back to your feet and looked at the window, as if hoping that what you saw wasn’t true. When you saw the body of your mother slumped back against the window, you let out a shriek of misery and dropped to your knees.
Everything hurt. Sure, you weren’t physically in pain, but everything else was. It was worse than what you felt when your father died. Because this time, you understood what was happening. This time, you knew you knew that she was never coming back. This time, you knew that you were truly alone.
You didn’t even notice when a group of soldiers picked you up and brought you to the transport truck. It might’ve been a couple of minutes or hours or even days until you stopped crying. The truck was still going, so you sat there in the darkness, staring off into the vast space.
When you finally arrived at the facility, you were numb. You were too tired to feel anything. They brought you into the lab and you complied with all of the tests, not exactly registering that this was reality. They then gave you your first pair of dark glasses and shoved you into a small, empty room.  
From that day on, you were no longer your own person. You were an experiment. You were an object under a microscope that they poked and prodded at. You were nothing.
For half a year, you had nothing to hold onto. You had no one that could possibly fill the gaping void that your mother had left behind. You weren’t anything to anyone.
But then...
One day as you walked into your experimenting room, there were two soldiers per usual, but one of them seemed to be a lot smaller than the other. Through your dark glasses, you kept your gaze on the smaller one, wondering where they got a child or a...midget? to be one of the soldiers guarding you. You could have sworn you’ve never seen a soldier that small before.
“Head!” The scientist barked, having you snap your head forward and stay as still as you can get.
She started to go about with her experiment. A needle was poked into your arm to take blood and a knife scraped at the skin on your shoulder. You weren’t exactly sure what the scientist did with samples like these, but you weren’t dumb enough to ask.
When she was done, she nodded to the soldiers before leaving the room. As subtle as you could, you turned your head to get another glance at the strange, smaller soldier. With the helmet on, you couldn’t tell if he was looking at you back.
You saw him again for the next couple of days. Every time you looked at him, you could have sworn he was looking at you too. With any other soldier, you would have felt at least a little creeped out, but with this one...you were just curious. Who exactly was it behind that helmet? 
One day, as you entered the testing room, you saw that there was a small child sitting in the chair across from yours. They couldn’t have been any older than 4 or 5. You looked to the side of the room and saw the shorter soldier standing with one of the usual ones. Tentatively, you sat in your seat. 
“Hello,” You said to the small child, careful not to speak in a full sentence like the soldiers had yelled at you for doing before. 
“Hi!” The small child cheered.
 “Quiet!” The normal soldier barked, having you shut up and stare at your hands. 
The scientist walked in, shutting the door with a loud bang that had you jumping in your chair. Your heart raced at the loud noise, but you reminded yourself that you were...not exactly safe but not in imminent danger at the moment. 
“Take your glasses off,” The scientist demanded. 
You immediately followed instructions, blinking a couple of times to adjust to the light. The small child gasped and stared with its mouth agape, no doubt at your eyes that had apparently turned a glowing pink when you used your compelling powers for the first time. 
“Take this,” The scientist barked, shoving a lighter into the small child’s chubby hands. The scientist then turned to you and you could have sworn that you saw some sort of smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
“Now. Command the child to light the flame on his arm.” 
You whipped your head to the scientist in absolute disbelief. 
She couldn’t be serious.
“Did I say talk back or did I give you a command?” The scientist sneered. 
With fear of what she would do, you turned towards the small child, guilt already hovering over your body. 
“B...” You said in a shaky tone, heart sinking to your stomach when you saw the child look at you with innocent doe eyes. “Burn....” Your voice cracked and you felt a lump in your throat. 
“Do it now!” The scientist shrieked
“Burn your arm!” You commanded in a panic. 
The child stiffened and his eyes lit an electric pink. You watched in sheer horror as he lit the match and brought the flame down to his forearm. You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but there was something about his reaction-or lack, thereof-that nearly sent you over the edge. 
The child held the flame on his arm for a second longer, the smell of burning flesh spreading around the room, and wisps of smoke rising from the spot on the boy’s arm. Suddenly, as if a switch had clicked, the boys’ eyes rolled back and his body went limp, much like the preteen boy in your house. 
You dug your nails into your hand, trying to focus on that pain rather than the tears that brimmed at your eyes. Who knew what she’d do if you cried. 
Just as the scientist was about to speak, the door slid open. 
“Hey, there’s a new cloud coming in. All hands on deck,” The soldier said. 
“But ma’am, she is a moo-” 
“Captain’s Orders,” The soldier demanded before leaving the entrance of the doorway. 
The soldier that was just cut off glanced at the scientist as if waiting for permission to move. 
The scientist glanced at the shorter soldier. “You, make sure she doesn’t move. Use any force necessary.” 
You waited until both of their footsteps faded before your emotions broke through. You knew there was still the smaller soldier, but it was better than whatever the scientist would do.
You glanced at the child limp in the seat in front of you and brought your hands to your mouth to stifle your sobs. Your entire body was trembling and you couldn’t breathe. The soldier rushed to you, and you trained your eyes on your lap, knowing exactly what they were about to do. Or at least, you thought you did. 
The soldier crouched down in front of you and slowly took off his helmet. He brought a hand up to yours and gently brought it down from your face. 
“Hey,” He said in a comforting tone, only to have you choke out another sob. 
Almost instinctively, the short soldier reached forward and wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace. You didn’t care that he was a soldier at this moment. He was someone who’s comfort you craved for reasons you didn’t know. 
When you were calmer, you let go of him and trained your eyes on your lap again. 
“Th-thanks,” You stammered quietly. 
“Not a problem,” He replied gently. 
His gloved hand reached up to your chin and tilted you face up. Your breath caught in your throat with a trained fear. You were taught in all these months that making eye contact with any of the soldiers or scientists would result in a torturous pain. It was something you had to endure once, and never wanted to do again. 
But against your better judgement, you let yourself look up.
The soldier in front of you wasn’t some midget or strangely small adult, he was a kid just like you. He looked around your age, maybe a year or two older. He had kind eyes and a small, comforting smile playing on his lips. The small part of you that wasn’t completely dehumanized by the facility almost melted at the look he gave you. 
“Are you okay?” The boy asked with genuine concern in his eyes, something you haven’t seen in a long long time. 
“I...” Your tone was shaky, and you averted your eyes back to your lap. “I’m fine.” 
“No you’re not,” The boy sighed. “And that’s okay, this place has a tendency of doing that.” You nodded slightly, not exactly knowing what to say. After a beat of silence, he spoke up again. “I’m...” You looked up at him again but this time, his eyes were on the floor. “I’m Seungcheol.”
“Y/N,” You replied. 
Seungcheol smiled. “That’s a beautiful name.” 
Before you could reply, you snapped your heads towards the hallway where you heard footsteps coming closer and closer. Seungcheol stood up instantly and pulled his helmet on. 
“Hang in there, Y/N.”
You didn’t see Seungcheol again for the next couple of days. Though you had only met him once, you were starting to get worried. What if something had happened to him? What if they heard you two talking? What if that was the last time you’d ever see him?
All those thoughts melted away when you caught his eye in the hallway as you walked to the testing room. This time, he didn’t have his helmet on or any of the gear that made him look like a soldier; he was in scrubs just like you, just a different color. 
You both kept your gazes locked as you were led to rooms right next to each other. Right before you stepped into the room, Seungcheol offered you a small smile and a wink. 
Time passed by and more often than not, you saw him. Whether it was because he was in your room as a soldier, or right next to you going to tests, or even sometimes when the scientist put you two in a room together to get tested, you got to see him. 
One day, you didn’t see him at all. Sure that wasn’t too strange, but it was what happened the day after that started to worry you.
It might not have been too much of a sign, but when you saw Seungcheol out in the hallway, he didn’t look at you. His eyes were trained on the floor and he wore the most grim expression you’ve ever seen on him. 
As you stepped into the testing room, his face was all you could think of. What could have possibly made him act that way? 
So you, being the oh so curious one you are, you started making a plan. Sure it was incredibly risky, probably the riskiest thing you’ve ever thought of doing, but what else could they do to you? 
That night was probably the first time you’ve ever used your power at the facility when you weren’t supposed to. You told yourself that it was worth it, it was for Seungcheol. 
You walked up to the soldier outside your door and demanded that he took you to Seungcheol’s room. Your heart basically stopped when you saw two security guards standing outside in the hallway. 
“Hey!” One of the soldiers barked, “what do you think you’re doing?” 
It was over. It had to be, right? You were caught. The other soldiers would most likely catch on and you would be dead, or worse. Maybe you could request that they tell Seungcheol you lo-
“New orders from the scientist. She wants them in the same room for an experiment tonight.” 
Maybe you weren’t dead after all. 
The soldiers exchanged a look and then glanced back at you and the soldier under your control. 
“I think we should call the scientist.” 
“Yeah, just to make sure...she is a moon you know.” 
“Come on, guys, you know me, there’s no way I’m the type to get mind controlled by some affected.”
The two exchanged another look. 
“Then show us your eyes.” 
Your heart stopped again. You turned to the man standing next to you and watched as he unlatched his helmet. He took his helmet off, your pulse rising with each inch of skin that is revealed. 
“See, perfectly normal,” The soldier said once he took his helmet completely off. 
You weren’t sure how, but his eyes weren’t glowing pink, yet you knew he was still under your control. 
“Ah, my bad man,” The other soldiers said. “I should’ve known you would never get tricked by these monsters. I’ll get the sun to back up for you.” 
The soldiers walked down the hall a couple of steps and banged on the door. As they barked an order, you turned to look at the man under your control. He was staring straight ahead, a blank look on his face, as if nothing had happened. Slowly, he started to pull his helmet back on, but just before it was latched onto his head, you saw a small pink glow. 
“Alright, go ahead,” The soldiers said as they pressed the password into the keypad on the door. 
You walked in with the man under your control and let the door shut behind you two. Stepping in, you saw a room that was almost identical to yours. The only difference was that he had a small window high up on the wall. 
“Y/N?” Seungcheol hissed, standing up and rushing to you. He stopped about two feet away, carefully eyeing the soldier that was standing next to you. 
“Don’t worry, he’ll-”
Cutting you off was the thud of the soldier’s body as he fell unconscious to the floor. You glanced at him for a moment before looking back at Seungcheol with a gentle smile. 
“Hey, Cheol,” You said tenderly, stepping forward and wrapping your arms around him. Almost immediately, he wrapped his around your body and clung onto you as if you were the only thing keeping him alive. 
“You’re going to get caught,” he mumbled into your shoulder. 
“Don’t worry about that right now,” You said, pulling back from him and placing a hand on his cheek. “Now, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” 
Seungcheol sighed, and walked to the wall. He slouched down against it and you came by to sit with him. He then told you everything. How he had been guarding for this pair of clouds for a while. How one of them got in serious trouble so he thought, if anything, he could save the other. How he gave the boy a piece of his hair to shift and escape, only for the boy to get caught...
“They burned him, Y/N/N. The cloud told them that it was his fault so they burned his hands and made me watch...” He leaned his head back on the way and looked straight ahead. “I just...I can’t get his screams out of my head. It was all my fault.” 
“Cheol,” You said, placing a hand on his bicep, “you were trying to help. You had good intentions.” Your hand moved down his arm and on his hand. “This isn’t something you need to beat yourself up about.” 
“But I was the one that gave him my hair. I was the one that told him to go.” His fingers laced into yours almost like it was a habit. “If I didn’t, he would probably be fine. Or at least not in as much pain.” 
You brought your other hand to his cheek again and grazed your thumb along his cheekbone. His eyes fluttered shut and he let out a breath as if he had been holding it all this time. Seungcheol leaned into your touch and you gave his hand a squeeze. You leaned forward and pressed your forehead to his, 
“Where is that moon?” 
You aren’t exactly sure if Seungcheol heard it or not. Maybe he did and he was just ignoring it. Or, maybe he didn’t and he was just too lost in the moment. 
Soldiers were outside the door. You could hear them. You knew you were going to get caught. The soldier on the floor was a dead giveaway that you had used your powers. 
“Cheol,” You said urgently, taking your hand away from his and wrapping your arms around his neck. You were halfway on his lap as he snaked his arms around your waist for one last embrace. “Cheol no matter what happens, no matter how long it is until we see each other...don’t beat yourself up for what these soldiers do. Keep trying to help people, okay? You have good intentions, do something about it.” 
You could hear the beeping from the keypad. 
“You’re an amazing person, Seungcheol.” You gave him one last squeeze and pushed him down to the floor. 
“What’re you-” 
“Hey!” One of the soldiers barked as they stomped into the room. You stood up, putting your hands in the air to show your surrender. Hopefully this way, Cheol will be safe...
“She tricked us, ma’am! She’s a master trickster, she’s probably been planning this for years!” One of the soldiers that you interacted with rambled on. 
“Quiet!” The head soldier barked. She marched up to you and grabbed a fist full of your shirt. “You’re going to regret using your powers, kid.” 
You never saw Seungcheol again. At least, not for the next few years of your life. They changed your schedule so that you two were never in the same place at the same time. You half convinced yourself that he was just gone. That the sun that all the soldiers gossiped about for being “tough” and “merciless” wasn’t your sun. 
That’s not my Cheol, you thought to yourself, Cheol is warm and sweet and caring...they’re talking about someone else.
At this point, you lost track of all the days. It was always the same; tests for half the day, then back to the room. You could barely even remember how old you were, all you knew was at one point you got taller, curvier, and blood started spilling out from places it should not have been spilling out. 
The more time that had passed, the more you learned to listen in on soldier’s conversations. At some point, they started talking about the sun and how he had ‘escaped.’ No way he escaped. This isn’t the type of place you can escape. And even if it was, he would’ve been back for you...right? 
The days went on, and the soldiers kept talking about all of the ‘escapees.’ You were eventually starting to believe them. What reason would they have to lie about the stories they told each other? So the question remained in your mind. Why didn’t Cheol come back for you? Did he forget about you? 
One night, while you were in your room, you heard a loud commotion outside. At first, you thought nothing of it, but then there was a thump! against your door. On the other side, you heard the beeping of the keypad and the muttering of a mad man. 
Any other person might have been scared. They might have been pressed up against the other wall, trying desperately to hide from whatever it was that was trying to barge in. And maybe a couple of years ago, you would have too. But there was nothing that anyone could do that was worse than your life at the moment. 
The door opened, and in came an unfamiliar boy with a lantern in his hands, illuminating the room. Behind him was a taller boy, stretching his neck a little as if he were trying to look inside the room. 
“Y/N?” The boy holding the lantern asked. 
You furrowed your eyebrows together. You hadn’t heard that name in a long, long time. 
“How do you know my name?” You asked the boys. 
Instead of answering, both of the boys smiled and let out a soft laugh. 
“Boy, Coups wasn’t kidding when he said you were gorgeous,” The boy holding the lantern smiled. 
The taller boy hit the shorter one, resulting in a loud smack! echoing through the room. 
“Sorry about him. I’m Mingyu, he’s Hoshi. We’re here to help you escape.” 
“Escape?” You asked in disbelief. “You mean people are actually escaping from here?” 
The boys blinked at you. 
“I mean, yeah,” The boy with the lantern, Hoshi, said. “Have you not heard any rumors?” As you were about to reply, Hoshi perked up as if he had just heard something that you didn’t. “Right, come on, we gotta hurry.” 
Hoshi pushed past Mingyu and stepped out into the hallway. Mingyu, however, walked up to you and offered a hand with a kind smile.
“Come on, we just got to get out of here and then you’re free.” 
“And how do you expect to get us out of here?” Despite your words, you grabbed his hand and let him pull you to your feet. 
Instead of responding, Mingyu just winked at you. “Don’t worry, we have a team.” 
Mingyu led you out of the room where Hoshi was already crouching against the wall. They motioned for you to crouch with them, and you noted how amusing it was for a giant like Mingyu to bend down so low and still stick out like a sore thumb. 
“Can you see the others? Is it safe?” Mingyu asked Hoshi, making him whirl on the boy. 
“For the 27th time, I can’t see through walls, Gyu!” Hoshi snapped. “But, I don’t hear any more fighting so I assume they got them all out of the way.” 
“Or the soldiers got all of our guys.” 
Hoshi started to laugh. “Please, these unaffected can barely hold their guns right.” He looked around once the three of you got to the end of the hallway. “Alright come on, there’s no one here.” 
You ran after the boys with Mingyu dragging you by the wrist. The three of you managed to run out of the isolation building, a place that you hadn’t left since you got to that forsaken place. 
“Hosh!” You heard a voice say from the side. When you turned, there was a group of about 10 boys running towards you. 
“You guys took everyone out?” Mingyu asked. 
“Well, yeah. Eight of us? Sixty of them? Please,” One of the boys waved off. 
“Bold of you to say that, Seungkwan, you were freaking out the whole time,” Another boy scoffed. 
“Shut it Dino!” 
“Well,” Hoshi said over the two bickering boys, grabbing everyone’s attention. “It appears that there are soldiers coming right for us, so,” He reached forward and grabbed the wrist of one of the younger looking boys. “Y/N, this is Vernon. He’s an air elemental. He’s going to take the long way around with less soldiers while we get to the front and take them out.”
“What’s an air-” 
Before you could finish your sentence, Vernon scooped you up and started to run. Your arms wrapped around his neck and curled into him tightly as you felt the wind press against your body. 
“It’s okay, we’ll be there in a couple of minutes,” Vernon said. Against his shoulder, you frowned. Shouldn’t he be out of breath?
The more he ran, the more you got used to the feeling. Slowly, you lifted your head from his body and looked around. You were going faster than you could have ever imagined. Your gaze stayed on the passing trees and buildings for a while until Vernon spoke up. 
“S.Coups is going to be so happy to see you. We finally managed to get him drunk enough to admit something about his past and from the way he talked about you, you were a big part of his past.” 
“Who’s...who’s S.Coups?” 
Vernon was about to respond, but he instead skidded to a stop. Your head whipped to what was in front of you, and you saw exactly what it was that made the boy stop. 
“Go, Vernon! Go!” Hoshi screamed. “We’re not important right now, get Y/N back to camp!” 
They were surrounded. All of them. There were more soldiers than you’ve ever seen before and most of them had guns pointed at the boys. Some of them had guns pointed at you and Vernon. 
As you looked around at your saviors, the ones who risked everything to get you out, you felt a rage that you had never felt before. You tapped on Vernon’s arm and jumped down from his hold.
“Y/N, what’re you doing?” Vernon asked.
You barely heard him. The only thing in your mind at the moment were the soldiers. You walked forward, right for the one that was pointing his rifle at you. As you got closer, his stance faltered, curious as to what you were going to do. 
Right when you were only a mere few inches away from the gun, you stopped. With a sharp gaze into the soldier’s helmet, you spoke. 
“Let them go.” 
 Your voice was gentle, but your tone was firm. You could see the glow of pink under his helmet and watched as he turned and pointed his gun at his colleagues. 
“Shoot her down!” One of the other soldiers shouted.
You glanced at the crowd of soldiers running at you and held their gazes. 
“I said, let. them. go.” 
The front row of soldiers stopped abruptly, having the rest of them bump into each other and some even fall over. The soldiers in the front row turned, and much like the first one, starting to point the gun at his colleagues. 
The crowd turned into chaos. The soldiers weren’t sure which ones were affected by you and which weren’t. You took this to your advantage and blinked yourself out of your trance. All around you, soldiers were falling as the influenced ones tried to protect the affected boys. 
“Come on!” You shouted, grabbing Vernon’s hand and shoving your way through the crowd. 
As you approached the wall, Vernon scooped you up and jumped all the way over it. You buried your face back into his chest in the process, not quite used to the feeling of jumping and falling. 
“Wait, what about the others?” You asked once the two of you were on the floor. 
“Well, that’s Joshua,” Vernon said, pointing up at the sky as he was still running. As you looked up, you saw nothing but a bird flying past the two of you. “He’s a shifter, so he shifted into a bird.” 
“Shifter...oh so a cloud?” 
“But what about the others, can they fly or something?” 
“Do you not know any of the other powers?” 
“Uh...no? I lived in isolation most of my life.” 
“Ah, well, I’ll have one of the leaders explain it to you,” He finally stopped by a tree that was out of sight from the facility walls. “Just wait for a little while, they’ll come.” 
“How do you know? Can you read each other’s minds?” 
Vernon chuckled. “No, I just know.” 
A couple of beats of silence passed until you finally heard something. 
“Right through here,” You heard Hoshi’s familiar voice. 
The large group of boys all came into view with tired smiles on their faces. 
“Alright, now get into the formation Woozi planned out for us and we can start walking back to the campsite,” Hoshi nodded, and the boys immediately started moving. 
Vernon grabbed onto your hand and dragged you to the front of the group, leading you all through the forest. 
“Okay so where exactly are we going?” You asked. 
“Our campsite,” Vernon answered simply. 
“Right...and who are you exactly?”  
“We’re Seventeen,” Vernon shrugged.
“What he means,” Hoshi intervened, jogging up to your other side, “is that we’re a clan called Seventeen. We’ve been going around and slowly getting people out of facilities and slowly planning a revolution.” 
“Okay...but who are you?” 
“Right, well, you already know me and Vernon, the two behind you are Seungkwan and Dokyeom, the three behind them are Mingyu, Jun, and Wonwoo, the two behind them are The8 and Dino.”
“Yeah, I’m probably not going to remember that.” 
“That’s okay, S.Coups will probably explain it to you once you get to the campsite.” 
“Okay, you guys have been mentioning this ‘S.Coups’ a lot. Who is he exactly?” 
Hoshi blinked at you for a moment. “You don’t...” He looked around. “Did we get the right moon? Is there another moon in that facility?” 
“What? No, Coups said that he was the sun and that Y/N was the moon. He never mentioned anyone else,” One of the boys behind you, Seungkwan, said. 
“Sun?” You muttered to yourself. Suddenly, it dawned on you and you gasped. “Seung-” 
Hoshi’s eyes widened. “Sun! Yes, the sun, that’s exactly who you were talking about!” You looked at him weirdly, so he leaned in. “He doesn’t go by that name anymore. It’s S.Coups now.” 
“So we’re going to see Seun- S.Coups? You guys are bringing me to S.Coups?” You bounced excitedly. 
“Man, Coups was right, she’s so cute!” Dokyeom exclaimed from behind you. 
The lot of you walked on until you reached some sort of cluster of plants. Hoshi and Vernon swept some vines to the side, which then revealed a beautiful campsite filled with tents and campfires and people walking around. 
“Wow,” You said breathlessly. 
“I know,” Hoshi smiled, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “Now come on, I’ll take you to Coups.”
As the two of you approached a bigger tent, you could hear a bunch of shouting. Whether it was out of anger or just friendly banter, you weren’t sure. 
“Hey, we’re back!” Hoshi called. He motioned for you to stay outside as he started to walk in.  
“It’s about time! Do you know how hard it was to keep him in here for so long?” A gentle voice shouted back. 
“Yah! What’re you talking about? You and Joshua basically trapped me in here!” A deep, yet familiar voice shouted back. 
You could immediately tell who it was, partly through context and partly through the butterflies that started to fly around in your stomach.
The voice continued on. “Wait, where did you go anyways?” 
“Well, actually...we have a surprise for you.” You saw the entrance of the tent open. “Come on in.” 
You took a deep breath to get rid of your nerves, but they didn’t seem to go away. You stepped into the tent, and your heart jumped at the man standing in front of you. 
Once your eyes met his, it was like nothing changed. It was like the two of you were never separated. Suddenly, you could see a past with him that you knew you didn’t have and a future that you hoped to happen. Suddenly you remembered what his smile looked like and how it sounded when he laughed. Suddenly, you could feel yourself caring again. 
“Y/N...” Seungcheol said in almost a whisper. 
“Hey, Cheol,” You whispered, like an old habit. 
Out of nowhere, Seungcheol marched up to you and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you as close to his body as you could. You were completely engulfed by him and completely loving the feeling. All your worries, all your fears, everything just faded away. All you felt was Seungcheol’s warm body against yours. 
“Y/N...I’m sorry I didn’t come back for you...please don’t leave me.” 
You sniffed back your tears and pulled away from him just enough to reach up to his face. 
“Why would I ever leave you, Cheol? Or do I have to call you S.Coups now?” 
Seungcheol smiled and reached up to hold your hand that was against his face. 
"Come on, Y/N/N. It’s you. You can call me Cheol.” 
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gg-astrology · 5 years
@scoups_bf on Twitter asked Seungcheol from Seventeen his birth time at a fansign, and he said roughly around 9:00 in the morning, in case that gives any insight into his chart.
Hey there! ❤️❤️❤️ Thanks for telling me, I was quaking so hard when I saw this ask late night… I checked it out @seungcheolsboyfriend ​/ @scoups_bf on twt ✨definitely did God’s Work for us and took it upon himself to Ask The One True question… (also this is a Win for the gays 🏳️‍🌈congratulations!! I’m so happy for you!!❤️)
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[Below Cut: A lil bit more on Choi Seungcheol’s  Natal Chart  ✨ ]
Note: This is an abridged version, a little more censored about the private stuff in his natal chart. ❤️ I give/take around 8.30am, 9am, 9.30am for this one ❤️ I decided to use Whole Signs to get a clearer look ✨ It’s just my thoughts/opinions so please read with discretion! ❤️ This is just to maybe hopefully add a little more to the Seungcheol Overview I did earlier ✨
Definitely the first thing we all noticed was that the rising could probably fall between Libra /Virgo ❤️ And isn’t that just so?? fitting for scoups?? ❤️ I think I cried seeing his talent triangles (his tiny trine and 2 sextiles) – Pluto rx (Scorpio) Uranus/Neptune rx (Capricorn) and Saturn rx (Pisces). 
And the other one with Mars (Libra) Jupiter (Sagittarius) and Sun/Venus (Leo) 
The one thing that got to me was his Pluto rx (Scorpio) and Uranus rx (Capricorn) exactly at 27′49 (so 0′00) — so much power, intensity and transformative power. Strong desire, no matter what house it’s actually in. 
When it’s in a talent triangle (with all retrogrades) that’s a lot of self-transformation, regeneration and assertion in one’s strength– to come through as a talent, foundation, and ability to use his own empowerment (through hardship/challenges) to connect and bring changes to people around him as well.
With retrograde, there’s a lot of energy that’s spinning inwards (towards the person). Internalized energy is common, especially with Saturn (choosing to put on a brave face, hiding fear of uncertainty. Of not making ‘the right choice’ – guilt and doubt associated to the this) Uranus/Neptune (restlessness, suspicion of others, wanting to rebel but also abiding/hiding to look like the norm)  and Pluto (fear of manipulation, of vulnerability. Fear of betrayal or looking ‘weak’)
With all of that in his talent triangle, it makes sense that whilst those are part of his strength— but it also has potential to heal, become balanced and understood. One of the thing that stood out immediately was his Chiron/Ceres being pretty close to the ASC.
Chiron and Ceres being close to his ASC (whether it falls in Libra/Virgo) – points to potential for someone who may strongly identify with healing of others (after understanding their own pains) lots of dedication and nurturing, also being nurtured by others (it can also indicate food and fashion, organizing and managing other’s life, giving advice and caring about their health/how they look physically – as indicated by Virgo Ceres)  
Ceres and Chiron in 12H or 1H– whether it’s conjunct to the ASC or not– can also indicate a person’s conscious awareness (or addiction) to their own well-being, their physicality (behaviorally, how they treat themselves). With Virgo as an earth and mutable sign, it’s nature combined with Chiron/Ceres can make someone feel/think a lot of their self-consciousness. Bringing an emphasis on their health, mental well-being, services to others (which they’ll have to struggle and work through– as indicated by Chiron, in order to bring it to the fore-front and help/heal others as well)
It plays a significant role on the person’s behavioral pattern, their mentality and how they’re perceived, as well as how they see themselves. There’s a lot of service, ‘giving back’ nature when it’s in the 12H/1H. In embodying this health (or personal mental well-being/strength) or spiritually healing/giving to others with it— scoups’s asc (no matter whether it’s Virgo/Libra) will also show signs of this demonstrative, practical ‘giving back’ nature as well. 
It’s so cool to see this– because Ceres can often indicate reactivity. Whether it’s spiritually or up-front, it wants to be nurtured and likes being taken care of.
There’s a shy subtle side to Virgo Ceres/Chiron — where on one hand they do want to be acknowledged/subtly taking care of others. Yet on the other hand they may sometimes not speak, or ask for the things they truly want/need. Because their internal energy is through demonstration—so a lot of people with these aspects (especially in these houses) may often show that they want this/that. But won’t ask for it/expects others to read and understand their gestures for something.  
His Sun and Jupiter being in domicile, while Mars lies in detriment within the other talent triangle– gives power to his self-assertion, energy, knowledge and wisdom to shine through. Libra Mars may be in detriment (whether it’s in 1H or 2H) – but the emphasis here is that he may be able to learn, grow and let others lead if he knows he’s being slightly too dogmatic/forceful at a given time (context).
It makes more sense to look at them together, his Libra Mars (1H/2H) would point to areas in the house where he’ll have to ‘let up on’, instead of using his Sun/Jupiter to ‘guard’ against others for (lessons in personal vs others, letting others into their personal– shifting/adapting what’s ‘theirs’ into ‘ours’— houses in 1H/12H, 11H or 3H/4H)  
Traditional values runs strong, especially what’s learnt at the beginning/childhood and what was nurtured/taught to him to value (boundaries). He may guard it fiercely, but within that. The talent triangle might teach him how to grow/learn and make the best of it by using it differently.
Evaluate his own identity/self-assertion, his appearance (keeping an image) financial/material assets that he may be possessive over (has to do with self-identity and kinda…the fear of having that autonomy/things associated to his personal well-fare/being taken away from him)— these can point to his Libra Mars protecting/guarding itself by being irrational, clingy/possessive or what we might call “selfish”– over those areas (wanting to be ‘fair/just’ to itself– but within that, wanting to ‘share’ itself/good-will with others)
Sun/Jupiter could be in 11H/3H or 12H/4H. There’s a generous nature to both Leo and Sagittarius. Giving and caring. It may be nobby heads most of the time, but within the 11H or 12H (for his Sun) – there’s a compassionate nature that could appease this Libra Mars. 
Helping him learn how to heal, give and share himself with others. This is like a ‘gate’ – and then Jupiter in 3H/4H may need a little abit more explaining. Jupiter ultimately wants the best things for the ‘family, siblings, roots and traditions’.
Although the concept or idea of these things can be static/stagnant on what’s considered ‘family, siblings, roots, values, tradition’ – there’s ultimately a highlighted expansive nature to Jupiter. 
What’s considered his ‘roots, siblings, families, traditions’ can benefit a lot depending on how he grew up surrounded by (what’s considered those things). Jupiter can share, protect, guide (‘let up’) and be generous with those it identifies with, grew up alongside. It becomes proud and protective, over those they care about and shares itself to.
Good-will is prominent in this other talent triangle, but seeing his placements possibly being in 11H/12H (Sun/Venus/Pallas/Vesta/Mercury) – especially with Sun/Venus conjunct (4′) really makes me happy because he’s such a genuinely good-willed, sometimes protective but also very nurture/wanting to be nurtured–progressively healing and half the time, a self-sacrificing/self-assertive dichotomy of an individual.
It’s also genuinely nice to see how Aquarius Pars Fortunae could potentially be in 5H/6H. Health is a thing with Seungcheol— particularly if he needs to control/use it well in order to manifest that Chiron/Ceres ASC stuff properly (looking out/after himself). Aquarius Pars Fortunae talks about a little more refinement, particularly on the personal areas (how they treat/think of themselves and thus– how they exert/show it to the world). When their fortune comes flooding through, it has to do with how structured, progressive, refining and adaptable they are.  
This also helps in cutting back on Moon in detriment (Capricorn), dissecting and refining his ego/self and thoughts about what/how he should manifest. If he can use some of the Aquarius’s realigning, some re-thinking/shaping and not let his Leo/Capricorn sun-moon control his ego/emotions– he would benefit a lot from his health improving, and having an easier time being independent/stable away from extremities/bad behavioral habits or core prejudice (coming from the roots/traditions) as well.
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Alot of health and taking care of himself stuff for Seungcheol ❤️ But potentially it’ll be good on cutting down and helping that retrograde triangle as well ❤️ While there may be a lot of ‘strength’– there’s also a lot that talks about self-healing, self-regeneration and we shouldn’t forget about that especially w/ own  Pluto/Chiron as well ❤️
I hope this is?? good?? ❤️ I hope it makes sense at least ❤️❤️ Again, this is just my little take on it so please feel free to do your own reading/research as well! ❤️
EDIT: oh yeah and here’s:
Virgo ASC 💜
Libra ASC ❤️
Leo Sun - Capricorn Moon 👅 | 
From the Sun-Moon Catalogue  ❤️ (we’re still trying to get all of them!❤️ So if you have one of the missing placements, feel free to request it in!❤️)
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mysevenboys · 6 years
Seventeen reaction to another member hurting his girlfriend
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S.coups: He would be angry, but he would try not to show it, He knows that the other member didn't do it on purpose.
Scoups: I know that you didn´t want to hurt her Hoshi, it’s fine. You have to be more carefull the next time.
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Jeonghan: Jeonghan was sitting in the sofa waching you and DK playing a video game. When DK won, he was so excited that he raised his arms and punch you in the face.You didn’t even have time to whine because Jeonghan was already complaining to DK angily.
Jeonghan: Yah! Look what you did! You punch my baby in the face! Apologize to her right now!
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Joshua: You were taking a walk with the boys and Dino was so distracted talking with Vernon that he bumped into you making you fall and cut your knee. He was going to complain to Dino for not being careful, but when he saw that you were bleeding he focused all his attention in you.
Joshua: OMG Y/N, are you ok? Can you stand up? Let me help you. We have to clean that wound.
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Jun: When he saw that  you fell and scratched you knee he hurried up to help you and try to make you feel better. He is going to joke a little too. He would not get angry at the member because he knows that things like that happens.
Jun: Aigoo! Did you hurt yourself? Thats what happens when you fall for another man. I’m the only man you can trust Y/N.
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Hoshi: He would be so extra. At the moment that he saw you fall he would be screaming and running to help you. If you hurt yourself he is going to cuddle you all day. Be prepare because this boy is never going to leave your side.
Hoshi: JAGIIIIIII! -running to help you.
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Wonwoo: Wonwoo would be very calm. He would help you to stand up and make sure you are not  hurt. If you have any cut he is going to clean it for you. If you whine and say that it hurts he is going to shower you with kisses so you forget the pain.
Wonwoo: It hurts? Sorry babe, I will be careful -gives you a kiss on the cheek
(Sorry I’m soft for him. He is so precious to this world)
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Woozi: Oh boy, whoever who hurts you better run because he is not going to let that pass. He would be pissed when Mingyu bumped into you and make you fall to the ground. He would blame him for not being careful and fooling around. 
Woozi: I warned you already that you have to be carefull when you are playing around. Why you didn’t listened to me? She is hurt because of you.
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DK: He would be so sooked when he realizes that you have fallen because one of the boys. All happened so fast that he could’t give a proper reaction. He would be standing there don´t knowing what to do.
Dk: OMG What happened? You  just bumped in my Y/N?
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Mingyu: He is going to be very pissed but he would be so worried about you that he would let it go... for now, because he definitely is going to bring it up every time he can.
The8: Yah hyun! I cooked that ramyun!
Mngyu: Well, do you remember that time you bumped into my girlfriend and she scratched her arm? This is a revenge.
The8: You said that the last time.
Mingyu: She had a scar for days, I´m not gonna let it go so easily.
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The8: He will be a little pissed of. Like he would go to the bathroom one minute and when he comes back you are in the floor and with a scar in your arm. He would feel like he can’t really trust his members around you. You will have to tell him that you are fine and that is not the boys fault.
The8: When I went for a moment I expected to see my girlfriend without scars when I comeback. Can you be more careful around her or I will kick your ass?
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Seungkwan: He is going to be very dramatic, acting like if you were badly hurt so he can distract you for the pain in you knee. However, he is going to send the other member deadly glares when you are not looking.
Seungkwan: OH NO! Y/N don’t leave me, I can’t live without you! Who is going to be my girldfriend now? Don´t follow the light, stay with me baby! -fake crying-.
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Vernon: He would be pretty chill. He knows it was an accident and Joshua didn’t wanted to make you fall. He is going to help you and check if you are hurt. Even if he don’t find any scar or wound he is going to ask you if you are alright. He is going to  smile to you to make you feel better.
Vernon: Are you hurt?
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Dino: He is going to be a little angry with his hyun for hurt you. He knows that it wasn’t on purpose but he cares so much about you that he can’t think rationaly at this moment.
Dino: Hyung, you made her fall. What if you hurt her badly? You are older, why you can be more responsable?
(He is going to apologize to his hyung later because he is an angel and he is going to feel guilty for being harsh with them)
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welovekpopscenarios · 6 years
Friction Pt. 3 (Fallout!AU Woozi X Reader)
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Admin: Mimi
The truth is revealed.
Fandom: Seventeen
Genre: Angst, fluff
Pairing: Woozi x Reader
Warnings: Language, mentions of violence/death
Word Count: 5152
 - PART 1 -  - PART 2 -
It was funny how visiting Woozi everyday after work despite your apparent distaste for the mechanic became such a vital part of your day and one you refused to miss.
Well, Jeonghan, Scoups, Hoshi, Jackson (especially Jackson) and virtually everyone else who was privy to the ongoing bitter quarrels between yourself and Woozi found it downright hilarious, which of course meant the entire city obviously knew. And you could honestly say, you weren’t really amused.
Traversing through the clustered city to get to his workshop was full of knowing faces and smirks, the occasional holler from a close friend of his (particularly Hoshi and Seungkwan), and it left you with a face as hot as the torches on the walls and in a slight sour mood once you sat down next Woozi at his workbench and watched him idly tinker away at your rifle.
Not that Woozi noticed much of a shift in your behaviour – quite frankly he was used to your scowls and tight-lipped words. And despite his cheek and quick witted words that caused annoyance to wash over you, he never actually made any real attempt at getting you out of the workshop and away from him anymore.
There was something comforting in watching his slim fingers work their magic – repairing and taking apart, pulling and pushing, it was oddly mesmerising, and you spent more time watching with lidded eyes, resting your head on your arms and stuck in a daze of just Woozi. The man in question simply carried on with his work, his dark eyes occasionally flickering in your direction, lingering a bit too long when he thinks you aren’t looking, and replying when he needs to. He doesn’t ask about why the rifle is so important to you. You don’t tell him either.
And so, your days consist of idle conversation and comfortable silence with the mechanic, and once the strange peace of the workshop has to end and you return to your job at the Dugout Inn, it turns to dodging Jackson’s questions of when you’ll marry Woozi and helping Shownu throw out the occasional rowdy drunk waving his pistol around, all the while ignoring Jeonghan’s sly smirk at your flustered state when someone mentions how Woozi favours you more than half the people in this city.
You elect to ignore the disappointed feeling brewing in the pit of your stomach while you lie down on your squeaky bed when you think about how conversation with Woozi doesn’t really go anywhere. You lie to yourself that that’s a good thing. But the frown on your face says otherwise when you pop another saved cap into your stash, reminding yourself that this is only a business deal, and that once your rifle is finished you’ll be on your merry way fighting for your life in the wasteland and away from everyone in this city.
It’s roughly four and half weeks since you first came to Diamond City when Woozi decides to ask the dreaded question you’ve kept buried under the sand. You had the day off, awarded to you by Jeonghan and Scoups after taking a fist to the face by some old crone when you served her drink and she decided she didn’t like the look of you. With a smile of guilt, you were allowed to spend the day as you liked for your hassle, and it seemed like you would be spending the day in your ratty bed nursing a bruise on your face, muscles pulled taut with the scowl on your face and making the pain even worse. The hag was stronger than she looked.
Instead of subjecting yourself to lying miserably on your mattress, staring at the peeling wallpaper and faded wood, and listening to Jackson pull jokes every two seconds about your face, you grabbed your jacket and headed out to the one place you were guaranteed peace and quiet.
The day was dull – overcast and grey, and there were whispers around the people of a possible incoming radiation storm which had you sighing in annoyance. You’ll be cooped up inside for hours with a mask beside you until it clears.
Without even saying hello once you reached his workshop, you pulled up the familiar box you’ve labelled your ‘chair’ and took your usual place, rolling an empty shotgun shell found on his workbench between your fingers and eyeing your rifle, in two halves but looking considerably better than it was.
“Hello to you too,” Woozi mumbled, not straying his attention away from the barrel of your gun. You replied quietly, the shotgun shell clinking against the metal of the workbench as you fiddled with it. After a moment of silence, Woozi looked up in curiosity. “You’re unusually quie- wait, what happened to your face?” His brows furrowed, and he moved closer for inspection, wincing in sympathy at the markings on your cheek.
“I didn’t think I was that ugly, but thanks Woozi. Ever the charmer,” you said sarcastically, and he gave a light tap to your leg. You huffed out a laugh. “Some woman punched me last night. I was given the day off to ‘recover my health’.”
A noise of understanding slipped out of his mouth. He raised his hands slowly towards your face, but stopped himself short of touching you, instead looking at you at the last second when he remembered what he was doing, a question written on his face and his ears tinged pink. With your breath caught in the confines of your chest, you gave the smallest nod, and Woozi continued.
His fingers, the pads rough and calloused from years of work, travelled the lightest and gentlest of paths along your cheeks, turning your head to the side to get a better view of your injury. His touch was so hesitant you almost didn’t feel it, wouldn’t believe he was actually touching you had your eyes been closed, but there he was, mapping out the lines of your face with such care all you could do was stare and wonder if this was the same Woozi who would knock you flat on your ass for moving something in his shop.
With slight reluctance he removed his hands and moved quickly back into his previous position, hunched over your gun and imagining the last 20 seconds didn’t happen. He cleared his throat, and it was enough to knock you out of the trance he had locked you in, that the rapid beating of your hear had seized your muscles in shock.
“Doesn’t seem as bad as you think. It’ll be fine in a few days. Just put some of Seokjin’s cream he makes on it and you should be good.” His voice was stiff, as was his body, and it left a strange bitter taste on the tip of your tongue. You swallowed.
“Yeah, that’s what Hoshi said too,” you nodded, more interested in picking at your nails than looking at Woozi. You laughed lightly, attempting to lighten the dense atmosphere that blanketed over you at the strange intimacy that occurred. “He even offered to buy me some, seeing as I’m trying to save my caps to pay you for fixing my rifle. Says every little helps, or something like that. He’s a little fool, he shouldn’t be spending caps on me.” Your heart warmed at Hoshi’s bright smile and kind eyes. And his incessant need to bring up how great Woozi was in every conversation you’ve had.
Woozi fell quiet and didn’t answer you immediately, instead focusing on a particularly finicky screw in the gun, and had his tongue poking out of his pink lips in a comical display of concentration, and you looked on in mild interest at the bead of sweat rolling down his temple. As always, his face was lined with oil and dirt, and yet it became a staple look for him. To see him without the grease would seem strange, unusual. He really was dedicated to his work.
When ten minutes of silence passed, and you expected him to say nothing for the rest of your visit, he opened his mouth to speak, tilting his head slightly in your direction but not quite focusing his black eyes on you. He set the stock of your gun down carefully.
“Can I ask you something?”
“You just did,” you joked, but he didn’t laugh. He didn’t even roll his eyes.
“Why is this rifle so important to you?”
You heart walloped into the pit of your stomach, and you became so cold despite the lingering heat hiding in the air. The drop of your expression probably would have been funny to watch, but neither of you were laughing at anything. Woozi didn’t want to meet your eyes but he did, and his eyes implored you to tell the truth.
You suppose you should have seen this coming, your desperation for having such a basic rifle mended had most people in Diamond City questioning it’s worth - some speculated it belonged to a wealthy ghoul, others joked and said you won it in a fist fight against a super mutant and that you longed to keep the trophy. Both were wrong, but you never bothered to answer, too busy swallowing down the bile rising up your throat and focusing on keeping your hands steady when handing over drinks to the patrons of the bar. 
That still doesn’t prepare you for the one person you deem most worthy of hearing your horrible tale, doesn’t prepare you at all for his aloofness about the entire affair to dissipate and drag up that elephant’s proverbial carcass into his tiny workshop, making things seem so cramped and leaving you with a shortage of air in your chest. You stalled, coughed, did just about everything else, and left the room in silence as your mind raced. 
“Look, I normally wouldn’t push you, because that’s dickish and it clearly bothers you,” he murmured, head down turned, but every so often his eyes would flit upwards to meet yours. “But, I have to know- to understand - why you’re so hell bent on fixing this gun of yours. I’d rather we both be straight forward with each other.” He hesitated. “A-And Wonho said we should always get these things off our chest.“
It was clear that Woozi was looking for an answer, be it today or another day, and you honestly don’t blame him. You’ve eluded him about the topic for long enough, and were rather rude to him in any of his attempts at delving deeper beneath the surface, quick to push and throw him off the cliff of your problems. It wasn’t like you weren’t aware of it. Even Hoshi (not quite) subtly warned that your incessant defensive remarks were really rubbing Woozi the wrong way (in a much less playful way than they were), and that the man in question only wanted to know you for, well, you. And no one ever wanted to before.
It scared you.
It scared you to let people in close, when you’ve lived a life of pushing them away and caring only about the skin on your back and when your next meal would be. So for someone, especially someone like Woozi, to show even the slightest interest in knowing more about you, both dark and bright parts of you, it frightened you to the point where your fight or flight senses activated and waged war on your body instead of giving him a clear answer.
He tinkered away with your weapon, the rust and grime from years of use stained his gloves, and his face remained carefully blank. All you could hear was the tinkling of metal, the bustle of the main square, and the pounding of your heart in your fragile chest. But after moments of seemingly deafening silence apart from the echo of the moving world, your lips parted, mouth as dry as the barren trees in the wasteland.
“It was my dad’s.”
Slowly, his fingers stopped their movements, and he simply sat there. You watched with idle interest the way his chest moved as he breathed, even and steady, sturdy despite his small frame, anything to distract you and keep you rooted to the spot. Your feet itched to sprint from the scene and never return. You almost made good on that feeling.
He never lifted his head from your weapon, and anyone passing by could have mistaken him for one of those statues you remember seeing in some fancy pre-war household that was much too luxurious for your blood. He said not a word, made no judgement, but you felt the need to elaborate regardless, nerves eating away at your skin.
“He, uhm, he was- we were…I mean, there was these bandits, and they…well I, uhm, he-”
“Take a deep breath. You don’t have to rush.” His words rushed over you like a smooth wave, his baritone voices sending your anxiety away bit by bit, much like a stream on a spring afternoon - not forceful but firm, strong. His words sounded much like an exit, a metaphorical ‘Come Back Tomorrow!” sign flashing in your head, warning you that this was your chance to run, but once you started you couldn’t (wouldn’t) stop. So, you followed his instructions.
“It was always just my dad and I,” you began, shaking fingers twiddling with the frayed ends of your sleeves. It irked you slightly that Woozi still had not looked in your direction. “My mom died when I was little, so I don’t really remember her. But my dad raised me, and we’ve been on the move all my life. We went from DC to the Commonwealth, all over the area. We had each others back.
“But one night, a year or two ago, the office building we were hold up in filled up with bandits while we were sleeping. My dad woke me and told me we needed to get out of there fast. I was trying to gather up my stuff as fast as possible, but I wasn’t fast enough. Dad-” your throat closed up at the memory, but you forced yourself to keep going. 
“Dad just promised he’d be right behind me, and told me to sneak out of the windows as quickly as I could. I waited in a nearby building for hours until I saw all the bandits clear out, and waited a few more for the dad to come out and tell me everything was alright. He…never came. I went back into the office building to look for him but he was already…I grabbed his rifle and his bag and I never went back.”
It was strange, how recalling a story that made you cry for months on end at just a single thought of it to someone who is virtually a stranger, someone who loves to antagonise you just for a laugh, could make that dead weight hiding in the pit of your gut ease up, even in just the slightest, for a moment, and you relished in the feeling of breathing without restriction. 
There was a pregnant silence in the wake of this revelation, and you took the time to reign in your emotions and recollect your thoughts. You awaited judgement. You waited for a snide remark on how you acted like a stupid child, how you should have done things differently. Woozi broke the silence.
“When I was 15 my mom died trying to save me from a bunch of ghouls, and I’ve been blaming myself ever since.”
You really did not expect this to ever leave his lips, a similar tale of heartbreak to your own that made you realise you were more kindred spirits than you were initially willing to admit. Before you could kickstart your brain and say something, he continued. 
“We were in one of those underground tunnels looking for a place to stay away from the raiders and super mutants and whatever else kind of shit is out there. We were used to moving from place to place, so we figured we could handle the tunnels despite everyone telling us how dumb that idea was when the underground is infested with those freaks. And it worked, but I was the one to fuck up everything.”
His voice broke towards the end, and with it so did your heart. The lines on his face seemed more weary, more tragic than you thought they ever could, and your heart clenched at the familiarity of this kind of situation. You knew what was coming next.
“I was bored and started snooping around the tunnels like the idiot I am, knowing that there were ghouls everywhere. I knocked over a box in one of the booths and then suddenly they all came swarming towards us because of the sound. My mom- she grabbed my hand and we ran but…there was too many.” He grimaced bitterly. “She tried taking them all on her own. She told me to run and not look back. So I did. I ran, and ran, and ran, until I wound up here. And I’ve never gone back since.”
He looked up, then, and looked steadfast into your eyes. Beneath the sorrow swimming in his dark eyes, even further beneath the self-loathing, there was acceptance. There was strength.
“I know you might blame yourself for what happened to your dad. Trust me, I do. But what I’ve come to learn is that, parents, they’d do anything to keep their kids safe. So while everything that happened is awful, and you feel like shit, your dad wanted you to keep living for a reason,” his jaw clenched, and your eyes began to burn. “So don’t get lost in the past, like I was. Keep your head up, and keep walking forward.”
You stared on in awe, stomach churning and heart heavy. But at the back of your mind, you knew there was some truth to his words. He blames himself for the loss of his mother so badly, but he’s still carrying on, living life as it comes. And for that, you think he might be one of the bravest people you’ve ever met.
Your hand - shaking like a leaf in the wind - moved itself over his own resting atop the workbench, and squeezed. His eyes followed the movement, wide with wonder, and the lightest of blushes dusting his cheeks as his eyebrows slowly inched their way to his hairline. 
You smiled - small and fragile, barely there but a smile nonetheless. “I’m sorry for everything, Woozi,” you whispered. His dark eyes flickered back to yours. “But, thank you. So much. I didn’t realise I needed to hear that until it was said. You are…you’re very brave, and I don’t think you give yourself enough credit for that.”
He shrugged awkwardly, coughed it off, up-righted himself and refocused on your father’s weapon, but still never moved his hand from beneath yours. The fingers twitched every few seconds, as if itching to hold yours but choosing to stay back. In the end, you made the decision for him on a whim, hoping he would not object, and maneuvered your hands so that you both held onto each other tightly. He made no objection.
“Again, thank you Woozi-”
“It’s Jihoon.”
You almost missed what he had said, the words uttered so silently that they would have floated away with the breeze to be long forgotten, but the rising blush heating his face told you otherwise. You smiled wider, more genuine this time, and when Wo-Jihoon, returned your gaze, his own special sort of smile crept onto his dirtied face, and his eyes crinkled in such away that made your stomach somersault faster than when you fell down a ravine in your younger years.
“Jihoon,” you murmured, testing the name on your tongue with heated cheeks. Jihoon looked shy, but pleased. 
“I like that name.”
If anyone noticed the slight (more like drastic) change in attitudes both Woozi and yourself now had towards each other in the weeks following your conversation, no one, thankfully and surprisingly, decided to comment on it, even if you could see Hoshi itching to say whatever was on the tip of his tongue when he saw the both of you acting amicably with each other. 
Even Jeonghan, who tried to subtly worm information out of you about Woozi’s sudden behaviour change and was met with elusive answers, backed off rather quickly after observing the mechanic and yourself quite extensively, making up some sort of resolution in his mind. What that was, you weren’t sure, and if that ever familiar, all-knowing smile on his face meant anything in particular, you really didn’t want to find out.
Conversation flowed more easily with Woozi now, yet you were still hesitant to say his name out loud, feeling that simple 6 letter name too intimate to whisper in a dingy workshop. But your daily trips no longer consisted of just check ups on your rifle and comfortable silence. Sure, the comfortable silence was nice after dealing with lunatics in the Dugout, at least 50% of them trying to kill you, the usual stuff, but now it became questions about what he likes, your opinions on a project he’s working on, reminiscing on old memories, talks of future ones, and it was...well it was better than you hoped. 
You couldn’t pinpoint the moment when his bitter comments stopped feeling exactly what they were - bitter. Instead, they were even funny, a ploy to get a rise out of you and you enjoyed giving it right back to him, a sense of satisfaction spreading through all of your bones at his small smile, suppressing a grin you know would light his face up brighter than the sun, and it became your personal mission to get it to bloom on his oil stained face.
“You ok there?”
You turned your head to the left, attention diverted from drying the glass in your hand. Jackson sat on the counter, counting the caps earned from last night in the deposit box. He smiled when your eyes met his own, fingers twirling a Nuka-Cola cap idly between his slender fingers. It reminded you, oddly, of how Woozi would fidget with the random bolts on his counter top out of frustration. 
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” you countered. Jackson laughed and pointed to the glass in your hands.
“Well, you’ve been twisting your hand around in that glass with the cloth for about 5 minutes straight, staring at literally nothing and smiling weirdly. So excuse me if I assume you’ve been bitten by a bloatfly.”
Your face heats up, rushing to put the glass on the shelf and start drying a new one. He laughs some more, returning to the caps in his hands. 
“Is it because of him?” he asks, and you play dumb.
“Because of who?” you reply airily, hearing Jackson tut quietly.
“Mr Mechanic, of course.” You scoff in response, and he rolls his eyes. “What else could that smile mean?”
“I was...farting,” you reply lamely, and it sends Jackson into a fit of laughter, your own joining his after a moment of reflection on how stupid that answer was. 
“Charming,” he giggles, and would’ve said more had the door not burst open, waking a sleeping Shownu who rested in a chair next to it. 
“Where’s my favourite person in the world?” a voice called, and it brought that smile back to your face. Hoshi appeared in your line of sight, a grand entrance to an otherwise empty lounge.
“I’m right here, darling,” Jackson sang, and Hoshi visibly cringed while Jackson chuckled.
“I meant my second favourite person, of course,” he sheepishly said.
“I believe that would be me, what can I help you with?” you smiled. He grinned in response, his beautiful eyes disappearing with his happy expression. 
“I am delighted to announce that your rifle is all patched up and ready to go!”
The glass nearly slipped from your grasp, shock etched into your expression as you stared at him. It was finished? So you wouldn’t have to see Woozi anymore? The thought left an unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
“It’s done? B-but...I don’t have the 500 yet, I still have a bit to go.”
Hoshi shook his head, reaching forward to direct you around the bar and towards the door.
“It’ll be fine, don’t worry! I promise you, it will work out.” You should have been more suspicious of the shit-eating grin plastered on his bubbly face, but with how distracted you were with the strange disappointment of not having a reason to see Woozi anymore, you failed to notice that Hoshi seemed to have some plan in motion. 
“But I have to help at the bar-”
“Don’t worry about it, kid! I’m sure Hoshi will be happy to help me clean the Inn, isn’t that right?” Jackson beamed. Hoshi chuckled halfheartedly, still ushering you out of the pub.
“Yeah, I sure will Jackson,” he murmured, and with one final shove, he forced you out of the door, Shownu closing it with a light smile and a faint cry of ‘good luck!’ from Hoshi muffled by the steel. 
You stared dumbfounded at the red door, but with no other option (seeing as you had just been temporarily barred from the place you live), you headed to Woozi’s workshop, the inevitable meeting, running through each possible outcome in your head as you walked through the city.
That same old sign came into view as you rounded the corner of Jin’s Office, and subconsciously your steps slowed as dread filled your system. It wasn’t like before, when you and Woozi would share childish insults that left you irked at even hearing his name. It wasn’t like that. It was similar to the dread of having to give up something precious to you, something you weren’t yet ready to let go. And that thought scared you, because when had Jihoon become that something special? That precious thing you wanted to latch onto, like you did with your rifle?
“Ah, there you are.”
You hadn’t even noticed you had reached the entrance to his shop, staring numbly back at him as he gazed at you with something akin to nervousness, though it left you wondering what for exactly. 
“You called?”
He nodded, stood and turned, picking up something wrapped up in a ragged cloth and presenting it to you so carefully. Unfolding the cloth led you to your rifle, looking as perfect as the day you had it before it was destroyed, before it was torn to pieces to be put back together again, and it took your breath away. 
You really shouldn’t have doubted him as you had in the beginning. You should have believed everyone when they said Woozi could make the unimaginable happen, because he truly, truly did. In more ways than you could admit. Your chest tightened with emotion the longer you looked at it, but it wasn’t until Woozi cleared his throat awkwardly were you knocked out of your reverie with eyes watery and shaking hands. 
His gaze was fleeting, much too hesitant to linger on the strong emotion on your face but not harsh to completely disregard your state, so he simply grabbed one of your hands, so gently, and rested the rifle in your grip, curling your fingers around the neck with his own. It almost felt foreign, out of your hands for so long that the weight of it was almost unrecognisable, but it slotted into your palms so easily it couldn’t be anything but your father’s rifle.
“I-I...Woozi, I...I just..” you were at a loss for words, and he looked like he didn’t expect you to say any, settling for a small smile that made your heart clench and your stomach twist pleasantly. With a deep breath, you placed your weapon gently on the table, nodded your head lightly, and faced Woozi. 
Before he could question your behaviour, you reached out and hugged him, holding his small frame close to yours, hugging so tightly you could hear him struggling to get a word out, yet you hugged him with everything you could, hoping to convey your gratitude as best you could.
“Thank you. So, so much, Jihoon. I just...thank you so much,” you whispered into the crook of his neck, and idly wondered if that was Woozi shivering or if your body was trying its best to keep the sobs at bay. Hesitantly, and with a touch as light as a feather, his arms wrapped around your body, and the warmth that came with it surprised you. It was unexpected, how comforting it was in this position with a man you would’ve spat at a mere few weeks ago, and yet here you are, finding more safety in his touch than with anything in your life since your father died. 
With great reluctance, you pulled back, wiped embarrassingly at the tears gathering in the corners of your eyes while Woozi stood in a slightly shocked silence, fiddling with the edges of his shirt. It was then that you remembered your payment.
“Oh, uhm, I don’t have the 500 caps yet. I’m really sorry, I’m saving as much as I can, but I still have a bit until I reach the full lot, so I’ll understand if you want to hang onto the gun until I have your money-”
“Just pay me 200.”
Your rambling stopped, staring wide eyed at Woozi, who stood with cheeks dusted a rosy hue and a shy, minuscule smile on his visage. He looked like he was working up the courage to say something, chest heaving with each breath and lips parting only to close a second later, the odd sound leaving them in mumbles and frustrated tuts. He closed his eyes momentarily, inhaled, exhaled, opened his eyes, and spoke.
“You don’t owe me 500. With the work I’ve done on it, just 200 will do. You don’t have to save for anything anymore,” he explained. He paused, tongue peeking out to wet his lips, and with a darker blush spreading across his cheeks, he continued. “If you want to pay me more, you...you could go for a drink with me at the Inn, if you want.”
Your brows inched their way up your forehead, and yet, happiness and glee replaced the dread in the pit of your gut. You could feel your lips spreading into a large, bashful smile, and you didn’t care. The look on Woozi’s face was sending you to cloud nine faster than a blow from a Deathclaw ever could, timid but with hope swimming in his dark eyes. 
“A drink at the Inn?” you repeated. You smiled, nodded, and Woozi deflated with relief, not quite suppressing the grin growing on his hardened face. 
“That sounds great, Jihoon.”
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svtmatokis · 6 years
I..am back! I AM SO SORRY GUYS T-T I’ve been so busy with job transitions that it’s been my main focus but I’m all settled in now and ready to get writing again! I’m still taking requests though I do have a few stories in the hole right now that should be done this week. Thank you all that have read my stories and thank you to any new followers. ^_^
Here’s a really quick Wonwoo drabble that I’ve been working on for the last little bit ^_^ 
Dedicated to @springpinwheel who needs some cheering on as she finishes her exams this week!
Prompt:  You're the younger sister of one of the older members and you visit one of their fan meets, and Wonwoo is like holy shiz who is that girl, but he has no idea you're related to one of the members.
Pairing: Wonwoo x You
Words: 5915
SC: Y/N!!! Where are you!?! The meet and greet starts in five minutes~!
Y/N: Calm down.. I’m hiding in the crowd…. Explain to me why I’m here again?
SC: Cause I’m the best older brother in the world?
Y/N: Yea……….guess again…
SC: I’ll tell your bias that you have a crush on him. Now stand up and yell “SCOUPS OPPA I LOVE YOU!!! YOU’RE THE GREATEST!” so I know you’re here kekeke
You scoffed as you read the text from your older brother. You knew you shouldn’t have told him about your crush on a certain member of his but it had slipped on a night that you two had met up for a late supper after he was done practice.
“And it’s so stupid cause all the girls in our hometown won’t stop asking me about you and if I’ve ever met your members” you said half shoving a piece of meat into your mouth.
“Well it’s why you moved to Seoul right? To get away from my crazy fan girls?” He asked grinning at you.
Seungcheol had finished practice late that night and the two of you had made plans to have dinner but because of the time, you ended up at a roadside stand with a bottle of soju between the the of you and a lot of meat.
“That and because mom was driving me crazy at home” you said taking a shot. “Ah, your Oppas doing this, he’s doing that. He’s going to this place. Why can’t you be more like your brother?” You mimicked your moms voice as Seungcheol cracked up. You had her voice spot on.
He loved having moments like this with you. The two of you were only a year and a half apart, him being born in August and you being born in February so you guys were a lot closer than you two let on. He would vent to you about all the hardships he went through as a trainee and now as a big time idol and you would vent to him about the tough relationship you had with your mom and just life in general.
You two were each others biggest support systems and that’s why Seungcheol worked so hard to keep you a secret. The only members who had met you were Jeonghan and Joshua when the three of them came home to Daegu to visit, but other than that, the other members are only knew that he had a sister but had no idea what she looked like.
“Dad’s been good though right?” Seungcheol asked knowing you were daddy’s little girl.
“Oh yea, dads been great and his referral for that internship at the publishing house is helping a lot too.” You said taking your third shot, you were starting to feel the alcohol but it was only with Seungcheol that you were able to drink so freely.
Seungcheol nodded his head taking a shot himself. “That’s good. So that means you can hook Wonwoo up with some books then right?” He asked grinning but it fell when he noticed the slight blush on your cheeks.
Jeon Wonwoo. You knew of all the members and Jeon Wonwoo was someone Seungcheol would talk about a lot. You didn’t know much about him, but knew that he was a big reader. Almost as big as you were. He was the quiet type but when he rapped, he was like another person. Oh and don’t forget that deep voice of his, you could listen to that voice for days and never get tired of it. Yep, if you had to choose your bias in Seventeen, it was definitely Wonwoo.
“Y/N, who’s your bias in Seventeen?” Seungcheol asked out of the blue causing you to look at him, your cheeks flushed. Unsure if it was from the alcohol or your brother bringing up Wonwoo.
When you refused to answer, he nodded his head. He knew you well.
“It’s Wonwoo isn’t it.” He stated taking another shot. When you refused to answer, he poured you another shot making you drink. “Y/N, we’re close right? You know you can tell me anything. Even about...boys…?”
You nodded your head, it was true. You and Seungcheol told each other about everything including when either of you were having girl/boy problems. Neither of you judged the others taste and in your opinion, you were a great wingwoman.
“Soo…” Seungcheol urged and you let out a sigh, pouring yourself another shot, the alcohol slowly kicking in.
“Wonwoo’s my bias.” You stated and that was all you were going to admit, or so you thought.
“Is he ONLY your bias? Or does my little sister have a crush?” He teased grinning causing you to glare and throw a slap at him but because of your inebriated state, missed making Seungcheol howl. “Is that why whenever you’re at our fan meets, you’re always wearing that black cap?! So he won’t see your face?!”
“You, my dear little sister, likes the introvert of Seventeen.” He laughed, “I knew you were weird when you were born.”
You slammed your cup down as you stood up, ”So what? Didn’t you say Jihoon’s pretty much an introvert too? So what if I like the quiet type, I think they’re the most mysterious.. That’s what Wonwoo is. Mysterious.” You said before realizing what rubbish came out of your mouth and soon Seungcheol was bent over on the ground, clutching his stomach in pain from the laughter.
“Stop laughing.” You whined holding your head in your heads, “And get off the cement! What if someone sees you!?” You said going around the table to help him up.
“I. Cannot. Believe. Of. All. The. Members.” Seungcheol took a huge breath as he continued to laugh, “You. Fell. For. It’s. Jeon!!! Freaking Jeon!!” He stood up with the help of you and the table.
Once he was more composed, he smiled drunkenly, “I was expecting it to be Joshua since the two of you hit it off so well the last time we all met up. But Jeon Wonwoo!! Of all damn people!” He started cracking up again as you shook your head, regretting ever having told him.
(End of flashback)
Knowing he wasn’t joking, you pulled your black cap tighter against your head before standing on the chair.
“S COUPS OPPA!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! YOU’RE THE GREATEST!!” You yelled as cheers of agreement surrounded you. A staff member came over, motioning for you to sit down in your seat before you looked up at Seungcheol who was grinning madly at you. “I hate you” you mouthed to him as he made a heart gesture with your fingers.
Joshua turned towards the sound of the voice and held back a laugh the moment he noticed that you were the one who yelled out though letting out a chuckle instead which caught Wonwoo’s attention.
Joshua told Jeonghan who had screamed which made Jeonghan to burst out in laughter.
“I wonder what he threatened her with now.” Jeonghan said to Joshua as the two laughed together.
Wonwoo leaned over to Jeonghan, his curiosity peaking, “You know her?” he motioned to you in the crowd.
Jeonghan nodded his head, “Yea, she’s a fan that’s been to all our fan meets since day 1. She always brings the best gifts” He explained happily which wasn’t a lie, you were at every fan meet, just more often than not, you would wait till the end and you and Seungcheol would go out for dinner. It was tradition.
Wonwoo nodded his head, “Ah...that’s why she looked familiar…” he said. Now he remembered you, you were the girl with the book tattoo on your wrist.
He never had a good look at your face though since you wore a black cap half the time but whenever you would come up to him, you would greet him warmly and talk the longest with him before you moved on to the other members. He noticed all the little things, he also noticed you would stick around till the end of the fan meets but would mysteriously disappear after the boys were off the stage.
He made it a point to watch you for the remainder of the event. You sat in your seat, often on the phone though you wouldn’t talk to the other fans. You were more to yourself, the black cap hiding half your face.
When the fan meet actually started, he saw how you waited till the end as the other fans went first. He smiled and greeted each of the fans but would still keep a small eye on you. He couldn’t explain why his curiosity was hitting him so hard, but he had this hunch that you weren’t just some random fan and he wanted to ask you about your tattoos.
Throughout the fanmeet, you were texting Seungcheol.. The one text that caught your eye particularly was one he sent towards the fanmeet.
SC: Don’t look now, someone’s watching you ;)
You looked up from your spot and looked at the boys table. Jeonghan and Joshua smiled waving at you but next to them, Wonwoo was just straight staring at you, causing you to blush immediately and look away.
SC: Are you coming up yet? The last of the fans are coming….I have a surprise for you later so stay till the end.
Finally, it was your turn to go up and meet the boys. Your first stop being Seungcheol.
“Oh! Were you the fan who screamed earlier?” Seungcheol asked with fake enthusiasm, “I didn’t know you were such a big fan. You’re at all our fan meets right?”
Playing along you nodded your head enthusiastically but said in a monotone one you were sure no one was next to you.
“Yes, SCoups oppa is my favourite Oppa.”
Seungcheol chuckled before you handed him the gift you brought him, aka your famous chocolate chip cookies before he slid you a pass and a note making your eyes widen. No freaking way.
Feel like meeting my members today?
“I hope we can meet again” he said waving and smiling cheerfully as you inwardly rolled your eyes but smiled nodding.
The slipping of the backstage pass did not go unnoticed by Wonwoo as you moved down the line to the other members. He, Jeonghan and Joshua waited patiently since you were the last fan left.
His full attention was on you the moment you were at Jeonghan.
“Ah, Y/N” he heard Jeonghan say, “It’s been a while.”
You smiled at Jeonghan as he signed your CD. “It has. Though I was at your fanmeet in Daegu a few weeks ago…”
“That’s right... you were and the gift you brought was delicious.” He said smiling angelically.
“Well..” you said handing him a bag, “I hope you enjoy them again then!” You said smiling. Once you said your goodbyes, you moved on to Joshua who you normally talked to everyday. Almost as much as you did with Seungcheol.
You and Joshua had instantly clicked the moment you met, both being anime freaks and complete dorks which was probably why Seungcheol had assumed that Joshua was your bias/crush. Though you two had established a best friend relationship almost instantaneously.
”Hey Y/N, did you bring cookies for me too?” Joshua asked smiling as you handed him a bag.
“Yah, why is his bag bigger? Do you like him better?” Jeonghan asked as you laughed.
Wonwoo watched your interaction with Joshua and Jeonghan and realized that you might be a bit closer to them then you let on. You were okay being informal with them and as you were leaving Joshua you caught the tail end of the conversation.
“I’ll text you about the latest chapter later.” Joshua said after signing your CD.
“Sounds good.” You said casually before moving to Wonwoo.
“Anneyong!” You said waving enthusiastically at Wonwoo, you swore you heard Seungcheol somewhere down the line choke back a laugh.
“Ah, annyeong” he greeted in his deep voice. “How you been well?” He asked as you handed him your CD.  
You nodded your head as the two of you spoke briefly about books you’ve read recently before he asked about your tattoo.
“Oh,”  you looked at the three book tattoos on your wrist with various titles. “It’s just the titles of my favorite series that holds a deep meaning.” you smiled. “It was nice seeing you Oppa.”
You walked off towards the staff, showing them your pass and waited with them until the boys wrapped up the fan meet.
Once off the stage, Seungcheol ran towards you waving before engulfing you in a huge hug and spinning you around. Raising many questions from the other members, specially Wonwoo who couldn’t help but feel a little bit of jealousy bubble inside of him. He knew he didn’t have any reason to but there was something about you that he liked and seeing Seungcheol’s arms around your small frame made his heart drop though hearing the words that left your mouth made him and the other boys laugh.
“Put me down you sweaty fool.” you said struggling to get out of his grip and looked to Joshua and Jeonghan who stood the closest to you.
“Put her down Hyung, the kids are watching.” Jeonghan said patting the leaders arm. “You’re making them question things. They don’t know her remember?”
At that statement Seungcheol froze before putting you down and grinned at his members.
“Hyung….is there something you want to tell us? Or someone you want to introduce us to?” Jihoon asked looking at you with a skeptical look.
“Ah...that’s right..” Seungcheol said rubbing the back of his neck chuckling slightly as all eyes were on him. You had safely put yourself between Jeonghan and Joshua, a slight blush on your cheeks since Wonwoo was literally behind you.
“Guys, this is Y/N….” he paused as everyone waited to hear who you were, some thinking you were his girlfriend, others thinking you were something more, a few thinking that you two were siblings. “My little sister.”
You heard a sigh of relief come from behind you but thought nothing of it as you greeted the members with a wave.
“Hi, sorry you’ve had to put up with my brother so long.” you said which got you chuckles from around the group.
“I know we have a tradition, but what do you say about coming to eat with the members today?” Seungcheol asked.
You thought for a few moments before nodding your head, “Sure, lets go.”
The place the boys chose was fairly close to the venue so instead of taking the car, everyone decided to walk.
All the members had surrounded you, all wanting to get to know their leaders infamous sister that only the 95’ line had met.
“Are you really Hyung’s younger sister? You act so much more mature than he does.” Mingyu said causing you to giggle and Seungcheol to glare.
“Yep, related through blood, sweat and tears.” You said nodding, “Thank goodness we don’t share a brain” you shot a smirk at Seungcheol.
Wonwoo watched as you interacted with all the other members and liked how they had taken an instant liking to you. He noticed that though you were surrounded, you managed to hold yourself well. It must have been a trait that you and Seungcheol shared since he saw that trait from him.
“What do you do for work?” Dino asked, your answer catching Wonwoos attention.
“I work as an editors assistant at a publishing house” You said side eyeing the book lover of Seventeen who had slowed his pace.
“Oh really? That’s cool! So you guy to see pre-leases of books then right?” Seungkwan asked.
You nodded your head, “Something like that, I’m actually in charge of the book launch events so whenever a new book gets released, I plan when and where it’s going to be or wherever the author desires.”
“Yea, it’s cool cause she gets to take me” Seungcheol said as they entered the restaurant, him purposely putting you next to Wonwoo though on your other side sat Joshua.
As everyone conversed amongst themselves, Wonwoo hesitated if he should say something to you or not. You were having a pretty animated conversation with Joshua about some anime the two of you had watched and he didn’t want to interrupt. That and he was feeling extremely shy around you.
His prayers were answered when you turned to him.
“What do you think Wonwoo-shi?” you asked catching him off guard since he wasn’t even paying attention to the conversation and was surprised that you actually spoke to him since you haven’t said anything to him since the fan meet which made him think that you didn’t like him but in reality, you too were extremely shy to talk to your bias/ crush.
“Sorry?” he asked and facepalmed realizing how stupid that made him sound.
Joshua looked at him and gave him an empathetic look, deciding to help his member out.
“She said that mangas are like picture books for adults though I can’t agree with that since I consider manga an escape where you can just shut your brain off-”
“Shut your brain off? Really Joshua Hong? Shut your brain off? Is your brain even on for saying that?” You asked giving Joshua an incredulous before looking at Wonwoo, “Tell this non-novel reader here that-“
“Non-novel reader? Excuse you? Who actually READS the pre-releases that you give your brother huh? ” Joshua interrupted but you cut him off again.
“Sorry tell this sometime-novel reader that the only way you can actually shut your brain off is when you immerse yourself in a good book, where you can visualize your setting and characters…” you said starting to get dreamy eyed in which Wonwoo and Joshua both noticed.
“Well I’ve lost her to her land of books” Joshua said which made you stop once you picked up on what he was doing. “Maybe…” he gave you a sly glance, “You can tell Wonwoo about that book launch that you’re planning on inviting us to.” He then turned his whole body to drop in on the conversation Vernon, Mingyu and Seungcheol were having.
You silently cursed the cat-eyed boy before turning to face Wonwoo who was looking at you with curiosity.
“You’re inviting the members to a book launch?” He asked casually though the curiosity was killing him on the inside. He had always wanted to go to a book launch but the opportunity never presented itself but knowing that you worked at a publishing house, the opportunity may have just arrived.
“I was going to invite the 95’ line..” you said hesitantly ‘and you’  you added silently, “Seungcheols been to a few but he gets bored easily. Only goes to socialize with the people he knows and have the food. He doesn’t exactly talk to people about the book itself. I figured if I invited a few more people, he won’t be so opposed to discussing the book though he’s never read them.” You explained.
Wonwoo nodded his head slowly but was disheartened to hear that you were only inviting the 95’ line but his spirits were automatically lifted again when he heard,
“The guys told me that you were into reading...would you maybe be interested in pre-reading the book and coming to the launch?”
His head whipped so fast that you were sure that he got whiplash but couldn’t help but smile at the look on his face.
“R-really? Pre-read a book and attend the launch?” He asked just in case he had heard wrong as you nodded your head.
“I know Joshua will read the book regardless if he’s interested or not, knowing Jeonghan he wont read it just like Seungcheol and I only get three pre-release copies so I don’t see a point in giving it to people who won’t read it.” You explained. It was the truth, every book you gave to Seungcheol, you were 99% sure that they ended up on Wonwoo’s bookshelf and because you knew Wonwoo had too many books to count, he probably didn’t realize he had a few new additions.
“You should really check your bookshelf in the dorm to see if there are any titles you don’t recognize. I wouldn’t be surprised if he just put them on your bookshelf for you to find.” You mentioned.
Wonwoo chuckled, “That explains why I have less space on my shelf. I bought some new books a few days ago and couldn’t put them all away.”
You giggled which Wonwoo found really cute, “Oh really? What were they?” You asked putting a piece of hair behind your ear turning your attention to him and soon any awkwardness, if any at all between you two diminished as the both of you got lost in a conversation about several titles he bought not seeing the knowing looks Seungcheol, Joshua and Jeonghan threw at each other.
After dinner, everyone stood in front of the restaurant, you saying goodbye to the boys since your apartment was in the opposite direction of the restaurant.
“Are you’re okay going home alone?” Seungcheol asked putting a hand on your shoulder, “It slipped my mind that this place was in the complete opposite direction.” He looked at you apologetically.
He would’ve walked you home himself but he and the unit leaders had a meeting to discuss the next comeback with the other producers and Joshua and Jeonghan had another schedule or else they would’ve done it as well.
You nodded your head while shrugging your shoulders, “I’ll be fine. What’s the worse that could happen?” You put your hood up as you turned to the group with a big smile on your face.
“It was nice to finally meet you all. I hope we can all see each other again soon!” You said before each of the boys came to hug you one by one, under Seungcheol’s watch of course.
“Bye Noona! Remember, you promised Ice cream!!” Seokmin said as you walked away making you laugh.
“You promised me ice cream too!” Chan and Seungkwan added.
“And you have to teach me how to make your chocolate chip cookies!” Mingyu yelled as you got farther away.
You laughed and yelled back, “Get my brother to buy your ice cream and I’ll pay him back! And we’ll set a date for the cookies Mingyu!” You turned around and started the trek to your apartment as you heard the maknae line cheer at the mention of ice cream on their leader but didn’t see the glare that Seungcheol threw at your back.
As you walked near the river you facepalmed. You still had one more gift to give.
‘Oh well’ You thought to yourself, ‘I’ll give it to him next time…’
“Did you seriously just smack yourself in the face?” A voice behind you asked making you jump and whip around to see who it could have been. You were surprised yet relieved to see who it was.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, a slight blush making its way to your face as you attempted hide it with your hat.
Wonwoo shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, “Hyung asked me to walk with you,” He paused before changing his words, “Well he asked me to follow you but when you stopped I thought something was wrong so walked faster to see you smack yourself in the face so instead of looking like a stalker to everyone, I figured it’d be better to make my presence known.”
“Well thank god it was you..” you muttered to yourself but Wonwoo had heard.
“What was that?” He asked not sure if he had heard right though he hoped he had.
Deciding to just go with it instead of debating with yourself, you looked down at the bag in your hands before slowly holding it up.
“I’m glad it was you who came and not one of the other members.” you took a breath, “I wanted to give you this at the fan meet but I forgot. Well I didn’t forget, it slipped my mind when you asked me about my tattoos but here.”  You handed him the bag which he took, your hands brushing slightly, causing  you both to feel the electricity shoot up your arms making you blush harder and Wonwoo to blush slightly as he cleared his throat.
”Ah...thank you” He said, a small smile making its way to his face.
During the fan meet, before he had known you were Seungcheol’s sister, it was clear that you had only brought gifts for the 95’ line which initially made him think that you biased that line but after the event, it was clear that the three of you had met before.
He opened the bag and what he found inside made his jaw drop and his face held a look of awe.
“How did you know?” He asked, “Better yet, how did you get these?”
Inside the bag were autographed hardcover cover copies of the series you had tattooed on your arm which was also his favourite series along with a large tin of chocolate chip cookies.
“The author was in town and our publishing house received a copy that was raffled off at our last company party and I was the one who won them. I heard from my brother that the copies you had were getting worn out and I have my own autographed copies when I went to her book launches so I thought I’d gift them to you at the next fan meet.” you smiled, “Take care of them.”
Wonwoo looked down at the books and backup at you, a smile permanently on his face.
“Do you...maybe want to go for a quick coffee? Because the titles are tattooed on your arm, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the series.” Wonwoo said not knowing where the confidence in him came from.
You two went for coffee that evening and both had a really great time talking about your job and the books that you’ve both read, finding that you had common interest in the same genre.
(A month later)
“What’s going on between you and Wonwoo?” Seungcheol asked casually from the bar stool in your kitchen.
Today was the day you were teaching Mingyu how to make your chocolate chip cookies and because the boys had a free day. Seungcheol decided to tag along, one reason being because your cookies were the best fresh out of the oven and also because he wanted to ask you about a certain member of his.
“What do you mean?” you asked as you watched Mingyu measure out the ingredients. “You want to add slightly less sugar because a lot of the sweetness comes from the chocolate chips.” you explained to Mingyu who took out more sugar.
“Don’t you what do you mean me.  I know you’re the one texting him when we have our breaks. He barely looks away from his phone when he isn’t reading and he’s barely at our dorm anymore. Right Mingyu?” Seungcheol looked at the taller one asking him for help.
“He has a point.” Mingyu said as he watched the mixer. He was too focused on learning how to make your cookies. That’s how good they were, “Where has Hyung been?”
“I’m surprised he isn’t here right now.” Seungcheol said.
As if on cue, the electronic lock on your door beeped meaning someone had entered the code and was coming in and to Seungcheols surprise, It was Wonwoo carrying coffee and his backpack which was probably full of the books you lent him,
Seungcheol looked at you with disbelief.
“He knows the key code to your house too?!” he asked both him and Mingyu looking at you with incredulous looks. Now this was definitely new.
You shrugged your shoulders as if it were no big deal.
Whenever Wonwoo had breaks, he would give you a call to see what you were doing and more often than not, the two of you would either hang out at the book store or go for a meal with one another. Sometimes you would visit the members at the Pledis building and hang out with them during their practice breaks.
After practice, Wonwoo had developed a habit of calling you to see what you were doing and a lot of the times, the two of you would end up on your couch watching movies or talking about literature over some hot chocolate until the wee hours in the morning though you both knew you had to be at your respective jobs in the morning.
Most of the time, if not all the time, you would be the first to doze off during the conversation which Wonwoo found extremely adorable and would carry you into your bedroom before tucking you in before taking his leave, always writing you a note normally of a quote of a mutual book you both read.
The first time it happened, Wonwoo realized he didn’t have the code to your door to lock it and had to wake you up which proved to be a harder task than waking up Seungcheol he found so that was the first night he found himself asleep on the couch with the blankets and pillows that smelled like you making it one of the best sleeps he had in a while despite the ache he had in his back from the couch. Thus, you gave him the code to your door so he could leave as he pleased.
The status of your relationship was never brought up between you two and you were okay with that.  You enjoyed one another's company and that was all that mattered. Wonwoo was someone you could talk to about the things you couldn’t talk to with the others. Not because you felt like you couldn’t talk to anyone, you just felt that Wonwoo understood certain situations more than the others.
After setting his stuff down, Wonwoo nodded at Seungcheol and Mingyu who were just staring at him before taking a seat on the bar stool next to Seungcheol.
“Are they broken?” Wonwoo whispered to you as you shook your head.
“You didnt knock.” you whispered back as realization dawned on his face before a grin replaced it.
“Ooops.” he looked at Seungcheol who was just staring at him. “Hyung?”
“Hyung? HYUNG?! That’s all you can say after walking into my little sisters home without knocking and all you can say is HYUNG?!” Seungcheol started before going on a small rant about how his little sister was spending way too much time with him and that it was probably the reason why you and Seungcheol haven’t gone out for lunch or dinner as often as you had before.
Once he was done you looked at him with your arms crossed, “You done now?”
Letting out a breath he nodded his head, “Yea….”
“Great, are you guys almost done then? Y/N and I have dinner plans.” Wonwoo stated and that drove Seungcheol into another rant.
“Dinner? DINNER?!”
You sighed and took one of the cookies from the first batch and shoved it in his mouth.
“I swear, you were adopted.” you said before explaining, “A few of my co-workers at the publishing house just finished the book that’s set to launch next week so we’re going to discuss the book and the launch. I gave Josh and Wonu-”
“Wonu?” Seungcheol croaked at the nickname.
You rolled your eyes as Mingyu and Wonwoo both laughed at their leaders antics though in reality, Wonwoo shouldn’t be laughing at all.
“I gave Josh and Wonu a copy of the pre-release but since the staff is getting together today, I invited him” you pointed at Wonwoo, “so he could share his thoughts as well and get to know some of the people from my publishing house.”
Seungcheol could only stare at you and Wonwoo, realizing that he had done this. He had encouraged this that night he found out that Wonwoo was your bias in his group. Now that he really thought about it, it didn’t seem like a bad idea, Wonwoo was a lot more mature than the other members and you two did have a lot in common.
“That...makes sense...so he’s coming to the launch next week.”
“Yep.” you and Wonwoo chorused.
“Well at least someone there would’ve read the book.” Seungcheol joked as you and Mingyu finished up in the kitchen so you and Wonwoo could leave for dinner.
“I’ll see you back at the dorm.” Wonwoo said not too long after as the four of you stood outside your apartment.
“Yah, make sure you come right back to the dorm after dinner. No funny business” Seungcheol said his older brother instincts kicking in.
You, Wonwoo and Mingyu rolled your eyes.
“Aren’t we having a movie marathon tonight?” you asked Wonwoo who nodded his head.
“We’ll see you guys next time.” you said waving as you turned around, unable to put up with Seungcheol much longer.
Wonwoo said his goodbyes while Mingyu dragged a whining Seungcheol back to their dorm with a few large containers of cookies.
A week later, you and Wonwoo were walking by the river after the successful book launch event.
“So what did you think about the launch?” you asked casually as you looked out at the sunset.
“It was so cool, I never expected to meet all those authors and publishers. It was amazing!” Wonwoo said excitedly before looking at you. “Thank you for inviting me.”
You giggled, “Well thank you for coming. It was nice to see someone actually discuss the book with them for once instead of discussing other current events…”
You walked in a comfortable silence as your hands bumped against one another. Wonwoo who had finally built up the courage was the first to act on what everyone in Seventeen saw the past month and grabbed your hand.
You stopped walking to look down at your joined hands before looking up at him, a blush visible on your cheeks.
“Y/N…” Wonwoo started not looking at you, a blush very visible on his cheeks.
“Hmm?” you asked as Wonwoo turned to look at you.
“I’ve...had a lot of fun with you these past few weeks.” he started.
You nodded your head and smiled, “I’m glad, so have I.”
“Do...you think we could spend more time together? More without the members and maybe just the two of us as...maybe...more than friends?”
If your face wasn’t the shade of a tomato before, you were sure it was by now.
“Are you….” you started but got confirmation as he nodded his head.
Instead of replying, you took a step towards him and leaned up which Wonwoo caught on with and quickly pulled you closer so he could wrap his arm around your waist.
“Be mine and mine only. Let us live happily ever after like the characters in the book.” he whispered as he closed the distance and pressed his lips softly against yours.
You were both so in the moment that you didn’t realize that Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Joshua were walking right behind you and had seen the whole thing.
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ask-svt-hearteu · 6 years
“to all admins (who are so beautiful it is sO UNFAIR) : it’s me!!! sofia ahaha and im sending this a lil early because i wont be home for christmas (:p) and i’d like to thank all of you because i can’t send over gifts due to the ocean. damned water. somewhere in december, i think on the 14th??? i will have known this blog for 5 months ! which isn’t that long but im looking forward to spending many more weeks and months on this wonderful blog. all the admins are so, so friendly, nice, amazing, interesting, beautiful, etc etc. thank you for talking to me ! thank you for being here for me during the tough times! thank you for your advice, thank you for your jokes, your rants, your posts, your everything. this blog has given me as much joy as seventeen does. really! i’m so happy i stumbled upon this blessing of a blog when i was still a baby carat and needed more knowledge. 
but please, you guys, get enough rest okay? i heard that someone (like joshua’s wife cough) doesnt get enough sleep and i swear im flying over. all of you are humans and you need rest. you all are in school and you need rest from school (which can be a pain lets be honest) and a break from writing. remember, we, as your readers and fans, care more about your health than how fast you answer our asks. we want you all to be happy and we wish we could give you back the happiness youve given us with this blog. i hope that in 2018, the blog will earn many,many more followers, the admins will make many more friends, and get more supporters (ok but i still dont understand why and how people send hate to the admins?? like fuck you man, these people work so hard arghhh don’t send them hate just because you’re pathetic and lonely and deprived of love and all the good things in life. Legit everytime I see a post about a hater i want to throw a pan at the shithole who hated on these amazing creatures. @jun @minghao @hoshi @scoups jom let’s go beat up the haters im bringing my frying pan and my sunat knife y’ALL BETTER WATCH OUT LATER KENA I SUNAT YOU) drink water, not alcohol : okay sO YOU’RE TELLING ME THAT A HUMAN IS ALLOWED TO BE A TALENTED WRITER, PRETTY ENOUGH TO BE A MODEL AND BE A SINGER ????? JESS IDC WHAT YOU SAY YOU ARE G O R G E O U S YOU’RE SO QR3UBFD-BGQIF and you’re so talented and friendly and n i c e. You’RE SO HARDWORKING AS WELL YOU’RE IN YOUR LAST YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL AND STILL WRITE ON THIS BLOG AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN (it really touched me when i told you me and my best friend were fighting and you sent me tons of dino pics and tagged me in pictures of him. that really cheered me up , thank you :D) i think you’re the first admin i started to talking to hahahaha and even though im really annoying you still talked to me? like ?? i heard that you’re in your last year of high school and i wish you the best of luck !!! do only what you want to do. Don’t stress about choosing the right college/uni or the right course, just do what you want to. Please take your time with the blog, college tends to stress writers out and whenever you feel stressed rEST PLEASE. pls make many many new friends in college and have a better diet than ramen 24/7 which doesnt sound too bad but that’s a lot of sodium. i hope everything goes well for you but remember if anything goes wrong or u just wanna talk im here! love youuu bb. 10:10 : ok sERI. WE REALLY NEED TO FIND TIME TO TALK because whenever i text you you’re in class and whenever you text me im about to sleep (damn these timezones) sighh. it’s okay if i ever have kids, i’ll sell them and buy a plane ticket to meet you. okay when i first started talking to you i was really impressed because you’re really..tough? like i really people with thick skin and people who don’t give a shit about what other say and tbh i’m trying to be more like that. people like that are so cool !! and ur so pretty and cool sighh im so jealous (you have vv nice lips dONT TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY I JUST THINK THEY’RE VV PRETTY oR dO I) also you’re really smart ! like you’ve gotten full marks for a test like woah hoshi is so lucky. i hope you remain thick skinned and brush the haters away, but it’s okay to feel bad once in a while, you’re only being human. but you can talk to me any time you feel down or u just wanna talk or rant or vent. i hope you don’t stress about school, please take a break if you have to (i dont want you to go away i want you to get the rest you deserve)anyways i love you ! my name is soonyoung, call me soon : APA KHABAR MY MALAYSIAN FREN ahaha im soooo happy i met you on tumblr. *ur the aesthetic queen* . i hope that we meet in person soon or one day because we live in the same country and won’t it be cool to see each other? we should have a photoshoot together. speaking of photoshoot im very happy to have a model sensei to teach me how to pose. also ur one hell of a sweetheart. you always share fandom things with me and i tend to fangirl in the middle of tesco or class because of you. hmm if seventeen ever come back to malaysia we should meet at their concert, given both of us are going. i’d really love to know more about you lmao you’re so interesting and you’re really patient with me!!! which is reallly nice. okay bb let’s find a date when both of us are free and leggo have some fun. i hope you don’t ever have to feel sad. well actually i think sadness is vital to humans so maybe anger. i hope you’ll continue to be very peaceful and freak out w carats and kpop fans across the glose and i hope that one day you’ll see naega hosh up close and p e r so nal. ilysm bb xxx my i geddit because wo ai ni so ur my love heh : hello my wife /name twin ish / dancer girl / jun’s / blessing to thie world. oh my god we need to talk moreeeee. ur so funny and we’re so alike (like we both swear like pigs) but we’re different because you’re so good at dancing! heck, whenever i dance i blind people from a 5 kilometre radius. all the other admins say you could dance my i with jun and i am sHOOK BECAUSE ho l ee s h i et also do you know what i would give to see you dance with jun? i’d give up all my memes. yeah, that’s right. my knowledge of all memes and vines and fre sh a vacado. apart from your dancing skills, you’re very, very pretty. i can’t believe you think you’re ugly , sweet jisoos, you’re have… the beauty of all the sunsets in the world. you’re actually really nice (stop protesting) because you’ve listened to me rant about all the damn drama in my life and you gave me advice. and you’ve never lost your patience with me. jeez i love youuuu !!! you’ve laughed with me and sent me dino pics to make my heart explode and you were there when i did something really stupid on kakaotalk. sighhh good times amirite? well we can still talk on tumblr. i hope you continue being yourself, the amazing person you are. xx love you to bits. seventeenteenteen : i survived. you havent killed me yet. i have stuck to dino faithfully. well actually, my first bias for like, a week, was memesol but then dinosaur found his way into my heart. i know y’all are busy and it may be hard but please rest. please don’t read mean comments, please love yourselves, please eat well. please do anything that would make you happy. each and every one of you are so, so important to me and i hope all of you are healthy. the8 please rest, i hope you get better soon. scoups, i hope that fever is gone. dino, i hope you find someone that makes you really really happy and i hope you wake up with a smile on your face each day and i hope people will stop prying into your personal life because you deserve to find someone you love and you deserve to be able to love that person without hate. i hope all of you don;t feel pressured to keep away from relationships because of selfish “fans” and i hope all of you will be happy. @josh @hoshi @jun you guys, please take care of your aegis. @josh wish ur gf luck for college, @hoshi stop killing these girls w ur visuals and @jun im waiting for u and sophia’s dance duet. i love all of you with all my heart <3333 thank you for a wonderful 5 months, i hope many more will come. love, sofia xx add on : i wrote this note before jonghyun killed himself and i’d just like to say this to everyone. the admins and the readers ; please ask for help. you are not alone. people are here for you. mental illness is not and will never be a light topic. suicide is never the answer. i know it’s hard but you need to stay, because we need you. i need you. it doesnt matter if we are close friends or complete strangers : you are so important. you are strong and brave and kind and smart and beautiful and you can get through this. you have people willing to listen. if somehow the whole world refuses to listen, im here. there are people around you who care deeply about you and please, stay. if any of you feel sad about the recent tragedy, take a break from tumblr, okay? i love all of you and please, stay safe. — sofiafabulousphan”
Admin Jess: Sofia, bb T^T I honestly can’t express how much your words mean to me. I love you so so much thank you for everything. I honestly won’t deny, it’s hard. I think it will always be difficult to a certain degree to run this blog. Not that I don’t love every second of it believe me, I just (LMAO LEAVE IT TO ME TO START TEARING UP IN THE MIDDLE OF TYPING THIS) I’ve never wanted to do something I wanted to just because I can.  I don’t run this blog expecting anything in return. I do it because I genuinely love, love the happiness it brings other people, because I love seventeen and I love doing it all. If I didn’t love it with all my heart I don’t think I would have held up this long. You’re right, it’s my last year of high school. My hardest year because I decided to take a multitude of difficult classes. I have cried tears over so many classes (I’m crying writing this response omfg PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER JESS), I have had plenty of mental breakdowns, a lot of crying whenever someone simply asks me if I’m ok or suggests I get more sleep. I have been an emotional wreck all year. It is my fault though, I did decide to take challenging courses this school year, but one can only run on four hours of sleep everyday for so long and not be emotional I guess. AND I WAS TERRIFIED. I was so scared that in the course of this year, through all the difficult hours of studying and finishing homework at 2/3am in the morning before having to wake up at 6am and walk to school by 7am, that I wouldn’t have the time or effort to do just the one thing I wanted to do the most in the world. I only had one real hobby I loved doing and it was running this blog (again hella emotional and dramatic sorry it’s like one am here when I’m writing this). So I forgo sleep to get everything done. It’s not healthy but in my mind, if I gave up on this blog for one day, that one day might turn into two days, which would turn into a month, and then I’d never be able to do anything ever again just because I kept pushing it off, treating it as if it didn’t mean the world to me when it so very dearly does. OK I’M RAMBLING ABOUT MYSELF NO ONE CARES JESS AHEM,,, My point is, I sacrificed sleep for school and this blog not because I was forced to, but because if I slept, this feeling of guilt when I woke up in the morning, a feeling of “ahh I could have done more, I could have been better” would permeate my mind for who knows how long. I didn’t want to disappoint anyone. I hate disappointing people. So to hear you say this blog and all the stuff we do on it makes you happy? It makes me think maybe I’m not such a big disappointment after all, and maybe if I keep working hard, I can continue making more people happier, and that’s all I really want. True, with college approaching, I can’t make any guarantees. I anticipate not being able to do anything at all, and that idea is scary too and makes me want to work even harder now while I still can. I will definitely try to get more rest though??? I mean no one likes a sleep-deprived me at 3am lmao, I may seem nice but at 3am I’m bawling my eyes out over homework and cursing at my posters and pictures of Seventeen and school and textbooks in like three different languages (it’s not pretty lol). So yes rest? Idk what that is... but I’ll try??? fjnvksjn? I think I recall when you first sent in an ask, I’m not too sure but honestly the blog is about as old as you’ve been here so thank you for being one of our first supporters (did you have a book with a flower icon hmm trying to recall)! The hate I think will always be a thing I’m sure, I just don’t know how to deal with it T-T I am very naturally a sensitive human bean, what can I say... LMAO I’M NOT GORGEOUS THOUGH it’s called filters, lighting, angles, and makeup. The only reason I look anywhere near decent is because I use a combination of those things to hide all my flaws LMAO. As for singing, I’m not super? I can sing a pitch correctly I suppose? I can sing a chromatic scale? Idk if that qualifies as good singing (I can definitely sing svt songs in broken Korean shamelessly no matter where I go though). I’m really not that good, but I’m not awful like a dying seal or smth. I don’t even think I’m a talented writer, I just try my best I guess. I do sincerely try my hardest. YOU’RE NOT ANNOYING AT ALL I 117% would listen to you rant or scream about anything and I’m just super grateful you don’t think I’m annoying lsnfdnvd. OF COURSE I THINK YOU AND CHAN ARE THE CUTEST (or you and Jongdae pick your poison;) and of course I sent all those Channie pics omfg, I’m always here if you need it^~^ Thank you for all your kind words love (AND IMMA PRETEND YOU DIDN’T CALL ME JOSHUA’S WIFE BC MY HEART CAN’T TAKE IT KDFJNVKSBBDIBI I’LL CALL YOU CHAN’S WIFE ISTG I WILL) make sure to take care of yourself and you’re always welcome to come talk to me bb :)
Admin Meagan:  aaaHHHHHHH, really appreciate you Sofia ✨😩 Gosh, can't believe you wrote us sub a long essay AHAHAHAH. Also, SUNAT KAU AHAHAHAHAHAHAH (Non-Malaysians  wouldn't understand lmao) But yeeeee, thank you so so much baby for taking the time to send this ask in <3 It's been amazing knowing you and gosh you are such a sweetheart! Also, Chinese New Year is soon, let's go out together ;)) Cafe hopping at SS15 maybe? Hehe. I want my postcard AHAHA and to spend time with you of course!! <3 You are such a bright individual and Chan loves you hella lots. Thank you for always sending us such encouraging messages and for being a good pal really. But for reals, you mean a lot to me and gosh I can't wait to meet you. Also I not model material lah AHAHAH, only a certain days ;) but yess!! A photoshoot would be amazing haha, I can try to teach you some tips lmao. And yes, thank you for caring about our mental health. January hasn't been the best month for me, honestly it's been horrible but stuff like this really warms up my heart yah know. So yes, really really appreciate you man. Keep being so spunky and loveable. Take care, stay safe and I hope we get to meet each other soon ❤️
Admin Seri: SERIously SERIously, you have no idea how much this warmed my heart. ahh i so wish we could find a better time to talk, i’ll work on that :’) i’m not very good at expressing my feeling through words! and for that mianhae mianhae. in fact, that’s one very VERY COOL thing about you!!! expression your feelings isn’t the easiest and hey, use those feelings to brush for those haters. as you know love, other people’s opinions don’t effect me BUT THERE’S NOTHING WRONG with being affected! just know, those people are irrelivant, and once you realize they can’t do a single fucking thing to you unless you let them, it gets a bit better <3 but GIRL i remember you from the VERY being!!! i can’t believe you stuck around this long , you’ve seen all the changes, how much we’ve grown, it’s seriously amazing. becoming an admin (sure as hell didn’t know it back then) was definitely my HIGHLIGHT of twenty seventeen. there’s not a day that goes by where i regret it, not at all, even when our inbox is loaded or when i have writers block. and you being here along that journey warms my heart so so much! i’m not kidding sometimes i find myself in the middle of the night looking through all the comments or reblogs and GOSH i just see every single sweet sweet message you leave. AND OH MY GOD I’M ALREADY FOR SURE GONNA VISIT AJVBELJNGR IM ALREADY PLANNING TO ONE DAY TO SEE MEAGAN SO LIKE DUHHHH WE COULD MEET UP!!! just augh i’m super super grateful for you message jinja jinja ily~~~ <333 !!! {p.s. i totally wrote bodyguard reader! Chan thinking of you, ngl}
Admin Soph: As much as I love you and as much as you’re my ai. DONT GIVE UP YOUR MEMES FOR ME WTAF. MAN I LOVE YA BUT MEMES ARE IMPORTANT XD. And you might only be disappointed after watching me dance with Jun. Ah I wish we could talk more too :””) We get along so well and Im fucking positive were soulmates just looking at how similar we are XD. Ah im not really good at things like this. Im really speechless because damn boi I love ya and you took the time to write all this for us :””). Youre an angel sent from the heavens. AND ME PRETTY??? NUUUUUUUU.Just like what Jess said, filters and lighting exists. Im only cute tho (char). But youre more prettier than me love. Both inside and outside. You're as beautiful as the northern lights. And like the northern lights, you light up my dark days :””). We dont talk much but we always check up on each other man. Goddamn I love ya. I hope we can make more stupid but fun memories together ^^. And I will literally hug the shit outta you when we meet. Also can we like talk about how much we appreciate ya? You’re always in our inbox sending adorable and heartwarming asks to both Svt and us. I remember telling you that your asks about the admins literally brightens our day. How you're little “I hope the admins stay safe” means so much to us. I really hope you only experience happiness for the rest of your life. You’re a person I really appreciate and love. AS MUCH AS I LOVE JUN. HELL YEAH I SAID IT. hAHHAH Dont be afraid to come to me if you have any problem. I will always be here to talk to you and help you love ^^. Please take care of yourself too. DonT FUCKING SKIP MEALS. GET A LOT OF SLEEP OR IM GETTING CHAN AND JONGDAE. Ah im sorry if I didnt say a lot. I want to say a lot but I literally dont know what to say :””). I WILL MESSAGE YOU A LONG AS MESSAGE ON YOUR BDAY OR SOMETHING. I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY TO YOU GADBSVF ASNMK. For now, I love you and take care of yourself. You are loved by a lot and I hope your life gets filled with happiness and joy. Im also always here if you ever need to talk ^^
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veryotl · 7 years
i rly enjoy how you discuss svt's personalities and dynamics and im curious ab your thoughts on each unit's group dynamic!! like i remember the members have said vocal team r kinda the most chill, like do you think it has someth to do w woozi, as the leader, not being one of the oldest and also being more of an introvert?
I feel like I’ve analyzed this before, but when I went looking for that analysis to use it as a reference, I couldn’t find it. So maybe it was a tag rant, or a analysis I did for a friend on a one-on-one level? Either way, I’ve always loved seeing the units interact personally, because it’s a really good basis for character analysis! 
So here we go! A breakdown of individual unit dynamics! 
1. Hip hop unit
I decided to start with Hip Hop unit because I think I’ve covered them the most in the past, so I’ll start with something I’m familiar with discussing. I like to call Hip Hop unit “family unit” because it seems to me that a lot of their dynamic is similar to a family. They like to play and tease each other, but they also support each other very well. They not only encourage growth and finding the high points in “failures” (see: Coups assuring Vernon that everyone still loves him and is jealous of him because he gets recognition from SMTM instead of angry at him for sullying their name at debut), but they also encourage growth in non-hip hop activities (see: Mingyu wanting to pursue art and Wonwoo pursuing being a vocalist). Instead of being focused on success in a business way, they seem much more focused on encouraging success on a personal level. It fits with Coups’s style of leading, where he would rather mediate problems and give advice instead of directly giving orders. He tends to focus more on making sure individuals are happy and taken care of instead of management to an end goal and that gives off more of a personal touch to his unit. He’s also very open to others teaching him lessons, which is also a good touch to the overall dynamic, encouraging people to view him more as someone to go to for advice and help instead of for orders and direction. While this style of leadership does have its faults- it’s hard to maintain a good balance and it’s easy to become insecure that others may not respect your authority- it works out well for Coups and the rest of the unit. The personalities under Hip Hop unit are also good to consider for how they react to this style of leadership, for instance Vernon and Wonwoo are seen as having very passive personalities that prefer to get their work done on their own time without having someone police them or tell them what needs to get done. Also the type of work, rap making, isn’t as group focused as creating harmonies for vocal unit or syncing the dance of performance unit. 
All in all, Hip hop unit has a very relaxed, very supportive dynamic that functions well on personal levels and matches with the leader’s style as well as the content they produce. Their dynamic is similar to that of a family or a very close group of friends in a workplace, and it goes over well.
2. Performance unit
Generally, when I talk about Performance unit’s dynamic, I talk about it in terms of a singular person, in terms of Hoshi’s leadership and how he leads a group with a hard dynamic to pin down. This is because Performance unit has such a difficult dynamic to begin with. It’s a unit with two foreign members and the youngest member, and the dynamic of the unit changes as Jun and Minghao get more solid in Korean and as Dino grows up and starts solidifying his style and preferences. However, this sometimes works in their advantage. In fact, you might say that their biggest strength is being dancers in the end, since the nature of their work is physical and goes beyond explanation or discussions. By putting the emphasis on the feeling of the music and the sync of the physical moves, Hoshi is able to move past the barriers of communication and into expression instead, and it works out very well. Performance unit becomes very harmonious and efficient, putting together synced up stages full of feeling and emotion. But Performance unit dynamic doesn’t end there. In observation, the close knit nature of the friendships in Performance unit is a testament to their non-working dynamic, for when they have a break or just hang out as a unit. Dino showcases his reverse charm of being the cute maknae but also being on top and responsible, Hoshi shows being encouraging of Dino’s hobbies and interests like doing his Michael Jackson girl group dances with him and making sound effects for him and taking his ideas into consideration for choreo such as the Dangerous and the Very Nice choreo where you get the touch of MJ and also shows that he’s close to The8 and Jun by offering advice and playing along with them, and of course Jun and The8 both become closer through their own good Peanut Butter and Jelly dynamic, and it adds a sort of “Four friends hanging out” feel to Performance unit when they get their own personal time. They all laugh and talk and play off of each other’s jokes, and while there may be some people who are closer than others, no one ends up feeling left out.
In general, Performance team has a really good dynamic. They’re able to overcome what looks like a barrier and instead use it to their advantage on a professional level, and then on a personal level they really shine their individual personalities that work well together. The difference between the family dynamic of Hip hop unit and the friend dynamic of Performance is that while Hip hop unit is while Hip hop unit is really comfortable being with each other to the point of being able to take joking shots at each other that would be downright insulting from anyone else, Performance unit is like a group of friends hitting the mall who laugh and have fun and maybe tease each other a little on individual levels, but on the whole they’re here to have a fun time and take silly photos of outfits that they would never consider actually buying. Very lighthearted, very upbeat dynamic. 
3. Vocal unit
Since you asked about Vocal unit, I decided to tackle them last. Especially since I think it takes some context applied to it, because it’s very easy to hear my opinion here and assume it’s a bad thing.
In comparison to the other two units, Vocal unit has a much more businesslike dynamic. When Hip hop unit mostly works as individuals and Performance unit spends most of their time perfecting sync and emotion, Vocal unit spends a lot of time organizing, practicing, working on harmonies, a lot of activities that require a single boss of the unit who tracks things and delegates tasks and keeps everything in line. Woozi’s leadership style may not actually fit this well, as he seems like you said to be more introverted who prefers doing his work alone in a quiet environment, however with a little bit of time to adapt to his role i’m sure Woozi actually prefers the “sit down meeting” style to Scoups’s “one on one personal” style of leadership. He’s able to stay in his comfort zone, keeping the discussion focused mainly on work while he remains in control of situation and is able to use his personal connection to the music and attention to detail to help build harmonies and perfect tones. It’s important to understand that while Hip hop unit benefits from having leadership like Coups, Vocal unit benefits from having structure and focus through Woozi as vocal relies very heavily on teamwork and harmony with the other members, and so lots of communication and practice and work goes into it. And, like all the other units, they have a rest dynamic as well, where during breaks Woozi will sink more into the background and members like Seungkwan and DK will become center stage in the group. However, the strength of Vocal team’s play dynamic is that Vocal unit has a lot of emotion-based members. Seungkwan’s emotional intuition, DK’s kind heart, Jeonghan’s soft spot for caring for others and not wanting to see them in pain, and Joshua’s gentlemanly manner with playful tones all culminate in a single unit. So even when Seungkwan takes center stage, he’s not as hyperactive as when he’s paired with Hoshi. Instead, he considers the personalities in the Vocal unit and adjusts his humor accordingly to bring out the playful sides of members like Jeonghan and DK, resulting in a dynamic full of sunshine and laughter that is relaxed and still playful, not too over the top and ridiculous. 
In conclusion, Hoshi has said that three units in Seventeen is like three high power engines in the same car, and that’s very true. Different leadership styles and different dynamics lead to different strengths in different times and areas - Hip hop unit is so fun to watch in a competition, Vocal unit is always good for a game and a laugh travelling from place to place or in between shoots, and Performance unit is great in action, playing around, running and dancing... Seventeen’s strength really does lie in the diversity of their personalities and talents, and there’s a little something for every person and every situation.
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svt-stories · 7 years
how would seventeen take care of you if you were on your period ?
as I can relate, I just finished mine lol, tmi? probably.  lets assume you have bad cramps with your period and lose motivation, but the boys dont seem to understand it’s not the end of the world lol. written as boyfriends
Scoups - would bring you chocolates and soup to try and help the pain. He would offer to cuddle with you on the couch or even settle for an arm around your shoulders because he wants you to feel safe and comfortable. 
Jeonghan -  would attempt at distracting you from your monthly mayhem. He’d whine at your lack of attention towards him, serenading and cracking jokes until you can only focus on him, whether that be trying to get him to shut up, or laughing.
Joshua - would take a more practical approach, texting you “open ur door” with a bag of medicine and ice cream. He’d be down for having a meaningful conversation, because we all know how a lot goes through your mind at that time. 
Woozi - would hide the fact hes worried about you. He would try to drag you out of the house because some good ole fresh air is sure to help anything. If he is too busy to visit, he’d constantly be texting you to make sure nothing was worse than imagined. (like you think it’s cramps but it’s actually a stomach issue)
Mingyu - honestly wouldn’t even realize you were on your period until the umpteenth time of him trying to take you on a date gets rejected. replying to his texts “my cramps are just killing me :(” Would then later show up unannounced with a good movie and your favorite snacks. 
Wonwoo - would use sad excuses for aegyo to try and put the smile back on your face. Of course it would work, because who can’t fall for Wonwoo. You’d be curled up on his lap, on the brink of sleep when he has the epiphany to sing you a lullaby, only to pick the wrong song (Lucifer).
Hoshi -  would be super caring and sweet, sending you picture that made him laugh in attempts to get you to smile. “Babe, are you sure you’re ok? TT” He wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about you, which would happen even of your period, and show up with blankets for a sleepover.
Minghao - would be tumblrs dream man, bringing hot pizza along with his hot looks. Along with a surprise teddy bear, Minghao would want to make everything easier for you, offering to get more blankets, “should I put on a movie?” but right after the pizza end up crashing on the floor.
Jun - would be flirty and silly just to make you whine “Junnnnnn, what are you doing” to which his response would be “trying to win your heart, but I think I already have it.” and proceed to kiss you. You’d pretend his affection wasn’t helping, just to have him show more. Constantly be offering you hot drinks, and asking the other members to be quiet, if you were at his dorm, so you wouldn’t get a headache.
Seungkwan - wouldn’t take your whines as the drama queen himself, he’d tell you to sit down and shut up in your kitchen as he makes you something he’s decided to ‘whip up’. Would be singing and talking nonstop, stopping from to peaking back to make sure you were ok, and listening.
Dk - would act like he doesn’t believe your pain, but is stealing glances to make sure it’s not too bad. He’d act extra sweet, planning something to do during the day in case you wanted to get out of the house, but he’d also have delivery on speed dial on the other chance of you wanting to spend the night in.
Vernon - ill be honest, as soon as you text him “sorry idk if im up to it, bad cramps.” he would be like “ok, lets hang after then.” BUT, on the day you can finally meet up in person, he’d had something small with him like a few flowers, or picture of a cute dog that reminded him of you. would make up for everything with extra fun dates.
Dino - would not know what to do and end up going all out with a bunch of research because he wants to show how much he loves you. You would end up with heating packs, pomegranate gum and Russian tea because he read online somewhere that it works. After you tell him he didn’t have to do all of this, he’d pout and whine your name “can’t I show my baby I love them?”
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