#scabs and scars
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a Vash x reader with a bit of body worship and just writing to express my love for this man.
Without further adue, lets begin!
A toast for tonight's hero!!" Mr. Davis raised his pint of beer accompanied by the howls and mirthful cheers of the townsfolk as music and laughter filled and bounced around the walls of a fairly sized tavern.
learning over the lip of his pint, he keenly observed the people around him, drinking and dancing without a single care in the world - not even after the chaos that had occurred not too long ago- the jovial atmosphere never fails to pique his attention but it was nothing short from pleasant.
in his viewpoint, humans have shorter lifespans than him; lives whose flames can easily be snuffed out with a single sigh, which is why they compensate by possessing as many complexities in just a small life: love, anger, lust, greed, dilemma, and vengeance. all of which Stampede considered precious and irreplaceable. experiencing these things every day he breaths only continues to astonish him.
'One more drink and I'm heading out.' Vash Inwardly thought. As much as he wanted to keep having fun, he just can't bring himself to overstay his welcome any longer than he already was. Granted his sudden leave could cause disappointment to those who went through the trouble of throwing this celebration for him but what choice does he have? he is the humanoid typhoon after all. wherever he goes, chaos and calamity always followed suit-
"Ah! there's my man!" 'Correction: one more drink and a chat and I'm heading out ' he scoffed at himself for not finishing his drink sooner.
"How are ya holding up, Stampede?!" Mr. Davis gave a hard smack on the young man's back out of drunken well-wishes, nearly spilling his drink over -not that Vash minded the rough treatment.-
"Well on my fifth mug sir, starting to get woozy by the minute! hahaha!" Vash sheepishly laughed masking yet another lie behind that innocent smile of his. Vash Knows he can handle his alcohol fairly well and if he planned on slipping past the crowd without seeming rude, he'd first have to take out the "drunkard's pass card" by convincing Mr. Davis and Everyone else that he was about to pass out.
"Nah! I Hoped you ain't that drunk yet son. you still hadn't received your reward!" Mr. Davis waves a hand and guffawed.
"Gee, thanks but you shouldn't have! the bourbon was enough really." Stampede shook his head and gestured to his nearly empty pint.
"Nonsense! you've done so much for this town and the least we can do is return the favor, my boy!"
"it's-" before he could continue to protest, His gaze caught sight of a fine young lady striding towards his direction. 'Oh boy. this again. ' Vash Gulped.
"I just wanna make sure you're well taken care of while you're here."
"Thank you but I'm too drunk for this-"
"Even better. that way you'll enjoy the night." Mr. Davis ruffles his hair and guffaws once more.
" Oh and don't worry about the room. it's on the house." he winked, gave Vash one more reassuring pat on the shoulder, and sauntered off back into the rowdy crowd without waiting for the young man's reply.
for an extended time, the pair exchanged pleasantries and a few more drinks with the lady who introduced herself as Y/N and not too long after, found each other's company quite enjoyable.
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"Look, I'm sorry you had to be dragged into this-"
the sound of laughter and celebration continued to reverberate from the walls of his room. Vash ended up staying for the night after all. He'd hate to come off as rude and on the plus side, her company was too good, it'd be a waste to leave so abruptly. Similar to any other celebration held for him, this is what he gets for being too much of a saint.
"not at all. I volunteered and am happy to serve you tonight." Y/N innocently smiled, unbothered by the situation they are both in at the moment.
Vash wasn't one to fluster so easily, especially in these sorts of events but with the way she assured him, it somehow caught him off guard. Granted, this wasn't his first devil's tango but because of a certain flaw he has, he was often left with a cold bed to sleep on and a space to wake up next to. which is why he'd rather pull the 'yeah-I'm- too-drunk-for-this ' card and dissuade the ladies before anything could happen and spare himself the repulsed looks on their faces.
But this felt... a bit different.
"In any case..." Y/N steps closer, peaking from behind her lashes as a way of seeking permission from the humanoid typhoon. "Shall we begin?"
gingerly she hovered one hand over his chest, patiently waiting for a response, not wanting to give the impression that his discomfort was unconsidered by her.
'Just a few minutes of making out and we're done.' Vash relents and leans down, planting a chaste kiss on her lips 'just like always' he whispers inwardly.
Y/N returns the kiss and slowly-albeit hesitantly- presses herself against him. Vash hadn't realized he'd been unconsciously putting a gap between them until his back made contact with the wall. however, as soon as they hit a full stop, Y/N didn't persist in leaning against him. instead, she turned her head to one side, presenting her neck to him for the taking if he so wished to.
this, in turn, made Vash curse under labored breaths.
Granted, Vash does find the company of women enjoyable at some point, but Y/N? If magic was real, she made him feel BEWITCHED.
From her scent to her delicate gestures, even down to her faint and soft sighs, alcohol may have had something to do with his current state but only the gods know what those little things she's been doing have done to him.
although those thoughts can only go so far.
the marksman snapped back from his euphoric trance the moment he felt cold fingers pinch the hem of his shirt.
He reflexively caught her wrist and held her in place. The sudden action startled Y/N and she took a slight step back.
“Was- was it not to your liking?” she choked, confused about what she did wrong.
Now feeling responsible for his actions, Vash quickly scrambled for words to reassure her. “What? N-no! no, you did nothing wrong at all! It’s just… ah hahaha…” his hand found its way to the back of his neck, a habit he’d been doing whenever he struggled to find the right words to explain his behavior. He sighed. “I’m… I’m just not as pretty under these clothes… hahaha…”
He didn’t want to bring this up. But with what little choice he had, he’d have to bite the bullet, hope that this will be enough to discourage her and just leave rather than let her see what horrible visage his body had become. Worse still, is when she’d feel threatened by him.
“I see…” Y/N sighed
Before Vash could scoff at himself, he froze as Y/N gingerly took his prosthetic hand in her small ones, raised it to her lips and planted a gentle kiss on a knuckle, and spoke:
“I understand if you don’t want to do things you’re uncomfortable with,” She then moved his hand close to her chest, basically putting it right on her heart. “But at least allow me to grant you your reward for saving my town and its people. And I wouldn’t mind if you keep them on at all.” Y/N then leans once more and gave his cheek a tender peck, followed by a small, earnest smile. She was adamant to see her duties though but she was also ready to stop if he so wished to. In truth, Y/N wondered how far she could go to please him. For now, she continued where they left off by giving him another kiss.
The more he let her words seep into his head, the more he allowed the kiss to deepen, returning it with slowly growing vigor.
Now that He’s given it more thought, how long has it been since he’s last intimate with a woman? The answers were far too faded over time. One he decided not to revisit.
‘Give yourself a break. It’s not every day someone’s willing to give you company.’
To his surprise, the kiss abruptly broke when he felt like he landed on some cushions under him. He hadn’t realized that while his mind was elsewhere, Y/N led him to the couch and got him to sit. Before he could comment on it, Y/N had already proceeded to undo her hair as well as a couple of buttons from her shirt. Her now exposed collar bone dusted with a faint pink blush, left Vash’s throat dryer than the deserts of Gunsmoke.
He gave his hand to her, inviting her onto his lap, and in return, she took the offer, placing the other hand on his chest for support.
They resumed where they left off, leaving kisses on each other’s skins, rewarding each other with sighs of contentment and blooming ecstasy; now with better access to height, Y/N plants another kiss on Vash’s temple, trailing to his cheek, and his jaw. Y/N hooked a finger on the hem of his turtle neck collar to see if he’d protested like before. To her relief, Vash only gave an approving mewl. Y/N smiled and pulled down his collar just a little bit, enough that she could access his pulse and spoil it with kisses.
Vash sucked in a breath, fingers digging into her hips, pulling her closer to him in the process when-
“oh?” Y/N giggled, her eyes staring down at something other than his own. He froze. He knew exactly what she was, looking at. Turns out Vash wasn’t the only one getting excited tonight. Y/N snickered at Vash for becoming a blushing mess.
“Your call Mr. Stampede.” ‘please don’t say my name like that!’
“Uhhh… a little help?” ‘Vash! You idiot!’
Y/N smiles.
“Then if you’ll excuse me,” Y/n announces, beginning to move her hips on his little companion. Vash would have already spewed a string of prayers if it weren’t for Y/N’s lips being in the way that all he could do was let her swallow his moans.
Each sway of her hips was driving him even deeper into the abyss that is lust, every friction clouding his judgments and granting his hands a mind of their own, haphazardly pulling aside what little clothes he could easily remove from her just to get access to her skin. Her neck, her shoulders, her collarbones, and her chest- anything to satiate his growing need to take her.
By gods, he was getting close! His skin began to sear due to pent-up frustration from within his core and worsened by the intoxicating touch he continues to receive from Y/N.
Should he end it here? Yeah. That would be better. If they stop here, he’d have time to leave before dawn. Yeah. That’s the plan…
That was the plan.
“ Wait-“
“Stam- wha-!!“
With a swift move, Vash interrupts her with a kiss and then led her to stand.  Y/N felt Vash slowly lowering himself, all the while leaving kisses from her jaw, neck, collar bone, shoulder, her harms, and down to her wrist until his knees met the hard wooden floor.
“May I?” He inquired, taking the hem of her skirt in between his fingers and meeting her eyes. Y/N smiled. “Proceed, Mr. Stampede.” With that, Vash hoists one leg over his shoulder and disappears under her petticoat.
Not long after, Y/N was reduced to a mess of gasps and pleasured moans. Vash’s tongue worked wonders on her; constantly stealing her breath out from her lungs, her voice always finding ways to escape her throat which gave him his vigor and appetite. He was thankful he skipped dinner.
At this point, Y/N could no longer hold her weight as she reached her first climax, causing her knees to buckle under her yet Vash had already long kept her propped up with ease as if she weighed nothing to him.
“heh. There we go~” Vash was pleased with himself for giving you the first finish.
“St- Stampede…” Y/N stammered and could do nothing but a gesture to the bed. “Please.” She added. Vash kissed her inner thigh and escorted her to the bed as requested.
Vash Found one of her fingers hooked on the belt loop of his pants, eagerly pulling the layer of hindrance, “May I?” this time, it was Y/N’s turn to ask for the same request as Vash did before.
He nods in approval, allowing her to undo his belt and finally meet his little partner. He was unexpectedly girthy.
“Thank you”
Vash leans in for another kiss, this time it was at a gentler pace. He’d hope that by doing so, Y/N would be put at ease before finally committing to the full copulation.
He aligned himself with her but paused.
‘damn… never knew I’d be able to get to this point again… what if…?’  Vash inwardly thought. Just then, Y/N’s small yet warm fingers caress his cheek and gave him a tender, reassuring smile, and said “It’s okay. You won’t hurt me.” With that, he began slowly pushing in.
Every succeeding inch being pushed in caused Y/N’s back to arch from the bed, and for every succeeding length, Vash had to suck air through his teeth. He felt as though he finally hilted in her and curiously looked down to see his work. It turns out, he had already reached Y/N’s cervix without being fully sheathed yet.
‘Fuuuuuuuuckkk that’s cute’
In a haze, Y/N completely misread his pause as hesitation and assured him again that he could move. Vash was about to correct her but thought against it to not dampen the mood.
The pace was slow at first. no rush. Just completely focus on giving each other as much pleasure as they can possibly give one another. As Y/N begins to get used to him, her insides begin to memorize his shape. But as their hearts begin beating faster, their breaths more ragged and labored, blood boiling hotter, so too was their pace, each time Vash pulls out and reenters her, his shaft slowly fits in her and finally, she fully sheaths his length, finally completely connected for the first time.
“V- Vah- hah – sh… Ah!” Y/N mewled his name, her voice felt like a prayer to him. The kind that would haunt him in his sleep. Oh, the dangerous game she unknowingly made him play. It did nothing but stoke his roaring flames even more.  
Speaking of which, Vash was beginning to feel overwhelmed by how hot the room has become and it wasn’t helping that his clothes were in the way. Lost in the heat, he had completely forgotten why he kept them on in the first place, far too lost in his heated pleasure with this terrifyingly bewitching woman, and tore his shirt off. It gave him only but a brief moment of relief before he realized what he had done.
His blood ran cold, his body frozen in place, inwardly cursing himself for getting carried away. At this point, he can do nothing but anticipate Y/N’s expressions contorting into something of disgust or fear. Either way, he’d accept his fate, come what may.
In a blur, he now found himself underneath Y/N.
“How-?” Vash couldn’t finish his words when he saw the glint in her eyes. Keenly, intently, adoringly scanning every scab and scar that was ever present on his skin. She looked so wild but ethereal under the glow of the moonlight. Vash had forgotten they were even connected until Y/N began moving again, the sudden movement earned a surprised gasp from his lips.
“Gods you’re Beautiful.” Her voice was dripping with venom and lust, and a new wave of heat and passion bloomed from within her core. But Vash was too focused on what she called him… ‘beautiful’
Memories of when he first laid bare to a partner in bed pierced his thoughts. Of when he has bestowed a myriad of names, ones that aren’t pretty, to say the least. Memories of when he woke up to an empty bed, of when he was lied to and left alone to have no one to love.
Before the tears could form in his eyes, Y/N had already kissed them away then her lips moved to a small scar nearby, smiling with every scar kissed in her wake, each lovingly treated as though they were fragile, especially the ones that looked new or recent, afraid that they’d hurt if she was too rough.
“Your beautiful as you are, Vash the Stampede.” The way she whispered his name wasn’t of fear but of love. One he hadn’t heard of since his childhood, a hundred or so years ago.
Stampede stirs awake, feeling the sun's rays hit his lids. He rolled over to one side of the bed, hoping he’d find Y/N still sleeping next to him… only he rolled onto another space.
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Feeling dejected, Vash sighed and rolled onto his back, covering an arm over his eyes in a pathetic attempt to hide his own emotions but failed, now fighting back hot tears and chuckling to himself.
“I knew it was too good to be true.” Vash heaved a bleak sigh.
Vash gave himself all to her that night. Each wound was mended with her warm touch, that night, The humanoid Typhoon was but a calm breeze.
“What is?”
Vash bolted up from the bed, scanning the room to find the owner of the voice in disbelief. There, Y/N stood by the bathroom door, wearing nothing but the large red coat that Vash had discarded the night before.
At first, Y/N looked confused by his reaction but when her eyes landed on the fluffy blonde mess atop his head, she puffed a small laugh. She then strode towards the bewildered man, cupping his cheek as she reached him and planted a warm, loving kiss on his forehead.
“I suppose the bourbon hasn’t completely left your system yet.” Y/N beams sweetly to him and smooths his tangled golden locks “get dressed and let's get something to eat-“
“tell-!” Vash yelped, a bit of panic in his voice. Feeling responsible all of a sudden.
“Tell me if your stomach hurts okay? If you need anything, let me know!” his hands found her elbows, gently pulling her close to him. “if the baby bothers you just call-“ Y/N interrupts him, giggling in the process. “Slow down, Vash! You know it will take a while to confirm it right?” Y/N was reduced to a giggling mess.
“I… I knew that.” Vash cleared his throat.  “Unless…” Y/N leans into his ear and whispers; “You’d want a little stampede running around, I could gladly give one to you.”
She was right, the alcohol wasn’t fully out of his system yet.
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*Comments are absolutely encouraged!*
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alienssstufff · 2 months
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need more art of THEM in thuh world
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lazylittledragon · 2 months
warning this is a bit gross so i'll put the photos under the cut but i think it's important because nobody told me about this before i started T
if you're taking testogel/any other T that you put on your skin, please for the love of god moisturise the skin you put it on
gel REALLY dries out your skin and as someone with dry skin anyway it caused my skin to flake and scab and break out more which has left a lot of scarring on my back/chest/shoulders
(yes, T causes acne anyway, but for me personally my skin didn't get that much worse after i started and it's improved since i've been moisturising more so that was the problem for me)
obviously there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with having acne or acne scarring or anything like that (it just makes me a bit insecure and means i have to put off getting tattoos there until it gets better), i just wish i'd started taking care of it earlier
also i would Never want to scare anyone off HRT if they want it because it's been a wonderful magical thing for me but there are some uncomfortable aspects of it and this is just one that i didn't know about
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305 notes · View notes
flamingomalls · 1 year
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redraw of this (2018)
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fatmasc · 10 months
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6 months post top surgery today!
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cloudsrust · 8 months
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The duality of how I treat this demon aka he is very silly to me but lately I'm thinking too much about Temptations!Furfur,, help-
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frobby · 4 months
Yukio strikes me as the kind of guy with absolutely fucked up cuticles cuz he scratches them as a nervous habit
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skinreflectsthesun · 6 months
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POV I came to pick you up so we can have a therapy session in my car 😊🌸
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yuyu-finale · 1 year
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rest day 🍃
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storyofmorewhoa · 3 months
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The Addams Family (1991) "Quid Pro Woe," Wednesday (2022)
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alienssstufff · 18 days
📝 :)
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THIS was actually the last drawing I drew since last night . The they :]
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+pics from the scab folder
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
i feel like you can calculate how hard the semester is hitting just by looking at the state of my hands lol
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punkstylerecovery · 1 year
For me, a big part of recovery so far is accepting most of the people who hurt me will probably never apologize. Most of them will probably never change the behaviors that caused them to hurt me in the first place. And I don’t have to forgive them. But what I do need to do is learn what an apology would even mean to me (why I want it) and that even if those people never do that or never even feel badly for it, I need to keep going for myself anyway. I need to move forward without that, despite that. 
I’m also working on accepting the fact it’s fucking wrong that most of these people didn’t apologize, don’t even really believe they were wrong to hurt me. But it’s slow and it just kind of pisses me off that I’m here at all, with these problems. It’s nice to go “oh fuck people who won’t apologize” in the moment but its really hard to actually accept that apparently, and it really sucks to be dealing with the responsibility of wounds you didn’t cause but have to tend to. 
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tomswifty-fr · 1 year
16 Glitzi!
16 - During the best time of their life
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Quest took the pic :')
text reads: "Welcoming a new membor - SpringSwarm '17"
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speedlimit15 · 6 months
i feel like obsessive pimple popping and body skin/scab picking are 2 separate picking things. like the face thing is more active and the body stuff is more when i’m idle. i still have both badly though
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poniesart · 2 years
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been a long time since ive done a true self portrait :’) figured im due a new one!
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