chelledoggo · 5 months
i feel like there aren't nearly enough resources for people who leave a high-controlling religious environment and still want to seek God/spirituality in their own way without the toxicity of their previous religion.
most of the stuff out there is "your new life without God," "leaving God behind," etc...
people act like the natural next step from leaving a controlling religion is staunch atheism.
that might be the most common outcome, considering the trauma associated with God that such an upbringing can result in. and if that's the path you choose, that's perfectly valid. you process your trauma however you need to, as long as you're not hurting anyone.
but it's not the only possible outcome, and it doesn't work for everyone.
some people still feel the need to seek spirituality and feel as though they're not alone on a cosmic scale. (i'm one of those people.)
i feel like people fail to acknowledge this sometimes.
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Why I Hate Religion (tw: religion, child abuse, christianity)
It is man-made. It is not made by God. Therefore it is easier to twist his word and use it for a person's own personal gain. 
It is not a relationship with God. It makes God look like an merciless omnipotent being who judges everyone that doesn't follow his way. When really he is anything but that. He is a holy, kind, and righteous God who only wants what's best for you and for you to follow him. 
Religion wise, you have to do all of these things in order for God to like you or keep you on his 'good side'. When really all the good deeds you do don't sway the sins off your back, or the mistakes you carry. It will not help you in the end.
Religion is not a relationship. It is an obstacle. 
Religion has started so many wars for something that claims to be peaceful.
Why is there so much corruptness when they claim to be nothing but loving and perfect? Even though they teach people to judge others and make them feel like they're nothing. 
If religion is so peaceful and perfect, why are children being persecuted, abused, and violated because of it? How come there are so many rapists as priests? Why is there such thing as religious trauma/grooming?
Why are there so many wars? Why has religion started so many wars if they claim to be peaceful?
It makes you feel like you're nothing compared to God. Like you have to continuously owe him things, even though he asks for nothing in return but for your faith and belief in him, as well as a healthy, loving relationship.
They claim to protect the very people they very hate and persecute.
Jesus came down to save us, and look how they treated him. They called his word blasphemy (Luke 5:21) and in league with the devil (Matthew 9:34)
I'm not standing with the very thing that had disgraced and berated my God. The only one who truly wants the best for us.
Jesus and religion are two separate things. One is made by God, the other is a man-made invention.
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hiroco510 · 1 year
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cruelsister-moved2 · 10 months
watching this lady whos research is about studying americans who identify as “spiritual but not religious” and its uhm actually kind of chilling 😭 ofc their ignorance regarding other religious traditions outside mainstream conservative xtianity is unsurprising, but the extent to which they define their beliefs as a negation of (often misunderstood) perceptions of xtian doctrine is fascinating. but also:
- ‘because some interviewees found it hard to give up the idea of the comforting images of a God who guided and cared personally for them [...] some handled this by personifying ‘the universe’, making it sound somewhat interactive and benevolent for everyone, but also non-demanding and specific to their own needs and desires’
- ‘in the end the traditional view of a God who judges and rewards or punishes has been replaced by an anonymous process beneficial consequences for those who “wake up and pay attention” and dire consequences for those who don’t’
- ‘very few made long-lasting commitments to [community and/or learning]. instead, they credited themselves with the ability to see the universal truths or teachings common to all religions and practise them on their own’
- ‘when I asked what a functional and healthy spiritual community would look like  [...] they said it would be one which supported them, where everyone was free to believe and practise as they wished, and one which didn’t make too many demands. when i asked how they would recognise such a community if they went looking for one,many said “everyone would believe as I do”’
- ‘most SBNRs seem unaware that many others reject the same doctrines and promote similar theological themes as they do. in fact, some, when I tell them this, are disappointed or angry when I tell them how similar they are to so many others’ 
how am i not mean to literally just see this shit as NEOLIBERALISM: THE RELIGION
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glyhndzkr · 1 year
Hahahaha (2)
Sekuuuuut marii sambaaaaaaat! eh maksudnya, mencari hikmah tapi sambil 'sedikit emosi'
Ternyata track record hubungan buruk saya dengan lomba lari, masih berlanjut yagesya 😅
Sebut saja lomba A, dilaksanakan di Solo, jarak yg dilombakan ga jauh tapi hadiahnya gede bwanget-nget-nget sakjose, apa itu half maraton? apa itu maraton? ultra dkknya? + publikasi pas pasan, cuma kek nitip di instagram jasa bantu share lomba lari sama di akun ofc nya, yg post lombanya juga cuma satu, ga meriah2 bgt + biaya daftar murmer worth it udah include jersey, dan pack lain, plus ikut dorpres include motor iphone dsb.
Di akunya, alhamdulillah latian kurang lebih 4-5 kali sepekan dengan jarak yang pasti masuk diantara salah satu kategori lomba tsb, bahkan bisa lebih, dengan kecepatan hmm yaaa mungkib masuknya ga yg plg cepet, tapi cukup bersaing, hobi juga, kurang lebih ngerti jalurnya juga,
Intinya, momentumnya dapet, tapi ga ditangkep! usaha insyaa allah ga harus terlalu ngos ngos an tapi bisa dapet hadiah yang luar biasa, tapi ga daftar. Oiya sama tambahan kelebihannya, yg sebenarnya juga kekurangannya, banget, kuota terbatas! coba kemarin dah daftar, ga bakal ada nambah lagi cuy! tapi kok bisa ini ga diinfoin? kok bisa?! *tepok jidat panitia
Dan lebih parahnya, H-1 sold out, udah beli sebenere, udah ke atm nih mau transfer, udah nyadar juga nih gabawa dompet, eh lha koooooook ga nyadar kalo kartu atm nya didompetttttt! trus karena taunya gaada batas kuota peserta dan batas akhir pendaftaran masih 28 feb besok, santai lah, kalem bro masih lama, yang ternyata ini adalah salah satu kalem bro termenyesal yang pernah saya lakukan.
Seolah kek, emang bukan takdirnya ikut gt wkwkwk ya bener si tapi, kalo emang bukan takdir ya gmn lagi, doa bisa merubah takdir, tapi kmrn ga pernah doa buat bisa ikut ini, karena hmm mungkin sudah cukup yakin dengan usaha diri sendiri, lupa kalo yang nentuin bukan kita tapi Allah.
Mungkin ini salah satu teguran juga dari Allah, karena mungkin sekarang merasa sudah cukup superior di bidang lari, hanya karena frekuensi latian yang cukup jauh signifikan dibanding temen temen lain yang kukenal, padahal ya sebanarnya di luar sana, banyak banget yang jauh sangat lebih cepat dan jauh. Pol banyak e, ga ngapusi, tapi mungkin temen temen disini, ga pernah coba cari, aku half maraton, mereka full maraton, waktu sama, jarak dua kali lipat, ada. banyak.
karena merasa cukup superior di lingkungan yang kukenal, jadi ngerasa percaya diri bisa menang, bisa dapat podium serta uang hadiah yang sangat menggiurkan. Padahal kenyataannya ga mesti seperti itu, mungkin bisa jadi ada yg lebih cepat, lebih jago, dari aku dan ikut lomba besok, tapi ya bisa jadi juga sesuai dugaan.
Jadi mungkin hikmah sore ini, jgn sombong.
Insyaa allah dikit dikit lah, bisa mulai mengondisikan kembali rasa lari ini, jangan jumawa, santai aja dulu. Apa sebenere niat lari awal dulu? keknya biar sehat aja dan ga tidur pagi. Apa niat posting di wa, pamer kah? atau emang beneran mau mengajak yang lain biar tertarik ikut lari? yang sepertinya tida terlalu berpengaruh yak wkwk.
Maaf gais kalo mungkin ada salah selama post lari, jadi iri hasad dengki dsb. Harapannya tetep bisa kek biasa, dan bisa tetep ngajak pada mau lari, karena menurutku lari menyenangkan, simple, dan sehat dan, keren hehe.
btw agak ironi yak, ini, kisahnya, karena kmrn perasaan baru nulis masalah percaya takdir pasti yang terbaik 😅 🙏🏻 tapi ini sedikit wkkw bertolak belakang. Cuma alhamdulilah udah agak baikan hehehe, karena kepikiran tulisan yg kmrn wkwkkwkkw
Itu aja, btw ini lama lama nulis bisa jadi coping stress yang baik wkwkwk, sampai jumpa lagi ges. mohon tegurannya klo ada salah, pc wa boleh, bilang aja habis baca ini trus mau komen dan tentu mohon infonya kalo ada lomba lari, insyaa allah tetep bakalan lari, sans.
sbnr e ada satu lagi yg kepikiran, tp hmm kapan2 aja nulisnya
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cursed--alien · 2 years
i love you athiests i love you agnostics i love you non-religious people i love you apostates i love you ex-religious people i love you SBNRs
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nn1l4 · 4 days
Sedih dan kecewa…
Berdiri diantara mereka yang tau tentang kisah aku, dan hanya aku yang gak tau tentang mereka lakuin dibelakangku.
Kecewa berat karena aku satu.satu nya orang yang bodoh masih berada diantara mereka.
Aku siapa sbnr nya dimata mereka cuma hewan ?
Apa mereka cukup pantas perlakuin aku kaya gini ?
Apakah aku harus pergi dan menghilang ?
Aku perlu waktu buat bernafas dan mengerti akan semua hal ini.
Dan akupun sekarang menjadi orang bodoh.
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jhavelikes · 5 months
The central focus of this project is to investigate and understand how the “spiritual but not religious” (SBNR) conceive of, and interact psychologically with, the objects of their spiritual yearning. More specifically, we aim to: (a) expand the scope of existing SBNR research by developing reliable and widely-applicable means for accurately identifying this population. (b) investigate the attributed features of the objects of spiritual yearning among SBNR and identify whether, and the contexts and mechanisms by which, spiritual yearning in SBNR parents is transmitted to their children. (c) investigate ways in which SBNR interact, psychologically, with their objects of spiritual yearning (d) identify features that may contribute to a flourishing spirituality for SBNR.
Objects of Spiritual Yearning Among the Spiritual but not Religious - John Templeton Foundation
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flowrdust · 8 months
Permisi kak, saya cuma mampir mau ngabarin kalo OC kamu cetar bgt 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Aaa thank youu😭😭😭, sbnr ny ak pgn ngepost oc ku d sini, tpi ak malu buat postt
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littlesasya · 11 months
Sudah tak pandai nulis panjang lebar lagi sbnr nya, tapi kali ini, aku coba dlu
10 Juni 2023, Hari sabtu
Sekarang bisatemen yang bnr bnr bisa kapan aja bisa nemenin, bisa explore bnyak hal bareng bareng, selain dari PACAR
Karna udh keseringan utamain pacar.
Bnyk banget waktu yang kebuang cuma gara gara rencana ga jelas.
Banyak banget hal yang pengen gw coba selagi Masih muda. Tapi ternyata dia ga paham itu.
Dia ga paham 'momen'
Dia selalu mikir nanti juga bisa 'padahal belum tentu bisa'
Dia gabisa manfaatin waktu senaik mungkin.
Dengan keadaan mental yang ga baik baik aja. Ngebuat setiap masalah sama dia kaya berat banget.
Pengontrolan emosi yang ga stabil, Ngebuat nafas jadi sering sesek. Jam tidur berantakan.
Kesel karna selalu ngorbanin rencana diri sendiri, demi ngasih waktu buat dia yang agenda nya ga jls.
Hari ini ga berharap bnyk, tpi knpa yaa bnyk bngt yg bikin sedih akhir akhir ini.
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luvsaroundtheworld · 11 months
Gaining the Spiritual But Not Religious?
 I am a  person who is spiritual but not affiliated. I am a person who prefer to seek my own path , rather than following traditional organized religions. “Spiritual But Not Religious,” (SBNR), is a term used to describe individuals who consider themselves to be spiritual but do not adhere to a specific belief system or religion. This trend is becoming increasingly common in modern society, as…
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chelledoggo · 7 months
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my spiritual/deconstruction journey been like
(context: came from an evangelical background and still constantly in the process of unlearning the fear/anxiety)
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melodyofherlife · 11 months
Just a simple celebration for my friend's birthday...
Spttnya beberapa jam lagi sblm bday sbnr dia, tp x dpt jumpa yg bisuk dia tu...jd celebrate awal sikit...
@Novo Cafe
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soobakjjang · 1 year
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cows-and-coffee · 1 year
Redoing my about me 2 years later :)
Name: Taliya (Tata)
Age: Minor
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Cuban
Race: White
Religion: SBNR
Language: Spanish, English; ASL
DM: Open
Animal: cats
Health: Autism, OCD, PTSD, Tics, Dissociative, Memory loss, PCOS
Media: Sanders Sides, Horror, Webtoon, Snapchat, YouTube, Squishmallows, Netflix
Sleep: Non Existent
Color: Purple
Sexuality: not straight
Gender: yes
Hotel: Trivago
P.S. I put the date on all my posts. If I get a number wrong or something of the sort, it’s not personal and feel free to let me know. It was probably just an honest mistake.
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worldreligions2019 · 1 year
Spiritual But Not Religious | Meaning, History, Thoughts, Practices..
All About Spiritual But Not Religious  Spiritual but not religious (SBNR), also known as “spiritual but not affiliated” (SBNA), is an increasingly popular way to describe one’s religious views. It is a popular phrase and initialism used to self-identify a life stance of spirituality that does not regard organized religion as the sole or most valuable means of furthering spiritual growth.…
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