#saving for the last map
doctorsiren · 1 month
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I’m still in the process, but I’m making progress
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grimoirering · 4 months
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rui-drawsbox · 3 months
Comm for @ SproutAstro :3c
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backformores · 1 year
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[210912] thunderous 🗲 felix
a remake requested by @astralis-is-typing 🐻
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do you have any pets in your life (don't have to be yours i just wanna see aminals..) :0
hi jack :) can you watch this while i go smoke
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#ask#raidendotcom#jack im so sorry i wanted to send like 9 images of possums i have saved to my phone and i was SO tempted to do so#but this specific one in particular..........#i dont have any pets though.... :(#my last pet was a cat we had named Fatso (we didnt name him that. it was the name he had when we got him)#but we had to give him to another family. im sure hes doing just fine today :)#before him we had a guinea pig named Munchy that i took home from the woman who'd cut my hair#the first animal i thought was our pet was a golden retriever named Rusty#he was actually my uncles dog (he lives close by) and hed always hang around our house and we also kept dog treats that my brothers ate#he was a golden retriever - poodle mix. but the only poodle part of him was his ears. he had curly fur on just his ears :)#we have a photo somewhere of Rusty and me with my aunt playing in some leaves#shoutout to Rusty... fucking loved that dog even if my perception of who owned him wasnt correct as a 3-5 year old...#also yes i remember a memory of being on my front porch and my brothers were eating dog treats out of the box#i feel like they were scooby doo branded or something.#it was between the years of 2001-2003#i also have a memory of them just throwing some CDs around outside like frisbees#like i remember broken disc bits in our front yard#i also remember drawing treasure maps a lot and me and my middle brother would light the edges on fire to make it look authentic#i also remember putting rocks in the airhole to the tornado shelter we had in our front yard#listen the doors to it were big logs so we werent in need of using it any time soon. plus tornadoes dont occur around here#its still there. but ive never been inside it so i have no clue what the inside looks like#its just a hill with two doors aimed 70 degrees towards the sky. and theres an airhole hidden at the top of the hill#or it was an airhole until i shoved some rocks in it#🤗✨ oh well#anyway thank you raaiden for the ask :)#sorry i was too committed to the bit to send more opossums :( i hope you can forgive me :) >:)
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We can teach each other shouts, right?
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siena-sevenwits · 10 months
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wait so ok hypothetically i decided to model unclean realm in three.js no good reason
what do i need? rocky terrain. rocky mountain, military gates. Siheyuan style house somewhere, and then?
thats for like a low accuracy first draft. thats what it looks like right?
im kinda confused
are those outpost towers? they kinda look like it but kinda not. what is that?
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im really not understanding whats going on over here. what is this layout?
there seems to be a good amount of foliage
is it really that much? i remember more rocks there. but also thats untamed concept art.
that and i dont remember shit
so my plan right now is to use models from online. either buy or free ones. and then as i start refining the area, ill start learning how to make my own for the specifics
and the aim is to go for as much realistic lighting/shading i can manage. i should aim for cartoon but i really dont know the fundamentals of light and color enough to stylize. making shaders or whatever shouldnt be too bad
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silent-partner-412 · 1 year
Realizing that the reason nobody talks about how shit Elibe is as a world is bc FE7 is FE7 and it seems like most FE fans who’ve played it have nostalgic bias for it
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un-pearable · 2 months
going to esplod
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kingfakey · 11 months
sitting on 99% completion yeehaw we're riding high partner or whatever
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dormiloncito · 4 months
i got my hands on fear and funger.... 2!!!!!
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Me this afternoon: Now that I've got the icon for this item done, all that's left is to take some screenshots & finish setting up the nexus page! Me when I realized that gnomes & halflings do NOT use dwarf equipment models & each have their own:
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at first i considered engage to be one of the more strategic harder fire emblems (and compared to three houses it definitely is but thats a low bar) but no. its power fantasy. currently my main powerhouse is ivy + soren. they obliterate everything that dares to not have high resistance. wyvern rider? one shot. high def unit? one shot. everyone does decent damage at this point but for a unit i wrote off as a unit i only put on the field because i like her at first.
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stainedglassserault · 2 years
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*** You may need to open the image in a new tab to get high res ***
... to do that on mobile, I think you click on the image. To do that on desktop, right click and select open image in new tab or something similar.
This reference is made out of a piece of the high resolution map by the wyrd sisters. It has estimated locations of Serault and its neighboring Marquisate town, Alyons. I didn't draw the border between the two but you can imagine it. I have it between Serault and Andoral's Reach, such that Alyons does not have much contiguous land and only has the 3 vassal villages nearby. That Marquisate is currently more powerful than Serault, and has additional lands that are not contiguous elsewhere. I forget what the term for that is, but there is one.
Also featured: the Last River that is meant to flow through Serault and make it a river port, plus some other rivers I made up and many newly named lakes. I didn't name every lake, but I named a lot of lakes if you see an unnamed lake, look for a near lake, add "petite" to its name, and there you go. I realized part way through they should probably be Lac __ if named in "Orlesian" and Lake __ if named in "Common" ... just assume people call them by both depending.
Wherever you put it, it is important that the Last River actually ends up flowing down past somewhere relevant, like near Andoral's Reach, and crossing the Imperial Highway! This is because if it was just a river that went or came from nowhere useful, like the marshes, it wouldn't be passable for commerce to be coming into Serault.
I am assuming the source of the Last is in the Blasted Hills, snow melt or one or more springs or both, and flows south-south west. The River Dawn I have it intersecting with in the Tirashan is a river I made up and it starts with a natural spring and ends meeting up with the Last and then going underground right at that point.
Since making this I have seen people put Serault on the little scrap of river leading into the lake I have named Lake Nahashin. I kind of accept that, because yes that way you don't need to imagine the original canon maps left off a whole river, but really? A passable series of rivers and lakes through a marsh area? I am not a river boat captain or anything so I may be wrong but I assume it wouldn't ever have been popular with trade through a Marsh. Maybe someone who does that is imagining the "Nahashin Marshes" label really only represents scattered marshes between the lakes, and not a major nearly unbroken stretch of marsh. Anyway I like my Last River also because it gives me a good spot to put Alyons that also lets Alyons be relevant and more important than Serault at this point. Also it lets you put Serault actually away from the lakes and marsh, which are never mentioned in The Last Court, and right next to the Tirashan woods, which are repeatedly mentioned as being "right out the back door" from Chateau Serault.
Why is it, and Serault for that matter, missing off the actual official maps?
1) because it's way out west and nobody cares. That explains Alyons I guess, too. 2) it was purged as part of the "Shame of Serault" shunning which would be a few generations back. Alyons got left off too because they took off the Last River to punish Serault and impact its trade. The merchants they still get are hold outs and people really into getting their hands on the best glass. Perhaps authorities felt nobody would follow a ban on Serault glass, so it was better to deter trade and effect the punishment using official map changes.
You can also see I added some made up villages for Serault to have as vassals, each with their own local lord or lady (styled "baron" informally, if they want, even if official petty titles are banned) ... or Ser if a chevalier or general knight.
Find more about those villages, and the draconologist's outpost, Chateau Estival, HERE.
More about the rivers and lakes, HERE.
More about Alyons and its villages HERE whenever I make that post.
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dejwrld · 8 months
by time i hit 100% true perfection on sdv, concernedape going to release his other game
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