#sam speculation
moisthalforcboy · 1 month
Crack Theory that could turn out to be a spoiler:
I have a vision, and it is Kobold Paladin of *insert betrayer god* Sam Riegel PC.
One of the betrayers that we haven’t seen fleshed out yet, like Zehir or Torog, or one of the Bane paladins that got rescued on the moon (did they actually get rescued?). My ideal scenario is a Kobold Paladin of Tiamat that *worships* Arkhan.
I think Kobold might be one of the last small races that Sam hasn’t played yet, and I think it would be neat.
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ian0key · 5 months
TMAGP character designs!!!!
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and more art:
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->->-> NEW VERSION (fixing the saturation of Sam's skin and with other extra things)
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gravizentrum · 5 months
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they put my bois in the puter...
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aurabora · 2 months
i’m being so serious rn if assad zaman isn’t rawdogging eric bogosian on my tv screen in s2 i am going to raise anne rice from the grave and telling her that AMC is writing fanfiction and she needs to sue them
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elle-thereafter · 1 month
Genuine theory: I really hope Sam’s new character is one of the Aeor mages that have been trapped in bubbles for hundreds of years and who has been recently released due to the solstice shenanigans.
Extremely unlikely theory: Loquacious Seelie somehow survived and was trapped in an Aeor bubble and he’s the person who’s been freed.
Crackpot theory: Bolo survived in one of the Aeor bubbles and Sam cements his reputation as a comedy legend.
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dontbelasagne · 5 months
waiting for the moment one of the text-to-speech voices says something directly to Sam and when he brings it up to the office nobody takes him seriously
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voidedsoul5 · 3 months
I dont care how happy you are
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This is an odd thing to say to someone you JUST met. Idk why nobody else has mentioned this. Feels like theres something more, with sam and gerry that neither really remember or are letting on.
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cult-of-the-eye · 1 month
guys why would alice invite her ex and his new gf to her little brother's show? i've got a few thoughts
she's trying to keep sam from drifting off by establishing a neutral middle ground for everyone to be at, where she is still comfortable
she's lonely. she doesn't have anyone else to ask.
her brother needs the people? (not sure about this one cause it seemed packed later on in the episode but he was also asking for money so maybe she thinks he needs the people?)
this is a desperate last ditch attempt at keeping everyone together. she can feel the gap widening and she can't have that
she's also somehow keeping up appearances of unbothered by the horrors and therefore exempt from it
she's trying to establish a middle ground that is exempt from the horrors to save sam from whatever fate he might have
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james-spooky · 4 months
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i’m so obsessed with this tagline my god….
fear takes many forms (multiple shapes/structures of fear)
fear takes many forms (lots of paperwork bc it’s the OIAR)
gonna be thinking about this for the next 3-6 business days….(the implications of the fears being different in this universe i’m screaming)
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wwpbviiid · 5 months
(Mild spoilers for tmagp)
So a lot’s been said about how in protocol the staff is able to quit, and the comparison between the canary and the anglerfish, and I think between the two we get a glimpse of what the themes of this podcast is gonna be
TMA dealt a lot with themes of agency, manipulation and control; a lot of the most important actions taken by the principal characters were not in their control, and when they were they rarely understood the full implications of them
Meanwhile, the staff at the OIAR can quit at any time. Sam is told during the interview that he shouldn’t want the job!
I think TMAGP is gonna be more about how we do this to ourselves. We can stop listening at any time, and yet we press on, with full knowledge of what it’s going to do to us
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mothocean · 2 months
So. We know that Celia is a single mom with a one year old, both of Alice's parents are dead and her brother is at least somewhat financially dependent on her, and Sam doesn't want to tell his parents that he left his previous job. We don't know much about Gwen's family situation, but everything so far seems to imply she's from a well-off family.
That creates an interesting parallel between Celia and Alice: they're both working at the OIAR to financially support (aside from themselves) a younger family member, presumably without much help from other family members/anyone else really. While they can technically quit their jobs, that'd make it much harder for them to care for themselves and the family member that is dependent on them.
Now this part miiight be a stretch because we don't know enough about Sam and Gwen's family situations, but i believe they parallel each other in a similar way. What Sam said in the last ep seems to imply that he doesn't want to disappoint his parents or admit he's not living up to their expectations. And if the Bouchard family in Protocol is anything like the Bouchard family in Archives, Gwen probably has some familial expectations placed on her too. They're both also the ones most invested in their jobs, digging themselves deeper into supernatural business in an attempt to climb the corporate ladder/figure out how it all went wrong. They too cannot quit their jobs at the OIAR, so long as they still aren't living up to their family's expectations.
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ian0key · 4 months
god lord, this chapter was A LOT (ep.4) ->
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and in general->
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I'll probably do more...
(English is not my first language, please let me know if I have any spelling mistakes.)
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aurabora · 23 days
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thankstothe · 6 months
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Some notes on Wilson's marriages/divorces, and how he met House:
• House didn't just meet a freshly divorced Wilson. He met barely married Wilson, who just got notified about his #1 divorce by a lawyer, not his wife
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• Wilson walked around with papers on hand, long enough to give House a chance to sneak a peek. The same day he received the news. (there's a chance it was some sort of middle step in the divorce procedure, but "just served", checkmate your honor)
• House 100% knew that when he bailed him out. No, I don't have any concrete evidence besides "it's fucking House"
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• House had Wilson observed the entire time to know he didn't open the papers. The divorce lawyer prob gave him an idea of what it is, and he was just marinating in the suffering juice
• House had to be nosy and stealthy when he checked the package Wilson clung to, he saw what's written on it
• They didn't actually talk at the conference itself, so House did it silently too
• There was a law firm address on the papers, and you couldn't just google shit then. House's had to remember it to investigate it further, or he already knew of the firm (or it said "BLAH LAW FIRM BLAH HERE'S YOUR DIVORCE PAPERS, LOSER", which is possible)
• Wilson likely opened them in a hotel room (or he looked at the package sadly/angrily there too), needed a drink, and House was at the bar
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• House was watching Wilson at that conference, then at the bar, then meltdown over the song, then the whole fight and the mess, then the detention, and was like yeah I'll bail that
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• "First words you ever said to me." This is when they first talked, Wilson was in jail and the one in need
• Ok alright, hear me out, if House didn't know what the papers were at the time of bailing. There are 2 paths for him to find out
• Wilson STILL had them on hand in jail
• Or Housey saw them at Wilson's hotel room. Yeah
• It's been over the decade since they've met and they both vividly remember the details of that drunk night (I get why for storytelling purposes. Still... Much to think about)
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• That conference is either the last one, or one of the lasts, House attended. And that one was already boring to House without Wilson. 15 years prior to s06e06 "Known Unknowns", can't do the timeline magic I just eyeball it
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• House also introduced Wilson to Cuddy pretty soon, since she was a witness to the levels of despair he was apparently in
• House might've pestered Cuddy to hire him, or she chose to do so herself (whenever she was dean). Maybe House chased away some poor oncologist to make an opening. Even if House isn't as obsessed with Wilson at the start of season 1, he's always plotting
• There's the brother thing too. Wilson still fresh out of med school, still divorcing, still guilty af and looking for the brother in Princeton, so he was happy to work there
• Prior to that, Wilson was working 2 jobs to support himself and Sam and was ready to follow her to Baltimore
• The divorce and meeting House happened in 1991, the same year USSR completely fell apart. Just thought I'll throw that in #educational
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• Wilson was married, non-fraudulently, for 12 years total
• Marriage #1 has only lasted 1 year
• That means every marriage House was present for has lasted longer #math
• Wilson found a way to get fulfilled while in the marriage
• Now he's got a needy bitch with infinite problems and who will slurp any poison he has to siphon
• I'd argue House is what made Wilson bearable at home
• At the same time, House is what kept Wilson away from home, ultimately contributing to the divorce
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• Wilson himself describes his marriages as crappy - he doesn't really need help destroying them. House still helps~✨
• Timeline gets wonky, but there couldn't have been much of a downtime between marriages, a couple of years max
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• "Fell in love at the wedding" - whatever the fuck that means for Wilson
• Either Wilson met Sam through that wedding, and she also aimed to work in medicine - how they've connected. Or they went there as a couple, both being med students? Got high on emotions and jumped into marriage
• Wilson speedruns relationships once he's in them, so it could've gone "hey that was a nice wedding, how about we have our own?"
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• He fucking sucks at proposals, his looks and general air of niceness carried him all 3 times, I will not be hearing any objections on the matter
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• When Wilson talks to Cameron about cheating. He says, "I have (cheated). I always told them"
• "Them"
• It's could've been every marriage (#1, #2 and #3). If boy managed to sneak in cheating in his 1-year lightning marriage #1, while he was studying + 2 jobs (now I don't doubt his time management skills, but it's still a hassle. On the other hand, all that stress couldn't have been helping)
• Or it could be #1 and #2, or #1 and #3. But #3 is pretty much a certainty (he flirts with nurses on screen, House is also there), and it's "them", so why would he randomly stop in the middle? Don't think so
• What's most likely is - #2 and #3. When arguing with Sam (#1) again she didn't mention or allude to the cheating, her problem was that Wilson didn't communicate ANY emotions to her, she even admitted to House she made the most mistakes in that marriage, let's say there's some truth in that
• Wilson either didn't tell Sam about cheating, she didn't have a problem with it, or he lied to Cameron
• OR he didn't cheat on Sam
• He started to cheat after the first divorce AND his marriages started to last longer, which is funnier too
• He could've started cheating prior to House entering the picture, but much more likely - after. Divorce and/or House are the cause
• Speaking of. Meeting House is very tightly linked to the #1 divorce. Every time Wilson would think back on it, he would have to think about all the turmoil and getting bailed by House. And vice versa - every time he'd think back on meeting House...
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• "I met someone who made me feel funny. And I didn't want to let that feeling go." Another Cameron talk. Ur honor, there's something on that wall
• btw, he is STILL married while meeting House, so if you hilson 1st-night-fuck truther, that meeting is his cheater origin story in a more practical sense. He then could've really meant all the marriages, but then he lied about telling Sam/Cameron, he might not count it since he's divorcing to tell Sam
• Ultimately, he's a huge liar, and I'm wasting my time. What I'm saying - nothing is really off the table with this guy in terms of hcs
• Aftermaths of #2 and #3 aren't really talked about like #1. It must've been really nuclear
• House says neither of them recovered from (#1) divorce to Wilson's face, Wilson doesn't contest that in any way. Even tho House didn't know Wilson before the divorce he usually right on the money with these things
• After the divorce #2 Wilson got 3 legged cat
• After failing to secure marriage #4 (#1 part 2) he got a diabetic cat
• Just like the thing he has with missing phone calls, after every divorce, consciously or not, he might expect a savior to bail him out
• After and during #3 he crashed at House's, then surfed hotels, then moved in with a dying patient, then Amber's, then House moved in with him (still Amber's)
• Maybe his wives kept taking properties in the divorce, and he just stopped getting them
• Man frankly didn't have a home for a while (HOMELESS BUT NOT HOUSELESS)
• Then Wilson finally commits and gets the place for himself and House, from Bonnie (#2)
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• Wilson adamantly remains on good terms with his ex-wives (but not random exes. One helps House with a prank, House kept tabs bc of course)
• But Wilson thinks they hate him. Did he ever pay attention to them?
• While spending all the time with House, then cheating, telling his wives about it, Wilson gave them more attention and emotions to delay the divorce
• He also learned how not to get attached in marriage, to not get destroyed by the divorce (excellent gambit if you expect your marriage to fail)
• He has a better support system now too. Can't believe House is your support system, fucking lmao and ouch. Cuddy is his only other friend we see, maybe Stacy at some point (he kept in touch with after the incident)
• All his other friends and family we hear next to nothing about, at best they're surface level
• In season 5 he's only visited by the coworkers/House's team + Cuddy <- all that is pretty much House's tolerance circle
• House is pathetic, but Wilson is something else entirely
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psyduckz · 5 months
it’s a little eerie how wrapped up sam gets in the statements already. after every statement so far, someone’s had to approach him like “…you okay dude?”
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dontbelasagne · 5 months
can we appreciate how theres not just one **main** character for tmagp? you start ep one thinking how neat it is following the sarcastic queer icon Alice and how she will survive terrible things by pure wit alone, but then get introduced to Samama being the one to become buddies with the h o r r o r s first and wonder if he will be our main entry into gradually breaking down. but then we are greeted with Colin and his suspiciously close encounters with the strange technical features of the OIAR and potentially being put front and centre to mortal dangers. but, and you've guessed it, then we find ourselves with orderly Gwendolyn who happens to have the surname Bouchard and a keen eye (ha) on securing the position of Lena Kelley, a person who doesn't find it necessary to hide the weirdness of their occupation and the type of "person" one must be to manage it. until ep 2, when Alice comes to mention how you just have to find your way to compartmentalise all the harrowing information you come across, and how it's funny (worrying) these voices randomly turned up a year ago, and how odd it is everyone else tends to ignore the speech-to-text voices but Samama has immediately begun his own personal interest into what this all means and how dangerous that is in order to not lose yourself. you begin to realise how this isn't a single persons one track destiny to fearful damnation, but a whole warped and crippling angst that has the potential to suddenly avalanche in horrific pleasure and hurt EVERYONE in its path.
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