#salim the arcana
I can’t remember rn, but why was asra homeless and raised himself if his parents were still alive and well?
This ended up longer than expected, but here's a rundown of what happened with Asra's parents! Putting it under the cut for spoilers :)
The timelines aren't very clear, but during Asra's early childhood, their parents were hired to build Lucio's arm. Aisha and Salim are from a country called Zadith, where alchemy (described in the art book as a combination of magic and science/technology) is a commonly studied practice. Lucio had recently lost his left arm and as count wanted the best prosthetic available.
It's unclear if the Devil steered Lucio towards Aisha and Salim specifically for the commission, or if he simply saw a chance as soon as they started working for the Palace. We do know that since the two of them have The Lovers as their patron Arcana they were key to the ritual that the Devil was slowly working towards with Lucio as his pawn.
When Aisha and Salim completed the prosthetic, Lucio ordered them to be thrown into the dungeons in separate cells and said that they would be executed, because he wanted his arm to remain the only and best of its kind. We later find out that Lucio did this at the Devil's request so that he would have a bargaining chip.
The Devil approached both Aisha and Salim separately and told each of them that if they went into captivity for him, he would make sure that no harm would come to their spouse or child. Both agreed, and they were locked in their own shared magician's gate, leaving Asra behind for roughly twenty years.
Meanwhile, from Asra's child point of view, their parents went to work one day and never came back. He would meet Muriel three years later by the South End docks and the two of them would finish growing up together in a sibling-esque relationship. When Asra first meets Muriel as a child, they say that their parents were "taken", but later, they just refer to their parents as "gone". He does seem to know from the get-go that Lucio was involved in that sequence of events, but by the time canon starts, he's given up on reuniting with his parents and isn't even sure if they're alive any more.
It's unclear, but Asra does seem to be somewhat aware of the deal that ensures that they won't be harmed. We know that Lucio knew who Asra was when he was still a kid at the docks, and that Lucio later recognized him as an adult in the Palace. Both Nadia and Julian seem to express some level of concern for their safety around Lucio but Asra themself acts with an assumption of immunity that they don't normally adopt around people they distrust so heavily.
In the end, Asra is united with his parents in most (if not all) of the upright endings, and it's implied that the three of them are able to begin rebuilding their relationship and stay in each other's lives.
Sorry for long that got, hope that helps anon friend! :D
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mjart12699 · 9 months
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Happy birthday Muriel!
For the adopted Au!
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lordedlady · 2 months
pepi :
has vitiligo
medium height of the group
has huge eyes
doesn't like to tease others, but will happily watch faust make fun of others for her
surprisingly clingy???
says "uwu" constantly, it pisses everyone off
just a chill gal
exes with camio
jæger :
doesn't have time for other people's bullshit
stoic, definitely has a rbf
nearly puked looking at lucio's tomfoolery
"you've been cursed with shit. literally, you look like it."
scoffs 24/7
had countless emo phases
"its not a phase, morga..."
anger issues
doubt he's ever been happy
chill with valerius
chimes :
gets along with portia
likes fruit-picking
found their soulmate <3
squeaks when nervous
has a soft voice
the mum of the group, who used to be super energetic / rebel
pda lover
has a gravelly voice
cute little boy
loves sleeping
reads occasionally
found their soulmate <3
"ah, when i was your age--" /pos
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pugwitharug · 1 year
Arcana Babygirl Polls: Round 3
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blitzyn · 2 years
to the future
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asra alnazar x gn!reader
request : none
Synopsis: You and Asra relax in the moment after defeating Lucio.
a/n -> happy 4th of july 😼
wc -> 0.7k
cw -> none but slight spoilers for asras upright route
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You felt Asra's warmth behind you, protecting you from the chill of being far away from the city. You watched as the streets shined with the mixture of various glitters thrown around by cheer-filled civilians. Vesuvia had finally begun to prosper without the Count reigning over the country.
Nadia had taken over well, and had started to build proper waterways with the help of Salim and Aisha, your boyfriend's parents. It was hard work to pick up the mess Lucio made in his desire for endless parties and neglect for the well-being of his people. She had even decided to pass on Prakran techniques to occupy the Coliseum, turning it into a public trial center instead of keeping it as an arena for slaughtering other people as a sport.
Today was the start of Nadia's commitment to rebuilding Vesuvia into something much better, to bring the city into its prime. The citizens have luckily taken the information with gratitude, happy to live in a place where fresh, running water will be available in more places instead of habitats where vampire eels reside in.
Since Vesuvia was largely known for its parties, it was inevitable that one was going to be thrown in celebration of a new era in the city's history.
Though, it was not a masquerade, nor a fancy ballroom party within the confines of the palace walls. It was a festival that ran through the marketplace to the docks. Children and adults alike shared gifts and forged new memories as they participated in activities and lit lanterns that shone in every color of the rainbow.
It was so much more than you had ever imagined during your journey to confine the Devil in his realm.
"A penny for your thoughts?" Asra rested his chin on your shoulder, peering at you curiously with his purple eyes.
You smiled at him. "I'm just glad that we're able to sit here after everything that happened."
He sighed dreamily. "Me too. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to hold you like this for the rest of forever."
You giggled at his words as he shifted himself so that he sat next to you. He picked up a bottle of wine that was gifted to him from Portia by Nadia. He poured you both a glass, the color delightfully contrasting against the vibrancy of the festival.
"To the future of Vesuvia?" he raised his glass to you.
You grinned. "To the future of Vesuvia."
You clinked your cups together and took a deep drink, the wine gliding gracefully down your throat. It was fruity with several spices mixed in, delighting your taste buds.
There was suddenly a high-pitched squeal, silence, then a loud boom that colored the night sky a vibrant blue. Many more fireworks of various sizes painted your vision, some crackling, some creating different designs.
Cheers echoed throughout the city, happy that the first fireworks of the night were finally being lit.
You and Asra laughed in delight when one of the fireworks displayed a large Tarot card in your favorite color and his signature purple. You would have to thank Nadia when she was free.
"It's so stunning," he mumbled, just barely above a whisper.
"Yeah, it is," you kept your eyes locked on the kaleidoscope of colors above. It took a moment or two to feel the familiar affection-filled gaze he often gave you.
You turned to him in question before piecing it together - he was calling you stunning. Your eyes widened in surprise; you had only ever heard that line in sappy romance novels, you never expected to ever hear it for you.
You could feel your face getting hot as you looked away. He laughed at your embarrassment, swinging a warm arm around your shoulders.
"Ah," he sighed, complete infatuation laced in his words. "I love you so much."
You turned to face him, gazing deep into his magenta irises mixed in with the rainbow hues of the fireworks. Your chest swelled in the welcome feeling of love-sickness, feeling as if you were falling for him for the first time.
You brought your faces close together, lips just inches away from meeting. "I love you, too."
You kissed, the passion far surpassing the ones from before. You ran a hand through his curly locks, his lowering to your back. You took a breath in when you reluctantly pulled away, turning to face the show once more.
You couldn't wait to see what the future had in store for Vesuvia, for your friends, and for you and Asra.
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takethesunnysideup · 3 months
of course i have a dad his name is Salim Alnazar
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dickbutt21 · 1 year
Okay so I'm writing a thingamajig where Asra starts opening up about his parents right, and obviously Lucio had imprisoned them in tandem with The Devil patron, but how much of this would Asra know? Would he think Lucio had just killed them or would he somehow have an idea of what happened? Canon thoughts or headcanon thoughts are greatly appreciated!
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10 Headcanons For the Birthday Magician and Our Beloved Crime-Committing Snake!
Featuring: Asra Alnazar, Faust, Apprentice/Librarian!Lyra Nguyen, Nook the Book Mimic, and various others.
CW/TW: Mentions of the Red Plague; references to MC dying in an alternate timeline.
Apprentice!Timeline(s) | [Pre-Red Plague]
Lyra gave Asra the pink scarf he’s almost never seen without.
When he first received it, the scarf smelled so much like Ly to the point he and Faust would have tiffs over who slept/napped with and/or in it the first few weeks of having it.
Faust and Nook have committed crimes together, but no one can pin it on them because they’re a sneaky pair.
Lyra chastises Nook over it: while he has a tiny blip of shame, both familiars are almost ungovernable.
For y e a r s, Neha teased Asra about being a chicken when it came to trying/failing at asking Lyra to dance with him at any festivity Vesuvia had going on at any given time.
Everyone and their pet/familiar could see Asra was head over heels in love with Lyra . . . everyone except the very person he was crushing on.
Asra and Lyra had a full blown argument over the fact Lyra actually liked having raisins time to time in the pumpkin bread Selasi bakes.
They usually made up over tea.
Every year without fail on Asra’s and Faust’s birthday, Lyra always saves the best piece of the cake for them both.
[more below the cut]
Palace Librarian!Timeline(s) | [Red Plague, Beginning of Main Plot, & Epilogue (Upright)]
Birthdays were a bit of a strange topic during the Red Plague.
Regardless—and somehow—Asra and Julian saved her a slice of cake when it was either of their birthdays OR her own, bless their souls . . .
While Lyra does/did respect both Asra and Faust during their time in the palace, she was wary of them.
The books Asra had been requesting more often than not came from the Forbidden Highly Guarded Section of the palace library.
On MC’s birthday—Lyra didn’t know it was MC’s birthday at the time—both Asra, Faust and Julian were 10x more morose/stressed than usual.
She didn’t ask the why of it all . . . she respected their privacy.
After the Red Plague, Lyra would time to time send packages to Asra and Faust when their birthday did swing around.
More often than not, the packages did not make it safely to their intended destination . . . at least during the three years between the Previous Masquerade and the Main Game Events of The Arcana.
During the end of Asra’s upright ending, Lyra works closely with Aisha, Salim, the Countess, and Julian in helping to work on jump-starting the public work projects Nadia is spearheading. Asra sends Lyra knitted tube-socks for Nook, which she deeply appreciated.
Bonus: In Lucio’s upright ending, there’s talk between Nadia and Asra about expanding the palace library. It’s hinted that Asra would get Muriel involved in the project.
Whether or not he’d try to be Muriel OR Lyra’s wingperson is up for debate, but it all boils down to just LEMME INDULGE, PLEASE. X’D
Mun: I’ve been dealing with a lot, and while I did plan on writing a fic, time constraints have led me to put this together instead (/positive)!
I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing it!
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thearcanafanfan · 2 years
Apprenticember 5 & 6
DAY 5 
Do they have any other friends outside of canon? What about the minor characters? 
Rigel have a few friends outside of canon. ( Most of those characters belongs to other people~ )
Canon minor characters:
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Rigel appreciate her being honest and straightforward. 
Staying at the palace from time to time, whenever the Satrinavas visits, they would cross path and just talk. He was the one who asked the favour to train him how to be a better fighter physically, if she knows how. They don’t meet often or train as much though, but they do get along well.
Rigel just likes being with people who are direct and blunt at times.
Rigel always enjoys hanging out with Selasi when he can. He likes listening to Selasi talk while eating pumpkin bread. Rigel always been grateful for him, even more when he tried to help out Asra and always being supportive. Overall a good friend to both him and Asra. 
Rigel’s still a little overwhelmed and don’t really know how to act around Asra’s parents but he’s really trying his best. He would help them whenever he can and they would do the same back if Rigel needs it. Aisha and Salim do make it easy to approach them, and Rigel’s appreciates it and would try to adjust quicker. He prefer if Asra’s there than to be alone thought.
Rigel’s aloof childhood friend who have always been there for him. Sigmund helps Rigel out with patrolling in the past, and would fight along side him. More on physical combat while Rigel with magic. They have been close since the beginning but then falls apart after the resurrection. Rigel doesn’t remember him, only a bit. Sigmund is still willing to help out even then.
Now, do they have any rivals? Maybe even a WORST ENEMY!? Spill the deets now!
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Rigel have a lot. Since he interfere with anything dangerous/illegal that’s been going on only at the dead of the night and disappearing without a trace, a lot of thugs and others more are always cautious and more careful now. Especially when Rigel actually got a few members caught and are now in the dungeon under the coliseum.
No one has seen Rigel’s face, but they’re aware of him and will always have a look out to try and capture Rigel. There are some that would follow Rigel during day time, suspecting him. He would notice it right away. It’s easy for him to get out of there. If Asra’s with him, he’ll stand where Asra would be blocked from those people’s sight and get out of there fast while making sure Asra won’t notice too.
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The Contestants Are Here!
Thank you for your patience, I'm now ready to announce our contestants for the Obscure Character Showdown! There are 300 characters, split up into 6 groups of 50.
Here's how the schedule will work: Day 1 is Group A Round 1 Part 1, Day 2 is Group A Round 1 Part 2, Day 3 is Group B Round 1 Part 1, Day 4 is Group B Round 1 Part 2, Day 5 is Group C Round 1 Part 1, and so on and so forth until we reach Group F Round 1 Part 2, and then the next day we'll fold back over for Group A Round 2. I'm splitting up the rounds because tumblr can interpret posting many polls at once as spamming, and each group contains 25 polls, so. 13 one day, 12 the next.
I expect to start polls by Wednesday, May 31, but I may be a little later than that. I'll keep you updated.
The polls will be tagged with 'obscurecharactershowdown,' 'obscure poll,' and their group letter and round number.
Under the cut is the groups and matchups. Thank you all for your submissions, and I'm sorry if your submission didn't get in! If it was a submission for your OC, a mythological figure, a Real Life Thing, an album character, a commercial character, etc, then you may not be out of the running yet. Be patient, I have something else I'm working out!
Please don't come into my inbox, replies, dms, etc, and tell me that a character I chose isn't actually obscure at all. No one's media experience is universal, and from my own experiences, I picked to the best of my ability.
Juan Salvo (El Eternauta) vs The Faceless One (Masters of the Universe)
Leila Vernon (The Magic Misfits) vs Malaya Walters (How to Be a Werewolf)
Rosalia Rossellini (Trauma Team) vs Hotwire (Transformers Universe)
The Blue Electric Angels (Matthew Swift book series) vs The Protagonist’s Mother (Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk)
Syksy (Farragone) vs Chaerin Eun (Surviving Romance)
Miyabi Hanakouji (Persona 2) vs Valier / Reinhardt (The Demon Prince Goes To The Academy)
Merim Felspar (Three of Hearts Podcast) vs Gracefeel (The Faraway Paladin)
Ragna the Bloodedge (Blazblue) vs Shigeru Watanabe (Sakana)
Tragedian (Pathologic) vs Shin Kazama (Area 88)
Morga Eirsdottir (Arcana) vs Shadow Joker (Kaitou Joker/Mysterious Joker)
Rose Red (Ghost Quartet) vs Jacopo Bearzatti (The House in Fata Morgana)
Teardrop (BFB) vs Catherine Winters (Love, Money, Rock'n'Roll)
Nin (Paranatural) vs Naarah (CatGhost)
Rose Hsu Jordan (The Joy Luck Club) vs Seijyu (Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru/Mashin Hero Wataru)
Itakura Akira (Talentless Nana) vs Daryl Zero (Zero Effect (1998))
Tarisa Manandal (Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse) vs Whisper (Golden Treasure: The Great Green)
Isaac Yaga (Thistlefoot) vs Raikou Shimizu (Nabari no Ou)
Kasane Fuchi (Kasane) vs Taïs (Aïnako)
Kozlov Leifvich Grebnev (Biomega) vs Rosa Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Koro ni)
Bowie (Ginga Senpuu Braiger) vs Cyber 6 (Cybersix)
Kim Boksil (How to End an Unrequited Love) vs Zolophilia (Disciple of the Lich: Or How I Was Cursed by the Gods and Dropped Into the Abyss)
Kate (Shadow’s House) vs Michael Tutori (Wii Music)
The Guardian (Hyper Light Drifter) vs Salim Condo (La quete d'Ewilan books) 
The Queen of Hearts (Fool's Run by Patricia McKillip) vs Jyu Free (Dobutsu no Kuni/Animal Land)
Tom (Deltora Quest) vs The Player Square (Adventure (Atari))
Elliot Hemlock (Devil's Candy) vs Sulfus (Angel's Friends)
Togou Mimori/Washio Sumi (Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero & Washio Sumi is a Hero) vs Fengxi (Legend of Luo Xiaohei)
Shinozaki Yusuke (Shinozaki-kun no Mente Jijou) vs Yellow Tempest/Yellow Storm (Ending Makers)
Hiroki Dan (Brutal: Satsujin Kansatsukan no Kokuhaku) vs Tirsiak (Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion)
Tau-indi Bosoka (Seth Dickinson's Masquerade series) vs Sugar Peace (High Card)
Anima (Why Shouldn't a Detestable Demon Lord Fall in Love?!) vs Rinzen (Avatar Legends)
Walter Walzac (The Brave of Gold Goldran) vs Hoshi or “Star” (Arakawa Under the Bridge)
Lex (Cryptid Crush) vs Marshall (U.B.Funkeys)
Pappy van Poodle (Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball) vs Cockroach Boy (Nekra Psaria)
Denzil and Cuthbert (Count Duckula) vs Mama Fireplant (Super Mario World TV series)
Isaac (Awful Hospital) vs Naki Kokuriko (Ayakashi Akashi)
Tughril Mahmut (Shoukoku no Altair) vs Mark (Galactik Football)
Mistake Bradley (Home Sweet Home (1981)) vs Oopsy Bear (Care Bears (2007 series))
Yin Yu (Heaven Official's Blessing) vs Jinwoo Shim (New Recruit)
Xuanli (Lanxi Zhen) vs Tenna (Johnny the Homicidal Maniac / I Feel Sick)
Ssrin (Exordia) vs Kondou Seiichirou (Isekai no Sata wa Shachiku Shidai)
Hikaru (Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu) vs Dr. Albert Krueger (Therapy with Dr. Albert Krueger)
Chris Wise (Anna and the Apocalypse) vs Chase Beckley (Elevator Hitch)
Cindy Caine (Halloween Horror Nights) vs Uncle Flipping Hades Terwilliger (The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death, by Daniel Manus Pinkwatee)
Juliana Valverde (The Hazards of Love) vs Red Savarin (Solatorobo)
Bennett (Hello Charlotte) vs Ruan Nanzhu (Kaleidoscope of Death (死亡万花筒))
Eve (Serina: A Natural History of the World of Birds) vs Senri (+Anima)
Nero (The Boy Who Fell) vs Yee (Outlander Fantastic Princess)
Atl (Certain Dark Things) vs Sheila (Witch’s Heart)
Josh Rumbles (Celia's Journey - a series by Melissa Gunther) vs Queenie (BACK)
Bolt (Crypt of the Necrodancer) vs Mila (The Quest)
Iris (Drawn: The Painted Tower) vs Pearl Forrester (MST3K)
Queen Seles (Sabrina the Teenage Witch: The Magic Within) vs Vella (Velouria Beastender Tartine) (Broken Age)
Mr Morris Lessmore (The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore) vs Garrett Miller (Extreme Ghostbusters)
Dr. Anna May (Scott the Woz) vs Ocoho (Radiant)
Bai Lang (My Tooth Your Love) vs Aleida Rosales (For All Mankind)
The Scorched Apostate (A Practical Guide to Evil) vs "Järnarmen" ("The Iron Arm") (Jönssonligan dyker upp igen (1986))
Aliya Elasra (Heaven’s Vault) vs Roc (Xenoblade 2)
Sawamura Tetsuo (Yuureitou) vs Kid Twilight (Story Thieves by James Riley)
Doris Frances Barbara (Blood & Syrup: A Vampire the Masquerade Podcast) vs Mikey McGil (The Skinjacker Trilogy) 
Psianop the Inexhaustible Stagnation (Ishura) vs Gu Nanyi (Rise of the Phoenixes)
Sawtooth Rivergrinder (Freefall) vs Katook (The Katurran Odyssey)
Kim Koizumi (Chroma Key) vs NIL (Hyperbolica video game)
Kathryn (Fixation) vs The Spider Core (The Lab - Core Slingshot) 
Satyarani (Raven: The Secret Temple) vs Alys Hunter (Prosiect Z/Itopia)
Bamba (Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger) vs Barago (From Far Away) 
Grunty (The World Well Lost by Theodore Sturgeon) vs Ink (Going Home)
Rook (Griftlands) vs Rambler (Happy Happy Clover)
Elisabet Grimurdottir (Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness) vs Felix Iskandar Escellun (Last Legacy)
Nancy Neil (Snowboard Kids) vs THE-MEASURE-CUTS (The Blackout Club) 
Nephis (Shadow Slave) vs Rina Shioi (Magical Girl Site)
"good" Tom (El Goonish Shive) vs Tomoe Tachibana (Trauma Team) 
Enik (Land of the Lost (1978)) vs Ernő Nemecsek (A Pál Utcai Fiúk (The Paul Street Boys)) 
Dee Kennedy (Dayshift at Freddy’s) vs Eamon Bailey (The Circle by Dave Eggers)
Bob Sparker (Electricopolis) vs Kirinda (Juuni Senshi Bakuretsu Eto Ranger)
Todoroki Kakeru (Chō Soku Henkei Gyrozetter) vs Lelee (Cursed Ones DnD)
Engine (Gachiakuta) vs The Exsurgent Virus (Eclipse Phase)
Therese 'Tess' Dombegh (Tess of the Road) vs Heart (Moonlight Chicken)
Captain Grace (Magical Girl Raising Project: Limited) vs Gongyi Xiao (Scum Villain's Self Saving System) 
Es (Milgram) vs Fox (Mirrorworld series)
Kindersnatch (Prey and a Lamb) vs Copen Kamizono (Azure Striker Gunvolt)
Lady Bat (Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch) vs Pepper (Hello From Halo Head)
Marziale (NOISZ) vs Ulala (Space Channel 5)
Soloman (Soloman) vs Diggory Graves (Hello from the Hallowoods)
Matatagi Hayato (Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy) vs Phon (3 Will Be Free)
Riley (Nexomon) vs Hizame (Amatsuki (Takayama Shinobu))
Brutha (Discworld) vs Colt / Coltia (Monster Rancher 2)
Raven (Gravity Rush) vs Holy Joo (Oh! Holy (Webtoon))
Kit Devlin (Kitty Corner) vs Kusuriuri (the medicine seller) (Mononoke)
Dandelion Tuft-Flores (Soil That Binds Us) vs Tin (Triage The Series)
Sparky & Whoosh / ポチ & タマ (Pochi & Tama) (Ribbit King (Kero Kero King DX)) vs The Biologist (The Southern Reach trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer)
Silver (Oneshot) vs Allumi Niumbirch (Shaman King Flowers)
Kronoculus (Costume Quest 2) vs Raven (Raven (CBBC))
Gary (Faith the Unholy Trinity) vs Appare Sorano (Appare-Ranman!)
Roxis Rosenkrantz (Mana Khemia) vs Abby and Zara (Doctor Who / Graceless)
Shijima Tsukishima/Shimeji (Shimeji simulation) vs Sym (I Was A Teenage Exocolonist)
Oona Wong (Kiki Strike Series) vs Cynthia (Incryptid)
Felix Leiter (James Bond franchise) vs Jefferson (Death's Door) 
Gerald McBoing Boing (Gerald McBoing Boing (1950 short)) vs Gruftine (Die Schule Der Kleinen Vampire / The School for Little Vampires)
Nuch (Not Me The Series) vs Sad Ghost (Shattered Pixel Dungeon)
Percy Blakeney (The Scarlet Pimpernel) vs Sarah Collins (Dark Shadows (1966-1971))
Grace Summers/Poppy (Blood for Poppies (An interactive novel)) vs Tangie (The Tangerine Bear)
Pleck Decksetter (Mission to Zyxx) vs Zaknafein Do'Urden (The Legend of Drizzt (Forgotten Realms))
Tusk (Shrine II) vs Richard Conway (Gunpoint)
Zinn (Monstress) vs Detective Victor Spooky (Deep Night Detective) 
Teddyco (Sanrio) vs Leonie Beaumort (Aviary Attorney)
Magda (Vapors) vs Yokoe Rei (School Zone Girls)
Mini Kapoor-Lopez (Pandava Quintet) vs Maki (Darker than Black)
Edward Manners (The Folding Star by Alan Hollinghurst) vs Reo Miyao (Bokutachi no Ikita Riyuu (Our Reason For Living))
Cian (Bear and Breakfast) vs Principal Shirley Oddwell (Oddport Academy)
Curse Bringer Angel (Baroque) vs Daniel da Silva (Think of England by KJ Charles)
S.T (Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton) vs The Cashier (Midnight Museum)
Inien (Thrilling Intent) vs Vola ('Pax' & 'Pax Journey Home' by Sara Pennypacker)
Seaweed (Gloomverse) vs Fangus Klot (Oddworld)
Osari Hikaru (B-Project) vs Stag Malinay (Krystar First Fragment)
Randy Rosebud (Maggie's Apartment) vs The Lacewing King (Honeycomb)
Akama (The Idiot (1951)) vs No Significant Harassment (Rain World) 
The Nigh Furies (Wen Yan, Mo Xiao, and Hai Die) (The Wolf) vs Libby Day (Dark Places)
Sally Swing (Betty Boop) vs A (Tomorrow Will Be Dying)
Puck Reverie (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes) vs Conrad (The Castle of Otranto)
Monmouth (100 Cupboards series) vs Goo (Inanimate Insanity)
Shrimp (The Upturned) vs Suren Darga (DC Comics)
Kim Jinhyuk (Antique (2008)) vs Cecilia Sylvie (Cross-Dressing Villainess Cecilia Sylvie)
Sullen the Magic Mirror (Barbie as Rapunzel CD-ROM) vs Bea (Brawl Stars)
Zachary Ezra Rawlins (The Starless Sea) vs Dash X (Eerie, Indiana)
Kiyoshirou Ushimitsu (As the Gods Will 2) vs Su Moting (God Troubles Me/Hanhua Riji)
Gabrielle (Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove) vs John Dough (John Dough and The Cherub)
Michiko Hada (Helter Skelter: Fashion Unfriendly) vs Corrun Crosslight (Spell Check)
Moondance k'Treva (The Heralds of Valedmar books by Mercedes Lackey) vs Liv (Spooky Month)
Ibuki Momoi (Dai-Guard) vs Etcetera (Cats (musical)) 
Li Ching Lung (DNA Says Love You) vs Fumi-ba (Kamen Rider Ghost)
Uguisu Anko (Call of the Night) vs Corona Hoshino (Swans in Space (manga))
Frog (QuickSpot) vs Karl (All Hail King Julien)
Wolfman (Darkwood) vs Kenna De Poitiers (Reign)
Granger (NeverHome game series) vs Chopfyt (oz)
the Doctor/Doc (Boyfriend of the Dead) vs Gaap Goemon (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun)
Magnate Arabo (Stars in Shadow) vs The God of Hunting (A Herbivorous Dragon of 5000 Years Gets Unfairly Villainized)
Iroha Irohazaka (Cipher Academy) vs Mission-chan (Mission-chan no Daibouken)
Forest Friend (Gris) vs Chiitan (Astro Boy)
Simon (Ma vie de Courgette ("My Life as a Courgette")) vs Ellie (Monster Tale)
Melatonin Protagonist (Melatonin) vs Topsy (The Only Harmless Great Thing)
Harp (Star Guardians) vs Dadish (Dadish)
Turnip (Chicory: A Colorful Tale) vs Sha Sheng Shi ("Killing Stone") (Qing Ya Ji (Yin Yang Master))
Guillermo "Dixon" Alverez (Rebelde (2022)) vs Avery (Hellbound Guardian)
Agent (Penguinronpa) vs Sasana (Nekogami Yaoyorozu)
Uhh… these guys? (Rhythm Heaven Fever) vs Fernando Carvalho (Ordem Paranormal)
Mallory (Escam) vs Elle (Starcrash)
Miyauchi Rena (Blue Reflection: Second Light) vs Adelade (A A Prime by Moto Hagio)
Yamabiki (Starving Anonymous) vs Tiger of the Wind (Monster Rancher (1999))
The High Ki of Twi (the enchanted island of yew) vs Malkah (He, She, & It by Marge Piercy)
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Could I get hc for where the M6 find MC badly injured?. Not like on deaths door but like they'll need a strict week of bedrest to recover.
How they would react to finding MC?, how they would react knowing someone out there hurt MC on purpose? and how they would spend the week looking after MC?.
Mainly curious for Asra/Nadia and Muriel but all the m6 would be appreciated.
The Arcana HCs: When M6 find MC badly injured
~ @fox-daddy oh, I hope you're ready for some bittersweet angst while I run with this classic romantic moment :3 hope you enjoy these, friend! - brainrot ~
CW for brief descriptions of violence, physical pain/injury, and the M6 being very, very upset
-- to set the scene --
You had spent the afternoon in the forest gathering more stock for the shop, and lost track of time in the process. By the time you were ready to leave the sun was already setting and it was getting harder to see where you were going.
The first sign you had of an attacker was the feeling of being slammed harder than you thought possible on the back of the head. Everything that followed was fuzzy - being hit a few more times around your torso and face, a figure with its face hidden, and eventually being thrown against a wall while your bag was yanked away.
You don't know when you fell asleep, but when you open your eyes, you're back in your shop with your beloved bending over you.
His hands are steady on your bruises, but when you meet his eyes you can hear his breaths and see the curls around his face shaking
"MC?" He asks worriedly, "Can you tell me where it hurts?"
He doesn't leave the house while you're recovering. He's grateful for any help Mazelinka, Portia, Nadia, or Asra offers, but he insists on treating you himself and does so with total care and devotion
It's one of the moments when you're grateful for his cold hands, because they're so soothing on your tender skin
As you recover enough to be more aware of your surroundings, you start to realize just how the incident is affecting him
You can hear him pacing and muttering and swearing when he thinks you're asleep, trying to figure out how this happened and who did it and how to bring your attacker to justice
And at the same time, you know that no matter how many times he apologizes for not being there and you tell him that it's not his fault, he's going to blame himself
At one point Mazelinka gives you both bowls of soup laced with sleeping medicine
When he's able to forget your attacker, though, he's in his element
He's willing and able to give you everything you need: healing, company, laughter, love, and devotion, all without limits
Though he's very relieved when Nazali catches the assailant lurking outside your shop as they bring their apprentice more supplies and knocks them to the ground
The first thing you see is their hair twice as fluffed out as usual because they've been running their hands through it
As soon as he sees you're awake, he's gently skimming a thumb across your cheek and putting on a strained smile. "Oh, my love. Everything's going to be alright."
Salim and Julian, who have both studied medicine, are already in the shop helping Asra heal you while Aisha keeps you comfortable
As soon as you're recovered enough, Asra's offering you all kinds of safety options after layering the building in protective magic
Would you feel safer in the Palace? In the woods? In Nopal? Say the word and they'll take you anywhere you want to go
Is very gentle and cautious about how he asks you what happened
Stays so extremely calm and unruffled while you're healing that you know they're feeling some pretty awful things and that they have no intention of letting any of them show until you're better
Behind the scenes, he's stealing away whenever you're asleep to pass all the information he has about your attacker on to Nadia, who is determined to bring them to justice
They're not the type to try to restrict you in the name of safety, but they're teaching you every kind of defense magic they know
Nobody does comfort like Asra does. You won't have to go through a moment of pain or fear without him right there to pull you into his arms and hold you as long as you need him to to feel safe
She's putting on a brave face but you can tell from the wrinkle between her eyebrows that she's very, very shaken
"Don't fret, my darling, you're safe now. Don't move. I've summoned our best physicians. Is there anything you desire? Anything I may fetch for you?"
As soon as you're cleared to move she's relocating you to the Palace where she can keep you safe and stay by your side
She is so dedicated to staying available to you, in fact, that she moves all of her meetings into the room next to yours so that she can hear you if you so much as cough
And if she does hear you in any kind of discomfort, she's dropping everything and rushing over
She'll move your head to her lap, bring food and water to your mouth, call for blankets and soup or ice cream and fans depending on your temperature, and trace your face with her fingertips until you fall asleep or force her to go back to work
You are her absolute priority
She's not going to tell you until later, but she is very, very angry
The cold kind of angry, that makes it difficult for her to be fair in her dealings. She has every connection both in and out of Vesuvia on a manhunt for your attacker
As soon as she hears that they've been apprehended, she has them detained until you're recovered enough to get out of bed
She wants justice, but she wants closure for you too, and the opportunity for you to obtain both for yourself
As triggered and panicked as he is, Muriel has unfortunately gotten enough combat experience to have in-depth knowledge of how to care for someone who's been attacked
When you open your eyes, his expression is shifting between angry and terrified and deeply, deeply hurt, but his touch is gentle and safe and feather-light and he has water and painkillers already out
He doesn't want to overwhelm you with noise so he won't start talking until you do
He'll lock up the shop and carry you back to the hut as soon as possible, where he knows it's safe for you and for him
He's used to living with his own pain, but now he's becoming angry on your behalf and it's making him conflicted because he hates doing anything that could cause violence
So he sends Inanna with a note to Asra, explaining what happened briefly and asking them to pass the message on to Nadia so they can help
The two of them are quick to send everything you could need your way, and Muriel finds it much easier to accept help when it's for you instead of for him
Julian even makes the trek out once or twice to help you, and in the process tells everyone he meets about what happened and the state you're in
With the whole town on the hunt for whoever hurt their heroes, it's a matter of days before the attacker is caught. It's a miracle they make it to jail in one piece
The first thing you see are her tear-filled eyes, and the second thing you feel (after the aches across your body) are the steady drip of them falling onto your chest
"MC! Oh, I'm so glad you're awake. I'm so sorry - I'm so sorry!"
It's only a few more minutes before Julian and Mazelinka burst through the door, Julian carrying his doctor's kit and Mazelinka brandishing an honest-to-arcana pirate cutlass
Portia doesn't hide her determination to get justice for you as she carries you into Nadia's carriage to take you back to her cottage
She's holding your head and torso in her arms, helping you give Nadia a description of what happened while she presses her handkerchief to her eyes to keep her tears from dripping on you
She's the best nurse you could ask for
Whatever you can stomach, she'll cook it. If you're too hot, she's throwing open the windows and fanning you. If you're too cold, she's snuggling next to you and sharing her body heat
And if you're scared or hurting, she's cradling your face in her hands and crying all her tears for you. She develops a habit of kissing you right next to each injury every morning and night
When you're asleep, she's talking to every person she knows (which is a lot) and recruiting them to catch your attacker
By the time Nadia hears that they were found, it's almost too late to get them safely into custody
His lips are white. All the blood has left his face, and his jaw is clenched so tightly to keep from chattering that you're worried it's going to crack
"MC? MC, are you awake? Does it hurt? What do you need?"
You notice that he's keeping his metal arm angled far, far away from you, where the metal can't bump any of your injuries, and his regular hand is fluttering all over your body like he's scared that he'll make it worse if he touches you
You quickly notice that there's several neighbors in the shop as well, and you learn that Lucio was so loud when he called for help that half the town already knows what's happened
He doesn't want to hurt you, so he guards you instead
He stays watchful at your bedside, sword resting by his hand, so that you know you're safe enough to fall asleep and heal
He'll only sleep if it's on the floor next to you, or in the same bed after you've told him multiple times that it won't hurt you
He'll happily tell you all kinds of tall tales to keep you distracted, and he practices all the patience he's developed with every friend and doctor that stops by to help instead of blowing up at them out of fear
All his anger has to go somewhere, though, so when an old connection from the heart district tells him that your attacker's been spotted, well
The only reason he doesn't kill them is because he thinks it would be too kind
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mjart12699 · 10 months
Proper way to write Salim Alnazar is to get possessed by the living spirit of Gomez Addams
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taduki · 1 year
Hey, Taduki, I recently started reading your Arcana headcanons. They’re great! I have a headcanon request if you’re interested. M6 with an MC who has a habit of turning into cats and other animals, eventually leading to heightened senses in their human form too.
Now I see why arcana asks pages are so stressed out 😭 I’m worried about disappointin’ y’all. It’s ok tho this looks fun. REALLY sorry it took so long… I’m writing this with specific powers in mind, comparing them to the powers Atreus has from the God of War series.
M6 w/ an MC Who Can Transform into Animals and Use Their Abilities
If you ask him about your relearning of abilities when you came back, he’ll have an entire book of the shenanigans you got up to: picking a fight with the stove salamander, “Which one’s the real Faust?”, “MC, don’t eat that !!”, the list just goes on, and for the sake of old memories, you like reliving some of those moments or maybe tying up loose ends you may have caused. (No wonder why the stove salamander was always so moody around you and your cold eggs).
It was honestly stressful, so you can imagine their relief and confidence in your abilities now. He had little to no worries about leaving you at the shop alone once you got used to them. This, of course, led to the events in the story.
This turns out to be a two sided coin though because they watched you learn and grow your instincts and it only made them want you more. You’re so gifted and special, they are so fascinated with you. Just imagine your adventures with them!
On your adventures, they ask for your help way-finding, gathering, and other useful activities, but sometimes they just like to humor you by asking of you the impossible. “MC, could you take a sniff at the stars? See where we are?”, and that smug grin plastered on his face makes you want to prove them wrong so badly, so you make it up based on the actual knowledge of your location to find your way ahead, and every. single. time. they just tease you, “That’s my lover, alright.”
You had little relations with Aisha and Salim at first, so they didn’t know of your abilities, like AT ALL. So, what does the mysterious and powerful Asra The Magician do? They propose you prank them, of course, and whatever you two did became an inside job for years to come. Aisha and Salim are interested in your powers. They’re powerful magicians too, yes, but you transform with such ease. So easily that you’ve retained the instincts of the animals you can turn into. It’s safe to say they’re reassured of you as a partner for dear Asra.
You have many opportunities to spook him while he’s working.
What’s that thing behind the ink pot? Oh, it’s you! You’re a mouse. Oh, now you’re a bird. Aww what cute little creature are you going to become now? — AHH A TIGER!!
Of course, he admires your capability to retain some of the animalistic abilities while you’re in human form. He may or may not be secretly super interested in your capabilities, but knows not to pry. He’s just proud of your independent magic.
You make the funny habit of being a part of his costumes/disguises. Now “Julio” has a pet squirrel !!
Secretly loves when you sneak your way to him unexpectedly. He loves surprises if they’re you. Follow him while he’s on an errand and when he comes home, mention something casually about it and he’ll turn around, so certain and wide-eyed like, “YOU were that cat!”, when you were actually the falcon flying overhead.
On the very rare occasion that he is called upon to aid an injured animal, he’ll mention it, but won’t expect you to help. Whether you’re actually knowledgeable about the anatomy of the animal or not, you find ways to help like cleaning or standing guard for their comfort. You might also find you can empathize with them. Tell Julian where not to touch, how he can better handle them, etc.
At the end of the day, he is forever grateful for you. He’ll give you all of his love as a reward…
Dealing with Pepi constantly interrupting her work was a real pain in her day, so if you’re willing to offer, she’ll be so relieved.
That’s not the bulk of it obviously, Portia loves new things and you’re all new things in one !!
At first, she treats it like a game. “A duck!! Ooh, what about one of those fancy birds in the garden?”, so if you decide to indulge her, she’ll be going about her business on palace grounds and suddenly get an MC wolf jumpscare from the bushes. Every day, she eyes the animals suspiciously, wondering if they’re you.
If you can interact with the animals, you could help her take care of them if you’d like. “Could you pollinate the flowers for me? Pleaseeeee?”
Oh, the delightful jokes of making her hair into a bird’s nest…
If you can get her away from her work, it’ll be easy to have fun. Go for a little shopping trip in town!! It’s a mission to find specific things for good prices, and you succeed every time. Her heart bursts with her love for you when you pick up little things that remind you of her.
Palace gossip is so funny now because she’ll hear one thing, and you’ll hear another thing somewhere else entirely, so you two just end up theorizing in the afternoons. Afternoon tea is now full of even more giggles and incredulous gasps. At this point, you’re pretty sure you’ve collected every backstory in Vesuvia.
She’s just happy she can find more ways to provide for you. There is plenty of space in the gardens if you want to roam free or sniff flowers or just take a nice nap in the sun. If you really so wish, she’ll be happy to personally set up a room for your needs.
You surprise her everyday it seems like. Every time she thinks she’s seen it all, you defy her expectations, and it delights her (and potentially startles Chandra).
Speaking of Chandra, depending on what form you’ve taken on, you might want to give her space. She’s fully aware that’s you who just looks like an animal, but she’s very headstrong and instinctual. Even if Nadia has talked to her, she’s still a bit stubborn about it and will only interact with you if you’re in human form.
Of course, there are some exceptions to Chandra’s rule. She’ll be a little more comfortable and friendly if you’re in owl form. She may preen you. Other times, she will step in to protect you if you’re in danger.
When Nadia is in Business Mode, she’ll ask for your input on issues about animals in Vesuvia if you’re comfortable about it. She wants to find ethical solutions for every party in Vesuvia, which includes animals. How can she help the Flooded District while taking care of the fish and other underwater creatures? She honestly might not have even considered this in her plans if she didn’t meet someone with your abilities.
She does not hesitate to ask for your help outside of the palace. She is very confident in your abilities and admires you for them. You have earned high respect from various visiting parties, including the animals.
Maybe Muriel doesn’t like humans that much, but he still loves you even if you’re another human he has to trust and talk to and — … Where did this cat come from?
Blinks a few times before letting the crazy catch up to him. “MC…?”
He doesn’t know how to feel about it at first, but then he remembers he literally lives in the forest with all the animals ever. This leads to both relief and worry. Relief because he finds it easier to get settled with you now that he can apply some of his knowledge to take care of you, but worries about letting you roam around in certain forms because how will he be able to protect you?
Inanna literally knows it’s you but still gets startled when you switch in front of her. Some forms make her worried about shoving or stepping on you, but the other ones she’s perfectly fine with. The best way to play with her is switching to a form around the same size as her that can run and/or jump fast. Some days, you just spent hanging out with her, exploring the forest together, and by the time you two come back to Muriel, he’s just happy to have you two back.
Sometimes he gets a little wistfully jealous of the animals that spend so much time with you. He didn’t imagine he could, but it’s more of like, “It’s too quiet. I miss them…”, and, “I want to spend time with them too…” He tries not to let it get to him, but if it’s really bothering at some point, he’ll tell you outright, “I want to be with you”, and proceed to become a bumbling mess of “I mean, AROUND you” and whatnots.
If you incline to spend more time with him, he’ll be so grateful, yet guilty that you’re having to hold back because of him. With enough time and patience, you two would work something out where some days you come home before dinner time and spent the rest of the day with him and leave after he feeds the chickens. Go ahead and pretend you’re one of the chickens!! Show him this can be fun too!
He so badly wants you to be happy. He loves you so.
You have GOT to tell or demonstrate this to Lucio as soon as possible or he will try to hunt you for game. If he does try to hunt you and you transform back, he’ll be all over you with the following statements:
“Oh GOD, I’m so sorry MC! Are you okay?!” “That was really cool by the way.”
Once he’s past the awkward part, he has so many questions. How far can you jump? How high can you climb? CAN YOU FLY??? Can you become imaginary creatures?
Whether you can or can’t accomplish these feats, he also has many ideas. You two are journeymen now, and you live day to day off the spoils of your hunts and adventures. He thinks, with your abilities, you two could become much more efficient, and you ask him what he plans to do with the rewards, and he gets all flustered like he doesn’t want to take you on a nice, luxurious date.
When you explain you can use some of your abilities in your present human form, he is silently relieved he won’t have to keep checking if the animals he’s hunting are you. He’s moreso impressed, though. Whenever you tell him something like “it smells like rain”, he asks what it smells like for no particular reason. He just finds it fun to ask about and likes imagining what you’re sensing.
New friend for Mercedes and Melchior !! They’re very perceptive, and have no problems differentiating you from other animals, so when Lucio loses you in a field of bunnies, he can count on them to help out, but occasionally he’ll insist on being able to find you just so he can impress you. It never works in his favor though, and he gets a nasty bunny bite… “I didn’t even know they could bite!!”
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pugwitharug · 1 year
Arcana Babygirl Polls: Round 2
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sapphickatpoet · 10 months
Arcana Characters as D&D Classes
I saw @courtmajulian make a post about this, and I wanna post my thoughts on it too!
✨Love Interests✨
Asra: Wizard
Nadia: Investigator/Artificer
Julian: Cleric (healing domain)/Rogue
Muriel: Druid (ex fighter)
Portia: Barbarian (multiclasses as a wizard later on)
Lucio: Fighter/Warlock
(They’re all warlocks, so here’s there other classes)
Valerius: Vigilante
Vulgora: Barbarian
Vlastomil: Summoner
Volta: Witch
Valdemar: Cleric (death domain)
✨Side Characters✨
Tasya: Warlock
Mazelinka: Fighter/Druid
Aisha: Alchemist
Salim: Alchemist
Morga: Blood Hunter
Khamagalai: Druid
Nasrin: Investigator
Namar: Artificer
Nafizah: Cavalier
Nazali: Druid
Navra: Bard
Nahara: Fighter
Nasmira: Druid
Natiqa: Bard
✨The Apprentice✨
Seraphine: Bard/Warlock
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arcanarubinaito · 5 months
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Short Story Taglist
I’ve been meaning to compile a list of content tags I will commonly use, and their meanings. This both gives me a handy reference to use when I’m finalizing everything to post—because honestly I blank out on how to tag it once I get to that point, lol—and I figure I’d post it as both a reference for my own readers and a potential resource for other minific authors here on Tumblr.
This list will be updated as needed; and if you have any tag you think should be added, please comment your suggestions!
I will not be adding tags for certain taboo subjects, as that content will never be on my blog and I’m sure those who write it already know how to properly tag it.
I will not be adding ship tags because frankly there are too many to add.
Please note that this list contains Content Warning tags.
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Spoiler Warnings
Asra’s Route
Nadia’s Route
Julian’s Route
Muriel’s Route
Portia’s Route
Lucio’s Route
Tales (Insert Specific Tale Here)
Upright Ending
Neutral Ending
Content Warning Tags
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Suicidal Tendencies
Sexually Explicit Content
Substance Abuse
Depictions of Alcohol
Mild/Mentioned Alcohol Use
Depictions of Drug Use
Mild/Mentioned Drug Use
General Content Tags
Platonic Relationship(s)
Romantic Relationship(s)
Hurt/No Comfort
Major Character Death
Minor Character Death
Slow Burn
Miscellaneous Tags
SFW (<18)
NSFW (18+)
[x] Words
Ask Box
Character Tags
Reader/OC Tags
GN Reader
AFAB Reader
AMAB Reader
Nonbinary Reader
Female Reader
Male Reader
Transfem Reader
Transmasc Reader
Self Insert
Apprentice OC
Original Character(s)
Main Six
Asra Alnazar
Nadia Satrinava
Julian/Ilya Devorak
Muriel of the Kokhuri
Portia/Pasha Devorak
Lucio/Montag Morgasson
Mercedes & Melchior
Chimes & Flamel
Consul Valerius
Praetor Vlastomil
Procurator Volta
Pontifex Vulgora
Quaestor Valdemar
Side Characters
Aisha Alnazar
Salim Alnazar
Tasya/Anastasia Devorak
Lishka Devorak
Halinka (A Warm Welcome)
Khamgalai of the Kokhuri
Morga Eirsdottir
The Satrinavas
Nasrin Satrinava
Namar Satrinava
Nafizah Satrinava
Nazali Satrinava
Navra Satrinava
Nahara Satrinava
Nasmira Satrinava
Natiqa Satrinava
Gavin (The Bazar Job)
Minor Characters
Chamberlain (One of the Palace servants. Unclear if ‘Chamberlain’ is his name or his title.)
Ludovico (Palace Guard)
Bludmila (Palace Guard)
Selasi (The Baker)
Saguaro (An acquaintance of Asra’s, from Nopal)
Tilde the Leech Monger (A leech merchant near Mazelinka’s house.)
Barth/Bartholomew (Bartender of The Rowdy Raven)
Aedile Velos (Once slept in the Palace’s haunted guest room.)
Major Arcana
The Fool (0)
The Magician (I)
The High Priestess (II)
The Empress (III)
The Emperor (IV)
The Hierophant (V)
The Lovers (VI)
The Chariot (VII)
Strength (VIII)
The Hermit (IX)
Wheel of Fortune (X)
Justice (XI)
The Hanged Man (XII)
Death (XIII)
Temperance (XIV)
The Devil (XV)
The Tower (XVI)
The Star (XVII)
The Moon (XVIII)
The Sun (XIX)
Judgment (XX)
The World (XXI)
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