#sales and marketing strategy
educationisimp0 · 1 year
Business Strategy Consulting | Strategy Consulting Firm 
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Utilise SGA's superior capabilities to acquire data-driven insights about your present business and the most recent market trends, assisting you in developing the best business growth strategy.  
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elsa16744 · 1 year
What Does a Business Strategy Consultant Do?
Corporate policies and operations that do not align with an organization's long-term vision lead to wasteful use of company resources. Therefore, a business strategist Analyzes a company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOTs) to craft a roadmap for effectively implementing actual objectives. Whether raising funds for projects or launching new marketing campaigns, a business strategy consultant will systematically arrange all the tasks you accomplish outlined outcomes. Besides, AI-enhanced data gathering and insight visualization reduce the manual effort necessary for strategic creation.
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 2 months
Had a dream that was one of those UberEats ads but BBC Merlin. Arthur went on a whole quest and had to fight all these creatures to retrieve a kebab from a spooky cave. meanwhile Merlin just used magic to UberEats it.
My marketing skills are wasted in car sales.
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rafijaman · 7 months
The Basics of Digital Marketing For Beginners
Tips for Beginners
As a digital marketing beginner, you don’t have to feel intimidated or lost. Here are some tips to make digital marketing for beginners easier to grasp and get going.
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Know everything you can about brand awareness
Building brand awareness is an essential element to your marketing strategy and your success. Start out by knowing everything you can about it and its benefits.
Essentially, brand awareness is the recognition and familiarization by others of your brand, product, or service. To boost such awareness, you will need to help consumers learn more about your business, the products or services you offer, and what makes you stand out from your competitors.
There are several ways to build brand awareness. Consistency in how you present your brand across channels and platforms will be key. Consumers will be able to look at a blog or social media post and instantly know it’s yours if you do it right.
SEO is everywhere
Search engine optimization (SEO) is everywhere today! Once you acknowledge this, it’s time to get in the game by understanding how SEO works and ways to use it to your advantage.
Sure, it can be a little intimidating at first, so start slow and easy. Identify keywords and phrases that your target audience uses to conduct searches. Incorporate these into all your content so your audience can find you more easily. From here, you’ll want to consider a link-building strategy to boost your SEO even more.
If you start feeling anxious, remember to take action one step at a time and keep learning all you can about SEO techniques and available tools. Soon you’ll be using it to increase website traffic, gain higher-quality leads, and more.
Discover the online potential of your brand
One of the most empowering moments that can occur as a digital marketer is to discover the online potential of your brand. Digital marketing is the perfect avenue for generating high-quality leads that result in more interaction with your brand and, ultimately, higher sales.
You may discover opportunities to offer webinars to customers, create courses, sponsor events, or become a thought leader in your field. The online potential of your brand is vast, and cashing in on that is possible with targeted marketing and planning.
Get to Really Know Your Customers
While you may already know everything about your product or service, it is essential to step away from that and get to really know your customers. By doing so, you can build a better marketing strategy that appeals to them and other potential customers.
Conduct your own market research by sending out surveys to existing customers and by asking for feedback. Closely study customer reviews and comments to gain a sense of what they want most. Learn all you can about who they are, what they want or need, and the type of interests they have.
Once you collect this information and start to understand your customers, develop your buyer personas. You will use these to plan your marketing strategy and the type of content to share.
Build a significant presence on social media
Consumers today spend tons of time on social media platforms. Since that is where they are, it is where you should be also. The goal is to build a significant presence on one or more platforms.
Create your social profile to match your brand and how you present yourself on your website. Now it’s time to start publishing content. Consider mixing it up a bit at times, providing informative, educational, or entertaining content to show your brand’s confidence and personality. Don’t just focus only on your products or services, but add posts that speak to your target audience’s interests and desires.
Online consumers are highly visual these days, so be sure to always include the highest quality videos and images with your posts. As you gain more followers, increase your interaction with them by responding to comments. You can even use interactive content to draw them in further.
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richardsays123 · 7 days
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brandingbridge123 · 20 days
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salesmarkglobal · 2 months
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B2B Customer Acquisition Strategy By Intent-driven Content Syndication
Use SalesMark Global's B2B customer acquisition strategy to unleash the power of precision. We link you with prospects who are actively looking for solutions with powerful data insights and personalised content, making sure your message is precisely received. We find prospects exhibiting buying signs by utilising intent data and advanced targeting strategies, which maximises engagement and conversion rates. What distinguishes us? Our patented technology, strategic alliances, and industry knowledge produce outstanding outcomes that quicken your sales funnel. Using intent-based content amplification and multi-touch campaigns, we maximise each touchpoint to produce high-quality leads. Put your faith in SalesMark Global to up your B2B client acquisition game.
To Learn More about Account Based Marketing Strategies Visit SalesMark Global
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adil-rafeeque · 3 months
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communityagency · 3 months
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callboxinc · 7 months
Grow Your Sales Pipeline With Human Expertise + AI 📈 🚀
Callbox offers effective sales and marketing solutions that leverage the expertise of both humans and cutting-edge AI technology, resulting in a powerful combination that sets us apart in the industry.
➡️ Find out how you can drive more quality leads and sales appointments. Talk to us.
🌐 www.callboxinc.com 📞 +1 888 810 7464
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tonysamia · 5 months
The Power of Charm Pricing(Psychological pricing)
In the intricate world of retail, pricing strategies play a pivotal role in influencing consumer behavior. One such strategy that has stood the test of time is charm pricing – the practice of setting prices just below round numbers. While the concept may seem simple at first glance, its effectiveness lies in its ability to tap into the subconscious mind of consumers.
The Psychology Behind Charm Pricing: At its core, charm pricing relies on the psychological phenomenon that consumers perceive prices with 9 endings, such as $9.99 instead of $10.00, as being significantly lower. This perception is rooted in the way our brains process information. When we see a price tag, our minds often focus on the leftmost digit, creating a mental shortcut that emphasizes the lower digit, in this case, 9. As a result, consumers are more likely to perceive a product priced at $9.99 as closer to $9 rather than $10.
Insights from Research: According to a 1997 study published in the Marketing Bulletin(1), approximately 60% of prices in advertising material ended in the digit 9, emphasizing the widespread use of charm pricing. The study also highlighted the varying proportions of prices ending in different digits, with 0 and 5 accounting for a smaller percentage compared to the prevalent use of 9 in pricing.
The Illusion of Savings: Charm pricing creates an illusion of savings, enticing consumers to feel like they are getting a better deal. Even though the difference may be minimal, the subconscious impact of perceiving the price as a single digit can trigger a positive response. This perception of a bargain can be a powerful motivator for consumers, prompting them to make impulsive purchasing decisions.
Psychological Pricing Theories: The psychological pricing theory delves into various hypotheses to explain the effectiveness of charm pricing. The left-digit effect, as coined by Thomas and Morwitz(1) in 2005, suggests that bias is caused by the use of an anchoring heuristic in multi-digit comparisons. Additionally, prospect theory proposes that consumers base the value of an alternative on gains or losses relative to a reference point, making just-below pricing seem like a better deal.
Controversy and Evolution: While the theory of psychological pricing is controversial, with some studies suggesting consumers behave rationally, its widespread acceptance in the market cannot be denied. As many customers become accustomed to just-below pricing, some businesses, particularly in high-end sectors, have shifted to pricing in even numbers to reinforce a brand image of quality and sophistication.
In the realm of pricing strategies, charm pricing stands as a testament to the intricate dance between consumer psychology and retail tactics. By leveraging the psychology of perception and incorporating insights from studies, businesses can continue to deploy charm pricing as a subtle yet effective tool in their quest for sales success.
By Tony Samia Organized and fine-tuned By ChatGpt (1) source of this part is from a Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_pricing
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mediaheights · 5 months
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With digital marketing strategies like pay-per-click and social media marketing, companies can increase awareness about their brand. In addition, these marketing strategies provide brands with dynamic tools to raise brand awareness, attract new audiences, etc., which leads to increased sales and profit. Build your brand with digital media & take the benefits of social media branding contact Media Heights. By Mediaheightspr.com
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mejomonster · 10 months
Contemplating some more and actually the red white and royal blue cover is a good choice. Despite me personally being drawn away from those style covers lol
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sayemsolutions · 8 months
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Latest Social Media Hacks you didn't know
🤝 Putting Community Building First:
Building and maintaining a community means responding to comments, posing inquiries, and producing content that promotes discussion to interact with your fans as much as possible in social media marketing.
💻 Imagine Social Media as Online Shopping:
Platforms on social media are developing into full-fledged. To sell things to your audience directly, make use of technologies like shoppable posts, Instagram shopping, and Facebook Marketplace as social media marketing strategies.
🔦 The focus will be on customer Service:
On social media, excellent customer service is crucial for quickly responding to queries, so use chatbots and AI-powered technologies, which could be good marketing tricks.
👋 Other than search engines and hello social media:
Nowadays, social media has become the main source of information, so improve the searchability of your social media profiles and content as well as search engine results using hashtags, keywords, and descriptions.
🔥 The Power of Influencers:
Work together with influencers for influencer marketing to create a smaller but highly engaged fan base. You may successfully and genuinely target niche audiences with the aid of influencers for your business development and sales growth.
😄 Make Content Easy To Understand & Relatable:
Produce material that appeals to your intended audience. Inform others about similar experiences, stories, and user-generated content. To increase the relatability and memory of  your brand, use narrative strategies.
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rafijaman · 6 months
5 key tips for Facebook Marketing
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Engaging Content: Create compelling and relevant content to capture audience attention.
Consistent Posting: Maintain a consistent posting schedule to stay visible in users' feeds.
Audience Targeting: Use Facebook's targeting tools to reach the right audience for your product or service.
Visual Appeal: Utilize high-quality images and videos to make your posts visually appealing.
Interactive Campaigns: Run contests, polls, or live sessions to encourage audience interaction and boost engagement.
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rayhan25842 · 7 months
The Crucial Role of Digital Marketing in Business Growth
1: The Digital Landscape Revolution
In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of business, the advent of digital marketing has brought about a revolutionary shift in the way companies connect with their audience.
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Traditional marketing channels are no longer sufficient to keep pace with the dynamic consumer behavior of the digital age. Digital marketing has become a cornerstone for businesses looking to thrive in the modern marketplace.
2: Global Reach and Targeted Engagement
One of the key advantages of digital marketing is its ability to transcend geographical boundaries. Unlike traditional marketing, which is often limited to a local or regional scope, digital marketing opens up a world of possibilities for global outreach. Through strategic use of social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and online advertising, businesses can reach a vast audience, ensuring their products or services are not confined by physical borders.
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Moreover, digital marketing enables highly targeted engagement. With tools like analytics and customer data, businesses can tailor their marketing strategies to specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This precision targeting ensures that marketing efforts are directed towards those most likely to convert, optimizing the return on investment.
3: Cost-Effective and Measurable Results
Compared to traditional advertising methods, digital marketing is often more cost-effective. Small and medium-sized businesses, in particular, can benefit from a level playing field where a well-executed digital marketing campaign can rival those of larger competitors without breaking the bank. Social media platforms, email marketing, and content creation offer affordable yet powerful avenues for businesses to promote their brand.
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Furthermore, digital marketing provides a level of measurability that traditional methods struggle to match. Analytics tools offer insights into the performance of campaigns, allowing businesses to track metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, and customer engagement. This data-driven approach enables real-time adjustments, ensuring that marketing strategies can be refined and optimized for maximum impact.
4: Building Brand Loyalty and Trust
In an era where consumers are inundated with information, building and maintaining trust is paramount. Digital marketing provides a platform for businesses to establish their brand identity and engage with customers on a personal level. Through social media interactions, content creation, and personalized email campaigns, businesses can foster a sense of community and loyalty among their audience.
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Additionally, the transparency afforded by digital marketing builds trust. Online reviews, testimonials, and social proof play a crucial role in shaping consumer perceptions. A positive online presence can significantly enhance a brand's reputation and credibility, influencing purchasing decisions and fostering long-term customer relationships.
5: Adaptability and Evolution
The digital landscape is in a constant state of flux, with new technologies and trends emerging regularly. Digital marketing allows businesses to stay agile and adapt to these changes swiftly. Whether it's adjusting SEO strategies to align with search engine algorithms or incorporating the latest social media features, businesses can remain relevant and competitive by embracing the dynamic nature of digital marketing.
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In conclusion, the importance of digital marketing in business cannot be overstated. It is a powerful tool that not only facilitates global reach and targeted engagement but also offers cost-effective solutions and measurable results. Beyond the tangible benefits, digital marketing plays a crucial role in building brand loyalty, trust, and adaptability in an ever-changing marketplace. As businesses continue to navigate the digital landscape, a robust and well-executed digital marketing strategy is essential for sustained growth and success.
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