loving-slaughter · 5 months
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“No beast is more savage than man when possessed with power answerable to his own rage.”
(1.08 / 3.05 / 2.13 / 3.07 / 3.13)
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loving-slaughter · 7 months
Take a Slice | Will x Hannibal | Naka-Choko
DOM WILL IN HIS HOT GIRL SUMMER!! Will shows Hannibal who's really in charge. He finally Takes his Slice. (This turned out really long by accident my bad)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6,231 WARNING// NONCON/DUBCON
Tags: Hot Girl Summer Will (post prison); TW: BLOOD; CANON TYPICAL VIOLENCE; Expanding on Naka-Choko (Hannibal Season 2 Episode 10); Plot and Porn; Sub Hannibal; Mentions of The Stagman; biting; bondage; hematolagnia; bloodplay; Sounding; Not Safe or Sane or consensual really; Hannibal doesn't consent to bottoming, or getting tied up, or anything really, he's just going with the flow; Cockstepping; Sounding; Hannibal is a Masochist; Will beats him up (you go queen); overstimulation; Edging; Light Degradation; Hannibal Lecter's Hyperactive Cowper's Glands; Will is a feral little beast; no beta we die like Chilton was supposed to
The window shattered. The barking of the dogs was deafening. The gun was heavy in his hand. The monster burst through his home. His safe space. Tossed aside by the force of the body hurtling through his window, Will landed heavily. The dogs barked. Sweat soaked his clothes. His vision swirled. He looked over and stared.
The Stagman stared back.
Black antlers. Skin like charcoal. Deep inky eyes. Will swallowed. He rose slowly, staring the monster down. He tossed the shotgun aside. The Stagman moved swiftly, pinning Will to the wall, its antlers caging him. Adrenaline pumped through him as he struggled beneath the beast. He gripped its antlers, lifting his body to thrust his legs into its gut. The monster stumbles over, landing beside the fireplace. Will recovers himself and strides slowly over to the dark creature. Anticipation. He wanted to get close and personal with the beast. Feel flesh split against his knuckles. He kicked the shotgun away and straddled the Stagman. His knuckles connected with the bony cheek of the monster. Will punched again and his vision swirled. Hannibal lay beneath him, smiling up at him with blood dribbling down his chin. Heat pooled in Will's gut. He grabbed him by the hair and pressed his lips against Hannibal's, tasting the blood as it seeped into his mouth. He tears away and punches again, feeling his nose shatter with the impact. Seeing the blood marring Hannibal's complexion brought him pleasure. He felt Hannibal move beneath him as a sick chuckle bubbled in his throat. He wanted to wipe that smile clean off of the bastard's face. He watched as his vision warped once more as black antlers sprouted slowly from the crown of Hannibal's head. Will grabbed them, pleasure and bloodlust peaking within him. He wrenched. The crack of bones rang in the heavy silence of the house, his dogs having run outside to avoid the violence. The feeling of the kill left a near orgasmic haze hanging over Will. He stood up and stared at the now lifeless body of Randall Tier, the Cave Bear Killer.
. . .
" I'd say this makes us even.... I sent someone to kill you; You sent someone to kill me. Even Steven."
Will stood in the dining room of Hannibal's home, Randall Tier's lifeless body laying on top of the table. He stared Hannibal down, gauging his reaction. Hannibal stared back, wearing an expression of catlike curiosity.
"Consider it an act of reciprocity."
Will scoffed, a smirk set high on his face. "Polite society normally places a taboo on taking a life”
Hannibal watched Will, studying him as a researcher would study an animal in the wild. “Without death we would be at a loss. It’s the prospect of death that drives us to greatness.” Hannibal approached Will, watching him as he flexed his fingers, seeming rather unsure of himself. “Did you kill him with your hands?”
Will swallowed, remembering the sheer animalistic pleasure that coursed through him when he straddled and beat what he saw to be Hannibal. He stared at his hand, the flesh of the knuckles split and bloody. "It was... Intimate."
Hannibal stared, seeing the odd expression on Will's face. He took hold of Will's hand, examining the bloodied flesh. "It deserves intimacy. You were Randall Tier's final enemy."
Will stared at Hannibal, remembering how blood flowed from his nose and shone on his teeth when it leaked from a split lip. He gave a little shudder as he felt the warmth of Hannibal's hands on his own. He sat down at the table, suddenly feeling a bit weak.
As Hannibal cleaned Will's knuckles, he remained vigilant, watching for any clues as to how Will felt about the night's events. "When you killed Randall, did you fantasize you were killing me?"
Will looked into Hannibal's curious gaze, suppressing heated feelings of desire. "I never felt as alive as I did when I killed when I was killing him."
Hannibal gave Will a soft smile, ignoring the odd sheen that glazed over the other man's blue-green gaze. He continued, gently wrapping gauze around Will's split knuckles. "And you owe Randall Tier a debt. How will you repay him?"
Will turned away to look at the body lying on the table. He knew what Randall had desired more than ever. He knew that he wanted to become his true self. Will rose from his seat at the table and rounded it, stopping at Randall's head. He rested a hand on a cold cheek, looking into the man's sightless eyes. He tensed as he felt the warmth of Hannibal's body as the other man stood closely behind him. He heard Hannibal inhale, taking in his scent. Will knew Hannibal's nose was sharp, but what exactly could the man smell on him?
Arousal. The thick, heavy musk of arousal filled Hannibal as it wafted off of Will in waves. He leaned against Will, pressing his body against him, his lips nearly brushing Will's ear. "Randall wished to become what he believed to be his true self. Take his slice of life." Hannibal crooned. "Tell me Will, will you take yours?"
It seemed to happen in slow motion. Will grabbed Hannibal by the wrist and shoved himself against him. Taken by surprise, Hannibal stumbled as Will used his body to force Hannibal back. A deep growl rumbled in Will's throat as Hannibal hit the wall. "You stay out of my head, you bastard."
Hannibal chuckled, not bothering to fight back. "My dear boy. Everything that happened tonight was all you, Will. You're Becoming."
Will snarled, thrusting his knee into Hannibal's crotch. A jolt went through Hannibal, his smile faltering. Pain then spiked at his scalp as Will tugged at his hair. "Liar." Will hissed. "It's you. You have been messing with my head from the very beginning."
Hannibal slumped, resting his chin on Will's shoulder. "The only lying that's happening now is the lying that you are doing to yourself." Hannibal said softly. "The longer you turn away from the truth, the harder it will become to live with the feelings turmoiling within."
"I'm not lying!" Will's voice rose to a shout as he thrusted a fist into Hannibal's gut. Hannibal grunted, falling backwards. Gazing up at Will from his place at his feet, he looked into the troubled gaze of the conflicted young man. Then, the light in Will's eyes shifted. It was no longer clouded, but darkened with sadism. Will couldn't explain it, but seeing Hannibal gazing up at him made him feel good. Like that's how things should be. Will lifted a foot and placed it gingerly between Hannibal's legs, the toe resting against the man's crotch. "I'm not lying..." Will repeated with a growl. "Not anymore."
Hannibal smiled, rolling his hips against Will's foot, shuddering as Will added pressure. "I'm glad," He grunted. "Tell me your truth."
Will looked down at Hannibal, regarding the look of arousal on the man's face. ""My truth?"
"What did you feel as you killed Randall?" Hannibal murmured, shivering with pleasure. "What is it that you saw?"
Will pressed down on Hannibal's crotch, watching as the man beneath him gave another shudder. "I straddled the monster of my nightmares and fought with intent to destroy. I blink and I'm straddling you, so I fight with intent to teach."
Hannibal let out a low moan as Will rubbed his foot against his crotch. "Teach?"
"Your place," Will muttered. "Seeing the blood on your face as you lay beneath me... I couldn't help but feel turned on."
Hannibal tensed, pain twisting round pleasure like a coiling snake as Will stepped on him. "A violent fetish," Hannibal rasped, grinding against Will's foot. "Sadism is common in true killers."
"Am I a true killer, Dr. Lecter?" Will crooned, easing pressure to allow Hannibal to continue humping his foot.
"It's what I see, Will." Hannibal answered, his head hanging. He was now panting, the viper poised to strike. "What is left is for your gaze to clear."
Will watched. He was vaguely aware of his own erection straining in his pants, fixed so intently on the vulnerability Hannibal was showing. "You're too sure of yourself, Doctor. You speak with such confidence, forgetting your current position at my feet."
Hannibal now struggled to keep quiet, low moaning laced between heavy breaths as he chased his high. "Whatever you think, Will..." Hannibal managed to say. "It's your own path you are forging. Not one forged by me. I simply guide."
"I never asked for a guide." Will growled. "I'm not a follower."
Will pulled his foot away and thrusted it back.
Hannibal tossed his head back, a sharp throaty moan tearing from him as his back arched away from the wall. The viper that had coiled tightly deep within him struck, spitting venom. Hannibal's orgasm tore through him, leaving him shuddering. His trousers grew damp as semen soaked the fabric. The power Will held over him now was incredible, and Hannibal welcomed it with open arms. He admired how far Will had come; From a twitchy, nervous profiler, to a powerful, fearless killer, willing to take the Ripper by the antlers. One step further in his Becoming.
. . .
Will stood in the shadows, watching as the agents milled around the scene. The skeleton of a saber-toothed cat, adorned with the face and flesh of Randall Tier stood in the middle of it all.
"The killer chose not to dispose of the body, but to display it instead." Jack Crawford's voice echoed in the hall of the museum."Denied the respectful end he had denied others."
Hannibal stepped forward, observing the display. "A jarring reminder of the informalities of death." He said, watching Will from the corner of his eye. "This is humiliation. A final indignity."
Will stepped out of the shadows, meeting Hannibal's gaze. "He isn't mocking him," Will said. "This isn't disdain... He's commemorating him."
Hannibal shot Will a knowing look. "This killer has no fear of the consequences of what he has done."
Will returned the look, then closed his eyes. "No guilt...."
He watched the pendulum swing, opening his eyes to meet the gaze of the display. "Hello again...."
"Come closer. I wanna see you." The voice of Randall Tier echoed. Will walked closer, gazing at the display with a look close to admiration. "Can you see you?"
"Clearer and clearer." Will answered, circling the display. "He forced me to kill you...."
"He didn't force you." Randall answered, emerging from the shadows. "He guided you. What you did was commemorate me. You made me a monument.'
Will didn't meet Randall's eye, continuing to circle the display. "I did what was mean to be done, I gave you your slice of life."
"But you don't want someone to give you yours." Randall answered. You want to take it for yourself, correct?"
Will nodded, watching his feet. "I don't want to be guided to it. I want it to be my own."
Randall hummed in acknowledgement. "Dr. Lecter obviously wants to lead you to the slice of pie he wants you to take." Randall said, beginning to circle, countering Will's direction. "Will you take a Slice from there, or will you bake your own?"
Will shrugged. "I want him to know that I won't be toyed with anymore. I may be too far down his path to change direction, but I want to continue down it on my own terms. I will not follow blindly. Not anymore."
The two men stopped, finally meeting gaze. Randall gave Will a blink of encouragement. "Take your Slice, Will."
Will opened his eyes, staring Hannibal down. "This is a thank you."
. . .
You could hear barking but there were no dogs in sight. An eerie glow lit his home, source unseen. Will sat on his bed, watching the clock tick backwards. There was blood staining the wood floor in front of the fireplace and an odd thumping sounded from the hall. Will finally turned to acknowledge the sound, despite it having been going on for quite a while now. He rose from his seat on his bed and approached the hall. The Ravenstag gazed at him, its breath billowing in the cold air of the home. Will gazed back, tilting his head questioningly. The Ravenstag huffed, bowing its head towards the stairs. He heard the thumping again, this time coming from upstairs. Will walked up and his eyes widened in shock.
The stairs led, not to a hall of unused bedrooms, but to one large, almost empty room. Paintings lined the walls, all gory in nature, and the floor was almost entirely covered in fur rugs except for a spot in the middle where a knife lay on the uncovered wooden floor. And just above the knife was Hannibal, strung up with dark red rope, tied artfully into a harness. His wrists were tied and his arms spread, the rope fastened to hooks on opposite walls. Rope extended from the knot at his collarbone and wrapped around his neck to form a collar. On the crown of his head was a glorious rack of antlers, their bone white hue contrasting beautifully with the red rope tied and fastened to hooks on the walls, tight enough to restrict movement, but with enough slack to allow him to move his head minutely. A gorgeous recreation of the crucifixion of Christ.
Will's gaze raked Hannibal's body. The man was nude, gloriously nude. Hannibal shifted as much as the ropes allowed, tossing his head back. His antlers hit the wall behind him, creating the thumping sound Will had heard earlier. Hannibal's abdominal muscles flexed and his cock twitched. Oh, he was incredibly hard, the shaft flushed pink and the tip and angry red. Hannibal shifted again, letting his head hang as far as the ropes allowed him to. A soft groan left Hannibal's lips and a thick string of precum leaked from his slit, dripping slowly towards the floor.
"Oh, Will..."
Will shivered. Hannibal, gorgeous Hannibal, hung so helplessly, moaning his name. Oh, It was a sight to behold. Will stepped forward, feeling the fur of a large, white rug soft beneath his feet. He walked towards Hannibal, crouching at his feet. Hannibal let out a little groan, unable to look down at Will. Will smiled to himself and picked the knife up off the floor. He brushed the tip of the blade against the sole of Hannibal's foot, watching with amusement as the man squirmed. Will continued to tease, running the tip of the blade along the inside of one of Hannibal's thighs. Hannibal whimpered, shuddering as more precum dripped from his cock. Will brushed the tip of the knife along the underside of Hannibal's cock, relishing the needy moan that slipped from Hannibal's parted lips. He rose a bit to face Hannibal's cock, wrapping his lips around the tip and rubbing the tip of his tongue against his slit.
"W- Oh god.." Hannibal gasped, legs trembling.
Will caressed one of Hannibal's thighs, the salty, slightly bitter flavor of his precum dancing on his tongue. Will hummed, pressing the blade of the knife against the meat of his thigh. Will pulled off of Hannibal's cock with a quiet pop and we whipped his arm to the side, cutting into Hannibal's thigh. Hannibal let out a moan and his antlers thumped against the wall. A liquid splattered Will's face, thick and warm. Hannibal came on him.
Will scoffed, wiping away the semen. He stood and looked up at Hannibal.
"Forgive me, Will..." Hannibal whined, licking away blood from his lip. "Forgive me, my love..."
Will groaned, his cock straining against his pants. He stared at Hannibal, his eyes coming. to rest at the man's neck. Impulse. He reached up, pressing the blade against Hannibal's throat. "Darling..." Hannibal moaned.
Will sliced and warm blood rained down on him.
Will's eyes snapped open. He was laying in bed, drenched in sweat, with an erection tenting his boxers. He's had wet dreams before, He's had dreams where he killed, he's had dreams (nightmares) about Hannibal, but never all three at once. He never realized how far his fascination for Hannibal went. How deep the wound ran. It was infected now. Festered with bloodlust and laciviocity. He ached, hungered, for Hannibal. Wanted to feel him from the inside. But he also wished to see the water run red. Sink his teeth into the meat of him and watch the blood seep from gashes in his flesh, the skin purpling over broken blood vessels. Will shook his head and rubbed his eyes till he saw stars. He was able to feel himself spiraling.
He slid out of bed, stepping carefully around numerous dog beds. Winston looked up at him, head tilted. The dog watched his master slip into a pair of jeans and a flannel button up, only for him to pause and take the clothing off. He pulled out a pair of dress pants and a forest green button down. He grabbed a bag from the corner of the room, pacing around his home and shoving various items into it. Rope, a narrow leather pouch, among other things. He slipped on a waterproof jacket and paused at the door, looking at the shotgun resting by the door frame. He mulled for a moment, then grabbed the shotgun and his keys. He opened the door, narrowing his eyes against the rain blowing in through the doorway.
Winston got up, ready to follow his master out into the rain. Will turned and crouched to pet the dog, ruffling the fur on his head.
"You gotta stay, bud" Will coddled him, rubbing his ears. Winston stared at his master ruefully, sensing the tension roiling within the man. He whined, nuzzling Will's hand. Will chuckled, rubbing Winston's head between his hands. "It's okay, boy... I'll be back soon, okay?"
Winston huffed, watching his master leave. Will trudged through the snow towards his car, shotgun in hand. He could feel his heart rabbiting in his chest the entire drive to Baltimore. He glanced at the shogun resting against the dashboard. He was not sure why he felt the need to bring it. Unsure of the motivations behind going to Hannibal's home. His thoughts swirled in his head, scenarios playing through. More than half of them were erotically violent. He arrived at Hannibal's place, sitting in his car as he slowly slipped into crisis. The lights in Hannibal's home were on. Will couldn't really slip inside unnoticed, so there goes his original plan to sneak in and suprise the man. He takes the shotgun and holds it close, his mind spiraling. His gaze flicks nervously towards Hannibal's home, his fingers curling against the gun. He leaves the car, heart pounding.
He drifted across the lawn, skirting the Bentley. He stood at the porch, clutching the shotgun in his left hand. He felt sweat begin to bead at his skin as he raises a hand to knock at Hannibal's door. The moment it took for Hannibal to open the door seemed to span across an eternity.
Will gripped the shotgun, holding it close to his body. The doorknob clicked. Will's muscles tensed. The door opened.
The crack of the shotgun connecting to Hannibal's skull echoed in the silence. The force of the swing nearly took Will off his feet. He was panting now, the end of the shotgun resting against the ground. He stared down at Hannibal, now lying at his feet. Blood decorated the man's temple where the flesh split against the shotgun. Will's heart was fluttering his chest like a trapped bird. He was starting to slip into a panic. He stepped into Hannibal's home, setting the shotgun aside, then grabbing Hannibal under the armpits and dragging him inside.
. . .
Hannibal blinked. His vision was hazy and a dull ache pounded against his skull. He shifted his body, then realizing he was bound to a chair. He jerked his body against the bindings, looking down at them. They were expertly, rather artistically, tied, binding his legs and torso to the chair and, in the dim lighting, Hannibal saw that the ropes were red. He stopped moving, staying very still. Hannibal was able to hear quick, panicked breathing. The scent of stress permeated the room. He squinted at the shadows, watching the silhouette of a man crouched against the wall. Beneath the sour smell of stress, Hannibal could smell an awful aftershave and beneath that, the scent of Will.
"Shut up," Will said softly, his voice raspy.
"Will, what is this about?"
Will stood up, stomping towards Hannibal. He thrusted the muzzle of the gun against Hannibal's chest, glaring at him.
"I said shut up!" Will hissed. Hannibal swallowed, gazing into Will's wild eyes.
"What troubles you, dear friend?" Hannibal asks calmly, his breathing even. Will's eyes narrow, his lip curling.
"We're not friends," Will growled. "We've never been friends."
Hannibal winced, feeling a bit hurt. He always had seen Will as his friend, and knowing now spiteful Will felt towards him stung.
"I'm sorry you feel that way, Will."
Will scoffed. "You're not sorry," He shifted, resting the muzzle of the gun against Hannibal's forehead. "You've never felt sorry for anything. You're incapable of guilt."
Will wasn't an idiot, that's for sure. He had obviously had enough of Hannibal's bullshit, from the moment he was incarcerated at the BSHCI. Hannibal gazed at Will, feeling rather proud of how far his boy had come. "Tell me Will. What could I do to warrant forgiveness"
Will stared back, eyes narrowed.
"Are you going to shoot me, Will?" Hannibal asked, a sly croon in his voice.
Will grimaced, lifting the shotgun away. "Nah, that'll let you off too easy." Will mused, not looking at Hannibal. "I can't take back what you've taken from me, but I can take something of yours."
"I've taken nothing," Hannibal hummed. "I've simply given."
"Yeah, right" will growled.
"What would you like me to do, dear Will?" Hannibal purrs, looking amused.
Will's gaze darkened. "You? Nothing. You're gonna sit there and let me take..."
Hannibal lowered his voice, his accent growing heavy. "Take what, cunning boy?"
Will grinned at Hannibal. He then thrusted his foot against Hannibal's chest, knocking the chair over backwards. Hannibal grunted as he hit the ground, the movement making him dizzy. Will leaned over to look down at Hannibal, a smirk on his face. "Pride."
Another crack. Will brought the butt of the shotgun down onto Hannibal's face, breaking his nose. He then untied him and lifted him up.
Hannibal opened his eyes once more and found himself in his bedroom. He licked his top lip, tasting blood. His nose stung, and, as he ran his tongue along his front teeth, he realized that one of his teeth were chipped. Goosebumps rose on his skin, and Hannibal realizes he's naked. His arms were tied behind him, his legs were bent and spread, calves and thighs tied together underneath him, preventing him from unfolding his legs. Another rope was wrapped around his neck like a collar, the end of the rope tied to the rope around his arms. His legs ached against the hardwood floor and his head pounded. He struggled against his bindings keeling forward and hitting his forehead against the floor. He heard a snicker and strained to see Will walking towards him.
"God, you're a pain in the ass." Will's voice rang with a rich timbre as the man rounded Hannibal, stopping to stand behind him. "But I've got to give it to you... You sure are pretty." Will lifted his foot, dragging the top of it along Hannibal's balls. Hannibal tensed, a chill running down his spine. Will then grabbed him by the hair, pulling him up. Hannibal swallowed, gazing into Will's greenish blue eyes. Will had a smirk on his face, and his eyes were dark and hooded. He pulled something out of his pocket and fidgeted with it in his hand. "Do you always carry a scalpel with you, Dr Lecter?"
Hannibal shivered as Will dragged the tip of the blade along his collarbone. "Yes."
"Why?" Will asked, making a shallow cut at Hannibal's collarbone. Will noticed the obscene amount of precum already dripping from Hannibal's cock and smirked.
Hannibal swallowed again. "Just in case."
Will stood upright, looking down on Hannibal. "Well, I guess I'll keep it with me. Just in case."
Hannibal watched as Will strides over to the plush chair in the corner of the room, looked at it, look back at him, and walks back. Will then grabbed one of the ropes and practically dragged Hannibal towards the chair.
"Now," Will says as he drops into the chair. "Do you know how much you make my head spin?" Will doesn't let Hannibal answer. "You've been working your way into my head. You started showing up in my dreams. Would you like to know what dreamed about earlier, Dr. Lecter?" Hannibal stared at Will, unsure of what to say. Will hums, leaning to caress the side of Hannibal's face. "I dreamed of you. Tied so pretty. So vulnerable. I looked at you and thought: 'That's where you belong'. You have been picking away at me for the longest time. Making me vulnerable. I'm sick of it. So now it's my turn." Will leaned back in the chair, spreading his legs. He looks at Hannibal, a curious stare.
"What do you think would be appropriate...?"
"I don't know, Will..." Hannibal answered. Will frowned.
"Calling me Will... makes us equals. We're not equals. Not right now." Will muses.
Hannibal states back. "May I suggest I call you "sir", then?"
Will raised an eyebrow. "If that's what you want..."
Hannibal leaned forward to rub his cheek against Will's knee. Will scoffed, jerking his knee, hitting Hannibal's cheekbone. Hannibal let out a soft grunt, the pain from the bump against his jaw mingling with the pounding of his head.
"Acting like a little slut isn't gonna let you off easy, Dr. Lecter."
Hannibal looked up at Will, his eyes glittering "Then what would you like from me Will?"
Will moved his leg in between Hannibal's and kicked. Hannibal hissed, squeezing his thighs closed, his head hanging.
"You're supposed to call me 'sir' remember?" Will mocked, forcing his foot between Hannibal's legs, spreading them. "Then again, I think you want to be punished..."
Hannibal shuddered. He stared at Will, reverence filling him. His Will, great God seated before him. The monster he has crafted, taking its rightful seat at the throne. "Then punish me."
A wide, Foxlike smile spread across Will's face. He leaned forward to run a hand through Hannibal's hair. "Oh, punish you I will."
Hannibal gazed at Will, his eyes glassy, as the man caressed his face. He didn't know what he was feeling for Will at that moment. Love wasn't quite it. Devotion. Obsession. Hannibal shivered.
Will brushed his thumb along Hannibal's lips, eyes trained on them. A hum rang in Will's throat as he admired Hannibal "Open your mouth, will ya?"
Hannibal let out a shaky breath and parted his lips. His tongue brushed against the pad of Will's thumb, tasting him. Will slipped an index finger into Hannibal's mouth, pressing a nail into his tongue. Hannibal let his tongue slide out of his mouth, gazing up into Will's eyes.
"God, I'd fuck that stupid face of yours..." Will growled, voice husky. Pink dusted across the bridge of Hannibal's nose, arousal pooling low. Will leaned close, lips nearly touching Hannibal's. He parted his lips and stuck out his tongue, saliva pooling on it. Will's spit ran down his tongue onto Hannibal's, spilling onto his chin. Hannibal groaned, eyes hooded. Will pulled back to admire his work.
Then leaning back towards Hannibal, Will slides his tongue against Hannibal's, lips locking. Hannibal moaned, leaning forward into the kiss. Pain prickled at his scalp as Will tugged on his hair. Hannibal rolled his hips as Will slid off the chair onto the floor, a knee slotted between his legs.
"Oh, fuck." Will groaned as Hannibal grinded against his knee. "You’re soaking my pants". Hannibal stuttered, relishing the sound of Will's husky voice washing over him. He buried his face into Will's neck, mouthing at the flesh. Will caressed the back of Hannibal’s head, bringing the scalpel in his hand to the base of Hannibal's neck and cut.
Hannibal gasped, body tensing. Will gathered blood on the tips of his fingers from the cut he gave Hannibal and ghosted them over the man's twitching cock. "I'm not even touching you and yet you're moaning like a whore.” Will crooned, smearing blood onto Hannibal’s pelvis. Hannibal gritted his teeth, a whimper rising in his throat. Will smirked, dragging his bloodied fingertips along the shaft of Hannibal’s cock, feeling every twitch and shudder. 
"Will, please... Hannibal choked, staring at Will.
"Please, what? Will purred, thumbing at Hannibal’s skin. “You're in no position to ask for favors, Dr. Lecter...”
Hannibal let out a breathy moan, hips canting. Precum was pooling in a small puddle beneath him, thick and shing in the faint moonlight that illuminated the room. He held back a shameless whine as Will stood to sit back into the chair. Hannibal watched Will take off his shoes and socks and admired the smooth skin showing from the top of the shirt where the buttons were undone. Will then placed his foot on Hannibal’s crotch and Hannibal was unable to stifle a moan.
"You seem to like being stepped on, don't you, Dr Lecter?” Will crooned, teasing Hannibal with his foot. "Do you like it when I tease?" Will brushed his toes along the shaft, watching as even more pre-ejaculate leaked from his slit. "Or are you just a masochist?”
Hannibal let out a loud moan, laced with both pleasure and pain as Will pressed down on his balls with his foot. Gasping, he watched as Will pulled a long narrow leather pouch from the bag at his side.Will opened the pouch and pulled out a long, thin metal rod. Hannibal tensed.
“Do you know what this is, Dr Lecter?" Will asked, holding the metal rod gingerly between his fingers.
"Sounding Rod." Hannibal answered, licking his lip anxiously.
"Uh-huh, and do you know what I'm gonna do with it?" Will purred.
“Use it on me, I suppose.”
Will chuckled, sliding off the chair onto the floor. “Normally you’d put lube on your dick, but you're so damn wet that I don't think I have to...”
Hannibal hissed as the cold metal of the sounding rod touched his tip. Will held onto his cock as he eased the tip of the rod into Hannibal’s slit. "Will!" Hannibal cried out, shuddering as he felt the rod slide slowly into his urethra.
"Stay still, I could hurt you real bad if you keep moving." Will growled. "It won't be a good hurt either...”
Hannibal swallowed, his body tensed. His breathing grew heavy as Will continued to ease the rod down his urethra. It wasn't long till a jolt went up Hannibal's spine as the tip of the rod touched his prostate. The insatiable urge to cum seared through Hannibal. He spasmed, desperate. The rod blocked his urethra, preventing him from release.
"Will please…" Hannibal gasps. 
Will grinned and pulled the sounding rod out, a string of lube and pre-ejaculate following. He put the rod aside and stroked Hannibal's cheek with his thumb. "Poor, poor Dr. Lecter." Will crooned, dragging a finger up along the underside of Hannibal's cock. Use your words. What is it that you want?"
"I'd love nothing more than to feel you in any way that I can…." Hannibal rasps. 
 Will smirked, sitting back on the chair. He unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his dick. Stroking himself, he beckoned Hannibal with a finger. "C'mere, Dr. Lecter…"
Hannibal moved forward towards Will, eyeing his cock. He looked up at Will, waiting for instructions. Will rose to his feet and grabbed Hannibal by the hair. He rubbed his tip against Hannibal's lips, wetting them with precum.
"Open your mouth, Doctor." Will crooned, voice raspy.
He let out a sigh of pleasure as Hannibal wrapped his lips around the head of Will's cock, rubbing the tip of his tongue against his slit. Will's grip on Hannibal's hair tightened as he pushed his cock deeper into Hannibal's mouth, hitting the back of the other man's throat. Hannibal gagged just a bit, spit dripping from the corners of his mouth as Will began to thrust into his mouth, moaning as tears welled up in his eyes as Will went deeper, fucking his throat. Hannibal struggled, trying not to gag. Spit dripped in a string from his chin as Will thrusted, and his eyes rolled back.
"Mmm, fuck..." Will moaned, slowing down. He pulled his cock out of Hannibal's mouth, gently hitting him on the cheek with it. He then sank back down onto the floor, straddling Hannibal. Will pressed his cock up against Hannibal's, rubbing them together. Hannibal let out a breathy moan, pressing his forehead against Will's and Will presses his lips against Hannibal's, tasting himself on the man's skin. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pocket knife. He reaches behind Hannibal and cuts his wrists free and Hannibal's hands go for Will's hips, fingers slipping into the waistband of his pants. Will rose just a little, allowing Hannibal to pull his pants down over the swell of his ass.
"May I?" Hannibal asked tentatively, brushing the tips of his fingers against Will's hole. Will shook his head, brushing his own fingertips against Hannibal's lips.
"Suck on 'em, will ya? I want 'em nice and wet." Will purred, his southern accent growing more prominent. Hannibal complied, taking Will's fingers into his mouth and curling his tongue around them. He coated Will's fingers in spit, sucking on them fervently. Will chuckled, pushing his hips further into Hannibal's lap, a dark smile on his face. He was able to feel Hannibal's precum slicking the skin as he ruts against the other man. He pulled his fingers out of Hannibal's mouth, watching with glittering eyes as the string of saliva stretches between his fingertips and Hannibal's lips.
He gazed at Hannibal, eyes glittering. He dragged his fingers down Hannibal's balls, soaked with precum, then pressed them against Hannibal's taint, grinning as Hannibal shudders. "Will.... What are you-" Hannibal cut himself off with a sharp moan of surprise as Will pushes a slick finger past the ring of muscle of Hannibal's hole. Will grinned lazily, curling the finger as he dragged it slowly along Hannibal's inner walls, pressing against his prostate. More of that slick, clear fluid oozed out of Hannibal's cock, pooling onto his belly. "W-Will... I don't... I've never.... I can't..." "Shhhhh.... yes you fucking can.... I'm gonna make you..." Will growled, shoving in another finger, thrusting them a bit faster. Hannibal's precum ran down his ass, slicking the way for Will's fingers as Will thrusted them against his prostate. Hannibal jolted, hips thrusting up into the air, letting out a long whine. "Will... please, I-I'm... I'm going to.... Willllll!" Hannibal almost wailed, body shuddering as Will pulled his fingers out, denying Hannibal his release. Will chuckled, running his hand through Hannibal's hair. "Shhh.... So damn needy..." Will hummed, dragging his fingers through that puddle of ooze that gathered on Hannibal's belly, slicking his own cock with it. He pushed Hannibal back and pushed his knees up, so Hannibal was open and exposed, ready for Will to take. Will had that lazy grin on his face as he took his cock and rubbed the fat head against Hannibal's hole, crooning as Hannibal whines. "I'm gonna stretch you out so good.... you're only gonna be able to feel good on my cock...." Hannibal was panting, on the brink of panic, dazed with shock and arousal. He had no time to process anything when Will slams in, hitting his prostate in one thrust. Hannibal jerked, letting out a loud moan. Cum spewed out in ropes across his belly, clinging to the hair. Will growled in delight, fingers wrapped tightly around Hannibal's ankles. He thrusted relentlessly, ignoring Hannibal's pleading.
"Will! I-I can't! P-Please! I-It's too much, darling! Darling p-please!" Hannibal wailed, cock going soft on his wet, sticky belly, seminal fluid oozing out still as Will milked his prostate with rough thrusts against that little organ. Hannibal felt small.... chained and controlled. Subdued. It was humiliating..... exciting. His heart fluttered and his stomach swirled as he felt the cut on his back rub against the carpet. He felt the sting of tears in his eyes as Will fucked into him, nearly painful pleasure overwhelming him. He felt like he was going to pass out.
Hannibal then clenched hard around Will's fat cock after a particularly violent jab to his prostate and Will groans. Hannibal sobbed in relief as he felt that rush of Will's hot, sticky cum flooding his ass. He felt lightheaded, dizzy. He had a stupid, lazy smile on his bloodied face, and Will wraps his fingers around his neck. Will leaned in close and growls low. "You're mine..... I'm not yours... but you're mine.... got that?" Hannibal nodded.
Will leans in and presses a deep, passion filled kiss to Hannibal's lips, growling into them. "Mine...."
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loving-slaughter · 9 months
I'm like a rabid dog constantly biting at my own foot and reopening old wounds so I can fill my mouth with blood again
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loving-slaughter · 1 year
Okay people talk about omegas having toys to help them through heat but let's get deep into it.
Knotted dildos. It's a classic. A silicone toy with a slightly tapered bulb at the base so an omega can't hurt themself on it. The knot is also softer than the rest of the toy because alpha knots are softer like that. This also allows the omega to contract around the toy like their body wants and "milk" the "cum" from the toy.
(Also note these are what come in emergency heat kits that can be found in workplaces. Basic toys like this are sold at drug stores)
Inflatable knotted dildos. These are the slightly more advanced version. They cost a bit more for the special feature of a knot that grows while the toy is being used. They can have a pump or a mechanism at the bottom that reacts to an omega mounting the knot. Whatever the case, they inflate and deflate over the average for alphas.
Cream-filled dildos, with or without a knot are toys that have fake alpha cum that can be inserted and released. The fake cum can be basic lube, or it can be prescription with artifical pheromones that ease heat symptoms.
Prescription "cum" was just mentioned. It's lube-like artifical spunk for omegas in heat. It has pheromones, donated or made, that ease heat symptoms. This lube is used usually for overheated omegas or in relationships where the mate can't produce cum that will ease their mate.
Omega fleshlights. These are much smaller fleshlights than alphas would buy. They're often simple and have little texturing on the inside for the sake of oversensitive heat-cocks. This also applies to grinding mats for afab anatomy, or smaller dicked omegas.
Strap on toys. These aren't what you think they are! These are toys that are secured to an omega, like a fleshlight with a belt, do the omega can focus on other things while still getting pleasure during heat. This leaves 2 free hands and stimulated junk!
Plugs. Plugs are VERY common for omegas both in and out of heat. Plugs used to keep cum inside of an omega and encourage mating are restricted under prescription as a "family planning" device due to their shape. Other Plugs, with a traditional shape, are used for easing pre/post heat even while in public.
Gland stimulators. These are collars, bracelets, and garters made in leather or softer fabrics to create pressure on sensitive points.
Bite collars. A collar with teeth-like nubs that dig into the mating point on the back of an omegas neck.
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loving-slaughter · 1 year
The universe is yelling at me to continue the fic I'm writing based on this scene
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loving-slaughter · 1 year
Reblog the writers’ fortune cookie for luck!
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loving-slaughter · 1 year
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“Did you ever think, Will, why the Philistines don't understand you? It's because you are the answer to Samson's riddle. You are the honey in the lion.”
If this line isn’t in S4 I’ll be so sad.
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loving-slaughter · 2 years
it doesn’t matter who is stronger in a physical fight, hannibal would let will win just for the chance that will might pin him down at the wrists and straddle him while looking down at him all feral and snarling
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loving-slaughter · 2 years
Entry No. 3 | Take a Slice - Glass Animals | Blood and Lust
Soft warm skin...
I can feel the blood pulsing underneath.
Can smell Your heat.
You live in my daydreams.
Shackled in my Mindpalace.
I wish to sink my teeth into the meat of you.
Seeing You sitting pretty, there...
Across from me.
Close my eyes...
Wish You could see what I do.
Your flesh marked by my blade.
By my teeth.
By my essence.
Dear Boy...
I'll eat Your heart.
Feel me as I feel you.
Eat me too.
I'm Yours
Take a Slice
Maybe You deserve better...
But I wanted You.
Feel Your fluid
Feel mine..
Take Your Slice
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loving-slaughter · 2 years
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sucks that they didn’t show us feral hannibal in muskrat farm like him just absolutely tearing into everyone to go save will……. yea i think about him a lot
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loving-slaughter · 2 years
will graham is gay as fuck for describing killing randall tier with his hands as “intimate” after imagining it was hannibal he was killing
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loving-slaughter · 2 years
Entry No. 2
Why did I wait.
I Don't understand.
Could have gone off and lived without You.
You rejected me and yet.
I still feel...
A love.
A longing for You.
I look at You and I'm starstruck.
Those eyes like the ocean.
How could they look at me with such hurt and hate?
Within my thoughts, I've pictured You dead by my hand.
I've thrusted the knife into Your body.
Felt the warmth of Your blood against my skin.
I could not bear to see you leave me.
To hear You toss my gift over Your shoulder.
I've longed to press my lips against Yours.
Feel Your breath.
Taste Your essence.
I've longed to mark You as mine from the inside.
As I did on the outside.
Leave my trace, plant my seed.
But you won't want it...
Will you?
I don't understand!
What have I done!?
Dearest Boy...
Love Me, Love Me, LOVE ME
Why do You show such hate?
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loving-slaughter · 2 years
the way people interpret will is so interesting to me because you’ll have a fic where he’s a poorly groomed rabid dog of a southern man with zero patience for anybody and especially not for hannibal and then in the next he’s submissive and breedable babygirl graham using his feminine wiles to seduce hannibal into doing what he wants. and both are technically correct.
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loving-slaughter · 2 years
Entry No. 1 | Not Allowed - TV Girl | Grief
Is it love I feel?
Feels like I shouldn't. He's the devil.
But the devil is truly beautiful...
He's laying beside me, on this beach. I don't know if he's breathing. I haven't checked.
Dawn's coming. The blood's still under my nails. Soaked into my shirt.
The salt burns in the wounds. He hasn't moved.
His hands are cold. They were nearly never cold.
My noble stag, blood on Your antlers.
Shot down by my Arrow.
My dark Becoming, I thanked You wrongly.
Refusing Your rare gift.
Forgive Me Forgive Me.
I had refused Your friendship, refused Your love.
You wrote me those little Sonnets.
I didn't listen.
How I long for Your body against mine now. Your skin slick against mine. Warm. Living.
Too Late Too Late
After this, I really hope You don't mind. Dear Friend.
I'm Sorry I'm Sorry
I could have had Your breath mingled with my own. I refused.
Could have had You within.
We were not Allowed, and I shied away.
I'll Say It I'll Say It
Could have talked about Sex.
But now that I hold you cold, my greatest Adventure, all I can say now.
I love you...
No Lies No Lies
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loving-slaughter · 2 years
has there ever truly been a character more cringe fail than nbc’s hannibal. be honest.
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loving-slaughter · 2 years
i think the reason we're all so attracted to the awful terrible no good men is because we're all so convinced that we're bad people and the idea of someone loving those parts of you and giving you that freedom to go insane and do all the things you hold yourself back from doing is so addictive and captivating and also the awful terrible no good men look soooo good covered in blood
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loving-slaughter · 2 years
I'm tired and stressed here's a handful of Will Graham memes from my gallery that I think of and/or mutter to myself regularly
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