#saffron answer
saffron... is there any occasion where you have had to stop argan from getting out of line? and what about your relationship with him? is he like a father figure to you, like a sibling, a close friend, or just your boss?
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starrysharks · 3 months
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early design for my sister and i's comic project "bites n' bribes" - a comedy about a group of gangsters starting a restaurant as a money laundering front
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canisalbus · 4 months
Whenever someone says "This would kill a Victorian child." Or "This would kill a medieval peasant." I have to think about Machete. Would he... would he survive eating a Dorito?
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quibbs126 · 5 months
the dynamic is basically like theyre two performers and theyre in love and i love it sm oml im obsessed with them
i came up with a ship name its wandstar cause magicians have wands and shining glitter is a popstar so ya
they cheer the loudest for eachother in the audience when going to eachothers shows (and they never miss a single one)
ofc you dont have to but.. if the requests are still open which i think they are then ima request this
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Here you are, this is Saffron Cookie
So basically she’s a fashion designer who works/apprentices under Sour Belt. Generally she’s a nice and chill lady that’s not as interested in being in the spotlight, she just likes making outfits for those people
Saffron’s named after saffron, which I was suggested but I think it’s because it’s a spice like cinnamon and, I don’t know, the flower’s purple? I’m not entirely sure what the correlation between saffron and glitter is, sorry
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So I recognize that again, this design is far simpler than the parents, but here I think it’s fine because the parents are stage performers while she works in the background
So fun fact: when I started coming up with a design, my brain had been struck with the idea to make the kid part of a boy band (probably because I was listening to songs from Trolls 3 at the time), but when I was trying to come up with hair, I ended up with what you see in the rough sketch, and I was like “that’s not a guy in a boy band, that’s a lady” and I liked the hair, so I went with that and she became what she is. The original name was also Cinnamon Sprinkle, but I went to Saffron when I changed the idea. Maybe Cinnamon Sprinkle could be brought back as Saffron’s brother (probably younger), or Saffron was Cinnamon Sprinkle and she’s trans, I don’t know
I made her design mostly reds and purples since while saffron itself is red, the flower is a very striking purple, so I wanted to include that too, as well as some yellow for accents
Also the pink dots on the shirt isn’t a pattern, it’s kind of supposed to show that it’s glittery, I might not have conveyed that well
Overall I quite like her, and hopefully you do too
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ask-the-saffrons · 4 months
Hey Ev.... Do you believe in ghosts?????
Ev: I... what? I... don't know. I've never thought about it.
(Evan shuffles awkwardly. He leaves the room, not giving any excuse, just leaving without saying anything, escaping the situation as fast as he can.)
(If you were to ask again, you might get an answer. It's the kind of question Evan would need to think about, though.)
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bagelwizard · 10 days
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It's been a while since I've made any new characters, but here's a gal I created yesterday. Her name is Saffron (or Saff for short) and she's a wandering spirit enamored with the concept of autumn, using a jack-o-lantern as a vessel. With only vague memories of when she was alive, she wanders the galaxy in search of new memories to cherish.
(More about her below)
Saffron generally has a laid-back and mellow personality, having a free spirit while still being polite and unassuming. She is naturally kind and cares greatly for nature, feeling inspired by the beautiful scenery of other planets. Because of her nomadic nature, she's somewhat lacking in social skills. She's brutally honest and a bit of a scatterbrain, which can end up doing her more harm than good. Saffron is usually not one to act irrationally, but she can be quite stubborn at times when it comes to things that matter to her greatly.
Despite her unthreatening appearance and aversion to battle, she's not to be underestimated in a fight if forced to defend herself.
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^ Saffron wields an enchanted lantern that is able to harvest and harness Soul Matter to convert it into energy or fiery wisps which she can control at will. Additionally, she can enhance or degrade the capabilities of allies or enemies by basking them in the lantern's light. Even if she's not much of a fighter, she would be a valuable ally in any battle given that she is willing. She seems to have a strange connection to the phantom that resides within it...
Fun Facts:-
Much like an actual pumpkin, her body is quite durable, especially her head where her armor-like "hair" is.
She's a technophobe. Highly advanced technology makes her feel uncomfortable. (...Hint.)
She's really good at baking. Her favorite things to bake are cinnamon rolls and... pumpkin pie.
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griffinkid · 8 months
Sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t love one of my favorite plushies since she’s for babies and I never see anyone else with plushies that are technically for babies but I love her embroidery eyes and soft fur, plus her different texture and tags, I just feel like it’s not okay to love her sometimes ;-;
You're free to love whatever toys or plushies that appeal to you, nobody's going to stop you or question you, whether it's a baby toy or the world's most cursed furby.
Also, I'm just saying, if you truly "never see anyone else with plushies that are technically for babies" then you haven't been paying attention because I have a literal pile of baby plushies, including several I commissioned to look like characters I love, so... here, have some baby toys:
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saffronwritesstuff · 3 months
Omg we just became mutuals because of pjo, but I didn’t know you also like f1 😭. Am a huge f1 fan
Formal request to be friends please?
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ask-cueball · 1 year
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Since Saffron Evan was so aggressively conditioned towards violence, would there have been any point (such as in the early days) where he would've been a threat to Michael, or towards anything else living that Michael might have ended up witnessing?
Good question, especially since I've left Mike and Evan's relationship post-bite so underdeveloped, lmao. I'm gonna vaguely answer your question in this essay, but this reponse is largely going to be me piecing together young Ev and Mike's post-Bite relationship :)
I keep rewriting the timeline, but so far, William doesn't start trying to manipulate Evan into being like him until a year after the Bite. It takes Evan three to four months to wake up from his coma. During this time, William keeps a close eye on Michael; he's just started to realize that maybe he doesn't want to do the whole child killing thing alone, and having his oldest, prized son who already looks a lot like him filling that role would be like a gift to him.
Once Ev wakes up from his coma, Evan is terrified of Mike. Also at this point, it's starting to dawn on William that Mike isn't as similar to him as he hoped. This realization causes William to treat Michael with more cruelty than ever before-- and he encourages Evan's hostility toward Mike at the same time. But William doesn't encourage Evan's hostility because he wants Evan to take Mike's place; that idea honestly hasn't occurred to William yet. He does it both in an attempt to punish Michael for not being more like him, and in the hope that if Evan pushes Mike enough, Mike will snap, hurt Evan, and put himself down a path that will inevitably lead Mike to being more like William.
Hostility probably isn't quite the right word to describe how Evan treats Mike at this point, though. Evan isn't being outright malicious at this point. A consequence of the brain injury from the Bite is that Evan has a hard time regulating and understanding his emotions; he's moody, has no filter, and is prone to bouts of rage and paranoia. If Mike gets too close, especially with no warning, Evan will panic and lash out; hitting, kicking, screaming, throwing things without stopping to see if what he's throwing at Mike could be dangerous. Maybe Mike has a scar on his forehead from a time when Evan threw a heavy glass lamp at Mike and it shattered against his head. William never outright makes Evan stop, and he even encourages Evan to act out in ways just subtle enough to keep Mike on his side, because William is hoping that if Evan makes Mike mad enough, then Mike really will be on William’s side. My William needs to manipulate his children against each other, both because it keeps them from looking too closely at him if they're busy fighting, and because William craves every ounce of control over other people that he can get.
But despite William’s hopes of turning Michael and Will's desperate need to be In Control, no amount of pushing gives William the result he wants. Michael will snap out some harsh things at Evan when Ev does something that *really* hurts, but he never lifts a finger against his little brother. Mike vowed that he's never doing that again, and deep down, he thinks he deserves everything Evan has been doing to him, anyway.
What William gets instead is the revelation that Evan has been getting progressively more intentional and more cruel in how he hurts Mike, now that William has been encouraging him. Evan doesn't just lash out when he's panicked, but when he's angry, too. Evan does it on *purpose* now, and William never expected to see such a thing from his weak little son.
William’s intrigued by Evan, and still angry that Mike has been acting in such a disappointing manner. So, about a year after the Bite, William decides he's not going to let Evan be the disappointment Mike is. William still hopes that one day Mike will "see the light," so to speak, but he turns his attention to Evan.
He starts off doing something "simple"; after he commits his crimes, he takes Evan to the crime scenes to get Evan more acquainted with blood and death. I've talked about this in other posts, so I won't reiterate here, but everything Evan has been doing to hurt Mike hasn't been too bad in William's opinion. A couple cuts from throwing glass or heavy objects, bruises from hitting and kicking, tearing apart Mike's things; Evan hasn't been doing things as violent or bloody as William would like, and he needs to get Evan used to that scale of violence while Ev is still young and impressionable.
A few months after that, William starts encouraging Evan to take out his feelings on animals, violently. Evan’s already becoming desensitized to blood and gore, and he has a lot of fear and anger to take out, especially because William has probably told lies to make his paranoia about Mike wanting to hurt/kill Evan worse.
But, another result of Evan’s injury and William trying so hard to desensitize Evan to what they're doing means that Evan doesn't always understand that he needs to be hiding this thing, or at least Evan understands that Father wants him to hide it but doesn't understand why, and so doesn't put a lot of effort into it at times. It's not such a big deal since Evan isn't in public school anymore (William would have pulled Evan out about the same time he started having Evan go to the crime scenes; can't risk Ev saying something he shouldn't) and their house is in the middle of nowhere. The only person around to see Evan coming home drenched in blood is Mike.
That does happen two or three times before Mike runs away from home, though Evan always comes up with an excuse. There was a deer stuck in a trap out in the woods, he saw a raccoon get hit and tried to help, etc etc. It freaks Michael out, but he has no reason to suspect that Evan has been actively hurting and killing animals. His little brother has always been gentle and kind, sensitive and sweet; he thinks Evan’s rough treatment has been reserved for Mike and Mike alone, and they both know Evan has every reason to be fearful, angry, and lashing out at Mike.
Although Mike has no idea Evan was doing it, Mike ends up running away about a year after Evan starts killing animals. Evan’s treatment of Mike gets progressively more daring and dangerous after that. Maybe Evan does something particularly bad that finally leads William to label physically hurting Mike as off-limits. He doesn't actually want Michael dead, after all, and he's getting less confident in Evan’s ability to control himself.
Or maybe William tried getting Evan to finish a kill rather than let Evan continue to get away with just being a child lure and watching William without participating, except Evan couldn't get himself to kill a human the way he could kill animals. Maybe William decided that letting Evan hurt Mike when Ev is scared was bad for business because it gave Evan too much control and too much of an outlet for his emotions. Maybe he orders Evan to stop physically harming Michael to make Evan feel more powerless, so Evan's emotions would sit stagnant, festering and getting more and more rotten; maybe William thought it would help push Evan over the edge into being a killer.
Either way, Evan doesn't understand why he's not allowed to hurt Mike, given everything Mike has done to him (and the fear that Mike still wants to hurt him planted by William). Evan doesn't do the best job of retraining himself, but he tries. He still hurts Mike sometimes when Mike startles him (always an accident on Mike's part), but Evan’s options are obey William or face his wrath. Evan knows by now what William’s wrath looks like, and evan thinks he knows what William’s love looks like. Evan knows which he'd prefer William gives to him.
Now that Evan isn't physically hurting Mike anymore, the two of them do grow closer together, in a weird way. Evan’s been terrified that Mike will hurt him for two years at this point, but... Mike hasn't. Not even when Evan stops hurting Mike first. Evan doesn't know what to think or feel about that. Evan never fully stops lashing out or holding Mike at arms length, but he grows used to Mike's presence in a way he hasn't been since long before the Bite. It's comforting.
William notices Evan starting to mellow out, and of course, he doesn't like it. Evan has still been acting as William's lure throughout this, but one day, William changes things up. He has Evan lure in a young girl with bright blond curly hair and big blue eyes, but William doesn't kill her. He lets Evan have a friend. He always intended to set things up so Evan would kill Suzie, and when Evan timidly asks William if he can get a dog one day because he likes playing with Suzie's, William sees an opportunity and runs with it. He steals Suzie's dog, gives it to Evan, and tells Evan to be grateful and not say a word to anyone about where the dog came from.
William piles a lot of things on Evan at once. Sadness because he wanted his own dog that he could bring to play with Suzie and her dog, anger that Suzie's stolen dog hurts him, guilt that Suzie is so crushed by her dog's disappearance.
Evan takes these feelings out on Suzie's dog. Michael sees Evan treating the dog cruelly. He tries putting a stop to it and is shocked at the ferocity with which Evan fights back. Mike has never particularly liked the dog on account of it being aggressive toward everyone in the house, but it spooks Mike to see Evan act like that; he really thought Evan only got that way with Mike and nothing else, and he thought Evan had been getting better. Mike begs Evan to stop, and Evan does, but only when Mike is nearby. Because Mike asks William if he can finally just get rid of the dog and tells William that even Evan has been so frustrated with the mongrel that he hurt the dog really bad. Because William makes sure Evan knows that he's not allowed to let on to anyone, especially not to Michael, about hurting animals or anyone else.
Evan gets punished for letting Mike see.
And Mike runs away a few months after that.
Evan's surprised by how much it hurts when Mike abandons him.
Mike ran away about a month before his 17th birthday. When Mike's bday rolls around, Evan loses control. The reminder that Mike abandoned him just when they were starting to... not quite connect, but let's say connect for lack of a better word, it's the final straw on top of everything else Evan has been going through. That's about when Evan finally kills Suzie's dog.
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exmcrtis · 4 months
Halley: Heart
H : HEART. is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
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because halley has little to no experience with relationships, she's not very quick when it comes to giving her heart away. she's an extremely guarded individual and hates talking about her feelings, so it takes fight business years and a miracle to win her over. however, saffron has been doing a pretty good job of it lately, and she'll happily give her heart to them when the time is right.
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blackthorn-legion-irl · 7 months
Remember what I said.
Find the button with the ᰉ symbol to fix em.
It's boring having em be in a roomba all the time, you know.
fuchsia: seek a button that carries a ᰉ. hmm, not as catchy as in 999---
saffron: we have to go on a grocery run later, but will try and find it before that. ...i wonder if we can use loophole abuse here.
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ambrosykim · 8 months
ocs as types of love
tagged by @narrativefoiltrope to take this quiz for some ocs!! thank u erin <33 gonna do some ocs that are in my mind a lot (started out with like 4 ocs, but it evolved into... this. also it's fascinating to see who got the same type <3)
alex wiseman, sindri silversong - love that calms
this is sweet. i hope you know that you make others feel at ease around you. you're a gem, a blessing, a treasure – and you should know it. it's comfortable loving you. it's a privilege to be around you and to be let into your world.
angel andrews, zia lhalabar, zora hanak - love that heals
your love is healing. it burns you with every bit of your soul, but you choose to heal, nevertheless. you are so, so so strong and i hope you know that. i send you peace. i send you calm. i hope things will become better for you in time, just as you have made others better in time as well.
noa sano, alva kalesko - love that lasts
love unconditional, love unfailing. you love no matter what happens because you believe in the best – of you, and them. it will hurt and it will fail you, but this love tastes so sweet – you can never believe that it bitters sometimes. the way you choose to love unconditionally is incredible.
saffron carnavon - love that strengthens
you make sure that people know that they are loved, and you give them strength when they need it the most. this is an ability that is rare; the love that you hold speaks wonders of yourself. i hope you're doing alright. isn't it exhausting always being the bigger person?
tagging @grapecaseschoices @griffin-wood @celticwoman @nerdferatum @rosykims and whoever wants to do this bc i love reading about ocs <3
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plumbobtv · 2 years
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Episode 05 - You Have Never Been My Friend
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“Do what you want ’til you find what you’re looking for.” [ justin // saffron ]
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Justin took a long drag from his cigarette, holding the pack toward her as they watched traffic pass them by from the parking lot, sitting on the hood of her car. Personal hedonism was their generational call, too jaded now for idyll. And his life was filled with small joys that evaporated into the atmosphere like a monsoon. His dreams relied on other people. Perhaps there was something to be taken from that. Change your desires, change the result.
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There was a world of possibilities out there- he hoped, that experience would give him the opportunity to choose among narrowed options. Until then, what was there to do? Chase the dream? To what end? Was there no accountability?
Finally, Justin hummed. "So what do you want?"
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