#fuchsia posts
blackthorn-legion-irl · 7 months
ive been thnkgin what was that bitton you got last tine i was here i want ot press
den: ...i forgor.
fuchsia: eh it can't be too bad right. what's the worst that could happen????? i think it was in uh, that drawer?
[the most random items being thrown across the room ensue.]
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peko--peko · 1 year
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"I want a place that reminds me of when I was a rebel"
now fuchsia has a place where she can fix her skateboards, draw grafitti on the walls and chill with her friends 🛹🎮🎸
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ingravinoveritas · 6 months
Hoo, boy. Well, I just watched the second of the DW 60th anniversary specials ("Wild Blue Yonder"), and let me say...that was fucking awesome. As I've mentioned previously, I am a very casual Doctor Who viewer, but this felt so much tighter and stronger than "Star Beast" by several orders of measure. I know everyone talks about DW being owned by Disney now and how that has affected the budget, but this episode more than proved that you do not need fancy special effects or over-the-top action sequences when you have two actors who can just do what David and Catherine did.
I've only seen a few other DW eps, but I was amazed at how creepy this was, and having it be so intensely character-driven--that is, having the antagonists be copies of the Doctor and Donna and allowing David and Catherine to create two completely different other characters so that it felt like there actually were four different people on screen--was sheer genius. Absolutely brilliant and hilarious but also wildly unnerving at the same time.
Which then brings me to the moment you mentioned, which is thoroughly delicious on its own:
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Right off the bat, what surprised me is how very not surprising this is, at least to anyone paying attention. We know the Doctor is an alien who transcends time and space, so there is no reason to think that he/she/they wouldn't also transcend sexuality. And again, not having seen as many episodes of other incarnations (Nine, Eleven, etc.), I have always seen Ten as being bi or pan, without any question. There was something about Fourteen saying this, however, that felt very akin to 57 academics punching the air, and I am just beyond thrilled that this made it into the show.
What's also been interesting to me is seeing the negative response to this development on Twitter, and the subsequent pushback to said response. I've seen a lot of folks saying the Doctor can't possibly be gay (nevermind that being into men doesn't necessarily make the Doctor gay, since bi/pansexuality is A Thing That Exists) because of Rose, and then other folks responding with examples from Ten's era showing all the ways in which Ten is not/has never been 100% straight. But as easy it is for these pushback people to see this as a possibility for fictional characters, they seem to have a very difficult time seeing that same possibility in real people.
To wit: I saw a tweet yesterday from someone who thought that Russell T. Davies was straight--much to my disbelief--and a subsequent reply on that tweet from another person who thought he was married to Julie Gardner. And sure, I'll grant you that not everyone is interested in the personal life of a DW showrunner/writer...but we are talking about the man who wrote the UK version of Queer As Folk, and gave the world Captain Jack Harkness, for crying out loud. The same man who made David/Ten look and act like the biggest bottom ever to bottom and earned the moniker "Russell T. Daddy" for a reason. Yet the grip of compulsory heterosexuality is so strong that all of these things (as well as the fact that he had an actual husband, who sadly passed away a few years ago) ceased to matter.
But...it also suddenly makes sense why so many people are oblivious to the fact that David (and Michael) are most likely not 100% straight.
If we are going to say that the Doctor is not necessarily automatically straight because of having previously dalliances with women, then it makes sense to say that David is not necessarily automatically straight for the same reason. I've talked previously on my blog about how assuming straightness when someone hasn't come out as straight or because someone is in a straight-passing relationship is a problem, and that people don't need to label themselves specifically to be who they are. Yet as willing as so many fans are to let fictional characters step outside of that confining box, those fans are equally willing to push the actors right back into it.
I still see people calling David a "straight man" when that very well might not be the case. When this year in particular, David has been more vocal than ever before about numerous facets of queerness in a multitude of forms (wearing badges, gay pride boots, t-shirts, etc). I've talked about how the clothes David wears seem to be reflecting who he really is more and more, and thinking about the roles he's played this year--Crowley, Fourteen--I see a similar pattern. And I keep thinking about that little boy in Paisley who was afraid to ask for a DW Leelah doll because he didn't want to be a "sissy." I keep thinking of David likely being told that his career would be destroyed if he was anything other than publicly straight, and especially while playing a beloved character like the Doctor.
For him to come back as the Doctor now--in the midst of a deeply charged period in history, with homophobia and transphobia spiking dramatically in the UK--and to mention finding another man hot in the most completely casual way is nothing short of astounding. And what better vehicle to potentially guide David toward opening up about himself than something he has loved for so long? What better show to serve as a lighted pathway, of sorts? Nothing Russell writes is not deliberate. Nothing being done in these specials is not deliberate. And if 900 years isn't too old to discover or become more open about a part of yourself, then why should 52 be?
So yes, those are my thoughts on this new DW 60th anniversary special, and this particular moment with Fourteen (Ten-Four) and Donna. It really does feel as though this is all leading toward something, and I am definitely looking forward to seeing the third and final special next weekend...
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morgombie · 5 months
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life hit me hard, so im selling this design a bit earlier than the rest of the batch at a lower price! i didnt have time to refine it much, so thats why its discounted ^^
rules & price below! DM if interested
- you can give as a gift.
- you may not re-sell for more than the design was bought for. ( void if there is additional art made of the design )
- payment through paypal USD.
- payment must be sent within 48 hours, or the design will go back up for sale.
- do not steal. if you see these designs anywhere they shouldn't be, please inform me.
- you may change anything on your design, so long as it is still recognizable and isn't whitewashed.
- you may not use for AI training/learning or NFTs.
- no refunds.
Fancy Fish - [ CLOSED ]
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gem-andromeda · 1 year
In honor of team nessie winning and shiver lying
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got-ticket-to-ride · 6 months
Why do you think they were all so thin in '67?
Hey anon,
this is just purely speculation on my part because despite 65-66 being a rather stressful time due to their concerts and endless conferences, there's definitely a difference to 67, I would say it's lotsa sex during Jane's absence, acid trips, weed, but also probably poppers. You know...
edit: forgot to add the part that made me think about this... after India, during the recording of the White Album, you can totally see the difference again (when they've supposedly broken up).
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vulrien-sims · 2 years
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The Daphne Collection 
“I'm a black-belt now. I've transformed my body into a dangerous weapon.”
I am pleased to present my first collection for The Sims 4, inspired by the fashion icon Daphne Blake as portrayed by Sarah Michelle Gellar in Scooby Doo (2002) and Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (2004). This collection was really fun to make and I may even make a part 2 in the future, to complete Daphne’s iconic looks.
A collection of chic and glamorous outfits, your sim will find the perfect ensemble for any occasion, be it a sunny getaway to the exotic paradise of Spooky Island, a team meeting at Mystery Inc. Headquarters, or attending a high-profile opening at the Coolsonian Criminology Museum. 
12 New Items (recolour of AH00B’s Alice Headband also included).
33 Clothing Swatches. 20 Hair Swatches (EA Colours).
Base Game Compatible.
Custom Thumbnails.
I have done my best to ensure this collection is the best quality I could achieve, however since it is my first time making Sims 4 CC, if there are any issues please do not hesitate to send me a message. For those of you that use Reshade, the Fashionista Jacket looks best with MXAO turned off.
@maxismatchccworld @sssvitlanz @jessisimsccfinds @emilyccfinds
Credits: Thank you to Serenity-CC for letting me use their Amanda Hair as a base, to AH00B for letting me use their Alice Headband, and to HappyLifeSims, Marigold (Fashionista Jacket is an edit/retexture of their mesh). Major thank you to @Sentate for their  Geri Top/Melanie skirt which was used to make the Jeepers Dress. Scarf used in Screenshots: Neckerchief by Colores Urbanos.
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zorndog · 11 months
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sighs. rubs face. slides these drawings over to you. tf2stuck
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blackthorn-legion-irl · 7 months
somethng i've discovred is i cna only have two thoughts at a time. whenevr ig et distracted with something else the less imortant thought stops thinking in my head
fuchsia: two (2) brain cells...............................
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gamebunny-advance · 4 days
An Idea.
So, I've seen a couple of those "Fixing/Redesigning X Character" videos, and I'm kind of a sucker for any kind of reimagining of almost anything. Very few things please me as much as "thing, but slightly different," like when you see fictional brands of real products in games/cartoons and stuff.
Anyway, I got an idea for my own twist on the concept: "Redesigning Ugly Animal Crossing Villagers, But We Follow the Laws of Equivalent Exchange".
That title is a little grander than the actual idea, but the gist is that it's one half redesigning an "ugly" villager to be "cuter," but the other half is taking a popular villager and making them "ugly."
I dunno, if I can actually make a video about it, but I wanted to at least give it a test run as a proof of concept.
If there's anyone in particular you want to see me redesign in either direction, feel free to let me know~
Till then, I used a randomizer to pick two villagers from the top 20 villagers and the bottom 20 respectively to be our first sacrifices for "fixing".
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Ranked #4 Fuchsia, and #409 Broffina.
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Fuchsia (Popular to Unpopular)
First thoughts: Pleasing color pallet, slight punk edge. She's an overall aesthetically pleasing villager. Just going by looks, I'd think she was a peppy villager.
Increased her make-up since "glammed up" villagers tend to be unpopular and to call-back to her ultimate goal of being a make-up artist.
Shrank her irises to give her a less friendly look.
Changed hair to be slightly less flattering.
Changed her clothes to fit with the new theme better.
Overall, I wanted to give her a "rougher" look to fit more with her Uchi personality. She's got a tough outside, but her pink color implies that she's actually sweet deep down.
Tbh, I think she's a little too similar to Renee now since they're both "pink tough girls" but, I guess that just means I did things right since Renee isn't too popular either XP.
Broffina (Unpopular to Popular)
First Thoughts: Inoffensive, but kinda boring. She's just a chicken with lipstick. If it weren't for her clothes, I don't think I would have noticed that she's supposed to be Latin American inspired.
Gave her a Day of the Dead theme. Villagers with "themes" tend to get popular and would make her original inspiration more pronounced.
Kept most of her body the same to make it more clear that she's just wearing make-up and not an actual skeleton bird. If I went full in, I fear that she'd stop being "Broffina" and just become an original villager, which isn't the ultimate goal here.
Overall, the main goal was just to make her "interesting". She wasn't ugly before, just boring. I think I could have been a little more meaningful with her make-up, but I like the concept at least~
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constantlyfalling · 1 year
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Refocusing... ʳᵉᶠᵒᶜᵘˢⁱⁿᵍ...
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drachedraws · 8 months
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Invertober day 16- fuchsia flatworm
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sharkenthusiasm · 5 months
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but fr though i am losing my mind over the silly mermaid ladies. game of a lost time. ancient relic.
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jandros-trolls · 1 month
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@ flamingboi.bsky.social, @ deviantart.com/jemstuxk, @bretticle, @JustAMonocle, @kal-el-zone @anonymous
💙Thanks for letting me draw ur trolls with Barbie!
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meerlichtz · 7 months
@fuchsia-aa STOPPPPP WHY MUST U PUT SIXTY THOUSAND REBLOGS (like five) OF MCYT ONTO MY DASH. Thats it im removing ur notification privileges
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tavtiers · 4 months
aestheticboard for a fuchsiablood maid of heart?
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the Maid of Heart: one who actively assists instinct
sources: x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x
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