#sa: storyline
asksilvaantrum · 10 months
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opal-owl-flight · 7 months
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Once Before, Now Again.
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thequeenofsarcaasm · 7 months
I love BL manga/webtoons that ain’t solely focused on romance and I think we deserve more stories like that.
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alicentes · 1 month
Alicent Hightower 🤝 Sansa Stark
Having their book counterparts agency stripped away from them and unnecessary scenes of SA being written for them instead
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GOD isn't it insane how paddy has this whole. unlovable renegade complex, which is subtle but very much There, and then he has not one but TWO whole characters whose main role in the story is just. being utterly smitten with him.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 7 months
something i will never be able to recover from is the fact that debbie gallagher and mandy milkovich, two characters who both oversexualized themselves and thought that their bodies were the only thing that made them worth anything, are often talked about in the fandom as “annoying, but i like them because they’re hot”.
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need more shows with subtle yet inherent to the narrative homoerotic relationship...
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guardianhalle · 18 days
Is anyone going to talk about the “the victim is wrong/what about the accused” SA allegory episode of Star Trek Voyager or just me
Seven reacts uncharacteristically violently to a man touching her and the Doctor helps her uncover repressed memories where this man violated her and extracted borg tech from her and dude acts exactly like a guilty mf would act, except about halfway through the episode it’s almost like, and this is speculation, known abuser Rick Berman changed the ending to reveal that, surprise, Seven was actually wrong about the extremely vivid memory she has of an incident that happens several days prior and the accused guy bitches and moans about how things like this ruin men’s careers etc until he gets accidentally exploded out of fear of retribution
TNG would have used an episode like this to make a commentary about bodily autonomy and corruption, VOY said “but what about MEN”
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yeetlegay · 11 months
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razzberrydazz · 2 months
OC Meme - get to know Rana
Got tagged by @mynthara to do this oc info meme, tagging uhhh anyone else who wants to do this if ya want (@larissel I choose you if ya wanna blab about Nashira :3)
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I put a readmore for possible game spoilers ahead for BG3, and for potential content warnings (mentions of Dark Urge antics, kink dynamics, and brief mentions of SA), cuz Rana's life pre-tadpole was Not a happy one. Enjoy all the pics of Rana I stuffed into this!
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Full Name (pre-tadpole): Rana the Gray, ie the Bladedancer, ie The Dark Urge, ie The Red-Eyed Dagger
(Rana loosely translates to Lesser End/Minor Destruction in Drow)
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Full Name (post-tadpole): Rana'rox La'Rouge, ie Rana, ie Durge
Gender: Nonbinary/Agender
Sexuality: Pan
Pronouns: They/It (They/Them for Rana, it/its for their Urge)
Age: Mid 40s? Rana doesn't quite remember how old they are.
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Family: Bhaal (progenitor), Orin the Red (Half-Sister, Bhaalspawn Bloodkin), Mala (Rana's daughter - a product of SA and incest - that they had smuggled away as soon as she was weaned, in order to protect her from the Bhaalist cult and from their Dark Urge; Mala ended up adopted by Jaheira and her family. Mala loosely translates to Secret Breaker in Drow)
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Other family: Adopted drow (seldarine) mother called Rox La'Rouge (deceased, killed by the Dark Urge), a pet Displacer Beast called Chewy (deceased), a human man called Rook Haven (deceased, killed by the Dark Urge) who was the ringleader for a traveling circus called the Raucous Rooks (all members killed by the Dark Urge when the Urge first fully manifested in Rana), and several unnamed children both deceased and surviving as Bhaalists (Rana doesn't remember them, the Brain Trauma is Strong).
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Birthplace: Spawned in the Cloakwood forest near Baldur's Gate, then found and raised by Rox La'Rouge and the Raucous Rooks circus shortly after.
Job: Originally a bard and acrobat in the Raucous Rooks circus, then became a Bhaalist assassin, then the leader of the Bhaalist cult in Baldur's Gate, then during the events of BG3 acts as an altruistic adventurer. Rana hopes to one day join a new carnival or circus as a clown or daredevil acrobat.
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Phobias: Succumbing to the Urge, Pregnancy (Ironically has a breeding kink), The color Red (specifically when it's the Urge), loss of control, succumbing to insanity.
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Hobbies: Rana works to teach themself Drow (they never learned to speak it fluently as a kid, and are trying to catch up in adulthood), and other languages in their free time, and write in their journal extensively. They enjoy collecting and sharpening daggers, sword swallowing, juggling, reading, dancing, singing, and playing instruments such as the lyre and lute. They also like trying new clothes and learning new rope-tying techniques.
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Alignment: Chaotic Good - Rana will go out of their way to do what they believe is good, laws and consequences be damned, if only to counteract their Urges. Sometimes that involves killing someone doing a great wrong, or breaking into buildings to steal food to feed the hungry, or intimidating guards into turning a blind eye to someone just trying to survive, or purposely isolating themselves from others so as to not hurt anyone.
Sins: Wrath (the Urge), Lust, Envy
Virtues: Patience, Courage, Kindness
Introvert / Extrovert / Ambivert
Organized / Disorganized (memory problems)
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between (save yourself I'll hold them back)
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
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OTP: Shadowheart, Minthara, and Lae'Zel (Rana is polyamorous and kinky, and wants to share and be shared with their partners. In an ideal situation, they act as service top and Submissive in a D/S dynamic with Minthara, Shadowheart, and Lae'Zel; Minthara also acts as the Domme of Shadowheart, Lae'Zel, and Karlach. Minthara only agrees to this dynamic if it's a Hierarchical relationship with her at the top.)
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Acceptable Ships: Karlach, Halsin, Astarion, Dame Aylin and Isobel, and Abdirak (If Shadowheart and/or Minthara give Rana permission, they'll happily be with other people)
OT3: In a polycule with the entire party (Rana wants to get passed around like a blunt)
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Brotp: Karlach, Wyll, Minsc, Astarion, Gale
Notps: Jaheira (sees Jaheira as a mother/grandmother/mentor figure, but is entirely willing to platonically help Jaheira with her kids, considering they find out Jaheira's the one who adopted Mala ie Rana's daughter),
Gortash (Rana's ex-boyfriend from before the tadpole amnesia, whom enabled their Urges and vices. Rana wishes things could have gone differently, they saw potential in Gortash, and mourn what could have been had he not turned to tyranny and extortion. They resent him for what he did to Karlach, but can't bring themself to hate him, because in his own ways he managed to help them by crafting a prosthetic eye specially made for them, and they at one point held some strange distorted love for each other),
Orin (not only did Orin give Rana the brain trauma and tadpole that resulted in their amnesia, but Orin also SA'd Rana during the time before they became head of the Bhaalist cult, which resulted in Rana going into hiding for a year and a half to have their daughter Mala and smuggle her away to a family that would protect her. Rana feared what would've happened if they raised a child within the cult, knowing the traumatic hell of Orin's own incestuous conception and cult upbringing. There was a high likelihood they would have killed the child due to the Urge, if they kept Mala within the cult. Even so, the good still in Rana wanted to find a way to forgive Orin, and drag her out of the cult kicking and screaming. If they could have found a way to renounce Bhaal without being forced to kill Orin, they would. Alas, they couldn't find a way to save their bloodkin from the lash of Bhaal.)
Raphael (Rana already felt like their soul was forfeit by virtue of being a Bhaalspawn, they're loathe to chain themself to a manipulative devil as well, even though they find his honeyed words alluring and the idea of being a devil's plaything is...not entirely unappealing for someone who enjoys being a service submissive like Rana.)
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Link to the lil dagger dividers I used for this post
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asksilvaantrum · 10 months
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I thought it was weird for Jodie to be in earshot of Teddy and the woman but completely ignore what he had said and act like she was upset that he had 'moved on' especially when earlier she said she had been with a couple of blokes since him.
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waterdeepthroat · 10 months
bg3 is one of the only games where i’ve had to take some space away with it due to content. and honestly? i think that’s a good thing
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ok so to clear everything up and also give this some context, the short version is that I got in touch with the person who runs the Daily César Domboy fan account (here on instagram, and here on twitter), who has spoken to César himself about Rogue Heroes season 2, and he confirmed that unfortunately his character, as well as the few remaining Frenchmen, have all been written out and will not be coming back for s2.
While I couldn't get TOO much detail, the reason for this was apparently script changes, so it does seem that he was initially supposed to have a storyline for s2 which had to be taken out for whatever reason. apparently César is not planning to make an announcement, so I think this is as close to official confirmation as we are gonna get until, y'know, the season actually airs and he's not there lmao.
so, yeah, in short,
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casyawn · 1 year
Hi! An unpopular opinion on IWTV you would like to share? And your favorite scene?
Hi anon thanks for the question!
I guess my unpopular opinion is that I don't care if they give Lestat a redemption arc. I know they've expressed an intention to do something like that, but I don't think that it's going to look like what fandom might expect it to, and I don't know that most of fandom would be happy with it.
One of the most compelling things about Anne Rice's vampires, to me, is that they fully explore the meaning and implications of immortality. and in my opinion one of the implications of immortality is that no state can ever really be permanent. so if at some point Lestat is "redeemed", or back in Louis' good graces, or on his best behaviour, no longer violent, healthy and communicative and a good partner, even.... well, what is interesting (and scary) about that is the understanding that it can't possibly last. When you live forever, you have literally endless opportunities to screw up, to regress, to repeat old mistakes and hurt people. Lestat will never be redreemed and Loustat will never be "endgame", because those states are permanent.
That being said, the later tvc books and the show as well, I think, are a little more hopeful about this stuff. Just like the vampires have an endless capacity for cruelty and abuse, they also have limitless opportunities to forgive each other and heal. I honestly think that's beautiful, and it's the main thing i love about Louis and Lestat as a couple.
And to your other q: my favourite scene (aside from the confessional monologue which is forever iconic) is probably the last sequence of episode 2, starting with Lestat and Louis walking into the opera and ending with Louis and Daniel eating the dessert in silence.
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phatburd · 5 months
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