#s2 im putting my faith in you to get it right
buffysgotfaith · 1 year
I really wish Wednesday had better writers lol. Like some of it is bad bad. If you were a writer though what would you have in s2 for Wenclair
I also wish it had better writers. I've said it before but s2 is either going to be better than s1 or it will dive head first into a giant mess. The writing team really made some weird choices in the overall plot in s1. I'm hoping they've added some more people to the writing room for s2.
What would I do for Wenclair in s2?
I've said a few times now that I wouldn't make them a couple in s2 and I stand by that. I really agree with the cast that Wednesday needs to be single and that the show needs to focus less on her and romantic relationships. If they were to make it canon I want a slow burn baby!
Two things I really want to see in s2 though that would strengthen that bond are Wednesday saving Enid and Enid interacting with the Addams family. I'm a sucker for a parallel in story telling and to have a moment where Wednesday puts herself in danger to save Enid would just be exactly what I want to see. Also like everyone that ships Wednesday and Enid I am super into the idea of Enid getting the unconditional love she deserves from Gomez and Morticia and I just want scenes of her with that whole family. It would serve to show she could fit into their world.
Also this is far less meaningful in terms of the development of their relationship, but I want to see Wednesday see Enid go feral in her human form. Like let Wednesday see the Enid that destroyed that bus when she thought she was stood up by Ajax. I just know that would awaken something in her.
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genericpuff · 1 year
To me the problem with lore olympus and rachel is that she keeps the fan feedback too close to her chest, yes it does "affect her because she's very sensitive" which is smth rachel has said before in interviews and stuff, but the problem is that if u let fan opinions get in the way of ur work maybe u should set boundaries with the way u interact with fan content OF UR OWN WORK.
Im not sure if im explaining myself correctly, but the way rachel somehow always tries to prove criticism wrong and has slowly started ignoring the foundations she previously set is making everything just so flat and boring. She doesnt work with what we've already read but trying to somehow "fix" things that are sometimes not clear on the get go.
For example, u (and a lot of people) complained about how demeter explicitly said she always put persephone in white (when persephone has willingly been wearing that color through the entire series). Meanwhile, i remember having read a post from loreolympians on instagram (iirc) analyzing perse's change of color scheme during s2.
The problem with these things is that rachel has most likely been engaging with these fans who take for granted that she plans everything out or that everything has a deep meaning (which to a sense you should do, because having faith in the author is usually how to go about analyzing storytelling), and somehow it's become a strange echochamber and it results in these weird, very blatantly written to be noticed, details or moments htat try to be smart but are just flat bc rachel doesnt give any effort to anything else aand prefers telling rather than showing so she can feel like a good author when fans obviously point these out
Jdhdjd these are just my two cents and sorry for the long rant but yeah basically rachel should separate herself from the fandom and try to write more objectively and focusing on the narrative instead of taking every little criticism of her comic so personally
Honestly, I can get being a little squeamish around criticism, shit I've had analysis stuff on my work that's consisted of praise and it's still sometimes a little overwhelming to read (I've got a big one in my asks right now that took me like 10 minutes to get thru because I had to keep taking breathers and I still need to actually share it LMAO it's not even criticism! it's just got so much in it, ahfdsaklg)
When it comes to criticism, I still get a little "aw man" sometimes. I recently got feedback from Pyrrhic & Victoria on my Reaper redraws and even though I'm pals with them and know they aren't gonna be harsh, it's still an incredibly vulnerable position to put oneself in. Especially when it's projects that you hold very close to your sense of self.
RS has definitely taken it a little too far in tying LO to herself as a person. Criticism of the comic = criticism of her , and her fanbase seems to view this the same way, that if someone doesn't like the comic, that has to automatically say something about them as consumers when... it really doesn't. If anything their reactions to criticism say way more about them as people than the criticism existing lmao
What's more upsetting and simultaneously eye-rolling is the fact that Rachel goes out of her way to look for things to be upset about. On multiple occasions now over the past 4-5 years, she's snuck into groups containing criticism, attempted to strongarm power away from moderators so she could have criticism removed, and basically just ruined her own day over other people's opinions whether or not they were meant to be read by her.
It's why I stand by the fact that people shouldn't be directly messaging RS with criticism or hate because that would just be unsolicited cruelty. While she should be more open to criticism, that doesn't mean she needs to open the floodgates on her DM's because there are plenty of places for criticism to exist outside of her peripheral. But she keeps turning her head to look at it. Like, she'll throw a hissy fit over criticism that wasn't even really directly aimed at her, just meant for the sake of discussion. And that's where I'd really honestly wish she could just get a grip.
Like, I'm sure there's criticism of Rekindled out there already. Shit, I've had other projects from yeeears ago that ended up being made fun of outside of where I posted it. It sucked, but going out and actively looking for it for the purpose of erasing it from existence wasn't going to make me a better creator nor was it going to benefit me as a person.
It's a shitty reality, but the bigger you grow as a creator, the more you will have to separate yourself from your audience. You don't have to stonewall them completely, many people follow these works for the creators themselves, but you're not entitled to everyone's friendship and praise, and if the criticism really bugs you that much, then fucking work on the thing they're criticizing, don't double down on it or try to control how your audience consumes your content.
It's why it drives me so nuts when RS does infiltrate these groups because it's an incredible invasion of privacy as well as the creator-reader relationship. Q&A's, panels, and personal socials are where you go to interact with the creator. A creator sneaking into a Discord group or subreddit or FB group with the intent of "listening in" would be equivalent to J.K. Rowling showing up in person to a book club meeting. It's just disrespectful to your audience and makes you look like a huge asshole. Have some grace and for once, I'll tell Rachel and her fanbase to take their own advice - if you don't like it, don't read it.
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sllhouettedreams · 9 months
A LOT of people can relate to crowley because his doubt in God manifested as rebellion and apostasy. Ive not talked to a high number of good omens fans but i can't imagine a lot of devout christians are a hardcore fans of it (or neil gaiman in general lbr). Crowley is immediately relatable bc his religious trauma is made of the same stuff as most fans.
But aziraphale shows the other side to Doubt and that's just incessant faith. He believes in God's Plan even when he doubts it. Even when it hurts innocent people because he believes that god will do good.
As for the heaven and archangel side of things like..I think a lot of people blame aziraphale for the end of s2 without realizing that... both crowley and aziraphales relationship with heaven mirrors that of an abusive parent/family.
I mean we all saw gabriel tell (who he thought was) aziraphale to shut up and die. This was ONE instance we were able to see of Aziraphale being given punishment. He mentions in Paris about heaven admonishing him for 'frivolous miracles' when crowley asks him why he didnt just leave the prison himself. Like. there are so many jokes about 'paperwork' for being discorporated and well. Theres something to be said for aziraphale being more willing to deal with the aftermath of being beheaded and needing a new body than to unlock his cuffs and save himself and risk upstairs citing him again.
Then there was the whole gabriel bringing sandalphon to the bookshop and using interrogation tactics on him (blocking the exit, putting sandalphon at his back, etc). The angels are so quietly malicious- "there are no back channels, michael"- right before michael phones a demon in hell. Like!! They might be inept when it comes to humanity but they hide their cruelty so well.
Like. I dont really have the words to make this all convincing and proper or whatever and im sure someones said it before and better with more examples but like
If you think of both of them as a victim of abuse, it puts it all into perspective doesnt it? The effects of abuse are so different for everyone especially when its abuse from family. Aziraphale has only ever wanted to appease heaven and do good by them that when given the chance to do the most good he jumped right on it. Heaven has sunk its claws deep into aziraphale to use as a tool. And aziraphale doesnt even realize! Bc if he werent "doing good" then he'd have been cast out like crowley had been, right?!
And Crowley was completely cut off from heaven for asking a few questions! He remembers what heaven was like and thinks there are a number of similarities between the two. Hes been utterly convinced of his wickedness. He will not ever return not even with the promise of forgiveness. He HAS seen that heaven is "toxic" because of the absurd reason he was cast out in the first place. He was a starmaker who asked questions!! And god was what. Annoyed at being challenged?
Crowley got out because he was cast out, aziraphale hasnt been granted that luxury and wont take those steps bc who knows if the punishment will be a simple Fall or annihilation or outer darkness there doesnt seem to be any set standard. And also aziraphale still loves god and doing good and to fall would mean to be cut off from all of that to have to go to hell and do the exact opposite. If he can just change things, if he could get the other archangels to see,
Well he hasnt quite discovered that heaven works exactly how its intended to and would need to be torn down before it can be rebuilt into something like aziraphale wishes it to be
Idk i get why its easy to blame aziraphale but. Idk ive been where hes at. Like. Not specifically and angel trying to rewrite heaven but. As a child of religious parents who were also terribly abusive people. I think its unfair that people are saying he should grovel and is wrong and whatever. I dont think crowley would even want that....
Idk im just thinking v hard about good omens its taking over my life. This is probably incomprehensible im just. SAD bc i love both aziraphale and crowley and for aziraphale to be given so much shit when it isnt entirely on him just makes me emotional ok 😔
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melonteee · 9 months
ok so . want to hear some of your thoughts on the thing about the girl with the hoop earring supposedly being crocodile? I’m a trans guy and i constantly cringe at the fanbases interpretation of croc being trans (the term croc mom makes me nauseous lol there is no critical thought applied when people say that). I think that if the lady at rodger’s execution is crocodile, they just ended up genderbending croc. I have literally zero faith in any mainstream media’s ability to do trans characters right and i’m praying that if there is a s2, there is no mention of crocodile being trans. but then again im also praying it gets cancelled lol. SORRY if this is too heavy to talk about but i have really enjoyed your analysis of the LA so far and i feel like there’s not a whole lot of people being critical of the series.
anon the reason people aren't being critical about it is cause they're getting dogpiled and ratioed by people saying you're just being a hater lol, my non-op friend tried to find conversations on the reddit regarding this series and she was dead confused cause any comment with even the tiniest bit of criticism was just down voted to hell. It's like, there's enjoying something and then there's forcing positivity about it HHH idk why we are unable to comprehend that you are allowed to criticise something you love.
But yeah I personally don't want them to get to crocodile cause I cannot imagine how they'd 'hint' at croc being trans for an 'easter egg' when the fact crocodile just existing as is will forever be more powerful than anyone trying to put a circle and an arrow around him lmao. Imagine how they'd change Bon-chan too, I feel like they'd just remove the whole character tbh
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faithlesbian · 1 year
how do we feel about t4t bangel ?
oh my god that's spooky i was literally just thinking about what it would look like for them both to talk about their bisexuality after that s3 dyke (proverbial) post!! let these two discuss their queer experiences night apparently
i'm assuming u mean trans girl buffy right? love that reading. i've gotta say, similar to the t4t spangel ask (im assuming ur the same anon), i'm not a "shipper" in the traditional sense and specifically in this instance part of my love for their dynamic is Really feeling glad they don't end up together. my opinions on them in general probably deserve their own post, so i'll just summarise and say my favourite iteration of their relationship is friendly exes who can go to eachother for help, specifically stuff like angel showing up after joyce's funeral and the offscreen reunion after her resurrection in s6. like. these people care about eachother!!! and they want to make life easier for eachother!! specifically i love it when buffy can lean on angel for support if she needs to despite their lives being fairly seperate, bc good god does she need that.
so assuming obviously that buffy would be living as a girl from the get go in this version, you could build a starting over as herself element into her moving to a new town and new school in the pilot. you could play with the supernatural-as-queerness subtext from the show and have the understanding of her slayer identity between her and angel that she doesn't feel from her normal friends extend to her being out to him before she's out to the scoobies, which could then extend further into the s2 angelus arc with the threat of him outing her, and potentially that being how the scoobies find out if you really want narrative cohesion with canon (or if you want to be nice to buffy then. literally anything else happening)
going with my established Trans Angel Reading, he'd only figure things out himself long after their relationship is over, and i think that could honestly be such a fucking Moment for them both, for him to confide this in her now after they've reached an understanding as she did in him right back at the start before everything went wrong. bittersweet but also kind of promising, like if it's possible to learn something new about yourself after 250 years then there's definitely still ways for their relationship to grow even if they cant be together. i feel like just as angel was able to help buffy navigate the world of the supernatural initially, she could help him navigate gender in the 21st century, and i think getting that understanding from her would be really important to him in a totally different way to getting it from the ats gang.
i think for buffy it could be a kind of closure for, once again, just how badly their relationship went to know that despite everything she was understood by the first person she loved, more than she even knew at the time. however, a beloved Buffy Trait of mine is how badly she reacts to people she sees as threatening to replace her in any way (see homecoming and kendra and faith's respective first episodes) so alternately you could get the much funnier response of hello?? that was my thing first?? how dare you?? which synchronises really well with the previous ask and the possibility for coming out to put an end to angel and spike's rivalry - it starts a whole new one with buffy!
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foolishlovers · 10 months
proof that louis tomlinson is a good omens stan:
exhibit 1) twitter
1.1) follows michael sheen
(probably wishes david tennant had social media)
exhibit 2) lyrics
(faith in the future is an ode to good omens, u can’t convince me otherwise)
why write these lyrics if you’re not constantly thinking about aziraphale and crowley?? he probably got to read the script beforehand or smth
2.1) the greatest
Together, we’re the greatest
We'll never be that cold again
No fallin' all to pieces
We're the grеatest
It's you and me until the еnd
Life for us is never over
The way you know something
Your face reminded me
Of a love you cannot hide
But don't need to tell me why
Back dancin' in the dark
Back to the very start
Findin' pieces that can fit
Making up for what we missed
(how is this not screaming ineffable husbands to you??)
2.2) lucky again
'Cause I'm a hard man to lose
But I figured it out, then made my way back
To a life I would choose
We were lucky once, could be lucky again
I'm a hard man to find
But you figured it out and I love you for that
(THEY JUST NEED TO FIGURE IT OUT…..they could be lucky again……)
2.3) face the music
Good and bad and right and wrong
Are stories made up when we're young to scare us
Love and hate are in-between
Depends on your reality to see them
(oh cmonnn)
So, one more night
I'm gonna choose
I don't wanna face the music, but I still wanna dance with you
Let's buy some time
For what we shouldn't do
I don't wanna face the music, but I still wanna dance with you
(an angel and a demon dancing in a bookshop anyone??)
If you're standin' on the edge of fallin'
Open up and looking down
Everything that matters is forgotten
2.4) all this time
Oh, sometimes, sometimes, you lose your hope
But the friends we make, the love it takes
It's worth, it's worth, it's worth the pain
The friends we make, the love it takes
It's worth, it's worth, it's worth it all this time
(question: was s2 episode 6 worth the pain?)
2.5) out of my system
Slowly, I never wanna go slowly
I only wanna go faster
Towards disaster every time
With me, I know you wanna come with me
Take anything you can carry
And leave everythin' else behind
(pure crowley vibes…. is he still going too fast for him?)
Gotta get it out of my system
Gotta get it off of my chest
I've lived a lot of my life already
But I gotta get through the rest
(the rest… you mean the part where they end up in a sweet old south downs cottage together?)
Demons, I'm takin' all of my demons
Putting them where I won't see them
'Cause I just wanna feel alive
(i mean…..nothing much to say to this)
2.6) headline
You used to read me like a headline
So many reasons now you're not mine
Maybe if you'd taken more time
I'd still be the one you wanna talk to every night, oh
If you got in my head
You wouldn't be scared of what you'd find
You used to rеad me like a headlinе
Oh, that's the reason now you're not mine anymore
(okay now im just making myself sad)
2.7) saturdays
I've been wonderin' about what you're up to
Not for the first time
Not for the last time
And I've been thinking 'bout the things we used to do
Not for the first time
Not for the last time
(can u see crowley howling in his car….)
2.8) silver tongues
You and me until the end
Wakin' up to start again
You and me until the end
Wakin' up to start again
There's nowhere else that I would rather be
(it’s really just them… a group of the two of them…… until the end)
2.9) angels fly
Nothin' really matters
Nothin' really hurts
We can talk about it
It'll only make it worse
(crunching on what’s left of my heart)
There's a time for sayin' who did what
Where it went wrong
I wanna hear all that, but right now
All I need you to know is
You'll be okay, we can talk tomorrow
I'm on my way with some time to borrow
If every star is an eye in the sky
You'll see angels fly
I'll knock on your door, it'll save me from callin'
I won't say a word, it can wait till the mornin'
(…..there’s …..hope? they'll be okay??)
2.10) holding on to heartache
You said I'm holdin' on to heartache
You said I wear it like a crown
It's gonna drag me down
I'm holdin' on to heartache
You should be starin' at the sky
The birds just passin' by, love
(smth smth heartache, birds, fits just right)
2.11) copy of a copy of a copy
It's an old curse, dreamers divin' head first
Broken beaks and dead birds
Can't get through the glass
There's no use cryin' over spilled blood
Carin' only kills love
A kiss won't bring it back
thanks for coming to my (very long, oops) ted talk
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petrichoraline · 10 months
honesty hour-ing back at you!!!! what are you most looking forward to right now, both bl wise and in your own personal life (if you're comfortable sharing it of course!!!)?
(also how does it feel like to be one of the loveliest person on the planet please speak into the mic 🎤)
I remember once I was asked what I look forward to the most and I just had to list a bunch of stuff that were already out because there's just so. much. content! it's no different this time around as I am in the process of catching up with everything under the sun ✨️i don't really hear of upcoming shows until they're already out so that adds to it hahah
okay so I'm excited bout the upcoming be my favorite and hidden agenda episodes, they are both light watches for me so I'm naturally in anticipation; it's not even announced but I might be most excited about fourthgem's upcoming project :') oh, i'm very interested in last twilight (and here is the moment I realise who I'm replying to lmao because I was thinking of @ the person whose posts got me hyped up about it and- yeah. silly goose)
eternal faith (haven't read the novels yet though so I'm in no hurry); ah the cherry magic adaptation with taynew just came to mind, ig im curious to see how they handle that 😗 I also want to watch wedding plan, jun & jun, stay with me (that's a bl, lads, i've seen how those dudes look at each other and i want more), jack o'frost, cooking crush (I miss offgun suddenly its so weird), minato's upcoming episodes (asuka and shun have the potential to be the best thing that happens in jbl this year and I beg for them to not fuck it up)..*checks mdl* OMG LOVE TRACTOR im waiting for my gal to watch these two fools on a farm (not to be mistaken with the japanese fools on a farm in zenra meshi whom I am in no rush to deal with. do you know how bored and put off by posts I have to be to be uninterested in a japanese bl? sheesh)..unintentional love story is a big one cause of how passionately it was recommended to me hahah and idk if they count but s2 of good omens, heartstopper and our flag means death
there are a few (word with a subjective meaning innit) others on the watchlist and a few upcoming ones i'm so curious about, not to mention all the non-bl shows I'm eager to watch
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as for my personal life (what a surprising question! sorry to be more on the private side <3) I am excited bout giffing stuff hahah I love getting the hang of it, it's a slow but fun process🌸
and for the last question..blushing crying screaming-
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idk what I did to deserve such cuteness but im very grateful 🥰 I don't know, I think if you're yet to figure it out considering your solid personal experience, we might have to put our heads together to think of a proper answer 🤷‍♀️
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ap-sadistics · 1 year
Can I ramble ? Imma ramble don't answer if u don't want to lol
About the last poll, where u asked if we think a character stays the same or not depending on what/where they've been stuffed.
I do think a character can be the same depending on the interpretation and the past you give them, and depending on the pov of the person who's writing the script/story. I'd say it's like having two person that got through the same kinda past, or having the same ability, but ending up with two entirely different personalities.
Like HIP kinda ? Where you'll have like two extreme of people having it BUT there's not just extremely calm or extremely agitated it can actually be really anything because of how each person is different .
Now how is this relevant ? Well it all depends on who's adapting it, what they saw most often (it has very much an influence on the writing I think) and how they might interpret the character. As long as they stay true to the "core", that they stay recognizable, and so that the character feels the same, then it should be no problem at all.
I'd say the only good example is Aisha from the Winx. I really don't like the remake but I do think Aisha was the only one I could recognize during S1 (didn't watch S2 and I won't). She was still sportive, kind of cynical (idk if that's the right word but u get my point) and helping others despite that.
(Or ur interpretation of the character can end up like Velma, so y'know)
Idk if what I just said is obvious, but yeah. Still the same as long as you can feel the character
They're a fighter ? Make them stay a fighter. Doesn't matter if in one interpretation you make them scared of everything as long as you can feel and at some point see they're ready to fight back if it's for friends or family.
Something like that
you see i get why people think and vote "same" on my poll. because technically both answers are correct simultaneously.
but you see. i actually disagree. i voted different. and also btw the question wasnt about "depending on where", it was regardless of where.
i have a strong opinion that the different iterations of characters are different they are made by anyone other than the original creator.
i like rambled about it at length several months ago to a friend here
but heres a copy paste of an excerpt from that ramble
ive believe... that the moment an interpretation of character exists concretely in the world, a new version of that character is created and is inherently a separate guy. because once the person takes that character theyre imparting their own self into that character because their perception of that character will always be different from that of the originals creators... even if you tried your hardest to be the most faithful that you can be to the source can you truly confidently say that your vision of the character is the same as the creators? when you are obviously a separate and different person from them?
i believe the moment you put it down on paper (paper is metaphorical considering its all digital here) you gain some amount of ownership to that specific instance of that character. you created that version of that character. so even if you were intending that character to be similar to the original and they Are similar to them in every regard.... you brought that into being. you may not own that character but in some way. you Do. you see people use possessives for different versions of characters right? like my [insert character] or stan lee's peter parker and im blanking on what examples i can use. but people make a distinction between versions dont they?
like bbc sherlock vs doyle's sherlock vs dgs sherlock
all the same character........ technically. but also. unmistakably different.
tho theres cases where its more muddy tho and its less clear cut. but i go at length about the different cases in the linked post.
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gaylonelydyke · 3 years
if it’s not too late, 12 for episodes and ships, and 17!
its never too late! thankyou for the ask 🥰 oo damn this is gonna be a hefty one, just to prepare you this is gonna be long 😅😅😅
spoiler alert for my friends who are finishing up season 2 rn, be careful if you look at my top five episodes, pay attention the the episode numbers, i will put [ ] in bold at the beginning and end of spoilers!
12. Top 5 ships
5. faith x myself because have you seen faith? shes such a babe! spare consensual kiss maam?
4. willow x oz, i dont know if this is an unpopular or not but i feel like if the 90s had been more accepting of term then willow wouldve been bisexual, but like even now tv shows will rarely let characters say that word :( but anyway i love them! theyre both quirky and kinda awkward but its such a sweet relationship and you really see how they go from awkward crushes to an actual deep relationship, oz is one of my favourite characters too what a dude!
3. giles x jenny, mlmxwlw solidarity in this bisexual couple! there is no an ounce of straight between them and i love it, i love their dynamic, i love that giles *respects women* (im staring daggers at xander rn), also the original girlboss x malewife couple askdjaksjhd
2. drusilla x spike, these two!!!!!! once again a bisexual couple with zero straight between them, the vibes are off the charts. sexy vampires, goth x punk love, i just love them man, and their relationship is so interesting to delve into. like theyre vampires, theyre soulless and yet they have a capacity for love, they care deeply for eachother, theyre so tender towards eachother in season 2 in the way they take turns to care for one another, also drusilla picking spike up with one hand made me gay and thats on that
1. willow x tara!!!!! lesbians man lesbians! they have a beautiful relationship, until a certain point wink wink, they feel like a perfect match, willows become more outgoing due to buffy and xander snd having a proper group of friends, so its cool to see her as the more outgoing independant one in the relationship, and tara is such a honey 🥺 the biggest sweetheart in the world what a babe!!!! also like how groundbreaking was their relationship? as a queer couple, they had p much the dame amount of screentime as a aueer relationship today! and willow says the word lesbian so many times and is always making gay jokes which is something shows today are too scared to do, its honestly refreshing which is weird for a show in the 90/00s
12. Top 5 episodes
this is so hard because its such a damn good show so i had to rlly be picky about this but here we go
5. 6x22 ‘grave’- i watched buffy for the first time last year at work coz i worked with one other person just packing shit, and THIS was the episode that made us cry infront of eachother. the scene with willow and xander at the end is one of my all time favourite scenes and like legit we were watching and we starting going like ha.. this is so sad Q_Q and we looked at eachother and we were both crying akdjdjsjdhs its SO GOOD, like this is a friendship ive been so invested in and [seeing xander be able to pull her back from that dark place was so heart wrenching and amazing god its so good]
4. 3x12 ‘helpless’ - im finishing up s2 in my rewatch rn so i havent rewatched this one to double check but i remember loving it man. buffys father daughter relationship with giles is my favourite of the whole show they make my heart ache, so i love that this is an episode that really shows you how dedicated giles is to her, [its the breaking point where he finally disregards the fact that hes a watcher and acts as her father once and for all, its a turning point for their relationship where he is finally embracing the fact that shes like a daughter to him and i just love to see it Q_Q get you a dad who will leave his lifes calling for you]
3. 4x22 ‘restless’ - season 4 is interesting coz it has really good episodes and them some gd awful ones 😂😂 but this one just blew me away, i love a good character study episode and this is THE SHIT! its so weird and creepy but in the most perfect way, its not on the nose its so subtle, it feels like an uncanny valley version of buffy almost, i like that they finished the season first and then took this episode to do something out of the box and different i feel like it lets them fully explore this idea without the pressure of needing plot included. [also the cheese man is iconic. dont however like xander being all nasty with willow and tara but whats new there man]
2. 1x12 ‘The Prophecy Girl’ - for my first watch of buffy i wasnt that into the first season, like i enjoyed it but i didnt think it was anything super special? but this episode changed EVERYTHING for me. up until now buffy had been fun, witty, charming, but not anything new atleast for me, maybe in the 90s it was but right now its your average teen supernatural show. but this episode!!!! the emotion! buffy facing her death, her speech about how shes just 16 and shes scared and she doesnt want to die, that is what i wanna see!! its heartbreaking and it made me cry, and then it gives us the wonderful moment of giles trying to take her place and buffy realising that she has to be the one to do it, man its so good! basically anything with buffy and giles being a duo is gonna make it an automatic yes from me and this is indeed the case for this episode, i just love that the show remembers that shes a child! shes not brave all the time, shes not strong all the time, shes just doing her best and sometimes its overwhelming, 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 i bow to this episode
1. 2x17 ‘passion’ - i know i just sang praises about prophecy girl but THIS EPISODE IS THE SHIT, the best episode full stop. i wont accept any argument. angel is probably my favourite big bad, its so funny to see plain bread, mopey brooding angel become this charismatic, funny, poetic, blood thirsty angelus, hes everything i want in a villain and in this episode he delivers! rip jenny tho love her. i think the tension built around angel is so good, because of his drawings and notes left around, every scene youre worrying like is he here now? are they safe or what? its so tense! and also it is me and im a slag for buffy x giles father daughter moments and this episode fucking delivers! giles discovering jennys dead body is probably one of the best scenes on the show, the dramatic irony is heAVY, we know jenny is dead, we know that these flowers arent from her, but giles is so so happy, and i want to see him happy but you just know somehing horrific is about to happen and damn does it. its a masterpiece! i love jenny and giles so much it is so sad, but also the fact that it gave us that scene makes me almmmoost ok with it? i also love the moment where giles breaks down in buffys arms, hes been there for her and now shes returning the favour and hes accepting it i just 😭😭😭 also on a different note, angels narration of this episode is amazing! it gives us great insight to who he is as “evil angel” and like even though hes awful i was also kind of rooting for him coz hes just such a great villain
sorry this is so long lmao, last question!
17. Which characer do you wish had less of a focus on them in the show?
i dont wanna get yelled at butttttt i dont like the amount of focus on dawn. i think it makes sense for the her first season considering the story arc but that season really does double down its focus onto dawn and buffy and it barely leaves room for anyone else to have a storyline, it keeps the episodes super depressing too its like a constant level of just sadness the whole time because we’re so stuck in THEIR arc, theres no room to balance it out and have a breather, some people might like that its more serious but i really really didnt like, i love episodes like prophecy girl where it is campy and brings the more emotional notes in when the time comes, but dawns whole arc is just constantly depressing the whole time i just hate it, and also just shes not a character i felt i could connect to because of how suddenly shes introduced, so its weird to have her SO focused on in the first half of that season coz we dont know her yet so i feel like the emotional moments dont land the way that they should? basically they shouldve eased us into dawn or introduced her differently and maybe i would like her enough to want the focus on her but i really just dont
adksjakjshd apologies for the essay this is, thanks for the ask!
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diazpoems · 3 years
Me watching Riverdale S2:
I wish I could just jump into Riverdale and shake the characters and be like
Cheryl: Your parents fucking suck
Josie: Your parents fucking suck
Veronica: Your parents fucking suck
Betty: Your parents fucking suck
Archie: Your dads okay so far, I don’t know about your mom
Jughead: Your dad used to fucking suck but as a person, at his core, I don’t think he’s evil, and he’s getting better, but he’s got a ways to learn. I don’t know about your mom
Kevin: Your dad’s decent so far? Don’t know about your mom
Like especially Josie because I know it’s hard and that a lot of the trauma her mom felt probably manifested itself badly and Josie probably feels attached to her mom and like she owes her being a good daughter because her mom’s had it bad but like I also DON’T CARE. FUCKING TREAT YOUR CHILD RIGHT. I DON’T GIVE A SHIT WHAT HAPPENED. THATS YOUR CHILD. WOMAN UP AND BE A FUCKING DECENT PERSON. I DON’T CARE THAT YOU PUT A ROOF OVER HER HEAD, FOOD IN HER MOUTH, GAVE HER A SINGING CAREER (But continue to control it and not give her leeway to think and act on her own). SHE DON’T OWE YOU SHIT. FUCK OFF WITH YOUR WEIRD LIFE-FUCKING-SUCKED-FOR-ME-BUT-IM-ALSO-A-CLASSIST-BITCH PARADOX. MY DAD’S GOT IT MADE RIGHT NOW BUT HE HASN’T FORGOTTEN HIS ROOTS, HASN’T FORGOTTEN THE DISCRIMINATION HE FACED AND THE FACT THAT HE GREW UP SHIT POOR EARLY ON AND HE HASN’T DECIDED “Hey, let’s ridicule people for being in a similar position that I was in!”
Basically, this is me begging for for Josie’s mom to ✨fucking do better✨
Anyways yeah normalize Riverdale characters disowning their own parents ✌🏽🥰
Hmmm. If I wasn’t completely and utterly for the Serpents before, the white serpents learning to shut the fuck up and stand with Toni and her grandfather in opposition of the genocide and colonialism that was perpetrated by Cheryl’s great great grandfather? Hell fucking yeah
Dude I’m sorta crying at the scene with Hiram seeing Veronica in her confirmation dress because he’s a piece of shit but this is how it goes down, like it’s a whole thing
I love that I immediately knew the meaning of “Catholic chic”. Apparently that’s all going to church every Sunday for the formative years of my life accomplished
I hope Penelope Blossom dies in a fire :)
Ugh, I don’t trust Midge. Something about the tropey-ness of her being The Girlfriend™️ and her face, as well as the fact that she played Gen in tatbilb, something doesn’t sit right. The haircut feels too manic pixie, like she’s hiding something. Bad vibes
Aaaaand she did some fuck shit. Aaaand Toni is pretty. Aaaand there’s the internalized homophobia.
Jughead saying that growing up Betty’s and Archie’s windows being parallel always bothered him sounds more like a jarchie admission than a bughead one, I’m just sayin’
BETTY AND JUGHEAD’S REACTIONS WHEN THEY HEAR THE BED SQUEAKING IS ME. Like the little amused but lowkey confused and baffled expression on his face as he’s like “is that their solution to everything? Can’t they ever just talk?” Like no apparently not. Me too Jug, me too-
Idk Vee, maybe he’s asking questions about your father’s line of work and the business of his associates because your dad and mom are fucking evil
What the fuck Veronica. I mean yay because that just gets us closer to Jarchie kiss but like what the fuck Vee. Also Jughead is super cute, like why does the blue eyes black hair thing absolutely melt my weak heart, like I didn’t choose to fall for this pasty ass white boy but here we are. Also Veronica’s eyes are really big and dark and pretty like girl help im falling for these two-
“Entertain Jughead” 😏
DUDE. They were sitting ALONE. TOGETHER. In the WOODS. With them being the ONLY ones who haven’t kissed. DUDE.
If there are weird gay ships for straights then Jeronica is the weird straight ship for gays
Ok so is there a legitimate reason why Veronica is faithful to her parents and defends them to a tee and partakes in their mob shit or is she just daddy’s little fucking girl. Like it isn’t her fault that she’s been manipulated but it pisses me the fuck off. And people who want her to stay with her parents because supposedly they’re the only ones who love her even though it’s toxic and warped? Like do you have a brain?
Archie and Veronica really love supporting gentrification, classism, and Vee’s rich daddy and mommy’s innocence huh
Look i actually agree with Reggie for once, get Hiram’s ass, deal with it Veronica
Wow, nice, shaming Jug for eating. That’s cool, Arch. That’s awesome. And no Betty, she doesn’t have everybody’s vote. Because Veronica’s parents are motherfuckers and when it comes to choosing between a murderer/abuser/rich/classist/gentrifying fuck and supporting your bestie uwu guess which one im fucking picking. Also, THANK YOU JUG for explaining to your friend that even though he lives in a fantasy land where northside Riverdale is the only one worth referring to when talking about Riverdale at all and thus the only one that matters and is worth protecting, the southside exists and people live and have grown up in the southside and building a prison there where it will be even more easy to profile and incarcerate southside residents under false or exaggerated pretenses ISN’T A GOOD THING. That his own friend isn’t quite apart of his and Veronica’s and Betty’s socioeconomic caste and that he’s not going to pretend like he is, he isn’t going to be quiet about it just because you’re friends again. That he’s not going to lay down and let Archie explain what a good move for Riverdale is when he clearly means northside riverdale, let him explain how the southside needs to be dealt with to someone who grew up on the southside and knows it more (not the most, I’m not saying Jug isn’t out of his depth with certain aspects of being a full southsider) intricately than him. LIKE FUCK. ARCHIE. WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE TALKING TO. Like he just doesn’t get why building prisons and stereotyping and condemning all southsiders and gentrifying entire neighborhoods is really fucking bad and a big deal and it annoys me so much. Like yeah Arch, obviously you don’t see the big deal because it doesn’t affect you and you delude yourself that it doesn’t affect your friend either, but it actually is that bad.
In conclusion, Archie and Veronica and sometimes Betty are giving me headaches rn. Like I’m not saying Jughead is perfect at all but in this particular instance he’s the only one I agree with for the most part right now.
Yeah Arch, you see things differently because you’re not the one who’s on the receiving end of the problem
Ah, so this is the jarchie “break-up” scene. You know what. I feel no heartbreak. Get his ass Jug.
Get. His. Ass.
They sent Cheryl to a conversion institution. I’m literally crying. This isn’t an exaggeration. I feel like I want to cry. Just. God fucking damn it.
“That’s not how things go in Riverdale” is a veiled way of saying “don’t challenge the upper class and don’t try to stifle gentrification,” I hope you all know
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ambitionsource · 4 years
also 001 zc im springing it all on u
spring it all on me baybee. i’m ready. i’m thrivin
Zay & Charlie
When I started shipping it if I did: oh if i were a viewer, i think i’d be sniffing out this storyline EARLY. literally from the moment charlie leaps up to volunteer to tutor him in 103 and then is all “you’re so unapologetically yourself” with all that Awe i’d be like... mhm. okay. mhm ok mhm mhm mhm right mhm....... although i think i would be skeptical. i would be kinda like (as i think some of you were) are they actually going to go through with this...... are they playing me 4 a fool.... but then when you watch 112 after so much build and theres the RUNNING ACROSS THE CITY TO GET TO THE AUDITION AND AINT NOOOO AWWWYWYWYWYWYAAYWAAYYYYY AND THE LOUVRE KISS LIKE WAHAHAHWAHWAHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHH -- yeah i’d be in it from there. you don’t see it coming going INTO the first season, but to be honest zc kind of Owned the first season in the later half there. they were subtle in some ways but then they really just brought the mf PUNCH
My thoughts: so. clearly. i love them. fdkjshgkjsg i think i have a lot of fondness for them because they really organically blossomed in the first season in a way i wasn’t expecting. as y’all know, we broke the story for the second season first and then backtracked to s1, and i will be candid... charlie was like... not a person when we first outlined s2 JFGDSKLGKDFGKLFDH. he was in a relationship with zay, and it was supposed to be this big surprise going into the second season, but otherwise we really didn’t like... know what to do with him or honestly had THOUGHT about it. but then as we started working on s1, he just kind of... emerged, as well as their storyline of barely acquaintances to friends to unexpected lovers. and i really really love what they grew to be. they’ve been one of the best parts of writing the show tbh and i have so much fun writing their scenes, even when they’re challenging (cough 208 cough, one of the most difficult scenes i’ve ever written in anything ever)
What makes me happy about them: i love how they see the other person for who they actually are, how they can cut through the bullshit and see the other for how they wish they could be seen (charlie seeing zay as more than the popular “cool” kid that he has to put on as a sort of defense to survive at aaa, and zay seeing charlie for who he actually is beneath all of the facades he’s created to please the rest of the world) and how that allows them the courage to try and actually BE those things. like. charlie may not have ever gotten to a point of really considering accepting his own sexuality if it weren’t for zay, i think -- especially since zay then gave him this incredibly SAFE space to figure it out AND loved him at the same time. i love how they demonstrate such a Balance for one another (there’s that key word again!), like how in s1 a core part of their friendship is the fact that charlie seems to be the only person zay really has who cares about all the things he cares about but also isn’t... a crazy monster the way everyone at aaa is fDJSKFLDG. and zay brings balance to charlie in showing him its okay to have fun, to be imperfect, to throw a swear word around or not give a damn sometimes or do things just because he wants to. and that’s important! that’s major! and then i just love love love how they’re playful with one another but it comes from this very sincere fond place. their dynamic would not be what it is without their sort of teasing nature, but it NEVER feels like it’s coming from a place of animosity, it’s always this affectionate kind of banter. i’m really picky about how teasing translates into romance, and i think the way they make it work is a fave thing about them for me. i’m forgetting like 4324325 things i wanna say here but i love them MUCHO
What makes me sad about them: so. hm. yeah. you know how there are those otp ask games or gif memes and there’s always that category that’s like “it’s right, just not right now” ships? i have always disliked that category bc i think people constantly misinterpret it (or its just a poor label to apply to a ship lmao), but i think they are actually a perfect example of what i think that label is supposed to represent. charlie and zay are 100% right, but not right now. they can’t be right when charlie is still trying to figure out so much of his sexuality and his sense of acceptance, because no matter how much they love each other it’s just not fair to zay to have all these conditions on their relationship. like, it’s great that he likes him enough to be okay with it, but it shouldn’t be that way in a truly healthy situation. yknow? and when the rules keep changing or grow to be confusing (i.e. how charlie seemed to be improving in 207 but then backslid majorly in 208), you end up with like... well, miscommunications like 208. and those can be brutal.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: again, i’m just projecting based on my experience in fandom and observing fandom, but here are a handful of things i think would be common in zc fic that would drive me up the wall. 1) babying and/or pandering charlie to the point that he’s just like... this uwu baby gay that completely strips him of his complexity, surprisingly sharp sarcasm, all his uneven edges and quirks, etc. 2) fetishizing of them both or more specifically, racism surrounding the portrayal of zay 3) a complete bashing of charlie’s faith, as that goes against how he’s written + his arc as a character [ like if you gotta work thru ur own grievances with organized religion then by all means, but it would probably bother me bc of his characterization and im literally not even religious lmao ] 4) banter that crosses the line and goes into that territory of lowkey bullying or tasteless that is a squick for me
Things I look for in fanfic: so of course, characterization that allows for the complexity of both of their characters would be A1 from day one as usual. would always love something that highlights the dance thing since that is... so important to their relationship in the show lmao. people who could capture their delicate balance of banter would be whew!!!! also random but i thought about it earlier today -- when winter olympics rolls around again, who is gonna write the ice skating au? it’s only a step or two away from dance y’all, let’s SEE IT!!!
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: zay would make the best of any relationship he gets into, but he and riley could be cute as i have mentioned before (altho i naturally prefer them as best friends, but they would treat each other the way they deserve which is important). there’s a character coming in s4 who i actually really enjoy with zay, but that’s a spoiler and neither here nor there... as for charlie, i again will make my vague comment about appreciating lucas x charlie... and that’s all i can say on that.............
My happily ever after for them: god i just. i want them to be happy and in love. and i mean that in that they’re happy with themselves, so they can be happy with one another. like, TRULY happy without all these conditions or strings attached. and to be able to be happy together IN PUBLIC. literally can you imagine. CAN YOU IMAGINE??
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: hmmmmmm again, i think it would vary. but i think my inclination is that typically zay is the big spoon, although i will say i think charlie is overall more cuddly (not that you’d ever assume so in public bc he’s so repressed DSJKFJDSKLGFDLKG)
What is their favorite non-sexual activity: i assume we wanna discuss the ones... that aren’t dance DJSKLFJDKGJFDLKJGKDJHLKDH. aside from the obvious, i really do think zay and charlie like to go out and explore together and just like... share experiences. like going to art museums is a big one, and seeing live performances. art is something that really connects them and i don’t think that can be understated, and one of their favorite things is experiencing art together and then getting the other to talk about their opinions on it. i also do think that while zay isn’t big on literature, he can be swayed if charlie reads to him. art completely aside, i think they like to go to the grand central market and browse / try new things. they also like window shopping, but that’s kind of funny bc their styles are so different so they’ll be like ooh and the other will be like rly. FDNSJKFDJSLGJDSG. omg they should have a day where they just get to dress the other person up all day in different stores... THERES a fun activity... zay is dressed head to toe in GAP and he’s like please set me on fire fJDSKFJDSKLGJKDLFG
send some winter hiatus asks !! or try this one
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redshirtrights · 5 years
return to tomorrow
[tos s2 ep 20] 
got my soup. got my crackers. ready 4 star trek
do you think spock is just so tired of being expected to know everything bc he’s a vulcan?
sargon? could u perhaps be named for sargon the first akkadian king? flexes my art history muscles. 
actually wait. where the fuck is mr. chekov?
“mr. spock we can’t both be off the ship.” do u have no faith in scotty? do u kirk?
put me in starfleet. i am the biggest of champion of captain scotty.
sargon. sir. you can just SAY please bring spock you don’t have to shut down the entire goddamed ship. 
 why does bones always have to go down. why did he sign up for cmo. 
scotty expressing concern...spock reassuring him with logical data. big love you. 
i love star trek’s trope of kirk just being...awestruck? by beautiful women he’s never run into on board. 
ya’ll are SAFE BABES. sargon thanks for red shirt rights. 
i also love that shot of scotty with his arms crossed leaning against the con....scotty....
hey it’s me! your everyday talking orb! 
omg at stlv19 me and @protovulcan went to a panel about why most star trek life is humanoid and one of the theories he talked about was how we’re all descended from one visiting alien species that spread their “seed” and he played a clip from this episode. 
it always makes me laugh like...imagine being will shatner and having to act at this orb. 
bones...pulling out his gun immediately. 
not to empathize but uh imagine being fully sentient but not being able to see, feel, or anything ew
bones really is along for the ride. 
literally love that in between shots they sprayed kirk with water or something to make him look exhausted. 
this is kind of cute....kirk is so eager to help even if it hurts you. 
AAJDFJHEJKAH THIS JUMP CUT FROM “aaaah yes if you decide against us you may leave freely” TO SCOTTY GOING: “YOU’RE GOING TO DO WHAT??!!” 
“are they alright in the head, doctor??!!”
“no comment”
in times like these. we ship scones. 
them seducing scotty to approve it by saying there’s gonna be sexy new technology 
yeah you know..I KNOW that bones is concerned about everyone’s health but like, i feel like sometimes he comes off as unwilling to help simply bc he doesn’t like aliens. 
this is a REALLY good kirk speech. 
“risk is our business!” this is SOO GOOD. 
this fucking deep echo filter they put over spock talking is HOT. 
possessed spock: “HEY, DOCTOR. this body is HOT aint’ it?” spones?
you know those like. decorative orbs of light people have in thier homes. if star trek made and sold ones that looked like the glowly orbs in this episode would be something i would buy. they look...cool
i love how casual possessed spock is like...oh huh this lady has critical thinking skills. wasn’t expecting that lol! boop, amnesia! 
god. scotty is HOT. 
spock leaning against the wall. teasing scotty. scotty looking over his shoulder like...hmmm. SCOTTY SPOCK RIGHTS! 
you know. i wonder if like....
this is me being me but.
could this problem be solved by like. 
gosh idk if there would even be people who are in comas and brain dead but like
like if the next of kin approved couldn’t these guys go live in their bodies? 
bones really gonna condemn a real woman to live in an orb to bring kirk back to life?
the real tradgedy of having sargon be in chapel is that we won’t see her and red shirt lady kiss
can we share things with mccoy, please?
hey so like. where’s sulu. 
there he is.
sir will they give you LINES? 
sargon and thylassa sharing one last kiss and going unafraid into the end TOGETHER? i AM CRYING. 
god that was really poignant. 
OKAY. so this was an episode that i didn’t even recall but it was...a jOY? i really really liked this one? the plot was fun. the acting was great. the message was really interesting. 9/10
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bottomakoto · 6 years
your favorite fics ? :D (sfw or nsfw, whatever)
haha its been so long since i properly read harumako fic ^^ so hopefully these will hold up~ (also go ahead and assume that basically all of these are nsfw lol)
there are a lot of fics, so i put it under a cut~
♥ Dead Reckoning - by furiosity
In which Tachibana Makoto could do with a little less introspection and a little more faith. 
(this one is from makoto’s perspective and its complete, and even though there’s switching, makoto does bottom
♥ His Camera - by LensMind
Haru never expected to use his savings to become a member of a gay porn site, but after recognizing the chest of his best friend and housemate masturbating on an amateur porn site, he didn’t really feel like he had a choice. And then things started to get out of hand…((AKA. The AU where Makoto is a cam actor that no one asked for))
(this fic will always be one of my personal favorites and i honestly just go back and reread it every few months or so! its so funny and cute! i just love it so much, and i keep hoping the author will continue it lol ♥ ♥ ♥))
♥ Interspecies Bonding - by teicakes
It all starts when Rin suggests Makoto spends more time in the ocean to get over his fear, but soon enough he’s in (quite literally) over his head. Story of two species trying to understand one another, and the ties that form along the way
(another one of my all time favs!! it starts off with smut, with a tiny little bit of angst and communication and fluff and more smut!!♥ i just really love makoto with mermaid haru~ rin is also really funny in this and i love his and makoto’s friendship! this fic is honestly so good and reread it all the time~)
♥ Shake the Heavens - by Ad_Astra
Sometimes, even gods need to make sacrifices. Sometimes, miracles can be created by imperfect beings. Always, there is a choice.A HaruMako + Rin mythos, where Haruka is the god of the ocean, Rin is the god of death, and Makoto is the mortal living an anomalous existence between their realms.
(i haven’t read this one in ages, so i don’t remember it very well.. but its complete and i remember this one wrenching my heart and i definitely cried a few times, so it was probably really good!! i need to reread it again^^…))
♥ Baby, Oh, Something’s Gotta Give - by thoughtless_dreamer
Makoto is whatever his family needs him to be. A son, an older brother-a perfect role model. It’s a 24/7 job and he fulfills it happily. If means putting his own wants and needs on hold, what of it? They come first. He can wait. He just hadn’t counted on Haru stepping in to say enough was enough.
(this will always be one of my favorite fics♥ just makoto setting all of his own needs aside to take care of everyone else in his life to the point of his own detriment,, and haru taking care of makoto for a change… its so good♥ ♥ ♥ everything by this author is amazing~)
♥ I Thee Wed - by sauntering_down
kink meme prompt: So, when they were younger, Mako and Haru “got married.” Fast forward to high school. Maybe Makoto is being flirted with/asked out and Haru pretty much states Makoto is already happily married.
(okay so this one is a one-shot, but its pretty long and its one of my favorites so im putting it here,, its basically just makoto and haru getting married over and over again and its literally the cutest thing ever,, no matter how many times i reread this, it always manages to make me cry just from the sweetness;; so cute and fluffy and just so good and i how i like to imagine their relationship growing up together♥ ♥ ♥)
♥ Heat Confession - by MiladyAlluca
Haru’s crush takes a turn during a fruitless study session when he sees Makoto wearing a new leather wrist band that unsettles him down to his gut…because he likes it. Now exploring their sexuality and kinks to test their boundaries and learn their options, they figure out just the right rhythm they both want and need.
(haha i haven’t read this one in a really long time, but i remember really liking it and im p sure its pure smut lmao♥)
♥ The Ordinary Life - by Ad_Astra
At the end of their first year of living together, Haruka thinks that cohabitation isn’t exactly what he thought it would be.It’s better.
(when s2 first came out, i really didn’t agree with the ending and im still not super jazzed about pro haru.. so this au just feels so nice to read!! its also just really good and its that nice domestic harumako that i crave♥)
♥ Big Love - by thoughtless_dreamer
It’s not that Makoto doesn’t feel absolutely loved. No, Haru has always made sure that Makoto feels completely adored, from his hair to his toes. It’s just a thought, a feeling, something niggling at the back of his mind whenever they change for practice or shop for new swimsuits at the mall.So he’s self-conscious about his body. Who ever has to know?
(ahhh this is one of my favorite fics!! so good♥ it was written by a sweet friend of my mine for one of my prompts and its honestly so good!!, more of haru taking care of makoto♥ ♥ ♥))
since this is starting to get pretty long, i think i’ll change up the formatting a bit for the rest of the one-shots^^
♥ Normalcy be Damned - ThePursuit: nsfw that super nice bed sharing~
♥ Mawwaige - thoughtless_dreamer: sfw makoto and haru “get married” playing with the twins (super cute fluff)
♥ Finger Slip > Touch and Go - thoughtless_dreamer: nsfw two-parter with haru sexting makoto and then following up on those sexts~
♥ You Know You Make Me Wanna- > Shout! - thoughtless_dreamer: nsfw two-parter with haru and makoto having sex in the classroom during lunch, and the sequel being haru tying makoto up~♥
♥ Drawing the Comparison - thoughtless_dreamer: nsfw the must-have bathtub sex fic~ (its so good!♥)
♥ Promises, Promises - thoughtless_dreamer: nsfw poor jealous makoto and haru reassuring him~
♥ Stress Relief - Tecc: nsfw haru giving makoto massages~
♥ We Are One and the Same - PileOnThePink: nsfw short but sweet pwp of haru giving makoto multiple orgasms~ ((im p sure the whole collection is also really good~)
♥ 3:16am - Thesis: nsfw haru has a nightmare and slips into bed with makoto (this fic is honestly just so good and so sweet,, ahh, i love it so much♥)
♥ Concentration - A_Lesbian_With_Pink_Hair: nsfw another fic of haru taking care of makoto and expressing to him that he’s good enough (bc this is apparently my weakness lol)
♥ Pizza Delivery! - Arashe: sfw a short, cute fic about pizza delivery boy makoto bringing pizzas to an attractive stranger (haru)
> ♥ My Fic Tag ♥
and here’s also a few fic recs i had bookmarked lol:
♥ smut fic rec
♥ top!haru fics
♥ fluff fic rec
♥ makoharu fanfic masterlist
i’m sure there are a ton of my favs that im forgetting, but i hope you’ll be able to find something you’ll love!~♥ (and of course, my inbox is always open to bottom makoto fic recommendations~))
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callsign-blue · 6 years
The100 5x11 The Dark Year
Okay for some reason people hyped up this episode and i see why, I wanted to find spoilers and everything. But, it was overly hyped.
I do and dont like abby anymore. But she did have some justifying reasons cause she was the ONLY doctor but it wasn’t right taking that choice away either. But knowing the fact that they already spent 2 years in the bunker and finding out they were gonna be down under for another 4 years, was gonna take a toll on people. (When they did do canniblism it was already their 3rd year)(lol hope my math is right i fucking sucked at mall in Highschool(lol beside the point))
I love Octavia even more, yes, i know i shit on her but just for her choices she made as bloodreina, i still love her♥️.Octavia forever.⚔️
Echo needs to calm her ass down. “I’ll ‘deal’ with clarke”, okay, sure yeah 😒. How about instead of saying “deal” say “talk” instead because that doesnt come off as threatening. Also clarke hasnt really given any information to McCreary about Wonkru beside the fact that she said “assuming they left i give it 5/6 days until there here”
Madi needs to calm her bratty ass down, fuck heda, she needs to know that fighting a war is so much bigger then playing combat. Like i get that the spirit of commanders is leading her but take the damn thing out. Its bad enough that comanders die a grousum death but having them acsend at age 12 or how ever old madi is, is just wrong.
But knowing that fact the even Octavia isnt sure her plan is gonna work scares me like she said “i have to be” or something along that line. But i have faith in her. Octavia not Bloodreina. Aslo can we bring up the fact that Bellamy is being a bit of a bitch. And that HE FUCKING SIDE STEPPED MILLERS HAND. FUCK. I was in tears 😂. Like bitch bellamy said “so much for the hundered” In Sic Semper Tyrannis (5.09) and miller was about to fight but O said no and now Miller is getting some karma thrown back at him.THE SHADE IS SO FUCKING REAL . I want some one to tell bellamy what happened in the third year that made Octavia change her ways or just show that he should ease up you know?
Aslo what pisses me off is that kane went from “we gotta use force”S2 to “lets peacefully” S5l ike bitch wtf. Yes, i know people can change once their choices or morals are put to the test but he’s been bugging me this season. And Diyoza im liking you more and more now cause you’re with spacekru now.
I feel like in the end clarke is gonna do something to help Wonkru and be like “okay madi is right , i am on the wrong side” and be all clarkey. Also i just curious how shannon kook’s charater “Lucas”(search it on IMDB, it might change like how Shaws did) is gonna come in like all bad ass and Mcceary like or like we come in peace...yada...yada. (Again all of this is in my opion message me to have a CIVIL conversation if ya want to)
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Hi! So I'm trying to convince a friend who isn't really a fan of Abby that she's a precious cinnamon roll. What evidence/arguments/gentle nudging would help to show them the light? :)
You know what? I started writing out a whole long essay of feels about Abby Griffin and why I love her so much, but I realised anything like that was gonna be WAY too long! So here it is condensed into handy bullet pointed list form!
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧  DISCLAIMER
Someone not liking Abby as a character is fine! I don’t expect my fave to be everyone’s fave, and sometimes you get a character who just rubs you the wrong way and you might not even be able to explain why. But, since I was asked, these are some of the reasons *I* love Abby Griffin, and some responses to common criticisms of her (many of which I genuinely think are deeply unfair and based on ridiculously inaccurate interpretations of her character)
she’s a talented Doctor and Scientist
she designed the wristbands! the whole ‘sending the 100 to the ground’ thing was LITERALLY HER IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE THERE WOULD BE NO SHOW without Abby Griffin
“the most respected person in this camp" 
when Clarke destroys Mount Weather she immediately wants to use all that tech not for killing Grounders like Pike does, but for opening a hospital and healing Grounders and Sky people alike god whatever happened to THAT storyline btw??
saves Nyko’s life
saves Raven’s life
saves Lincoln’s life with an amazing smart, brave moment of sheer shocklashing badassery, and by doing so…
becomes the first person EVER to bring back a Reaper!!! Thus enabling Clarke to win an alliance with the Grounders and presumably becoming a legend with them because she LITERALLY BROUGHT A DUDE BACK FROM THE DEAD YO INDRA DID YOU SEE THAT SHIT
saves Finn’s life long-distance over the radio (look we all have our faults but Clarke, Raven and Octavia are equally to blame for this one so no foul to Abby)
saves Marcus’ life under the rubble of Tondc
saves Roan’s life when he’s shot
…literally are you getting my point half the people in the show would be dead if it it weren’t for her
keeps Ontari alive (and thus helps Clarke save the world) by CRACKING OPEN HER CHEST AND MANUALLY PUMPING HER HEART look even Murphy was impressed by that
she’s super badass and incredibly brave even without resorting to violence and killing like other characters
willing to go to jail and the airlock (!!!) multiple times to try and save the people due to die in the Culling
willing to fire herself at the Earth in an ancient rocket cobbled together by Raven just for the chance that she can prove the kids are alive
goes to meet Indra, a heavily armed enemy warrior leader, alone and unarmed, and doesn’t back down even with a knife held to her throat
climbs into the rubble of Tondc to save people even though she herself was safely out of it
saves Raven’s life (again!) by taking the chip when ALIE makes her cut her wrists
saves Jackson and Miller’s lives on Science Island by distracting a drone
she’s a devoted, loving and good mother (FUCK YOU I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL)
kind of a surrogate mom to Jackson who lost his mom at a young age
clearly wants to adopt both Raven and Murphy too
willing to move heaven and earth to find Clarke and protect her
stands up to Jaha to back Clarke in season two even as he tries to have her deposed and thrown into the stockade because…
“I have faith too. In my daughter.”
also in season two, defers to Clarke and gives up any chance of finding survivors from the other Ark stations to focus on rescuing the kids in Mount Weather
understands why Clarke left post-season two and even though it’s clearly hurting her she doesn’t try and drag her back before ‘she wants to be found’
look I don’t want to go too far on this because some of the time Abby DOES show poor judgement and go overboard in trying to protect Clarke?? I can’t deny that but honestly if the worst u can say about Abby Griffin is that she loves her daughter too much then you’re reaching pretty badly tbh, considering other characters have list of faults that literally include ‘torture’ and ‘genocide’
she’s a woman of extraordinary integrity and deeply held ethics, but also pragmatic and not stupid about it
“You don’t have to justify yourself.I broke the rules and I accept the consequences”
she ALWAYS does what she thinks is right…but she also NEVER shies away from the consequences
horrified by what Clarke does in letting Tondc be bombed…but keeps the secret anyway because she knows it’s necessary
deeply hurt by Clarke’s coup in S2 and shocked at the change in her daughter…but steps aside for her anyway to avoid more bloodshed from an actual fight
haunted and grief stricken by her beloved husband’s death…but was the one to turn him in, because she believed that risking the life of one person she loved couldn’t outweigh the risk of many more lives being lost by his actions
she’s the kindest, sweetest darling
befriends Raven, sees potential in her and treats her as an equal and an ally
besties with Purest Cinnamon Roll Jackson
sees the potential in John Murphy
respects and trusts Lincoln as an advisor when she’s Chancellor
constantly torn between worry and pride for her wayward daughter but would do anything to keep her safe 
forgives Marcus Kane for all the bullshit he put her through and ends up being his biggest supporter and ally and helping him to become a better man
constantly trying to heal everyone and save everyone even though she knows she can’t
constantly trying to find solutions that don’t involve violence and death
wracked with guilt for things she couldn’t have forseen and couldn’t change, worries that she isn’t a good person and doesn’t deserve to survive
led Arkadia in three months of real peace, turning a ramshackle camp into a growing, flourishing home even while dealing with her own personal grief over Clarke being missing
doesn’t get enough sleep
her smile is like the sun coming out from behind the clouds
Abby Griffin in conclusion
she’s incredibly smart
she’s extraordinarily courageous
she’s self-sacrificing
she’s kind and compassionate
she’s passionately driven and principled
she’s willing to get her own hands dirty
she takes care of everyone even though no-one ever takes care of her
she has to try and be a leader AND a doctor AND a mother all at once and even though it means she’s constantly overworked and has to make impossible choices, she willingly bears the burden of those responsibilities
BONUS ROUND UNDER THE CUT!!! Common reasons people give for disliking Abby, and my response to them! :D
Again, this is all just my opinion, and I don’t want to start an argument with anyone who disagrees. The ask here was ‘what evidence/arguments would I use’ so I thought a useful thing would be to lay out why the common arguments of those who don’t like Abby as a character do not sway me personally. My intention is to counter these criticisms with my own thoughts on the subject, not invalidate them.
“She’s an overbearing mother who doesn’t believe in Clarke’s leadership and competency even though it’s been proven again and again. She constantly tries to protect her when Clarke can clearly take care of herself and is trying to Get Shit Done without her mom’s interference.”
This is probably the most common one, and honestly I’m afraid I’m gonna have to repeat myself from my point above - if the worst thing you can say about Abby Griffin is that she loves her daughter too much…assuming that most people who make this argument love Clarke too, it seems like a bizarre reason to dislike Abby?
It also strikes me as oddly lacking in context. Overbearing parents can suck, sure, but…Abby Griffin isn’t getting mad about her daughter staying out late partying with friends or getting poor exam results. Abby Griffin is a mother desperately trying to prevent her only child from being brutally killed, or turning into a cold, ruthless killing machine herself, or else just ending up so broken and emotionally scarred that she loses her forever in another way.
These are not unreasonable concerns. These are things that happen to characters on this show!
Abby doesn’t want to lose her daughter. She doesn’t want her daughter to be hurt. She doesn’t want her daughter to have to make the terrible choices and unbearable sacrifices that a leader in Clarke’s position is so often called upon to do. And you know what? In her position I wouldn’t want that for MY daughter either! Is Abby selfish to want to spare her daughter these burdens? Maybe. Is she naive to think she can continue to protect Clarke under these circumstances? Almost certainly. But I can’t find it in my heart to blame her for trying.
Another thing I would really like to point out here that I think is often shamefully overlooked is that this is a flaw of Abby’s that improves with time. Yes, Abby does often question Clarke’s authority in season two and she is stubborn and open in her dismay at the change in her daughter that the Ground has wrought. But as time goes by Abby consistently backs Clarke and defers to her time and time again - standing up for her against Jaha, prioritizing her friends in Mount Weather above finding other Ark survivors, keeping the secret of the Tondc bombing…by the time season two ends Abby has come to terms with the person Clarke has become, and throughout season three and four she is nothing but a supportive and staunch ally to Clarke’s plans.
When they disagree on something Abby will always speak her mind, and when Clarke is in danger Abby will always try to protect her…just as any mother would, and as any of Clarke’s friends would. But if there’s one thing Abby Griffin has, it’s unwavering love and faith in her daughter. Clarke is clearly the person Abby cares most for in the world, and their relationship is one of the most important in the show - whether they’re at odds or working together, that relationship always makes both Clarke and Abby more interesting and more sympathetic to me. It feels like a genuine shame to me that some people find it a cause for resentment towards either of these characters instead.
“She’s reckless and doesn’t think through the consequences of her actions. She gave Finn a gun and he slaughtered a Grounder village! She smashed that machine in season four just to save Clarke when the entire human race was at stake!”
Actually I somewhat agree with this one! One of Abby’s faults throughout the show is that she often acts impulsively and makes unilateral decisions to do what she believes is right. Sometimes she turns out to be right…sometimes not. Either way this is something that makes me like Abby more as a character - she’s fallible and human! She makes mistakes! She’s so single minded about protecting her daughter that it can blind her to other concerns!
It makes her a much more interesting character, in my opinion, than an Abby Griffin who is unequivocally Right All The Time. As something of a moral compass for the show, it would be very easy for her to be boring, and having that stubborn, reckless streak makes her far more fun to watch. Give me morphine-stealing, black-market-dealing, do-whatever-it-takes-and-lie-through-your-teeth-to-get-what-you-want Slytherin Abby Griffin any day!
Because…at the end of the day, everything Abby does, good and bad, is done out of love for her daughter, and responsibility to her people. She’s not always right, but she is always - to paraphrase Jake Griffin - ‘doing the best she can.’ And I can’t help but love her for that, and root for her to succeed.
“She slapped Raven that one time.”
Yeah, that was a dick move. What, you expected something different? Just because I love Abby doesn’t mean I have to blindly agree with everything she does! As it happens, I share the opinion of a lot of people who think the writing for the show was at fault in this instance - I don’t think that slap was AT ALL in character for Abby to do, but that’s a discussion for another time. Assuming it IS taken as canon…yeah it was a total dick move. I hope (and genuinely believe) that Abby apologised to Raven afterwards. 
But again, I can’t help but think…if the worst charge you can level against Abby Griffin is ‘she slapped someone who didn’t deserve it one time’ then in the context of THIS show that speaks pretty well of Abby, to be honest. Of course it’s absurd to argue that any bad thing Abby does is just fine because other people have done worse things but…just…it’s not unreasonable to get a little perspective here, maybe? This one instance of Abby doing something admittedly unpleasant and unjustified to Raven in a moment of stress is nowhere near enough to cancel out the genuine and loving friendship the two share for the rest of the show, and seems like a pretty thin reason to Hate Abby Forever, especially considering all the awful things literally every other character in the show has done at one point or another except for my precious son Jackson
So although I agree in principle, a lot of the time when people trot out this particular argument it feels a lot to me like playing on everyone’s love of Raven to try and get them to hate Abby…which leaves a nasty ‘pitting women against each other’ taste in my mouth, to be honest.
So yeah, I don’t like this scene. I don’t like what Abby does in this scene. I won’t make apologies for her behavior here. But what I like least of all is anyone who tries to use this scene as some kind of unforgivable indictment of Abby’s character, when it is quite clearly exceptional and uncharacteristic behavior for her; something never seen before or since.
It was a dick move though.
“She killed her husband!”
I don’t hear this one a lot these days, but I really don’t know why it ever comes up at all as a reason to hate Abby? I mean, I can’t believe I have to spell this out for people because it is all explicitly laid out for you on screen in the show, but here in handy list form:
Abby clearly and demonstrably loved Jake Griffin, was terrified that he might be killed for exposing secret information and begged him not to do it
when he refused to back down, Abby confided in Jaha about his plans, because she genuinely believed that Jake was going to doom everyone on the Ark by going public, including Clarke
Abby and Jake were both personal friends with Jaha, and Abby believed that he would not execute Jake - a reasonable thing to think, as Jake had not yet committed a crime and Jaha HAD the power of pardon and was more than willing to use it on Abby when she later broke the law to save HIS life (hey fuck you Thelonius by the way)
when this did not happen and Jake was executed anyway, Abby was clearly and demonstrably horrified and grief stricken
even though Jake Griffin’s death was neither her intention nor her fault, she still obviously bears terrible guilt for her role in it and will have to live with the pain of losing the man she loved every day for the rest of her life
…seriously, this is all there on screen. Why some people persist in portraying Abby as some kind of cackling murderess who happily shoved her husband out of an airlock is beyond me. She trusted the wrong person and made a terrible mistake; an attempt to save lives that ended up losing the life of someone she loved deeply. It was a tragedy for everyone involved, born of the choices made by several different people all acting out of the best of intentions. Abby never came across as anything but deeply sympathetic to me when I watched this storyline play out on screen, and I’m just baffled that anyone feels otherwise? What show were you watching?
“She’s old and boring.”
Hey: fuck you!
Ok so not a lot of people straight up come out and say this, but a lot of the hate towards Abby Griffin really does seem to be because she has the audacity to be a woman over forty on TV. If you hate Abby because she displays characteristics or acts in a way that you would be swooning over if given to a sexy young man in his 20s, then the problem is a whole lot of socially ingrained ageism and misogyny, and there’s not a lot I can do to persuade people out of that.
A lot of people have different reasons for not liking Abby Griffin as a character, just as is the case for any character in any work of fiction. Some of them I can understand, even if I don’t personally agree with them. Some of them I think are both unfair and unreasonable. However, at the end of the day, all I can do is try and explain my own reasons for Abby being my favourite character, which I have done at…uh…some length. WOOPS.
I love Abby.  I think she’s an interesting character,a  sympathetic character, a vibrant and complicated and vital character. She’s someone I look up to, the kind of person I would like to be. And it bums me out to think that there are fans who just don’t like her, or simply don’t care about her, and that I will probably never be able to change their minds on that.
But there are plenty of people who feel the same way I do too. So Anon, if you are still reading this - and frankly I wouldn’t blame you if you had given up some time ago - my advice for you is this:
Agree to disagree. Talk to your friend about characters you both love in the show. Ask them to keep an open mind about Abby, and try to find out why they just haven’t warmed to her in the way you presumably have. And if you ever want to flail over our smol cinnamon roll science babe queen…there are plenty of us ready and waiting to join you :)
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trashy-greyjoy · 7 years
am i the only one who lost complete faith in bellarke the shows been om air for 4 years and the one final opportunity they had to kiss shouldve been right b4 they separated for 6 years they both were walking into their potential deaths and it just makes no sense how there wasnt at least a confession. then i remembered the writers are still pandering to antis who never shut up so it pretty much made me think that legit every small moment that has been given to us is bait for us to stay watching
2/2 you seem like one of the voice of reasons in the fandom and i just had to get it off my chest im just pretty sure the writers are baiting us all along for when they bring you know who back in the series finale or something its so sad bc we stuck around for so long and idk im pretty sure everyone has this feeling that bellarke will never happen so the antis will be happy. i wish theyd realize most of general audience prefers bellarke idk im just sad i wasted my time on this show for 4 yrs
Hello nonny! Not worry I am here to restore your faith in all things canon blarke and s5 is our time! I totally feel your pain, sometimes even I get in those ‘blarke is never gonna fuck what’s even the point’ moods, but i have some long ranting posts ill shoot your way so you have some things to think about and hopefully it'll raise your spirits! (also you saying I'm a voice of reason made me laugh because in all honesty I'm a huge emo mess )
About the kiss being in the s4 finale. at first I really thought it would happen too, since if they think they're gonna die they should confess and make out, except, they didn't think that, at least Bellamy didn't. He thought they were gonna have 5 years of the 2 of them stuck in space to figure it out and be together so he didn't feel the pressure to have to confess before they went up. Clarke probably didn't do anything because she was almost certain she was going to die and she probably didn't want to put all that on Bellamy if he was just going to lose her anyway. Thats especially easy to notice if you pay attention to the face caress scene where she seems light hearted and happy looking at him and then she remembers her mom’s vision. And if you recall there were two separate instances where one of them tried to either confess or say goodbye and the other wouldn't let them (Bellamy before clarke went to the island and Clarke before the head and heart convo). ALSO leaving the confession up in the air gives the opportunity for them to add a lot of conflict with bellamy not getting to tell her going into next season. So when you think about that, it makes a lot of sense for them not to have kissed in the finale.
About the writers pandering to a certain audience, I agree. they name dropped L at unnecessary and excessive points last season to pacify the antis as best as they could. I get it, I hated it, it hurt Clarke’s character, and it wasn’t needed, but like i get what they were trying to do, unsuccessfully. HOWEVER I don't think that'll be a problem going forward. The time jump allows time for Clarke to have grieved and moved on in the last 6 years. She’s not fresh off the loss of a loved one and she’s been able to come into herself and move on essentially. AND the writers have been active on Twitter, and talking about Bellarke for the first time since S2 which is a big deal. They’re out of their Post-L Hibernation and they feel safe, well at least safer, talking about Bellarke on social media, meaning they’ve moved on from trying to pacify the antis in that regard. I think we’re pretty much over seeing them directly pandering to the CL’s at this point. 
Running off of that there’s also the scripts that the writers release, which have so far been pretty Bellarke heavy with the “another piece of her soul on the line”, “kill another person who she loves”, every part of the finale scripts and Bellamy’s “heart screaming”. Like... they released a script canonically saying Clarke loves Bellamy (and in a romantic way since the only other person she loved that she killed in canon was Finn). They’re putting it out there.
There’s no way they’re going to bring L back. Jason said she’s dead and not coming back. ABC has said it. And she’s trying to stay as far away from this show and that character as possible right now, she’s moved on she’s not going to come back. 
As for baiting, yeah they stretch it out and a lot of people think 4 season is unrealistic, but I say time and time again, when you look at canon slow burns and how long they take, 4 seasons, not even full seasons let me remind you, is child’s play. Mulder and Scully took 7 seasons to kiss and almost the whole 9 seasons to be fully canon on the show. Stiles and Lydia took 6 seasons to be canon, Rick and Michonne took 4ish seasons to go canon (still more episodes than The 100′s current 58). Booth and Brennan, Fitz and Simmons, Harvey and Donna (I see you Ana), Ron and Hermione, they all took years and almost twice as long as Bellarke have. It’s how television works. It’s annoying and it’s unrealistic a lot of the times, but its a trope, it follows a pattern, it’s how television shows grab a certain type of viewers and and ensure that they can keep them for the run of the show. Because it’s widely believed by the tv industry that once the ‘will they won't they’ aspect is gone, viewers lose interest so they string it out as long as they think they can. Whether its true or not thats how it works. 
There are also two more major reasons I think, or rather I know, Bellarke are endgame. The 6 Year Separation, and the fact that That’s The Story Jason Is Writing. 
I have separate long posts for these on my blog so I’ll be brief and link those for further reading, but to start off, extended separations are romantic tropes. Being separated for years and thinking the other person is or could be dead is a tried and true romantic Hollywood trope. Almost every example of this in entertainment, be it tv, books, or film, has romantic connotations surrounding it. The entire post about it can be found right here, if you want the low down, which I suggest. I list off other examples and proof in it. 
Moving towards Jason writing romantic Bellarke, it’s what he’s doing. If you look back at all the pivotal ‘Bellarke’ scenes in the past, Jason or Aaron have written a good portion of those episodes. Jason, the show runner, and Aaron, the guy he was ready to have take over if his other show got picked up. That combined with how many times he’s said that this is ‘Clarke and Bellamy’s story’ and in the past (S1-2) how free he was when speaking about Bellarke on social media. It’s always been the plan. He just likes to pull a Chris Carter (show runner of The X-Files, and the OG JRoth) and try to drag it out and deny it as much as possible. Seriously look up some of the stuff CC has said about Mulder and Scully in the past and it fits the same pattern. You can find the full post right here, where I give quotes and explain everything further. 
Taking a turn for a second, you can also think about the fact that tv shows almost NEVER put their big endgame together until the end of the show is approaching, especially if it’s between the two series mains. They don’t give that to you early on, that’s why most bigger ships in tv are at least partially slow burn, they don’t put the big couples together in the first season or two.
And I guess to close out, you can think about the fact that S1 Bellamy is set up as a romantic interest for Clarke from the beginning. His character and their relationship follow the ‘enemy/bad boy isn't actually that bad and actually has a heart and realizes that when he meets the good girl that challenges him’ like come on my guys... they’re set up as a trope from episode 2 when he saves her, and then episode 3 when he stares at her killing Atom and he gets all soft and realizes she’s not who he thought she was. It even comes complete with the jealous canon love interest and the ‘we’ve been through a lot together”
Never mind, I have one more point. Look at the sizzle reel for next season. It’s set up to make Bellarke look romantic or at least intimately connected. I have another long post for that one right here. 
I hope that did the trick for reassuring you at least partially and now we can all stew in this hellatus for a few more months before this hell shit returns to us!
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