#s2 chenford was something else
karihighman · 2 years
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an underrated chenford moment parallel that i think needs to be talked about more often thank you & goodbye
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momowoah · 1 month
To add to the seemingly endless list of Chenford/Buddie parallels: both couples had moments before they dated (and before they even truly realized their feelings) in which they opened themselves to the possibility of that relationship and truly considered moving forward with it for the first time. (aka 7x01 is to Buddie what 3x14 is to Chenford) (long-ish post)
In the S3 finale of The Rookie, Lucy and Tim are finally out of their T.O.-Boot relationship, which opens up the possibility of them having something beyond that. Lucy even acknowledges that in 3x09 when she fake confesses her feelings for Tim in order to prove she can handle UC work. Even though the confession wasn't serious, it did bring up the fact that it could've been; Tim specifically actually had to consider how he'd respond to Lucy actually having feelings for him, since he believed her. This whole ordeal resurfaces in 3x14, first when Lucy flirts with him while UC, and later when they talk at the wedding, the first time both of them manifest being interested in each other and in pursuing a relationship. Lucy breaks away from Grey and Nyla to go talk to him (and they exchange looks over it); Tim checks her out; they bring up the flirting; Tim asks Lucy to save him a dance. It feels like they crossed a line, it feels like it's going somewhere, and it probably would've if not for all that happened after. 4x01 basically confirms that by showing both Lucy and Tim laying in bed(/couch), wondering whether or not to get up and go towards each other after a hug and an almost kiss. Although the show never acknowledges what would've happened if either of them had gotten up (and we know at least Lucy would've, because she was getting up when Tim interrupted her), it is heavily implied that during those two episodes they were interested in each other, but it ultimately led to nowhere (at the time).
(Unrelated kinda but we can also establish a parallel between Chenford and mid S2 Madney here. Jackson's death ruined what they could've had back then, but they still managed to have something else.)
(Btw this paragraph will be a little chaotic and I'm too lazy to reread it and organize it sorry but I swear it makes sense) We get this kind of subconscious-ish realization of feelings and openness to a possible relationship with Buddie too. For Buck, that happens in S7. I can't find that interview again for the life of me but remember when OS mentioned a few weeks ago that Buck felt something when he thought Eddie and Marisol had split up in 7x01? I think that was the moment when he finally opened himself to the possibility of dating Eddie (even if he didn't realize that's what he was doing). He had broken up with Natalia after he had realized that their relationship would always be about his death rather than his life and was actively trying to understand how he had changed since dying (if we go by his 6b plot). I think the fact that Eddie was missing from his coma dream is specifically significant for this reason. Eddie was the one major relationship in his life that Buck didn't confront during the coma. He was absent, because Buck wasn't ready to deal with what he meant to him yet. By S7, we see Buck way more open to dealing with his feelings, evidenced by the fact that he finally figured out his bisexuality and by how light that whole plot was/is. Buck was ready to deal with it, even if subconsciously, and I think a part of that was him finally opening himself up to the possibility of Eddie. His vibes in the locker room in 7x01 are a lot like Tim in 3x14 - he wasn't overtly flirting, but he was trying to take that step forward, willing to take that step forward, and only didn't bc Eddie told him he was still with Marisol. Unlike Tim, though, I don't think he has fully closed that door yet. He's redirecting these feelings to Tommy for now, but he's still there with Eddie. He just needs some time to figure it out.
When it comes to Eddie, I think this moment came much earlier and lasted a lot longer. His feelings finally came close enough to the surface (even if they didn't surface completely) when he got shot. In that moment, he reached for Buck, and he never truly stopped. He broke up with his girlfriend really soon after that; he avoided going on dates; he pulled Buck closer to his family life (s5/6 domestic Buddie my beloved) (also by revealing the will); he actually pretty much took Buck out on a date. Eddie was moving towards a romantic relationship for almost two years, completely open to dating Buck, until the cemetery scene. Buck thinks he's finally found his place with Natalia, and Eddie decides to stop pursuing him because he realizes (wrongly in my opinion but shhhh) that he'll never be able to be that person to Buck, because Buck has yet to realize that Eddie does see him and that Eddie sees him all the time. However, he resumes his pursuit in 7x01, because Buck breaks up with Natalia, and that means that Eddie still has a chance. Even Buck's relationship with Tommy points towards it, because it means Buck can feel like that about a man. So Eddie pulls Buck back into his family life by asking for advice and help with Christopher (and probably also through whatever is going to happen with the Diaz family now), starts to fuck up his relationship with his girlfriend (by moving too fast even though he doesn't want to, which was what killed his relationship with Ana), avoids his girlfriend, and indulges Buck's every idea (as seen through the bachelor party). Since the 7x01 locker room scene, he's been fully open to Buck, and Buck has been fully open to him. In conclusion: Buddie will be canon by the end of 8A.
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centralperkchenford · 10 months
Chenford + Lucy is under the influence of drugs and only wants Tim.
So I don’t know if any of you watch New Girl but there’s an episode in S2 where Nick and Jess are at the hardware store and Jess gets knocked out by lumber. This fic is based on the scene in particular AND after when Jess is high and is telling Nick she likes him. It’s a great episode. And I had to rewatch the scene just to get a visual.
Also this takes place as if Chris doesn’t exist and beginning of S5 although you can imagine at any time.
Chenford + Lucy is under the influence of drugs and only wants Tim.
Chenford + Lucy rejects Tim but he doesn't let her
My drug is my baby I'll be using for the rest of my life
Lucy has to admit that building a bookcase wasn’t the best idea because she didn’t really know how. She knew she needed lumber and nails and a hammer. So that’s how she finds herself at the hardware store with Tamara. She’s in the lumber aisle looking at all.. the different sizes and the different kinds. She really is kidding herself. She doesn’t know anything about lumber or building a fucking bookcase. She needs.. well she needs Tim.
The thing is she’s trying to make more room in her apartment to accommodate her and Tamara. She thought building an extra space for all their things would be nice, homey even. She just didn’t think it would be so damn hard to get started. Tim didn’t even know she was doing or he would have been here with her getting all the stuff.
“Lucy.” Says Tamara coming over to her where she is chewing on her fingers. “Just pick something. Or call Tim.”
Lucy side eyes her and she knows calling Tim would be the best plan but she doesn’t want to. She knows how cocky Tim is, she also knows he would hightail it down here and just take over.
No she can do this.
She glances to the top of the racks in the aisles where a long piece of redwood lays. It’s beautiful and she knows it will match her other stuff.
“There.” She says and points to the wood. “Help me get it.” Tamara sighs but gets ready as Lucy climbs up the ladder. She grabs the wood by the end and slowly pulls it out. She hands it to Tamara who puts it on the cart. Lucy stands in front of the cart and looks around to see if she needs anything else.
“I think we need more wood.” Points out Tamara. “One piece isn’t going to make a bookcase.” She has a point. She goes up this but just as she’s coming down to hand the smaller piece of wood to Lucy, she loses her balance and the wood falls on the other piece hitting Lucy in the chin. Next thing she knows she’s on the ground and all she sees is black.
Tim is just getting his house from work, he’s exhausted and he just wants to crack open a beer and lay on the couch and watch ESPN. He lets Kojo out to go to the bathroom, and he’s just about to open his beer when his phone rings. Tamara’s picture comes popping up on the screen.
“Hello?” He answers. He hears beeping in the background and his heart race increases. “Tamara? Where are you?”
“Uh.” Tamara says. “We are at the hospital. Um Lucy is fine? I think. But you should come down here. She’s asking for you.”
Tim frowns at Tamara’s words. Lucy didn’t work today it was her day off, so why was she at the hospital? How the hell did she get hurt? Or sick? His mind is racing at all the possibilities. And why does she want him?
“Tamara what happened?” He asks urgently already at the door grabbing his keys and wallet. “What is wrong with Lucy?”
Tamara hesitates and he hears footsteps and then she finally speaks, her voice lower. “We were uh at the hardware store buying lumber and um a piece of lumber slipped and and she got knocked out.”
Tim freezes and his mind is still scrambling at her words. Lucy at a hardware store? Buying lumber? And again why was she asking for him?
It’s not like they weren’t still close, they were. But even after Ashley had broken up with him and they were both single. There was still some confusion and tension between them and he never knew where she stood. But as he got into his truck and started it, he would do anything for Lucy. He would even rush to her side when she got knocked out by lumber (he still had a lot of questions).
“Tamra?” He questions and Tamara’s voice comes over the line.
“I’m here. Uh are you on your way?” She asks quietly and he nods forgetting she can’t see him.
“Yeah I am. Tell Lucy..” He trails off unsure of what else to say. “I’ll be there soon.”
When he gets to the hospital, he goes through the emergency room doors. He spots Tamara right away and she’s pacing outside of a closed curtain. He hightails it over there as quickly as he can.
“Hey!” She says when she spots him. “Look. She’s fine but she got knocked out pretty bad. So uh they gave her some painkillers and so..she’s kind of out of it.”
Tim’s heart sinks a little wondering just how bad this was. But it also explained the her wanting him. She wasn’t in her right mind.
Tamara gestures to the curtain and he pushes it open. Lucy is laying in the bed, a big bruise on her chin.
“Heeeeeyyyy.” She sing songs when she see him. “Timmmmm.”
He raises his eyebrows at her as he pulls a chair to sit with her. “Hey.” He says softly as she smiles at him wincing when she does.
“Does it hurt?” He asks. She reaches out to grab his hand and plays with his fingers.
“I can’t feel anything to be honest.” She admits smiling still. Tim sighs as he watches her play with his fingers.
“I’m sorry you got hit with lumber. Why were you at the hardware store?” He asks curiously. But Lucy just shrugs and pulls him closer.
“Can I tell you a secret Timothy Bradford?” She says slurring her words a little. Tim looks at her in amusement.
“Sure.” He says. “Tell me a secret Luce.” Her eyes widen at the nickname but she doesn’t say anything about it. He’s not sure if it full registered with her.
“You are a beautiful white man Bradford.” She says patting his cheek. He stares at her wide eyed and a little confused.
“Um thanks?” He says and she groans and kicks her feet on the bed.
“I mean I know you know you are beautiful and handsome. You just have this air about you.
You know?” She says. He realizes his mouth is wide open at this point.
“Yeah I guess.” He says quietly and she reaches to shut his mouth gently. “Maybe you should get some rest Lucy.” He says leaning back but she pulls him forward jerking him towards her.
“No! I don’t want you to leave!” She protests. She grabs his hands again and fans out his fingers. “I like you. I may even be in love with you but what do I know? You could never love me. Your old boot.”
Tim stares at her, momentarily stunned as he studies her. There’s no hesitation in her eyes although he does know she’s hopped up on painkillers. Because it’s crazy she would even think that. He absolutely could love her. She’s amazing in every way. He definitely has feelings for her.
“Lucy..” he begins. “Do you know what you are saying?” It’s a stupid question but he has to at least ask.
Lucy shrugs and he nods. It’s just the drugs. She doesn’t know what she’s saying. She doesn’t have feelings for him. Or does she?
Lucy wakes up with a splitting headache, and someone snoring next to her. She looks over to see Tim in a chair next to the bed, his head at what looks like an uncomfortable angle. What the fuck is he doing here?
She rustles a little bit and opens his eyes looking straight at her, his eyes soft. “Hi.” He mutters. “How are you feeling?”
She opens her mouth to answer but her throat is dry and she can’t seem to get any words out. He grabs a cup of water and she drinks it down.
“Fine.” She says her voice hoarse. “Why are you here?” She asks chewing on the inside of her cheek. Tim sighs and leans forward in his seat, studying her with his blue eyes that she gets lost in. Every single time.
“Tamara called me yesterday said you got hurt and wanted me.” He answers and Lucy feels panic cease her. She’s going to kill Tamara.
“Um wow. I mean I didn’t—I don’t remember.” She says stumbling over her words. “I’m sorry she bothered you.”
Tim shakes his head his hand reaching out and then he drops it. “It’s fine. Lucy you were on high painkillers. I know you didn’t— you um.. what you said.” He says hesitantly. Lucy stares at him her mouth dry again.
“And what did I say?” She asks. Tim gulps and turns away from her.
“It doesn’t matter Lucy. You weren’t—” He starts but Lucy stares at him until he’s leaning back again, twiddling with his thumbs.
“You called me a beautiful white man.” He says with a twitch of his lips. “And called me handsome and beautiful. Um and said you liked me.” She groans and grabs the pillow over her face.
“God Tim. I’m sorry!” She says and she knows her voice is muffled. She feels him grab the pillow from her face and he smiles at her. He doesn’t seem mad but that’s something else in his eyes . Like he’s not telling her something.
“What? What else did I say?” She snaps. He feels back a little, he hesitates and then he leans forward again.
“Yo- you said you might be in love with me.” He whispers. “And you know I could never love you back.”
Her eyes fill with tears as she pulls the pillow over her face again. Tim is silent and she knows he’s still there. She knows he won’t leave until she tells him to or he decides to on his own. He’s noble like that and it’s one of the reason she does like him.
Tim peels the pillow away from her face again this time letting his fingers run across her face. She instantly has goosebumps.
“I’m not mad Luce.” He says quietly. “I’m not mad at all. But I think we should talk.. later.”
She knows he’s right but she’s too caught up in her emotions to agree with him. She’s embarrassed drugged up her even thought of Tim.
So she shakes her head, emitting a soft sound from Tim.
“Lucy..” He pleads. “Please.. I..”
But Lucy shakes her head at him. She’s not going to ruin the best damn relationship in her life. Drugged up love confessions aside, she can’t lose Tim.
“No. Forget it ever happened okay?” She says and Tim’s lips fall down in a frown. “It didn’t happen.”
Tim opens his mouth to speak and when he does he does it with such confidence and conviction Lucy reels back a little.
“No.” He says. “Lucy I know you are scared and it’s a scary thing to possibly be in love with someone but.. what if it’s worth it?”
Lucy opens her mouth and then clamps it shut and he continues leaning forward as he does. “Lucy, I like you too. Maybe it’s more than like but I do have feelings for you. I have for awhile and I’m going to let you reject me because you are scared about how you feel for me.”
“Of course I’m scared!” She blurts out. “I can’t lose you Tim. If I do I will have ruined the most important relationship in my life.”
Tim blinks at her before bringing her hand to his mouth. “That’s the thing about being in love it’s scary. I’m not saying we are in love yet but wouldn’t it be nice to find out?”
Lucy worries her lip between her teeth and this time she leans forward.
“Tim I was on painkillers I didn’t know what I was saying.”
“I know but you aren’t on any now and you just admitted you feel about me.” He says tucking a lose strand of hair behind her eyes. Lucy blinks at him at the intimate gesture and his words.
“Okay. True but—” She starts. Tim doesn’t let her finish. He leans forward and kisses her softly on the forehead. It’s soft, yet it’s intimate and it send a electric spark down her spin.
She blinks at him yearning to feel his lips on her skin again.
“I like you Luce.” He mutters. “I know it’s scary but it’s worth it. You are worth. So can you just trust me?”
She studies him to see if he’s serious and she knows him well enough to know he is joking about this, he wouldn’t say anything he doesn’t mean.
“Okay.” She whispers. He grasps her hands and brings them up to his lips.
“Okay. Let’s do it.” He says back to her. She smiles a little and then she suddenly remembers something. “Hey will you build me a bookcase?” Tim gives her an amused smile and then kisses her gently on the lips. Lucy takes that as a yes. And moves closer to him, feeling content for the first time in awhile.
It might be scary taking this leap but Tim is right, it will be worth it.
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literali1110 · 1 year
Let's talk Rookie season finales
So The Rookie has done two types of finales. Seasons 1, 4, and 5 have finales where the plots are completely new and are not connected to anything else that happened in the season. While the season 2 and 3 finales concluded storylines that hadn't been introduced from the beginning of the season. Regardless of whether it's a new plot or not, the storylines generally all interconnect and have the whole team working on the same overall case.
In general, I prefer the finales that are connected to the rest of the season because it really feels like a satisfying conclusion to something that was being built towards the entire year.
Season 1 is kind of an exception because there wasn't really a big bad or anything that season. So I'm okay with that finale having a separate plot, and of course the Chenford content in that episode was amazing.
The Season 2 finale did not really have Chenford so it's not my favorite finale, but it's probably the best-done finale, since they were building to it literally from the first episode of season 2.
The season 3 finale was really well done imo. Even with Lucy's UC plot separate, everything ended up connecting in the end and of course we got some good chenford moments.
I feel like season 4 was the outlier where we not only had a completely separate storyline but we also had an A plot and a B plot that did not actually intersect. And the way it was edited together was so weird in my opinion. It's probably my favorite Chenford content in a finale, but definitely not my favorite finale overall.
The season 5 finale was good in the sense that there was really one cohesive storyline, but for me I feel like it could have been more powerful if they had built up to this storyline throughout the season. The first almost 10 minutes were just on Celina and Aaron and were very gory. At times I felt like I was watching a medical drama. The concept was cool and of course the Chenford fight scene (and high/forehead kiss!) was amazing but it was very action-driven and not so character driven.
Also - I'm not saying I wanted someone to die but the whole episode felt very high stakes and intense with no payoff. I think it would be super bad if Aaron died similarly to Jackson. They could have killed Grey which would have had a huge impact, especially after he said "I can't lose another one..." Again, I'm glad that they didn't, but the whole episode just didn't really lead to anything...
I am excited, however, for the new big bad because I know the actor from Orphan Black. And I thought it was cool that they did connect the case all the way back to S1. I sincerely hope we are done with Elijah and they do a better job with this guy and perhaps set something up in S6 similar to S2!
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alphinias · 2 years
I have a confession to make. I love many ships with my whole heart, i'm obsessed with Jiara/Rivusa/Chenford/Nace ets, BUT i dont think i've ever felt the sheer joy and whiplash like i felt in the 2x05 Bellarke hug scene. It was the scene that made me fully obsessed with them, i was Bellamy in that scene seriously. I dont know what it was, but it was the most perfect scene. Her running and jumping to him, the music, his reaction, everything was perfect and i've never felt so good. pt1
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Yeah, I know what you mean. That scene…. Yeah that was just one of those scenes that’s gonna hold up forever. It was SO good. Easily one of the most iconic ship scenes of all time. I think Bellamy’s reaction touched me the most. The genuine surprise that she was in his arms and cared that he was alive. Bellarke in the early seasons did enemies to reluctant allies to best friends to lovers more perfectly than any ship I’ve ever seen and I think that scene perfectly encapsulates that.
S1-S2 Bellarke really did nail the tension of “do you hate me? Do you care about me?” the best but I genuinely think all Bellarke S1-4 was… something else. And I am someone who went absolutely feral over S6 Bellarke but it was never 100% the same post time jump. I loved them but it was two different people.
In conclusion. We deserve to see a true Bellarke done right.
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blris96 · 2 years
What are your thoughts on the potential romantic chemistry between Tim and Lucy compared to Tim and Ashley?
Hi lovely anon!
Apologies for taking a bit, I’m working through my ask box as quick as I can without spamming the tags! ❤️
Chenford DRASTICALLY outperforms TimAshley chemistry wise and it’s not even close.
Tim and Lucy have sexual tension brewing consistently (the writers just haven’t used much of it this season; give me S1-S2 UST Chenford back please!) and they’re pretty flirty for two people who aren’t together! Notice how Tim prodded Lucy after Ashley called him “the hottest”? He didn’t even respond back to Ashley! Also, Chenford just gets each other on every level that matters in my opinion. Tim needs someone to challenge him, he strikes me as the type who would get bored with mundane things. Lucy does that on a consistent basis. Also, notice how Tim only agreed to said double date at said very fancy restaurant on the beach (Tim despises the beach, it’s not his scene and it was out of his comfort zone) to begin with was to prove Lucy wrong. Lucy, not Ashley. It’s basically a guarantee that if Lucy wanted him to try goat yoga or something else that is beyond out of his comfort zone, he’d do it to make Lucy happy. He won’t do it willingly for Ashley in my opinion. That says all we need to know right there! Tim likes making Lucy happy in my opinion.
Chenford has also seen each other through some awful things (Isabel, Caleb, the virus, Tim’s dad etc.) and it’s allowed them to build deep trust and it just enhances what they do on the job. Tim likes his creature comforts as does Lucy I think. Tim let Lucy in (partly because he had no choice in some instances, partly because she kept poking and partly because he wanted to) and they’ve been able to develop the emotional intimacy. Lucy supports Tim unconditionally and vice versa, they’re each other’s shoulder to lean on. They’re each other’s person! She’s his match in every way that matters. Seriously, they can’t be more perfect for each other!
Let me preface the following with the fact that I like Helena! She’s drop dead gorgeous and seems sweet. I just don’t like her character for Tim. TimAshley is just dull, boring and whatever other things you can throw in there. Physically, she’s Isabel’s doppelgänger, which raises a ton of questions in my opinion. First off, why? Just why? Also, Tim and Ashley have no depth and no emotional intimacy. Zero. Hell, we don’t even see them touching on screen (which is a blessing). TimAshley is lagging so far behind it isn’t funny, it’s just flat painful to watch. Not knowing if your SO likes mushrooms or if they have a fear of dogs? Your least favorite food is a beyond basic getting to know you question as is do you like dogs. TimAshley very clearly don’t even know the bare bones basics about each other.
Then there’s the fact that in that end scene, in my opinion, she basically in a nutshell told him that she doesn’t like when he watches Rams games, talks about the job with Lucy and other things! Yes, she had a point that there’s more to life than creature comforts. But, if those things make Tim happy, who the hell is she to judge? She should be more accepting and be willing to find compromise in my opinion. I’m not sure about anyone else, but I got a very “my way or the highway” vibe from that scene.
Ashley has always struck me as insecure too. She went behind Tim’s back to call Lucy about Kojo INSTEAD of talking to Tim about it, which is what she should have done. She asked no follow up questions after Tim said that Kojo was Lucy’s and that she couldn’t keep him. Also, she hung up on Lucy without even a “thanks” or a “bye” after Lucy called Tim and Kojo sweethearts. That was rude to just hang up on someone! Then you have the territory staking with “I really like Tim” and “the hottest”. That screams high school to me. Someone who was secure in a relationship wouldn’t do that in my opinion. Lucy proves no threat to TimAshley right now, Lucy isn’t even fully aware or aware at all of her feelings for Tim! Yet, Ashley still perceives her as a threat. Tim was beyond desperate to keep Ashley around, and Ashley is a fool for staying with him when clearly, her body language on said double date suggested she picked up on Chenford’s chemistry. But, alas, she “really likes Tim”.
Those are some reasons as to why Chenford drastically outpaces TimAshley chemistry wise. It’s not even close in my opinion!
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I wanted to do this days ago, but hadn't had a chance. Thanks for making this @poppypickle!
Name or preferred nickname: Tara
Pronouns: she/her
What’s the story behind your username: I can be pretty awkward (or quirky if you prefer 😁), and I'm an Anglophile and so badly want to visit England for the first time!
General location: North Carolina, USA
Tell us something cool about you in real life: I love to hand letter! I can do all kinds of lettering styles, and hope to grow a business out of it. Hey, if anyone wants a lettered Chenford quote, I'm your girl. 😉
Favorite Chenford moment: I mean, their scene at the wedding is definitely the shining star right now, but I love their parking garage scenes, and their moment outside Nevin's. And geez, too many others.
Moment that made you start shipping them: Lucy's kidnapping was definitely when I went all in, but I started seeing their potential around the beginning of S2.
Who you think will realize they have FEELINGS first: Tim, but I think Lucy might vocalize her feelings first.
Favorite character who isn’t Lucy or Tim: Probably Angela.
Favorite Chenford headcanon: Considering they've barely touched up to this point, I think when they do finally get together, they won't be able to keep their hands off each other. I could also see them giving each other subtle, casual touches throughout the day as a reassurance, telling the other, "I'm still here, and ok."
Do you write fics/make gifs/make vids/do something else cool? You’re awesome! Share your stuff: I write fics! You can find me on AO3 or FF under the same name. I've only got just 3 Chenford fics so far, but plan to write more.
Fic you’re rec’ing the most right now: Literally anything by @farfarawaygirl @crose84 @doomedship @mrsdetectivehalstead @jakelovesamy @jgoose13 @poppypickle @firstdegreefangirl and so many more! YOU ALL BLOW ME AWAY WITH YOUR TALENT.
Tag another Chenford fan to fill this out: I think most everyone has done this by now, but if anyone still wants to, tag! You're it! 😁
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karihighman · 2 years
so @halsteadsass had some lovely thoughts about the 4x21 promo & inspired me to write my own.
there are a LOT of ways i could see this whole proposal thing happening. one being (sadly, but still possible!) that tim actually would propose to ashley. but before anyone breaks down, let me explain why i really see that as the last resort possibility:
tim bradford has always been a man to 1) stay in relationships and 2) not be spontaneous. he’s like the epitome of a person who hates surprises IMO, so why on earth would he spring one on ashley in the form of a 💍? yeah, no. next!
ps: can’t forget how long it took him to divorce his now ex-wife isabel. tim is a helper by nature. his duty is to the people he cares about, and he thought he could help his wife — and in some ways, he did. but in staying for so long, he ended up getting hurt in the process.
with rachel, he initially was against the whole long distance relationship thing because him being a man of logic looked at the statistics. STATS. about love. 🙃 and you wanna know who looks at the heart of issues (pun sort of intended?) LUCY CHEN THAT’S WHO. besides, she was one of the people encouraging him to maybe try & make it work if that’s what he wanted. so, in the s2 finale, he changed his mind & did.
pps: did we ever get a clear reason why he & rachel ended things? am i just blocking that out from my memory or something????? no seriously help me out here people 😂
anyway, moving on to the present day. lucy is with chris; tim is with ashley. now, i’ve gone on about various reasons why i see chris & lucy not working out on the podcast - but in short, the foundation isn’t there (they’ve disagreed on mental health issues numerous times & it’s even come up in lucy’s trial prep), they may have fun but like nikki said in her post, it’s not something long term, and they just don’t have that same page type of vibe that chenford has. you know how lucy said she & tim have a shorthand? it’s because they’re so in tune with each other. chrischen on the other hand isn’t. i feel like chris is more invested than lucy is — remember she called him/their relationship a “work in progress” !!!!
and y’all don’t even get me started on tim/ashley (idk their ship name😅). while i don’t mind them, i do think they’re better as individuals than they are together. they lack common ground, they don’t share any similar interests, & um yes hi so unless i missed something neither has said the oh-so-important l word. (L O V E) .... soooo there’s that to consider. why on earth would tim, a man who isn’t spontaneous & is usually meticulous in his decisions propose marriage to a woman he hasn’t even said “i love you” to yet?!?!?!?!?!?! it doesn’t track to me, y’know?
i’m also in the camp of lucy being the one to actually process her feelings first. tim may have had moments of realization over this last season (esp. since 3x09!) but i think even though he’s one to be logical, he’s also one to push things down easier. so he was able to push anything away feelings wise for lucy since 3x09, or 3x14, or 4x01 easily because it just couldn’t happen for them then. and now that he’s with someone else, i don’t think that it came up again (unless you count the dance - but we missed a critical aftermath scene in that ep so canonically(?) who knows what chenford’s thinking now!)
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so he’s able to compartmentalize easier than say, lucy “usually wears her heart on her sleeve” chen is. except, when it comes to tim, lucy hasn’t faced things since her 4x01 realization either (again, sort of omitting the dance scene b/c of the lack of aftermath — DON’T GET ME WRONG I FUCKING LOVE THAT MOMENT THOUGH).
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to recap, we’re left with two people in other relationships who each haven’t fully come to terms with their feelings for each other. i’m honestly wondering if a more plausible explanation is tim proposing those “Mother’s Day plans” to ashley that the 4x21 episode description alludes to. again, it’s just me being the english major & going back to the use of “respective” in the description, which when properly used coincides with the list in question - each item in the forthcoming list relates back to the subject - god i’m not making sense
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^ in the description above, respective relationships means whatever’s described first pertains to tim, second to lucy. so tim/ashley deal w/mother’s day; chrischen deals w/the vacation. so, i’m thinking tim is trying to reassure ashley that things will work out if she wants him to meet her mom(?) or if she would inquire about his — although see i’m still not 100% sure as to the status of mrs. bradford (is she alive still? i’d always presumed the opposite, but maybe i’m wrong)... hence why i’m leaning towards ashley would want tim to meet her mother. maybe he’s just gesturing & saying how great it’ll be. OR MAYBE THE DESCRIPTION IS PURPOSELY MISUSING RESPECTIVE & IT IS THE ROMANTIC VACATION FOR TIM/ASHLEY in which case tim’s attempting to be spontaneous & “sell” this romantic vacay idea to his girlfriend aaaaand that’s what lucy sees in the promo! {because btw, chris wanting to meet lucy’s mom or parents in general would make more sense than chrischen romantic vacation storyline IMO}
but maybe chris does wanna do a vacation & that is what’s on lucy’s mind as she’s walking & maybe that’s when she sees tim. hell, maybe she was going to go ask for his advice about said vacation idea. or the whole chris meeting her mother thing. maybe it brings up emotions surrounding bio dad for her again & since she mentioned it to tim before maybe she’s looking for a sympathetic ear again. who knows (i only wish i did - thank god we only have to wait 6 days to find out)
also one of my other friends said maybe it’s some sort of fever dream lucy has. like it cannot be real, the tim getting down on one knee thing.... maybe it’s all just a dream lucy had that gets her to wake up and realize her feelings for tim are real (nikki i believe mentioned this in her post or on other social media!)
anyhow, i’m still in the camp of lucy is needing to talk to tim, sees the “proposal” then BAM! feelings are officially being processed, all cylinders are firing. now, do i think ashley says yes? sorry to say (HAVE U SEEN TIM BRADFORD🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥) but i think she says no. and maybe lucy is only seeing the grand gesture (if it is a real proposal) and mistakes it for ashley’s yes. or, i think someone else either or here or twitter had said maybe it’s a practice round 😆 either way, i’m still thinking that everything is not what it seems when it comes to that scene — even the result if it does happen to be a real marriage proposal from tim to ashley.
i do think that regardless of the outcome, chenford probably won’t have a chance to discuss it with each other. i feel like they’ll be dummies and stew privately, or push all these weird emotions away that come up from said scene. so, i’m thinking that this undercover mission in 4x22 will be extra tension filled because of the words unspoken, feelings unsaid. and when the stakes get higher in this possible drug op, an undercover kiss or at the very least, almost kiss happens which will definitely turn chenford’s world upside down. (& bring fans like me an eternity of screaming until s5 in sept.)
ok, i think i’m done now. brownie points for you if you read this whole thing. i ramble. i’m a writer. it’s kinda my thing. oops. 🥴 hope some of this made sense. chenford endgame ftw that’s all!
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blris96 · 2 years
Where do you think Lucy's heads at? She obviously felt something in 4.01?
Hi lovely anon!
In terms of character analysis, Lucy I find is easier for me to get a read on and analyze than Tim is. Maybe that’s because I had a psychology minor in undergrad as part of my degree, I’m not sure though. Let’s get started!
You’re correct in that she felt something. But, 4x01 is a bit of an enigma in my opinion. An outlier so to speak. In 4x01, Jackson had just been murdered and Lucy saw it on CCTV footage. Emotions were running high and Lucy wasn’t Lucy. No one would expect her to be her usual self since she was essentially grieving and in the stages of grief. The hug I think may have given her a bit of a shove in terms of “oh shit, I might have feelings for him”. There’s a catch here though.
But, Lucy studied psychology. Psychologically speaking, grief can cloud your judgement and several regions of the brain in the limbic system play a role in emotion, specifically emotional regulation. After or during grief, your brain function takes a dive so to speak (grief brain) and it leaves you unable to absorb your environment as you usually would. I equate it to a filter, in order to keep function, other memories and emotions take a backseat.
Lucy was overwhelmed with all these feelings stemming from Jackson’s murder (you could see it on her face) that made her lose her best friend that she couldn’t process a realization on top of everything else that happened. Due to her psychology knowledge, it’s easy to see Lucy dismissing said “oh shit” realization outright because of the grief and emotional dysregulation she was feeling. A fluke so to speak. She was probably thinking “I can’t have feelings for him” because she just couldn’t process it. It most likely would have been a different story if Jackson wouldn’t have been murdered.
How that leads us to where we are now is interesting. Due to Lucy dismissing said “oh shit” realization, she went back to the status quo. That means Tim is just her friend and she is in the limbo of “I can’t have feelings for him” with that little seed in the back of her mind saying she does. That little seed won’t disappear, it’ll just keep growing until Lucy can’t ignore it anymore. Now, I think she’s getting there, it’s been shown for example in 4x10 with her calling Tim and Kojo sweethearts. I just don’t think she’s hit that full realization stage yet. It explains why she hasn’t talked to Tim about whatever feelings she has. But, there’s another catch here.
Now we get into the more down to earth obstacles. Lucy very well may be thinking that Tim doesn’t see her that way because she was his rookie. Chenford is also from different eras (the whole Mayberry thing in S2 was a good example of this). Lucy could be thinking that she’s not good enough for Tim (I think this might be the biggest realistic obstacle we have). If we think about it, Tim was married and is a lot more established in his career. Lucy meanwhile is just starting out in her career and hasn’t been in a relationship longer than four months. That on its face would show her that Tim is out of her league. That also makes sense in why she’s dismissing the possibility for right now. She doesn’t think Tim is a possibility. Think being the key word. We know Tim loves Lucy as who she is, but she doesn’t know that.
That brings us to Chris. Tim set Lucy up with Chris because he was trying to make Lucy happy in my opinion. Chris like Lucy is also relatively new in his field. Chris as far as we know hasn’t been married either and he’s not a superior to her. They have common interests such as True Crime and Pink’s Hot Dogs and probably more that we’ll find out. As such, Lucy probably views Chris as in her league. She’s probably thinking that she’s good enough for him. Chris is a possibility for her for a long term, settle down type of relationship due to those factors.
Due to Lucy’s tendency to rationalize things, I think it would take a significant event (like Tim almost dying) for her to fully realize that the realization from 4x01 that stuck around in her brain wasn’t a fluke. I think the further we get into this season, the more that process will keep snowballing for her. Eventually, she’ll need that one last push. But, hopefully this ties everything up in a nice bow in terms of where Lucy is at right now.
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blris96 · 2 years
Why do you think Alexi is against Chenford? I know he said no when he was her TO but he’s not her TO anymore. They’re equals now and Lucy is a grown strong ass women it would be insulting to insinuate that she isn’t an equal to him at this point
Hi lovely anon!
You gave me a doozy of an ask! I like these doozy asks! Let me preface this answer with the below:
I do think that Chenford still has a ton of hope in 4B! I think they’re both firmly on the realization path! 4B should really pick it up in terms of progress.
It’s well stated on my page that I run hot and cold on him in general. He’s unpredictable based off the other shows he ran.
I think there’s a lot of issues that could be at play here as to why he may not like Chenford. I say may because we genuinely have no clue! He might be fine on the Chenford of it all, I’m not sure.
1. He may not be happy that we hated Nucy (since it went against his “original plan”). It was surprising to everyone, including Alexi that Chenford became so popular. He’ll do Chenford I think though (which 4B seems to be going in the right direction based off 410!).
Nucy was one of those that everyone tried to force us to accept. Alexi, the social media team (the whole picking a ship name for Nucy etc.), the writers etc. Nolan is the main, and Lucy was originally written to be his LI. But, everyone didn’t like Nucy and adored Chenford right off the bat if I remember right. People love Chenford, it’s blatantly obvious. Look at the amount of likes and retweets a Chenford Twitter post gets compared to a Nolan one.
Everyone wants Chenford! I think Alexi has no choice but to deliver now.
2. He might want Chenford to remain close friends and nothing else based off that men and women can be just deep friends (they can!) and that sex doesn’t need to be involved. But, tptb are probably saying to do Chenford in a romantic relationship.
I don’t mind ships being close friends first (a lot of mine were the friends to lovers trope), but the viewpoint that sex may mess everything up I’m not fond of. If anything, it makes a relationship stronger if they’re together and go there. A romantic relationship doesn’t mean you have to trade the friendship in exchange. It just deepens it, which would benefit Chenford. I know plenty of people who are best friends and married to their significant others. Chenford would fall into that category of being best friends and in a relationship.
3. The writing needs to be better in general.
Case in point, the WOC haven’t had great storylines yet outside of Angela and the La Fiera aftermath in 401. Lucy got the egg debate (that is a whole separate issue), Nyla got the custody battle redux (why? Just why?) and Angela isn’t out in the field. I loved it when Angela went out on patrol with Nolan!
I do wish they’d rebalance screentime like they did in S2 when it truly was an ensemble show. I also wish they’d follow up on some of the older storylines like Angela’s most likely PTSD from the La Fiera situation and Lucy’s DoD (that was a very pivotal Chenford moment, it should be revisited). I also wish they’d give Nyla another storyline aside from the custody battle redux. Maybe even bring back Jackson’s death.
We know Lucy is getting a personal journey in 4B, her parents are coming back allegedly and she has a LI in Chris. I’m looking forward to this! It might rebalance the scales. I’m hoping it’s not egg related. Chenford is working together next week and in 412. So, I think we will be fine in the end and we will get something in finale.
The Chenford of it All
I think there’s an equal chance that Alexi may be warming up to Chenford and not have an issue. In regards to Chenford, you are correct that Tim isn’t Lucy’s TO anymore. Alexi even said as such after the S3 finale. But, by putting Lucy as Tim’s aide, he’s technically her boss again, much like he was when they were TO/Rookie. You are correct that it would be insulting to Lucy to insinuate she isn’t equal to Tim! She’s been his foil since S1. She called him out on things when she was a Rookie! Chenford for all intensive purposes are equals. The only thing that isn’t equal is the rank, but Tim doesn’t treat Lucy like she’s below him, he treats her like an equal partner. That’s been shown multiple times. She is indeed a grown, strong ass woman who can decide who she’s dates or not. After all, some things matter more. I think we may or will be fine.
Lovely anon, I hope this answer meets your expectations! ❤️
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blris96 · 2 years
Do you think we will see jealous Tim? Have you been happy with the #chenford content this season?
Hi lovely anon!
I think once Lucy’s possible LI comes along, we very well will get jealous Tim! Maybe even pining Tim too if it goes the way of Tim breaking up with Ashley, he goes to tell Lucy and finds out she’s seeing someone. Which then he’d keep quiet.
They definitely feel something for each other. No way in hell was it a coincidence that in 403, Tim said “others… might read something else into it” about Lucy being his aide. If anything he’s aware he feels something for Lucy. Lucy tells Tim how to fix something generally, this time, she’s all gung ho on Ashley needs to go. Which leaves the onus on Tim to fix it himself. I’m thinking Lucy is going to realize pretty quickly.
In terms if I’ve been happy with the content? I’d say yes overall! I will say I want more meaningful Chenford ala 409 and in S2. Show us them hanging outside of work for example! As much as I love the pranks and banter, some more serious Chenford would be great too to balance it.
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alphinias · 2 years
No pressure but you did save us from the first half of the obx hiatus by getting the fandom into Nancy Drew… but now ND is about to go on hiatus… so I guess what I’m asking is what else are you watching that we can join you in lmao?
I DON’T KNOW BESTIE. I also need help. What we really need is a weekly show and just about everything I find to get into is a streaming binge. And as of right now I don’t have a Nace/ND where I’m like “hey everyone watch this right now”.
Non obx or ND shows I’m actively waiting for the next season of or at least kind of watching:
-the rookie, which is weekly but also proceed with caution because it’s not been as good lately. Y’all would all lose your minds over chenford S1-2 though.
-Shadow and Bone, hop aboard if y’all haven’t because it’s great and has a ship for everybody (mine in Kanej ofc). Another binge though.
-Wheel of Time on Amazon prime. It’s pretty good if you like high fantasy and it’s weekly but I haven’t finished it yet.
-Loki on D+ which is the only D+ Marvel show I’ve tried. I liked it because I like Loki but it’s also Another Marvel Thing.
-fate the winx saga, which is not necessarily a high quality show at all but I think rivusa has a lot of potential. But I simply can’t be like “everyone watch this” off of 50 seconds of interaction, so proceed with caution lmao.
-The Great on Hulu, which is not what I normally watch and I only recommend trying if you like insane satire humor. I’m watching it right now and I’m almost finished.
-one of us is lying on peacock got renewed for S2, which I will probably watch when it comes out. It’s a mid level show with a really cute non slowburn ship (kinda messed up the pacing at the end of S1 but I’m hoping they fix it in S2. They’ll either fix it or shoot it to hell; to be determined).
-Bridgerton! (Edited to add because I forgot it fjsjsjs)
I may be leaving something out (in fact I always do), but this is where I’m at right now! As y’all can probably tell I’m all over the place in taste haha.
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literali1110 · 3 years
Thanks @poppypickle for the tag! Started a new post because the other threads were getting long, hope that's ok!
Name or preferred nickname: Li (nickname just because my real name is pretty rare)
Pronouns: she/her
What's the story behind your username: some weird combination of my name and the word Literally 😅 I actually wanted it to sound more like Literary because I made it up before posting my first fic but literali fit better with my name. Sometimes I wish I could change it but...it's probably too late now! 1110 is my bday :)
General location: Eastern hemisphere. How's that for general? ;P
Tell us something cool about you in real life: my background is in science and I'm starting a new job soon I'm pretty excited about working on developing a gene therapy drug!
Favorite Chenford moment: this is hard but I think I'm going to be cliche and say the moment he saves her in 2x11 just because of how he's holding on to her for dear life. And just the whole arc of him feeling responsible for what happened to her - GOLD.
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Here are some of my first thoughts I shared on a chat after I saw that episode:
"OMG the rookie 2x11 WOW I already knew what the storyline was but to actually see it - the way they had no music at the end/just lucy singing 🥺
And then TIM was the one who found her and got her out and preformered CPR including MOUTH TO MOUTH (which I'm pretty sure you're not really supposed to do anymore so that was totally for the drama/fans) and then she was sobbing and he HELD HER, I wish could hear what he was saying to her there, and the he stayed by her bed the WHOLE night 😍😍😍 "
Moment that made you start shipping them: I started watching already knowing about the ship and I binged the show in about a week (thru 3x04 I think) but I don't think I really saw them with potential to be a couple (at least not at that moment in time) in the very beginning - Tim was, well, an ass, for a while. But then Lucy stood up to him with Isabel and I think 1x20 is when I really felt more strongly about them as a couple. In S2 their relationship definitely felt like it was in a new place and let's talk about 2x03 THE BET because that, I feel, is a HUGE sign from the writers that Chenford was going to be a thing. The looks she gives him in the episode? Please.
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And then came 2x11 and you already saw my thoughts on that above and I think by then I was fully on board the Chenford train! And of course reading all the great fic about them just made me love them and want them together even more!
Who you think will realize they have FEELINGS first:
I think I agree with what I've seen a lot of people say - that Tim will realize first (maybe when Lucy goes UC?) But he'll wait for Lucy to make the first move. And after her "confession" she seems pretty unaware of her feelings so we'll see when that happens...
Favorite character who isn’t Lucy or Tim:
Jackson or Angela.
But also Nyla!
And Kojo ❤️
Favorite Chenford headcanon:
I love that everyone decided they're going to have a daughter. I love that they have a dog together - I'm not sure if they're at the place where they take hikes together just yet but I'm sure Lucy dogsits sometimes and begs Tim for pictures.
They're gonna be surrogate parents to Tamara for the rest of her life.
They're gonna be aunt and uncle to angel and Wesley's kids and vice versa.
And they're never gonna stop trying to one up eachother, always challenging one another and setting up little pranks!
Do you write fics/make gifs/make vids/do something else cool? You’re awesome! Share your stuff:
I do have a few Chenford fics - I'm LiteraLi on AO3. I also have a few more ideas I'm working on, although I'm a slow writer and a procrastinator but I don't think you've seen the last of me yet!
Fic you’re rec’ing the most right now:
At the top, I gotta rec anything by @fromiftowhen and @universallongings . Then, anything by @farfarawaygirl @firstdegreefangirl @crose84 @toews-a-peek @jakelovesamy @asroarke and @poppypickle .
Special shout out to Beach Relaxation (A Guided Meditation by Tim Bradford) that @crose84 wrote in response to a promt for me - you must check it out, it's the sweetest thing ever!
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But seriously there is sooooo much good fic out there and I'm sorry if I didn't mention anyone by name - just scroll through the chenford tag on AO3 and you'll be sure to find some amazing fic!!
Tag another Chenford fan to fill this out: @lupin72 who gets allllll the credit for introducing me to this ship!
And anyone who wants to do it!!
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