#roof thatcher
philipdorantraditional · 11 months
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vox-anglosphere · 1 year
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Every thatcher creates his own unique roofline. It's like his signature.
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About Framework Thatchers Zimbabwe the thatching company and specialist.
Gazebo thatched by Framework Thatchers Zimbabwe Framework Thatchers Zimbabwe is a thatching company based in Harare, Zimbabwe. We specialize in thatching houses, gazebos, charlets, round huts, and rural huts. We have been in business for over 10 years and have a team of experienced thatchers. We use only the highest quality materials and our work is guaranteed. Framework Thatchers Zimbabwe is…
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leiflitter · 5 months
Hello from Blighty thoughts about Saltburn
As a continuation from my reply to @armands-eyefuckery because BRAIN
Aight gang let's have a lil sit down because there is a big ol angle to the film that I think is getting missed by a lot of folks who aren't from the UK because it's a very uh...
British Thing.
Cut because Length.
Now look. I am not going to go into Thatcher and Her Crimes, but it's worth a google. I do bring it up in You're Almost Home because...
Lots of people are saying Oliver is upper middle class, and honestly? That doesn't track for me. At all. Yes, his parents have a detached house in a nice suburb and they went on holidays, but there's a lot of Very British Context to them that I really want to point out. Also remember, it's 2006/2007. That is also important.
First of all- Oliver's parents probably never went to University.
Really listen to them. How gullible they are- they believe that Oliver can study at Oxford, and be on the rowing team, and be in plays, and be top scholar. He's always been so clever. If Oliver was anything near upper middle class, his parents would be educated professionals. Oliver probably has dockworkers not even three generations back- his dad has management vibes, but he probably worked his way up in the 70s when all you needed was a good attitude and not to be an obvious murderer.
Secondly- let's talk about the house.
As someone from Down South who has also lived Up North, Oliver's Parent's house would not have been as expensive as people think. Let's assume they bought it in the 1980s- we ALL know that house prices are through the roof NOW, but even today there is a huge gap between house prices in the south and the north. 200k down South might get you a one bedroom flat, if you're lucky. 200k in Prescot can get you a 4-bed, semi-detached HOUSE. Check rightmove.
It is also important that the house is relatively new-looking, because over here Upper Middle Class people aren't really into new build houses- if Oliver was upper middle class, he'd be living in something Victorian or Edwardian. Probably somewhere with a good link to London, especially in 2007. It also means that Oliver's parents may not have even bought it outright- my parents got on the housing ladder via a shared ownership scheme. Oliver's parents aren't rich.
Now, the holidays. Mykonos. Another fun Brit thing is the package holiday. Here's a pretty interesting article about them;
Two adults and three kids could absolutely have gone to Mykonos every year in the late 80s/90s for far less than you'd expect, especially if they paid in installments each month.
I also mentioned about Ollie being from Merseyside specifically, but again. CONTEXT. Although Oliver isn't Liverpudlian (it's important, he's from NEAR Liverpool but not Liverpool itself) the North of England as a whole has routinely been fucked over by those in power. The government AND the royals and the very wealthy. It's still ongoing today- again, another fun source.
Remember when Mr Eats-Crunchies-Sideways called him a Bootlicker? That's fucking IMPORTANT. To many folks he IS a bootlicker. He is highly unlikely to have been raised to grovel at the feet of those with hereditary titles and wealth, and honestly he doesn't. I've written before about how Oliver Denies Felix Things and how that dynamic is important. Oliver likely hasn't been raised with any real deference to The Rich (except Princess Diana).
It also effects Oliver's response to Felix, because goddamn it THATCHER again- it is HIGHLY likely that Oliver has lived through a lot of homophobia. Internalised a lot of it. Felix's parents do not give a shit, but that was not the norm. Again, tried to hit on it in YAH, because times have changed since the 90s/2000s and people change with them, but no fuckin wonder Oliver never responded to Felix chirpsing him like a maniac. He's fucking REPRESSED when he's in Oxford, pals. It also makes sense with that weird Tumblr Dom shit he pulls; he's still fuckin weird about it, he's just being In Charge so he doesn't need to be vulnerable in any way. He is only vulnerable for Felix, and even then he can't SHOW felix that, that would be gay.
Leiflitter over'n'out
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lyralit · 2 years
100 fantasy jobs
Academic/professor (history, science, economics)
Adviser (e.g. royal, military)
Animal trainer (e.g. dogs, falcons, horses
Servant (e.g. laundry, kitchen, cleaner)
Gladiator/arena fighter
Glazier (makes glass)
Shipwright (builds ships)
Inventor (e.g. spells, potions, weapons, science)
Lady's maid
Stable hand
Logger (cuts trees)
Master of ceremonies
Sweet maker
Bounty hunter
Merchant (e.g. cloth, jewels, food, materials)
Tanner (makes leather)
Thatcher (makes thatched roofs)
Carriage driver
Chariot racer
Thief (e.g. pickpocket, mugger)
City guard
Trapper (traps animals)
Cooper (makes barrels, buckets etc.)
Nursemaid/wet nurse
Weapons instructor
Weaver (e.g. fabric, rugs, baskets)
Farrier (makes horse
Prisoner (hard labour)
Witch/Wizard hoes)
(via; via)
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monstersandmaw · 1 month
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Spar making update: I’m getting better but the points still need work. Between two of us, we’ve got to make 4000 of them for a thatched roof though, so I’d better get on with it!!
The process involves taking one of the 28” hazel rods in the background of the photo (called ‘gads’) and, using a billhook or a splitting hook (the bigger and blunter of the two blades at the bottom of the photo), and splitting them first in half, and then into either quarters, sixths, or eighths, depending on the thickness of the rod to start with. Then with a pointing hook (smaller of the two blades) you put a three-faced point on each end. They’re kept from drying out and stored for a short while, and a thatcher then twists them into a pincer or staple shape to skewer and secure the thatch of a roof into place.
Spar making is on the Red List of Endangered Crafts so it’s an honour to be continuing this ancient ancient tradition with a few other people.
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AI can turn some impressive party tricks, but it's unsuited for solving serious problems in the real world. This is true of predictive AI, whose correlations are data-driven conspiracy theories, and of large language models like ChatGPT, whose plausible waffle is always trying to pull free of the facts. The real issue is not only that AI doesn't work as advertised, but the impact it will have before this becomes painfully obvious to everyone. AI is being used as form of 'shock doctrine', where the sense of urgency generated by an allegedly world-transforming technology is used as an opportunity to transform social systems without democratic debate. Faced with social structures whose foundations have been eaten away by decades of privatisation and austerity, the political response is to pump money into 'frontier AI' while hyping it up as the most awe-inspiring technology since the Manhattan Project. The Prime Minister says he will "harness the incredible potential of AI to transform our hospitals and schools" while ignoring leaking roofs in the NHS and the literally collapsing ceilings in local schools. This focus on the immaterial fantasies of AI is a deliberate diversion. When large language models are touted as passing basic medical exams, it's because they've absorbed answers from across the internet. They are incapable of the embodied understanding and common sense that underpin medicine, education or any other form of care. One thing that these models definitely do, though, is transfer control to large corporations. The amount of computing power and data required is so incomprehensibly vast that very few companies in the world have the wherewithal to train them. To promote large language models anywhere is privatisation by the back door. The evidence so far suggests that this will be accompanied by extensive job losses, as employers take AI's shoddy emulation of real tasks as an excuse to trim their workforce. The goal isn't to "support" teachers and healthcare workers but to plug the gaps with AI instead of with the desperately needed staff and resources. Real AI isn't sci-fi but the precaritisation of jobs, the continued privatisation of everything and the erasure of actual social relations. AI is Thatcherism in computational form. Like Thatcher herself, real world AI boosts bureaucratic cruelty towards the most vulnerable. Case after case, from Australia to the Netherlands, has proven that unleashing machine learning in welfare systems amplifies injustice and the punishment of the poor. AI doesn't provide insights as it's just a giant statistical guessing game. What it does do is amplify thoughtlessness, a lack of care, and a distancing from actual consequences. The logics of ranking and superiority are buried deep in the make up of artificial intelligence; married to populist politics, it becomes another vector for deciding who is disposable.
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philipdorantraditional · 11 months
Preserving Ireland's Thatching Heritage: Philip Doran Traditional Thatcher
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Welcome to Philip Doran Traditional Thatcher, your premier choice for professional thatching services in Ireland.
Thatching is an art passed down through the ages, and we take immense pride in upholding this heritage. Our skilled team, led by Philip Doran, brings a wealth of experience and expertise to every project we undertake. We combine time-honored techniques with the latest industry innovations to create stunning thatched roofs that stand as a testament to Ireland's architectural legacy.
At Philip Doran Traditional Thatcher, we prioritize using the finest natural materials available. Our water reed and straw are carefully sourced for their durability and authenticity, ensuring your thatched roof not only looks exquisite but also withstands the rigors of time and weather.
We understand that each thatching project is unique, and we work closely with our clients to turn their vision into reality. Whether it's a traditional Irish cottage, a historical landmark, or a contemporary property seeking a touch of nostalgia, our team is equipped to deliver exceptional results that blend seamlessly with the surrounding environment.
Our passion for thatching extends beyond just creating new roofs. We also offer restoration, maintenance, and repair services to ensure that Ireland's cherished thatched structures continue to thrive for generations to come. Our team is well-versed in the intricacies of thatch preservation, making us the ideal choice for historical conservation projects.
In addition to the visual charm thatched roofs exude, we offer practical benefits like excellent insulation and natural ventilation. Our team's expertise in thatch construction and maintenance ensures that your roof retains these functional advantages while staying true to its traditional allure.
At Philip Doran Traditional Thatcher, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of professionalism and craftsmanship. From the first consultation to project completion, we communicate clearly with our clients, providing transparent pricing and realistic timelines. Our commitment to delivering exceptional service means you can trust us to bring your thatching project to life efficiently and within budget.
As a company deeply rooted in tradition, we are equally committed to sustainable practices. We take great care to minimize waste and environmental impact in our thatching processes, preserving not only Ireland's architectural heritage but also its natural beauty.
When you choose Philip Doran Traditional Thatcher, you're choosing more than just a thatching service; you're choosing a partner dedicated to excellence and a love for Ireland's cultural heritage. Our reputation for unmatched craftsmanship and dedication to customer satisfaction has earned us the trust of homeowners, historical preservationists, and commercial clients alike.
Whether you're seeking a new thatched roof that exudes timeless elegance or require skilled artisans to restore a cherished thatched cottage, Philip Doran Traditional Thatcher is your go-to choice. Experience the magic of thatched roofs with our team, where tradition meets innovation and craftsmanship stands the test of time. Contact us today to discuss your project, and let's create a breathtaking thatched roof that captures the essence of Ireland's architectural legacy.
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queer-crip-grows · 9 months
Right-to-buy council houses without specifically only releasing housing that already had a replacement built was of the most notable ways of the *many* that Thatcher et al screwed the UK.
I’d love to have a law put in place that landlords either have to sign contracts to provide housing under council house-type contracts with rent controls to people on housing benefit etc, or sell to the local council at compulsory purchase prices.
Same for all the houses not being lived in - use to house people under contractual controls, or have to sell to the council housing central fund.
Personally I’d start converting all the office units that are no longer needed because so many people are working remotely now into housing too.
Same for the huge city centre shops - I’m not sure if the pattern repeats elsewhere, but I live near Glasgow and the city centre has basically died since Covid. No one is renting the huge retail stores and the place is full of unhoused folk, which is a fucking scandal. So convert them into housing; let the buildings see use, and let those folks get off the streets. Pets and kids specifically allowed too - get families out of one-room shelters and into proper homes of their own.
I’ve heard that there would be issues putting in water infrastructure, but given the place is literally crumbling already and usage in so many areas is so low that having workers digging up the streets to install water lines wouldn’t cause enormous disruption, the time to do this is *now*. Build rainwater catchment and purification systems on roofs too - we get so much rain in the UK it’s kind of ridiculous not to use it! Some of that could go directly to drip irrigation in gardens, but plenty could go right into the houses/flats too. And of course this would provide tons of jobs in construction, architecture, planning etc etc.
Install gardens and green spaces around the place while you are doing this - offer some at low rent, or to buy cheaply, to market gardeners, but specifically put spaces in for communal gardens with the idea of offering allotments and encouraging people to grow their own food.
Put solar panels on every roof and integrate spaces for smaller wind turbines amongst the houses too. Huge storage batteries in basements to make the new blocks as low-footprint and self-sufficient as possible power-wise.
It would be a *fantastic* opportunity to create genuinely accessible housing - office buildings and shops already have lifts and wide corridors ideal for wheelchairs and other mobility devices, so keep that in the design when creating housing. There is a hidden epidemic of houselessness amongst disabled people and older folk with mobility needs, so create low-rent council housing that specifically fits those needs there.
It would regenerate the areas - all the smaller shopfronts not suitable for housing conversion would fill up with people offering the things people in residential neighbourhoods need, with a guaranteed payer base. People on low incomes *use* all of their incomes on necessities, so small businesses selling those necessities will do well. Offer small businesses low rents to provide those necessities. Any that don’t fill up, offer to charities and use for council staff offering the aid and advice people transitioning into housing actually *need*.
Carers are generally low-paid - so this would be an opportunity to offer them cheap housing close to a huge client base in the new accessible housing. No need for low-paid, mostly-female workers to dash constantly between clients in cars. They could walk to work and walk in between clients, who would also no longer be trapped in inaccessible homes, so people who are not actually bedbound would hopefully be less housebound.
Put rooms in the blocks for communal and co-op activities to reduce isolation - with the lifts and wide corridors, even people who are functionally housebound are likely to be able to make it to a room in their own building, and even quite young children could get to those places safely on their own if their parents are working. Wraparound childcare, paid and informal, near where folks actually live.
City centre areas that are now largely dead other than unhoused people, with limited and decreasing zero economic activity taking place and a decreasing incentive for businesses to set up there rather than in out-of-town retail parks people need to drive to, would become vibrant communities with every incentive for businesses to set up there, particularly for the small businesses that still employ the majority of people.
It wouldn’t take a lot to extend this model to transform those out-of-town business parks that are currently largely empty either; nothing says the businesses that are still there would need to move, and they would have a huge new pool of potential employees living within easily walkable distance, though there would need to be oversight to make sure places like Amazon didn’t attempt to buy them up and turn them into company housing. There would need to be a little more investment to provide green transport links like electric buses and trains so that it would be easier for small businesses to move in to provide services, but given the tax income that would result and the reduction in pollution the investment would probably pay itself back within a decade or so.
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mythicandco · 1 year
A Dark And Stormy Night
tw for minor body horror
it's a dark and stormy night.
to be entirely honest, it's cliche. it knows it's cliche, but it's all it can think, looking out the window. raindrops patter against its face and it winces, closing its eyes a little.
the already black sky is completely logged with clouds, lightning illuminating the darkness in spite of stars. it feels something uncomfortable shift in its ribs and grimaces, altering its position in the passenger seat to make up for it.
he glances over at it, looks away again. it doesn't blame him, imagines how it must look now. it notes quietly he doesn't have a rearview mirror or any on either side of the car- that's stupid, and dangerous, but it would also be stupid and dangerous to have them.
he doesn't tell it to roll the window up, but it does after a moment anyways. guilt drags heavy on its bones and skin, and the last thing it wants is to get the inside of his car wet.
it opens its mouth, finds its tongue and teeth aren't in the right positions, and closes it again. if it talks, it'll come out wrong. it doesn't want to make him any more uneasy than it already has.
"you alright over there, kid?" he doesn't take his eyes off the road when he finally breaks the sound of tires on wet asphalt, rain on the metal roof of the vehicle. "I mean, as alright as the circumstances can allow, obviously."
the engine hums in both their bones. bones that click into place. tendons that quietly shift under skin. minds that slowly meld into one. the catalyst was the spark. it's only a matter of time now before it all goes up in a burning inferno of hell.
why did you help me.
it puts a hand over its mouth, but that doesn't stop the sound, if you could even call it that. it isn't... physical, like vibrations from vocal chords. it's something tinged with static, something that curls around the edges of his already-curdling psyche. he winces, and it feels more guilty.
"I don't know," Thatcher admits at length, tapping out an uneasy rhythm on the steering wheel. "you're a kid. you deserve better than that."
it swallows thickly, bleach still burning the nerves behind its eyes. he'd expected it to kill him, but instead it just ate away at all the soft tissue until there was nothing human left but the murky red puddle at its feet. that's why it's an it, not a he.
I'm a monster.
Thatcher lets out a weak chuckle that gives way to a wet-sounding cough. "aren't we all?"
you have no idea how true that is about to be. it hisses and bangs a fist on the center console, startled into speaking out loud. the words are distorted and feel wrong and don't sound like a voice so much as a machine trying to replicate one, but at least they're real. "sh-shit. I didn't mean to-"
"I get it. I get it, it's okay." he doesn't understand what it just said, but he also does, in a way. he can feel it burrowing into the back of his mind, too. he's had MAD for a long time now. "listen. I've been living with that kind of shit for years now. you're not trying to hurt anyone, and as long as you aren't, nothing you say will affect me. alright?"
it nods weakly, feeling sick. half-melted vocal chords strain to get words out. "I'm sorry."
"don't be. it's not your fault."
but it is. I'm the catalyst. everyone is fucked over and it is very much my fault.
Thatcher glares over at it, and it flinches back. he immediately pulls back, mutters an apology of his own. "don't say things like that. if anyone's to blame, it's me. there are at least four people dead because of things I didn't do to protect them. you never asked for any of this, it was all laid out for you before you were even- born, or whatever. but I had it coming."
it closes its eyes again. I want my mommy.
he pauses, processing that. after a minute, he gives up. there's not much to say.
"we'll be back at my place soon. just gotta hold on until then, okay?"
it turns its eyes back outside. it's a dark and stormy night.
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pix4japan · 3 months
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From Fodder to Roofing: Pampas Grass and Thatched Roofs in Modern-Day Japan
Location: Lake Tanuki, Shizuoka, Japan Timestamp: 08:02・2024/02/28
Pentax K-1 II + DFA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 + CP 48 mm ISO 100 for 1/100 sec. at ƒ/11
For over five centuries, pampas grass was ingrained in the daily lives of the Japanese people. It served not only as fodder for cattle and horses but also as a key component for thatched roofs.
Following World War II, the surge in economic growth had a profound impact on the landscape of traditional houses, which underwent a transformation into Western-inspired designs along with a shift in roofing materials. Additionally, the utilization of natural roofing materials became restricted, primarily confined to heritage sites as dictated by revised building codes.
While thatched roofs are commonly associated with farmhouses and mountain dwellings today, certain structures like buildings and gates at shrines and temples continue to embrace this traditional roofing material.
From its historical significance in thatched roofs to the contemporary challenges faced by skilled thatchers, discover the journey of pampas grass, contributing to nationwide repairs on cultural landmarks, including national treasures and significant cultural properties at the full write-up, which includes Google Maps links and references for further reading (https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20240228-pampas).
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localvoidcat · 11 months
you have a buncha biblical names and then theres just... thatcher. literally "roof"
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spot the difference challenge level impossible
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monstersandmaw · 5 months
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Had a proper go at making thatching spars for the first time today! These are made of split hazel, and act like staples to hold the thatch in place on a thatched roof. They need to be nice and slender and flexible for the thatcher to put the twist in before they go in, and it’s surprisingly hard to split hazel rods down into these with a billhook! My teacher made it look very easy…
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acreaturecalledgreed · 9 months
its rly funny when ppl gripe about tiktok and tell on themselves like "its nothjng but bad dancing and thirst traps" buddy that catering algorithm works Very fast my fyp is melting crayons and a japanese roof thatcher what youre seeing is on u
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cookierye · 10 months
if you want to share them. can we hear your ruth weaver thoughts
this is gonna be a long and completely random ramble i hope i don't get a bad grade at ruth weaver which is both normal to fear and possible to achieve
-she has two dads. because i said so. i was thinking she should also get to have many siblings that she had a great relationship with because i want her to be happy damnit
-whenever she gets mad at someone that she's close to like friends or family she just. picks them the fuck up sack of potatoes style. it cheers her up cause she finds it funny and it's difficult to continue an argument when you're being carried around
-she loves knitting and making little things. once as a joke for his birthday she made Thatcher the most visually horrid sweater possible and he was all like wow this sucks. he also refuses to get rid of it
-i like the idea that she has a daughter. im thinking she's a single mother. sometimes she shows up to work with stickers on her arms and that badly made makeup kids do and if anyone tells her anything she tells them to fuck off
-she is So energetic. there is so much energy in this woman. she somehow manages to have time for a full job, being a mother, and exercising on the daily
-she isn't as committed to the MCPD work as Thatcher is. she can understand the importance of saving people but paperwork is boring and the protocols annoy her more often than not. she's here to help people and only that, so the rules are sometimes optional for her
-her house has a blue roof. this has nothing to do with anything i just think it would because it's fun
-sports fan. you just BET she was there for those mandela meerkat tournaments cheering on the kids. the one to be bringing snacks and water for everyone and congratulating the kids after the game
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spookiifi · 1 year
So that new Mandela video
Bro Alex
Spoilers and notes for Mandela Catalyst under the cut
- Hehe St. Gabriel Church pretty priest man go brrr
Evelyn: “Adam?”
?Adam?: “Evelyn, come here. I want to show you something.”
Evelyn: What are you doing?
?Adam?: I want to show you.
- I’m placing bets that it’s Adam’s alternate. It has to be.
- Is Dave still alive? Was he assimilated? 
- Who’s that handsome gentleman on the corner of the roof there?
- “Suspect identified” IT IS. That has to be
- You’re just gonna leave it like that?
- Wait maybe that was his alternate because of the crooked jaw?? He looked so dead inside.
- Was Thatcher the one filming?? Bro’s already scarred for life. Why don’t we add on some more trauma? That has to be a dash cam or something
- The only thing to actually scare me. Wow dude...
- Hoo boy. Hearing ya loud and clear on that one Gabe...sheesh.
- Alex’s you did great on this one my dude. Brilliant my dude <3
Y’all feel free to message me on thoughts and opinions. I want to hear more about this.
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