hybridempress · 2 years
Lost Time
Rating: G Pairing: RodyDeku Summary: Five years ago, Rody sent a letter to his friend Midoriya Izuku and never got one back. Rody has tried to move on and get over the pain of losing his one and only confidant ever since, but some days it's harder to ignore the aching in his chest than others. However, when by complete coincidence Rody and Izuku end up running into each other again, Izuku seems ecstatic about it. In his confusion and heartbreak, Rody pretends that he doesn't know Izuku at all. Day 5 of RodyDeku Week: Reunion Author's Notes: I need to start writing down my notes about a fic as soon as I'm done writing it, otherwise I always end up forgetting what I want to say about the fic. I like this one a lot, once again it's one of those things where if I hadn't been so pressed for time I would have tried to make it longer. There's so much more of a story to be told here, but it was nice to be able to write this little scene.
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@rodydekuweek @rodydekuzine
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rodydekuweek · 2 years
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The prompts for RodyDeku Week are here!
Thank you everyone so much for your patience, as well as for your love, support, and all of your suggestions and votes! Here is our final list of prompts for the event! Each day has 3 prompts assigned to it, two phrase prompts and one song lyric prompt. The prompts and their assigned days are as follows:
Feb 13th, Day 1: Birthday | Modern/Quirkless AU | “I feel your love, and I feel it burn/Down this river, every turn/Hope is our four-letter word/Make that money, watch it burn” from Counting Stars
Feb 14th, Day 2: Valentine’s Day | Soulmate AU | “Melting in the incredible speed of the passing scenery/Everything fades/The young flower vendor standing on the street corner/Reminds me of you” from Flowers
Feb 15th, Day 3: Fantasy AU | Babysitting | “Please don’t be in love with someone else/please don’t have somebody waiting on you” From Enchanted
Feb 16th, Day 4: RodyDeku but make it ✨sapphic✨ | Pino | “A backless dress and some beat up sneaks/ My discotheque Juliet teenage dream/I felt it in my chest as she looked at me/I knew we were bound to be together” from Shut Up and Dance
Feb 17th, Day 5: Long Distance | Reunion | “The awkwardness of a room with no sound/My days without you are so vapid/Yet once again I rise up with just myself/To this reality that spreads out before me” From Empathy
Feb 18th, Day 6: Roadtrip | Please Stay | “I always thought I might be bad/Now I’m sure that it’s true/Because I think you’re so good/And I’m nothing like you” from Love Like You
Feb 19th, Day 7: Pro Hero/Support | Free Day! | “Joined at the hip, yeah your sidekick needs you/Life is a trip down the road that leads you/Look all around at all the mountains you haven't climbed” from When Can I See You Again?
Please also keep in mind that these prompts are all suggestions and loose guidelines rather than hard rules! Feel free to mix and match prompts, do the days out of order, use more than one prompt on each day, interpret the prompts however you want, or do your own thing!! We can't wait to see what you guys all create! Please be sure to read through the rules we made for the event (which can be found on our blog’s home page) before you get started! Thank you all again for all of your support, love, and creativity!
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bnhafandomesp · 2 years
Eventos semana 14-20 febrero
Esta vez venimos con tantito retraso a compartir los eventos de la semana. Esperamos hayan tenido un lindo San Valentín.
Ahora sí, los eventos:
Call of the wild Prompt Week (11-17) https://twitter.com/CotWZine
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  RodyDeku Week 2022 (13-19) https://twitter.com/RodyDekuWeek
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Clockwork Hearts -steampunk bkdk- (13-19) https://twitter.com/BKDKKerosene/status/1485989633435607041
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  BakuDeku Sin Week 2022 (14-20) https://twitter.com/bkdksinzine/status/1485093673608126464
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 Hurt Shouto Week (14-21) https://twitter.com/HurtShoutoWeek
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  CONTINÚA: BNHA Toxic Valentine (todo el mes) https://twitter.com/BNHAproship/status/1487327643447877633
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El calendario completo, con vínculos a los eventos, lo pueden revisar acá: http://bit.ly/2YDKqPm
Y los prompts traducidos de cada evento, acá: https://bit.ly/3aaELq1
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hybridempress · 2 years
in this life or any other
Rating: G Pairing: RodyDeku Summary: When a person meets their soulmate for the first time in a life cycle, the floodgates of their soul's memories start to open. Pieces of deja vu here and there, slowly growing into full visions and memories of past lives they've lived with their soulmate. Rody and Izuku both start to have these weird little blips right after Izuku leaves Otheon, though, neither of them make the connection at first. Day 2 of RodyDeku Week, Prompt; Soulmate AU | "Flowers Author's Notes: Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Day 2 of RodyDeku week is here and I have soulmate AUs to deliver! Originally the idea I had for this was admittedly much grander. Out of all the fics I wrote this week, I can confidently say this is the one I like the least ^^; I just don't think it was well-executed, if I'd had more time it might have gone over better but this is already the second-longest fic I've written for the event and I just couldn't justify making it any longer. I REALLY wanted to incorporate the line from "Flowers" into the way I wrote this prompt too but it just came out far more lackluster than I was hoping. But hey, to have written 7 fics in one month and for only one of them to be a dud, that's pretty good, isn't it? Hope you guys will still enjoy it anyways, even if it isn't my personal favorite!
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@rodydekuweek @rodydekuzine
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hybridempress · 2 years
H-O-P-E is our four-letter word
Rating: G Pairing: Rodydeku Summary: There's a massive birthday party for Rody going on downstairs with all the friends he never believed in a million years he would have, but right now, all he wants to do is sit on his roof in the February snow and drink a bottle of wine. And if his boyfriend wants to join him for a while, well, who would he be to say no? Day 1 of RodyDeku Week, Prompt: Birthday Author's Notes: I'm still shocked and super proud of myself that I managed to get all 7 fics done in the span of one month. It was NOT easy. I was down to the wire. I actually finished writing this one only yesterday, just in time to post it today. Admittedly, this was not the original idea that I wanted to go with. I ended up writing a first draft of this story and hating it, so I scrapped it and started over with a different idea. I like where it's at now. Short and sweet, which is something I rarely have the power to do. I can't wait to show you guys what I've got in store for the rest of this week! Hopefully my month-long hiatus from all my other fics will be well worth it!
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@rodydekuzine @rodydekuweek
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hybridempress · 2 years
Ashes, Ashes, Dust To Dust (don't you want to feel something in those heavy little veins of yours?)
Collaboration with @sinonymous-story-ideas Rating: T Pairing: RodyDeku Summary: Ever since his father died, leaving him and his siblings alone at the mercy of their wicked stepmother, Rody has been struggling to find the strength to keep going. One day, he received an invitation to a royal ball held in honor of Prince Izuku and his search for a bride. Rody knows he has only received the invitation because his gender is registered as female, but he feels like a night of fun in the castle might be just what he needs to put a spring back in his step. But of course, nothing so spectacular ever goes according to plan, does it? Day 3 of RodyDeku Week: Fantasy AU Author's Notes: I managed to post this on AO3 before it got too late last night but didn't have the chance to post it on socials until today! But it's just because Ginger and I worked so hard on it and it's SO FREAKING LONG! I'm so proud of us for getting it done in time lol!! I really hope everyone likes it!! And thank you Ginger for being the best collab partner ever omg!!
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@rodydekuzine @rodydekuweek
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rodydekuweek · 2 years
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Well, here we are everyone, Day 7! We are so sad to see the event end but also sooooo happy and excited about how many of you made/are making awesome art and fanfic for our little event!! Thank you so much everyone!! Here are today’s last prompts!!
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rodydekuweek · 2 years
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Today’s the day, everyone!! RodyDeku Week has officially begun!!!
Here’s today’s prompt! Make sure to use the #rodydekuweek tag in all of your posts and don’t forget to tag us + @rodydekuzine to participate in our zine giveaway!! Let’s see the RodyDeku Content pour in!!!
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hybridempress · 2 years
there's a change gonna come
Rating: G Pairing: RodyDeku Summary: Now that Rody has had some time to settle down into a nice new life with Roro and Lala in Japan, there had been plenty of time to start following dreams and making self-discoveries. The biggest discovery of all comes in the form of Rody realizing that she's probably a girl. Coming out to all of her new friends is going to be a challenge in and of itself, but it's especially scary when she doesn't even know if her girlfriend Izuku likes other girls. To get the whole thing off her chest and try to find some answers, Rody decides to sit down and have her first "girls chat" with Ochako. RodyDeku Week Day 4: RodyDeku but make it ✨sapphic✨ | Pino Author's Notes: Now THIS is the day that I have been waiting for!! Happy RodyDeku Week Day 4!! The RodyDeku but make it *sapphic* prompt is my FAVORITE prompt on the list for this event. I could NOT pass up the chance to write a cute little fic about trans lesbian Rody and cute bisexual girl Izuku. I really really like the headcanon that Pino is a girl because that's how Rody truly feels about her gender, which is what initially inspired me to write this fic!
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@rodydekuweek @rodydekuzine
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rodydekuweek · 2 years
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Alrighty everyone, it's giveaway time!!
RodyDeku Week is proud to team up with the "Soul of a Hero" RodyDeku Zine (@rodydekuzine) to present to you this super awesome giveaway!!
Through this giveaway, 3 participants in RodyDeku Week will be randomly selected to win a FREE digital copy of the "Soul of a Hero" Zine!! Isn't that awesome!? Here's all you need to know about how to make your entry!
All you have to do to enter the contest is to tag both @rodydekuweek and @rodydekuzine in your posts for RodyDeku Week! Each post that you make for RodyDeku Week can be counted as its own entry, so the more RodyDeku content you create, the higher your chances of winning! Please keep in mind that only submissions made during the week of the event (February 13th-19th) will be accepted, so any early or late submissions to the week will not be counted!
The "Soul of a Hero" Zine's contributor applications are opening in February, so participating in RodyDeku Week is a great way to make sure your portfolio is chock-full of RodyDeku content if you intend on applying for the Zine! We can't wait to see what you guys create and we hope you have so much fun! Remember, you can also participate in RodyDeku Week and in the giveaway on Twitter as well. RodyDeku Week Twitter RodyDeku Zine Twitter
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rodydekuweek · 2 years
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Just two more days left!! So sad to see us coming to a close but so happy to see how everyone has participated!! Here are the Day 6 prompts, keep up the awesome work guys!!
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rodydekuweek · 2 years
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We’re in the home stretch now everyone!! Welcome to day 5!!
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rodydekuweek · 2 years
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Hello everyone and welcome to Day 4!! This is the day that mods are most excited for!! Let’s see those beautiful ladies today!! 🥰
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rodydekuweek · 2 years
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Day 3 everybody!! We are REALLY excited to see what everyone came up with for these prompts!! Let’s keep the RodyDeku coming y’all!!
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rodydekuweek · 2 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Loved all of yesterday’s submissions, can’t wait to see what all of you are doing for today!
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rodydekuzine · 2 years
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We want to wish a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the one and only Rody Soul! This project certainly wouldn't be possible without him, now would it? Feel free to tag us in anything you've made for his birthday that you want us to see!
And don't forget, the @rodydekuweek account is hosting a week of RodyDeku content, starting TOMORROW! Anything you post from the 13th- 19th enters you into our giveaway to receive a free digital zine! Just be sure to tag us! [[RodyDeku Week Info]]
And, of course, contributor apps are still open until March 10th, so be sure to apply!
App: https://forms.gle/HBnLegVozXeenUjYA
@uahigh-newsletter @zine-scene@bokunozines @bnhafandomcalendar @atozines @fandomzines @bnhafandomevents @zinefeed @bnha-community-board
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