fangedkate · 1 year
one day I will figure out why my rock is green when wet and white when dry.
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rockfact · 2 years
playing cotl is so fun but can they stop shitting and then falling asleep next to their shit girl ur gonna get sick and im going to let you die and put you in a pit
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prfm-multiverse · 7 months
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A new PTA movie was published. 2023.11.17 Behind-the-scenes movie of Inazuma Rockfes. 2023!
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subakogas · 14 days
please put subaru in one of the intense songs so i can see rockfes / onibi cool baru again . Thx
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forestfairy9969 · 9 months
Lake Superior at Whitefish point, Michigan upper peninsula
Follow my tiktok for more!
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there shoujld be amini espisode with us where we are reading wilashe sex with the rockf msuci playign in the bakcgorudn
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 11 months
If makoto got the model rizz will subaru fs2 have the rockfes and onibi rizz
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wildwoof · 7 months
12, 20, 24!
Munday Meme!
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12. Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back?
There're many old muses I've contemplated bringing back over the years. Of course, I've never FULLY gone through with it. Still, there are certain instances when I have brought back old muses, yet never fully wrote them. I mainly brought them back to have them there. But ONE muse I have wanted to bring back in the past was Gilbert Nightray from Pandora Hearts! He was my very first official muse on tumblr I had for YEARS. Some stuff went down in the fandom like not long after Pandora Hearts' publication came to an end & as a sensitive soul, it affected me drastically. So, I've never even brought him back when I was mainly using my multi-muse blog. When I bought old muses back, I always added them onto there. But sadly I am so absorbed in Ensemble Stars!! & Koga in particular that I don't think I'll be able to even think about bringing any muses back.
20. How do you overcome writer’s block?
I wait it out. My ability to write efficiently comes & goes like crashing waves on a beach. If I'm feeling writer's block, I usually just don't do anything until I finally feel that CLICK in my brain & all of a sudden I'm answering almost everything in one go. Sometimes I don't get hit with the will to write until it's like super late into the night, so I just do what I can. But, if you see me musing or brainrotting on dash with no actual writing for days, it just means I'm stuck in a brain fog with writer's block, but it's not that I'm purposely ignoring anyone or anything!
24. What about your muse are you most proud of?
Honestly???? Everything. But, if I'm here to be specific about one thing in particular, it has to be his growth away from Rei at last. His dependence on Rei went so deep, but he pulled himself out of it by facing Rei head on properly during the Repayment Festival. Koga never WANTED to show how much he relied on Rei, but every little subtle thing led straight to his dependence & reliance on the older boy. For a lot of the beginning half of the year's stories in ! era, Koga isn't often seen away from Rei, or the Light Music Club room where Rei would sleep. Even when he acted like he didn't need Rei, push Rei away or say he's a lone wolf, he was still so often with Rei. Rei noticed this too, of course, which is where the RockFes story begins to take its turn. Koga needed to find someone else to do it with on his own, which ultimately Rei still interfered due to filling Subaru & co in on it. But it's what Koga needed. It's later stories you begin to see Koga interacting more with the other second years & the beginnings of his friendships. But his persona was still very harsh. This is where the Repayment Festival begins its turn on him. What he truly needed was to allow others in. To stop pushing everyone else away. He accepted Adonis as his closest friend. He accepted Subaru & co as his friends. He even changed his tune with Arashi & others. His nicknames became less crass, he turned his tune around completely. By !! era, he's off doing his own things constantly. While he still cares about Rei & loves Rei, he's able to stand on his own two feet with nothing holding him back. He's warm. Still rough around the edges, but he's far FAR more his own person than latching onto Rei. So proud of him. Of course, Rei still means a lot to him, which is why like he was affected by Rei ignoring him so traumatically, but he doesn't NEED Rei. He's able to work things out on his own & stand proudly.
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gachapulls · 2 years
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wildmagicfeygirl · 4 months
Fuckity fucking fuck fuckinh sent a follow up email tonmy dream job that i applied too and am in NO WAY qualified for!
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booksfriendsnews · 4 years
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Reposted from @cherishbooksbr [REVELAÇÃO DE CAPA] Rock f* Club: Michelle Mankin @michellemankin Sinopse: 10 cidades em duas semanas 10 famosas estrelas do rock. Nos meus joelhos. Contra a parede. Nos meus seios. Eu não ligo. Contanto que eu tenha provas para comprovar isso. Por quê? Porque eu peguei meu ex-namorado da banda Heavy Metal Entusiastas fazendo um estilo cachorrinho com uma groupie nos bastidores na noite em que deveríamos estar comemorando nosso aniversário de 1 ano. Ele me disse que eu estava muito tenso. Que eu era baunilha demais. Muito chato. Então fiquei bêbada com minha melhor amiga, Marsha West, a aspirante a cinegrafista. Eu falei. Eu adorava. Eu tive uma ideia maluca. O que eu não sabia era que minha melhor amiga me gravou. Marsha colocou o vídeo no YouTube. Tornou-se viral com 10 milhões de acessos. Agora tenho fãs e patrocinadores me oferecendo muito dinheiro. Os astros do rock estão se oferecendo para serem meus amigos de foda. Hollywood está chamando. Eu escolho quais estrelas do rock eu quero. As apostas são altas. Isso simplesmente ficou real. O que poderia dar errado? Biografia: MICHELLE MANKIN é uma das autoras mais vendida do New York Times com a série de romances Black Cat Records. Quando Michelle não está vagando pelas ruas de sua cidade no Texas, ouvindo seu rock e seu funk muito alto, ela está colocando seus devaneios no papel ou viajando pelo mundo com sua família e amigos, e às vezes, somente às vezes, ela finge que está fazendo isso. #Amazon #AmazonBR #AmazonBrasil #CherishBooks #CherishBooksBr #CherishBooksBrasil #Kindle #KindleBr #KindleUnlimited #SeloEditorialDigital #michellemankin #RockF*club https://www.instagram.com/p/CIa4IqeDH-C/?igshid=1ebmw3ajicsmk
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jjordan7 · 7 years
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Horseshoe bend by ylacaille
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connor-burrows · 7 years
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Aldeyjarfoss Iceland by urs-schmidli
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ritsucakes · 5 years
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rock n roll
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gif & fx rock-metal
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mike13mt · 7 years
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Hotrod by Thunder1203
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