#riz complet
applebees4prez · 2 months
riz being aroace as well as fabian’s gay awakening is the only correct option but also the funniest one. this loser (affectionate) is obsessed with you but in somehow the most platonic way possible and there’s a second where you think he might like guys and has even dated one but nope it’s the manifestation of his fears of his total lack of romantic attraction. meanwhile girls are asking YOU why you always bring HIM up and you can’t face the fact that you are actually just as obsessed with him because you are just afraid of your sexuality as he is of his. crazy.
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natjennie · 4 months
riz and kristen are suuuuuch a funny duo. campaign manager. he already filled his name in and her last name. shaky thumbs up. giving her his tie. backup tie in the briefcase. they're incredible.
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acadieum · 7 months
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up to no good.. 🤫
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ghostlyeris · 3 months
here's the thing. as someone who was hot in high school, i COMPLETELY understand how riz is simultaneously the hottest goblin you've ever seen and still the school nerd.
riz is hot. but riz is also a freak. even in a world with literal magic, riz is a little fucking weirdo. he barely cares about your problems if you're not his friend and he certainly does not care about your crush on him. if you get too romantic around him, he hisses in your face. any possible feelings one may have gets destroyed the minute he opens his mouth.
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wyyvoren · 26 days
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finished badkids!!!!! i’ll post individual notes for each of them later!!!
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sorbeau · 1 year
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I AM SO NORMALLLL!!!! SOOOOO NORMALLLLLLLL!!!!!!! season 1 riz was so silly goofy i can't get enough
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huidol · 3 months
love this part so so bad
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tea-time221 · 1 year
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guys please watch fantasy high please watch it its so good an absolutely perfect fucking campaign i am in love with the entire cast
and yes i am a fabriz truther. its honestly just me projecting
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justablah56 · 4 days
hellooooo fh fandom , can I interest you in some riz and adaine hurt comfort
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also @cookies-over-yonder , for you my friend 🤲
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biblicalhorror · 3 months
Aroace Riz real but also Fabian is SO clearly in love with him and Riz has no idea
#honestly fabian might not even fully know yet#a core part of fabians character is that he is so deeply afraid of rejection that he is never going to pursue the people he actually wants#i do think he likes Maezy a lot but i think he only knows how to pursue hot toxic women that will discard him at a moments notice#which in a way protects him from ever actually dealing with heartbreak#is he a gay man dealing with comphet? ehh maybe#i could see that#but I think the vibe i get is more about how he has these platonic friends he completely adores and is fully devoted to#and then in another category he has the people that he does not have any actual attachment to that he will allow himself to pursue#and crossing the boundaries in between those two categories or allowing himself to pursue someone he really cares for#would require a level of vulnerability he is in no way prepared for#in his home life he has an emotionally detached mother who is well liked but kind of floats through interactions on a surface level#and a father who is extremely concerned with fame and glory and attention but doesnt seem to have ever stopped moving in his life#genuinely fabian does not know what a safe loving partnership would look like#and we see him constantly oscillating between emulating his mother and his father in relationships#but just beneath the surface is a little boy who wants so badly to cling to his loved ones so tight and be squeezed right back#with no way of knowing how to even ask for that if he wanted#and riz is his best friend in the world and he knows on some level that riz is simply not interested in having that kind of relationship#not on the level fabian needs#but that also makes riz a safe target for these feelings of devotion#theyre just friends! just besties! fabian never has to reckon with his own loneliness or harmful patterns#if he channels all of his yearning for closeness onto his best friend#anyway! this boy needs therapy#fhjy#fhjy spoilers#fabriz
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mccoyquialisms · 2 months
my theorizing so far re the gods:
I think that many years ago Sol and Galicaea conspired to remove their celestial rivals (Ankarna and Cassandra, respectively) and steal their followers for themselves. The way this was done for Cassandra is known. It has been implied the unnamed god's transition from the more benign 'summer, sun' domain to the more aggressive 'fire, wrath' domain was a gradual transition of faith traditions, but the triggering event for this was not made clear. I suspect that Sol was involved with this, as in the modern day of Spyre he and his son Helio now embody the summer/sun aspects. The Rat Grinders insistence in involving specifically a cleric of Sol is also highly suspicious. There has been a lot of emphasis on the different aspects of the gods and how they might be influenced by their followers, but I don't think we should be discounting the actions gods can make on the mortal world through their followers, and I think teasing out this connection will be essential to solving the mystery. There have been FAR too many references to Galicaea and Sol this season for them to not have a hand in this. The absolutely insane series of events in the Hallowed summoning circle seem to point to this as well.
As for the rage god themselves, they seem to be dangerous, both to the world and to Cassandra specifically. Very possibly they were transformed into some kind of hellish or fiendish god, they became dangerous, and this is what ultimately prompted them being killed. However, I can't escape the thought that there has to be more to it than that. There's been a lot of talk this campaign about 'fairness', and you know what strikes me as exceedingly unfair? Having your domain stolen, your wife killed by her own siblings and being utterly powerless to stop it. It is unfair that you are unable to even mourn them properly or have any hope of their revival. You can't even speak their name. Rage against injustice is not inherently bad and is often needed to trigger meaningful action. What delineates useful anger and useless anger is what you do with it, which is a theme which has constantly popped up this season. Was Ankarna's developing rage justified, but it then turned into something ugly and untenable? Cassandra's domain has been characterized as "scary" and "dark", and in one aspect of her it IS, but it's been made abundantly clear this season that it is also protective and beautiful and needed. She was redeemed and made who she is now by someone recognizing and believing in that. It would make sense to me that the being she once walked hand in hand with would need that kind of belief to be redeemed too.
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badgerclawsaresharp · 2 months
not me latching onto the character that refuses to open up in therapy when i am currently. refusing to open up. in therapy.
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sluttylittlewaste · 1 month
Dimension 20 fandom has some of the most feral shipping culture I've ever experienced. I'm starting to think y'all are fully incapable of perceiving platonic relationships
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brewstersbru · 2 months
A little riz ficlet i started last week and finished today (pok feels 💚)
Your name is Riz.
Riz knows Kristen didn’t mean it, knows she was just being funny, trying to ease his nerves before his first big game on the Owlbears. But he can’t stop hearing his mother’s voice in his head, digging, nudging him to buck up and fight against it.
He regrets snapping at her, but not as much as he should, probably. He’s not certain he would’ve even said anything if his mom hadn’t had that conversation with him.
And now Kristen’s getting expelled, but not really, and instead they have to go through a harrowing trial of standardized testing coupled with fighting monsters where it only ends if all of them die or they kill all the monsters.
No one has ever killed all the monsters before, and Riz isn’t arrogant enough to actually believe they’ll be the first. Not with the weight of Junior year on their shoulders. It’ll be nice to see his dad again, outside of the tiny little hologram on his watch, or when he talks to the air around his grave- never knowing for sure but believing that he’s there, listening.
But dying hurts. Riz still gets nightmares about that first time he did it, and it doesn’t help that the video of it happening is still up for everyone to see. The views keep climbing, no matter how time marches on people still search it up. It makes him a little nauseous to think about.  
There’s a lot on Riz’s mind tonight- not that there hasn’t always been- but for some reason he can’t tune it out right now, can’t push it down with work or school or trying to solve a mystery. His mind is just running, turning over and over itself, churning through the complicated web of problems he’s found himself caught in.
There’s just so much that needs fixing, that needs to be worked on and chipped away at and he can’t do anything about it. Just has to stare at the ceiling of the living room in Mordrid Manor, trying to will himself to sleep while his friends snore beside him. Well- Adiane isn’t really sleeping, but after finally dropping the mental weight of her finances, she’s been falling deeper into her trances to regain her energy.
It feels almost like his heart is about to jump right out of his chest, like it’s squirming around, trying to wedge itself up his throat and out of his mouth. Riz would never tell anyone this but he’s terrified that he’s still that same futile little thing he was in the palimpsest. Scratching at thick walls until his hands bleed, littered with shards of the effort, but in that righteous violence, ultimately having done nothing of real use.
How many times does he have to bleed for it to mean something? How many times does he have to die before his friends can stay with him? Before people and gods and monsters stop trying to pry them away from his bloody, clenched fingers. He worked for this, he dug deep and rent himself in six equal pieces for the hope of staying together. How much more could the universe possibly expect from him? When is it enough?
There’s a soft beep from his wristwatch- which, unlike all of his other gadgets, he never takes off, not even when sleeping- and Riz takes the opportunity to get away from staring at the same crack in the ceiling he’s been looking at for the past hour. He stands and picks his way through a maze of limbs and drool to the kitchen.
With some semblance of privacy, he checks the watch. What could his dad- Agent Gukgak- need from him at this time of night? Does time work the same way up there? Is he ok? Is it possible for him not to be?
A small hologram of his father appears above the watch, disheveled, as if he just got back to the office. As soon as he appears, he steps back for a moment and quickly catalogues his son’s state. After about a minute, he heaves a deep sigh.
“You’re ok.” It’s not a question. Riz nods, slowly.
“I am, sure. But what about you, Agent Gukgak- sir? What’s wrong? Why’d you call?”  He tries to keep his voice quiet, and moves towards the front door, hoping to get outside so he and Agent Gukgak can have a serious business conversation without him sounding like a teenager at a sleepover. He is a teenager at a sleepover, but that’s beside the point.
Agent Gukgak tilts his head at him. “Kiddo, I didn’t call for me, I called for you. Your heartbeat spiked about a half hour ago and hasn’t returned to baseline since. I called as soon as I could get back.”
Riz, having just made it outside- the door creaked just slightly, but he’s not worried about any of the others having heard; they sleep like logs- stumbles a bit as he tries to settle himself on the porch steps.
It’s late, so he can be forgiven for lacking his usual tact as he stutters, “Wha- huh? This thing can track my heartbeat?” Like that was the most important part of what Agent Gukgak had said.
Agent Gukgak smiles at him, wry. “Course it can, and your blood sugar, iron levels, as well as body temperature. You should talk to your mom about iron pills, actually, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. I know you haven’t been to the doctor for a while, but we’ve been detecting low iron in your blood for a while. And don’t even get me started on your eating habits, you’re just like your mother, waiting until you’re near ready to faint to give your body anything substantial.” His tone starts warm, but quickly devolves into something more scolding. Riz allows the conversation to derail a little bit.
“It’s not that I do it consciously, I just forget. There’s a lot of work to do and it’s hard to schedule out non-school-mandated mealtimes for myself. I’ll make a note about the iron though.” Riz thinks they’re both overtly aware of the fact that he doesn’t move to jot anything down. Iron pills have got to be expensive, and if he’s made it this far without, he doesn’t see a reason to ask for them now. Agent Gukgak sighs.
“Riz- it’s- I-“ He pauses, takes a second to collect himself. “I often find myself wishing, when we talk, that I was able to come down there and live with you and your mother. At least until we sent you off to college.” There’s a wistfulness to his gaze that Riz can’t find it within himself to watch, he knows what’s at the end of this train of thought and it’s never pretty. ‘What ifs’ and ‘could have beens’ are only as good as a wish, because they’re never rooted in reality. Always washed with rose and drowned in nostalgia.
Riz cuts in, “You’ve been doing good work where you can. And- and I think I turned out pretty okay. All things considered.” It feels a little strange to be defending his father to himself, but Agent Gukgak just shakes his head.
“More than ‘pretty okay’, kiddo. You’re the best thing I’ve ever done, not just in your work, but in who you are. I see the way you care for your friends, the way you help your mother, the way you meet every problem head on with a plan and a backup plan, just in case. I just wish the world had been kinder. Wish I coulda been there to make it be, when it couldn’t get there on its own.”
And then, for some, mortifying reason, Riz bursts into tears. It’s not loud or messy or even really all that different than what he usually looks like. At a distance, you probably wouldn’t even be able to tell. But there are tears streaming steadily down his face and every so often he has to sniff and blink his eyes to catch up with the stream. He swipes an arm roughly across his eyes to try and stem the flow, or better, stop it completely.
“I’m sorry, Agent-“
“Dad. Just call me dad kiddo. Please. Or Pok, just- not ‘Agent Gukgak’.” Pok’s own expression has crumpled, brows furrowing at the sight of his son so obviously distraught with no way to physically comfort him.
Riz nods, “Sorry, dad, I don’t-“ He sniffs, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. It’s just Kristen’s being expelled unless we do this last stand thing tomorrow where we’re probably gonna die at the end, and I saw my name in Kipperlilly’s file but I haven’t had time to figure out why it’s there, and Fig skipped class again, which, I know isn’t going to fail her probably but it makes me nervous because what if she starts skipping every day again? Also our vice principal might be crazy and evil and I haven’t had any time at all to look into that-“
He cuts himself off with a gasping, cut-off sob, burying his face in his arm in his overwhelm but keeping his wrist level so Pok remains visible.
It’s hard to see through the rivers of tears that are spouting from his tear ducts, but Riz thinks he sees his father tugging at his hair, pacing as he watches this unfold. Huh, they kind of are the same.
“You’re seventeen. Seventeen, you shouldn’t- I can’t-“ He seems at a loss for words, baffled by the injustice of it all. Riz has stopped trying to fight the waves of tears, instead letting them wash over them, swiping at his cheeks every couple of seconds to keep them dry.
Pok paces for a few more minutes, fiddling with different parts of his outfit until he’s gathered his thoughts.
“I’m sorry, Riz.” Is what he settles on, moving close to the image capture of the hologram so that, if Riz were to tilt his head forward, it could almost be as if they were touching foreheads. Pok continues, closing his eyes.
“I’m sorry I can’t be there and I’m sorry that you have so much to deal with right now. I wish I could do more, but all I can give you is advice. What you’ve got on your plate right now, every piece of this hellish puzzle, both is and is not a war. There’s you, and there’s the problem, and a lot of times it seems like the problem is so much bigger than you are, so much more than you’re equipped to handle. Like you’re a man at the base of a mountain with a shovel, hoping to dig a hole through it. But once you start thinking that, the moment you let yourself become less than, that’s when you start losing. You either gotta grow to match the size of it or cut it into little pieces you know you can handle, and I’ve never met anyone who could do the first of those.”
Pok takes a deep breath, then his lips quirk into a rueful smile.
“Also, it’s a lot easier to do things when you eat, and you let other people help you.” He emphasizes the last parts with a heavy look directly into Riz’s eyes. Like he knows exactly how he’s been doing things thus far and is telling him to change it up, for his own sake.
Riz sniffles, nodding. If he closes his eyes, he can almost feel the warmth of his father’s skin through the hologram. Or the illusion of it.
“I can do that.” Riz takes a deep breath. “I can do that.”
Pok smiles. “I know you can, kid. Just take it slow. Don’t lose yourself in it.” He speaks as if he’s learned from experience. The realization of how little he truly knows his father hits Riz like a bucket of ice water. A shiver works its way up his spine.
For a moment, he considers asking. Thinks about spending the night on this porch, effectively on the phone with his dad, talking and learning things he’s wanted to know for as long as he’s been visiting Pok’s grave. Then, Pok clears his throat, expression pinched with regret.
“Sorry, kid I-“
Then he remembers that life isn’t fair, and the world moves on, whether you’re ready for it or not. Riz blinks away his tears.
“Yeah- no- I know. You’ve got badass angel things to do. I’m good. Thanks for calling.”
Pok gets a look on his face, equal parts proud and devastated. His eyebrows furrow into poignant resignation.
“I’ll try to do it more. Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
And then he’s gone, and all Riz has is the cool fingers of the wind, grasping over his shoulders in an icy embrace. He puffs a breath into the air and watches it fizzle from fog to nothing.
It’s dark. It’s going to be dark for another eight hours at least.
Riz is going to die tomorrow, probably. He’ll be fine, but he doesn’t want to.
He really doesn’t want to.  
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mythoughtsarecabbages · 5 months
the internal struggle of wanting to respect riz’s seemingly ace/aro identity but also seeing the chemistry fabian and riz have…. idk man maybe i just want them to be in a queer platonic relationship and grow old together is that too much to ask
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lunnessey · 12 days
fabian aramais seacaster is going to take one (1) look at that baby and love them for all of eternity, time quangle be damned. but maybe his newly purchased munitions will help when he's hunting his banker for sport
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