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evilhorse · 2 years
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Martian justice dictates execution!
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marvelman901 · 3 years
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Guardians of the Galaxy 56 (1995) . Show Me A Hero And I Will Write You A Tragedy! . Written by Michael Gallagher Penciled by Kevin West Inked by Steve Montano . The Guardians followed and caught up with Ripjack, but things might not be what they seem... . #marvel #guardiansofthegalaxy #90s #comics #majorvictory #vanceastro #ripjack #charlie27 #yondu #talon #inhumans #feline #aleta #starhawk #yellowjacket #nikki #alien #future #martian #michaelgallagher #kevinwest #stevemontano https://www.instagram.com/p/CVmb42sM1K1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dubstard · 5 years
"Mary Jane" Lee Majors ft Joe Blow & The Jacka - Directed by Jae Synth
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beastiedreamer · 5 years
Season 2: Cold Case
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The witness is put under protection but, unluckily for him, Gabe has made bail. Jack Watson is playing solitaire at a motel and is being guarded by an officer. Gabe knocks on the door, uses a tranquilizer dart on the guard and simply threatens the witness at first, hoping to scare him into retracting his statement. Except his emotions have gotten much too out of control and, when the man yells for help, he ends up choking him with his bare hands, without any beast abilities. For a second even Gabe is shocked by his own brutality. The witness may be unable to testify, but now there’s a modicum of doubt planted about Gabe in the mind’s of everyone in his professional life. Without his status as assistant district attorney, he loses most of his clout and won’t be able to block Vincent’s exoneration for much longer.
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hoodedslingpig · 6 years
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#his name was jack #noodlesandbeef
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closetspngirl · 5 years
Oh I’m sorry
Who told the writers they could just waltz right in here and rip my heart out?!
I woke up with my eyes hurting this morning, probably crying in my sleep again (🤦🏻‍♀️) and then I was crying before the Title Card even showed for the episode! What the actual hell?!
Give me Crowley
Give me Amara
Give me the Gates of Hell
Anything but what’s going on right now.
And may I just say that I don’t cry at movies or TV all that much. Like ever. Like the last one I cried at was at Furious 7. But the song, the ending, Paul Walker....I digress.
Baby Jack!
And Dean, oh poor Dean. 😔
Ugh. Sammy.
And I’m sorry Cas, but we’ll talk about your choices later....
I couldn’t make it through my bowl of cereal without crying. Twice.
And the fact that I wanted to go get the whiskey and drink when the guys were drinking? Yeah, big tell of an emotionally wrecking episode. The only thing that stopped me was that it was 7:30 in the morning. 😒
And now next weeks trailer? Merry Fudging Christmas. And the fact it’s the mid season finale? Granted I should have seen that one coming. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Well, now it’s time to go to work.
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padaleckigallery · 5 years
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#spntapeball #jack #ripjack #supernatural #spn #season14 https://www.instagram.com/p/BrFh37yHtqR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dt85yudgi406
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angelblive · 5 years
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Tonight catch me back @tallyho610 !!! @karaokekings will be holding down the karaoke room!!! $2 well drinks from 10pm-12am!!! It’s going To be an emotional night but come thru and show me and the Tally fam love!!! #RIPJack #AngelBLive #TallyBLove #SouthSideBethlehem #DJ #DJLife #IndustryLife #FridayNight #PayDay #KingMe (at Tally Ho) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ZlSnVlbRZ/?igshid=1n2kfr45zoxqm
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thegreenhorseman · 5 years
The last week or so has been rough on the family.  We’ve had a few events that really took the wind out of our sails.
Though with all the misfortune I am doing my best to keep my chin up and eyes focused on forward progress.
The beginning of our misfortune began when a loved one broke their ankle quite severely requiring multiple surgeries.
As I was going into work the following week I stopped at the grocery store to pick up something for lunch.  When I came out, however, my car decided not to work.  When I put the key into the ignition the dashboard lit up and said “Anti-Theft System.”  My car wouldn’t recognize my key-fob.  I spent thirty minutes looking up ways to override the system so I could get to work.  As it turns out my fob must be damaged in some way.  Changing the battery doesn’t help but I at least have my spare.  I am not looking forward to the cost of replacing the key!
Then last Monday I was sweeping the lawn of the lawn clippings.  I got off the ATV and heard a snap.  I was on the ground for several minutes crying (I DON’T like to cry) in agony.  I, too, injured my ankle.  Since I was home alone I got up and finished my duties.
This isn’t my first ankle sprain.  Anyone who has done it will tell you chances of re-injury increase once you’ve already done damage to it. Despite the world telling me to I have not yet seen the doctor as my “health” insurance ensures that visits cost me hundreds (I had to fork over $200 just to meet my new doctor for the first time).  My plan is to visit the doctor only if the ankle ceases to heal properly since I don’t see them doing anything different than I’m already doing.  Rest.  Ice. Compression.  Elevation.
I couldn’t put weight on the foot all day on Tuesday.  Zac even drove me to work for my day-shift training sessions Tuesday through Thursday.  I was alarmed by how difficult it was to get around my job on crutches.  The building itself is massive and there are a number of closed doors that require a badge to open.  These doors don’t have any automation and are very heavy when you’re already carrying a purse and 2 crutches.  Nobody offered to help and I even had the heavy doors closed on me as people went about their own day.
If you see someone on crutches hold the door for them.  Take a minute or two from what you’re doing and offer your help or support.  I am so glad I ate a big breakfast that morning because I could never have carried a meal from the cafe.  I simply tried to get 2 bottled beverages and the person behind me in line got impatient since I wasn’t moving out of his way fast enough.  Meanwhile, other people simply gave me looks and walked around me.  It was eye-opening and I vow not to let anybody else feel like I felt those days.
Throughout the week I slowly made improvement.  Now, a full 10 days later I can hop around without crutches.  If I keep it compressed with an Ace bandage I can almost walk like normal for about an hour.  The most difficult thing for me is missing my riding lessons.  The most painful movement with this injury is stretching my weight down into my heels and standing in the stirrups.
This past Sunday we let the chickens out of their run to free-range.  We often let them wander if we are staying outside and nearby.  They love their time outside the coop.  They frolic and chase each other, hunt for bugs, and chill out in the stream.  Jack, our rooster, has been taking into his duties as overseer.
We brought the chickens home in March.  I have really become fond of these creatures over the last few months and I’m amazed at how big they’ve gotten.  In only 16 weeks a few of my girls began giving me eggs.
Sunday was supposed to be any other normal day.  We were getting used to the chickens wandering and keeping to themselves.  We decided to go inside for a few minutes to get a bite to eat and a drink.  When we came back out I was alarmed and my heart sank.
Five hens greeted me when I approached the coop.  But no Jack.  I tasked Bardi to look to Jack in the bushes but found nothing.  Across the yard I found a pile of brown feathers.  No blood, no bird.  Just feathers.
Zac and I searched the property with Bardi’s help.  I knew it was doubtful we’d find him alive but I had to make sure he wasn’t suffering somewhere.
After about 30 minutes of searching Bardi led us to a tree deep in the woods where we found Jack’s decapitated body.  A fox ran from the area during our search.  My theory is that Jack stepped up to defend his girls but in the end, the fox won.
Zac and I are known to try saving the meekest of animals and it has really delivered a punch in the gut to see one of our hand raised-babies end the way Jack did.  Jack was becoming a very good defender of his girls.  He was getting a little too aggressive in breeding but I wasn’t ready to give up on him.  Many people told us to get rid of him but we weren’t ready to do that.  He died defending his girls, doing his job…he just died too soon.
Zac has been amazing through all of the problems we’ve faced recently.  He’s helped nurse now TWO ankle injuries and he woke up extra early to help take care of the horses with me before driving me into work (we work at the same company).  Sunday night he was working hard on the lawn and removing some of the brush that has overgrown and surrounded our trees.  We learned the next day that the brush was a very large poison ivy plant.  Now Zac has also become the patient!
Despite the bad circumstances I am trying to stay positive.  My day shift training went well.  I’m healthy besides a gimpy ankle.  We both have jobs and a beautiful home with incredible animals.
Speaking of incredible animals.  I refuse to let my ankle hold me back from riding.  Though I can’t ride english and jump I can still sit in a saddle.  Last weekend I got on Blade and we had another amazing ride together.
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Together Blade and I rode all around our property.  We went through the woods and bushwhacked some trails where we haven’t yet been able to brush hog.  We were having a great time and weren’t yet ready to be finished.  That’s when Blade and I took off down the road.  We were riding at least an hour and he was so happy the entire time.
I also spent some quality time with the boys.
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Finally, what else do you do when the world gets you down?
Buy things.
Full disclaimer I rarely ever spend money on things for myself.  I haven’t had my hair done in over a year, I can’t remember the last time I bought clothes.
Pessoa saddles were first introduced to me when I was a kid and the name lingered in my head into adulthood.  My trainer also loves Pessoa saddles so that further drove the name into my brain.  While on a horse website I found a fantastic deal on a saddle that I’ve been wanting for years.
After many years of looking into these saddles, I found a Pessoa GenX saddle, brand new.  I couldn’t help it and made the purchase using some money I had saved up for such an impulsive occasion.  Once my ankle heals I will be eagerly riding in this saddle and making it a home in the tack room.  Until then, however, it is stored safely inside.
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So I’ve had some bad days but I’m doing what I can to get through it and come out stronger, smarter, and kinder.
After all…we need bad days to appreciate the good ones, don’t we?
What do you do when the world get’s you down?
  When the World Gets You Down The last week or so has been rough on the family.  We've had a few events that really took the wind out of our sails.
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artbysamy-blog · 5 years
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I don’t know what to say, I feel guilt for my absence. We had our own tragedy, it was hard to accept there was another. To all the victims, their families and those who feel scared or unsafe. May you be surrounded with the love and light - radiating from every supporter and those from above. I am so proud to be a kiwi. Let’s look after one another ... #PrayForChristchurch #RIPjack (at Christchurch, New Zealand) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvKWyvVn6tV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nv2sv6wjnd1d
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evilhorse · 2 years
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Do not attack, Guardians!
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marvelman901 · 3 years
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Guardians of the Galaxy 55 (1994) . An Eye Like Mars, To Threaten and Command. . Written by Michael Gallagher Penciled by Kevin West Inked by Steve Montano . The last remaining Marsian, Ripjack (also a mass serial killer) escaped the Guardians to destroy another planet... . #marvel #guardiansofthegalaxy #90s #talon #ripjack #mars #planet #majorvictory #yondu #aleta #starhawk #kevinwest #stevemontano #michaelgallagher #spiderman #plague #charlie27 #nikki #yellowjacket (på/i Mars) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU2J6CbMnT2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dubstard · 5 years
The Jacka - When I Step Through The Door
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kenzoken · 5 years
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💔Yesterday skateboarding lost a legend 💔 #Ripjack 🙏🙏🙏 (à Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvCARCth7d6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1q0trt92ae4ny
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tivajunkie · 5 years
Well, I just finished season 14. Some thoughts...
-not a great season, overall. Not totally awful but not the caliber of seasons 7-11ish. The show didn’t lose its way, exactly, but kind of. It’s the first time I feel like the quality really dropped off after major characters left.
-“Something Blue” (14x23) stands out as the bright spot of the season. The one really, incredibly good episode in a batch of mostly “meh.” Would probably be up there in my Top 10 if I actually made a list.
-the bullpen seems crowded with 5 people. Seems like someone is always getting sidelined and we don’t get to really know these newer characters as much as when Bishop came, for example. I know Quinn leaves eventually, solving that issue.
-Gibbs also felt a little OOC. A little too nice, a little less guarded...I don’t know if that’s just a result of now having lost so many people over the years, or specifically the loss of his dad or what, but he doesn’t usually show as much emotion as he did in S14. Maybe I’m just missing something.
-mostly it feels like a filler season. Move the show along into its new era/direction/whatever, but doesn’t offer much in the way of substance.
-as a side note, Erin Krakow playing a grieving widow who thought her husband was in Canada is some weird kind of symmetry to her own show (When Calls the Heart), for those who have seen that. Made me crack a smile/shed a tear. #RIPJack
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