#rip to your brother and all but i cant take him seriously like that lol
blmpff · 4 months
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why is Nont a babushka now lmao
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gnocchighoul · 4 years
the demons brothers + a touch starved mc
If you’re going to Lucifer because you’re touch starved, then you’re definitely going to be close to him already -- he doesn’t let just anyone touch him.
.......He’s also touch starved but won’t admit it, so one of you is gonna just have to bite the bullet and make a move.
(It’s gonna have to be you)
You’re going to have to go about this carefully--make a really good plan and then execute it flawlessly.
Literally just throw yourself at him. 
He’ll catch you. 
Nothing says ‘give me affection’ quite like yeeting yourself off the staircase at him, and he definitely understands what you want when you latch on tight to him like a weird little barnacle that he cant peel off no matter how hard he tries dfghjkkgf
He’s really warm and he smells Really nice and he hugs you so tight, like it’s the last chance he’ll ever get, so he’s honestly one of the best snuggle buddies. 
He’s gonna act all fussy about your love-attack at first--just play with his hair and smother him with lots of kisses and he won’t be able to resist snuggling u. Or banging u, but that’s your choice
Y’know, because “demons can’t resist temptation” and all that jazz. 
(tbh he just likes likes you alot)
...Why are you staring at him like you wanna eat him?
Seriously, knock it off, you’re freaking him out!
Wait, why are you coming closer…? Get Back you Fiend don’t you DARE wrap your arms around him and nuzzle your face into his chest like that what the FU--
Huh. This is kinda nice.
(Just hug him. If you want his affection, just wrestle him into a bear hug and don’t. let. go.)
At first, Mammon doesn’t really understand affection that isn’t along the lines of a friendly/loving punch. He’s not used to kindness. It’s a fucking tragedy. 
He doesn’t know how to ask for love because I don’t think he even realizes thats an option, tbh. 
He’s kind of like an unsocialized puppy--will definitely put up a fight until he realizes that, hey, being snuggled is nice.
Luckily for Mams, you are touch starved and determined to show his stupidass what affection is supposed to be like. 
He’s going to get so blushy. Sooo blushy. He totally pretends to not like it at first, but inside he’s over the fucking moon happy.
It takes him a while, but eventually, he realizes that he can ask you for snuggles too. At first he’s all “C’mere human, I bet you’re just itchin’ for me to hug ya, so let me make all your dreams come true!”
(It’s a defense mechanism.)
But over time, he eventually seeks you out and just flops on top of ya, and doesn’t feel the need to make a big show about it.
He feels safe with you, and that’s priceless.
Is incredibly confused about why you’re seeking out him for affection.
When you ask him if you can give him a hug, he expects you to just like... Wrap one arm around his shoulders for .2 seconds. 
Which doesn’t sound too bad, so he says “Um, sure, I guess? I dunno why you’d want to though” 
So when you climb into his lap and wrap your arms around him like a koala bear, his brain straight up blue-screens. 
Seriously, he forgets how to breathe. Don’t squeeze him too hard or he might never restart.
You smooch him on his cheek and his soul promptly leaves his body and is ejected into the atmosphere at mach 5.
This is literally better than Heaven. And he would know, he used to live there.
He totally freezes up and makes a wheezy sound that’s somewhere along the scale of “Dying Animal” and “Exploding Sink”
Needless to say, you create a snuggle monster.
I promise you that you’re never going to be touch starved again, because once you’ve given Levi a taste, he can’t get enough. 
He constantly needs to be touching you. Holding your hand or the fabric of your shirt, leaning against you, sitting with you in his lap while he plays video games--it literally doesn’t matter, he just needs that contact with you or he might literally die. 
He’s very enthusiastic about it dfghkfd
Look… Satan is very smart. 
But he’s also incredibly dense at times. 
You have to be blunt with him, or else he’s just not going to know what you want.
(Feelings that aren’t all consuming anger and hatred are still a bit new to him--he’s learning as he goes)
Just walk up to him and tell him that you need him to snuggle you right now, dammit. Lay your soul bare to him. 
He really does love that you trust him. It makes him feel all weird and fuzzy inside.
And how can he possibly say no when you set his heart alight?
That said, he is a bit of an over-thinker. 
Worries about crossing boundaries or making you uncomfortable and a million other things--give him lots of reassurance pls
He isn’t opposed at all to cuddle sessions, especially if he’s able to read at the same time. 
It definitely becomes a normal thing to cocoon yourselves up in a really fluffy blanket to read together.
Satan is honestly one of the best to snuggle with because he’s very chill about it. You want this and he wants this, so he doesn’t see a point in playing games.
So yeah, he’s chill! But he’ll also threaten the life of anybody who interrupts you guys 
Please, he knows that you’re touch starved before you even do.
Until you’re upfront about it, he’s going to tease you by like, patting your head, playing footsie with you, giving you only the briefest of hugs--just slowly giving you a taste of his affection until you finally cave and demand that he snuggles you properly. 
(Is that a euphemism? It could be lol)
As soon as you ask he’s gonna push you down onto the nearest couch/bed/whatever and just flop on top of you. 
Honestly, Asmo wants You to be the one holding Him. He wants to use your chest as a pillow, and doesn’t he just look so cute all snuggled up to you like this? He totally does, you should take a pic of him!
Cuddle sessions are absolutely going to become a regular thing, and he makes them into a big event each time. My mans Asmo is gonna bust out the candles and the softest blankets and the fluffiest pillows.
If the opportunity strikes, he’s definitely gonna try to bang you.
If not, expect to do face-masks together. Maybe manicures. But definitely the face-masks, at least.
He’s gonna spin this into a fuckfest or a self care session--it really just depends on what you prefer sdghjk
Once you’re in his arms, he will tickle you. rip
He is the BEST hugger in the whole entire world.
When you approach him and ask for cuddles he will pull you into a hug without hesitation.
I do not care how tall you are, Beel is taller. He will engulf you in a hug and rest his chin on your head and sway you back and forth 
You want a piggyback ride? Hop on. 
Just wanna watch tv and snuggle? Great idea! :D but maybe don’t watch cooking shows or he’s gonna drool on you dfghj
(lowkey I think he would really enjoy watching human movies with you. He found Mamma Mia to be absolutely enchanting)
Want him to lay on top of you and crush you until all of your woes have been squeezed away? He will absolutely oblige you
Congratulations on your newly acquired teddy bear! Please don’t forget to feed him.
Literally just sit on his lap or wrap your arms around him whenever you want, he’s always down for a good snuggle. 
He’s by far the nicest about it too, he won’t tease you about it and he will never hold back from telling you exactly how much he loves holding you in his arms
Definitely loves to be the big spoon but has no problems with being the little spoon either. 
He’s just so fuckimg SWEET
Oh, you're touch starved? Perfect. He's been in the market for a good snuggle buddy.
You silly human, why didn’t you come to him sooner?
Don’t listen to what Asmo says, snuggles are Belphie’s domain.
Once it’s established that you two are going to be snuggle buddies, he will literally just abduct you for snuggle time. 
He doesn’t care what you’re doing, he’s going to throw you over his shoulder like a sack of flour and haul you off to his blanket nest whenever he wants.
He just wants you all to himself. 
Will share your snuggle time with Beel tho.
After abducting you, he's just gonna toss you onto his bed and fall on top of you. He's really warm and he really just wants to lay on you. Partially so that you cant escape once he falls asleep lmaoo
He's happy to just talk to you about whatever you want while you guys get your snuggle on, but be warned: he's eventually going to fall asleep. 
Probably mid sentence. 
He won’t wake up when you poke at his cheeks or shake him, either. So uh. I hope you’re in the mood for a nap too!
Get matching sloth onesies with him. He’ll tell you it’s stupid but he’s actually thrilled with them. (Make sure you also get Beel a bear one though)
((part two with the undateables + Luke))
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
7 Anti LO Asks
1. Do you know what really gets my blood boiling about this comic? Persephone and Demeter's relationship.
In the myths, Demeter and Persephone loved each other more than anything. Their reunion is so important - it marked the coming of spring and growth. A whole cult was dedicated to this for crying out loud. Yes, the myths were far from perfect, but the Persephone and Demeter myth showed the strength of a loving mother-daughter relationship with Demeter searching endlessly to find her child that was ripped away and had her innocence forcibly taken.
Now, RS is not the only author to make Demeter this over-bearing mother type in order to put more positivity onto the Hades-Persephone relationship. However, RS takes this trend to a whole new level - to the point where I would even consider it misogyny.
How is it, she takes this beautiful mother-daughter relationship and makes it out to be an abusive and controlling one, and then takes the Hades-Persephone relationship from a forceful one to a loving, perfect relationship with no problems? How is it ok to ruin one relationship to elevate another?
I understand that many versions of the myth try to downplay Hades' actions, and even make it so Persephone actually falls in love with him and there is no rape. But it doesn't change that this relationship was problematic, and meant to represent the loss of innocence.
Then fans have the gall to claim this comic is feminist and then claim on top of that that Demeter and Persephone's relationship was the same in the myth? These fans clearly don't know the myths, and neither does RS.
Making Hades a good person is fine. Changing it up a bit to make Persephone's loss of innocence something else is also fine. But ruining Demeter and Persephone's relationship? Especially when Persephone has to spend half the year with her? So horrible. 
2. im sorry, but rachel cant introduce KRONOS coming back and then dropping it for several episodes to focus on a stake-less trail and persephone not knowing what lingerie to seduce hades in. like thats too much of an earth shaking development and huge stake plot point to just ignore for months to focus instead on something as minor as hxp's relationship, which only points out a huge flaw: why is hxp's relationship so minor in this? isnt the whole point supposed to be about them?
3. I think LO completely dropped the ball over Hades’ characterization. 
From the first ep I thought ok, this is good, we have some bones to see he’s not that lucky in love and is just tired and lonely, and while ignoring the creepy actions towards Persephone, I thought ok, Artemis hates him, Hestia hates, even Ares hates him, maybe once Persephone finally sees the underworld and probably gets to know him it’ll be a clever twist and they’ll be proven wrong. The underworld will turn out to be fair and just, the citizens will love Hades, he’ll be revealed to be a good leader and king and not like his brothers, it’ll be like everyone saying Hades of myth isn’t actually that bad, and it’ll help reinforce why this sweet and bubbly Persephone wants him, she sees the real him, not the mean rumors and assumptions, this is perfect.
And then it just didn’t happen. The exact opposite happened, actually.
We’re shown the LO underworld is cruel and unjust, where the poor dead are forced into slavery and Hades created a harsh class divide with him and him only on top, the citizens hate him, the underworld gods don’t trust him and openly seem ok if he’s taken out of power, he’s not a good leader and king and doesn’t even want the job yet keeps it for his own ego and grip of power m, and on top of it all he is just like his brothers, if not worse. He loves to get violent over any little slight against him, he hoards wealth and resources to enrich himself while his citizens starve and struggle to survive, he’s corrupt, he controls all the media and laws to bend to his will, sleeps with his brothers wife for centuries behind his back while claiming to be holier than thou, he has sex with his secretaries who are made dependent on him for any way to survive, and now he lusts after his barely legal intern who is also now dependent on him for her way to survive, and that’s only what I remember off the top of my head.
LO perfectly set up to prove Hades isn’t the devil or the false pop culture assumption that he’s evil and to show some actual facts from myth, and yet Rachel only ended up reinforcing exactly that and even making him even worse with her made up ideas, all while thinking having Persephone ignore or excuse it somehow makes it not bad or even a good thing. It’s honestly kind of impressive just how bad of writing that actually is. 
4. Chapter 172 is not that interesting. It’s setup had me excited to see Hephaestus and Hera and learning more about echo, but it’s cut so short. Because again the story can’t leave HXP out for 2 seconds.
I can also see why Zeus is gonna go insane. 
5. i agree w/ other anon. LO should have pulled a PJO or a BoZ and just made up OCs and have them interact with the gods than whatever Rachel thinks shes doing, which is lying she's being accurate and faithful while completely changing all of it, removing what is needed, and adding what isnt so that it lines up with no actual myth besides like, various 50 shades fanfic she read in 2015 and some popular tumblr text posts.
6 . the animation studio behind blood of zeus literally can only draw one face for the men and one face for the women and they were still able to make the gods all look distinct and hot while LO can't even bother to use more than 6 colors and can only have the women look as tiny as possible with the biggest boobs while the men are all just lego men.
7. ////FP SPOILERS////
Okay so like I stopped reading LO way back before season 1 ended, and a majority of my knowledge of the series comes from what I read here on your blog which is enough for me lol and I decided to read the latest 5 chapters just to see what's up (on zahard. I refuse to give the actual series any views)
And I just. Could not take the whole scene with Daphne running from Apollo seriously? The anatomy and art inconsistency was so distracting that i genuinely could not find it serious. Even when Thanatos discovers her hibernated body I couldn't take it seriously because of how she looked?
And when Hades had that call (??? Was it a call? Or his inner dialogue? I couldn't really tell ngl) with Zeus and said he's causing Persephone unnecessary distress, and that she didn't pose any threat. B!tch??? She killed a ton of mortals??? She has no control over her powers???? She's literally a fugitive for the aforementioned things??? She apparently woke Kronos up? (Idk if anyone knows about that, again my knowledge only spans to whatever I read here) Hello????
And I have a lot to say about the chapters starting the trial but I'll only mention one thing; Hades saying "I don't think blindly supporting my little brother would be doing him any favours (as a ruler)" had me cackling. This is coming from a guy blindly supporting a girl he's literally only known for a few weeks, who's like what, only recently turned 20? Sit tf down Hades you're not cool, you creepy ass overgrown smurf.
Overall I still hate this series lmao. Regarding art though I feel like I wouldn't be so miffed about the anatomy much if the character designs were consistent and the story was compelling. They literally change hairstyles and body types frame by frame, and it's distracting.
The timeline from what I read here is laughable. 4 years in publication with almost 200 chapters and you're telling me only like a month has passed canonically. That's wild and such poor writing.
And as someone who literally will sympathise with any lead character pretty quickly, the story makes me hate them. It makes me want to root against them. I also hate the fact this trash is somehow top ranked on webtoons when so many other stories are far better then it.
Anyway, many thanks to this blog for existing and allowing me to dump so much text here to vent out my hate for this series lmao. You the mvp fam, hope you're having a good day 🥂🥂🥂
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youranxiousnerd · 3 years
Showtime Thoughts
bc i am in love with julia lester
spoilers below
First off, why is this episode so short?
ngl i forgot mazzara was a regular
ricky ded besties
awww nina and the letters 
she looks very good in her dress
ashlyn and ricky look so good
“We’re screwed!”
ash and ricky are too funny like where were they this season?
chaotic and pretty best friends
sidenote, why did they go see north high’s production? 
oh my god ricky and nina are talking
i am taking what i can get
my favorite part of the episode
his makeup looks very good
he looks very good
as @organic-guacamole said, he is very pretty
its been like three minutes and it already is so chaotic
yessss kourtney’s mom!!!
so howie and kourt are fine? gah since when?
“look for the shortest fork” mood
big bird ej comin at you
wait isnt this ejs last show? is he going to miss his last afterparty for a date?
true love bitches
“Is he with us?”
seb being a supportive boyfriend is everything i needed
jenny is frazzled
i love how all the techie turned actors are nervous at some point during the episode
awww thats so cute love the callback!!!
ooo howie is here
love how the writers leave a cliffhanger and then close the book before it turns to tragedy with one line
mazzara and ej, thats it
jenn what
why is mike there?
that was so unnecessary like aren’t mike and jenn over?
“did we forget to build a moat around the school” 
let ricky be single challenge
she just said “lol” i cant
props to ricky for keeping calm during the show after he saw mike and jenn
ah so lily is a child of divorce?
“lily scram”
how did ricky do that so fast-
put on gloves over the cast, makeup, and a mask?
i dont work with costumes 
The one scene we get from the show...
Yay Steph!!!!
“Big Red has not thrown up in twenty minutes” ashlyn’s little smile
“she heard wrong”
someone please explain how spotlighting the judge is a good idea it makes it seem like things went wrong
“Carlos is a seasoned professional” honey carlos is on the verge of a mental breakdown
“He says help
Seb translating for Carlos is beautiful dramatic, yes, but im right. 
im so proud of them. they go from not talking for a week to seb being able to tell how carlos is feeling based off a stoic expression.
wait so carlos goes from on the verge of a mental breakdown to full on performing and speaking?!?!?!? Speaking well too, not stumbling.
he looks so comfortable on stage when not even ten minutes ago he looked like he was going to vomit?
h e l p
ashlyn’s little laugh!
big red lookin’ at his girl
ricky what are you doing?
howie’s little mouth drop
i cant with sebs costume i should not be laughing how is he able to do a kick line
be our guest was enjoyable. it had a lot of moving parts. frankie and dara sounded really good. it’ll probably grow on me the more i listen to it.
is it just me or did be our guest lack some energy?
awww gina bb
“my mom sent me jordan fisher”
big red and ricky!!!
...what is big red doing? has he been faking sick?
alright what the hell is up with howie?!?
kourtney is so excited and then downer howie comes to ruin it
nina just write “thanks for being the best bro and glad youre not dead”
btw kourtney and gina look really good in their costumes
gina and jamie!!! 
he looks so proud
glad gina gets to see her family!
cute scene, jordan is a nice addition!
julia lester is killing it with the vocals
big red is so in love
seb bouncing in the costume 
“she’s never looked at me that way before” evil smirk
my heart fricking stopped when carlos went on stage 
being early on your cue/missing is awful would highly not recommend
a bop to the top callback after this would have been perfect
those harmonies!!
ummm phone call?
...why wasn’t seb cogsworth? 
alright that was really good. everyone (even the backup) sounded really good. portwell rights! ashlyn rights! kowie rights! acting rights! 
so mazzara and jamie?
Ashlyn is the perfect Belle fight me
“Eat it Zackey Roy!” how about “yay kiddos, nice job!”
ej’s little dance
“bc you’re ginas brother” 
he is enamored by her it is adorable
“hey, jordan fisher, would you like to f up one of three stableish ships in hsmtmts?” “sure, im in!”
aww hopefully he doesnt take the conversation too heart. they both like each other so much.
Portwell is so enjoyable to watch.
return of the bro
ej go get your girl dont worry about her brother please
all hands on deck
“Can you just jump off something high”
I seem to remember Ricky falling from something high last episode, is that correct? 
She tells this to one of her most UNSTABLE kids
Oh shit
Miss. Jenn
like what the actually hell
look at the kids faces they’re heartbroken
Miss. Jenn why. You’re stressed about the show, but you’re not performing it. They are. They have to worry about lines and cues and pitches, not you. Miss. Jenn has literally gone at the kids this season. Opening night speech too Ash and Ricky, shutting Seb down, that comment. She has become obsessed with the Menkies and North High. It has gotten really bad. These kids have put everything into this show, even their relationships (both platonic and romantic) and that is how you repay them? 
I didn’t think they would address this, I lost hope after last week but I am so glad they’re going too.
Someone send Seb after Miss. Jenn please, let him rip into her, he would do very well.
Miss. Jenn is supposed to be the role model and she just told a kid to jump off something high.
nina has been a godsend this episode, props to her!
haven’t been the biggest nini fan this season (off and on for me), but she was very behaved this episode. 
if there is anything the east high kids are good at, it’s bullshitting their way out.
“aim for my face” character growth
I liked the episode. Didn’t love it, but liked it. I really wish we got to see more acting, like we didn’t even see Big Red and E.J go on stage. Not even the iconic yellow dress. Some of the drama is so unnecessary, like why Mike and Jenn? What is with the Kourtney and Howie drama the writers insist on having, can’t they just be happy?
Besides the whole harness incident (burn that harness and mask it is causing so many problems) the production went very well, too well. This is East High we’re talking about.
Promo thoughts because what
oo they’re sneaking, maybe Big Red’s thingy
oo Kowie confession?
portwell please be okay
what is up with carlos’ hair?
so seb, miss. jenn, and carlos scene? this has the potential to be very beautiful.
“It’s not over” not this again... 
i’m thinking carlos and seb are going to talk to miss jenn.
Sidenote, if we do not get a good seblos scene I will riot.
Hopefully Miss. Jenn apologizes with a billion sorrys
rini you just broke up please dont get back together 
im scared
if it is a scene where they close the book i will be very happy
Are we getting a flash forward scene? I’m pretty sure Miss. Jenn said Menkies aren’t till two plus weeks after the show.
We know based off the promo pics Ej and Gina are at the cast party, what went wrong?
Wait do we not get to see the finale of the show?
We better see the goddamn transformation
how does lily home and core four song fit in? im more curious about the lily one.
In conclusion, I am not ready for this to be over and the transformation needs to be sent to hell.
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 211 let's go
ok first of all, this is the second to last episode guys... I don't even wanna think about how much pain I'll be in after next week's episode
mr mazzara doing the recap-
this is so weird to me and I don't know why
is Nini giving out the cards a callback to season 1 when Natalie Bagley said that Nini gave her a card or something on opening night of another musical?
Ricky in the crown gives me Harry styles in that photoshoot vibes
he's so pretty.
ok but why did we never see Ricky and Ashlyn interact before? it's been like 5 seconds and I already love how they bounce off each other and it's just so natural
well that explains a lot...
so Ricky fell on top of Ashlyn and all that broke for both of them was their wrist-
insert Jake Peralta *coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool no doubt no doubt no doubt*
of course howie was amazing as the beast, were we expecting anything less??
Ricky is so beautiful and I will not shut up about it....
let me enjoy this before the makeup crew slaps mud on his face.
Nini and Ricky talking to eachother? in a civil manner? wasn't she avoiding him just in the last episode? hm ok
yes Kaden and Rico, my favourite east high boys 🥰
I mean....where's EJ?
EJ AND GINA IN THE BACKGROUND... doing something idek
Howie is a shining star, ofc ofc
the smallest fOrk
can't wait to see the fork burst into song about how she deserves more than to be used to eat salad😌
the duster and the bluster.... ok😃
hi Gina!
hi- oh wow I didn't know Robbie Rotten was in this show!!!!!
the portwell look.
that my friends, is a married couple's look✋
aww Gina's so excited for this
D word?
Dom Toretto?
"good, clean fun all alone with someone I dig...a lot"
sir that does not sound very clean to me
Seb looks so cute standing there next to pope Carlos
Seb's reading Carlos better than big red read the script in episode 102, this is great development after the "fight"
Kourtney really just made the best outfit for herself and let the rest of them suffer
the way Gina immediately goes to hold on to EJ after the announcement
"tonight we're going to put the U in UTAH"
"hey where are you from?"
he's officially salt lake city's resident thanos
just wity clapping because for some reason I have a feeling he doesn't know how to snap his fingers...don't ask why
Ms Jenn do you mind encouraging your leads before the show? idk just an idea
pepto bismol product placement smhsmh
those flowers are bigger that big red himself-
*bops along to the opening theme*
that whistle at the end slaps everytime
I guess they're all here to see Ms Jenn go on as a fork after Nini decides to *go her own way*
wow i am so funny
so they couldn't do many group scenes cuz of covid, but this 300 person crowd is cool? nice
"Mr Caswell", he said, in the loudest voice possible while backstage at a show that's about to start.
Mazzara what are you trying to pull-
I usually like Benjamin but I don't like his tone
"we've had some good conversations these past few weeks"
right so what's going to happen after you graduate?
what does he think of you not going to Duke?
what did he say about you giving the sweatshirt that's been in the family for 3 generations to a girl you're not even dating?
good old Mr. M
therapist Mr. Mazzara, they all need it.
start with Ricky though.
"Michael Bowen"
dude why did you shave, now you look less like "hot lumberjack" and more "creep at the gas station"
does she not like Mike anymore?
why does it sound like jennzzara started dating and now they just sit back and talk smack about everyone in their freetime
break the fourth wall-
uhhhh im scared
why am I scared
he's scary
hehe flowers for Ricky, obviously for Ricky, ObViOuSLY
oh boy poor Michael
this man is in love, rip
why does Ms Jenn always look at people with her eyes open so wide
I'm only excited because I really like the idea of lily and Ricky being friends, nothing more.
ha this guy's got jokes
also he's very pretty.
"the wolves and very talented humans"
how dare he forget to mention the very talented wolves and normal humans, smh erasure
"being nice, what a concept" ted talk by Lily who still doesn't have a last name
did she just say lol out loud
same with the hug emoji last episode-
go touch some grass babes
the way he didn't say no, but said he didn't know how the east high kids would react-
not saying he does want to date her but that's an interesting thing to think about, also another thing to write an essay analysis on just to leave it in my drafts for a few months
awww lily genuinely trying to help him
sorry guys, I've been taken by the Lily charm (didn't know it existed until now but oh well)
just look at me now
the Lily wink I can't she's so cute-
David Attenborough?
oh nvm it's Benjamin narrating the show in a really weird British accent for some reason.
also is this to show that Nini doesn't care about being the star of the show anymore? the way she's supporting everyone else even though she's a fork?
I would pay for a special of the full musical ngl
yo where did the makeup come from
man I wish I was a theatre kid
my girl is starring
"needs an X-factor"
Simon Cowbell creeps in
"it's a yes from me"
and them boom, he takes Nini and mistreats her horribly and then she comes back to theatre after deciding music isn't for her👍
"I thought she just hog-tied him?"
don't ask sebby, it's better if you don't know.
imagine they spotlight the wrong person and this dude is just some random person that likes writing down stuff during shows.
Ms Jenn just let them do what they rehearsed (at some point we never saw) or else this is gonna end horribly wrong
same Carlos, same
I love how seb is just his translator rn
I thought he said "great displeasure" instead of "greatest pleasure"....help?
big red coming out from throwing up to see his girlfriend star is the cutest thing in this show.
Ash and Gina dancing is so fun
I'm imagining them practicing at night at their home, watching the movie for the 100th time and making sure their one dance together is perfect
no because I'm actually crying
I'm dead serious.
we need this musical released as a special
big red is so proud and I love to see it
Natalie: "if you do not by at least 20 dollars in concessions, you do not support art"
rando in the audience: "but I pay for ad free Spotify"
Mr Mazzara clapping in the distance
Gigi, the guy you like is talking to you, complimenting you and hyping you up
aw EJ teasing her about the chocolates in a way that doesn't make her feel bad? take notes Richard
there is no rest of the show idc Jordan is it for me
they look like they're high and having "deep" conversations on the floor
@sunshine-julie-molina YOU HEAR THAT
Natalie really just be coming for them all
Howie what is happening rn
I'm scared
"did you enjoy it"
"very much"
dude wants a kiss so bad
I want a Jordan autograph please
just keep swim- oh pushing...
Gina is literally a giant next to him and I live for it
am I about to cry for the 3rd time in this episode?
Ricky's leg kicks under the table makes me so happy aw
the portwell glances will kill me.
ah yes, mashed potato snow
Mr. M.... I'm not a theatre kid but even I know you can't have your phone on backstage.
Howie please just do it
oh ok bye Jordan
oo tea
"we're all just glad Gigi has a big brother figure in her life"
excuse me for a few thousand hours while I laugh hysterically
someone else said this already but I think it's hilarious that they had to bring in 2 guest characters to create some portwell angst
omg this really is Cici's episode, found family is their thing
elevator music lol
I'm gonna bet that big red took the harness for his surprise for Ashlyn without realising what it was
did Ms. Jenn just....tell her most mentally unstable student....to commit suicide....on a disney show...was that....I'm very....well....what the actual-
oh and there she goes running off instead of trying to make it right
oh wow Nini's the hero, she's gonna save the show 🤩
the judge is doing a sudoku
honestly if I went to the hsm show as well, I'd come prepared for this one too
Lily why are you looking like that-
wow ok, there goes that.
what if Howie was acting weird because he knew what Lily did and wanted to tell Kourtbut Lily threatened him so he was scared to-
anyways see y'all clowns next week when we all simultaneously lose all motivation for the week without Fridays to look forward to.
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
Imagine all the members having a big dinner together to celebrate something, laughing and chatting, when everyone goes quiet quickly looking at Friday smashing someone's head against the table again and again bc that person said something sexual about his wife.
Monday gets annoyed by that, he tells Friday to go outside with that person bc is very rude to cause trouble while they eat plus he is making Sunday uncomfortable with that violence lmaoo
"Sorry boss, sorry Sunday, I'll go outside :(" he also apologizes to Clover for letting her alone at dinner.
Friday is asexual but if Clover asks him to have sex then he will do it bc that would make her happy, he likes to touch her bc she is really soft,  and he gets to be lazy while doing all that, bc you cant tell me this man isn't a pillow prince, he puts on maid outfits, or cute lingerie for her to compensate for the fact that he just lays there being cute.
Sunday cries when he sees BB's ring, he picks BB up, trying to tell him how happy and thankful he is, but his sobbing makes it hard to understand.
Sunday is a simp at this point, if BB says the sky is pink then it is.
Sunday would want to do something about BB's ex wife bc he looks so stressed when she is around, he tries to calm BB, maybe making him a tea, giving him a shoulder massage , some kisses too, but if BB yells at him he might get a little sad but he understands.
He wants to make her leave poor BB alone, but he doesn't know how to?? Like his friends would just intimidate that woman, but even if he is tall he is just a sad clown, even without makeup he looks kinda sad, no one gets intimidated by a tall sad dude, and talking looks like it won't work either.
Void comes out of the forest just to kiss his grumpy boyfriend, that makes Wednesday so happy honestly.
He loves Void praises even if they are a little awkward, he gets all dress up just to hear Void and X praise him like he is a god or something. Of course he praise them back, how handsome they look that day, how strong they are, and how safe he feels when they are around.
When Rin ripped the contract Wednesday hugged him tightly, telling him how grateful he is.
Wed picks X up and takes him away to the forest where Void has to awkwardly comfort them bc they keep crying together in Void's arms.
Now that X is completely free if anyone dares to even flirt or try something with him Wednesday is more than ready to beat the shit out of them, or stab them if they didn't do anything too bad, now he can tell everyone to fuck off whenever he wants.
Honestly he tells everyone to leave his boyfriends alone, he may call his brother Thursday to help him beat someone up quickly so he can go back to his boys.
I feel like Rin takes lots of pictures of himself with Monday's phone, when he is bored or horny he takes nudes.
He downloaded a bunch of apps like Tiktok, Pokemon Go, and Gacha Life, Rin sits there making a Gacha that looks like him and another that looks like Monday, he makes little comic with them, then he gets all exited when Monday sees them, and Monday is like "They are pretty cute, my beloved".
I just had this idea that Monday calls Rin "My dear" or "Beloved" when they're alone, idk he gives me that vibes, is so sweet, even if Rin just calls him Monday or something like that lol
Is so fun to imagine a meeting with them, Monday acts like he doesn't have a little clown giggling at a Tiktok,, they just take them seriously bc they know how crazy Rin can be, and they get intimidated by Monday resting bitch face.
Rin: Can suck your dick?
Monday: Rin, Im literally trying to solve a murder, go make a comic on Gacha.
Rin: :(( fine but in my comic my gacha is going to leave yours >:(( Im going to make another gacha hotter than you to fuck with mine.
THANK YOU!!, Thank you for let my ocs interact with yours, and for reading my long wall texts.
Also fun fact: The shortest boy is Saturday 5'11, the tallest is Monday 7'4, the second is Tuesday 7'2, then goes Friday/Sunday 6'5, and then Wednesday/Thursday 6'0, a bunch of clown tall boys.
Clover would definitely try to stay for dinner but would soon excuse herself to check on Friday, she would comfort him and tell him that it’s okay that she’s used to hearing such things but she absolutely loves how he protects her it’s quite sweet
Clover isn’t the type to have a high sex drive and want sex a lot but when she does she’ll happily take the lead, dressing him up in the cutest outfits and be quite gentle with him giving him all the praise in the world while she rides him and spoils him with affection. She prefers cuddles instead of sex and actually feels a little bad whenever she feels sexual urges and would prefer to handle it herself with a toy cause she feels like she’s bothering Friday asking for such a thing, she’ll definitely do her best to keep it to herself and only pleasure herself when he’s not around
BB loves Sunday and is constantly giving him endless praise and affection, that being said yeah his ex stresses him the hell out she always pushes his buttons in just the right way to make him get violent turning into a cursing mess. He’ll try his very best so keep that side away from Sunday. When Sunday tries to calm it down it works wonders, when he’s angry just a few kisses from Sunday and he’s back to his loving self just drowning Sunday in kisses thanking him for being so supportive
His ex wife does cause some strain on BB but he is very professional when he does have to drive to her house to drop melody off some weekends he’s always asking Sunday to come with him for support( it’s so he doesn’t snap that woman’s neck)
When melody is at her mother’s BB is a worried mess, pacing around, calling everyday, definitely in low spirits worried about his child in the hands of that cold witch.
Void and X are like Wednesday’s cheerleaders I swear they are ready to hype their man up at a given moment. Oh Wednesday is sad?! Quick! Tag team praise and affection!
X finds freedom to be a little strange at first, you mean he gets to sleep in and not wake up to the feeling of someone he doesn’t trust touching his dick, Woah! Amazing! After getting used to it he learns more about himself like he likes to sew and knit which is a trait he didn’t think he would enjoy but there he is knitting void and Wednesday scarves and sweaters and gloves and more. It’s super peaceful for him like he’ll just lean against Wednesday while sewing buttons onto a shirt or knitting something just feeling super peaceful
Monday’s phone has so many pictures of rin’s dick or videos of him masterbating that it’s a little unhealthy. Rin would absolutely just scroll on Monday’s phone like sure he has his own phone but it’s way more fun to mess with Monday’s phone if he feels extra bratty he’ll change Monday’s Lock Screen to a nude picture just to embarrass him whenever he take out his phone in front of people just like “so you’ll think of me wherever you go~ hehe!”
While in meetings, rin seems super childish and but he’s waiting for the day someone disrespects him like if that would ever happen rin would look up from the phone and give Monday a look that scream “fix it before I fix it”
Rin is a pervert we all know this so as far as nicknames it ranges from sweet to lewd like when he’s talking about Monday to other people one day he might be like “yup that’s my love” then the next he’s like “yeah that’s the one who stuffs me like a turkey and fills me up with his baby batter” like no gross. As far as nicknames to Monday that also ranges from baby, sweetie, honey, lover boy and other cute things to master, daddy, sexy, or just call him sir..if he’s in a good mood
Rin would absolutely get pouty and bratty when Monday rejects his offer to suck his dick like he’s just crossing his arms mumbling under his breath “fine I didn’t wanna suck your gross dick in the first place, gross big dick asshole..jerk..meanie” just grumpy as hell but after like 30 minutes he’s over it.
Another thing, as we stated before rin is gross so the possibility that he will sit in Monday’s lap during a meeting and jerk himself off under the table with one hand while the other is playing games in his phone is very high.
A part of it is to see if he can rile Monday up and the other part of for the thrill, and body would he not be subtle at all like leaning against monday just shuddering soon dropping the phone and stuffing two fingers into his mouth clearly about finger himself. Depending on how Monday reacts depends on if he stops or not, rin doesn’t have shame he knows no one besides Monday would stop him
They tall boys! Rin is the smallest being 5’6, clover is 5’8, X is 5’11, BB is 6’0 while void is 6’5
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Warning: yes
Part 1
“Oh shit!”
Looking in the mirror, you leaned forward without your glasses you cant see shit. You noticed a pimple right between your eyebrows a Bright Red Dot! This was NOT your day. And it only started 20 mins ago.
Yesterday your last pair of good Jean’s fell victim too the dreaded chub rub curse. A nasty rip right in your inner thigh that ripped enough that your thick thighs now pushed out of them making it look like you exploded from fat. You tried too fix them but there is no fixing pants that fall victim too chub rub!
Which made you have too decided leggings or a dress too wear too school.. when you decided leggings with one of your longer baggier shirts too cover yourself you finally decided too get ready too leave. When you noticed the pimple.
“hurry up kid!”
Hearing your annoying brother stiles calling you too hurry up. You called back that you would walk too school. Something that you been doing a lot lately.
Stiles, Scott, Lydia , Alison, the veterinarian, Derek, Every damn person in your life basically have been lying too you for months almost a entire year. You only discovered the truth when your brothers body was taking over by a evil spirit.
The “void stiles” as everyone referred too him only talked too you once. Telling you things that you already knew about yourself.
Your face looked like it was cleaned by greasy pizza , your thick thighs could crush someone’s skull with how thick it is. And your chubby. With zero self confidence and always the last too know everything! You were not happy with how things were going. All that was a slap in a face too hear your brother your favorite person in the world too say out loud everything you hate about yourself but hearing him say the only reason he involved you the most was because you had little impact on the “pack" no one would care if you were gone or not. NOW That hurt!
You started putting on makeup too cover your new pimple (four this week alone) your entire allowance goes towards cleaners and make up. Knowing if you keep make up off the pimple too clear it off fast r didn’t help when you could live in a cleansing mask and still get pimples. Make up at least covered one of your flaws.!
Getting dress you tried hiding from mirrors as much as possible ! It only lead to trouble!!!
Walking downstairs seeing stiles was gone. Your dad was at work as you skipped breakfast. Going to school you were stopped by a black car it stopped in front of you at the cross stop. The window rolled down too see hottie Mr. Hottie Derek Hales. Who you now knew as Derek Hales a werewolf who is kind of a friend of Stiles. You only call him Mr. hottie in your head. Or to Allison who was your best friend until you discovered everyone was lying too you.
Derek was always nice too you, sure he was a Ass too everyone else but he was always kind too you. And he was the first person you ran too once discovering Everything about the supernatural problem in your town. Derek looked at you over his sunglasses.
“Get in.”
You walked too the passenger side and doing what he said. He slowly drove off. Driving in silence until you passed the school.
“We passed the school.”
“We aren’t going too school.”
He was clam as he stayed looking forward. If it was Anyone else you would be worried but you knew Derek was a good guy so you agreed. Plus you weren’t thrilled about presenting your story in English today.
He drove until he got too his old family house outside of town he pulled in and walked out. You followed as you asked .”okay I give up what the hell Derek?”
He turned too you as he spoke, “did you know we can smell emotions?”
That surprised you. Stiles barely informed you of anything. He and your dad and the pack decided you were too stay out of the supernatural life. Which everyone around d you was apart of.
“Seriously? I mean I figured you could smell when a girl was on her period but our emotions?” Derek chuckled softly as he spoke, “ yea don’t really love that part… y/n you been unhappy for months.. and since the whole Stiles thing you gotten worst.. whatever stiles said during that time. It wasn’t him. You have too know that.”
You rolled your shoulders walking over r sitting on the porch steps as Derek followed. “I know.. and the stuff he said.. most of it I know stiles doesn’t feel like that but. I don’t know I guess a part of it stuck.”
“What part?”
“that the only reason he didn’t bully or trick me was because I wasn’t important enough too be tormented. That out of everyone in my life. All my friends and my family.. only stiles at dad would miss me.. and he’s right.. I mean none of them were going too tell me about werewolves or banshees or anything! Alison rest her soul wouldn’t of told me about being a werewolf hunter. I’m nothing you know. And its- I’m done being nothing!”
Derek looked st you with heavy eyes. He hated hearing you say this. He reached over wrapping his arm around you. “I wanted too turn you the moment I saw you.”
Chuckling st that. You turned too Derek. Seeing the serious of his face you shifted weakly away . “you serious why? I’m not fit. Why would you want me in your pack?”
“my mom use too say we are more then our strengths. You are the most caring and strong headed person I know. Your heart is stronger then Scott’s or anyone in his pack. You would be amazing as a werewolf.”
You breathed heavily feeling your heart pound faster. He reached over grabbing your arm softly. “All your insecurities would go away? You would be faster, stronger you wouldn’t need assurance from anyone. I would make sure too keep you at bay. And too tell you daily how unbelievably beautiful you are inside and out”
Biting your bottom lip looking down at his hand holding your arm softly. Stiles would kill you for this. But your mind wasn’t on stiles or your dad or all the reasons too not being a werewolf was a blessing. You didn’t have too worry about the full moon. Or wolfing out when you were angry . “will it all go away? The thoughts the negativity?”
“yes. But you could die.. there’s a 50/ 50 chance.. but I feel like your already at the tipping point of not caring.”
You nodded your head. “your right… so. Bit me Derek.”
The moment he heard yes. Derek pulled you onto his lap. As he caresses your face. It startled you he didn’t care about how heavy you were. Derek moved you hair from you face sliding your shirt over your shoulder. He reached he’s fingers over your neck slowly tracing it too your shoulder before he leaned over and bite you. It caused you too Yelp slightly at the pain.
After that Derek got you a band aid and said too keep it hidden until it healed. If it took it would take a day. If it didn’t you be dead by morning.
Needless too say you didn’t pay much attention in school. After school Scott caught up too you and grabbed your sleeve pulling it down you screamed too let go as stiles appeared shoving Scott away from you.
“What the fuck Scott!”
Stiles snapped shoving his best friend hard. You quickly fixed your sleeve as he spoke, “Y/N smells of blood and Derek!”
That got your brother your twin brother who was only older then you by seven minutes too look at you . “Y/N what did that fucker do?”
Staring at the two boys you rolled your eyes before showing them yourself. Stiles snarled walking over pulling the band aid off seeing your bite was healing. Scott joined Stiles as he spoke, “ I’m going too kill him.”
Looking at your brother and Scott. He was tense. Clenching his fist. He stared at your wound. Stiles was speechless. Seeing the boys tensed. You couldn’t help but wonder if Scott could smell it. Your relief. He caught your glance. “you.. you asked him too do this didn’t you?”
You simply nodded your head. “ yes.”
Stiles stormed off too his jeep as he sped off. Scott ran off after Stiles too protect him from Derek.
Six months later
After your transformation. Scott asked you too join his pack officially. You sat at Derek’s porch. When Scott tried to convince you too join. Derek was leaning against the door listening in. You stared at Scott slowly standing up. “so.. I wasn’t before in the pack?”
That caught Scott by surprised. He was speechless. Your dad was furious about you willingly being changed. Saying it was reckless and stupid. Stiles agreed. But everything was different now. The “pack" were now forced too knowledge you weren’t just stiles little sister.
Any silver of hope Scott had too convince you to switch packs. Was muted when you caught up with Scott and stiles that day. You caught Scott slamming Derek against the wall screaming that you weren’t strong enough too be wolf. But boy was he wrong!
After the bite took affect your skin cleared. You started losing weight and even your hair was shinier and your mind cleared. No longer filled with bitterness or doubt. You finally realized your worth. Your dad even agreed. Being a werewolf was becoming of you .
“your kidding right??”
Scott sighed heavily rubbing his face. “ I’ve known since kindergarten. Y/N"
Slowly standing up too your feet. Scott looked at you with his big brown eyes.
“I have a pack. I trust Derek, he’s the one whom helped me adjust, helped me when I was struggling with everything. Derek is the one who took me too the mall and helped me buy new cloths! His the one who cared! You only want me because of stiles… good bye Scott .”
Scott left defected, Derek walked over too you squeezing your shoulders. When Scott left you turned too Derek as he got you too run too practice your breathing. You were happy with your new life.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
hunty movie 1
sooo ruth and i watched the first hxh movie holla
me as soon as we’re done w/the yorknew arc: OH FUCKY ITS ANIME MOVIE TIME
i love anime movies. theyre so often Entertaining As Hell, and also Not Very Good. its a very fun intersection 
overall this movie slots pretty easily into that category. it was a good time but nothing revolutionary. which is ok! and that makes sense bc its not canon apparently 
this movie was basically the ‘killua and kurapika have Trauma(tm)’ movie lmao 
we open w/killua having a trauma dream abt illumi, rehashing the stuff we saw in the hunter exam arc....we see this a few more times in the movie, and it really drives home how killua is still rlly scared of illumi and kinda just goes into a dissociative trauma state whenever illumi is around (even fake doll illumi or dream illumi, in this movie). poor kid :( :( 
regrettably tho ruth and i agree that illumis outfit in this movie was pretty sexy 
ok that whole beginning part where kurapikas eyes get stolen happens SO fast hvbfhdjshfsk its like ok guess thats the status quo for this movie!
jesus poor kurapika. they cant catch a fuckgin break huh
also that kid was totally the kid that was alluded to by kurapika at the end of the yorknew arc...so i guess that was included in the anime as a setup for this movie? 
also apparently that stuff was based off of a short story thing the author did a while ago which is p cool
leorios terrible drawing skills is hvhbjsdfbsdfngsjkdf
also leorio is so tender w/kurapika hhhhhhh im gonna die. im gonna gay die
and gon and killua are just. tiny soulmate boyfriends ok 
ah yes i see the obligatory movie original character who befriends the protag
it kinda cracks me up how hostile killua is to retz like vhbhskhdfbaj i get that its bc of Trauma and his fear of betrayal/betraying but it also reads as killua being a Jealous Gay which is kinda hilarious 
ruth and i when hisoka shows up: [prolonged annoyed groaning and dismayed yelling]
hisoka literally just shows up to sow chaos and throw around information to stir shit up huh
of COURSE the villain is the former 4th spider thats like. easy choice lmao 
it might just be the fansubs but i feel like there were strong implications that hisoka and 4th spider guy fucked bhjdfashfdjnakn
the most unbelievable thing abt this whole thing is that hisoka didnt kill that doll guy lmao 
ohhh shit its uvo
OHHH SHIT NOBUNGA AND MACHI....its so bad but i really like the troupe members and when they show up im like !!!!!!!
machi is so cooooool
aughhhh its like....i feel bad for nobunga for having to face down uvo like this....and THEN when pakunoda shows up too :( and nobunga tells her doll ‘rest in peace now’ or something when he cuts her down....oof. but also like theyre evil murderers so im!?! conflicted?!?!
also the shadow beast guys that uvo killed showing up and then proceeding to do LITERALLY NOTHING was kinda hilarious
and damn so technically the troupe is on the same side as the main crew, what with all of them wanting to wreck omokages shit
also omokage looks like sephiroth lmaoooo 
ill be honest i barely know what sephiroth looks like but ruth said this and i felt in my bones that its true 
ok i gotta talk abt the kurapika backstory stuff bc OUUGHGHGHGHGH my fucking UWUS BITCH!!!!
seeing a bunch of kurta was sad....and seeing baby-er kurapika OUGH and also pairo is sooo cute and him and kurapikas friendship is so pure 
kurapika is so different :( theyre like, so much more innocent and excitable....thats so damn sad bro wtf 
pairo pulling some slick moves swapping that little potion thing - all while using his blindness as a cover - was so good...no wonder he and kurapika get along so well 
also gotta say its even more brutal that one of the main reasons kurapika didnt get Big Murdered w/the rest of the kurta is bc pairo pulled this stunt - if he hadnt, kurapika wouldve failed the test and never would have left 
also kurapika saying theyre gonna find someone who can help w/pairos eyes ;_; the similarities w/leorios backstory/motivation makes me die 
and seriously im still caught up at how innocent and pure kp is oooof ough 
tho still defs the kurapika we know....theyve seemingly always had a temper, what with the reaction to the dudes in the market 
like, kurapika did NOT hold back...even after finding out that they were just part of the test! tho i do get it bc they insulted pairo...kurapika’s love for their friends/stalwart need to defend their friends is clearly a big thing 
also the market people’s reaction to seeing kp’s red eyes is rlly interesting to me...are the kurta like, known to anybody? or are they more of a vaguely talked-about group that like, ‘probably exists’? or is it that people know abt them but not the red eyes thing? it seems like these people, if any, would know, bc this market is seemingly a day’s travel from where the kurta live....i want more kurta lore bro!!
i big love pairo helping kurapika cheat like that....such an interesting twist, and makes it obvious that theirs is a friendship of equals 
anyways i loved that flashback stuff and it just drives home how absolutely fucked up and horribly sad kurapikas whole existence is, especially in this movie w/pairo’s doll being used against them
n e ways back to the non flashback stuff
i love that gon’s super nose returned for this movie omg 
im just auhghghghgh gon and killua know each other so well uwu....
aaaand illumi (well, doll illumi) is back to fuck shit up for poor killua
ugh it still gets me how clearly terrified of illumi killua is...we dont really see him act like this any other time :( and the fact that doll-illumi was able to scare killua enough to get him to run away and leave gon behind (albeit briefly) was oof 
gon jumping in front of killua and getting his eyes stolen instead....baby boyyyy oughhh
also can i just say thank fuck they didnt replace illumis eyes w/gons bc THAT wouldve been some serious nightmare fuel lmao 
cant believe killua then ran away again and walked emo-ly on the train tracks 
and THEN he saw a train coming and was like oh well :( guess ill die :/ JESUS KID 
but gon w/his Big Sniff Powers comes to the rescue!!
it was so cute how gon told killua that killua didnt run and abandon him - they were working together to fight :’) gon understands killua so well 
i love how the squad then squads up to fight omokage...with half of them being blind lmao 
and in the half that isnt blind is leorio, who STILL doesnt know nen, and literally brings a knife to a nen fight 
i totally saw the whole ‘retz is a doll and her older brother is omokage, and retz actually died a while ago’ thing coming lol but still, not bad
all omokage does is talk abt the beauty of his dolls or w/e like ENOUGH bro 
kurapika fighting pairo and killua fighting illumi (AGAIN) was all so fucked up they shouldve switched opponents for less trauma oof 
and poor leorio is literally no help vhhvdijfhjbashkj he just gets throw around this whole time
kurapikas fight against pairo was sad bc it was such a fucked up situation...kp did gr8 tho, i liked them saying that this isnt the real pairo, cause pairo would never say/do these things. still and extremely sucky situation to be in! 
meanwhile its the gon and killua vs doll-illumi rematch...and this illumi is like, a version of illumi drawn from killuas mind/heart (or something idk, it was kinda glossed over which i understand), which means that hes extra scary and focused on telling killua how much hes just a mindless killing machine who cant have friends 
but luckily we have gon here to help snap killua out of his trauma haze, which certaintly wasnt the case at the hunter exam - so it was kinda nice to see how things went w/gon around :’) they work so well together oughhhhh....and they love each other so much broo gay preteen love real 
hisoka just fuckgin materializing in the house place to help sow more chaos....unbelievable 
me: i bet hisoka wont want to fight doll chrollo bc its not The Same as real chrollo 
ruth: no i think he will bc hes a whore 
hisoka: [fights doll chrollo] 
me: oh shit u right 
kurapika: ok omogake its time for you to FUCKING DIE- 
and then killua stops them and says that he’ll do it, be he doesnt want kurapika to kill anymore :( :( :( bro im sooo fucking sad. killua rlly b out here thinking that hes already too far gone to matter when it comes to murder, but he doesnt want his friends to end up like that, so he might as well take on that burden, because whats one more person’s death on his hands? (EVEN THO HE SAID HE DIDNT WANT TO KILL ANY MORE...but theres exceptions when it comes to saving your friend’s souls and whatnot) :( :( AUGHHH
but luckily retz comes THRU with some good ole fratricide
killua: [takes notes]
the fact that the phantom troupe just fuckgin shows up and is like oh hey its you guys. this casual enemy stuff kills me lmao i love it 
then they just fuckgin LEAVE and theyre like welllll we cant rlly fight u bc of chrollo’s state so by i guess. its NOT On Sight but someday it will be! YOU TOO HISOKA DONT THINK WE FUCKIGN FORGOT ABOUT YOU. 
dramatic house burning! and rip retz, saw that one comin tho 
when they all went thru and said their life goals and then killua was like shit i dont have a cool definitive anime goal LMAOOOO
but THEN gon said his goals should be to stay by gon’s side UHMMM???? baby gays AUGHHHHH and killua is just like lovestruck AUGHHHH 
Gays Win 
then they all peace out to resume the next arc lmaoooo
and then we see flashes of other characters, like the blonde girl (who ruth and i totally thought retz was, seeing thumbnails from this movie....we were like w8 hasnt that girl not been introduced yet??? lmao)
we also see some dude w/long hair and a hat who ive never seen before but ruth went OHHH ITS SCYTHE GUY!!! so i guess hes gonna b important?? lol 
and then we saw chrollo....still in the same place the squad left him vbhajfdjkahsbfkdjabhsukfdj CAN HE NOT GET DOWN FROM THERE W/OUT NEN OR AN AIRSHIP??? THATS SO FUCKING FUNNYYYYYY ARE YOU KIDDING ME 
general thots:
so this was very much an Anime Movie, in that they cant like, advance to plot or develop the characters much, bc its a movie. and this one is non canon
it was enjoyable but i do feel like it was much more typical shounen then hxh usually is...like, i feel like this was made by the same people who make like, the naruto movies or w/e, and w/the same sort of approach/attitude 
this isnt necessarily bad - i LIKE shounen for a reason - but it was a bit noticeable bc it wasnt quite as smart as hxh is usually, and it rehashed a lot of stuff weve already seen in this show itself 
but still i think it did a good job w/what it had, and it had some good angst, and everyone was very gay which is good
the art style was SLIGHTLY wack but it wasnt as bad as i thought itd be 
overall a fun time like most anime movies. didnt reinvent the wheel but i had a good time. im excited for the greed island arc, and im also disproportionately excited to watch the hxh musical bc that is a thing that exists and i MUST see it asap bc that sounds like the kind of hilarious wackiness that appeals to me specifically
so thats it...later! 
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catsdaydreams · 6 years
Okay, so its been forever since I’ve touched this story, needing to step away from everything for some self care, but its back, and so am I, ish. I cant promise to be super active because my life is in transition right now, but I can promise that even if it takes me a while I would NEVER leave a story on here without conclusion. So keep faith.
When the Crown Calls (Maxwell x mc x Liam)
Rating: M
@decisso @mfackenthal @ladynonsense My tags literally just quit after this. RIP. 
Catch up Here.
No seriously, its been a long time, catch up lol.
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I let out a small exhausted laugh. “Perhaps we should get dressed this time before Bertrand finds us.” I said, flipping over onto my back and letting Maxwell collapse onto my chest. “I think I’m good right here.” He said, resting on my bare breasts. “I love you.” He murmured again, pressing a kiss to my sternum. “I love you too.” I said content.
Liam watched Kendra leave the palace shortly after he left her suite. A pang of hurt ached across his chest, branching out like a poisonous vine drenched in jealousy. Liam had his suspicions about Max and Kendra for some time, constantly brushing them off as him being paranoid. However now he knew for sure that he was in a competition for her heart. Liam had dispensed two royal guards to tail Kendra from a distance at all times after the poisoning attempt at the ball. 
Liam had spent months while Kendra was comatose following every shred of evidence he could. However there simply wasn’t much to find. The only people that even knew that they would be out there alone had been Bastien, and Liam knew that Bastien was fiercely loyal to the royal family. However, Liam didn’t miss the way Bastien avoided looking directly into Kendra’s eyes that morning. He didn’t miss the way Bastien shuffled uncomfortably when Liam hand picked the guards for Kendra's detail. 
In his heart, Liam couldn’t ignore the suspicion coiling in the pit of his stomach. Once the car carrying Kendra off the palace grounds disappeared from view, he turned and proceeded to his study, where he summoned Drake. Liam was leaning against his mahogany desk, staring at the ground when the door clicked open. “I thought you put an end to these meetings once you fell madly in love with Kendra.” Drake said dryly, closing the door behind him. Liam ignored the pointed edge his comment held, “I need someone I can trust, because I don’t think I can trust Bastien any longer.” 
The two men’s eyes met, and Drake noticed the cracks behind the pools of blue staring back at him. “Ah, so you found out about Beaumont and Hernandez.” Liam rolled his eyes, “Can we discuss something other than my current romance situation? There is a security issue at court, I know that you have been training to become the next head of security. You may have to take that title a little sooner than we thought, I need you to be able to focus on the security of myself and the royal family. If you cant put your own feelings aside long enough to keep your charges safe, I may need to reconsider your future position.” Liam snapped. 
He knew it wasn’t fair to take his frustrations out on Drake, who had his own hurt and frustration to deal with. However lately any private conversations between the two seemed to always circle back around to the same subject. Drakes game of snarky remarks had grown very old to Liam, who had learned from a young age to put his own feelings aside for the sake of the crown. Drakes posture stiffened, and guilt flashed across his face momentarily before he bowed his head lightly to Liam. “Of course, I apologize. What is it that you needed to talk to me about.” 
Liam’s voice softened, “Leo abdicated, this was never our plan. We will always have the cabin.” Drake swallowed the emotions bubbling inside of him at Liam’s words, the small reprieve in his usual callousness towards Drake since the night that they had ended their stolen moments. Drake swallowed and composed himself, as Liam continued. “I think that Bastien may have tried to poison me. I don’t know why, or how, or at who’s discretion. But he attempted to assassinate the King. I have no choice but to promote you to the head of security and arrest him for treason, but before I do, I want to talk to him privately.”
Drake took this information in, listening to Liam’s plan. He gulped down the fear in the back of his throat, a small voice whispering in the back of his mind like a heartbeat, you’re not ready, you’re not ready. Once he had committed Liam’s plan to memory, he gave his oldest friend a firm handshake, and set out to put the pieces of their mouse trap into place.
Liam never leaves the study, lost in thought and waiting for Drake to text him that everything has been set up. He remembers a time before Leo abdicated, when the two of them would steal away to Drakes fathers cabin in the woods, forgetting the rest of the world and its trouble. Even if for just a short time. He even remembers how they continued once his brother abdicated and Liam was lined up for the throne. Swearing to each other in the early mornings that no wife would come between the two of them. Things changed when Kendra stepped into their lives, unbeknownst to her she was like a walking hurricane, leaving a path of destruction in everyone’s romantic affairs. 
Maxwell inevitably became the first to fall, the two of them spending two years alone at Ramsford. Maxwell teaching her all the ways of the court and how to act as a lady. He gave her a few pointers, but he never needed to teach her how to enthrall the crown prince, who’s interest had been peaked at the bar in New York. Drake and Liam came second. Both boys taking an immediate interest in the new girl at court. The girl who somehow managed to have a foot in both of their worlds, one with Liam where she understood class and how to play the game and the other with Drake, drowning whiskey and poking fun at the stiff traditions. A lady, but still a commoner. Hana too, having her own short time period where she idolized the new American. Kendra was independent, and blunt, two very american traits that Hana had never had the confidence to posses. Kendra taught her that confidence, and Hana became infatuated with her because of it. 
Liam remembered the last night that he spent tangled in Drake’s sheets. The way the two of them shared no words, and loved for the last time. Liam tried not to notice the tears staining Drakes pillow, his own heart crumbling in response as he got dressed to leave. Drake knew that his heart had ultimately been stolen, and that their time as lovers had come to an end. Liam confirming as much the next day, as he confessed his love for Kendra. 
The notification on his phone went off and he braced for Bastien's entry, the tan skinned man striding into the office right on cue, a few moments later. “Your majesty. You wanted to speak with me?” He said bowing his head to Liam. Liam straightened his shoulders looked Bastien in the eye, leaving no more than two feet between the two of them. “Yes. I need to know why you tried to poison me.” Liam said, having no energy left to be coy with him. If Bastien had attempted to poison the king, he showed no sign of it. 
“What ever do you mean, my king?” Bastien said eyes never leaving Liam’s. Liam faltered momentarily, he wondered for a moment if he had made the wrong assumption. He shook the thought from his mind, even if he had been wrong, he had to keep pressing. “Bastien, you are the only person that knew Kendra and I were going out there. My real question is how you managed to fumble the dosage. Or was that on purpose to send a message that the crown was vulnerable?” Liam questioned. Bastien didn’t waiver, “Your majesty, I think you need some rest. You have become paranoid.”
Liam pinched the nose of his bridge, Bastien was seemingly unaffected. He was too calm, Liam realized. He wasn’t even upset with the kings accusations. It was in this moment Liam knew that his most loyal guard was to blame, without a doubt. “The waitstaff saw you tamper with the glass, Bastien.” A bluff, but an effective one none the less. Bastien shuffled, almost unnoticeable, and the two men stared at one another in a long silence before Bastien finally broke it. “Your majesty, I beg of you to let the subject go.” He said softly, knowing in his heart of hearts that the game the three of them had been playing was unraveling quickly. It would only take Liam moments to realize that there was only one person who could order something like that of Bastien. 
“So who compromised your integrity.”Liam asked, his blue eyes piercing Bastien’s. “Was it the Son’s of Earth? Did you simply tire of the royal family? Who were you sending a message for? You are smart enough to poison me fully if you attempted to, so the dosage couldn’t have been a mistake.” Bastien frowned, Liam hadn’t connected the dots yet. “I wasn’t compromised I was following orders.” The Kings orders to be exact, orders Bastien couldn’t refuse. Liam’s gaze hardened, his sick dying father would have no reason to poison him, he concluded that Bastien had to be lying to cover his tracks. Liam sighed heavily when Drake knocked on the door softly before rushing in, catching both men off guard. “I apologize for the interruption your majesty, but Lady Kendra has gone missing.”
Liam, having watched Kendra drive off knowing she was headed to Ramsford, ignored the intrusion. “You cant honestly expect me to believe the the King father wanted me poisoned.” He stated, watching Bastien’s body language intensely. Bastien sighed, “I do as my King commands, as it is absolute. He is the only person to be able to order me to do such things. King father told me to slip you just enough to make you faint, however he wouldn’t tell me anything more as far as motives go.” Bastien relented. He hadn’t wanted any part of this, but the Kings order is absolute and he had no choice. Liam was his King now, and his word was just as absolute as his fathers before him.
Liam’s jaw clenched at Bastien’s accusation. The idea that his father would do such a thing made no sense to him, what reason would his father have to poison him half way? Liam’s mind began to spin and turn with the possibilities. “Drake, have Bastien arrested until I can further decide what to do with him and the information he has brought me.” He said distractedly, trying to piece together a motive for Bastien’s actions. Two more royal guards came and escorted Bastien out, and Liam noticed that Drake didn’t leave with them. He looked to the brown haired man expectantly, “And Kendra?” Drake asked gauging the Kings response. Liam shook his head, “She isn’t missing. She’s simply gone to Ramsford to talk to Maxwell. I saw her off this morning.” 
Drake stood uncomfortably in the presence of his childhood friend and lover, knowing exactly how well he would take this news. “No, Liam. Someone grabbed her at the train station. The small team of guard you attached to her was able to stop the attempted kidnappers, but they can’t find Lady Kendra anywhere. Local authorities are looking for her as well.”
Tensions were high at the palace as the four friends tried endlessly to reach either Max or Kendra, none successful. Liam hadn’t stopped pacing since Drake had broken the news to him. Olivia, Hana, and Drake eyed him nervously as they monitored their phones and the news, desperate for any information. “Some one really has it out for that girl.” Olivia said callously, earning her a side glare from Drake. She rolled her eyes, “honestly, its a miracle shes survived this long. We’re all thinking it, I’m just the only one saying it.” Hana walked over to Liam and put a hand on his shoulder, stopping his pacing. “She’s going to be okay. Her phone is probably on silent, or dead.” She said, trying to ease the mans fear. 
Hana’s phone rang loudly from the table, and all four of their eyes landed on it. “Its Kendra!” Drake exclaimed, reaching out for the phone. Liam was faster, answering it in the blink of an eye. “Kendra?” Liam said, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. He just needed to know that she was okay, his mind still reeling from his earlier encounter. “Λυπάμαι, δεν είμαι φίλος σου. αυτό το τηλέφωνο ήταν στο δάσος;” A confused voice answered him. Liam’s shoulders sank, responding to the man on the other side of the line asking him to turn the phone over to the police. The man quickly agreed and hung up. 
“Was that her? I don’t understand greek, what did you say?” Hana questioned, as soon as the words left her mouth she noticed her friends expressions and knew that it couldn’t have been Kendra. “A citizen found her phone in the forest. He dialed the last number to call her and reached us.” Liam said, and she patted his shoulder reassuringly.
Maxwell’s 80′s themed ringtone woke both of us out of the deep post coital slumber we had both been in. Max reached for the phone that had somehow been shoved into the couch cushions and answered the call. “Yellow.” He said chipperly, I couldn’t make out the words coming through the phone call as I got up and picked up my clothes from around the living room, but judging by Max’s side of it, I could only assume Liam and the others had heard about the kidnapping attempt. Max glanced at me before transitioning into greek to argue with the person on the other end of the line. I debated on if I was going to take a shower or not before we headed back to the palace. I had already been gone longer than I intended and I knew that it would be safest at the palace rather than in Ramsford. Maxwell looked troubled as he hung up the phone.
“I imagine that was the rest of the gang on the phone.” I said, feeling more at ease as Max wrapped his arms around me. “Yeah, they are livid that we didn’t call sooner. I explained that you were upset and wanted to rest, and we didn’t think to check the phone.”  I leaned into his warm chest, breathing deeply. It seemed our moment of reprieve was over, and it was back to the never ending insanity of the Cordonian court. Almost as if reading my mind Maxwell brushed a piece of my hair out of my face as he pressed a kiss to my nose. “You know we don’t have to go back. You are entitled to a break, and can stay here as long as you want. We don’t have to go back to the court, even though Liam wants you too.” I sighed, it really was time for our reprieve to end. I had to tell Maxwell the reason I had come to Ramsford in the first place.
Maxwell looked at me, his emerald eyes shining and my heart broke a little. How could I tell this man that no matter how I felt about him, it wasn’t enough? That I intended to clear my name and marry Liam anyway? “I have to go back, Maxwell.” I watched the light dim in his eyes. Pain cracked behind them as the unspoken words clung to the air. “You chose him.” Max said, sliding his mask back into place. I looked down towards my feet, unsure of how to answer him. 
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bibbleboo · 3 years
Could we get some headcanons/more background on Abbey and Doyle’s kids? 🥺👉👈 I love the premise of this AU
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YEEEEE (im just gonna ramble a bunch about the backstory i have so far but ill put it in bullets so its easier to follow lol i apologize for it being long as fuck-)
OKAY SO,,, first of all,,, doyle and abbey timeline,,,, [i am looking respectfully]
in this au, they get back together and have a sort of ‘lovers pretending to be enemies’ chaotic on again/off again hookup thing off to the side just between the two of them thru like Most of the final season, they try to keep it a secret (especially doyle who doubts the saturdays would be hAPPY if he was seeing her again) but in the end, saturdays ofc find out, probably are unsure about it at first, but she gains enough of their trust to be there for the big finale battle in the weird world mansion.
when shit goes down and argost becomes the vessel for the two opposing kurs (regular kur, and the anti kur from zak monday) and they like. explode his matter or w/e, i imagine instead of kur just completely disappearing, the ‘anti kur’ gets shot back to its universe, while original kur gets forced into a new vessel in this universe... the closest of which happens to be the unborn child abbeys unknowingly carrying. basically, what if the two kurs just LOOKED like they evaporated but actually did what happens when you try to like tape two same sides of a magnets together and they YEETED-
So thats how we have Parker, their firstborn daughter! and this... also implies ‘Parker Monday’ exists which. 8^) i havent thought about yet so forgive me on that but hoo, 
they dont know parker is kur, they got no idea and rly just assume kur is gone for good. but after they find out abbeys pregnant (which is a huge emotional trip for both of them in its own right) they do eventually sort of agree they dont want their kid exposed to that whole world of mystery. like, ik its a vital thing to the whole family, and ik these two people were probably voted least likely to ‘settle down’ in high school, but i cant imagine they didnt escape the kur/zak situation without a LOT of trauma, so while the saturdays stay in the cryptozoology field, doyle and abbey slowly pull away from the mystery and mercenary stuff, and also instead of going for big dollar lifestyle settle with ‘independently wealthy’ parenting.
also, neither of them really . grasp the concept that theyve even started a family, and are ‘together’, and that this is REAL, until around when she gets pregnant with their second daughter, Kendall. and then theyre like. oh nooo wait are we actually like boyfriend and girlfriend EWW-
when kendall is born parker is 3, and the next like 10+ years are pretty smooth sailing. as far as what the kids know/see, they probably know the cryptids when theyre little but. (tw animal death sORRY TO BE DARK I JUST??????) idk,, how long komodo dragons live/how old komodo already is and i definitely dont know Anything about giant prehistoric birds and am not even sure if science knows that lifespan, so. im not sure how long they could really be in each others lives??? i almost imagine parker would have memories of them that she assumes she remembers wrong, like “oh yeah they used to have a lizard and a bird... my imaginative little kid brain thought they were a komodo dragon and a dinosaur”, and as for fisk im still working on it but i . actually kind of imagine he might have a much longer lifespan (since lemurians are like ancient or w/e? and also if hes by dna like a gorilla cat or w/e gorillas at least live long af) and also feel like once he got older and settled down a bit he might live somewhere in the woods, maybe even his old tree? and the saturdays see him ALL the time obviously, but hey zaks gotta go to college eventually, a gorilla cats gotta eat bugs in forest, we all have to grow up and leave the nest sometime,
so idk the last time parker has actually seen fisk and she might assume he was an imaginary friend or smth but, 1. if i do write a fic they absolutely have to meet again, 2. overall the vibe is they know the saturdays are cryptozoologists, like, the same way josh gates does destination truth, seeking answers and studying, they dont really. know that theyre REAL. to them its like, a hypothetical science. (this is also part of why they dont realize parker is kur, she isnt around cryptids and therefore whenever her powers would actually show up they wouldnt be recognized) anyways parker isnt embarrassed or put off by it but just thinks its a little wacky, meanwhile kendall is obsessed with the world of mystery/paranormal/cryptic lol
speaking of the girls personalities;;;
parker is like. not really normie/preppy, even if she seems it at first glance, shes nice and has a good head on her shoulders but also is a teenage girl (inherently unhinged) and shes THEIR teenage girl (+5 feral) so despite her success and charm shes also very witty/crass when she wants to be, and deep down shes closer to the kind of person that would on pure inexplicable instinct put something random in your mouth when you’re yawning so you bite down on it afterwards. or like. that video of the girl singing in the bathroom while her friends curl their hair and she grabs the curler to use as a microphone before realizing its burning hot??? shes. the voice of reason, but the voice is usually shrieking in fear, making a cursed joke, or half the time whatever shes saying is actually smart. she kinda wants to go to college and travel, but struggles with indecisiveness and anxiety, so she has no idea where to go, what to major in, etc. and is again kinda just livin thru the typical teen life in that regard
kendall on the other hand is like. weird kid culture, the kind of kid that believes they are secretly a new supernatural creature each year (mermaid phase, werewolf phase, alien phase, etc), probably completely accidentally starts cults or witch covens at school (didnt realize teaching peers how to become ‘blood brothers’ and ‘make potions’ from puddles and stolen school supplies would be taken so seriously by parents) , very into emo/scene/punk/alt culture but not rly in an overtly dark/edgy way, more of a having fun and expressing self way. she wants answers for everything, really loves mysteries and being open minded, and definitely a rebel/adventurer at heart, even if she gets naive or in over her head sometimes.
the girls get along well! parker is not dismissive of kendall she just. isnt really into the same stuff/is more freaked out by it most of the time, but she would tag along on certain adventures, especially if it was to keep her safe. and kendall definitely directs gentle mockery towards parker a lot but does see her as a good role model and guiding figure, their bond is really strong!
other details !
doyle and abbey prob decide to say fuck it and get married after kendall is born, they probably have a few rough patches but nothing is more important to them than the kids now and in the end they understand each other better than anyone else so . canon tension idk her! family ftw! power couple! they intimidate the teacher during parent teacher conferences together hand in shady little hand !
their parenting style is exactly what one would imagine, 70% fun and sass and controlled chaos where theyre the bigger children than their children, 15% ‘this is how you hack the government and dual wield swords-- i was not supposed to teach you that im sorry’, and 15% actual guidance / emotional depth / etc. flaws might be overcoming their own immaturity for the first few years, and then being lowkey overly protective (while claiming they arent, but just bc you semi jokingly tell parker she should join the football team doesnt mean you dont actually hide 60% of ur life from her and check that her bedroom windows are locked every night and have 24 people listed in her school emergency contacts and used to cut up her food till she was 7 and-)
so abouT THE BABY BOY (Phoenix), 1. his middle name is leonidas bc im gay and i love emotional turmoil babes , 2. fully unironically the idea behind such a late pregnancy is abbey would be mid fourties when hes born right. so like. [has two kids] ‘ok birth control time’ [when theyre teens many years later] ‘ok im old enough to stop taking this’ [the hyperfertility curse that plagues many women rears its ugly head with one last hoo-rah]
and finALLY a very quick elevator pitch of what id write an actual fic to focus on;;; kendall sneaks into the attic to look for old shit bc they BOTH know their parents have been hiding stuff over the years, she finds things like a cryptopedia (now offline), the claw, maybe even a piece of the kur stone, and ropes parker into the long haul of figuring out what all this stuff is. and ofc the second they ever find the naga relic and parker comes face to face with it, [rest in rip] time for mom and dad to find out and all this kur shit to start ALL over again-
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dustybunny · 6 years
ramble bramble
So I know people have already said this before and stuff but I kinda wanted to put in my quarter and see what happens lol
OH before you keep reading, I’m on mobile as I write this and cannot add a read more break so!! IF YOU HAVENT PLAYED/ARE DODGING SPOILERS FOR EPISODE IGNIS IM SO SORRY I CANT HIDE THEM AT THE MOMENT////
I’ll be tagging this as well so please don’t get mad at me ; ~ ;
So here we go!
After thinking about it and comparing the bros dlcs it’s more then blatantly obvious that Gladio got jipped. Ok yea fighting and beating a giant one armed samurai dude to prove your worth was pretty cool, but it feels like there should’ve been more.
Prompto was able to not only come to terms with being a clone, but also start becoming independent and not so needing of the others just to prove himself.
Ignis bends over backwards to save the one person he cares about the most, not because it’s his job, but because he’s his brother. And not only that, but insuring he won’t lose him to some shitty god logic.
But then there’s Gladio— undergoing a trial to prove his worthiness of being a Shield despite facing death as the moderately high likely outcome if he fails. That’s it.
With the other two bro dlcs, they’re structured around the respective bro, with both also being a way to work on something in the future. Kinda like a emotional bankrupting gaming experience of a Dr Phil episode, but somehow worse. (I’m still crying please send help)
So with that in mind, Episode Gladio is seemingly out of place and not quite the same quality as the others. You could argue the later dlcs were merely buffed up in an attempt to win back the players and fan base.
But what if that’s exactly how it was supposed to be...?
Quickly, I re-evaluated Gladio’s character— strong, intelligent resourceful guy who is a survivalist and is pretty headstrong. He tends to analyze, and seeming to be lacking in empathy in certain events (cue the train scene) Moreover, he is the King’s sworn Shield, a job he trained for his whole life and takes very seriously.
And that last part makes his episode make that much more sense. While temporarily, he leaves the group to prove himself after being ragdolled by Ravus. Not only does he succeed, but also is able to retrieve the sword Cor lost when he attempted the trials.
It makes sense... but still feels off.
Let’s fast forward a bit.
During Episode Ignis, if you play along with Ardyn and risk your life to defeat him, the trash man leaves, thanking his immortality and lovingly telling Ignis he’s gonna die while Noctis finds him. Thankfully the group does and just in time, but one thing about the scene just ripped my heart out.
Gladio, in an attempt to hold back tears, watching over a tired and fading Ignis, gives a ferocious, emotional roar, “What were you thinking?!!”
Granted I was already sobbing my eyes out and was also exhausted from trying to make Swiss cheese out of the resident garbage lord numerous times, I seriously cannot tell you how badly that one line wrecked me.
And then it suddenly got me thinking.
Just how often does Gladio allow himself to be himself?
To review, Gladio spent his whole life training to protect a future king. He descends from a heavily militarized background, and for gods sake his own father fought in a war alongside his king to help bring peace. He’s got a pair of ginormous shoes he has to fill.
So when the bros are faced with difficult decisions, what does Gladio do?
Exactly what he tells Noctis on the way to commune with Titan.
His job. There’s not much else he knows.
It’s that one line during Episode Ignis that solidified it for me—
Gladiolus Amicitia, sworn Shield to Chosen King Noctis, is shit for luck at his own emotional control.
During the whole game, Gladio doesn’t break. Won’t even allow himself to. He’s constantly working, putting all his years of training into overdrive, trying to do what he spent his entire life on.
Everyone else in the group breaks at least a little. Even Ignis, when he has to tell Noctis what’s happened to Insomnia at the beginning of the game, is clearly heartbroken and not his normal sturdy self.
But Gladio doesn’t. Not in the way everyone else does.
His breaks are seldom, and sometimes really hard to pick up on when you aren’t looking for them.
His general hatred toward Niflheim, his snaps at Noctis during the Titan climb and on the train, his sudden distress when separated from the prince in the keep after defeating the daemon that ambushed him and his recently blinded friend. His line when he finds a nearly dead Ignis.
The only thing he seems to do for selfish reason is fighting. Hunting and taking down daemons, MTs, whatever. It’s the only way for him to release his emotions, turning it all into rage to destroy whatever he’s in front of that’s trying to kill him or his king.
It’s his only way to cope with what the fuck is going on.
His dad is murdered, his home destroyed, everything he knew turned on its head. And he doesn’t even flinch. Just keeps going, pushing onwards, focusing on being a worthy Shield. Analyzing and tactically moving forward. It’s what he knows. Buries everything else, even his own emotions to march on.
It what he has to do. It’s what he was trained for.
Gladio reacting to Noctis grieving Luna’s death was a mix of trying to do the thinking for the prince and himself. He couldn’t let his own building pain beat him. So he did his job. Keep moving forward. It’s when he lashes out that he breaks, and quickly tries to catch himself, choking down his feelings to keep going.
Keep. Fucking. Going.
That’s why Episode Gladiolus is so different. Instead of conquering some inner demon, he’s focused on the trial. To prove himself as a Shield. Swallowing down and shoving away his emotions, refusing to let them even touch the surface. It’s not that he couldn’t win, but rather forces himself to bury it away. Focus on the job. The only thing he’s known his whole life.
As much as I love all the boys, Gladio is by far the one I worry about the most. In future dlcs, I’m scared to see what’ll happen to him. If one focuses on him again, what are we gonna see? If it’s in the ten year skip, will we finally see him snap? All that time, bottling up everything, will he finally let it burst?
Ughh as much as I love this game it makes me think so much about all the poor kids involved in it # ~ #
And tbh I just want gladio to be happy. Lemme spoil me good boi, god damn it. There’s a very good reason I have an embarrassing surplus of ramen on my game and it’s so I can at least make my poor tol a little happy.
Hhhhh but that’s all my thoughts ;w;
Hopefully it makes sense. Mobile app is making it dangerously hard to revise and review //orz
And if you got this far, thank you for reading !! ;w;<33
hope you have a lovely day !! <33
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whalefairyfandom12 · 7 years
Your Love's a Fucking Drag (But I Need it So Bad)
Summary: Dan likes black and leather jackets, Phil likes reading in solitude and playing video games. But they have one thing in common as new roommates at uni: They are both completely straight. Just because they like to get each other off every once in a while doesn’t make it any different.
A/N: We've been writing this fic for over a year now and it's strange to think this is the last time we'll be doing this. Thank you so much for all of your support and we hope you enjoy the final chapter <33
Chapter Nine
 *picks up after “true bros swallow” from chapter seven
don’t judge me makila
I’m 110% judging right now smh no homo just bromo
I came here to have a good time and im honestly feeling so attacked rn
Not as attacked as Dan’s cock amiright
...That's what he said and then Phil made him
My mind is literally blank rn jfc i have absolutely no comebacks whatsoever
On a scale of one to Dan’s mind during orgasm from a brojob how blank?
Like dan’s mind during orgasm and then some
Yet somehow Phil Lester’s lips aren't involved. I think he got the better deal, really. Also cuddles after
Im jealous of dan i want phil lester’s cuddles :<
I swear to god we sound so ace right now 100 to 0 real fast
*writes sex scene* “Wow i cant wait to cuddle the fuck out of phil” 100% ace
Seriously though Phil probably gives some of the best cuddles imaginable I'm jealous
My friend met him and she said he gives the best hugs out of anyone she’s ever met
You know what fuck Phan I'm stealing Phil for myself
“Hi do u have any philxreader fics” dats u
“I don't want the yang wang dang just the hugging”
Im fucking pissing myself im hilarious
I think my mom just heard that snort
Im literally laughing so hard and my dogs started barking bc of it christ i need sleep
Jesus Christ has very little to do with this conversation, trust me ;)))))))))))))
I hope he isn’t too mad that i started involving him in our crimes
We’re all going to hell anyway, what's one more crime really
Imagine if jesus went to hell with us JESUS READS TOO MUCH GAY PORN
“So what was your punishment?”
“I liked sucking cocks too”
“Same. Only bros?”
“True bros swallowed. Dat was me.”
Jeezy wheezy (sry i cant type wow) thats amazing and i had something to say but i dont REMEMBER
They say losing your memory this early means you're definitely screwed and damned to hell
I mean we already knew i was going to hell so whats the difference
I've spent my evening reading gay porn stars AU instead of studying that ship has sailed
Porn star aus are the best thing ever no ragerts
“Ragerts”-Rachel, 2016
The sin has clouded your thoughts
Im gonna get that tattooed on me “no ragerts”
You can say not only were you extremely drunk when you got it you were also drunk when you thought it up. A win win
“How did you get that tattoo??” “Well im always drunk man”
“Drunk on gay smut and memes”
I read too much about bros swallowing loads
You need to fire your autocorrect and get a better one
Im on my computer so looks like i just have to fire my brain
Our wordcount has upped significantly can we just keep this here. “Now presenting a short intermission from your writers”
Oh my god when we upload the last chapter (whenever the fuck that will be jesus christ what are we doing with this story) we should post this
Imagine the day when our inboxes will no longer be filled with messages of “WHEN THE FUCK IS THE NEXT CHAPTER OF YLAFD GOING TO BE UP??????”
That’s the day that the earth will truly implode
See the real question is who’s going to store all these screenshots on their camera roll? Forfeit those sick GBs
I can screenshot them on my computer hahaha
Way to ruin the moment Rachel wooooooow :(((((((( That was so low not even Dan could recover (get it because he’s a bottom? I'm so tired smh)
Sorry bro (*insert lenny face here bc im too lazy to do that*) i hope dans proud of me
He knows it's just about bros doing bro things I'm sure he’d fully endorse our fics. (And let’s be honest, I'll bet you one hundred dollars this hasn't happened to him at least once)
Oh him and phil have d e f i n i t el I GIVE UP fucked
Which will come out first? Dan Howell or Sherlock’s next season? YO MAMA’S SO FAT BY THE TIME SHE TURNS AROUND DAN HOWELL CAME OUT!!!!!1!
JESUS CHriST “How many licks does it take for dan howell to come out?” “The world may never know”
Oh he’ll be coming all right *insert lenny face*
╚═( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)═╝╚═(███)═╝╚═(███)═╝.╚═(███)═╝..╚═(███)═╝…╚═(███)═╝…╚═(███)═╝..╚═(███)═╝.╚═(███)═╝╚═(███)═╝.╚═(███)═╝..╚═(███)═╝…╚═(███)═╝…╚═(███)═╝…..╚(███)╝……╚(██)╝………(█)……….*
WHAT THE FUCK MAKILA NO the human centipede lol
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ POOP
Ur enjoying urself aren’t u
FIGHT ME (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง (what? I don't have an entire wall of lenny’s saved to my notes for this very purpose that would be ridiculous haha ha ha ha…)
Usually when i use a lenny face i go back and copy it from one of my friend’s text messages so ALL THE JUDGEMENT HERE UR FIRED
( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )ᕤ holy shit we broke 14k yay us #rakilaftwrioolymipcs2k16
(ʘ‿ʘ✿) we literally broke 14k because we wrote an entire essay about how much of a meme we are (why is this a different color text wtf)
All better. The perfectionist in me is satisfied.
Im proud of you makkypoo
JUST U MACKLEMORE (i think im so funny)
Macklemore I'm dying (right and Phil’s dating Dan. Oh wait)
I think your nickname is no longer makila but instead macklemore
Once we release these screenshots it will be THANKS RACHEL UR FIRED NOW
BUT ): A KOUHAI CANT HIRE THEIR SENPAIIIIIIII (also i hope you start getting messages about macklemore now)
WOW I FEEL SO LOVED :,(((((((((( a single man tear
A man tear… like uh i dont have a fucking comeback im So TIRED LIKE UR MUMS MAN TEAR
Cuz we all know dan thinks every man tear is attractive rip to dan’s heart (and his sexuality)
“Here lies Dan’s heterosexuality and heteronormativity. It will be sorely--screw it no it won't.”
Dan’s heterosexuality&heteronormativity,,, June 10, 1991 - Today (what is today) August 20, 2016
“We gather to celebrate with smut and Lenny human centipedes.” I need sleep so badly right now smh I'm dead tomorrow
GO TO SLEEP (honestly i do too i have to wake up early to move back to uni rip)
I will if you do. A bro pact. (A broct? Pacbro?)
Just… stop right there LOL lets form a broct(?) and just brosleep it out
I hope Phil brohugs you bro
Thanks bro i hope phil brocuddles u my dude, my bro
Aw you mean it bro? U r always there for me, man, I luv u u r like a brother to me, bro
Bro… oh my god bro, that’s the broest thing anyones ever said to me… i love u bro.. Like bromantically
Not as much as I platonically 110% heterosexually love u bro. Just bromo tho no homo
That’s the new phrase of this fic “just bromo, no homo”
*deletes summary and changes it to that* seriously why aren't we sleeping GO TO BED RAKILA
47 notes · View notes
r-o-se · 7 years
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EXACTLY 101 comments over P101 S2E4 wow how did I manage that don’t ask me also sorry for the shit screencaps lmao NOTHING THAT CUTE OR COOL HAPPENED IT WAS JUST SAD
Yo those eps are getting subbed faster than they used to idk whats going on but I’m definitely not complaining lol lets get riiiiiiiiiight into the neeeeeeeeews
1.      Flashback scenes to Jisung and Jinwoo’s teams losing are not appreciated at all stop the MMO abuse
2.      ‘3000 votes is too many’ I AGREE the Be Mine team is training everywhere and all the time poor fucking kids
3.      Who edited this and thought that ‘wow a piano rendition of out song would be a great and dramatic choice’ newsflash it’s not I’m already done with this song lmao
5.      Pink team Ren and Yuehua chinaliners vs green team Sanggyun  and MMO Jaehan and Taewoong
6.      The pink cutesy Ren team is…. Too aegyo-ish  I’m older than 80% of them yet I feel like a pedophile watching this SAVE ME SOMEONE
7.      Sanggyun and Justin are the centers and both fucking wreck their roles in the best way possible
8.      Justin is so overacting and cheesy I’m rotting lmao love my kid tho
9.      Lee Gunhee aka the (RBW?) kid whose intro vid was him singing while getting hit by shit to show how stabile he is keeps getting out of tune I’m sad and worried
10.   The vocals trainers in this show I stg their method is just singing the high notes and then looking at the trainee like ‘what u cant do this lol? Try harder’
11.   Ren is comforting the kid whos dying of self doubt u g h
13.   U get the most flowerboyish pretty boy that has ever lived (Ren) and u give him the ugliest haircut u can think of pretty sure this counts as a crime
15.   Zhu Zheng did a frontflip of course he did lmao also Jihoon is probs pissing his pants because everyone around keep winking lmao
16.   Team 1 is playing around and being cute w the camera but team 2 look a bit troubled also ugh they are too hardcore for this fucking god Zhu Zheng kiddo I love you but you put them into such a shitty position aaaaa
17.   Here we gooooooooooooo green team lookin cuter than I expected holy damn Sanggyun is SINGING and it’s SO GOOD FOR A RAPPER
19.   Their performance is really good? A Lot cuter than I predicted and the vocals are so goooood
20.   Why do all other trainees look so sour did u want them to fail or some shit just let the kids live they were forced into such an uncomfortable concept aaaaaaa I WANNA VOTEEEE
21.   Time for pain and results team 1 won with ~70 votes im SAD Sanggyun was the only one who took the position points win aaaahhhhhh  ngl I was rooting for #2 eventho #1 had Ren and Yuehua kiddos also 3000 votes is TOO FUCKING MUCHH I HATE P101
22.   Now its Mansae aka power vocals vs the leftovers rip
23.   Woodam is one of my fav vocals overall this season all of the shit he’s done his intro clip his evaluation and reeevaluation clips are all so golden I love that dude and obvs he’s SLAYING THIS SONG TOO AGH
24.   Team 1 Yoonsung left due to health problems this is what happens when u don’t give kids food and make them get stage ready within a week and rearrange within 2 days
25.   It stressed Woodam the fuck OUT and he messed up a looot during rehearsals, missing notes and whatnot
26.   Their rapper reminds me of cube Soyeon last season with his kinda small and cutesy looks yet super charismatic stage presence
28.   Ok now the leftover group I really hope they will do alright they make me really sad ugh I really really really hope they’re okay u g h
29.   Theres this kid Hadon who is really salty about being in that team and leaves in the middle of practice and then won’t cooperate during trainers thing aahhh kid please
30.   Neverminddd they got nothing to show shit this is gonna be bad I am Very Worried
31.   Kahi is so nice I love her so much she’s so friendly and sweet and good truly the queen of this show without her it would be so much worse
32.   Hadon got his confidence back and their teamwork is so much better now and literally all of this got started by Kahi I LOVE KAHI SO MUCH BEST GIRL
33.   Their energy is a lot better than I expected I’m so glad they went through with their training and everything
34.   The Kim Youngjin kid has absolutely acceptable vocals I’m so glad they didn’t make any mistakes and just agh this team makes me sad
35.   Team 1 wins with overpowering 500 votes they got 500 votes MORE than team 2 it’s just so fucking sad dude 600+ vs 150
38.   I’ve waited for this stage for sooooooo long they got all of my fav kids in Minhyuns team and then Ha Minho and Seonho and Namhyung in the other team aaaaaaahhh I’ll call them red and black since that’s their suits Minho ‘s team is red and Minhyun’s is black. They all look so good truly nothing wrong with a nice suit
39.   Minho and Namhyung want to insert a self written rap since they’re both rappers and Sorry Sorry has no rapping parts
40.   Minho really really wants to rap but Seokhoon (the vocal coach) doesn’t want to let him and also is mad at him because he wants to rap instead of singing like wow what? A rapper wants to rap instead of singing?? Wow unbelievable
41.   CHEETAH CAME IN AND SAID HE WANTS TO HEAR THE RAP THANK U THANK U THANK U Minho kiddo looked like he’s gonna tear up when he saw her
42.   Seunho was chose to jump on other’s backs since hes so handsome and APPARENTLY ALSO A PIANO GENIUS WOW WHAT ON EARTH DID HE JUST PLAY
43.   I really hope this group will do good since their opponents are sooo strong
44.   Aaahahahha fuck their choreo is so good and the harmonizations I might be biased but the Sorry Sorry stages are literally The Best of this show so far
45.   Seunho is like what 16 yrs old who let him look so good go away his body build makes him look so much older
46.   DANCE BREAK IS SO GOOD DUDE WHAT AND SEUNHOS JUMP WAS SO GOOD HIS EXPRESSION AFTER THAT WAS SOO IMPACTFUL AAHAHAH FUCK DUDE some dude in the audience screamed like someone bit his leg off honestly same
47.   I’ve watched maybe 3 original SuJu sorry sorry versions yet I can sing almost the entire thing that’s what an impactful song means lmao
49.   JR is taking care of Hyunbin this is like Sejeong and Sohye last season honestly SO CUTE I LOVE JR SO MUCH THAT KID IS THE SOFTEST LEADER I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
50.   Their vocal coach tried to drag JR’s leadership uhh maybe kindly fuck off that kid doesn’t need your picking to hate himself when will he stop BLAMING HIMSELF
51.   Hyunbin is making mistakes and their dance coach keeps bullying JR like fuck no other leaders got this much shit even when their teammates couldn’t get it done right
52.   He takes all his time to take care of the others like help Hyunbin and Jaehwan with their dance and sleepy/sick Daniel
53.   JR finally broke when Hyunbin isn’t taking it seriously enough
54.   Sorry Sorry black team laughing together in deliriously sick sleep deprivation and choking stress is still probably the most beautiful ray of hope and sunshine in this ugly show I LOVE THIS TEAM SO MUCH
55.   There we go the best stage of this cursed show is here Seungwoos expressions are SO ON POINT ITS SO GOOD JUST DEBUT THEM NOW
56.   They all look so good I’m shook Daniel with a middle part was something I didn’t know I needed before I had it
57.   Lmao Jisung jokingly doing the moves along when Daniel appeared
59.   I’m so biasaed towards this team if u decide to bring my follower count into single digits for this it’s understandable
60.   But I still really love team 1 too please don’t misunderstand Ha Minho is my lil kid with enough balls to speak his mind even if he gets fucked by rude coaches for it
61.   ‘Result is important but other team did well so I told them that too’ I love JR ok friendship is magic
63.   Everyone in team 2 besides Seunho got really low votes I’m so sad…… bruh…. They’re so so so so SO talented but they went against the popular kids…
64.   Showing individual votes is so cruel and 3000 EXTRA VOTES IS TOO MUCH IM E M O THIS IS SO UNFAIR FUCK THIS SHOW!!! Team 1 looks so wrecked I’m so sad they have almost a 300 vote gap
66.   The crutch boy is Dongmyeong and he’s in team 1 as well as Sunghyuk with thick lips and looks a bit like Shownu
67.   Team 1 has a loooot of problems distributing parts and practicing in general while team 2 was almost ready
68.   Sunghyuk is sadddddddd and crying bc he feels like they’re gonna lose but in the end the practice went better tho thank god
69.   They look great Dongmyeong’s hair looks like vanilla ice cream with strawberry swirls and he’s sitting in a chair and singing doing the choreo with his hands SO CUTEEE
70.   The second team is very vocally gifted and has AMAZING HARMONIES WOOOO their main vocal Jinhyung is AMAZING
71.   Dongsoo from S.How I think got forced into a rap position and has a leg injury but he’s covering it up from teachers
74.   Team 2 won by like 100 votes, all of the team 1 members are very hopeless, esp Sunghyuk,  Team 2 Park Heeseok only got 5 votes holy shitt POOR BABY THIS MUST FEEL SO BAD HE LITERALLY TAUGHT THEM THE DANCE
76.   Hwiseung already did his military service holy shit he looks so young
77.   I don’t even know who I am rooting for both those teams are great team 1 has great vocals and teamwork+FNC Hwiseung the power vocal. Team 2 has great dance, more popularity + the little Woojin, Takada Kenta, BNM alpaca Youngmin and oldie Sungwoo
78.   Team 1 has an injured ankle too, Yehyun, but he’s still dancing  without crutches or anything
80.   They changed Sungyeol’s ‘Can you hear me?’ into ‘Pick me pick me’ im ded
81.   Kahi is the best teacher I love her so so so much she’s the best thing in this entire show
83.   I’m so glad they’re doing Infinite honestly I love Infinite can we do B.A.P or Teen Top or VIXX next
84.   Team 2 wins almost exactly by one hundred and the votes are veeeeery equal and Youngmin barely got anything why are the dancers not appreaciated
85.   AVENGERS VS BAEKHOS TEAM YOOOOOOOO Baekho has also Sangbin and Guanlin and RBW Lee
87.   They can’t really sing, the avengers, damn. They lay it all on Daehwi but like cmon hes 17 and just tryna survive with the popular kids lol
88.   AAahahahahah they’re just little kids this is so funny to watch I’m sorry all Avengers fans but like shit when they break into the chest pounding part I just start to laugh their voices are so high don’t get me wrong I looooooove Samuel and Sungwoon but fuck this is funny
89.   They should’ve gone with Seventeen or SHINee something with a morer fitting image
90.   The Real Fuckbois team is now up fuck I love this team so much aahahahah like no shit they will lose to all of those popular kids but still
91.   Oh nooooo Baekho pointed out that the Avengers were cheating and using a third vocal for thhe high note without telling anyone WHAT AN EVIL MAN anyways Baekho produces music and does vocal coaching he knows what he’s talking about lmao lmao
92.   THEY LOOK LIKE SUCH DIRTY FUCKBOIS HOLY SHITTTT THIS IS BEAUTIFULthis stage is SO LIT dude I love it they just carried Guanlin as if he was on a throne now both Cube kids get to sit/step on other trainees lmao
94.   Team 2: are fuckbois
Entire dressing room: stands up and claps
It’s true I was there, clapping
95.   Guanlin trumped Samuel, Baekho trumped Sungwoon, all other wins go to team 1
96.   Am I salty? Yes I am Team 1 won with abt 200 votes. They have more views and likes on YouTube though.
97.   Mansae first team got the most votes out of all teams and gets to go to MCountdown IM SO GLAD ALL OF THOSE KIDS WHO AREN’T ON SUCH HIGH RANKS GOT SAVED I’M SO GGLADD
99.   Lbr for a moment this show really isn’t about talent it’s about popularity and visuals
YOOOOOOOOO Sorry for the screencaps again also pls message or talk to me I am... So Emotional over this show I love everyone i will cry when this is over and I won’t see like 40 of my kidws ever again
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illinois insurance 2018
"illinois insurance 2018
illinois insurance 2018
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
In NY there is freelancers unions and other ways to get affordable health insurance. anything similar in SoCal
I want to start freelancing but learned that health insurance will cost me $1400/month. Anything creative I can do? Any unions or groups I can join in SoCal? Need PPO.
Car Insurance think my car is a write-off but independent garage think otherwise?
My car (an 05 Peugeot 206) was involved in an accident (which was my fault but thankfully no other vehicle or persons involved) and there's been some damage to the front of my car (bonnet, grill etc.) - I've rung my insurer and they believe it's a write-off but I've asked them to send an assessor to check the damage. I've also had an independent garage look at the car (as someone else said that they did this in a similar scenario) who believe its not a write-off and they can repair it (450 was quoted for parts!!). He's sending me a quote for insurance work and a quote if it was done for cash. Can I get my insurer to use this garage if their assessor still deems it a write-off? If not, what are my options? This is my first time claiming insurance and I've got no real idea!!""
How Much Does Dog Owner Liability Insurance Cost?
I am looking in to getting a basenji/ miniature pinscher mix. The dog is only 19 lbs so it not a very big dog but the apartments I live in require this kind of insurance in case it bites someone. I would like to know monthly and yearly cost. (I dont have renters insurance I just want to know dog liability insurance)
The best car insurance company for a young driver?
Hey guys I'm 18 and about to get my first car and I've been notified that i need a car insurance before even buying a car from a car dealership. HELP! I've heard that young driver's insurance is more expensive than experienced driver's insurance, Is there a cheap car insurance for beginning drivers?""
I need braces on my teeth but i dont no have Insurance that cover it what can do do help?
i really need braces for my teeth and my health insurance wont pay for it. i am 21 and my teeth are crooked and is in my way. i do get SSI but i wanted to know what can i do because Braces cost to much money.
Car insurance help please for under 3 years experience..?
I need to get car insurance, the company I was with wanted way, way too much money to renew my car insurance (even though I didnt have any driving problems whatsoever).. Wherever I go though, they keep saying theyre unable to insure me because I dont have 3 years of driving under my belt. HOW am I supposed to get 3 years experience if I cant afford the only car insurance company to accept me guts me dry on a monthly basis. Does anyone know a car insurance place that dont require 3 years? I tried allstate, req 3 years I tried statefarm, req 3 years I tried the general, wanted me to pay 600 a month (rediculous) I HAD unitrin which billed me 180 a month, for 1 person on my 2 person household. Im employed full time, 22, almost 23 year old female, who is financing a car and has her own apt, who got her license at 21. Anyone know or have advice? And no, I dont have parents to leech onto for 3 years.""
Auto insurance question.?
My step father auto was struck in th readend by a teen the other day. Now his car is not worth much. Maybe 1500 dollars. The 2 body shops gave repair estiments at 2700 and 4300. Now as this is his personnel car and gets 45 miles to the gallon you can understand why he wants to keep using it to get to work. From a legal standpoint, as this is a personnel auto and the other driver is required to carry general libility to cover damage to aother peoples autos. Can a insurance company require him to just settle for the 1,500 dollar value of the car. Or total the car. Or do they have some kind of loop hole. How is it they can require a third party to settle on there terms? As he is not the orginator of the policy, he did not enter into a contract with the insurance provider. Can he just go get it fixed and send them the bill or have the repair compnay send it to the insurance compnay?""
Car insurance price for a Civic?
I am a 18 year old boy and I want to purchase a Honda Civic EX 4-door w/ a manual transmission. I am looking at a 2000-2005 or a 2006-2009 model. Could anybody give me an estimate of how much insurance is monthly? Thanks
Why is it a requirement to have a car insurance in the UK?
i have just passed my driving test last week. i already have ford fiesta (its so loud). why would i want to insure my car against what. what is car insurance about? what/where is the cheapest company to go and why? what are the benefits of car insurance?
Should I buy a new car on interest free with free insurance or a second-hand car?
I have not owned a car in the UK, so have only had a full UK driver's licence for 4 years, although have driven in NZ for 14 years. Therefore, my insurance quotes have been in the region of 2 K. Was thinking of getting a new car to circumvent the hassle of looking for a second hand car and also to bring down my insurance the following year. Monthly repayments on a new car would be 200 on a 10 K car, or 3500 upfront for a second-hand car. Can someone give me a proper financial assessment and also the pros and cons of a second-hand and new car? Cheers!""
Has the Affordable Care act made your health insurance more affordable?
Mine is going up $150 every two weeks for a $4500 in network $9000 out of network plan starting next year. Seems most people I talk to report similar numbers.
In a california DUI license suspension how do i get my license back?
its been a year that got a DUI in California and got my license suspended, and im just wondering how do i get my license back? do i just show up to DMV? i never got sent to court so by law the case gets dismissed after a year. so how do i go about getting my license back. ANSWER FAST!! :D""
Should my insurance really be 1950 on a 1.1 peagout 106 at the age of 18?
hello, should my insurance really be 1950 on a 1.1 peagout 106 at the age of 18 for third pary, fire and and theft, this really seems steap for a 1.1 litre, its not modified or been changed in any way or form, please help me get it cheaper lol""
How much would the car insurance for a Dodge Challenger 392 STR8 be?
Considering that it's for a 20 year old with two other adults included in the insurance plan of State Farm *If you have any information please help, this is for a Driver's Education project""
Can my parents add me to their car insurance?
My parents have Allstate car insurance. I have my own car registered in my name. I live with them. Can they add me to their car insurance?
""Insurance question, help!?""
While driving your Mazda to Gibson City, Illinois, you hit a cow that was standing in the road. Although the cow is not seriously injured, your car is badly damaged and will not run. It costs $100 to tow your car to the nearest location that can repair it and $2,200 to repair your car. Since you do not want to be stranded in Gibson City, you rent a car for $30 per day for the 3 days it takes to get your car repaired. Your policy will pay: A. $ 1,890 B. $ 2,200 C. $ 2,360 D. $ 2,390 E. None of the above While driving your twin brother, who is visiting with you, around campus, you accidently run into a tree. Your brother is injured and incurs $7,000 in medical bills. It costs $2,500 to repair your car. Your brother sues you (so much for his next birthday present) and wins a liability award of $20,000. Your policy will pay: A. $ 4,000 B. $ 9,000 C. $ 20,000 D. $ 22,000 E. $ 29,000 While driving on campus, you are hit by a car that runs a red light, resulting in bodily injury to you of $110,000. The other driver has liability limits of 20/40/15. How much will your insurance pay? A. $ 0 B. $20,000 C. $ 80,000 D. $100,000 E. $120,000 Assuming the same coverage, type of automobile, territory, and driving record, which of the following persons would you expect to pay the highest premium for automobile insurance? A. a 35-year old single female. B. a 20-year old married male. C. a 20-year old single male. D. a 20-year old single female. E. a 35-yer old single male.""
I am trying to find the type of car with the cheapest car insurance for my age and details?
Where online can i find details on lots of cars as gocompare.com etc... need you provide details on a certain car
""There have been caps of $250K for healthcare lawsuits in California for years, and insurance premiums didnt?
....go down one cent! If fact they are still among the highest in the country. How will this help reform healthcare according to conservatives? When in fact all it does is funnel more cash into their Wall Street supporters pockets?
Please I Need Help On My Car Insurance?
I just bought a car and i don't want to pay huge car insurance. Anybody care to help me out may be a recommendation of place i can get it a little bit cheap
Have I been ripped off? Car insurance?
Need a bit of help! I recently turned 18 and passed my driving test I drive a c1 and I paid 3060 for my car insurance this is with a black box fitted! I don't know if this is bad or good?? Considering I am being monitored?? Please help
""What is the least expensive car insurance in Thousand Oaks, California?
Are we going to have to have a secondary health insurance to insure against the newly sky-high deductibles?
Are we going to have to have a secondary health insurance to insure against the newly sky-high deductibles?
How can I find out what my employer pays for my health insurance?
My employer tells me that they pay 70% of my health insurance premiums, but looking at the amount my 30% portion is and calculating the total, it would be a ridiculous total premium. So I think that my employer is lying to me about the percentage they pay. I tried calling the insurance company to find out what the total premiums are, but they would not tell me. Is there a way that I can find out what what the total premiums are on my health insurance plan?""
How much would it cost to insure my motorcycle?
I plan on buying a Suzuki dr-z400s and I'd like to know what some people are paying for their insurance. Or maybe just what I would be paying. I'm 16 years old, Male, and I have a clean record. I'm not sure what kind of insurance I would get but probably just liability. Thanks!""
Where's the cheapest place to get car insurance?
I'm a new Driver, passed nov 2010, i'm 27 and female... wanted to know if anyone could advise me on the best place to get car insurance on a KA 1.3... Tried the price comparison sites but they are all 1200+ Thanks""
illinois insurance 2018
illinois insurance 2018
Where can I find cheap car insurance for a 17 year old?
I have a provisional driving licence and am looking for car insurance!! any reccommendations? (please quote prices) What is the 'normal'/average price range?
Can I claim through my car insurance without facing any penalities?
Can I claim through my car insurance without facing any penalities?
Acura integra insurance?
im about to buy a 95 integra 2 door coupe stick shift... and my parents want to know the the cost of insurance before i buy it. but state farm is closed today and tommorrow. So are there any teen guys that have this car or similar one, and how much does your insurance cost. and im going to need collision coverage as well... and i will be listed under my parents with good student discount and safe driving stuff... so yeah just give me your thoughts on how much""
How much more is sr22?
great now i have to have sr22 for driving someone else's car that had no insurance. how ever i do have insurance and judge says i must pay sr22. i am just wondering how much i have to pay extra? i am with gieco. i am thinking an extra 50 bucks.
""Car insurance, change of profession?""
Hi All, I pay my car insurance in full every year. I am currently a Technologist - and this is what I specified when applying. I will be returning to full time education in September - so will be a full-time student rather than a technologist. I am fully comp. insured for social use. Do I have to let them know about my change in profession and will this affect how much I pay (even though I've already paid for year up to next April)? Any advice would be much appreciated.""
Immigrant Health Insurance?
How can a new immigrant in the US over 65 years and with pre-conditions obtain health insurance?
Questions about health insurance?
I took my eye exam couple months ago, and now i need change my insurance company, so my question is can i take my eye exam again?""
A question about car insurnace?
Hello, I just paid my car insurance......the lady said I should get my own insurance so I can start getting my own discounts , I am 30 years old and both my sisters (32 and 28) are on my mom and dad's insurance plan too, we get a multi line and multi car discount that adds up to about $40 dollars every 6 months for me.....I was in a hurry so I didn't really ask why but was wondering about it after I left.....I pay $112 every 6 months so $40 extra would be kind of crazy wouldn't it? Just wondering why......thank you.......""
Reducing health insurance costs?
I have health insurance through my employer with 80/20 coinsurance and a $1000 deductable. My employer pays 60% of the premium. Are there any changes I can make to reduce my out of pocket expenses?
What is the minimum requirements for insurance for a financed vehicle?
I know full coverage is required, but what determines if its full or not? anybody have a breakdown of each of the coverages etc?""
What does 'replacement cost' mean in hazard insurance?
I want to get a mortgage to buy a house. The lender requires hazard insurance at 'replacement cost' basis. I understand the lenders interest in recovering the mortgage, in ...mostrar ms""
How much would insurance cost for a 2005-06 mustang?
i am 16 and want a mustang how much will insurance be for a year compared to the average car... also i wont have a big engine....the car will be 14,000 or less""
Young Person Car Insurance?
Hi there, I am currently looking for my son who is 19 and has just got himself a new job, i promised him if he gets a job he can have a car to get there. However i am very worried about the insurance quotes ive looked up on the internet which is looking at 3700 a year which is the cheapest i can find. Very worrying seeing his mates are 2500 which im happy to pay. He is looking for a old ford fiesta, is there any ideas where i could improve and seek a cheaper quote? Possibly phoning up companies or is the internet quotes better, any other suggested cheap car insurance websites? Thanks Fiona""
Is it legal in CA for a used car dealer to sell you auto insurance?
i purchased a used car, and the used car dealer put in the contract that I was also purchasing auto insurance thru them...but i wuld get a refund of those premiums when I provided a copy of my own insurance. I never signed any other ionsurance forms with them. i did buy my own insurance later. But, is it legal for the used car delaer to sell me insurance?""
How to get Health Insurance when you are 17?
My parents are divorced and my sister and I have been living with our mom. However, we received health insurance through our father's place of work. Now he is applying for disability and has quit his job, so currently my sister and I have no health insurance. Because of this, my mom forbids me to take my car or motorcycle out because if my sister or I get hurt, there is no way for us to pay for it (we are suffering financially because my mom's hours at work got cut, and she is still recovering from breast cancer). Anyway, is there any way for me to obtain health insurance (or at least help my mom to) that would be affordable? We live in New York State""
How much should car insurance cost?
i am 17 and live in London. i have just passed my driving test and i'm looking for a car and insurance. i am not bothered about how bad the car is but i can't find insurance anywhere which i can afford. does anyone have advice?
Do you need insurance to register a car under your name?
Im a bout to buy a used car but im curious to know if you need insurance before the dmv can register the car under your name? thanks alot for taking the time to help me out, its all appreciated""
Auto insurance required when buy new car?
I live in california and recently went to the dealer bought a new car, and the saleman told me that I need to buy the insurance for my new car right at the dealer otherwise he can not let me drive that car home from the dealer eventhough I have full insurance coverage on my old car(current car)? He ask me to get the insurance coverage that they offer for 30 days? Is this right or it is a scam to get more money from me? Is it true that for everyone who buy new car to get the insurace coverage before they can drive it home even if you have full coverage insrurace on your old car?""
What are some reasons why someone would need permanent life insurance?
I dealt with over 150 clients in my career and haven't found a single reason why someone would need permanent life insurance. All my clients have term insurance b/c I don't see why anyone would need life insurance forever. I believe someone needs life insurance at the time when they need it most, which is when they have little savings and lots of debt to pay (such as a mortgage). While I protect the client's income with term life insurance, I also help them save money for retirement by opening IRAs and/or variable annuities or tax-exempt mutual funds. For kid's education, I use either a 529 Plan, Coverdell, or UGMA. For estate planning, I setup trust funds.""
Home Insurance?
If your insurance runs say from 1st November 07 to 1st November 08 and if you make a claim in January 07, and then make another claim on 26th November 07. Does this mean that this is counted as 2 claims differernt years or is this claims counted the same year?""
How much is the car insurance for a 18 year old boy with a dodge viper ACR 09 model?
ow much would i be paying a year with full coverage. Its a dodge viper ACR 09 model. Im an 18 year old male. Its a $112,000 car.""
How much will car insurance run about for a 16 year old male who gets good grades and has taken drivers ed?
I am a 16 year old male who has taken driver's ed and gets good grades. I am going to be added to my parents insurance. About how much on average will it cost me per month? Please give me a guesstimate, and I do not want to go to sites for quotes. Thanks""
""How is mortgage hazard insurance calculated? Rate in Houston, TX?""
How is mortgage hazard insurance (I don't mean PMI.) calculated? Does the rate depend on what insurance company I go with? I am buying a house in Houston, Texas.""
""I know it seems crazy, but whats the insurance per year of a 16 Year old with a Corvette?""
Lets say a 1995 Corvette with a V8 5.7 Liter Engine? I want to get a broken down one as a project car, I'd have to get insurance but how much would it be? Don't tell me its a stupid crazy idea just stfu... its only an idea.""
Im getting an abortion with my parents insurance will they find out?
Okay so I am a 20 year old college student and im pregnant and I am not in the positin to care for a child so I am getting an abortion. But I am doing so with my parents insurance I do not want them to know because after all im 20 I can make my own descions and do things on my own but with that being said I do not want it show up anywhere in the mail or online or anything that I had an abortion. I do not want them to know. So what should I do I talk to the ladies at the faility im using and they told me there not sure if it will show up as an abortion it might just show the facilities name whih im fine with because I can say I got birth control or something like that so what should I do? Any advice is welcome as long as its dont get an abortion because i am not in the position for a kid I will learn from my irresponsiblity.
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illinois insurance 2018
We are looking for cheeeep insurance?
What is the cheapest insurance available out there?
Do you have health insurance?
what kind of deducatable do you have?? how much per month? how old are you?
Any reason for a sudden hike in insurance quote prices?
Hello i've been looking through insurance quotes as i have my renewal coming up, i was possibly thinking of getting a different car so been fishing around, especially on my current insurers website for quotes. A couple of days ago i was getting nice quotes i was happy with for all the cars i was searching including my own. However tonight the majority of the quotes i am getting have increased by 600-700? All my details are exactly the same, its actually made me quite depressed as i have no idea how this has happened. Would anyone know why this may be?""
CT Insurance for small business?
Hi everyone, My father and I own a small company and we now both work full time for our company and we would like to get health insurance. My father indicated in the past he read some information that you can get a discount with state insurance if your company makes less than X amount of dollars per year...We can't seem to find this information. Who should we call in CT to get some answers or maybe someone already has information. Any help is greatly appreciated. Many thanks!""
""Two Cars, Two Insurance Companies?""
I'm 17 and I just got my G2 Licence. I'm thinking of getting my own car, however it is going to cost me a a fortune to insure my own car. Is it possible for my father to have 2 cars but with 2 different insurance companies and put me as a secondary driver for one of the cars?""
I need help finding medical insurance?
I found out I am pregnant and I was denied medicaid due to income. I figured since I need it asap I would pick something with a higher monthly figure and a lower deductible I don't understand a lot of it though and not sure where to look .My old work health insurance was very expensive so I had cancelled it only to realize months later I should have kept it :/ any advice? Thanks
If i get insurance for a car that is registered to my father can I get plates from DMV?
If i get insurance for a car that is registered to my father can I get plates from DMV?
""How can forcing us to buy health insurance, be the same as mandatory car insurance?""
I don't own a car, so I don't pay car insurance. Nobody is forcing me to buy it. But under the Obama individual mandate, we will all have to buy insurance or get fined. This is based on the assumption that you will get sick and not be able to afford your own care, and so will choose to be a burden. Those are a lot of assumptions. Can we force somebody to buy something that they don't want, based on assumptions that may or may not be true??""
Car insurance for a 17year old.?
Ok, The car I'm going for when I'm 17 is a 2002 PEUGEOT 307 1.4 16V S [AC] 3dr Hatchback. It was 8337.01 for car insurance on Auto Trader (The cheapest). I was intending placing it on my fathers name (Although I was told it was supposingly illegal, but I won't be doing anything dangerous, and I have drove a few cars before (onboardtraining.co.uk etc..)) I was also told about i-kube, but I can't drive between 11pm and 5am, which could be a massive concern for me as I may need to go out at night for emergencies. Is there any way I could actually get quite cheap insurance? I was really into the idea of puttiing it on my dads name and splitting the insurance money with him every annual. Looking for Alternative ways or tips of lowering my insurance (I will still be in full time education when I get the car) Thanks. Any help is appreciated.""
How much would a typical car insurance cost for a punto? im also a new driver and 20 yrs of age.?
How much would a typical car insurance cost for a punto? im also a new driver and 20 yrs of age.?
Volkswagen Golf SR insurance?
I have just bought a Volkswagen Golf SR (import) 8v 1.6 ltr and I am having trouble finding an insurance company that lists this car. Has anyone else got this model and who do you have your insurance with? Thanks for reading
How much does a moped cost?
I am looking into a cheap way to get around town and someone told me mopeds are pretty cheap. but i need to know how cheap. How much does a moped cost new? how much would gas cost me on average? what about license and registration? would i have to buy insurance and if so how much does that cost? links to a site that would tell me these things would be very helpful. thank you for your time. (i am an 18 year old female and this will be my first vehicle and first time driving anything, i don't know if that makes a difference)""
Question about car insurance ?
i know car insurance has many factors to it. i want to buy another car in addition to the one i already own. i drive a 1999 chevy lumina and i pay 1,700 a year for insurance for it...thats just the least amount of coverage too. i want to buy a 1992 firebird and switch the insurance over to that one. should i expect to see a drop in insurance because the car is much older or is there a chance it could be higher because the type of car it is? just curious thanks""
Liability car insurance?
Im 18, never had a wreck or any tickets, i live in a small town/rural area in alabama, and i want to know about how much liability insurance would be for a... -2008 mustang -2010 mustang -2012 mustang""
Why is it cheaper to obtain car insurance for self + spouse that for just self?
Why is it cheaper to obtain car insurance for self + spouse that for just self?
What insurance do you have ?
we are looking for a good family insurance that could have dental coverage and eye care coverage as well as health any suggestions ? (ps family of four)
How much is AAA a month?
I have Roadside Assistance with AT&T and I pay only $2.99 a month for 4 calls every calendar year but they only cover from about 2 to 10 miles if I need a tow. I'm thinking about switching to AAA but I really don't know anything about AAA. Can anyone give me some insight on AAA? PLEASE :-)
Is it true the you can get car insurance thru Medicaid or Medicare?
I heard this is true but I don't know because my parents are disabled they are 51 and 56 they own a car but no insurance they need it to get to there doctor's appointment's and hospital visits. So is this true if anybody knows please help by giving info on this by giving a link or number. Or you can help by referring to a place that will help them out because they only live on the disability checks and food stamps. Thanks for helping
How much is motorcycle insurance for a 21 year old?
I'm 21 and I'm gonna get a motorcycle I just wanted to know how much some of you 21 year olds pay for motorcycle insurance
How do I get my AARP auto insurance rating report?
How do I get my AARP auto insurance rating report?
Insurance Types?
Is there a type of insurance that covers any type of damages you cause? Specifically destruction of a mattress.
How Much Is Motorcycle Insurance?
I am 36 years old, and am purchasing a 2005 suzuki boulevard m50 (800cc's). I am a new rider. I live near Pittsburgh, PA. how much, approximately, will insurance on this bike cost me?""
How do you calculate the prices of car insurance?
where do all these companies get their prices for car insurance from?
""Got my first speeding ticket, will my insurance go up?
Im 20yrs old if that matters.. And this is only my first ticket. I was going 80mph on a 70mph. Will my insurance go up? If u know please tell me. I have state farm.
What is a good health insurance company?
My husband is self employed and I don't work. We are looking for health insurance. Blue cross and blue shield is the only company I really know of. I know there has to be more out there. I would like to get basic coverage in case of emergencies and maternity coverage as we plan to have kids in the next year or two. Thanks.
illinois insurance 2018
illinois insurance 2018
I am about to be 18 and i wont a gsxr 1000 and im wondering about the price of insurance?
I am wondering the price ranges.
Im pregnant and dont have insurance?
im pregnant and the father picked up and left any way what do i do????? i really need insurance i need to make sure im okay please help thanks
""I haven't had auto insurance in over 6 months, I need car insurance HELP!?
I haven't had car insurance in over 6 months due to financial reasons and so far everywhere I have called (popular insurance companies) and they have denied me. Which auto insurance in the New York area accepts drivers with a clean record that hasn't had insurance within 6 months. HELP! I really need my car back.
Where on earth can I find affordable maternity insurance?!?
I didnt have it with my son and we are looking to get health insurance but all the plans that are decently priced (under $350/month) dont cover maternity. even if I could JUST find a maternity insurance that would be great! does anyone have or know of any insurance companies that offer maternity coverage? if so what are the names? heres a little info we live in FL we have one child my husband and I are 20 and 21 years old if you know of any insurance that will have affordable rates please let me know so I can get a quote!
Health Insurance in NC?
Recommendations for Health Insurance in NC for adult and Child. Any good experiences with service and cost?
Does the colour of a car affect insurance rates?
I mean we all know that the obvious differences between certain cars like the engine size and performance, make of car, year of manufacture etc all affects the insurance cost but does the colour make a difference too? Someone said to me that darker coloured cars like black cost more to insure on that basis than lighter coloured ones like white or silver is this true?""
What are the best/cheapest insurance companies in the uk for motorbikes?
and yes i will only of just passed my Direct Access and likely to be riding a 600cc.....thanks
What would my insurance be for a kia forte koup 2010?
i'm an 18 years old male about to 19 in a few months,i live in New york and i'm really considering this kia,but i need someone to help me out on what my insurance would cost without having to go through all these insurance quote process,thanks""
""Minor car crash, no insurance?""
So I got into a minor car crash, I believe my insurance expired. I only have a few scratches on my car, but for the other driver her side view mirror broke. I was wondering just to pay out of pocket because side view mirror repair isnt that much and she probably has a few scatches on her car as well, and going through all the hassle is to much time and work. She wanted to exchange insurance info but wasnt able to provide because I wasn't sure if I was insured or not. What to do? My first car accident! :(""
Will car insurance cover modifications?
I have full coverage on my 2005 acura, the car has a custom molded body kit, aftermarket rims, nice paint job, and a turbo, if the car was totalled would the aftermarket modifications be covered? my insurance company is progressive btw. and they never asked if it had any modifications.""
Can I drive my parents' car without having my name added to the insurance list in the same city?
I would but it would probably increase the rate. So, can I just carry their insurance papers along with my license?""
How much my insurance car ll be ?
i just got my full uk driving license this week i am 31 years old and im so excited to get car with big engine 2.0 or 2.2 but im worried if my insurance ll be expensive specially is my first year driving thanks for any help
How much does roofers insurance cost? I'm a one-man show for residential work looking for the cheapest policy?
How much does roofers insurance cost? I'm a one-man show for residential work looking for the cheapest policy?
Medical insurance makes a difference?
Why is it that when you go the hospital and you dont have medical insurance you are looked down upon even though you do get the medical services required for proper treatment? But when you have medical insurance its like youre treated in your own way with approbation.
Going on parents car insurance!?
Hi i am enquiring here, I have my driving test in 2 weeks 7th July, and i am looking around for cars and while i am getting quotes for car insurance they are quite dear at 19 even with a small engined car, i was wondering can i go on my parents insurance which i know can cut the cost quite a lot, but can i use my own car and add the car and me as the main driver of that car and it still stay relatively cheap? i have read up on the illegal action know as ''fronting'' and i want to avoid that happening but don't want to be forced onto my own insurance and be spending hundreds of pounds a month? any help or advice would be appreciated""
What effect does Cat D car insurance have on how much you pay?
What effect does Cat D car insurance have on how much you pay?
What is the cost of premium insurance for 2003 pontiac vibe driven by a female only insured driver.?
What is the cost of premium insurance for 2003 pontiac vibe driven by a female only insured driver.?
Women pay more for healthcare insurance?
It appears women pay more for insurance than men even if they're the same age. Insurers say this is justifiable because women tend to have more health risks than men especially after they give birth (urinal incontinence). Here are some of their reasons: -women tend to go to the doctor more and get check-ups every year whereas men do not -even if the insurance doesn't cover maternity care, some states mandate that insurance covers complications of pregnancy Not all insurance covers maternity care but it still costs more either way: -In Ohio, a woman pays 49% more than men of same age -In Texas, women pay 39% more from the state insurance pool -Nebraska is 32% more on average What do you think of this? Do you think it's justifiable to charge one sex more than the other because of potential higher risks? Or do you think that both genders would have to given the same costs? http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/30/us/30insure.html?scp=1&sq=healthcare%20policy%20women&st=cse""
Car insurance lapse payments?
My car was towed because I had a lapse of payments on my insurance. The cop told me i could get my car back in a day. My question is will i be able to get on a new insurance plan bring it to the DMV and re-register my car? Anymore information on this topic will be great. fyi i live in CT, USA.""
Infiniti g37????????
I'm 19 and I'm getting an used 2007 Infiniti for $12000 yayy ive been driving for a year with no tickets or anything! how much would my insurance cost? I live by myself in Virginia far away from parents just with my gf so don't even rely on my parents..
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old girl with a 2010 camaro ss?
okaii. so my birthday is coming up...and ill be getting my lisence and a car. i believe my parents are considering getting me a camaro ss. I promised that i will be paying for the insurance for my car. its the least i can do. I was wondering. how much it would cost? I live in Miami,Fl if that makes a difference...I live with my parents we have 3 cars in total. with the camaro it would be 4. my parents both have clean records etc. if any of that helps(discounts etc) i appreciate any help!""
What is a good and cheap insurance for a Acura Rsx 2002?
I just recently got my license and want to know of good and cheap insurance for my car.
Anybody know health insurance provider which is inexpensive and trustable?
gimme the name and website address?
""What is the average malpractice insurance cost for a general radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA?""
What is the average malpractice insurance cost for a general radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA?""
""According to the Hillary healthcare proposal, Individuals will be required to get and keep insurance in a
system where insurance is affordable and accesible. Is this a good idea? Why or why not?
illinois insurance 2018
illinois insurance 2018
0 notes
February 23, 2018 - Oblivescence
I only got up because I wanted to try and change your mind again. It seems everyday for the past few years of High School I have been trying to paint clarity, mold interest, replicate passion. But it is like trying to do it with only black paint. Nonetheless, despite last night and what happened with my friends, and everything else I’m sure I’ll explain, I woke up at 6:31 in the morning (somehow I didn’t oversleep the entire morning, since my alarm failed) just to try again. 
By the end of the day, driving home with my mom, I realized I had failed everything. It was lunch time. I left without looking or telling my friends, and they hadn’t noticed despite being a few feet from me. Not until the end of lunch I received a phone call from one of them, the worst one of all, asking if I was OK. 
I have failed with everyone. I tried telling my dad about the IB program, how hard it is, how I have my tests coming up. Suddenly and very quickly he said “I have to go, I am at the store. I’ll I’ll call you later.” Like he always says, but never means it. I know I can’t read minds, I know I could be missing pieces of the story, but why do I always annoy him?
Then my mom. She’s heard me, she’s said so. But she never changes. I ask her to be thoughtful. I ask her not to drink anymore. Oh, it’s a part of her personality, who she is. I guess it never happened. I am just living the in the past. Being hit in the face starts to hurt less after a while, right? 
Biggest of all, because I am leaving soon and I couldn’t care less anymore about the stubborn entity that is my parents. 
People are selfish, envious, insatiable, hedonistic. 
There are a few who are not, but I would estimate that less than .00001% of the world population is. The number changes depending on society’s age, culture, deaths and births, but it doesn’t get any higher than that number. I’m not included in that number. 
Yesterday, on Facebook, I received a message. It was in a group chat with all of my friends (6 of us on there, 8 in real life). Dell had just been officially kicked out of her house by her mom. I know Dell and her step-dad didn’t get along very well. She’s never met her real dad, or if she has and I just forgot he never makes an effort for her. And by doesn’t get along I mean that he (according to Dell), breaks her stuff, screams at her, forces her to get a job and more. In my opinion, there’s absolutely more to the story. There’s no way she comes home, does as she is told, and still gets kicked out. Here’s how the conversation went, exactly: 
Dell: so guys i actually got kicked out of my house and now i guess im homeless or something? idk where to go or what to do but i have some of my stuff in my car. I stopped by my uncles house for the internet but i actually am so worried right now
Olivia: oh my god, do you need a place to stay?are you okay?WHAT HAPPENED?!
Dell: i dont know. my dad wasnt home when i was there but my mom told me that i better find a friend because i cant live there anymorei dont know! i dont know where to go or what to do honestly. oh and apparently last night when i was downstairs my dad threw my phone on the hardwood floor so it shattered so i dont have that anymore
Olivia: Thats ridiculous! you are free to come here if you need a place to stay or anything! Oh my god! that is SO unfair! wtf!?
Dell: i really appreciate that! im just scared right now about what to do.
Olivia: of course, im really sorry. Where are you right now?
Dell:  my aunt and uncles house just so i could find internet. idk if im allowed to stay here tonight though
Olivia: oh geeze, thats horrible! especially with all the already-existing stress right now
Dell: Right?! college, and ib tests and now this on top?! its too muchhh
Olivia: yeah, ugh idk how i'd deal with that. Again, you're free to stay here (my house is small and messy but theres always welcoming space) and Im sure anyone in our friend group will let you stay too!
Sarah: Dell You can come to my house too! There's plenty of room, seriously. My address is 3403 D RoadDo you have clothes and stuff? Do you need someone to take you by your house tomorrow and help you pack? My mum can escort you cause she's scary and she'll make your mum let you in
Zoe: RIP Dell
Me: DELL WHATWHATWHAT????!!!!!??Okay I have an idea !!! Help Dell fund where we all get jobs and support Dek :,( :,( :,(Also yes I am willing to help with anything of course. I am just so shocked they actually did that to you
Tully: Me too. That’s so ridiculous I can hardly believe it. You poor thing, you don’t deserve that at all!
Olivia: know! It's so ridiculous! We're all here for you dell!I know and this is the WORST time to do it like you said! I hope she responds again soon I am worried
Tully: Seriously!! And me too. I’m sure she’s just at her aunt and uncles and hasn’t checked the computer or whatever she was using to text us. But yeah, I hope she responds so we can figure out where she can stay for the night and all that. God, I still can’t believe this is really happening! It’s insane!!
Me: I know how do parents actually kick their kids out, especially Dell!! Dang is she like a secret drug dealer or something that we don't know about? I'm happy she at least has her aunt and uncle too!
Tully: I know!! It makes no sense!! Yeah, I’m glad she has them, and she has us too! But still, that is going to be really hard ugh poor Dell
So, eventually in our phone group chat, separate from the Facebook one (the phone one includes all 8 friends), the topic comes up again. Is Dell okay? Where is she, what ended up happening?
I text Claudia, the closest friend to Dell and second closest to Zoe. Tully and Olivia are new to the 4 crowd (5 if you count Sarah, but many times she is excluded as she’s not as liked anymore), so they aren’t nearly as close, but they still care a whole lot. I ask Claudia if she has heard about the drama. Claudia says that all she knows is that Dell is at Zoe’s house. She also says how left out she feels from information. 
Here’s the first problem #1. Zoe told Claudia, but not me, and not anyone else. That means that Dell, Zoe and Claudia all knew where Dell was, but not me. Instantly, i feel wayy more left out than Claudia says she supposedly feels. But it gets worse. 
I ask Claudia after a bit of complaining about how left out we both feel, not realizing the above, if I should let Tully, Olivia, Sarah and Isabelle know that Dell is OK. Claudia says something along the lines of “uhh I don’t know you know maybe we should ask”. So I say, OK, I will ask Zoe. 
Here’s my second problem #2. Claudia lied to me about feeling left out. Officially lied. I could be paranoid, but I seriously believe it doesn’t add up. 
I ask Zoe if I can tell our friends where Dell is. Zoe says a relatable joke, then replies with “No, she wants to remain mysterious.” 
Problem #3. I genuinely cared about Dell. The reason I wasn’t going to find out if she is OK was because she wanted to be “mysterious”? I guess I shouldn’t have cared nearly as much as I did, because she was actually feeding on that attention. 
Problem #4. If that is true, then the above problem applies, and I can honestly say I’ve related and felt that way. It is a TERRIBLE, ATTENTION thing. If it isn’t true, then it sure does sound like something easy to make up when you don’t have a good reason to someone you DON’T TRUST. 
So I reply “I’m definitely going to need clarification on that mysterious part lol”
Zoe says “because RIP Dell, y’know?” jokingly. Then she says, lengthily, how “she just doesn’t want anyone knowing where she is right now, but I am telling you because you special.”
Problem #5. She wasn’t going to tell me whatsoever. I am not special. She is complimenting me to make up for her guilt so that I still like her. 
Problem #6. If this is a “special” case, it can be officially confirmed that none of them trusted me OR liked/cared about me enough to tell me. Remember, I cared about Dell and was worried. 
So today I left because of that. The entire day I had avoided starting conversation, and would only reply when they talked to me first. Then, driving with my mom on the way home and the music on, over the bridge, I saw him. The guy I had gotten up just to see that day. I’d saw him earlier for a whole hour (never happens, we don’t have any classes together anymore, but we’re both in the same program). It was awesome, definitely satisfying. 
He knows how I feel, which I should also add. I know he looked at me twice but I don’t know how much more. And sometimes you can tell when someone just doesn’t know what to do with their body because you are around. He either hates me or doesn’t know what to say to me about how he feels. Of course, I am living on the idea that he is at least attracted to me (based on many past experiences as well). 
I saw him on the bridge with his sunglasses on and someone in the passenger seat (in the moment I thought it was his brother, but I never actually looked at the passenger’s face). Of course, he is the hottest thing when he literally does anything, even covering his face from me in class. 
But I felt like I had failed everything. I didn’t have him. I am probably delusional. No one favorites me in the friend group. I know it is partially my fault. I don’t ask to hang out with any of them one on one. But do I really want to? People are so selfish. I don’t want them to know anymore about me than they already do. 
I did ask him to hang out one on one last year, Junior year. He said sure, but it never went through because when i asked him the next day what he wanted to do (in real life, both times), he couldn’t say anything. He was with his friends, but he was definitely uncomfortable. Even angry. So I said “okay, see you later.” We haven’t talked one on one since then. 
But I have texted him. I want to say 3 times I initiated conversation on Instagram, since i didn’t have his number. He followed me first near the end of Junior year, when his friends made one for him. First, I messaged him a picture of a turtle, because I knew he liked them. Then, I reassured him I didn’t like his friend. He asked me “Okay, so who do you like??” Then, i replied “You! But it’s okay if you don’t feel that way. I was paranoid Kailey said something.” I never got a reply from him after that. 
Then 5 months later, he unfollowed me on Instagram. Of course I noticed the hour of. So I texted him again and it was emotional. I asked him casually “why have I been defollowfied?” And said, “i really regret ever saying anything. I just want to go back to normal.” Again, never got a reply.
The next day at school, he sent me video of him in Spanish, covering his ears. I thought it was funny and I replied with “that reminded me of the Vietnam war.” 
He asked “who is this?” 
I said “I am me, who is this?”
And he flipped me off. This time, I didn’t reply. I sent things and then removed them (which I am happy you can do) before he saw them. That was November. Now it is near the end of February. February 23rd to be exact. 
I woke up just to try again. This Monday, I will try again. This time, by passing by him 3 times in the hallway in the morning. 
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