#rio night 3
dontblamethewitches · 7 months
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ask me why many so fade, but i'm still here.
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iwannabeacowboylikeme · 7 months
As a ME! apologist I am living
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thsummersoldier · 7 months
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a little bit from my the eras tour experience
i was on the cursed rio concerts my knee is injured but still was the three happiest nights of my life
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folkhoax · 7 months
what a cathartic concert!!!!! catharsis in every possible little single thing done, sung and danced. taylor is pure joy. dancers are pure joy. the crowd is joy pure and simple. music heals. music unites. music is community too. love is everywhere today!
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tswiftupdatess · 7 months
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A fan caught Taylor's broken heel tonight!
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bookshelfdreams · 2 years
there's a square in Berlin called Heinrichplatz, for Heinrich von Preußen, brother to Wilhelm II, the last Kaiser (yeah, the one who wanted to turn Germany into a colonial superpower and thought wwi was just the greatest idea)
anyway they're gonna rename the square after queer anarchist icon Rio Reiser
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floydsteeth · 5 months
Ciel and her malewives :3
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Ignore how badly I wrote trophy on rios shirt
Also the sketch cause I kinda like it more
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tegan-taylors-version · 7 months
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It’s the collective freak out on my timeline 😂
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disneyfanatic1993 · 11 days
What are your favorite non-Disney movies?
Oooh I have so many!!! I’ll try to keep this as short as I can. 🤣
As far as animated films go, my ultime non-Disney favorites are “Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron” and the “How To Train Your Dragon” franchise. They are all such touching stories with beautiful animation and amazing soundtracks. I still listen to the songs from “Spirit” on a regular basis. Oh, and “Rio”! The second one is okay, but the first one holds a special place in my heart. 💙
The “Despicable Me” and “Minions” films. ‘Nough said. 😜
Choosing non-Disney live action films is a bit tougher, though, as I love a lot of them! I adore “The Greatest Showman” and the “Jurassic Park” franchise, as well as rom-coms such as “The Proposal” and “Hitch.” I’m not a huge fan of horror, but there are a few I love such as “Dark Skies” and "Before I Wake." I even like a couple that are supposed to be scary but honestly just make me laugh, like "The Visit" and "Old." 😂
I’ve also recently gotten into anime films. My favorites are “Spirited Away” and “Ponyo” from Studio Ghibli, and “Suzume” and “Tunnel To Summer: Exit of Goodbyes.”
If there are any of these films I mentioned that you haven’t seen, please go watch right now!!! I highly recommend all of them! 🥰
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sarioh · 2 years
GOD ok so. in last life, the rules state that while you are boogeyman or red life, all prior alliances must be severed. which means that, by the Actual Rules of the game, etho and bdubs technically spent more sessions as "enemies" than they did as true allies: session 1 when bdubs was boogeyman, session 5 when etho was boogeyman and bdubs was red, session 6 when they were both boogeyman, and session 7 when bdubs went red. it genuinely feels like the game itself was taking every opportunity imaginable to force them to betray each other by inflicting them w the boogeyman curse far more than any other duo and they instead used every one of those instances to intentionally defy the rules of the game and further prove their loyalty instead. it still makes me insane to this day
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kickassfu · 5 months
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The world at 4am. Perfectly quiet and empty.
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honeys-bnbdc · 2 years
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@5daysofygofemslash Here's day 4 prompt: Joy
I decided to go with glitter fer this one bc, when do I not wanna draw these two in bright clothing lololol
Running late n postin em outta order cus I'm cleanin em in whichever feels the most fun lmao- n also I made the smart decision to paint the first day💀
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1kari · 10 months
HIIIII grabs you
HIII <3 *swings around like a ragdoll but its ok because i am having so so much fun *
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
DANCE BATTLE!!: Chapter 2
this is totally going to end well
previous part (chapter 1)
next part (chapter 3)
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MEGU: Eh~?! So you’re gonna meet with Aizo right now?
DAI: Yeah, I’ve got no choice since IV asked me to do so. You just stay here and come up with some good choreography, okay?
MEGU: No way, no way! I can’t miss out on something that interesting! I wanna go too!
MEGU: But DAI, will you even be fine on your own? Don’t you want me to tag along~?!
DAI: Stop coming up with reasons to follow me. I’ll be fine on my own. I’m not a kid anymore.
DAI: See ya.
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MEGU: DAI, you idiot! Just you wait, I’ll reverse your entire choreography from start to end!
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DAI: (Hmm… This is where the address that IV gave me leads to, right…?)
DAI: Excuse me—
Aizo: Ah! DAI!
When DAI arrived at the designated location, Aizo was already waiting for him.
DAI: …It’s just you, Aizo? What about your managers? Or your partner?
Aizo: No, it’s just me this time… I’m sorry for taking up your time. Thank you very much for coming.
The moment they took their seats, Aizo immediately cut to the chase.
Aizo: So… what I’d like to ask you about this time concerns costume design.
DAI: Costume design?
Aizo: To tell you the truth, Yujiro and I have to come up with costumes for us to wear at the next LIPxLIP live.
Aizo: Our costumes are meant to have the theme of portraying our gratitude towards our Julietas… I mean, our fans.
Aizo: However, Yujiro and I just can’t come to an agreement on our designs.
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Aizo: My design is definitely better than yours, no? It’s fresh and cool, right?
Yujiro: What are you talking about? Your design is way off from LIPxLIP’s image.
Yujiro: My design is definitely better than yours. We should just submit mine already.
Aizo: …You stubborn mule.
Yujiro: Speak for yourself.
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Aizo: In the end, we both decided to come up with our best designs by our next meeting.
Aizo: That’s where we left things off for the day, but…
Aizo: In any case, I just really want to bring a design to Yujiro that would leave him speechless!
Aizo: I heard that you’re in charge of designing all of FT4’s costumes, so…
Aizo: Please give me your advice, based on that experience of yours and your sense of style! Please!
DAI: Hmm… I see.
DAI: (The way Aizo and his partner fight over their differing opinions is much like how MEGU and I quarrel, so I kinda get where he’s coming from, but…)
DAI: (He’s asking me for a favour… hm? He’s changed.)
It was the first time that DAI had ever seen Aizo, of FT4’s rival unit, LIPxLIP, bow his head to him.
Up to that point in time, he had never thought that Aizo would have done such a thing.
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DAI: (Not only has he grown in terms of idol activities, but he has made some personal growth too, hm? Oh man, I’m looking forward to seeing what the future holds for him.)
DAI: (Well, they’re not even close to being on FT4’s level, though.)
DAI: …Sure. I’ll accept your request.
Aizo: Eh…?! For real?!
DAI: From the moment IV contacted me, I had every intention of helping you out. 
DAI: But, if you’d asked me to do something way too insane, I’d probably turn you down, though.
DAI: If all you want me to do is to give you my opinions on your design, I’ll be able to help you out as much as you want.
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Aizo: Th… thank you very mu—
DAI: But, I have one condition.
Aizo: …!
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DAI: You and me, let’s have a dance battle.
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tswiftupdatess · 7 months
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Taylor acknowledging swifties recreating the Brazil flag with lights:
"You are creative geniuses, I love you, that was so beautiful!"
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nitas-art · 2 years
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"Forgive me, the dark calls to me"
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