#rinzydings rambles
rinzydings · 2 years
Hey howdy hey I'm one year closer to 30 today
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rinzydings · 2 years
-weak peace sign-
Guess who got a breakthrough case of the rona. I feel awful.
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rinzydings · 2 years
This covid fatigue can kiss my ass I want to DO THINGS AGH
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rinzydings · 3 years
Maybe I should make an actual pinned post uhhh
Hey there!
*Call me Dev or Dings!
*I'm 28 so if that makes anyone uncomfortable feel free to poke me and ask me to kindly bugger off and I'll respect that. I don’t tend to post ~spicy~ things but they CAN pop up on this blog. Proceed with caution; they’ll likely be tagged.
*They/Them pronouns! I accept the occasional he/him too.
*I'm a fanfic writer and an artist, though I rarely post. I work full time and deal with a lot of anxiety so most of my time is spent winding down, and if my hobbies sneak into that, I deal with imposter syndrome about them so I don't post much. Stress is fun. (/s) As far as my fics go, I don’t post them until they’re complete and have been proofed by my editor (I did a lot of undertale writing with her a few years ago...). So there’ll often be a dry spell when I don’t have stories and then suddenly BAM one appears on regular updates. I just don’t like posting things unless I know for sure how it rolls so I can loop/tie any ends together as needed :,D.
*I'm multifandom as hell in my ADHD and my blog reflects that. I flip between hyperfocuses occasionally and latch onto things hard, and my blog is mostly ran by a queue that I load and shuffle on a whim. The biggest amount of reblog content you'll see from me at the time of you reading this will be (in no particular order): Kingdom Hearts, The Magnus Archives, Undertale and Deltarune, Jekyll and Hyde musical (including TGS), The Owl House, Venom(symbrock), Centaurworld, FNAF Security Breach (mainly Sun & Moon), and Mystery Skulls Animated.
(edited Oct 1st 2022)
*On that note, I try and keep up on tags but if there's anything you think needs tagged, hit me up with the post and I'll fix it.
Sooo yeah! I think that about covers most things. Enjoy my wild mishmash of a blog :D
Current Projects:
FNAF Fic - Codename: DCA ITAO- Progress ???
(wordcount - 217.1k)
CW Fic - Codename: Hart - Progress 83%~ Complete
(wordcount - 110.7k)
CW Fic - Codename: Left Turn - Progress 45%~ Complete
(wordcount - 8.9k)
Symbrock Fic - Codename: Sinatra - Complete, To Be Edited
Comic Project w/ @arsonistmoth​ - Codename: Forged
- Progress - Phase 2 of 4 - 59% Complete
(updated as of March 8th 2023)
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rinzydings · 3 years
I'm blocking the deltarune tag cause we're still at con for 2 more days but AHHH HAVE FUN
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rinzydings · 3 years
I finally introduced @theninjamouse to the glory of the Jekyll and Hyde musical (warlow babey) on our trip out of town yesterday to ikea and nothing is more satisfying than being able to see them get invested in something I love so much and then hear it the next day playing as they shower
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rinzydings · 3 years
Don’t mind my mass reblog spree my brain is off the shits
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rinzydings · 3 years
Alright I gotta ask: Favorite songs from the Jekyll and Hyde soundtrack and or is there anything you have always wanted to ramble on about it?
Oh Blue you opened a BIG OL POT BUDDY
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Hi yes, for anyone unaware (which is most of y'all I'd assume unless you keyed in on my late night posts the past few evening) Jekyll & Hyde is my favorite musical, I'm just very lowkey and quiet about it until it's brought up -- then I go bonkers. I go through stages of hyperfocus with it and it never really leaves even if my hyperfocus switches to something else, and lately its been intense because it drug me out of a depressive episode so! I also forget that Fandoms for things exist, especially with things I consider obscure, and realized I can engage in it instead of suffering in silence about it whack
Now to the ask agdkdjs God it's HARD to pick favorite songs, I sing them all constantly and enjoy them all to similar degrees. I think Confrontation, while being the classic favorite, is definitely a top just because it helped train my vocals while singing because I go all out when singing to it. It helped me time switches for acting and stuff and it's just a LOT of fun to sing even if it's taxing. His Work And Nothing More (especially the Warlow version) has been a favorite lately, as well as I Need To Know and Obsession. Before going on HRT, I sang basically all of Lucy's songs all the time because she was my vocal range, but that also meant singing her and Hyde's parts in Dangerous Game which is MORE fun vocal training with that dramatic switch. I love the ensemble numbers Facade a LOT and Murder, Murder too -- its just hard to pick!!
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The Finale in Warlow's album never fails to tear my heart out though, or his take on Once Upon A Dream, God that man can act and it kills me and just makes me want to listen to the album all over again aaaah--
Also I accept no Lucy OR Emma/Lisa disrespect, Lucy deserves the world and I cheer for Emma/Lisa to be strong and stand up for herself. Ahskdbks. Jekyll is a genius and a DUMBASS with good intentions (while not being the good to Hyde's evil, that man is fuckin gray) but MAN he's dumb and needs to be sat down, Utterson give your boy a chill pill--
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Basically uh, yeah HAH. I will happily talk about this musical any time, any day, I just. I love it. It was my gateway drug to Broadway musicals back in like 2011 or so and I'm SO sad I missed its Broadway run because I was a child back then lmao. I would sob to see a revival of the original Broadway one or the Cuccioli preformed concept in person.
(I don't... really have interest in seeing Constantine preform it live if he's still going around; the Lucy and Emma sound good but he just... idk he just doesn't sound like the right fit for me so, sorry guys, I saw his live confrontation recording too and it just wasn't for me)
I will also rant and rave about how Rob Evan (or Cuccioli! Both Rob's are A+) should've been the star of the DVD and not Hoff -- like ok Hoff tried I'll give him that, he really did, but it was just not his role. I just can't. I've seen both his and Evan's recordings and I can't be swayed that Rob was the superior of the two of them imho. I would fking kill to own a good copy of Rob's pro-shot (I know it's up on YouTube but it skips seconds and it's not all on one video asidhsk) and just AGH
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So uh, yeah!
There's a taste of one of my deepest hyperfixations that I love dearly :,D I'm also working on building an epic shadow box of Broadway merchandise for it
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rinzydings · 4 years
I wanted to give it time to sit and sink in but its a big thing so it's gonna take a while
Oh well
Guess who got their mcfuckin name and gender marker change approved ITS THIS ENBY
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rinzydings · 4 years
Catch me slowly upping how many queued posts get posted daily ‘cause my queue is constantly full ‘cause I keep finding Good Shit in the m/s/a tags that I keep liking to put in my queue later and i just want to post all of them without flooding/hitting post limit PFFF
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rinzydings · 4 years
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Pausing drawing for 2 seconds to say you guys are inSANE dgfsdfg I had 700 followers or so when The Future dropped and-- you guys are nuts, thank you, i’m glad you’re enjoying yourselves <3 cause so am I
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rinzydings · 4 years
What are the worst and best jobs you have ever had?
Oh hello anon :o
Well, for 7 years I worked in restaurants as basically everything except a bartender, line cook, and manager, (which means I’ve been a cashier, food runner, drink runner, host, busser, to-go, server, expo, prepper, dishwasher) so I’ve had a lot of experience there. The worst was probably serving and expo; serving made me too nervous, I was never great at it, and it got to the point it gave me constant anxiety and near panic attacks every time I came in for my shift. Expo isn’t too bad -- the one calling the shots on the food line, telling the cooks what needs out and organizing orders to be sent out -- but it can be REALLY stressful on busy nights. I would expo in times of need but that too was super high anxiety inducing if you couldn’t get yourself organized. 
I also worked at a 24 hour gym for about 6 months -- wasn’t a big fan of that. I felt like a glorified receptionist, watching people enter and leave, then roaming the facility every hour to make sure people weren’t dead LOL. It got boring very fast, plus the graveyard shifts messed me UP for two days every shift, so I jumped ship at the next opportunity. 
The best has probably been being a housekeeper at a B&B. Compared to working in the service industry for a near decade, it’s much more chillax and go at your own pace so long as you’re getting work done kinda deal. I can honestly say I enjoy it, and I haven’t been able to say that about a job before. I hardly ever interact with guests which is so nice compared to what I did before, I just clean up after ‘em.
Housekeeping tip: please don’t make your hotel beds. I know you’re trying to be nice but it actually slows us down; we strip the bed anyway and I promise we do NOT judge how messy the room is. If you wanna make it look neat, just huck your towels on top of the bed, discarding the fancier bedding to the side before you do -- and never anything in the tub unless it’s soaking wet.
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rinzydings · 3 years
Sorry to my followers for suddenly going buckwild reblogging shit at midnight; i’ve got vodka in me, i’m half asleep, and i’m vibin after nearly a month straight of working or moving so i’m just scrolling my likes and reblogging anything that catches my eye immediately 
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rinzydings · 4 years
Would you be willing to share the restaurants you've worked at? Imo the restaurants a person has worked at gives us so much info about the knowledge that person holds
Mostly casual/upscale casual dining! I’d rather not reveal the exact places for privacy, but I worked at two different scale TexMex restaurants for two years altogether, at a Denny’s for a year (my dish washing gig), and 4 years at an Italian-american restaurant. 
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rinzydings · 4 years
Hey could 2020 calm down for like... 2 seconds?
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rinzydings · 4 years
-throws hands up-
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