#richard reiben x reader imagine
zevexsii · 2 years
omg ur like the second person ive seen write for spr, but could i get a hc list of how private jackson, reiben, and medic wade would react if u were injuered in battle??? please and thank u
SPR boys react to an s/o who's been injured in battle
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private daniel jackson
jackson damn near loses it. he isn't focused or calculated like when carparzo got downed, he's frantically crawling over to your side as best as he can, muttering curses and mingled prayers while pressure is applied to your wounds.
"c'mon [l/n], stick with us here," jackson's chest is tight, fear clawing it's way up his throat from inside. the fear is worsened when your eyes begin to roll back.
the medics find a grisly sight, jackson keeled over your barely breathing body, incoherent please to god and anyone who'll listen sprinkled throughout horrible bouts of sobs that wrack his body. they take you away on a stretcher, jackson's rosary hanging loosely around your neck. you'll need it more than he will.
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richard reiben
"damn hotshot, that was a close one," reiben makes light of situations that are scarily serious. it's what he's always done, and god willing, always will.
you don't answer. reiben throws a glance your way, only to find you slumped over, hands pressed absently over a spreading patch of terrible red.
there's no joke to be made. reiben checks the area for anyone who can help, but amidst the noise and smoke, it's hard to even hear himself think. not that any of his present thoughts are coherent. reiben haphazardly dives your way, not a single shit given about his current position. he awkwardly attempts to cover your body from fire with his own, shoving his canteen in your direction and giving the best directions he can.
"you better keep your damn eyes open. i'll find a medic around here somewhere. just hold on."
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irwin wade
medics are notoriously easy targets and wade hates it. as much as you've told him to quit worrying about you, he can't. that's what it means to care about people, right? at least half of care is spent on worry. maybe two thirds of it, in wade's case.
this time, wade's worry saved your life. the field was still smoky, violent tension occasionally punctured by a smattering of screams and abrupt gunfire.
that's how he'd been able to find you, fussing over a clearly dying soldier who was doing his damnedest to refuse medical assistance. wade overheard bits and pieces of dialogue, at least the part where the soldier had complained that if he was gonna be saved, he was gonna try to do it himself.
adrenaline and the threat of death do wonders for a person's audacity.
wade began to make his way to you, watching you pull the man to his feet and lob his arm over your shoulders, pulling him out of the blood and muck that desecrated the place. everything was going well until the soldier fell, along with his very loaded gun. it felt like the world was going in slow motion when the gun fired, sending you to the ground.
wade hauled ass through weeds and wet ground that intended to swallow him whole, all in an attempt to reach you as fast as possible. irwin's hands had an undeniable shake, unwrapping various supplies and cursing and reassuring you in the same breath. once you tried to reach for a bandage, wade nearly slapped your hand away. you were too precious to him to lose, and fixing this himself was the only way to assuage the guilt brewing already.
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honey-im-hotdog · 3 years
Hate to Adore You
Richard Reiben x reader
Author’s Note: YES I KNOW THIS TOOK ME FOREVER TO GET DONE AND POSTED DON’T LOOK AT ME!!! I made it a tiny bit longer to make up for the wait. Also yes, I do think I did something there with the title 😌 anyway thanks @notmykirk for playing beta, you’re an angel <3 I hope y’all enjoy!
Do yourselves a favor and go watch this edit of him <3
As always, reader is supposed to be gn+vague, so if you catch any mistakes related to that please let me know. 
Word Count: 1.7k 
Warnings: swearing ofc it’s me instagram told me they’ll delete my account dxhybidpurvibvnu, suggestive content minors please don't, buddy boys this one has violence nothing graphic I think but it’s there, half the time I just rambled so it might be v bad ;) 
Summary: Mafia!au Reiben — I’ve also done Jackson & Mellish 
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Gif credit goes to @fandomscenariosforyou
He’s a piece of shit, but a very ~pretty~ piece of shit.
I know that the nickname of Richard is usually Dick, but I really feel like Reiben would go by Rich instead.
Wears his army issued bomber jacket with Brooklyn written on the back all the time, it's his prized possession.
Has so many guns on him at all times, like where does he hide them???
100% rocks that greaser look!!
BIGGEST FLIRT OH MY GOD! (Low key sleazy but still a gentleman or Miller would have his ass.)
Will and does curse out anyone.
Now onto you ;)
He was a frequent attendee of the club you worked in. You were just a bartender so you didn’t interact with him much, but boy did you know about him.
You’re sure flirting is the same as breathing for him.
You always checked him out whilst working; he is gorgeous afterall. And that voice?? Oh boy...
But as mentioned earlier, he is a huge flirt and you really didn’t want to get your heart broken—which was something you knew would have happened for sure because you’d been nursing a crush on him for a long time, and it seemed to get worse every time he appeared at the club.
So it’s no surprise that when he does talk to you, you’re cold and dismissive (if he didn’t have the means to absolutely destroy your life, you would have liked to bite back at him, but alas).
Am I gonna add the “into you ‘cause you don’t show interest in me” trope??
He’s more intrigued by the fact that you hate him when he’s never even talked to you before.
In the beginning he tried his usual charms to get you to crack, but after realizing you weren’t gonna fall for his tricks, he started trying to get a rise out of you.
You both hated each other.
Or that's what it seemed like on the outside.
Every interaction made you like him more somehow.
And somewhere in the middle his feelings towards you changed, and he started wanting you to smile at him like you smile at the other customers.
This back and forth kept up for a good while.
The day your relationship changed was when you were walking home at night after a shift.
Someone had been following you for a couple blocks, you felt the fear prickle your skin as you tried to speed up your pace, but suddenly you were pushed into an alley and pinned against the wall.
Your assailants’ musty breaths hit your face and it made you feel that much more panicked, claustrophobic, and scared; there were two of them you realized through the haze of adrenaline. They wanted you to hand over any valuables on you. You attempted to fight back but one of them backhanded you and the other kneed you in the stomach.
You would have fought more if it wasn’t for the knife one of them pushed against your neck.
You were terrified—beyond terrified. You really believed your life was about to end. Especially when the knife broke skin.
But the universe was looking down at you in mercy, ‘cause ouR BOY RICHARD CAME TO YOUR RESCUE YES BITCH CLICHÉSSS!!!
To date you still don’t fully know what happened, just that one moment you were pinned against a cold brick wall fearing for your life, and the next you were crouched down in Richard’s arms, sobbing uncontrollably, while he softly whispered in your ear “you're okay,” “I’m here,” and that he’s “got you.”
You vaguely remember him getting you up, sitting you in his car, and asking for your address.
He took you home that night and walked you to your door.
You insisted on making him a drink as a thank you.
What was supposed to be just one drink, turned into four and you two sat on your couch until the early hours of the morning, talking.
You both ended up falling asleep on the couch side by side, leaning against each other which made your necks hurt like a bitch when you woke up.
In the morning, he asked you to have breakfast with him. If it had been anytime earlier, you would have said no, but after the night you had, you realized that you didn't want to be cold to him anymore and that if he breaks your heart, then so be it, but you were going to take that leap anyway.
And oh boy, are you grateful for saying yes :)
Dates with him are always fun. They range anywhere from chill to doing illegal things.
He once takes you to the nearest woods and teaches you everything about guns as a date, like a weekend in a comfy cabin with empty beer bottles to shoot, the whole thing...
He’s HUGE on PDA, he loves being with you and having you in his life, so it only seems natural to him to show you off. Because you’re amazing and wonderful and beautiful and you could be with anyone but you’re with him and that fact makes his heart skip a beat.
He’s so in love with you.
Speaking of: 
It was several months into your relationship when Richard, whilst joking around, said that it felt like he knew two different people when it came to you: how you were so cold to him when he first met you versus the day you invited him inside for a drink.
You never told him how you truly felt about him, especially what your thoughts were in the beginning towards him, so you decide to open up to him finally.
And you best believe this man grabbed you and kissed you senseless before confessing that he loves you and he’d never ever break your heart.
He adores telling you he loves you and hearing it back. After he confesses to you, he says it almost non-stop the whole day.
Get a big goofy smile every time you tell him you love him. 
When it comes to showing his affection, he zeros in on your neck, he’s a neck guy.
Cups your neck all the time, especially when he pulls you in or goes in for a kiss. Rubs his thumb up and down your neck when you two are relaxing together or to turn you on, this bitch somehow conditioned you to have a neck thing just like him.
Rubs his stubble or nose against your neck to make you laugh.
Will hug you from the back and place a kiss on your neck or under your jaw, this is either done as a greeting, to show you some love, or as him initiating sex—it’s all in the way he’ll place the kiss.
This fucker l o v e s teasing you in public, he’s so into public sex/sex in places where being caught is a high risk.
Dom in the streets, sub in the sheets BIG TIME! Like Mellish, he’s into being a top and a bottom, but he’s really into letting you have control.
That’s because he walks around as if nothing can touch him, so letting his guard down around you is almost therapeutic for him, and not just in a sexual way—in general.
I mean he’s still cocky as fuck, but he likes that he doesn’t have to keep up a tough guy persona around you.
He’s super excited for you to meet his mom, going on and on about how much she’s gonna love you and how you have nothing to worry about.
And his mom adores you.
Her and his younger sister tell you embarrassing stories about him all the time.
You and his sister become best friends and tease him relentlessly, y’all gang up on the poor guy.
Obviously he’d want a fuck ton of kids, whether biological or adopted or a mix of both. He’s always been excited to be a dad and he thinks you’d make the best parent.
If you don’t want kids, he’d first try to talk you into it, but once he realizes you don’t want them, oh boy do you guys adopt dogs.
So many dogs (even if you have kids); he likes the mean looking dogs, the ones people usually think are horrible and mistreat (honestly fuck people like that!!).
You take your meanest looking baby dog for walks, people already know not to mess with you as you’re Richard Reiben’s partner, but he still insists you take the gentle giant with you.
Since he loves PDA, he is extremely protective of you. Of course he makes you carry a knife and a gun on you at all times and teaches you how to defend yourself.
Teaches you how to scope out an area when you enter it to make a point of all the exits and the fastest ways to get out.
You worry about him a lot. He’s super reckless, along with Carparzo, those two combined with Mellish are Miller’s living breathing nightmares poor Dad™️.
Low key has Mr. Blond vibes from Reservoir Dogs when he’s doing his ~job~.
He’s 100% a hothead, in the beginning any fight you have will be big because he can be a bit dramatic, but over time he calms down and talks through the issue.
As scary as he can be to others, he’s just as sweet and gentle with you. He’s honestly “secretly” a softie; try as he might he can’t hide that from you or his family.
I feel like he has a big sweet tooth, always buying cookies, cakes, pastries, etc., from the local bakeries and always has sugary food stocked up in the apartment (when you lived separately, you’d find your kitchen packed with desserts, too).
Ice cream is a staple for when you go out, be it dates or even a walk in the park. His mom told you how once as a kid, he dropped his ice cream cone and cried for an hour and of course you use this info as ammunition.
You call him Richie, Dick, Richard, or even Reiben depending on your mood/the situation.
And you’re the only one allowed to call him Richie because he absolutely adores you and would do anything for you.
No matter how old you two get, he’ll always tease you and flirt without shame. 
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honey-im-hotdog · 3 years
Hi its me from the reiben request ! <3 it doesn’t matter really, you can do whatever you feel like I’ll be happy either way :)) <3
Okay I’m gonna do the fic haha I was planning on doing the au for a couple of them anyway :) I’m not sure when it’ll be done, I’m a bit slow at writing and editing and posting 😅 so hopefully you’ll still be into it by that time…
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