#irwin wade x reader
zevexsii · 2 years
omg ur like the second person ive seen write for spr, but could i get a hc list of how private jackson, reiben, and medic wade would react if u were injuered in battle??? please and thank u
SPR boys react to an s/o who's been injured in battle
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private daniel jackson
jackson damn near loses it. he isn't focused or calculated like when carparzo got downed, he's frantically crawling over to your side as best as he can, muttering curses and mingled prayers while pressure is applied to your wounds.
"c'mon [l/n], stick with us here," jackson's chest is tight, fear clawing it's way up his throat from inside. the fear is worsened when your eyes begin to roll back.
the medics find a grisly sight, jackson keeled over your barely breathing body, incoherent please to god and anyone who'll listen sprinkled throughout horrible bouts of sobs that wrack his body. they take you away on a stretcher, jackson's rosary hanging loosely around your neck. you'll need it more than he will.
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richard reiben
"damn hotshot, that was a close one," reiben makes light of situations that are scarily serious. it's what he's always done, and god willing, always will.
you don't answer. reiben throws a glance your way, only to find you slumped over, hands pressed absently over a spreading patch of terrible red.
there's no joke to be made. reiben checks the area for anyone who can help, but amidst the noise and smoke, it's hard to even hear himself think. not that any of his present thoughts are coherent. reiben haphazardly dives your way, not a single shit given about his current position. he awkwardly attempts to cover your body from fire with his own, shoving his canteen in your direction and giving the best directions he can.
"you better keep your damn eyes open. i'll find a medic around here somewhere. just hold on."
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irwin wade
medics are notoriously easy targets and wade hates it. as much as you've told him to quit worrying about you, he can't. that's what it means to care about people, right? at least half of care is spent on worry. maybe two thirds of it, in wade's case.
this time, wade's worry saved your life. the field was still smoky, violent tension occasionally punctured by a smattering of screams and abrupt gunfire.
that's how he'd been able to find you, fussing over a clearly dying soldier who was doing his damnedest to refuse medical assistance. wade overheard bits and pieces of dialogue, at least the part where the soldier had complained that if he was gonna be saved, he was gonna try to do it himself.
adrenaline and the threat of death do wonders for a person's audacity.
wade began to make his way to you, watching you pull the man to his feet and lob his arm over your shoulders, pulling him out of the blood and muck that desecrated the place. everything was going well until the soldier fell, along with his very loaded gun. it felt like the world was going in slow motion when the gun fired, sending you to the ground.
wade hauled ass through weeds and wet ground that intended to swallow him whole, all in an attempt to reach you as fast as possible. irwin's hands had an undeniable shake, unwrapping various supplies and cursing and reassuring you in the same breath. once you tried to reach for a bandage, wade nearly slapped your hand away. you were too precious to him to lose, and fixing this himself was the only way to assuage the guilt brewing already.
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iceman-kazansky · 2 years
Saving Private Ryan Masterlist
Daniel Jackson
Luckiest man; Luckiest Woman
Irwin Wade
Richard Reiben
Stanley Mellish
Timothy E. Upham
James Ryan
In Your Arms I Sleep Without a Doubt
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could you do a one shot with a reader x Irwin Wade, maybe about how the two of them always had feelings for each other but they never said anything because they've always been close friends and before he leaves for war they confess their feelings for each other.
Wow, I didn’t think that Doc Wade was this popular! I love it!
You sit on a park bench, Irwin’s head resting in your lap. The peace that you feel is only temporary, you know this, but that doesn’t stop you from enjoying the moment. Irwin stirs and you look down, grinning at the sleepy smile you get from your best friend. You feel your heartbeat quicken as he lifts his head, but you stop yourself from leaning forward when he sits up to face the park with you. He puts his arm around you and now it’s your turn to rest your head on him. You lean against his shoulder and he kisses the top of your head, and you feel the butterflies trying to bust out of your stomach.
You can hear Irwin take a deep breath but whatever he wants to say he keeps to himself. He traces patterns on your right shoulder, sighing in content at the relaxation.
“This was a good idea,” he says, breaking the silence.
“Yeah, every once in a while you have one,” you reply. He chuckles and moves his shoulder, hinting for you to sit up. You take your head off his shoulder and turn to look at him. He shifts slightly, turning his entire body towards you. He takes another deep breath and bites his lip.
“You know they’re gonna start drafting soon,” he says. You look away, trying to hide your disappointment. Recently, the war is all the two of you have been talking about.
“I know that,” you whisper back. He barely seems to register that you answered him.
“I don’t want to be a draftee,” he states, his voice sounding harsh all of a sudden. You turn to look at him. He’s chewing on his lower lip and his eyes are closed.
“What’re you talking about,” you ask. He opens his eyes and turns to you, looking incredibly upset. His gaze is intense and no matter how hard you try to look away, you can’t seem to do so.
“I’m talking about me, (Y/N). I don’t want to tell my future grandkids that I was drafted. I want to be able to tell them that I did what I was supposed to do. I think... I think I have to enlist. I’m gonna go into the Rangers as a medic. I’m enlisting tonight. I just needed to tell you.”
You stare at him blankly, tears pricking at your eyes. The two of you talked about the war all the time, but it seemed so far away. Now, your whole world is crashing down, and everything feels so much closer. You’ve known Irwin since you were kids.
“If you’re enlisting tonight then why’d you bother to tell me. It’s not like you’re asking me whether or not you should do it. You’re just telling me.” This isn’t what you want to have said, and it comes out sounding much harsher than what you had planned. His eyes roam over your face for a few seconds, and then he turns back to look at the park again.
“I’m telling you this because you need to know. I can’t just get up and leave without you knowing where the hell I am.” You try to say something against this, but you can’t. You understand his logic. A lot of the veterans don’t take kindly to draftees, and one way or another he’s going to be in this war. You just feel like all of a sudden all the butterflies in your stomach have died, and you’re left with nothing.
“I don’t know, Irwin. I just don’t want to wake up one morning to find your mom crying on my doorstep and asking me if I can help her arrange your funeral. What you’re saying makes one hell of a lot of sense. I just don’t know if I can handle it right now.” He nods, and even he looks like he’s biting back tears now. He grabs your hand and softly squeezes before letting go and getting up from the bench. He doesn’t look back at you as he walks away. You wait until he’s far away before you break down and let the tears start falling.
*      *       *      *       *        *       *        *        *        *       *       *       *
It’s been a month since you last talked to Irwin, but his mother’s been keeping you updated. Today he’s heading out to boot camp, and you really can’t handle it. You woke up feeling numb and your first act of the day was to throw up. Nothing feels right knowing that he could be dead soon.
You begin to make yourself breakfast when someone knocks on your door. You wrap yourself up in a robe that Irwin got you for your last birthday. You smile slightly at the softness of the robe. Your fingers gently turn the lock and open the door, but you barely register these movements.
“Shut up and let me talk, alright.” You’re startled by the words but keep your mouth shut. Seeing Irwin in front of you is more than enough. “Look, I know you’re not happy with me leaving, and I’m not really happy either, but this is what I have to do. There’s no way of getting around it. But I need to leave on a good note, and that means getting back on good terms with you. You’re the most important person in my life, (Y/N). You’re the picture that I’ll look at when I need to remember what I’m fighting for. You’re everything to me.”
You gulp as Irwin grabs your hand, pulling you closer to him. He looks into your eyes with an emotion that you haven’t seen before.
“The point is, (Y/N), I’m in love with you. I’m head over heels in love with my best friend. I have been for a long time and I know that I will be for the rest of my life. So, I’ve made my peace. You know how I feel, so it’s just a matter of how you feel about me.” You nod, a tear rolling down your cheek.
“I’ve loved you for the longest time, I really have. I just wish you would have said something sooner. We could have had more time together.” He grins, touching your cheek and kissing you slowly.
“Well, I say we make up for some lost time.” You laugh and bring him back into your apartment, intertwining your fingers with his, finally feeling content, if only for a little while.
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zevexsii · 2 years
Hey, I saw you added saving private ryan to your list and that requests are open! If you don’t mind me asking, could you please do like any Irwin Wade x Reader please? I don’t see much for him. Or really anyone posting for this fandom.
I hope you have a good day!
Ofc!! <3 I am so sorry this took so long </33 Since I haven't covered general headcanons so far, I'll start with the basics :} Irwin Wade x Reader HCs (gender neutral)
Wade is a pretty relaxed guy, or he's very good at pretending to be relaxed. It's not that he's a constant overthinker, his brain is just very used to feelings of Go Go Go we have to Be Ready for Something. In a short and simple way, he's got PTSD. Which is a given. Regardless of whether or not his s/o went through combat with him, Wade still wakes up terrified that they won't be by his side and that somehow, it will be his fault. (I understand that PTSD is a much more complex issue than just waking up with nightmares, but I'm running from mine right now, so I'm moving on, lol) After the war, while Irwin is recovering from his injuries, you'll often find him desperately attempting to escape from bed rest and hobble around the house. It's almost amusing, considering how stubborn he'd be about the cons of overexertion if you were the one injured. Taking care of him, or anyone, is what causes Irwin to realise just how far he's fallen for you. Compassion is an admirable trait, all the more precious because of its growing rarity in such a chaotic world. Wade doesn't begin by trying to woo you or sweep you off your feet. He doesn't believe there's much use really, he can't be the only person in your life desperate for a crumb of your attention and affection. He's a bit thick in the brain at first; you could be making goo goo eyes at him for hours on end and he still might not notice. It makes a tad bit of sense, Wade likes a good slow burn. Speaking of slow burns, Irwin reads cheesy romance novels. Not that it helped him in real life. When it comes to making a move on you, he's all thumbs. Irwin knows it would be far easier to keep you at an arms length, but he just can't stop himself from being reeled in closer. Your relationship is soft, like the feeling of slipping underneath clean sheets after a long day. It's fresh linen and lavender, sinking softly into the sun that rests on your shoulders like the hand of a friend. Someone who's handprint will remain long after the rainclouds have settled in. Wade is not a PDA guy. It's just not in his nature to care about what people around him think of his relationship, so the levels of public intimacy really depend on your combined moods and boundaries. Inside dates are a big thing. Irwin prefers the privacy of an enclosed environment, it just feels more intimate to him! It's also much easier for him to give you his whole attention with limited distractions. If you are set on an outside date, packing a lunch and eating on a pier or in a park is always a yes :} One of Wade's favourite hobbies is people watching and if you're sleepy after your meal, Wade's shoulder is always a welcome place for you to crash. Speaking of sleep, nothing soothes Wade quicker than being read to, no matter the book. It's something his mom used to do when she came home early enough. When you're both tired enough to turn out the light, Wade's arms rest lightly around your waist, pulling you closer. It's a gentle gesture, casual but practiced. And Wade has all the years after tonight to perfect it <3.
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Hey! I just started following, your blog seems super cool. I was wondering if you would be willing to write a reader x doc wade one shot where the reader is a female nurse or medic? sorry if that's too vague.
Thank you, and of course I’ll do this. It might be a bit short, simply because I don’t have a lot of information to go off of, but I like the idea of it.
You wash your hands, someone else’s blood pouring down the drain. You sigh, trying to rid the stains from your hands. No matter how hard you try, these past couple of months as a nurse seems to have permanently colored your hands with blood.
Just as you give up scrubbing under your nails, a group of men rush into the hospital. There’s a flurry of movement and you wipe your hands dry and hurry over to the man that they just placed on one of the tables.
“What happened,” you ask, nearly snarling at the men for being in the way. The man on the table is barely alive and bleeding heavily. You grab gauze and a pair of forceps.
“He got shot while we were taking out a German compound,” the man that you presume is the CO speaks. You roll your eyes and try to find any remaining fragments of the bullet that hit him.
“And what kind of moron puts their only medic on the front lines of an assult on a compound,” you spit back, managing to get a clamp on the opening of the organ. The CO ignores your comment and looks around.
“You’re just a nurse. Where’s the surgeon,” the CO asks. You hesitate for a second before nodding towards the corner, where the surgeon sits asleep with a nearly completely empty bottle of vodka laying in his lap.
“Sorry about that, Lieutenant, but our surgeons a bit useless,” you retort. The man lying on the table gasps as you begin sewing up the opening.
“It’s Captain Miller, ma’am,” the CO states.
“Congratulations,” you scoff. As you end the stitches and begin cleaning up the man, you look around at the others. All of them look exhausted and dirty as hell. You pull Captain Miller away from the rest of the men. He goes to open his mouth to talk and you glare at him.
“Captain, as much as I respect... whatever the hell you are... I really need you to shut up. Your medic is severely injured. I fixed him up but I have no idea if he’s going to make it through the night, let alone the next couple of days. Now, I don’t know what exactly you’re supposed to be doing or what your mission is, but I suggest you all go on without him. I’ll take care of him and try to keep him alive. For tonight, you and all your men are welcome to take some showers and get some food before going out to continue on your mission.”
“That’s very kind of you Miss...”
“That’s Nurse (Y/L/N). And it’s no trouble. But I expect you all to be gone in the morning. Now, what’s your medic’s name.”
“It’s Irwin Wade, and thank you.”
*      *       *      *       *        *       *        *        *        *       *       *       *
Carrying a bar of chocolate in your pocket, you walk over to your favorite patient, Irwin Wade. He grins as soon as he sees you and you pull up a chair, handing him the chocolate and sitting back to get a break.
“Long day,” he asks, his soft voice making you blush slightly.
“Absolutely awful,” you say, “I mean, if I have to clean one more bedpan, I’m going to loose it.”
“I thought you lost it as soon as I came through those doors,” he chuckles, gesturing to the front of the hospital. You slap his arm lightly and laugh.
“You have been a bit of a handful.” He smiles up at you and you stare down at him, trying your hardest to not make your love for him obvious.
“Only for you, sweetheart,” he flirts, and you nearly whimper. You look away and sigh, praying to God that he’ll stop flirting and head back to the states soon so that you can get back to work. You’re just so distracted by him. “(Y/N). (Y/N)!” You’re shaken out by Wade calling your name.
“Sorry, what?” He looks at you with concern etched across his face.
“Are you okay? You don’t seem like you’re all here.” He pushes himself up so he’s sitting against the wall. You stare at him intently, wondering whether you should tell him or not. After a while of silence, you take a deep breath and decide to risk it all.
“Um, I guess I should tell you before you go back to the states that, um, I’m in love with you. I have been for a while and I just need you to know because I’m so sick of holding back. And it’s fine if you don’t feel the same way, I just need you to know.” You hold your breath and refuse to look at him until he takes your hand in his.
“I’m in love with you, too. And thank God you said it because there’s no way in hell I could’ve.” You laugh and kiss his cheek, happy that you’re man is alive and well and with you.
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