#i didnt mean to make wades bit so long oops
zevexsii · 2 years
omg ur like the second person ive seen write for spr, but could i get a hc list of how private jackson, reiben, and medic wade would react if u were injuered in battle??? please and thank u
SPR boys react to an s/o who's been injured in battle
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private daniel jackson
jackson damn near loses it. he isn't focused or calculated like when carparzo got downed, he's frantically crawling over to your side as best as he can, muttering curses and mingled prayers while pressure is applied to your wounds.
"c'mon [l/n], stick with us here," jackson's chest is tight, fear clawing it's way up his throat from inside. the fear is worsened when your eyes begin to roll back.
the medics find a grisly sight, jackson keeled over your barely breathing body, incoherent please to god and anyone who'll listen sprinkled throughout horrible bouts of sobs that wrack his body. they take you away on a stretcher, jackson's rosary hanging loosely around your neck. you'll need it more than he will.
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richard reiben
"damn hotshot, that was a close one," reiben makes light of situations that are scarily serious. it's what he's always done, and god willing, always will.
you don't answer. reiben throws a glance your way, only to find you slumped over, hands pressed absently over a spreading patch of terrible red.
there's no joke to be made. reiben checks the area for anyone who can help, but amidst the noise and smoke, it's hard to even hear himself think. not that any of his present thoughts are coherent. reiben haphazardly dives your way, not a single shit given about his current position. he awkwardly attempts to cover your body from fire with his own, shoving his canteen in your direction and giving the best directions he can.
"you better keep your damn eyes open. i'll find a medic around here somewhere. just hold on."
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irwin wade
medics are notoriously easy targets and wade hates it. as much as you've told him to quit worrying about you, he can't. that's what it means to care about people, right? at least half of care is spent on worry. maybe two thirds of it, in wade's case.
this time, wade's worry saved your life. the field was still smoky, violent tension occasionally punctured by a smattering of screams and abrupt gunfire.
that's how he'd been able to find you, fussing over a clearly dying soldier who was doing his damnedest to refuse medical assistance. wade overheard bits and pieces of dialogue, at least the part where the soldier had complained that if he was gonna be saved, he was gonna try to do it himself.
adrenaline and the threat of death do wonders for a person's audacity.
wade began to make his way to you, watching you pull the man to his feet and lob his arm over your shoulders, pulling him out of the blood and muck that desecrated the place. everything was going well until the soldier fell, along with his very loaded gun. it felt like the world was going in slow motion when the gun fired, sending you to the ground.
wade hauled ass through weeds and wet ground that intended to swallow him whole, all in an attempt to reach you as fast as possible. irwin's hands had an undeniable shake, unwrapping various supplies and cursing and reassuring you in the same breath. once you tried to reach for a bandage, wade nearly slapped your hand away. you were too precious to him to lose, and fixing this himself was the only way to assuage the guilt brewing already.
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