#rewriting season 1
blushweddinggowns · 1 year
When Nancy’s mom pulled her aside one day to ask her a favor, she never thought that it would involve tutoring the Steve Harrington. The basketball starter that had nearly every girl in their high school wrapped around his finger. 
And sure, Mrs. Harrington was offering some really good pay, but that didn’t mean she wanted to do it. Because Steve was…a lot. He was cocky, he was weirdly aggressive when it came to his drug dealer best friend, and if his grades and lack of self-control were anything to go by, he was also dumb as hell. 
Just because he was the hottest guy in school didn’t mean she wanted anything to do with him. But her mom didn’t really give her a choice, not when she had been vying for Mrs. Harrington’s friendship for years.
And that’s how she found herself on the Harrington doorstep on a Sunday, dreading how tedious trying to make someone with no attention span learn was going to be. She rang the doorbell, impatient for the whole thing to just be done with already. 
She was surprised when it was Eddie Munson who answered the door, clad in nothing but boxers and a t-shirt that Nancy was pretty sure belonged to Steve, unless he had been a secret swimming champion in 1982. For a split second she thought she was at the wrong house, until she remembered that Eddie was supposed to be living in a trailer park. 
He ran a hand through his messy hair, not even the slightest bit embarrassed to be caught without pants on at someone else’s house, “Uh, can I help you?”
“I’m here for Steve? Um, I’m his tutor? Nancy Wheeler?” She wasn’t sure why she said her own name like it was a question, but the way Eddie was staring her down had her uncharastically nervous. 
But his eyes brightened at the word tutor. He stepped aside to let her in, “Oh yeah! He told me that was today, I guess we just lost track of time. Wait here. I’ll go get him. You want a muffin? I literally just made them, unless you're allergic to chocolate? But if you’re not they’re like, really good, my uncle’s recipe so you can trust it.”
He was talking a mile a minute as he led her into the house, happy in a way she never would have expected from him. In school he was so…defensive. Always willing to cut down anyone who made a comment about his weird sense of style. And there was also the little known fact that he sold freaking ketamine in the woods behind school with a small history of violence and theft. She kind of thought that the drug dealer whose wardrobe half consisted of skulls wouldn’t be the type of guy to bake muffins. 
But that didn’t mean she didn’t want one. 
“Um, sure?” She said, jumping a little when Eddie suddenly tossed one her way. 
Before she could even say thank you he was two-stepping his way up the stairs, whistling a tune that Nancy couldn’t help but smile at. If Eddie Munson could be so nice, then the odds of Steve turning out to not be a total dick were looking pretty good.
She could hear him slam a door open upstairs, voice loud and obnoxious, “Time to wake up sunshine! You got some learning to do!”
Nancy wandered over to the stairs as she ate, happily surprised at just how good it was. She couldn't hear much else, just a few groans and some shuffling, then something that sounded suspiciously like a giggle before the two of them made their way back downstairs. 
Steve was just as disheveled as Eddie was, hair a mess as he blearily blinked into the light, like it wasn’t already noon. He at least had the decency to put on pants though, something that Eddie had decided was superfluous. 
He waved at her as they came down, at least apologetic, “Hi, I’m Steve. Sorry about that. I was up late last night doing- I mean watching movies. Kind of let the day get away from me a little bit.”
He put out his hand for Nancy to shake and she couldn’t help but notice just how big they were. She took it, suddenly a little flustered as she spoke, “Nancy. And we’ve uh, actually met before. Believe it or not.”
Steve blinked at her, mind obviously racing to try and figure out when he’d seen her before, “Please don’t tell me we used to date.”
“No we didn’t but- wait. You don’t remember all the girls you’ve dated?” Nancy raised a brow at him, suddenly a lot less impressed. Just how big of a player was this guy?
But at least he had the good grace to look embarrassed, “I-well, it’s not like that. I-”
Eddie put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him in the midst of his stuttering sentence, “Stevie, stop while you're ahead. Now go get some food so your brain can actually function.”
Surprisingly, Steve obeyed, just like that. He just nodded and puttered into the kitchen, leaving Eddie and Nancy to follow him. 
Eddie leaned over, stage-whispering in her ear, “He’s usually a lot more charming after he’s been conscious for more than 5 minutes. I swear.”
They rounded the corner, just in time to see Steve eat half a muffin in one bite. He moaned at the taste of it, and Nancy was suddenly blushing for the second time in one day. 
He smiled at Eddie, hearts in his eyes, “How are you so good at everything?”
Nancy was starting to understand why her mom always said the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach. If she didn’t know any better she’d say that Steve was seconds away from asking Eddie to ride into the sunset together. 
Eddie shrugged, even though his face was positively pleased. Steve finished the rest of it with a dreamy sigh, eyes still locked on Eddie.
“God, I love-” Steve coughed mid sentence, and for a second Nancy was sincerely worried that he had managed to choke on a piece of muffin. But the next moment he was fine, glancing over at her before straightening, “Uh, when my parents are gone. You can eat anything you want. Thanks for making them dude.”
Eddie snorted, barely managing to keep his laughter inside, “No problem, dude. But now that you're functioning I’ll let you guys get to it. I’ll be in the living room if you need me.”
Nancy wasn’t sure just what they would need him for, but Steve nodded anyway. It was almost weird, just how comfortable Eddie was in his house. She had half expected him to leave after he dragged Steve downstairs, especially since it was a school night, but the way he sprawled himself out on the couch said otherwise. 
They set themselves up at the kitchen table, Nancy with their biology book in hand and Steve with a second muffin. She cracked her book open, internally preparing herself for an afternoon of frustration. So imagine her surprise when none came. 
Because Steve Harrington was nothing like she expected. He wasn’t some undiscovered genius or anything, but he was diligent. He didn’t try to make a move on her, which her friends had definitely warned her about when they first heard she was tutoring him. He never got mad when he didn’t understand something, or even impatient. If anything he was just apologetic, a constant barrage of I’m sorry coming out of his mouth whenever he got something wrong that she already explained.
It was endearing to say the least. He even offered to drive her home after. She hadn’t realized that the offer included Eddie poking at him from the back seat and complaining about the music the whole ride home, but still. It was a nice gesture. 
When her mom asked her how it went she didn’t even have to lie. It went great. Not even on the whole he wasn’t a dick side of things. He was making ground when it came to his schoolwork, he just needed a little bit of extra attention. 
She found herself laying in bed that night with a smile on her face, more than excited to see Steve again. Maybe they’d even manage to get a little alone time, just so she could get to know him a bit better.
For strictly tutoring reasons, of course. 
Part 1.5 Part 2 Part 3
From an unpublished chapter of this fic (But I'll probably add part two and the reveal here because it kind of works with tumblr formatting!)
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mangotelevision · 1 month
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phoenix drop guard redesigns :)
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sandygarnelle · 4 months
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today i bring you more redesign sketches
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kittycolours · 5 months
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My redesigns for Dante in @roxxie-spirt ‘s mcd rewrite bc Dante is my favourite blue guy and I like him so much :3
My interpretation of Dante is that he is half korean half Ecuadorian and was a wrangler with his brother before becoming a knight ! His last name is Caballero and his armor is based on traditional Ecuadorian folk dress and Hwarang uniform
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I’m like this close to trying cook up a story with Omega’s journey to bring her family back together.
S1 and S2 showing us this bright, optimistic young girl who loves her family, wanting to help others in the galaxy.
For S3 we have slightly older and a bit more practical girl who would do anything to protect her family.
What if when Omega breaks herself and Crosshair out, its years after their capture.
She’s still Omega, loves her family and wants to help those that are victims of the empire… but her grip on the things she loves leaves claw marks.
Taking some inspiration from The Last of Us as they bring Ellie down a darker path, a character that is critical to the shaping the world they live in. Omega lost tech, she lost her freedom, she is light years away from any resemblance of home, and even initially believing that hunter and wrecker are also at the mercy of Hemlock. (Asks Emerie where her brothers are).
Having this arc of struggling to find the light that used to sit warm in her chest, that is almost entirely drowned out by the absence of all she’s lost. Having her capacity for forgiveness tested by crosshair’s aura of guilt and self deprivation, his belief that her journey will lead them to answers they are better not knowing.
Would she be able to find her way back to the person she used to be?
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lavenoon · 7 months
Out of Time (~12K Words)
How the return of the Inferna Copula could have gone, if Jim had had some access to brain cells and that tidbit of information in season 3 had been integrated into the show. Or alternatively, if Angor Rot had been treated as the narrative foil to Jim that he actually was.
So I got into Trollhunters, and sure, I am biased, but I will die on the hill that Angor Rot's potential was wasted just to have an easy end of season villain. So I've put him in the soup, and 12K of this was born.
Tumblr exclusive note: Remember when I said I'm very normal about trollhunters? Yeah, this is what I've been up to since barely posting again for the past week <3
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wittebanee · 3 months
Charlie Morningstar Redesign
Ok this is Princess Caelum (Caelie) Noctifer
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About Caelie:
Shes a goat and doll demon
She’s very prideful in everything she does
Has been dating Vivi (Vaggie) for 5 years now and knows she’s a fallen angel bc that plot was stupid
Hasn’t spoken to either of her parents for 7 years now
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past designs
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little-lost-canary · 1 year
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Uhhhh I feel this speaks for itself. Sorry?
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purble-turble · 2 months
Dark but not dark spicynoodle swap? Anyone? Anyway Red who (to most people’s surprise) HATES courtnapping with a burning passion. Too many times has his lab been wrecked by some jerk and too many times his ‘free-dad’ plan been delayed. Because what? Someone wants to marry him?! He may not like mortals but credit where credit is due, the courting traditions are way better. Enter MK who, while asking for advice on ‘how to ask out a demon (Red Son) gets courtnapping as the nr.1 answer.
I super love this idea, Anon! XD
Red Son being the one to get kidnapped is always a fun twist, but the added backstory that he also absolutely hates the concept of it is just too good! It makes perfect sense, too. He's from a "fallen court" of sorts since his father was imprisoned and the kind of lost everything.. so other demons probably look on him as a sort of de facto heir of this powerful title of the Demon Bull Family. Once he came of age (and honestly maybe even before that) he probably had to deal with all kinds of creeps and power hungry demons who wanted him just for his title or just to be able to say they bedded the son of the Demon Bull King.... Obviously Red Son has less than zero interest in being some sort of trophy husband, so that didn't work out well for any of his would-be suitors. It probably backfired so much that he gave up on the very idea of having any suitors at all! I mean, he's got a father he needs to save and a family to restore, so why would he even bother with something so trivial???
Anyway, then comes an oblivious MK stumbling onto the scene suddenly discovering he was a secret monkey demon with the powers of the Monkey King all along?? Oh and the very same day he makes this discovery he meets the most handsome young bull demon with fire powers who just completely melts his heart (and tries to literally melt the rest of him too, but doesn't manage it thankfully)
I think in this version MK gets "the talk" from Pigsy about how demons might be coming after him now and he should watch out for "courtnapping" where a demon will just try to snatch him up and marry him. It's a pretty common expression of love, apparently. Demons are not subtle, nor are they patient.
Once the idea gets put into his head, MK cannot stop thinking about how he would go about courtnapping Red Son... I mean, he's a powerful bull demon, the son of his sworn nemesis, and who knows if he's even actually interested in MK?? ...Well, apparently the only way to know is to just go through with it, right?
Meanwhile, Red Son is probably tearing his hair out thinking about that cute monkey demon.. It's probably been centuries since he's thought about anyone in a romantic way like this, if he ever has, and the very idea of it is just driving him mad! Damn him, why did he have to be the successor of Sun Wukong??? Well, he thinks, at least he lives amongst humans so there probably won't be any kidnapping involved here... maybe he can try to court the monkey in a human way. What do they like? Flowers or something?
Cue the Monkie Kid falling out of Red Son's ceiling, having stealthed his way through the Demon Bull Fam's fortress to come and find him. He stands up quickly to see a startled red bull demon looking down at him, and he pulls out some rope and is just like 'Hello, I'm here to courtnap you. I think."
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mollusken · 1 year
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Popular Girlzzzzz 🔥🔥 The show of all time
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dragonfly0808 · 10 months
For some reason I decided to check the updates, like- when I updated chapters and stuff like that
And I found that…
Season 1 took me 5 months to complete (from the last days of January to June)
Season 2 took 3 months (June to September)
And season 3… season 3 is bordering on 10 months…
I think that tells you all you need to know
I swear it was supposed to be about 40 chapters like seasons 1 and 2 and now we’re about to reach 60 FUCKING CHAPTERS
Also- like- most of the chapters in seasons 1 and 2 are about 3k or 4k words long… in season 3 I’m pretty sure at least 15 chapters pass the 6k length… I have… issues…
Burning Ashes? 134, 655 words
Blight of the Phoenix? 142, 527 words
… oh well…
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mangotelevision · 1 month
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season 2 katelyn oh how i miss you
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lmk-aus-galore · 30 days
Now I’ve seen a lot of people mention the whole ‘Macaque ate one of Wukong’s grandchildren’ and I have to digress that-
Even though it is canon that Demons are cannibals in LMK, it’s only directed at humans. Per say.
I don’t think that it’s canon that Macaque ate one of the monkeys. Especially since LMK has been rewriting HALF OF JTTW SINCE SEASON 2.
Rather I think that in LMK, demons only eat humans. Which is why MK and Mei have to disguise as demons as not to get eaten.
And again if you don’t like that rewrite.
Then you have to acknowledge every other rewrite the characters have. Like say I don’t know, THE FUCKING PILGRIMS??
And let’s not forget the absolute Womanizing Pervert Zhu Bajie was but LMK decided to change that because that was too ‘adult’ for kids to handle. So instead of seeing the kidnapped wife we get to see that the Pilgrims met Bajie and ate some of his food. (Yes, if you rewatch the episode where Subodhi was training the Monkie Kids, when Subodhi was talking to Pigsy you can see a flashback with Zhu Bajie, Ao Lie, Tripitaka and Wukong)
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inu-jiru · 4 months
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The redesign trend for Hazbin Hotel has been crazy since the show dropped, lol. So, I figured I'd do one as well for my rewrite. This is Alastor, and unlike in canon, rather than being a Sinner, he's a member of the Goetia (twin brother of Earl Furtur, to be exact). He'll more or less be filling the same role (minus the whole working for Lilith/Eve/Rosie/Whoever thing). Honestly, I find the whole Overlord thing to be strange in general, so I've gotten rid of that concept entirely. I have a redesign for Charlie as well (referred to as Charlotte in my rewrite), but honestly, I might redo that one because I'm not feeling it.
Alastor still has his radio gimmick in the Hunger Series, but it's more or less just a pastime for him because he's sick and twisted.
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stargazing-imagines · 2 years
A&A rewrite // 01x06 // tickets and trashbags
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Description : austin gets an opportunity to sing with shiny money meanwhile the reader gets chosen as Austin’s plus one
Pairings : a little bit of reader x austin fluff it’s coming guys just hang on a little longer! 😉
Warnings : mentions of stage fright , people in trash cans , if there’s anything that needs to be added, let me know.
It was a sunny day in sonic boom and Y/N was working the counter, ally was doing a piano lesson with Nelson, who was playing badly at the piano. You who got done with the customer shrieked at how Nelson was playing.
"Nelson, that's was great but maybe try playing a little bit easier on the keys,"
"Ok ally," said Nelson as he played somewhat a little better but not ear killing like before
"That's great Nelson, your getting better already," lied ally as she faked a smile, Nelson who smiled big put his hands in the air
"Thanks!" Said Nelson as he waited for ally to high five him, ally high fived nelson until Trish came in
"Guess who's got a job at mega phone world,"
"Another job?" Asked Y/N "we seriously need to work on your work ethic,"
"Yeah yeah," said Trish as she waved it off "working is just so hard,"
"Trish... what's your definition of working?" Asked Y/N as you rested a hand on your chin as you smiled at the girl.
"Sleeping on the job and not showing up," deadpanned trish
"Trish... that's the opposite of working," said ally 
"Aww man, now I have to get somebody to do my job for me,"
"Hey guys!" Said Austin as he walked into the music store with Dez "Trish any news on my career?"
"Yeah that's why I'm here," said Trish "I set Austin up to perform a remix Version of double take with shiny money!"
After Trish said that she handed Austin a white envelope that has already been open
"More information is on this sheet of paper," said Trish as she handed Austin a envelope, when she did he opened it
"So what does it say?" Asked Y/N as you tried to peek at the piece of paper, Austin who took the paper away laughed
"It says that I have tickets to the award show!"
"Yay!" Said everyone
"And I can bring some friends!"
"Wait... a plus one? That not right," said Austin "you all are my friends,"
It was the day of the award show and Austin was still trying to figure out who to take. First, trish bribed him with chocolate covered pastries, while Dez bribed him with a childhood story of Dez giving austin his pants in the elevator, while ally 'accidentally' dropped a tuba on Nelson. you who had no interest didn’t do anything.
Dez was at the drums with a football helmet as he was trying to teach Nelson the safety of ‘drumming’.
"Wooaahhhh," said Dez as ally walked in dressed in a red dress
"Aww, thanks Dez!" Said Ally as she waved the compliment off, you rolled your eyes at this as you was reading a book
"No I was talking about the dizziness from this drum," said Dez "wooaahhhh."
"Guess who's ready to go to the award show," said Trish as she came in dressed in a purple off shoulder dress
"Wait... Austin's taking you?" Asked ally "I thought he was taking me,"
"No he's taking me," said Trish
"Actually he's taking neither of you, I'm going with him," said dez
you walked over to the group
"Guys you do know that you don't have to bribe Austin with pastries, and a story in order to go to the award show right?" asked Y/N 
"Yeah and that's why I'm bringing Y/N because you guys keep bugging me and asking me to go to the award show," 
"I'm sorry what?" asked Y/N as she was taken aback, Austin Smiled 
"Y/N  your the only one that didn't bug me about this, so therefore I pick you," 
"well if that's what you said then lets go," said Y/N "Ally will you take over my shift?" 
"Sure," said ally sarcastically “I bought this red dress for nothing.”
"I'm going to make make make you do a double take," 
"Its money time, It's Money time," 
"I'm going to make make make you do a double take," 
Austin was performing with Shiny Money as you was backstage listening to the song, That was until you saw Trish, ally, and dez pop out from the trash cans 
Ally who was panicking walked over to you
"Are you guys that desperate to go to an award show?" you whispered
"It was Trish idea," said Ally 
"See ya," said Ally as she went back on stage when she did she knocked over something, you face planted into you hands embarrassed for your sisters sanity 
"i Can't believe you did that," said Austin "Are you literally that desperate?" 
"Austin their over here," said Y/N as she pointed to the three as they were sitting against trash cans 
"why would you embarrass me like that?" 
"Austin we're sorry we didn't mean to do this," 
"yeah Austin it was an honest mistake don't be harsh on your friends," 
"Ok fine but don't do that again," 
they did a group hug 
Austin and Ally rewrite masterlist
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natzomi · 1 month
Ok there are two things in the 3 specials with the 14th doctor that realy anoy me.
Donna beeing able to just "let it go" and beeing ok
And the two tardises at the end
So in this probably very long and maby very confusing post ill try to fix them (aka write down how i would have done it with zero ofense or bad intent towards the people who wrote the actual episodes cause i still love them)
So we start with the donna problem cause it anoyes me the most. For this the star beast happens the same up until the scene where dr. Donna lets go of her timelord powers.
Instead of that the doctor manages to "contain" the timelord part of donna (and rose) and seal it away in her brain or something (i dont know. Its docor who it doesnt need to make sense) That gives them a unknown amount of time to get it out completly.
Donna and the doctor jump into the tardis to find a way to save her, coffee gets spiled, tardis goes crazy and basicly wild blue yonder happens exactly the same (maby a bit mor angst because of the still ongoing donna problem)
Then in the giggle we start to see donna get realy effekted by it. She has a constand head ache (makes her finding out the musik thing even more impressiv) and this beeing one of the reasons the doctor wants her to go back to the tardis in the toymakers shop (not only is he facing one of his most powerfull enemys but his friend is not in the best shape to deal with it as well wich stresses him out so hard)
Then the rest of the episode goes on normaly. They meet and play angainst the toy maker, he has his musical moment, the bigeneration happens and they win.
But instead of the price for them beeing the toymaker put in a box and the second tardis (yes i consider the second tardis as a price from the toymaker deal with it) 14ths price is donna and rose geting fixed and 15th gets to put the toymaker in a box for eternaty.
This way you get a storry line that goes throu all 3 episodes and fixes donna in a more rewarding maner than the way they did it in the show.
But you may now ask: "but natzomi if you think the secon tardis 15 gets at the end is a price for the doctor but in this version they both already got a reward then how do they both get a tardis?" And to you i say: they are the same tardis. But ✨️timetravel✨️
Like i said i dont like that there are two tardises at the end of the specials (yes i also said i think its a reward from the toymaker but that doesnt mean i like it. Why? I dont know i just think its a litle lazy and you could have done more with that)
Sooooooo to fix that problem you would need to add or change like only a hand full of scene.
Basicly the entity of star beast and wild blue yonder is the same no change there. But at the beginning of the giggle you add a litle scene (like 20 seconds max.) where the doctor notices a scratch on the console or a broken button or something that basicly doesnt stop the tardis from working in any way and he writes it of as the tardis having missed that while fixing herself or that she hurried back to get them in wild blue yonder. The rest of the episode continues normaly untill the end when they disgust the problem that 14 and 15 dont want to travel together, they are standing outside the tardis talking and then Boom. Out of nowhere a second tardis apears. They didnt do anything its just there. The exakt same tardis exept for that scrath on the console that only exists on the first tardis (the one we see throut the whole episode)
15 gets the one with no scrath 14 keeps his and everyone is happy.
But now we just need three more scenes later in the season to complet this storry. One where because of some fight or acident the tardis console gets a scrath on the console (extra points if the doctor doesnt know/see)
The second where the tardis just randomly leaves one day for like an hour or so (could be the start of an episode and the tardis disapearing kicks of the plot for that story)
And the last where the tardis returns (probably at the end of that same episode)
And now to get to the point ant explain the storry/idea ill just go over the events out of the perspective of the tardis (or at least her timeline)
In wild blue yonder she leaves to repair herself. Then she lands in the avengers unit tower and goes of with 15. After she gets the scratch she goes back to save 14 in wild blue yonder and then stayes with him for the rest of his life after he passes she comes back to 15 and the continues to travel with him.
This might also give the posibility for 15 getting his own interior since 14 probably changed it a lot while he had her and either 15 then could get the "old rundown" version with all of 14ths changes or the tardis changes completly for him.
Anyways its 3 am and i cant sleep cause i cant stop thinking about the stupid timetraveling alien man :)
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