#regional planning
rmmgy-blog · 1 year
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Perhaps too niche of an issue for most of urbanist tumblr to care, but I feel like sharing regardless; this is my first-draft proposal for a new system of regional local government for Ireland, though I think its philosophy could be applicable in many other countries and contexts.
Basically, it highly frustrates me that our current local government divisions (counties) are completely arbitrary boundaries that date back to a legacy of colonialism and English rule. Good urban planning is of vital importance in the cause of urbanism and fighting climate change and inequality, but so is regional planning, though it is often overlooked.
To fix this issue in an Irish context I drafted up a map of new regions defined by their closest city, or large town that could become a city in a matter of a few years were it to be reclassified and invested in by the government. This would mean local government could be deferred more power as each region would be centred around a given economic and social hub city. This would fix pointless issues caused by having counties dependent on a given city fall outside of its local government boundaries, such as public transport to connect to Dublin underserving Wicklow even though it is very clearly economically and socially aligned with it.
To have truly regional planning and governance centred around hubs of activity would allow for more balanced development as smaller cities could have a symbiotic relationship with their surrounding areas which grant them more funding for infrastructure and services but also guarantee that those outlying communities are represented in decisions for cities that they depend on and very much have a stake in, for example, being able to travel to with public transport or pedestrian and cycling infrastructure. This isn't even getting into the fact that it reclaims power to determine our own mode of local government by washing away the divisions imposed upon us by imperial rule.
No doubt other countries could benefit from similar changes which would ensure there are no free riders of urban development who need not contribute towards it, as occurs in some instances, but also no cases of communities on the periphery of an urban core being ignored when it is their nearest and most essential hub of activity.
Dublin, Galway, Cork, Belfast, Waterford, Limerick and Derry are already citiesvof varying sizes, the other proposed regions would require a suite of government investment to build them into hubs.
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t-narihara · 8 months
My interview by the Kyoto University European Center in Heidelberg about my research stay in Aachen, Germany.
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sayruq · 6 months
In case you missed it, Israel is trying really hard to start a war with Iran (in addition to trying really hard to start a war with Lebanon).
First by assassinating a senior Iran official
Then by claiming credit for previous attacks on Iranian soil
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[CONT] In response, Iran then destroyed an israeli complex in Erbil [with Fateh-110 ballistic missiles], where the Mossad's headquarters were said to be.
And finally, the former Prime Minister has written an article saying the US and Israel have to go to war with Iran (this is where he revealed the 2022 attack on the Iranian warehouse)
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 4 months
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A short two-part comic (total of 20 pages + 8 extras) by me! (for me lol)
Fandoms: Ninja Showdown (Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja x Xiaolin Showdown)
Ship: My Immortal Soul (First Ninja x Chase Young)
A comic where nothing really happens! But it contains a lot of half-naked men. So like, kids avert your eyes and adults don’t open it at work or whatever. ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
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thanks for checking it out <3
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snowangeldotmp3 · 3 months
feel free to specify in the tags where you are from along with yes or no !!
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loafbud · 5 months
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So i made a silly thing last night..... it doesn't have a name yet!
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ifindus · 26 days
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Happy Birthday to Norway!!
- be me - announce my return after travelling and being sick for two weeks - only post two drawings - become obsessed with a game and not post for another week - become sick again - miss the national day celebrations - just well enough to draw a pic for Norway celebrations - :(((
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ratwithhands · 2 months
Character relations/opinions!
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Alright before I post any more Battle Addict stuff I should probably explain what a League Council is. Here's a summarized diagram:
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A Pokemon League is a region's network of specialized skilled trainers. It is run by the League Council, which includes finance, HR, marketing, PR, and other managing departments which are divided into different branches depending on who they work with.
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This is all to say that everything gets messy very quickly when news of the diagnosis spreads through the network. Originally the diagnosis was supposed to be private information for only the Battle and League departments, however certain higher ups felt it was a safety risk and notified gym leaders as well in the event of future collaborations.
The network is mostly divided into people who are positive/neutral about the news, and people who feel negatively about the twins as a result. Coworkers who were already familiar/close with the two tend to be positive, or at least supportive, whereas those who didn't know them got another reason to avoid them. Some people think they should go on leave for "recovery", but some are more forward and want them terminated.
If you're wondering where Cynthia falls in this, she's a foreign top league worker (Sinnoh Champion) who is hosted in Unova. Basically she has dept. employees assigned to help her connect to people around the region and get different services if requested. She's basically watching everything unfold from the sidelines, with every interview about her opinion boiling down to "lol if you're scared of people stronger than you then get good". She does also bring up historic accounts of CM/HCCM though, mostly to clarify that CM is not a new or scary thing. She's not for or against the twins, rather just hoping to use this as an opportunity to teach others.
I didn't end up drawing her because I got tired but Elesa got the news too!! She actually got it before everyone else since the twins decided to go tell her beforehand. The general scene basically had Ingo and Emmet deliberating in the car, Ingo telling Emmet it's not too late to turn around and go home while Emmet was hesitant but adamant that they needed to tell her first. She probably took it the worst out of everyone but that's mostly just cause it caught her off guard that her friends would just randomly drop in to deliver the news. She's still rooting for them though, mostly trying to support the Subway with more collaborative events to make the twins look better after the hit from the media. She also tries to rework Emmet's restraints where possible, usually trying to make them look more cohesive with the rest of an outfit or trying to make them less visible (cause as much as Emmet says it's not a big deal it's still the first thing he looks at in his reflection).
Here's them in alt clothes :7
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Man is cuffed under there (T_T)
Can't really think of too much to say so hope you guys like the art and see you later!
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mintjeru · 8 months
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a lazy morning in fontaine
open for better quality | no reposts
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revindicatedbyhistory · 8 months
kinda annoying how now all the 15 year olds are realizing there are problems in the real world so the yare doing all the carrds links shit again and mixing up actual real life tragedies with whatever imperialist nonsense the CIA is making up this week
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Trudy Ring at The Advocate:
Planned Parenthood must turn over some records on transgender health care to Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, a judge has ruled. Bailey, a Republican, is investigating providers of gender-affirming care in the state, which has outlawed the provision of such care to minors and certain adults. His demand for information from Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri came in March 2023 as part of his investigation of whether Washington University’s Pediatric Transgender Center or other health care entities in Missouri “have engaged in or are engaging in any practices declared to be unlawful,” as he stated in a letter to Planned Parenthood. The Planned Parenthood affiliate then sued Bailey in an attempt to block his demand, saying it was unauthorized and that the attorney general hadn’t shown how Planned Parenthood is directly involved in his investigation. Bailey argued that his request “should stand because he has an affidavit that alleges intentional dishonesty in Plaintiff's medical and billing practices,” St. Louis Circuit Judge Michael Stelzer wrote in his ruling. Ruling in Bailey’s favor, Stelzer said the AG’s office has “broad investigative powers” and that Bailey has the right to obtain any documents that aren’t protected by the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which provides for patient privacy.
Missouri AG Andrew Bailey (R) has been granted snooping powers on Planned Parenthood of St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri's records for transgender health services.
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melonthesprigatito · 1 year
Honestly, I think it's hilarious that the Detective Pikachu movie managed to slip in a blatant reference to Dynamaxing with that entire Torterra garden scene and absolutely NOBODY noticed because the movie came out before Sword and Shield did.
First time I watched the movie, I was like "Oh, I wonder what kind of fucked up unethical experiments that lab did on those poor Torterra to make them grow so big. :(" but when I rewatched it during quarantine after I played Sword, it dawned on me that they must have pumped the Torterra full of Dynamax particles.
Like, this movie and SwSh were probably in development around the same time so I bet some writer on the Detective Pikachu team was just sitting there like "Wouldn't it be funny if we had this entire scene with a game mechanic nobody knows about yet, so when people rewatch the movie later, they'll be like "OH YOU MOTHER FUCK-"
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cheesecake801 · 3 months
IT IS TIME ! It is finally time to show you my Valentine's day artpiece !! (Wdym it was a month ago ? Nonsense ! I totally did NOT take a month to finish this)
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For those who don't know, this is Volkner, I just HAD to draw him for Valentines day haha ! Have more nice sketches (and me chatting a little) below cut !
First lemme show you those self indulgent Valentine's day sketches
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It's fun thinking Volkner would receive chocolate from random peeps (not surprising, boy slays in pink !) but the true canon stuff in my head would definitely be Volkner staying home or at the gym tinkering with machines and stuff, completely forgetting about Valentine's day haha !
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(gosh I really treated myself with this one alslskd, also yes I'm that ghost leaving the grave)
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I sketched this Pachirisu in a magma session with friends, I think it would follow Volkner around for some reason, much to Volkner's delight, this Pachirisu is a real cutie !
Also I reached 100 followers today !! Thank you everyone, I hope you'll continue enjoying my art ✨️You know so far I always posted submas related stuff but.......THIS GUY ! This guy has been living rent free in my head for more than 2 months you have no idea. He's not nearly as popular as submas around here so I've been content starved lately, it's hard finding art of him and his best bud Flint ! So I got no choice but to make my own food !! It is only the beginning of the Volkner propaganda hehe ! I hope you'll enjoy the Volkner stuff I'll post from now on !
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peachy-doodles · 11 months
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AGGIE!!!! we gotta whole buncha random thangs in here....
but also now you all know ive had my MC Ingo and L&E Adventures stories combined in my head for weeks now and yes that means i sent Larry's ass to Hisui with Emmet ^_^ he's allowed to go i think ^_^ its enrichment.
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prof-peach · 1 year
Will you continue the galar journey comic or end it and head to paldea
galar probably not no, it was an old project I dont have time for right now. Hisui will be the first one to be seen to the end, its key to the long term story.
After that I will do perhaps some more short story comics for Paldea as I truly dont enjoy the region and it was just a holiday destination for the group. a lot of fluff and slice of life there. No drama just fun. Then it'll be the heart of the conflict comics. Dotaku based and family orientated. The clash of peach and her people, and how that mess unfolds. Quite serious topics.
After that who knows! The games are appealing less and less so unless something good comes out, it'll be focusing on just telling this story of Dotaku and its goings on.
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lucky-draws · 5 months
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started pokemon x again... my humble team so far
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