millenniumdueled · 28 days
♡ -redeyesandchilifries
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look. it's not an exaggeration in any way, Joey is everything to the both of them. he was their first best friend. he's thrown himself into danger for them and followed them to the ends of the world. he's literally pulled them from the fire.
Joey is goofy and loud, but he's not afraid to get serious, and he always seems to know what Yugi needs to hear. he's honest, even when it hurts, but he's always kind.
sometimes, Yugi forgets they've only known each other a couple years. it's so hard to remember a life before Joey.
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nameless-brand · 11 months
@creepy-crowleys , @hulizi , @witchofthescions , @strikingskeletonsiege, @thetopben , @capucapo, @redeyesandchilifries
*★,°*:.☆\( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★*
Eyyyy. Welcome to my small corner of the Tunglr blogosphere. I'm your gracious, amazing, beautiful host Sato. Hold your applause! 👏
That joke really doesn't work when they're no room for someone to chuckle, so you can't reply "but that's not the punchline?"
Anywaaay, I'm Sato. Nice to meet you all and hopefully in good health. And I guess my icebreaker question based on my recent activity would be "what is your favorite meme as of right now? And show one!"
Mine currently are creative "solutions" to the Trolley Problem:
Tumblr media
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seashaper · 8 months
> Madison Rook paces on the beach, leaving parallel lines of bare footprints in the sand alongside the edges of the surf's reach, as their gathered audience comes down to the water from the beach house and settles in. They're not *nervous*, of course, just buzzing with anticipation, it's been, for them, after that simulation, a long time since they've shown off to friends, and a long time since they've had friends to show off to. Calling on the power of the endless body of water in front of them is a rush to the tiefling in the first place, but they always love an audience.
Adjusting their cloak, reaching back past their large, curving horns to fix their ponytail, Rook makes sure they look the part before a tattooed hand disappears under their cloak, drawing out their long, spiraling silver wand with a small blue sphere on the hilt. They fiddle with the beads tied to the silk strip wrapped around the handle while their finned tail swishes behind them the others finish chatting, taking a final moment to go over their plan in their head again; they have to do this perfectly, to get a good grade in impressing their friends, which is normal to want and possible to achieve.
After a dramatic pause once attention is on them, Madison Rook holds out their wand stiffly in front of them, and with only a thought it expands into a similarly designed staff, intricate silver and violet engravings in the grip and a spherical sea-blue crystal set at the top. This version of their casting focus intensifies their magic; they'll need the precision of its handheld form a little later.
Twisting the base of the staff in the sand, Rook mutters their first incantation, free hand performing a quick and highly practiced movement. A point in the waves several feet out from the group indents, rippling outward in rings and causing the waves in an area to slow and smooth down into a wide, tranquil circle interrupting the tides.
The end of the staff is swirled in the sand, a similar spiral growing in speed in the center of the space. They lift the sphere towards the space and raise it up, drawing with it the vortex, pulled up in its spiral from the water to form a thickening waterspout that rises over their collective heads, another muttered spell causing it to intensify, spread in odd directions and stretch in shape as the direction of its flow defies physics in favor of the caster's practiced command. When the water's violence reaches its peak, it slows for barely a moment, then bursts outward and down in a heavy fall of seawater. From where the water had been forcibly flowing, when released from its structural hold, it spreads into a set of spread wings, a towering horned head, and a spray of mist at the group from its stage out in the water.
Long before this visual is even completely formed Rook is casting another spell, moving their staff in a broad stroke up the deluge of a dragon, which stills before the droplets can fall. The staff shifts into a wand mid-motion and the tiefling's purple hands twitch in intricate and intentional manipulation of the energy here, the tip of their wand drawn through the air like a paintbrush in each direction that the water reaches to freeze the entire artistic shape on its sturdy stand of spiraled ice. They look to their audience with their hands on their hips, smirking proudly.
“But there's more, naturally.”
Their staff, once more, waves over the sculpture, which is suddenly smothered by the darkest black there could be. Wings of shadow still spread, the points of darkness where its eyes would be glow red for a few seconds, before the entire dragon disappears, base and all, leaving a smooth circle of water again.
”Now that's out of the way for now, I've got something else cool.“
Another cast, and a large white sphere of cold energy, shedding mist onto the water, appears in the air over the circle. Wand in their grip, one hand gestures patterns that are drawn through the water like their hand passed through it physically, while the wand points to the sphere and draws from it a beam of freezing cold to trace right behind the movement of the water, capturing lines and shapes that float still on the surface, almost like a laser printer of instantaneous ice. It's fascinating to watch, but when it seems finished, Rook still has more.
”This obviously isn't a great angle to see what I made, so-” The circle of water rises up from the back into a towering wave, the ice still positioned carefully along its face into a detailed recreation of the back of a Duel Monster's card, rendered in shapes of frozen seawater.
“I can make tons of beautiful stuff but you guys will really enjoy this next experience, it's 1 of my favorites.” The wave collapses, the ice floating adrift, and as Rook gestures everyone forward, the surf retreats in a path out into the sea, parting before them and their staff as the heavy-clad but barefoot tiefling leads the group out through the water without touching a drop. “You don't have to get wet yet, but you have to see this before people start doing other stuff and miss out.”
Soon they're fully under the water, a large dome above and around the group holding back the sea like a solid pane of glass over a ring of dry sand, though the unseen ocean is right there to reach into if so desired. It's a great view, and surprisingly comfortable, Rook seems to have no issue maintaining the dome until people want to head back to shore.
When they reach the shore, the frozen droplet dragon will be waiting for them on the shore, now proper black ice with glowing red eyes. They can never show off too much for Mokuba specifically. The sorcerer will gladly teleport him up onto its head, and make a fun little ice slide to help him get safely back down.
The statue will be either melted or shadowed back away, and once it's gone Rook will act for a moment like that's the last of it, before starting to step backwards into the water proper. They grow gills and webbed fingers, but before either properly take shape they're already a humanoid shape of darkened water melting into the sea. The still water starts to churn and arcs of liquid start to jump from the surface like living things, some sinking back in and rising in strangely shaped waves, some never splashing down, instead spiraling like threads through the air, around each other, woven through by more fast-moving water in some recognizable shapes and some abstract. It's an extremely precise display Rook can only pull off by being a large part of it, knowing exactly where every drop is at all time while they control the sea with both their magic and their body. It's also definitely overkill, but they have no reason to *not* to show it off.
When that show's over they rise back out of the water and take shape, makeup just as perfect as beforehand. With 1 last wave of their staff, a shining silver dragon, this version more real and properly moving, rises from the water behind them, looks over the group, and brings its tail around to slam down on the water in front of it. A massive splash threatens to soak the group but with a breath of frozen energy from the dragon and a flash of the crystal sphere it shimmers and disperses into softly drifting snow, powdering over them in the middle of August. The conjured dragon makes direct eye contact with Seto Kaiba and snorts cold steam glittering with magic, before bowing regally alongside Madison Rook, as they end their show of power and precision; for Kaiba's sake, instead of vanishing as a conjure would, the  dismisses it. To retain the wonder. They're quite satisfied with the impression their magic must have made, and their pride spreads a broad grin on their face, and violet sparks around their finally still hands before the video ends. They're finally done showing off.
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capucapo · 9 months
Brothers' Battle part 1/4
[ continued from here, directly copied from Discord w minor editing for typos and formatting. yes, we played out an entire Duel. it's going to be a little bit of a read but I'm really, REALLY proud of this group effort to rewrite the VR World arc and there's so much good Character behind the card games.
Seto Kaiba @blueeyesking, me as Noa, Mokuba, and the Yugis. Wyatt @seashaper, Hika @nameless-brand, and Pyre @redeyesandchilifries coming in later
Names with my posts don't always line up bc sometimes I just switch POVs too many times in one reply, but will be color blocked with purple for the Yugis, magenta for Mokuba, and black italic (like this!) for Noa ]
Seto Kaiba
Seto's grin immediately falls away, replaced with a slightly agape shock. Concern tugs at the muscles in his face, twitching into another barely-recognizable microexpression- but Mokuba should be able to read Seto's face like a book, and that book reads,
He's alive! He's not hurt, and doesn't seem to be at all restrained… but his clothes are very… muted. Maybe it's just the virtual world's expression of him.
Mokuba's reaction hardly looks relieved to see the eldest Kaiba. The Imposter. His brows knit tight, his jaw set.
[ High above, an alarm rings out through Noa's control room. The largest, central screen changes perspective, zooming in on a young man with dark, braided hair. If he had veins, his blood would have turned to ice inside them.
No. No no no.
Why was Mokuba putting himself in danger? ]
On the street below, Mokuba takes a defiant step towards the imposter.
"gee, and I thought losers were supposed to give up and die," Mokuba's tone is venomous.*
Yugi feels his heart sink as he utters the teenager's name in concern. His Other Self balls a fist, swallows the lump that forms in his throat as he spares a glace toward Kaiba.
The world seems to stand still.
Seto Kaiba
Seto's heart sinks, too, but it was already so deep it didn't have far to fall.
He… he couldn't be serious. He couldn't have said that, right? This must be another nightmare, only shared. Surely. Seto stops directing his Blue-Eyes, and it begins biting and slashing and firing beams at the insects on its own.
"That was what Gouzaburo believed."
Mokuba's glare doesn't falter.
"so then how many times do you have to lose before you listen???? just leave me and my Big Brother ALONE already!!!"
[ As he snaps at this Imposter, his so called Brother appears. A young man somewhere between the brothers in age, with an uncanny likeness to the elder. He wears a pleasant smile, but his eyes are cold and sharp as an icicle. He places a hand upon Mokuba's shoulder, and the way that the younger boy leans familiarly into the touch turns both Yugi's stomachs in unison. ]
"mokuba--" Yugi starts to step forward, only to be blocked by his Other's arm. Not yet, he feels inside his heart.
Seto Kaiba
"Your big brother… I don't even know who this clown is."
Seto covers his despair in biting wit, crossing his arms and straightening into a properly haughty posture. His eyes catch Noa's, and narrow.
"Whoever this kid is, he's not your brother, Mokuba. I am. And I'll do whatever it takes to bring you back."
The look on Mokuba's face is heartbreaking enough for Yugi. He gives a concerned look in Kaiba's direction.
["Give it up, Seto," Noa finally speaks, his gentle, song-songly voice uncomfortably calm. "Mokuba remembers the way that you hurt him, you hit him and then set your monsters lose upon him-- Isn't that right my Baby Brother?"]
"that's right. I'm not going ANYWHERE with you!!! my REAL brother and I are going to take Kaiba Corp back and remind the world what WINNING looks like!!"
Mokuba raises his left arm, a DuelDisk materializing in a wave of glowing cyan pixels. Noa's hand tenses on his shoulder.
["Mokuba. This isn't safe, you need to let me--" ]
"no. no, he HURT me. I need to do this, Big Brother. I've been waiting my whole LIFE to do this." Mokuba's words drip with poisonous resentment.
Seto Kaiba
Seto's eyes don't widen. Of course. This person has poisoned Mokuba against him with yet more realistic bending of the truth. Just like in his own nightmare, something terrible was done to Mokuba by some program wearing his face…
However, he wasn't expecting Mokuba to try and Duel him. Seto glances at the Yugis, then steps forward, removing the cards inside his DuelDisk and shuffling them. The Blue-Eyes nearby dematerializes as it is removed from the field.
"If that's what you want, Mokuba… I accept your challenge."
He looks to the stranger.
"The only danger here is the delusion you have, about taking my brother and the company I sacrificed my life for. We have suffered enough of Gouzaburo's lingering grudges!"
Seto flares a hand out dramatically, causing his coat to flap and emphasize the motion.
"WHAT brother??" Mokuba snaps. "'cuz MY only brother is Noa, and you stole that company from US. and once I beat you at your precious favorite game, I'm taking back what's ours," Mokuba snaps at the Imposter.
Yugi looks nervous, chewing on his bottom lip as he anxiously watches this confrontation between brothers. When Seto accepts the challenge, he gasps, takes a step toward the taller man again.
"kaiba, i don't have a good feeling about this--"
"shut UP, yugi. enough of your stupid friendship speeches, this is a family conversation!" Mokuba snaps. Then he turns to look up at the young man beside him, his expression and tone softening as he does. "you can do something about that, right Big Brother?"
[ Noa gives a dark grin in response, his cold, blue eyes locking onto the object of his animosity. "Of course I can, my Baby Brother. How about we take this battle somewhere just a bit more.. fitting," Noa hums.
Slowly he raises one hand in a grand gesture, and as he does, the streets of Domino City seem to crumble and fall away. The ground around their feet begins to rise high, high up into the blue sky, until the parties finds themselves on three separate rooftops. The brothers standing opposite each other on a long walkway, the Yugis and Noa occupying two smaller, round turrets, separated from the main platform by an endless chasm. ]
Yugi's heart skips a beat. His Other Self feels his stomach drop.
The details are different, but they recognize this playing field. The parapets at either end of the rooftop.
They both already know these stakes before Noa has to explain.
Seto Kaiba
Seto's heart pounds in his chest, the alarm he feels impossible to hide. His stance widens to steady himself as the terrain changes- into an all too familiar arrangement. They… they can't be serious. This is where Yugi learned their family's harshest lesson: to lose is to die. But he talked Seto off of the edge by conceding to his unfair ultimatum.
Seto's heart pounds in his ears.
"He's lying to you, Mokuba!" his tone is slightly more desperate. "You and I stole the company from Gouzaburo- and this boy has never been in our lives! I promised you we would- we would make theme parks, and entertain and support kids everywhere, so that they didn't have to suffer like we did!"
Regardless of his attempts at reasoning with Mokuba, Seto readies his Duel Disk.
Mokuba's never been here before. He's never seen this arena, never before heard the chilling ultimatum. But he doesn't need to. He already knows everything he needs to, as decided by Big Brother Noa.
"you're the one who's lying!! you really think anyone believes that?? YOU ?? caring about anyone but yourself???" Mokuba snaps as he draws his first five cards. "you threw away everything that made KaibaCorp what it was just to humiliate and MOCK our father's legacy!!! I'm going first!!"
[ "Let me remind you of the rules here, Seto," Noa purrs from the sidelines, his voice as deceptively gentle as ever. "You'll each take a step backwards for every 100 points of damage that you take. When your lifepoints run out, so does the rootftop you stand upon. Of course, these monsters aren't some cheap trick of light, like you're used to. The force of your attacks may be enough to bring this Duel to a conclusion before they even hit zero." ]
Mokuba stands confidently, a violent storm in his eyes as he finally looks down at the cards he's drawn. He can't help but smirk-- it's a perfect opening hand.
He sets the board wirh two face down cards, one monster, one a spell or trap, and ends his turn.
Seto Kaiba
The glare Seto levels at Noa may as well have the same level of threat as a gun barrel. But after a moment, he's more focused on the game at hand, brutal stakes clawing at his back.
In his first hand are Cyber Jar, Spirit Ryu, Burst Breath, Shrink, and Ring of Defense. He sets one and plays the monster in Defense Mode.
"The Kaiba Corporation, as a military entity, was a monstrous tool of destruction that gave the highest bidder the necessary firepower to massacre anyone in their way. Is that a legacy to be proud of, Mokuba? Or was it always our dream to save the world by making it a better place? To pursue our passion for children's card games? Open your eyes! Our adoptive father beat me every day, to teach me this world is cruel and unforgiving to the weak, and the world of business is worse. But we outplayed him at his own game, and with him gone, KaibaCorp has been flourishing as an entertainment technology company. You can't tell me you'd be happier facilitating the death of millions for money, just because it was what some old fool wanted you to do with his resources!"
[ Noa's own blue eyes meet Seto's threatening glare, but the smile on his lips shows only amusement as the fight begins in earnest ]
Mokuba draws a card to begin his turn. Effect Veiler.
"Kaiba Corporation was the epitome of power and strength. do you even hear yourself???? when the next great war starts, how many people are you going to save with children's card games???" Mokuba argues spitefully.
He takes only a second to look over the cards in his hand. His opening draw was good-- improbably so. Controlled as all things in this domain by Noa's divine will. That would be the only help offered to the youngest Kaiba, justified, in Noa's opinion, by the teenager's lack of experience as a Duelist. Not that he needed to justify something that no one, not even Mokuba, would know.
Mokuba plays Mystical Space Typhoon, targeting Seto's only set card for destruction. He then flips face up the monster he'd set on his first turn, revealing a weak and harmless Red Eyes Baby Dragon, now standing in attack mode. Plays another spell from his hand, Red Eyes Insight, sending one monster from his deck straight to the graveyard in order to add another spell to his hand. It isn't time for that yet, though. Instead, he activates his set trap card, allowing him to bring the Red Eys Archfiend of Lightning he'd sent to the graveyard immediately to the field. In exchange for his turn's normal summon, he activates the archfiend's effect, destroying the weak monster Seto had chosen to defend himself.
"you didn't outplay anyone. you cheated, and you stole away my Big Brother's rightful place at the head of our company!!!! don't act like you're above us, seto. how many deaths have YOU caused in your selfish rise to power, anyway??? what makes you any DIFFERENT ?? just because you like playing stupid little games for stupid little kids? it's time to grow UP already," he snaps, before ordering his baby dragon to attack directly.
Seto Kaiba
Seto's set card turned out to be the trap card Burst Breath! It disintegrates as Seto discards it, cussing quietly to himself. He knows Mokuba, having Red Eyes Baby Dragon on the field, will want it attacked so that it can activate its effect. He doesn't know all of Mokuba's deck, though, and the archfiend catches Seto off-guard, obliterating his Spirit Ryu and leaving him open to the Baby Dragon's direct attack. Its fireball pushes him back the required twelve steps, closer and closer to the edge…
"But we did outplay him, Mokuba! My plan hinged on you- I believed in you to make it work! This guy didn't exist-- we were Gouzaburo's only sons! He's using you!"
The taller brother calls over to Mokuba, even as he draws and glances at his remaining options. His drawn card is Pot of Greed-excellent. He casts Pot of Greed and draws his two cards, fishing for options to take out Mokuba's monsters without hurting him too badly. Even if he can deck his brother out without pushing him to the edge, will this bloodthirsty "Noa" still enforce the loss penalty…?
Vorse Raider, Heavy Storm, Thunder Dragon. Not terrible… Seto discards Thunder Dragon in order to draw his other two copies from his deck. Unfortunately, they both take one tribute to summon, themselves…
He summons the Vorse Raider in Attack Position. Then, he casts Heavy Storm, destroying Mokuba's trap card- and finally casts Shrink, targeting Mokuba's Archfiend, then begins his Battle Phase so that his Vorse Raider can attack the weakened Archfiend.
"My passion for card games isn't unique, no. But given our past, and my treatment by our adoptive father, I know how people shouldn't be treated. KaibaCorp under him would certainly have encouraged the next great war to have started already, in order to secure their bottom-line! Those resources could be better spent making people happy!"
Mokuba seems completely unfazed as he watches Seto move backwards, closer to the edge of the rooftop. He does spare a glance in Noa's direction, seeking quick and silent validation that he's making his Big Brother proud with that opening combo.
"you think you know everything, don't you seto??? well news flash, WE were LUCKY to get to call ourselves Gouzaburo's sons!!!!!!! and you were ungrateful for that!!! but my Big Brother Noa was Gouzaburo's only REAL son, and he was kind enough to treat me like his own brother anyway!!!!! what did YOU do??? you hit me and you pushed me away!!! you tortured me when I lost to yugi!!!!! Noa would NEVER hurt me like that!!"
Mokuba frows as his continuous trap is destroyed more quickly than expected. Somewhere there's another one of those in his deck, but he's more disappointed that his lack of any monsters in his graveyard prevent him from activating the card's second effect on destruction. Before he can be too sad by that, though, his archfiend shrinks before his eyes, its attack halving as well.
The attack that destroys his archfiend makes the teenager hiss in pain. He's not a Duelist, he's not used to even the force of solid vision. Let alone these virtual monsters with their very real pain. But he takes his required six and a half steps back with a smirk on his face."
"how would YOU know how people should be treated??? you treat everyone on earth like they're below you. tell me again, seto!! how did you get those precious blue eyes cards again???"
He draws his card for his next turn, and his smirk falters. Brows knit as his lips press into a thin line. Enemy Controller. It's not a bad pull. But he recognizes this card, and not from setting up his deck or practice plays. It's one of his opponent's. He sets it face down immediately.
He eyes the field a moment, then delares his battle phase without summoning another monster. Instead, he orders his Baby Dragon to attack the much stronger Vorse Raider without hesitation. The tiny dragon is, expectedly, destroyed immediately, and Mokuba grits his teeth, takes his 7 steps back. But his grin returns-- in fact he's almost giddy.
As the Baby goes to the graveyard, it's replaced by another, stronger dragon. And with Mokuba's battle phase still active, he orders the Red Eyes Black Dragon to attack, destroying Seto's vorse raider and 500 of his life points
"you know, Seto!!!!! if I reallyyyyy begged him to, my Big Brother might let you live!!! you'd have to give up Kaiba Corp though, oh, and your body too…. but you could live forever here in this world instead!! you just have to give up now….. last chance! I end my turn."
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blueeyesking · 9 months
#Im still rebloggin it cuz its a cool card but WHY THAT TAG @redeyesandchilifries
You are Yugi's mutt, and your entire deck gimmick is luck-based. See also: Time Wizard.
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jujulebee · 1 year
@redeyesandchilifries #Gotta respect someone who KNOWS their aesthetic and goes for it 100%#Even when it means gettin all dolled up just to go to bed heh!#Hope ya had a good rest last night
hell yeah the makeup was like totally left over from that day but like i dont like posting pics w/o makeup for personal reasons ya kno??? i totes rested like so good fr i hope ur night went like just as well!!!
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penofdamocles · 11 months
#Not a bad lookin robot at least!#It is pretty weird tho Im sorry for ya man#The magic around here is wild#You gettin used to things at least?
Ha, thanks. On both regards. Wild as hell, yeah. I got to my boyfriend, got some advice on functioning, I’m starting to get the hang of using this thing at least, yeah.
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sketchyonlooker · 1 year
< A live camera feed comes into view.
The viewpoint reveals a small yellow-and-green shop with a single red door. The word Game can be seen on top of the door in red English lettering. Next to the shop is a small green door. This patch of land with red floor tiling and its small evergreen trees seems rather out of place amidst the tall buildings that surround it.
The door opens, and a bunch of kids excitedly leave from the shop with small bags in their arms.
The glass in the door briefly reflects the cameraholder’s attire. A completely black denim coat with jeans to match – pink neon highlights can be seen around the arms and legs. A dark hoodie is worn underneath, framing the owner’s face with shadow. Large dark sunglasses and a black facemask complete the ensemble.
It enters.  >
CardGamesSon (v): @/DominoTouristGroup - Guys! Sketchy’s in Domino.
CardGamesSon (v): @/DominoTouristGroup – Helloooo
CardGamesSon (v): @/DominoTouristGroup - GUYYYYS
DMGBeloved (v): Stop @’ing the group. Once is enough.
DMGBeloved (v): Guess Sketchy’s sense of direction isn’t as bad as we thought.
CardGamesSon (v): Isn’t bad as we thought?!
CardGamesSon (v): She missed the stop to Domino and ended up in Tokyo for a week.
CardGamesSon (v): And decided to walk all the way to Domino because she couldn’t figure out how to get back onto the public transit???
Sylph (mod): ::marik_freaky_tongue_emoji:: ::lol_emoji::
DMGBeloved (v): To be fair, I don’t think sketchy is carrying any bills or credit cards. And also what the hell Sylph?
Capu4Life (v): So trespassing and theft is okay but not jumping the turnstiles? That’s a really weird hill to die on, @/sketchyonlooker.
Capu4Life (v): I’m also saving that emoji btw.
I’mYourDaddy (v): Yooo. Hey Sketchy’s finally at Domino. Hey, that shop looks familiar.
< The camera enters past the single door. And the small shop’s interior is revealed with several glass cases / drawers containing games of various media and modality. It walks past them without taking a single glance.  
It also ignores the two shopkeepers at the very end – their identities very familiar to everyone in the Stream.
Instead, it makes a beeline to the very noticeable Duel Monsters display. Stacks and stacks of booster boxes and packs. >
I’mYourDaddy (v): omg the King of Games???!! Joey!??! SKETCHY, TURN BACK.
CardGamesSon (v): fsdjlfkjsdl. Yugi, Joey, why are you working here?!? Shouldn’t you be like made for life with the tourney money??
DMGBeloved (v): I don’t think there was really a cash prize. Just the honor of being the King of Games and taking other people’s rare cards.
DMGBeloved (v): And I don’t think Yugi is going to be selling those God cards anytime soon.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Stop @’ing me. I’m at work. Why is Mutou- Sketchy what are you doing?
I’mYourDaddy (v): WHAT ARE YOU
Capu4Life (v): OMG LOL ::crying_laugh_emoji::
ExodiaTheBaffledOne (v): …
CardGamesSon (v): ::exasperated_emoji:: Why am I not surprised anymore?
< The camera is directed towards all the 30 or so Booster Boxes that it quickly stacked into its arms, approximately 720 booster packs total. A pair of gloved hands also adds a couple of starter decks to the pile for good measure.
And with the same nonchalant gait it came in with – as if it weren’t committing grand larceny right now - it began to walk out. >
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namelesschurch · 9 months
Weekly update:
Lev: Lev's back. Honestly, that's the biggest thing for me. She hasn't told me much about what happened. She says she got caught in some sort of VR world with a slightly reasonable megalomaniac? When I asked her about that, she just said "no one died" and then also proceeded to try and reassure me that there was no risk of dying for her - cause of Rook - who was this spellcaster that Lev mentioned earlier before she went on that month-long mess. I think I bawled half the time and yelled at her for the other half.
And now the idiot is picking fight with gangs. Gangs with guns. I can't. I can't lose her. I need to figure out how to distract her in someway. Maybe I should reintroduce her to Crow - her once guardian a timeline ago - at the very least, I can tell Crow that Lev wants to be a vigilante, cause she has massive opinions about that and kids. It's a low blow, but I will not lose her again. She'll either be strong enough to overpower everything that's out there or stay put until she is ready.
Mads: So. Mads became a god. Of second chances apparently. And I also made a stupid mistake assuming that Mads would be accepted like Kris is. Needless to say, I was forced to reveal some things about Chi and myself to remedy it. But I don't regret it. I have a bad feeling that if I had gone with my original plan and waited... well, it wouldn't have been good for Mads.
Hopefully, he won't make the connection. I really am the most pathetic goddess apparent, and Chi is unfortunately dragged into my mess by virtue of being her.
I am concerned as to the sort of mannequin-like state when the World Boundary had thoroughly suppressed him. Is that his vessel? Like I've heard that angels were created - and that for them to exist in the mortal world, they require something of Malkuth - of the physical realm - a vessel to exist in. Well, this is assuming the angel he is and the angels I know are similar. But why is he afraid of other mannequin / puppet-like things then?
Kris: He's gone exploring into Chi's Dream World and will have an update when he's done. I hope it's a good distraction for him at any rate. And...I am curious as to why Chi is connected to that world.
...especially if it is that dream world I am thinking about - the one that Lev always chided me on wasting skill points on. How did it end up turning into a game?
Crowley: I'm glad to see that seaweed hell hasn't eaten her. What is a little ominous is her reply tags to my enormous crab MTG post. I hope this is just her "the horrors are normal everyday things" sorta humor - and not y'know having an island-size crab that needed dealing with.
Erna: She's probably the one I'm most worried about. I don't think I can stop it either. Like Lev said, if she's the only one who has not been called... she'll likely accept the Calling willingly next time it happens.
bookkeeperofthescions: Will need to ask in the next week if she needs help with anything. It sounds like almost all of the Scions are down and likely in need of life-sustaining treatment - both soul and body-wise. I might not be able to teleport stuff myself, but the BC's can at least transport things - even if they tend to eat the stuff they transport.
Yugi / Seto / Mokuba / Joey / Rook? : Seems like the card game squad has come back safe and sound - Lev did say that. I am admittedly a little bit worried about Joey given his inactivity, though I'm fairly sure if anything did happen to him, Yugi or Lev would've mentioned it, right? Like I keep telling myself that if the events that happened to them were incredibly dangerous, I feel like one of them would've mentioned it - and then I remember Yugi has a talent for understatement, and Lev's opinion of danger is that it probably has to be city-ending for it be on her radar.
Nata: It seems she went back to Seattle after the damage from the alien? person. Was it the right thing to go "no I will not bring them back?" I can't really say. I know that if Lev disappeared, I would do all I can to bring her back - I did do all I can, limited as it was. But for random people I don't know, I probably wouldn't. Life and Death and Reincarnation have its place - messing with those things probably created the term "playing god."
Lark: Seems to be going to school, I guess? He obviously doesn't like it. Should also keep in mind to refer to him as a witch and not wizard - he's made clear the difference in societal context. Might be some personal context to, given how vehement he is about the subject.
holyhappyhour: Have not seen a response from Le after her comment on the moon. Hopefully, this is just her doing her periods of inactivity thing. Not everyone treats social media as their journal after all. And not someone as cagey as her.
Wayne Enterprises: I do not know what they are playing at. Inviting me to a dinner I do not have the qualifications to be part of - and then inviting me to a partnership that honestly seems fair on paper for the vertical farming project seems almost too good to be true. All I can think of is that I somehow hit some sort of alarm when I started asking about developing caves in the area - an alarm that's present in pro-company, the water is now poison, Gotham. Are they worried about me doing something - or are they already doing something in the caves? I don't have the connections to go blindly investigating - maybe this partnership could be a bribe even. But that's less likely. There's a lot of stuff a multibillion dollar corporation could do to make my life - a millionaire - and my company miserable. They don't need to cater to me.
plushwave: It is hard to tell how much it is Rose's very bad sense of humor coming out or if she's actually being serious. Also interested in the set-up of her world as mentioned by her comments of "Qin." I have also learned that completely different cultures and countries prevents direct comparison of cultures and countries - like you'd think this is a given, but it's a lot harder to actually put into practice when half the stuff it sounds like should be common culture. Or at least that's what I think. Anyway, cares a lot for Aloisia clearly.
enqueter: enqueter. Because I don't think I've seen any mention of name on enqueter's posts. Has some sort of genetic-related powers going on utilizing ADAM and what's called Plasmid. enqueter is a private eye that deals with ADAM-related stuff enough to be a sorta expert on the subject - has a related ADAM power called electrobolt?Not much information as of late. Will keep any eye on.
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in-inertia · 1 year
Good afternoon. I am Gladiia, Captain of the Second Company of the Abyssal Hunters of the nation of Ægir, and Head of Ægir Affairs at the pharmaceutical NGO Rhodes Island.
Art is my life and my passion, and I revel in and enjoy witnessing the artistic passions of others, as well as sharing in the enjoyment of their favorite art forms. My own is dance. Do you have any passion for the arts? What was the last thing that you created, or the last piece that truly moved you?
@parumnimiumque, @fuckingshutup, @carcins, @attitrudeadjustment, @creepy-crowleys, @maritimemaiden, @redeyesandchilifries, @666mlgnevadeanbeast. ...The last URL won't properly tag. Vexing.
...I let far too many of these accumulate.
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millenniumdueled · 3 months
a.. are you telling me to punch you????
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nameless-brand · 10 months
@millenniumdueled, @redeyesandchilifries, @blueeyesking
Hey. Messaging you all just in case. Cause I don't think Mokuba posting just coordinates is normal. Chances are you probably all are already on it.
I made the mistake of asking Lev for advice, and now she's driving herself more than a little stir-crazy. So we could both use a little reassurance. That and I swear she's going to stare a hole into my phone trying to see the Tunglr on my screen.
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((A little more for the night :3))
millenniumdueled: I'm through playing games, Marik. Tell me where you're hiding my friends already!
redeyesandchilifries: I don't think I will, Pharaoh! Not yet, at least. I have plans in mind for you all.
Oh, and don't think you can use your location trick again. We've cloaked ourselves, this time.
millenniumdueled: I will scour every inch of this city if that's what it takes to find the people important to me. You can't hide forever and once I find you, mark my words, I will destroy you!!
redeyesandchilifries: Temper, temper!
Get your rest, Pharaoh. Little Yugi will need his strength for tomorrow.
millenniumdueled: You expect me to sleep when I know my friends are in danger?! You're out of your mind, I won't rest until they're safe.
redeyesandchilifries: Fret not, Pharaoh, no harm will come to them tonight.
Unless you fail to heed my warning, that is.
millenniumdueled: I have a hard time believing a word that comes out of your disgusting mouth. I can't possibly sleep knowing they're out there somewhere!
Quit your cowardice and face me already, Marik!
Or are you afraid? Now that I've taken one of your precious God Cards?
Answer me!!!
[redeyesandchilifries is now offline]
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capucapo · 5 months
THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!
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pumpkinpyre · 4 years
RP Blog List
Now nice and tidy so that mobile users that can’t read specific blog pages can see why I followed them! All blogs are blog style, which for those unfamiliar, means no face to face interaction is happening; the blogs are run as if the muses are the ones sitting in front of the computer and typing.
As a side note, if you don’t follow at least one of my RP blogs, I sort of tend to assume that you don’t want to interact with that one. I know that’s not necessarily the case all the time, but it’s a mindset I can’t seem to entirely shake 😅 Adding onto this if you post follower greaters please don’t @ this blog because I assume you haven’t actually looked at it. A lot of times I’ll do a follow back and someone will @ me here and I just ignore it. Please aim greaters at one of the actual in character blogs, and if you’re not sure feel free to message and ask me which I think would be most fun 😁
Different side note! If your rules include a DNI for proship or anti-anti, I’ll err on the side of caution and avoid interacting. However I know the meanings of those labels have become like insanely muddied and misinformed so if you’d like to chat about what I’m actually for/against, my inbox and DMs are open.
Updated as of 12-17-23
@coolskeletonsdontcry [16+] Crybaby, one of two of my longest run boys! An Underfell Papyrus going on... six? Or so years of development. Probably more time is fake. He’s been through a lot. Calls himself Comet, no longer capslocks, is considerably more chill than the average UF Papyrus but also a lot more traumatized
@strikingskeletonsiege [18+] Siege, a sort of aged ahead 5 years version of Crybaby. He’s cruel, he lives on a spaceship working for an AU of Commander Peepers, he’s in love with a Cubot. Also he surprised me when he suddenly realized he’s nonbinary. Lot a shit goin’ on with this fucko.
@thetopben [16+] Ben 10 of the various Ben 10 series out there. All grown up but no goatee. Sllllightly to the left of canon, I’m picking and choosing what I like, but more or less what you think of when you hear “Ben 10.” Got the Omnitrix, loves his Grandpa, hangs out with his cousin Gwen and his best buddy Kevin and his other buddy Rook. Will turn into various aliens to kick butt. ABSOLUTELY a force of chaos.
@redeyesandchilifries [16+] Joey freakin Wheeler! That’s right, I Yu-Gi-Oh! now. Dependent college AU, so he’s in his early 20s instead of a teenager. I’m kind of diving just head first into this one 😄 Mix of manga, anime, and subbed anime canons.
@a-royal-hoot [18+] Just when I thought I was done with this guy, I’m sucked back in! Revamping my Stolas from Helluva Boss. Not totally canon compliant, but still very much himself. He’s seen the multiverse before and now he’s BACK BABY
@slobbyseconds [18+] Slob, an Underfell Sans and Crybaby’s older brother. Loves dirty jokes, has a fused jaw, and wears a bathrobe instead of the more typical black coat. Falls into Big Brother Mode far more than he’ll ever admit. (low activity)
@gettuskedon [18+] Tusk! A swapped version of Slob, with an extended family of bros! Kind of pigheaded but generally an okay guy. Not a Swappfell or a Fellswap because I don’t even know what either of those are supposed to be like anymore.
@aconitely [18+] Aconite, Tusk’s youngest brother. Rambly text with next to no punctuation online, stilted and slow speaking in person. Has fun creeping out his alts. Ditto on being not a Swapfell or a Fellswap, but he is purble. why he ourple
Okay that’s the most important I think! Post will be updated if and when I bring in another muse. So if you’re a role play blog and I follow you, it’s because I’d like to interact with one of these boys!
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blueeyesking · 9 months
Be honest, how do you feel about Yugi and his friends?
Yugi himself is a respectable, if naïve and too friendly, guy. I don't think he could beat me in a Duel without his ghost-twin alter ego, but I would still Duel him to test that theory with aplomb.
The other Yugi is the only person I would consider my equal or better, out of anyone, and that is mostly in Duel Monsters and strategy. I don't expect anyone connected to the softer Yugi so thoroughly to have many skills independent of him, so I can't say if he has respectable skill anywhere else. I also think that this Yugi is sharper, more relentless, and possibly more open to cruelty and black-and-white judgement calls, which all only give him points, to me.
I do, however grudgingly, also appreciate their sense of loyalty to their friends and comrades... and their decision to give me the opportunity to remake myself for the better. I couldn't have made it much farther than I had at the time, if I hadn't been subject to that Penalty Game.
Joey is the victim of my more sadistic tendencies. He's easy to rile and flares up quickly, but doesn't have the right vocabulary to verbally spar me and so his insults and threats are empty. All bark and no bite, as they say. I don't actually care about him that much; he's baggage attached to Yugi, and not much more.
Tristan... I don't know very well. He seems a little more intelligent than Joey, but also has a far more passive role in their group. Without hearing much from him, I haven't been able to discern too much about his character.
Téa is fine. She's confident in her opinions and intelligent, possibly the most competent among them besides the other Yugi, and can actually make sharp retorts. Worth some respect, but not really someone I care about.
I nearly forgot Bakura existed. That should say enough for you.
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