#redacted ranking
frenchiefitzhere · 4 months
freshly ranked using this
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astraltrickster · 3 months
Enjoying the [MYTHICAL CREATURE] vs. [UNEXPECTED WILDLIFE] polls? Having fun with the discussions?
Good news: I made a ranking game with 40 different unexpected visitors for you to choose between! Some extant, some mythical, some extinct, some pop culture - this game will put them in pairs and ask you to choose:
It's a Sunday afternoon. You hear an unexpected knock at the door. Which of the two options presented would surprise you the most to find on your doorstep?
Have fun!
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rainingcatsandjune · 2 months
i've been hyperfixating on sam for only a week after my friend introduced me to him but rahdfjksgsjdifgkfjgh kjfgsdfgh im so obsessed
i hope the fanbase on tumblr accepts these sam doodles
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(the dentist one is what i made right after listening to sam's imperium audio ASHDAJHDF i have not watched the rest of imperium besides his video oml)
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capitalisticveins · 15 days
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It’s like you’re trying to enrage me
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thresholdbb · 4 months
For the longest time I refused to watch TOS because of sexism and William Shatner. I knew precisely 3 things about Shatner: he was in Star Trek, he has a... particular... speaking pattern, and he is a raging asshole.
To my surprise/delight/horror when I begrudgingly started watching it, I actually really liked Kirk and was mad I missed out on OG Spock and the rest of the gang for so long. Plus Kirk's making the softest, most homoerotic eyes at Spock the whole time
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decaydanceredacted · 10 months
This blog is single-handedly obliterating the fact that Patrick Stump was ranked 95th unsexiest man of 2007
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rottenraccoons · 1 year
How ✨ nastey ✨ can all the LI’s get when they’re at the top of their game in bed
From least to most ✨ nastey ✨:
Francesco < Keir < Oleander < Cirrus
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vampire-bite · 1 month
the Redacted vampires and werewolves + their listeners, ranked on how whumpable they are on a scale of one to ten (+ a bonus of what type of whump fits them most)
This is based on my taste, and ill do more boys maybe
Sam: 5/10, maybe 6.  there’s a lot of caretaker energy, which sort of comes with the territory of being a healer, but there’s also a lot of emotional turmoil, so I’d say it’s about 50/50 on which way you want to go. Prime candidate for the whump of healing others at the cost of your own physical wellbeing. Someone make a fic where once you’re turned into a vampire you can’t heal without it being like empathetic or something.
Darlin: 9/10: i mean, naturally. I don’t feel the need to explain this, it seems self explanatory. I’d say they’re best for hiding injuries. They’re the type of character who suddenly collapses when everyone thinks they’re all in the clear. 
Vincent: 7/10: You already have immense survivors guilt to work with, plus the situation of him being invoked, and just generally his complicated feelings about his turning. I only put him so low because he’s not really a character I can see physical whump with and i am trying to rate them based on how whumpee-able they are, in both physical and mental ways. Obviously, survivor’s guilt whump is your go-to here.
Lovely: 10/10: Constantly being whumped in canon. Again, don’t feel the need to explain this. Their whump type I think depends on what era Lovely we’re talking about. Because of course, nightmares are spectacular, but I feel like the idea of them overexerting themselves trying to use magic like they used to is highly underrated for after they’re turned.
Porter: 10/10: I’ve already said Porter is basically tailor-made to my tastes, but this also applies to whump. Any character who sees themselves as a weapon is obviously prime whumpee material imo. Hear me out: Porter needs to be kidnapped and tortured. That’s a defiant whumpee with clear motivations for your kidnapper and the opportunity to break him is just too good.
Treasure: 6/10: See, if we knew a bit more, I’d be able to rank them more accurately. As it is, I think their whumpability comes down to Porter’s reactions being a spectacular opportunity. I think they’re good for a being used as bait type of thing
David: 8/10: I want that tsundere obliterated. Basically has the appeal of a “team leader” whumpee, where the unusuality (is that a word) of him being vulnerable just makes the pain when he’s hurt in front of the others that much better.  I don’t know if there’s a term for it, but yeah, basically. Injured and/or humiliated in front of the pack
Angel: 7/10: I’m not always a fan of the type of whumpee whos likely to crack jokes and stuff, but it sometimes is chefs kiss. That’s sort of angel’s thing. Something about them gives me buried under rubble vibes.
Asher: 8/10: See above about whumpees who are sort of joking around to distract from their pain. I can’t exactly explain why I like Asher more, but just. Trust me. Probably something to do with the inversion.  Just one fic where he thinks he’s been abandoned and left for dead just one please im begging
Babe: 4/10: They don’t compel me as a whumpee too much. But. I want them to be attacked and kill the person and have emotional whump over that
Milo: 8/10: His descriptor is “feisty”, I feel like I’ve made it very clear that defiant whumpees are chefs kiss. And there’s canon whump. Muzzle that man. 
Sweetheart: 10/10: They’re WONDERFUL for whumping, guys. I NEED more sweetheart whump in this fandom. Overworking themselves is naturally perfect.
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separatist-apologist · 10 months
Fall is in the air MB. Please rate the ACOTAR boys on how likely they are to be a PSL dude
I was just thinking how much I missed when people were asking me to do my rankings. If you're new here, remember that my opinion is the only objective one in the fandom and I accept 0 criticism if you disagree. Ranking Least likely to most likely.
9. Tamlin- Do you know how many calories/additives are in a PSL? He's a tea man, besides.
8. Kallias- Look, he's a chestnut praline guy. Halloween, fall weather, even PSL is just an annoying prelude to the REAL holiday- Non-denominational solstice. He's not interested in it- it's not bad, it's just...not good.
7. Tarquin- Life is natures caffeine, okay? He doesn't begrudge anyone for enjoying it, but if he wants that sweet rush of dopamine (OR WHATEVER ITS DOING TO OUR BRAINS IM NOT A SCIENTIST), he'll go outside for a hike. Do you, but no thanks.
6. Rhys- I think Rhys WANTS to be a PSL dude. He's got the scarf (give it back to Taylor Rhys!!!), he's got the fall foliage in the background. He's even got the PSL in hand. It's just...it tastes SO BAD he doesn't understand why people like it. 1/10 for trying
5. Jurian- It's FINE, okay? It's nothing special, just a drink and honestly people should get a grip.
4. Cassian- Thought it was going to be life changing. Like Rhys, loves to do a thirst trap for the 'gram when its PSL season. He prefers the frap if we're being honest (don't tell Nesta because she might want to put sugar in her oatmeal if she knew)
3. Lucien- Pumpkin everything, obviously. He's not publicizing it for likes, but everyone knows he's first in line the day PSL is back, double fisting them to make up for lost time. Blood to caffeine content is just pumpkin, he's vibrating at the speed of sound
2. Azriel- Tries to make his own at home but it's not the same. Dumps his PSL in an at-home travel cup, if you ask him what he's drinking, he'll lie and say "coffee, black." Also thinks Rhys should give Taylor back her scarf (c'mon, it's just the right thing to do, man).
Eris Vanserra, king of the pumpkin spice latte. Oh you don't like it? Sorry you have bad taste, couldn't be him. Doing an internet countdown, live vlogs himself taking that first sip, dog sitting at his feet in a matching vest. Why is he on a hike with a PSL? Don't ask questions, alright? Minor internet feud with Kallias over which seasonal drink is the best, vicious followers cause Kallias to concede.
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nemofil · 6 months
google search deranged greek sculptors
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Dr. Invar - Varith’s Betrothed
#her scars are from a medical double mastectomy - she's a cis woman#she works on a very small majority Vulcan science vessel#so she doesn't have an official rank but she's close to the person in charge and was allowed on the vessel due to nepotism#her mother is a fairly cruel person who looks down heavily on others due to her high status but favored Invar A LOT#this led to Invar being a bully as a child/teen but then she became ill and was tutored at home#this led to her being fairly isolated with only her parents and people who worked for them as company (her 'friends' quickly abandoned her)#her being abandoned by others + being with her mother so much made her realize how awful she'd treated others and want to do better#She's quite paranoid about her health because her illness was one which continued coming back#She has not undergone the rite of tal-oth because of her health (she doesn't want others to know this)#<- in general she's hesitant to share information about herself with others bc of the fear they'll use it against her but projects an aura#of self confidence to the point it reads as being cocky or full of herself.#bea art tag#star trek ocs#beas ocs#Invar#despite/because of being a bully (and her mother) Invar has a VERY strong hatred/fear of being made fun of#she doesn't know Varith well - they've only met/communicated a few times (mostly as children)#[REDACTED] family shenanigans#<- very technically#but I'm putting her in that tag in case I need to find her again
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mrsmiagreer · 8 months
Ivan my love…
I’ve listened to this audio only twice since it dropped at midnight and it made me cry���
first of all, Ivan and his dad hit me in the gut that was just so sad and it honestly explains a lot as to why he feels so strongly about loving baby.
second of all, his panic in the beginning made me a little sad because… listen…
i’m an empathetic person, and i’m not excusing what he’s doing, but i have to remember that he’s literally out of his mind at this point and is probably gaslighting himself into thinking this is the right thing to do
so i can only imagine coming home from a long day of work, thinking that I’ll see the one person that I love the most waiting for me… And they’re gone… I’ve checked everywhere, and I looked at every door lock, and all of the windows are barred, so how could they leave me? Why would they WANT to leave me? Don’t they love me? Because I love them so much. I hope they didn’t try to go back to those people… etc
(I mean…figure out what you’re gonna do if they call the police and all of that later but ykwim💀)
And then the end when he was like “I’ll clean up the mess, get you something to eat and drink, and you can rest, but after i hold you for a little while okay?”
I hate when he’s doing the wrong thing but makes it sound so sweet because i almost WANT him to hold me. Even after everything that’s happened literal minutes before.
Also side note: When he was like
“I get a lil clumsy when i’m worried oopsie😅🤭😚🫶🏽🩷😘”
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muirneach · 14 days
if my mother wasn’t homophobic and vaguely conservative and also really mean she would kill it on tennisblr fr shes so funny. i wish she was a commentator because she spends every match going ‘oh i hate this player they are ugly they have bad teeth and this outfit is terrible i hate that shade’ and generally screaming at the tv and calling everyone stupid. wheres her segment on t2.
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widowshill · 16 days
i'm not sure if you've answered this before, but i'm curious: other than roger, which of louis's characters is your favorite?
I don’t think I have! I have to say Edward, he’s just so adorable :’) and he’s one of Lou’s more active roles, as far as plot line goes, so getting to see him actually matter in the dramatic action is great fun — he takes much more of a lead in the supernatural drama than is typical, and he has a romantic b-plot of his own which is just sooo sweet <3 our darling dashing hero in pomade! I love a good stuffy and ridiculous yearning man.
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t4llhum4n · 10 months
Dude. I could never rank all the Redacted men. Because 100% it'd look something like:
1. Milo
2. Vega
3. Literally everybody else
4. Marcus
5. Kody
So many of them are on the same level in my eyes! If a character lacks in one area, then they typically make up for it in another. For instance, personally, I find Morgan a little boring as he is, but I love the amount of lore he drops and his potential for development. I just can't do it :(
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cosmicrhetoric · 4 months
i actually kind of hate cancelling plans . especially when im already mentally prepared that week. but alas my body is shutting down 😔✌🏾
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