#red rupee
linkbetweenlinksau · 2 years
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Here’s some Zelda’s for lbl!
Something to keep in mind cuz I know I’m gonna get a million comments about it, not every Zelda is gonna make an appearance for my own sanity. I only designed the zeldas that I know will for sure make an appearance (I dunno about Picori tho). I already designed Tetra and Zelda 1 and 2 so I didn’t draw them, so ye! Here’s some zeldas!
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zeldasadork · 6 months
how do the mounders get even better every session. what the heck. if my creative niche were writing instead of art it would be all over for you guys
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useful-boy · 10 months
While I was at the combination Barnes and Noble GameStop Starbucks, I picked up one of those charm packs for Wind Waker c:
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I forgot to take a pic of the back, but there were 8 different things it could have been!
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howl-at--the-sun · 2 years
I was looking through my copy of the Zelda encyclopedia and I realized that the different rupee values between games could affect how the Chain could pay for things.
For example: in most games, the single rupees are green, but in the original loz, they’re yellow. So Hyrule could use his worthless yellow rupees in Twi, Four, or Wind’s world, where yellow rupees are worth ten, and essentially game the system so the chain doesn’t have to spend as much as they should have.
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dullanyan · 1 year
For like the past 4 blood moons I've been running around underground looking for the ✨️ versions (plus? Clean? Idk what to call them) of weapons and just cannot find them.
I keep finding gerudo claymores but not the scimitar or spear. I've found none of the korok weapons. And I can't find the royal guard weapons.
Is it truly just bad rng, or is there something I'm missing?
Ive gotten the Zora weapons, those were no problem, and rito and Gordon as well were easy.
Im down to needing only 8 weapons for my compendium now... it just feels a little ridiculous.
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fuzzystims · 2 years
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resin rupees
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zincbot · 11 months
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gajananjogdand45 · 4 months
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better-than-one · 2 years
psst when youre offered freebies you oughta take em
You know what- here!
Wh- I can't take this!
Yeah you can!
It's a gift! Besides, if you succeed, I'll get more customers anyway!
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May I request some smut between Ganon and male reader with spanking and a size difference? I'm a little too embarrassed to ask this of some of the other requestable fanfics, but after reading some of your smut stuff, it makes me feel comfortable to request it here!
This is why I enable anon and open my blog to those like you. This is a place for all to enjoy and indulge!
I'm just glad you are comfortable after reading some of the stuff I've written! I hope to see you again~
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Title: For Every Rupee Stolen
Characters: Ganon x m!reader
Contains: spanking, size difference, restraints, role playing
Fandom: Legend of Zelda
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
Reblogs > likes
The ropes around your wrists behind your back and ankles were more than enough for you to already understand your error, but your position only solidified it.
You lay spread along the knees of the Great Demon King, your body bare with the air gently caressing your skin. The king’s menacing aura practically summoned goosebumps to your skin, nearly visible for him to see. You didn’t dare to move, to speak. You didn’t even dare to meet his gaze. You feared even a small sound would induce his next action, but there would be no need, for it wouldn’t be you that caused him to move, but rather his own actions.
His large hand found your back. Specifically, his fingertips. They slowly traced along your spine, eliciting shudders from your body. A shaky breath left your mouth, and his actions repeated, his fingers now trailing upward. It was teasing, tormenting. Hell, it was even a bit embarrassing. Though one would understand such feelings if they too were naked and at the mercy of the Gerudo King.
“I’m surprised…” His low voice rang through the air, knocking out the silence. It seemed louder than it was due to how quiet things had been that it caused you to jolt lightly. “I figured by now you would be begging me for mercy, pleading to release you.”
Do you dare speak? Could you even speak? Would you only embarrass yourself further by how you sounded, explaining yourself to him?
“Tell me…do you understand why you’re in this position?”
He opened the floor for you to speak, putting the spotlight on you now. Swallowing your fear, your mouth opened, but sound refused to come out. At least at first. It took you a moment, but soon, a voice sounded. For a moment you didn’t recognize it as your own.
“I…I was c-caught…stealing…”
“How deplorable…But who exactly were you stealing from?”
It was a confession of crime, a force of guilt. He wanted to drive it into you, for you to understand the crime you committed.
“I-I stole…from the Great Demon King…f-from Ganon…”
“And what a bold crime…Sneaking into my treasury to take whatever your filthy Hylian hands could touch. But you fumbled, your nerves got the better of you and you only managed to take a singular Red Rupee.”
Before your face, Ganon revealed the very gem you attempted to sneak off with. If your nerves hadn’t gotten the better of you, you would have taken more. You finally forced your gaze away from the offending gem, not ready to meet the fate that awaited you.
“Such a crime deserves punishment, don’t you think? And I can’t think of a more befitting punishment than…”
Your head shot up upon the impact, a wince of pain leaving you from gritted teeth as Ganon’s hand had whipped down, making firm contact with one of your ass cheeks. Your body trembled and your face flushed a deep shade of pink once it all started to connect.
“Do you get it now?” His voice was mocking, a tone that seemed to make you question what you did and didn’t understand. “One for every rupee stolen.”
“B-But I—!”
That attempted rebuttal earned you a firm hand over your mouth. Ganon effectively silenced you as he forced your head and body up to look at him. You had almost forgotten the size difference between the two of you, and now you felt like a mere mouse to his large stature.
“I did not give you permission to argue,” he stated with a glare. “You simply answer. ‘Yes, Sir.’ ‘No, Sir.’ In my presence, you are compliant. Do I make myself clear?”
Taking a shuddering breath in through your nose, you nodded with what room you had, understanding. Having your obedience, Ganon released you, letting you fall back to his lap.
“Now…starting with this next one, I want you to count for me. Understand that for every one I give you, you could have spent a year in the cellars for your sticky fingers.”
Slap! “Two!”
The pain was tolerable at the start. The first one was like a warning, but these were like a build up, each one getting firmer, rougher, harder.
Slap! “S-Seven!”
Your fingers would spread, clench into fists, spread again, all trying to fight the pain that was building with each impact, to fight the…pleasure?
Slap! “Ten!”
Your voice squeaked, from pain and desire. You couldn’t understand why, but as he continued, your cock would ache with every impact onward. Your hips slowly grinding against his leg
Slap! “Th…Thirt-teen…~!”
You were almost done. You were so close to being done, but the change in your voice…Ganon himself nearly faltered as he carried on. Your ass was growing redder by each slap, your legs trembling against the king’s body, and, embarrassingly, your cock grew hard, your body feeding into self betraying desires.
Slap! “S…Six…teen…~”
Slap! “S-Seven…teen…!”
Three more, just three more.
“Do you regret your crime, Hylian?” It was the first time Ganon spoke since starting, his own voice almost sounding…airy.
“Y-Yes, sir,” you breathed, but deep down, that was a lie. You secretly enjoyed the rush this gave you, the new exhilarating bliss that washed over your body. For a moment, you thought that if you weren’t counting, you be moaning more and more with every action, nearly losing yourself.
“Are you sure?” Before he continued with the punishment, his fingers pressed between your clenched thighs and found your erect cock pulsing against him, gently brushing the underside of it to the tip, where white pearled at the tip before having dribbled down against his skin. “Because I think some naughty Hylian is enjoying himself…~”
His fingers left you whimpering, your legs trying to shut his hand out but to no avail. “N-No, Sir…” Withdrawing his hand, Ganon returned it to your ass, gripping it instead of slapping it, causing you to mewl out. Your head hung, and your body lightly writhed.
“What a liar you are…~ But…perhaps we can come to an arrangement. If you can withstand the last three spankings of your punishment, I’ll allow you something nice…~”
You began to wonder what he meant by that, considering your mind was starting to become a foggy mess, but it almost instantly became clear when his hand came down to a rougher, more intense impact, causing you to cry out more audibly as your counting continued. “E-Eighteen!!”
Just two more, only two more.
SLAP!! “N-Nineteen!!”
One more…one more.
The pain of the final impact was unlike the rest. It was sharp, rough, and left you nearly screaming, but that may only be due to the others he had given you earlier. It may not have hurt so much if it weren’t for the rest, but now, you could breathe easy as it was finally over with. “T-Twen…ty…”
Your body fell limp against his lap, both overjoyed and disappointed that it was over. As you gathered your bearings, you could feel Ganon shift around before grabbing onto you and moving you around like a doll. You steadied yourself, finding your view now the room instead of the floor. Realizing your change of scenery, you gently writhed against his grip, almost growing flustered at the thought of him being able to move you around so easily.
“Ah, sit still now,” he breathed, adjusting you once more. “I just need to…”
Before he needed to finish, you felt something prod your hole from behind. You froze, breath hitching in your throat as you realized what he was doing. Before you could say anything, Ganon slid himself inside, the both of you either groaning or squeaking with delight as the two of you joined in flesh.
Neither of you wasted a second. The moment Ganon began to thrust into you, you rocked your hips with whatever room you had. The desire soon overtook you, and you opened you mind and body to the king, losing yourself to the ecstasy that awaited you. Your cock bounced as Ganon moved you against his thrusts, using you like a toy. The feeling, the friction, all sent you into a spiraling mess of desire and lust, and your mind lost all sense of the current world. Ganon didn’t let this go unnoticed either.
“I-Is this what you wanted this whole time?” he breathed, his fingers gripping into your flesh to keep you in rhythm with his movements. “T-To be used as the King’s toy? To be filled with my great cock?”
Your breathing mixed with your moans as you responded. “Y-Yes! Y-Yes, Sir!”
At that point, your little schemes caught up with you. Really, the theft was all a farce. The real goal was the King himself, not his loot. You had been infatuated with the King for some time that this was all you wanted: to be stuffed by the almighty King of Gerudos.
“Such a devious little one…~” he breathed a smirk growing on his lips as his actions quickened. “Then I’ll make sure…you’re thoroughly spent~”
It felt delightful to be at the mercy of the king, to have him move your body as if it were not your own. All you could do was enjoy the pleasure that came with it, the lustful friction of his cock deep inside of you as you both neared your end. Neither of you could wait any longer, and you two released in a dance of sound, a collection of groans and grunts as your bodies gave way to this wave of relief. Gannon spilled into you the same time you spilled into the air, your body trembling from both sensations as your eyes rolled back, your vision fading for the moment.
The next thing you realized was being wrapped up in a blanket, Ganon holding you gently as you both lay in his bed. You don’t remember getting in bed, but you weren’t complaining, seeing as you were all snuggled up to your lover.
“Well? Did that play into your fantasies as desired, dear?” Ganon teased, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face.
“Mm, very much so,” you replied, gazing up at him with a small smile. “I hope you enjoyed it all the same.”
“Oh trust me, darling. It was thoroughly enjoyable~.” The King pulled you in close in a loving, protective embrace. “Perhaps we could do it again sometime~”
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Apple Merchant [BOTW!Link x Isekai!Reader] (Part 5)
You spend more money. And Link becomes a local legend.
I was intending on working on a different piece tonight, but the continuous notifications for Apple Merchant keeps reminding me of how much I want to write on it. And then the self-indulgent whispers start seeping into my brain and here we are. Enjoy your ill-gotten gains, Lurkers.
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Alternate Extras: Embrace
TW: Choosing not to display warnings. Read at your own discretion.
Disclaimer: Don't own The Legend of Zelda franchise.
Lurelin village. A beautiful little coastal town southwest of Hateno with just the right amount of sun and water to make any would-be visitor green with envy. Except no one ever mentioned the humidity (enough to drown someone in their sleep, you swear by it), the lizalfos infestation (something the game got right in concept, but wrong in scale) and the sand. The Goddess forsaken sand. The damned (neverending, grit in your teeth, tears in your eyes, gravel in your lungs) sand that got into everything.
So, no, Lurelin was beautiful and you'd thought once that maybe you'd get a house there (or maybe just plan a vacation). But you'd quickly been rid of the notion the moment you'd stepped foot onto the warm, picturesque beachfront property. Taken a deep, appreciative breath of the fresh, salty air. And then was promptly tackled out of the way of an oncoming spear by Skims (bless that man) as Adino put a pair of arrows into a lizalfos' hissing, gaping maul.
The face full of sand you'd gotten after being pile-driven into the ground just added to the experience. In the worst way possible. It had taken days for your mouth to feel clean of the unpleasant grit of sand grains and your eyes to stop tearing and burning in irritation. If not for Skim's constant care and Adino forcibly holding your hands away from your face when the pain became too much, you could have walked away with far worse than bad memories and a new distaste for sand.
That was the day you decided Lurelin would not be a place you'd be spending any significant amount of time in. No matter how friendly the locals or tasty the food or beautiful the ocean views. It just wasn't worth it. Not to you, at least. Maybe in another lifetime, it would have been a dream to strive towards. But not here. Not now.
You still had moments of unease when you think of what could have happened had Skim's not been so close (as he's always been, and as you'll hopefully always have him). And those moments were more potent when you were in the small village. Keeping you ever on edge and always within sight of your trusted guards.
So, one might ask why you'd chosen to go to that very village when you could go anywhere in southern Hyrule. In fact, (in those whispering moments of weakness) you'd ask yourself that very same question. Especially as you trudged miserably through the thick, muggy afternoon heat with Adino at your back and Skims on point (who knows where Red went. but it wasn't your business and so you dismissed the thought entirely).
The answer? Shock arrows. An unholy amount of shock arrows. Enough to break the purse of the average merchant three times over. And possibly put their children in debt too. And possibly their horse.
It's a good thing you weren't a common merchant.
"Good afternoon, Ms. Mubs." You called in friendly greeting as you set foot onto the dock, casting away your (unease) irritation and slipping into your business persona effortlessly. "Fair weather on the seas I hope?"
Pleasantries were exchanged, the latest information traded (Adino was feigning irritation as he eavesdropped, but you could see the way his eyes and ears flickered with amusement and surprise at the appropriate times. Skims was window shopping, eyeing some of the more exotic fish with open curiosity) and you ended up selling several thousand rupees worth of product to the woman. Fresh produce mostly, but also quite a few ores. Such things were always in high demand in Lurelin. Ores especially, as most coastal deposits were notoriously difficult to mine with the lizalfos infestation so prominent.
More workers died mining along the beach than to storms out at sea. And that's a very unsettling thought, given the ratio of miners to sailors in a seafaring village (of all places). Crunch the numbers, and becoming a miner in Lurelin was equivalent to a death sentence. And the general population knew that.
(It explained why crime rates were so low in Lurelin, when mining was the manual labor criminals were made to do.)
Passing off the last of Mubs' purchase to her, you waited patiently for the woman to finish storing away her newly acquired goods before speaking. "I have a large order request." You said, letting a small, costumer service smile slip onto your lips. And maybe that kind of smile was something that transcended worlds, or maybe Mubs just knew you, but she immediately looked wary (by the way she narrowed her eyes, it was probably the former. maybe).
She gestured for you to continue, and you did with cool (pained) confidence. "I need as many shock arrows as you can afford to part with." She started to gesture towards her arrow display, but you shook your head and she paused. "I need below deck inventory. Everything you've got."
Her brows shot to her hairline, incredulous as she cautioned. "Quite the order. Surely not even The Apple Merchant would part with so much rupee." You kept your smile (even and blank and you were quietly screaming inside), and she sighed. "'Course you would." She sighed again, harder, wiping the sweat from her brow before gesturing for you to follow. "Come on then. Lets see if we can't break yer infamous smile a bit, ya?"
You kept that smile. All through the walk across the rickety old docks, the bustling harbor and straight down into the musty bowels of a weathered looking ship. One guarded by no less than five full grown men. All through the talks with the big boss you kept your lips steadily pleasant and upturned. Right on through the exchange of rupees (even Mubs looked ill at the quoted amount, casting you a questioning, pitying glance as she clicked her teeth), and all the way back to shore.
Right up until the moment you collapsed into your (extra, super soft, not for you Adino you prickly jerk) inn bed, rolled over so your back was to Adino and Skims (who looked expectant and amused and far too smug for your liking) and stared at the wall with that same smiling, blank expression.
And then, slowly. You put your face into the sinfully soft pillow. And screamed.
"Damnit Link! Why do you cost me so much money when you're not even here?"
Skims laughed with his entire belly at your outburst, and Adino smirked, hiding his face to the side as a few rouge chuckles escaped him.
A wordless, muffled bellow was all they got back in exchange.
Link stared at the truly mind-boggling number of shock arrows that'd appeared in his inventory. 6800, to be exact. Which to some may not seem like an especially outrageous number, but to Link (who usually found items in the single digits) it was a truly unfathomable number to comprehend, let alone contend with. But that didn't mean he wasn't going to take full advantage of his (thoughtful, kind, wond-) generous AM's meticulous foresight to destroy the local monster population. With feeling (so much intense, pent up feeling).
He'd take every ounce of his frustration (his blood boiling, fist clenching, teeth grinding anger) and pour it all into destroying his enemies. His worry at AM's absence from his side. His displeasure at Ms. Blue's condescending and secretive (and kind too, for all she was withholding information from him. information he'd bleed for) smiles.
And especially his rage at those Goddess forsaken, Ganon worshipping, traitorous Yiga who ruined his chance to thank AM properly for their presence in his life (because he doesn't know where he'd be if not for them. and honestly, he never wants to find out).
He'd take all those emotions and channel it into something productive. Something beneficially destructive.
So, destroy the monster population he did. And how generous of the Goddesses, to have brought him to a land of eternal rain to begin his crash course in violence-fueled stress relief. With shock arrows.
It is said amongst the general Zora population (the more outspoken poetic ones at least) that when the Returned Hero of Hyrule made his ascendance through the Domain, night became day and the land was cleansed of all things foul that would stand before him. A miracle in the flesh. He who brings the light and sun to the land of rain.
And really, they weren't wrong. For the most part.
But for those who saw this supposed miracle for themselves. They all had but one thought.
'Thank the Goddesses it's not me he's pissed at.'
Back to the shadows to rest.
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suniix · 10 months
one bed | (botw) link x reader
synopsis | you and link stop by an inn to rest, but there’s one small problem
word count | 1.3k
note | thought about it too hard so i wrote a fic about it (based on this little comic! pls look at it it’s so cute)
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As the moon rose, the world beyond your hotel window fell into a peaceful slumber. The faint sound of crickets could be heard singing their calming melody. The peaceful night ambiance would’ve been enough to put you to sleep had it not been for your frantic beating heart.
In front of you lies your traveling companion, Link, whose back was practically against the wall, arms wrapped around himself as if afraid to accidentally touch you.
The silence in the room was deafening, neither of you knew what to say in this situation. After sleeping on the hard ground for weeks the two of you had agreed to spend the night at The Great Ton Pu Inn. The rain that quickly followed your decision only fueled your excitement for a comfy bed as the two of you rushed up the hill leading to Hateno Village. What neither of you expected was for every room to be booked, every room but one with a single bed.
Despite both of you being tired from traveling, neither of you could fall asleep because of the awkward tension that hung in the air. Ignoring it was proving to be impossible, someone had to say something, but you were hesitant to break the silence for fear of making things awkward (as if they weren’t already). You had been traveling with Link for weeks, months even! The two of you have shared several nights close together under the comfort of the stars, what makes now so different?
Maybe it was the smirk the front desk lady had given you both after handing you your key, maybe it was because despite how much you prayed for a room with two beds to miraculously become available you were secretly happy to share a bed with the Hylian boy, or maybe it was because despite you looking everywhere but him you could feel his eyes on you.
Just say something, anything!
You clear your throat, shuffling nervously under the blanket. “Um.. Rupee for your thoughts?” You asked in a hushed voice, an awkward smile making its way onto your face.
Link blinked rapidly in response, likely surprised by your sudden question. He continued to stare at you in silence, now tense as his cheeks turned a bright red.
Thinking you made him uncomfortable you quickly rise out of the bed. “Sorry! You know what maybe I should just sleep on the couch—”
Before you had the chance to remove the blanket from your body Link quickly sat up in bed and reached out to grab your wrist, shaking his head furiously. You stop when he does, slightly surprised to see how fast he had reacted when he looked so tired earlier. Your eyes fall on his hand which, despite the quick reaction, holds your wrist just tight enough to keep you from leaving but loose enough for you to pull away if you so wished. Realizing what he did he slowly pulls away. You immediately miss the warmth.
He looks down, blush remaining on his cheeks as he nervously fiddles with his fingers. “Don’t go, I..” he pauses, unsure if he should finish his thought. He looked up to see you staring at him patiently, waiting for him to finish. That was one thing he loved about you; you were always so patient with him. Although he was more talkative than he was 100 years ago he often found himself struggling to express what he wanted, likely an unconscious habit that stayed with him through his century-long sleep. Despite this you never hurried or pressured him into talking, allowing him to do it at his own pace. Taking a deep breath he continued. “.. I like being close to you.”
As soon as the words left his mouth you felt your cheeks burn. Did you hear him right or was it just a hallucination caused by the late hour of the night? You thought about pinching yourself, but the way he nervously played with his fingers (a habit you found adorable) and the way the ends of his hair curled up just a bit revealing a small scar on his shoulder made it too real to be a dream.
After a few moments of silence Link looked up, seeing your shocked expression. He quickly backtracked, thinking he made you uncomfortable with what he said. “Unless you don’t! That’s fine!—”
“I do!”
Link freezes upon hearing your response. You awkwardly clear your throat. “I-I mean, I also like being close to you..” you nearly whisper, feeling your ears burn with the embarrassment of blurting it out earlier.
Then the room went silent. Your heart was frantically beating against your chest; you hoped Link couldn’t hear it.
Your fear was proven false (unbeknownst to you) as Link was currently lost in his own mind. Link had become so accustomed to seeing you in that golden campfire glow that the current sight of you left him breathless. He thought you looked even more captivating in the moonlight.
He slowly nodded his head, eyes refusing to leave your form. “Ok.” He responded in a daze. It was the only thing Link could think to say as his mind was still elsewhere.
“We should probably sleep now..” You looked past Link and out the window, seeing the moon high in the clear sky. “It’s getting late.”
Link hummed, snapping out of the trance he was in and nodding his head in agreement. You settled back under the blanket and he followed your actions. Despite your earlier conversation, there was still a good chunk of space between the two of you on the small bed.
Wanting him to come closer, you begin to think of a way to convince him. “You know, it’s kind of cold in here.” You whispered (a small lie, it was the middle of summer), but you knew Link heard you when he looked back at you. Deciding to take a chance you scoot closer to him and you hear his breath hitch. “So I wouldn’t mind if.. you came closer.”
Hesitantly, Link listened and with a smile scooted just a little bit closer. You breathed out a sigh of relief you didn’t even know you were holding, moving closer to him again. Beneath the blanket, your hand slowly moved to reach his. As your fingers slowly grazed his he flinched. You were about to pull away before he intertwined his hand with yours. There’s that familiar warmth.
He pulled your hand close to his chest, gently tugging you closer. You complied, wordlessly moving closer to him once again. The distance between your bodies was minimal now; you were so close you could see the faintest freckles gracing his cheeks.
“Are you still cold?” He asked in a low whisper. You nodded your head (another lie, you were already beginning to feel sweaty). You couldn’t help it, now that you’ve experienced what it’s like to be close to him you crave more. Being greedy just this once wouldn’t hurt.
Link lets go of your hand, wrapping his arms around you to bring you against his chest. Your eyes widen at the sudden action, but you don’t pull away.
You nodded, slowly wrapping your arms around him in case he flinched away. When he didn’t you fully wrapped your arms around his torso and snuggled into him, a painfully large grin stretching across your face when he did the same. Your palms were sweaty as they tightly gripped his shirt. He smelled earthy, like damp dirt with a hint of smoke. You sighed in contentment, not caring that the two of you would likely wake up sweaty tomorrow. You didn’t release your grip and neither did he.
You silently thanked Hylia for not answering your prayer earlier before falling into a deep sleep.
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thank you for reading till the end! :D
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kokiriofthevalley · 1 month
Link's search histories
no totk spoilers pls also sorry obscure link fans and TP fans
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Side note: oui oui baguette
Skyward Sword
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wayfayrr · 23 days
Mossss!!! I just got off of work and I haven’t been able to stop thinking of Sky being a human <333333 ! He’s just so babygirl, a scrunkly lil baby <33
Making me think of reader sticking close to Sky- honestly projecting rn, he just looks so warm and safe to be around, I’d be taking so many naps with him <3
But also making me think that Sky would probably do better in the modern world, considering it’s all humans and precious bean would never have to worry about monsters again. And Sky with cats!! Getting to hold cats!!! AND THE PUPPIES <33333
But also I’d love to hear any other headcanons you have about human Sky <3
~🍀 anon
I hope your shift went well clover!!!
Sky is simply the sckrunkliest link - he's so babygirl and lovable in everyway <333 no there's no bias in who I write for the most wym?
Sticking close to him would just be so lovely in hyrule, he's the one in the chain that understands the most about you - he's got the kindest/calmest demeanour of them all and he's tied for best cuddler with twi what else is there to really want? if you chose him out of all of the others he'd try his hardest to prove to you it was the right choice.
sky is 100% the fastest link to adapt to the modern world you're so right about that. he struggles with tech about as much as all the rest (cept wild and tears ofc) but the other things? he's not got the same issues with food because milk isn't alcoholic to him (milk powder can be found in bloody anything so the rest of the chain are struggling for a bit), he isn't as intertwined with magic so he doesn't have any withdrawal symptoms seeing as earth doesn't have any. the animals are just another cherry on the top for it!
as for other headcanons?
✦ I think I've touched on it, but sky growing up in skyloft is the reason for his poor stamina. Hylians tend to handle high altitude and lower oxygen environments a lot better than humans and hence his stamina is way lower than it should be. (he also gets very confused when he sees you struggling with the altitude until it's pointed out humans aren't built for it)
✦ The chain are very shocked when they see him bleeding for the first time! another hc I have about hylians is that they have orange blood (this is based on botw/totks shading) so when they see his red they think there's something wrong with him
✦ He can't use most potions and magic has a lot less of an affect on him, less because he grew up with it outside humans it has next to no affect, so he has to take specialised potions and has them prioritised seeing as worst case scenario anyone else can have rulie heal them. Wild is in charge of altering and making sky's supply! Luv handed over her recipes for a good lot of rupees when they made it back to skyloft again <3 wild's the most consistent at making them so sky just has to put his life in his hands.
✦ His resting body temp is also a little higher than the chains, they had to be reassured several times that he wasn't simply running a fever
✦ the both of you are immune to a fair few hylian diseases and the ones you do get have different symptoms, however the two of you can both get each other sick - so no cuddling while one or the other is by order of time :(( Rulie also gets very sad he can't heal the two of you
✦ The rest of the chain are almost jealous of how fast you and sky bonded, and it's over things that none of them share with you. The most is twi having experience with Ordonians who are human. But being able to talk to you about human issues and get close to you through things like that? yeah they're envious to say the least
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weepingflowerbonkcop · 5 months
What the Chain thinks about a Modern! Reader using slang/meme references:
Part 3
• He didn't know what Modern! Reader was saying either when they first met. He had a blue screen moment and just pretended that reader was talking to air or something. No thoughts just vibes moment.
• Despite having some slight difficulty at the start, he does catch up to what reader is saying.
• He doesn't really care all that much for the slang, but he does find the more creative insults and cursing from Modern! Readers world interesting.
• He doesn't use modern slang as much as Wild or Hyrule, but he does use it when he deems it worthy enough.
• He's also another one to translate to Time and Twilight about the terms.
• He also has his gremlin streak where he goes and teaches the older lot the wrong meanings of the terms, but he's more casual about it. He incourages Wild and Wind the most. He'll stay perfectly quiet when he hears Wild/Wind give the wrong translation too.
• Like staded previously, Warriors and him make bets on Time when it comes to readers slang. It doesn't just stop there, if Warriors has enough rupees they make bets on anyone that genuinely has a hard time catching what reader says.
• Now I don't see him as a fan of the meme references either. He probably thinks that people in Modern! Reader's world have really broken humour or that they're just dumb.
• He's the one to face palm in the background whenever Wild and Hyrule try to recreate/make their own memes.
• Some memes he actually relates to. It's more on the darker side of the genre though as well as being an adult and hating adulting.
• I'd give this prickly little man a 7/10. He should join Wild and Hyrule in their shenanigans to complete triple threat. It would've bumped him up to an 8.5 or 9/10.
• I can see Four being the third quickest to learn and understand Modern! Reader's slang.
• Him hogging the braincells of the Chain, he successfully uses it to disect the sentence and figure out what the new/interesting word means.
• He does, however not share this information for his own amusement.
• Having him hangout with Wind the most, they tend to use Modern! Reader's slang in their casual conversations to spite the old people.
• The colours however see it differently, I'll elaborate.
• Red is infatuated with the modern day language. He finds it interesting and unique as it creates a more casual and comforting atmosphere when Modern! Reader talks. He definitely looks at reader with sparkles in his eyes.
•  Blue kinda side eyes the new slang for a while before he gives in to the others interest in it. He finds it to be a more challenging when Modern! Reader uses too much in one sentence. It's silly to him that people have become lazy enough to just decide to shorten words as a whole. But he does appreciate the flow of how it sounds.
•  Green had a mild reaction to slang than most of the others. He does feel the same sentiment about the casual atmosphere that it creates but he finds it more cute in a way.
•  Vio caught interest the first time a slang word slipped from Modern! Reader's mouth. He would be the one to analyse and break down what reader says before restructuring it to make sense to them. It's like a guilty pleasure for him to do it, gives his mind a little bit of work to do.
• Four thoroughly enjoys the memes from readers world. His favourites are those that start arguments amongst the Chain. The flat earther memes.
• Four would be a 9/10 he's open minded to diversity and encourages it.
• Wind has everyone beat with how quickly he learned Modern! Reader's slang.
• Since he's still pretty young his mind still absorbs new information ten times faster than everyone else. So, I believe he'd be the quickest to learn and adapt to the way reader talks.
• He doesn't want reader to feel alienated in the group and tries to make it comfortable for them by learning things from the modern day. (My sweet baby)
• It quickly becomes a habit for him to use slang when talking, not just with reader, but with everyone else. He doesn't care if they don't understand and he'll even use it to his advantage.
• He called Time a boomer without facing any repercussions.
• Baby boy baby was surprised when Modern! Reader called him that and he was the first to ask about it. After readers explanation that its a meme from their world, Wind decides its time to learn every meme reference that reader knows and to use it to antagonise the old man.
• Wind jumps to every opportunity to make a meme reference once he's enlightened about them.
• Wind would be everyone's main person to translate - emphasis on the would be. But he gets carried away with his translations of the slang.
• Overall I'd say that he also a 9/10.
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luimagines · 1 year
You Show Up While He’s Traveling Part 3
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Part 1 Part 2
Part three will include Time, Warrior and Wild.
Content under the cut!
Time was going over what they had to work with and what they would be able to do with it. It would take a while until they would be able to restock and there wasn’t a lot of things in the environment where they could forage their own materials.
He rubs his temples and sighs. This would frankly be a lot easier if he was by himself. Not that he minds the company of the boys too much, but they don’t seem to realize how many resources they seem to sap out of what they have.
“Hey Old Man!” He hears them call, making his head hurt more than he’d ever tell them. “We found someone that says they know you!”
Time frowns and looks away from his logical puzzle. That claim should be impossible. This isn’t his home and he’s far from any acquaintances. Who would say such a thing?
“And who are they?” He calls back, putting the supplies away. He’ll come back to it.
“Someone. How should we know?” Time can hear the way Legend rolls his eyes. “They asked if we’ve seen Link. Bulky. Heavy armor. Scar over his eye with red and blue facial markings. We figured they must be legit if they could name specifics.”
Time stands and makes his way over to check it out. He stalls. Time can feel the way his jaw goes slack and how he nearly trips over his own two feet. Your name tumbles from behind his lips. He can’t believe this.
You seem to sag with relief and throw yourself towards him. “I was so worried. Thank Hylia, you’re alright.”
Time bites his tongue, more focused on catching you and holding you within his arms once more. “What are you doing here? I thought you said you were going to stay home.”
You huff. “I did. And yet here I am. I promise I wasn’t trying.”
You kiss his cheek and pull back, looking him over and smiling at what you see. “I forgot how you looked in your finery.”
Time shakes his head, a smile blooming on his otherwise serious face. “I promise you, it hasn’t changed. You, however, have.”
You blink and step back entirely, looking down your front and your sides, hoping to see what he sees. “What do you mean?”
“You’re even more beautiful then when I left you.”
You smack his shoulder and push him.
“Jerk. You scared me for a moment.”
Time laughs and pulls you back to him. “I’m not sorry. I see you’ve already met the Veteran.”
“He’s fun.”
“I told you do.”  He smirks and turns to the rest of the group. They’ve all stopped what they were doing to see his reactions and interactions with this mystery person. It widens when they all scramble to make it seem as if they were not openly staring. “These are the others boys I mentioned in my letters.”
You perk up and beam, looking around the group. With a wave, you introduce yourself and cling onto Time’s arm. You turn back to him with a smile that spells trouble. “You mentioned a descendent. Which one is he?”
“You have to guess.” Time snorts.
“What?!” You cry. “That’s not fair! I’ve waited this whole time to meet your group and you won’t even tell me this!”
“You’re the worst.” You pout.
“You love me.”
“I do.”
“Is anyone else confused about what’s happening right now?” Wind raises his hand.
“This is-” Time repeats your name. “And they are the love of my life.”
Warrior was busy trying to count the rupees in his pouch so he could plan ahead on their purchases. Granted, he was starting to run low. It left him with two options. Either start selling or start cutting the grass.
Would that even work in this Hyrule? Is that something that he can count on of the time being? Four mentioned small being that live in the grass. Would they mind if he came in and cut it all down?
He sighs and stashes the pouch away. There’s very little he can do about it on his own regardless. It’s easier to pool their money together.
“Tough luck, Captain?” Sky comes up next to him and leans on the railing. “I’ve never seen you so annoyed.”
“It’s hardly anything new.” He tries to wipe the look off of his face. It’s not going to do him any good. He has to make sure the group has its needs met. No reason to worry the troops about their supply line.
“Lady troubles?” Sky ventures.
“Not this time.” He shakes his head. Ok, maybe he can laugh about it. It’s not exactly the picture he wanted to paint himself as but as long as you don’t take any of it to heart, then perhaps he can learn to mitigate it.
If not, he’s in trouble when he gets home.
“Well then maybe I can help with the problem.” Sky offers.
“I appreciate it but I’m afraid that it’ll take more than just the two of us-”
“Link?” A voice calls out.
Both men look up in the direction of the voice without thinking. Warrior freezes. His heart gets lodged in his throat. He recognizes that voice. Is it really-?
“Link?” You call again and he sees you walk out of the crowd around you. “What are you doing here?”
Sky tilts his head, unsure of what to make of this new person until he looks over to Warrior’s bright, start struck eyes. “Ah- you know them.”
“What am I doing here? What are you doing here?” Warrior grins, shouting without meaning to. He runs. You meet him halfway.
The two of your collide with enough force to shock the people around you. The chain comes around the corner, having heard their name called.
Warrior starts peppering your face with kisses. “I can’t believe you’re here. Are you ok? Are you safe? Were you sent by Lana?”
You giggle, trying to pull his hands away from your face so you can properly answer him. “No, no, no, nothing like that. I just walked around and found you here. I thought you’d be home later.”
He stops his barrage. His thumbs come up to rub little circles on your cheeks. “Darling, we’re not home right now. The farthest from it. That’s why I’m asking.”
“Oh.” You blink, finally looking around you. “Well Zelda mentioned that they were trying to rebuild some settlements so I thought I had just wandered into one of them.”
Warrior shakes his head. He might cry at the sight of you.
“Hey, Captain!” Hyrule calls out. “Are you going to keep making goo goo eyes or can we meet them?”
“What?” You try to look around Warrior, focusing on the voice. “Link? Do you know them?”
“More than I’d admit at the moment.” He mutters, turning to wave the group away. It doesn’t work. If anything they’re more intrigued.
 You snort and step away from him. “Let me go say hi.”
“No-” Warrior holds your hand. You stop and raise an eyebrow. He’s nervous. “Um...They might say some stuff.... Don’t pay too much attention to it.”
“Like what?”
“The pretty boy didn’t run away this time!” Legend laughs. “They must be the one!”
“Like that.” Warrior sighs, hanging his head in defeat. You bite your lip and pat his shoulder in consolation. “Are they always like this?”
“...I think we’ll get along just fine then.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of.”
Wild was separated from the group again. But not because he saw something shiny and decided to investigate.
He had to look for more food to cook for the group. Since it had more or less become his job to make sure the heroes besides him were fed, he had to make sure he had enough supplies to meet the demand.
It wasn’t looking to good. At least not in this particular area.
The bushes that he was sure to have berries were empty. Either something else came before him and plucked them all off, they were out of season or he was simply incorrect on the type of bushes these were.
That wasn’t going to stop him though.
Actually, there was one thing that interested him as he continued his search for edible food. There was a bit of cloth on the bush. Nothing that seems worthy of noting. It was beige and clearly torn.
Perhaps someone did come to take the berries before he did.
Wild moved on.
On his way to the next bush, he saw a few berries that were ripe for the picking. He didn’t hesitate to grab them. But besides the bush was a strange foot print on the ground. It wasn’t churred up by an animal. that was a human boot. It was slanted and elongated. Like the person slipped. It seemed fresh.
He began to follow that instead of the food trail.
Multiple bushes and branches were torn as he got closer to whatever it was.
He looks up to see that there were multiple claw marks against one of the tree. Those certainly didn’t belong to any human.
He kept walking, albeit with his hand on his bow just in case.
There was a groan. A very human groan. 
Wild rushes forward and his brain stops working.
In front of him lays a very familiar human. You were face down on the ground, a large cut to your mid-section with multiple tears to your clothes. You seemed to just be waking up from whatever had knocked you out to begin with. Slowly, you push your arm from under you and lift your face up.
Wild runs to you. “What...what...what....”
Wild swallows hard and move to roll you over. It’s easier to pick you up that way.
“Link?” You lull your head to the side. “...You found me...”
“I did.” Wild breathes out, lifting you. “I did, I did, I did...”
He says it on repeat like a broken record. the food has been forgotten, his main goal is to get you back to camp to tend to your injuries. If he’s lucky, Hyrule would be kind enough to heal you.
“I missed you.” You say as if you hadn’t just been attacked.
“I missed you too.” It breaks Wild out of his repetition.
His return to the camp spokes even the more seasons of heroes. Legend jumps to his feet while Warrior and Sky unhesitatingly begin to get the medical supplies without being asked.
“Wait- who are they?” Wind asks over the commotion. “Do you know them?”
“Yes.” Wild fights over the way his throat wants to close up. He places you down and begins to clean your wounds. Twilight gets a spare change of clothes and hands them over as Warrior hands over the gauze. Wild thanks them both. 
“Ok, but who are they?” Four asks kindly.
“My partner.” Wild says. It shuts the group up. They watch as he tends to you. 
Hyrule sneaks in the spell from behind Wild’s back to heal you.
They’ll save their questions for when you’re feeling better.
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