#red ribbon saga
hozonkai1 · 1 year
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distantsonata · 11 months
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quantumleper · 2 months
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Gohan | Dragon Ball Franchise
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freezebobs · 3 months
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KNOCK EM OUT GOKU!!!!! 🍉🇵🇸💥💥💥
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fanfic-lover-girl · 7 months
Examining Goku's Claims About Villains at the End of the Cell Saga
I have never liked Goku's reasoning for staying dead at the end of the Cell games. I still think the reasoning was superficial and hurt Gohan and his family more than necessary. But I want to go over each of the DB and DBZ villains that I can recall and validate Goku's claims because I am curious. This may not be 100% accurate since it has been a while since I watched the series.
Dragonball Villains
Pilaf - He wanted the dragonballs to rule the world. His quest had nothing to do with Goku. Bulma had more to do with the world domination attempt since she was the one actively looking for dragon balls. X
Red Ribbon Army - This army also was not a response to Goku. They were taking over the world and gathering the balls too. Goku kind of fell into the conflict. X
King Piccolo - Pilaf is the moron who released him. Maybe fear of Goku encouraged Pilaf's idea that he needed help to rule the world but I still would not blame King Piccolo on Goku. X
Piccolo Jr. - King Piccolo created Piccolo Jr. as a last-ditch attempt when Goku defeated him. King Piccolo, I believe, launched the egg away from the battle so it's not like Goku had an opportunity to destroy the egg. But let's say Goku is responsible for Piccolo Jr. Y
1/4 is Goku's fault
Dragonball Z Villains
Raditz - He came to Earth looking for his brother. Y
Vegeta & Nappa - They came to Earth because of the dragonballs. They don't seem to care much for Raditz so I am not sure they would visit Earth to seek revenge. X
Frieza - He came to Earth because Goku did not kill him off. So Frieza coming to Earth is 100% Goku's fault. Y
Androids - Dr Gero made the androids as revenge against Goku. Goku defeated the Red Ribbon army as a kid so you can't blame him for not being thorough. But still, the androids were due to Goku. Y
(Extra) Buu - It's a nasty coincidence that the Buu fiasco happened when Goku came back. Goku was the catalyst but ultimately it's not Goku's fault. It's mainly Vegeta's fault. And the Supreme Kai's fault for being so incompetent. X
3/5 is Goku's fault
Total: 4/9 is Goku's fault
So around half of the villains in Dragonball and DBZ are Goku's fault. And that was worth missing 7 years with his family?? What crap.
It's ironic. Goku hardly attracts villains when he is peacefully minding his own business with his family. And most of the villains that came to Earth that Goku was responsible for were due to Goku not finishing the job. Of course, you have outliers like Raditz. But if Goku did not seek out problems and eliminated villains without prejudice, everything would be fine for the most part. I am tired of people justifying Goku goofing off in the otherworld and leaving his family in the dust. These are the same people who defend Goku flying off into the sunset with Uub in peacetime, once again leaving his family hanging.
I love Father!Goku but only up till the Cell saga and dbz fanfiction. The Cell games took my rose-colored glasses off when it came to Goku's fatherhood.
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askstrangeweird · 1 year
Android 18 goes to Planet Namek
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I know she doesn't really go there, but I figured she'd look good there, hope you like and think I'm right!
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nerdyperday · 1 year
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Day 2269 Android 16
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metamelonisle · 2 years
susie vanishes for like 500 billion years after robobot and abruptly comes back with a few super-powered manmade mechanical monsters programmed and built for the sole purpose of murdering kirby except the antagonist keeps changing every 5 minutes because shigeru miyamoto keeps rejecting them despite the fact that this isn’t even his own series
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yamcha-thelonewolf · 6 months
🫀The Heart's Savior.
Today I want to discuss a fairly complex topic that I will have to divide into three parts. I do not know when I will publish the remaining two, but I will certainly try to be as quick as possible to complete it as soon as possible. Well, the title of this topic is clearly a pun. King Kai would probably love it, because as you can imagine the word "heart" is musically related to the word "earth." This creates a close connection between two terms that are absolutely linked in Dragon Ball. The point is that in our story we often talk about earth's saviors, which is normal since the goal is to save the planet at all costs. However, it seems to me that nowhere is it written that only muscles and ultra-powered energy balls are always needed to protect the earth. Sometimes the heroic gesture happens even beyond the battlefield, and it does not even have to be addressed to the whole world. It would be enough to help even one person, and that could make all the difference. From this point of view Yamcha has done a lot, but unfortunately his good deeds have always gone unnoticed or foolishly ignored. So today I will try to bring back to the forefront his personal heroism, which as far as I am concerned had its little best between the Androids Saga and the Cell Saga.
I will divide the three parts in a temporal sense. The first part will be about the past, the second part about the present, and the third part about the future, so that it will be very clear to everyone how Yamcha's contribution has seriously saved the whole arc of Dragon Ball.
So... Let's not waste any more time!
Are you ready, wolfpack? Let's get started!
PART 1: The Past.
In order to better understand all that will follow, it is good to specify once again what Yamcha's role in the story consists of: he is basically a support. This does not mean that his character automatically takes a back seat, but simply that his personality causes him to behave in a certain way, surely different from all the other warriors who immediately take the field. Many people laugh that Yamcha is a coward who prefers to shy away from battles, but that is not true. Yamcha is there. He has always been there, and no matter what, he has always tried in his own way to help.
Few people notice it, but I cannot help but realize how in these two arcs he has fought the most dangerous battle of all. No, guys, I am not joking or overestimating the character. Keep following me and you will understand better.
The chapter "The Past" is perhaps the one that most shows what I think, as well as the most important. Here we will talk about the one and only Goku, who has been part of Yamcha's life since the days when they were a child and a young boy respectively. You know, the one between Yamcha and Goku is a long-term friendship. Think of it, it is even longer lasting than the friendship between Kuririn and Goku, since he met the bald kid some time after meeting the desert bandit. I know that time is relative when it comes to relationships, but I only want to emphasize this precisely to point out how much more intertwined Yamcha and Goku's lives are than you might think. For this reason, Goku won the first chapter. It is a symbolic way of saying that Yamcha cannot help but give thanks to his past.
Let's go in order.
The Androids and Cell Saga is certainly one of the most fascinating and memorable. The plot is considerably more intricate, a historical enemy, the Red Ribbon Army, returns, and most importantly we have the full Z-Fighters for the entire duration of the story arc. What is most beautiful is that everyone, in one way or another, makes a contribution, even those thought to be "weaker". For example, Tenshinhan's intervention trying to stop Cell's second transformation from absorbing Android 18 is unforgettable.
But... what about Yamcha? It really seems that he did not do much in the battle, but that is not the case. Well, he certainly fought less than Piccolo and Vegeta, but that doesn't mean he helped less than the others. First of all, we must take into account an absolutely essential event that strongly influenced Yamcha's future actions: upon the arrival of androids 19 and 20 he was the first to risk death. No, I should correct myself: he almost died. Had it not been for the Senzu bean, he would surely have died within a very few minutes, and even if he eventually survived, that does not mean that Yamcha has forgotten the pain he felt from that horrid hand completely perforating his chest.
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This is a a full-fledged trauma. Not only that, it is also an epiphany for him, because at that moment he realizes that he is unable to cope with two such terribly strong monsters. Think how discouraging it must have been for him to have to accept the fact that he was knocked out practically at the beginning. If we then want to add that all this coincides with the separation from Bulma, which he certainly did not take well, let us say that this period was not the best for his already fragile personality hidden behind his great charisma.
However, a little later something extraordinary happens. It is a scene that I personally find as moving as it is realistic, simply because Yamcha proves once again that he is the most human of all. Unfortunately, this scene is seen by everyone as Yamcha's usual ridiculous moment, but the truth is that this is where he demonstrates all his greatness. I'm talking about the time when Goku suddenly gets sick from the disease and someone necessarily has to accompany him home to start treatment. Gohan is the first to offer, of course he is his father and cannot do otherwise, but he is immediately stopped by Yamcha who offers to do it for him.
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This is the first time ever that Yamcha puts aside the pride that has often made him tenderly cocky and admits in front of everyone that he is the weaker one. I would have many things to say about this consideration of him, because I strongly believe that his problem is precisely that he has come to hasty opinions of himself precisely because of his fragile personality, but I will not discuss that now. Here, an interesting point is that he calls it pathetic to stand aside, but he is very wrong. There is nothing pathetic about accepting one's limitations and giving way to someone more capable. It is also a very good strategy. If Gohan had left, the chances of others being defeated would have been much higher. Taking away a strong member of the team would have only made things worse, so it makes sense that it should have been the least strong person to leave. This to me is the most exemplary test of courage of all. In Dragon Ball we have always seen proud, swaggering characters constantly bragging about their strength, but few times have we seen someone take a step back because staying might have only gotten in the way. The hole in his uniform is the greatest demonstration of this. You can see that he is ashamed of it, that a silent anger simmers inside him and that all the frustration accumulated over those years has reached its peak, but boy, let's just say that in saying that he is more badass than those who do not accept being second best. That's why I say Yamcha is incredible. He is the only one who took a step backward, not knowing that by doing so he was able to go beyond. This is the way of life. At some point you stop running aimlessly, you look inside yourself, and you realize that in order to move forward you must also know how to go back. That's what Mr. Popo had told him to do, but he was too young and blustery to listen to him. And that's okay. He's a human, let's never forget that.
I could end here. Yamcha leaving the group and entrusting the mission to heroes stronger than himself, but this is where the fun begins.
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Just before getting up in the air, Piccolo warns him that there may be a risk that Goku's illness may be viral. This means that Yamcha, being in close contact with the infected, risks contracting the virus as much as the saiyan did. Actually, it is not confirmed anywhere that the virus is contagious. Piccolo assumed this from Trunks' words when he explained to Goku what would happen in a few years.
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We only know with certainty that senzu can do nothing against this disease and especially that not even a super saiyan can recover from this illness. Did you get it right? This means that an earthling is totally unable to survive this disease. I mean, if a saiyan has no chance, a human being is triply doomed. We are back to square one. Yamcha is risking his life again, and this time against an absolutely unbeatable enemy that has defeated even Goku. Do you understand? Goku. If there was a margin of possibility to beat the androids, in this case it is completely impossible. So by agreeing to help Goku, consequently Yamcha also agrees that he can surely die. But this time he is not backing down. This time he is sure of what he is doing, just because his greatest goal is not to survive and avoid death but to support in his own way. Coward, huh? From here it is clear how dying is not his problem at all. Or rather, it is, but it does not matter if it means helping the one he loves and, in this case, the one who could save the entire planet.
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This is how Yamcha's true nature comes out. Actually it is possible to notice it long before, but this time it is practically evident. I imagine him constantly searching for his place in the world, but the truth is that he has already found it, he just hasn't realized it yet. He hasn't realized that his job on the team is precisely to take care of everyone, even more than a magic bean can. It is a shame that even the authors did not realize this aspect of him. What the hell... Seriously, did no one notice how heroic Yamcha was at this point in the story? He remains there with him, keeping vigil for his friend, and with great bravery faces a battle in which emotions are also at stake.
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The scenes in which Chichi and Yamcha care for Goku are among the sweetest in all of Dragon Ball. Yamcha is not required to stay because Chichi is already in the house, but he once again makes himself available to help as much as he can. Notcing how Goku struggles in pain, Yamcha's strength may be needed to block the saiyan and prevent him from unintentionally hurting himself or Chichi. What's more, assuming a worsening of the disease, thanks to the ability of flight Yamcha could transport him anywhere else in no time.
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In some ways, he is also taking care of Chichi. A wife who sees her husband in so much pain can never cope alone, she needs support, comfort, someone to tell her that everything will be all right, and Yamcha is absolutely perfect for this role.
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No one else among the Z-Fighter would be able to instill serenity in Chichi as Yamcha does. His patient, friendly temperament, always ready to reassure anyone, has surely prevented her from any crisis or attack of fear. One can well see how Yamcha's sensitivity goes beyond fine words. His mental elasticity leads him to reason quickly about all possible eventualities, so without a second thought he even suggests that Chichi take the medicine with him. Yet more proof of how he really loves everyone.
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For example, this is a scene that explains very well what I mean. We're talking about filler, but I don't care. Whoever decided to do them must have understood that Yamcha deserved more. It is only a small detail, but at least it is highlighted how Yamcha's presence was crucial for Chichi and Goku himself. Here we can see Goku once again being sick, so Yamcha warns Chichi to retrieve the medicine again, but when she rushes to look for it she cannot find it, perhaps because she is so panicked that she does not understand anything more for a few moments. Sensing her confusion, Yamcha turns toward her and in no time comes to her rescue, pointing her to the exact spot where the medicine is. She grabs it and so Goku can once again stop suffering. I like to think that Yamcha's sixth sense, or ultimately his well-developed spirit of observation, helped him easily memorize where the medicine was at that time. His cool-headedness, coupled with his gentleness, were definitely a staple in Goku and Chichi's most intimate and fragile moment.
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He also does so during the Cell Game, and this time together with another great character who deserves equally: Tenshinhan. This is one of my favorite scenes. Two great friends of Goku, initially villains and then both reformed to become his allies, stand before Goku when he is in trouble, to protect him from the Cell Juniors. It doesn't really matter that they are not strong enough to defend him forever, but just being there for him, acting as his human barrier, is one of the best moments. When I say that they could create a lot of good content for Earthlings, I am also referring to these kinds of scenes. It would be nice if they could recapture the atmosphere of this arc, where everyone lends a hand and everyone fights in their own way, even if they don't necessarily win.
Well… I know I've said as much as I know I could still say as much. I would just like to point out something. Doesn't it also seem to you that Yamcha is a bit like a guardian angel for Goku? Pay attention to that. Yamcha took care of Goku at the very time when he was most vulnerable. This shows how he has always been that big brother to him who has always watched over him. He took care of his heart at a time when not even a senzu could help him feel better, and going back to the past… He took care of Goku even in his most unconscious state, which is when he transforms into the Great Ape. The first time, being the only one who realized that his weak point was his tail, he had managed to stop him by cutting it off with Puar's help. But it is when Goku transforms for the second time that Yamcha shows off all his love for his friend, running up to Jackie Chun to stop him from hurling the kamehameha at the monster.
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In the end, the moon was the target, but Yamcha and the others certainly could not have imagined that. I find it extremely emotional to see him desperate and ready to even hurt himself in order to prevent the death of his little friend.
As you can see, protecting Goku has always been part of Yamcha's instinct, and it is a pity that many have forgotten or ignored it. He is the character who most of all is moved by love, in every possible sense.
Therefore, while someone else gets the title of Earth's Savior, Yamcha absolutely wins that of Heart's Savior.
He's not pathetic. He's a true hero.
Well thank you, guys, for getting this far, whoever did it. Stay tuned for the other two parts of this topic and remember to never stop loving this beautiful wolf!
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duhragonball · 5 months
Dragon Ball Super Manga Ch. 94-96
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We're still reading the Super Hero adaptation! It's not great!
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Things continue pretty much like they did in the movie, although it's a little awkward how Chapter 94 opens with Pan waiting to get picked up from school, just like she was in Chapter 91, because Toyotaro wanted to show Piccolo doing a "normal" kindergarten pickup as a prelude to the story. And that might have seemed like a good idea on paper. You know, contrast a routine encounter with the zany scene we got in the movie. The problem is that it undermines the zany scene when we finally get to it. The whole point is that a "normal" version isn't that interesting to see, which is why they didn't show Gohan cooking breakfast or Dr. Hedo brushing his teeth in the movie.
Anyway, you read chapter 91 and it feels like they skipped to the middle of the movie because Pan's waiting at kindergarten. Then you get to Chapter 94 and you see Pan waiting at kindergarten again and think the story is starting over. Or was it preschool? The manga version has a sign over the property that reads "kindergarten", but Pan's only three so I don't know. Piccolo knocked her into a bunch of rocks earlier in the day, and now he's taking her home with a layover at Red Ribbon HQ, so the point of all of this is that nothing is really ever "normal" with Dragon Ball.
Back to the manga, Toyotaro drags out this scene by having a cop take notice of the Red Ribbon aircraft, but he immediately decides it's okay once he finds out it's for Mr. Satan's granddaughter. This might be the same cop who helped Goku find Bulma's house for the first time in the original Red Ribbon Army Saga, but I'm not interested in looking it up.
So once again, Toyotaro seems determined to cram in new material to this story, but it's always designed to be as dull as possible, answering questions no one asked. Why didn't Piccolo get a ticket for the aircraft being parked on the street? For the zero people who were concerned about this, Toyotaro heroically includes a traffic cop whose sole purpose is to remind us that it doesn't actually matter.
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Chapter 94 continues up to the first leg of the Gohan/Gamma 1 fight. There's some changes to the fight choreography, but I'm not gonna do a side-by-side analysis or anything. It pretty much has to be different because of the medium involved. I'm pretty sure Gohan firing a Kamehameha is new, as is Gamma 1 shooting at him to counterattack. But I could be wrong.
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While Gohan powers up to his Ultimate/Mystic/Elder Kai Unlock form, Krillin's family is just getting out of the movie theater where they watched Cleangod 2. I mentioned this scene before, but now that we're here, this is Teen Marron's only appearance in Dragon Ball Super, and here's the big pitch for the character: She's a huge fan of Cleangod. Just like Goten! And Trunks. And... Dr. Hedo. I'm not impressed.
Krillin senses Gohan fighting, then he gets a call from Police HQ.
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For some reason, Krillin runs off and hides while he takes the call? Are people not supposed to know he's a cop? Everyone keeps staring at him the whole time, so if he's trying to keep this a secret, he's doing a lousy job of it. Also, when 18 asks him who he's talking to, she doesn't seem to believe his answer, so she insists on tagging along with him. Does... 18 not know Krillin's a cop? What is going on here?
The dumbest part of all of this is that Nutz is calling Krillin to tell him about the battle at the Red Ribbon Army base. Remember how she had Krillin follow Magenta and Hedo in Chapter 91? Because they knew Magenta had a secret base but they didn't know where it was? And then Krillin lost them before he could find it?
Okay, so apparently the police had suspected that it was in that crater lake, camouflaged by a hologram. In fact, they've suspected this for so long that they've been monitoring the lake with cameras, and when Gohan went ultimate he disrupted the hologram and revealed the base. Now they want Krillin to reconnoiter the area before they send in a bunch of guys.
This is just really dumb. I mean, if the police suspected the base was inside the lake, why didn't they just send Krillin to check it out in the first place? He could have gone there months ago, and if it was just a lake, the worst thing that would have happened is he'd get wet. But if it was a secret mercenary base, he could have just snuck in and out as easily as Piccolo did in this story. It would have been even easier, since Krillin's less conspicuous than Piccolo, and the Red Ribbon wouldn't have had Hedo's androids for support. Hell, Krillin could have taken out the entire base by himself, and all they had to do was send him to the lake that they were already monitoring.
Also, why is it the West City Police Department's job to bust the Red Ribbon Army? Isn't that a job for the Royal Military? None of this makes any sense. I mean, the purpose is to add more Krillin content to the story, but it's so forced that it becomes nonsensical. The movie makes so much more sense without the police involved at all. Again, it's another question that no one asked. "Why didn't the police find the Red Ribbon Army's hidden base?" Because it's a hidden base, that's why not!
Toyotaro seems almost desperate to give these fictional cops a chance to save face. Well they were trying very hard to locate the base, but they just couldn't find it before Piccolo did. Except his depiction of their efforts just makes them look worse. Sergeant Nutz seems to know everything about the Red Ribbon Army. She knew Magenta was secretly rebuilding it, she knew he was planning to contact Dr. Hedo, and when he would do it. She was even pretty sure where the Red Ribbon base was. Yet despite all this inside information, she still couldn't figure out how to respond to it.
All of this makes it look like a set up to explain Krillin showing up at the end of the movie, except, no, that's not what happens. He shows up at the end because Bulma calls him and tells him what's happening. Toyotaro saw the movie and thought: "No! That's not enough! We need three reasons for Krillin to go to the lake!"
1. He senses Gohan's ki from the battle. 2. Sgt. Nutz calls him and tells him to go check out the base. 3. Bulma calls him and tells him Piccolo is at the base.
Is that enough? Does Krillin have sufficient motivation to go yet? I'm not sure, let's throw in some more reasons.
4. Krillin is visited by the ghost of the pirates from that underwater cave. The ghost tells him that the Red Ribbon stole his treasure and hid it in the lake, so he pleads with Krillin to recover it so the pirates can rest in peace. 5. Marron really wants to check out the crater lake, becuase Cleangod 2 had a scene that was filmed there. 6. Vegeta briefly pops in using his manga-only Instant Transmission. He asks Krillin to check on a three-layer cake he ordered from the bakery, but Krillin mishears him and thinks he said "crater lake". 7. The Supreme Kai of Time deputizes Krillin into the Time Patrol and informs him of a temporal anomaly at the crater lake. 8. Krillin was going there anyway because it's on his way home.
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Back to the fight, not much is different, although there's a brief moment where Piccolo coaches Gohan before they resume fighting their respective opponents. This is kind of redundant, because they both already understood they were fighting androids, and they're already in their strongest forms (as far as they know), so Piccolo is just stating the obvious here. At least he isn't telepathically summoning Krillin to get his butt over here. Piccolo actually trusts the plot of this movie.
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The Gammas aren't quite as powerful in this version, so 2 has to give a little assist to 1, then they consider double-teaming Piccolo to improve their chances. This doesn't last long, though, since it's not like Gohan was just going to stand there and let Piccolo get beat down.
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At Capsule Corp, Bulma starts assembling a squad to help Piccolo, and is surprised to learn that Trunks already knows about Dr. Hedo. She asks him why he never mentioned any of this before, and finally, finally, Toyotaro has come up with a question someone might have actually asked. Why didn't Trunks tell Bulma about all of this? Because he would have gotten in trouble for playing superhero, and also because Bulma wouldn't have taken his story seriously even if he had said anything.
So Bulma admits that she goofed, but now she ungrounds Trunks (and Goten, since he just showed up), and she wants them to join Piccolo in battle.
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But she immediately regrets it, because Goten and Trunks can't pinpoint Piccolo's location with their ki senses. And this is Big Goten in a nutshell. The boys are eager to get in on the action, but they lack the skill and focus to be effective. They're basically the opposite of what Gohan was in his childhood. Gohan was constantly caught between adventure and study, and he ended up excelling in both things. But Goten and Trunks really don't get pushed hard in either direction. They don't have much motivation to study, and they're not very good at adventure stuff either. Bulma's giving them a chance to be heroes and they're blowing it.
Anyway, she calls Piccolo, and when he doesn't answer, she calls Krillin, which is the canonical reason they all show up together at the end of the story.
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Oh, and here's an awesome shot of Cell Max. I can't stress this enough: The art in this thing is tremendous, but the writing is just dull as can be. Everything's either a rerun or a pointless filler scene.
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When Cell Max crawls out to fight all the good guys, Goten and Trunks offer to give Piccolo and Gohan a breather, and they switch to their Saiyaman X-1 and X-2 suits. Pan's into it, but everyone else find it dumb. I guess Marron should have come along and maybe she'd enjoy this...
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cozage · 1 year
The Meaning of Justice
The Meaning of Justice: Loguetown
You’re a Marine who’s always been taught to trust the process. And you always have, until you meet a certain pirate who won’t stop pestering you to join his crew. 
Next Chapter | All Chapters Characters: Female reader, Strawhat crew, Smoker, Tashigi
Word count: 1k
Cw: Loguetown/East Blue Saga Spoilers
A/N: This is a long one, so hang onto your (straw)hat! I’m actually breaking this up into parts, so welcome to my first installment of this! No strongly-written pairings, but I saw someone do a short hc list of a marine joining crews, and that fueled me to do a deep dive into the Strawhats interacting with a marine, specifically one who is actively being recruited by them. 
You had always planned to join the Marines. Both your mother and your father were Marines, and it went without saying that you would follow in their footsteps. But even if you weren’t a legacy child, the call of the Navy was too strong to ignore. You grew up learning that if someone asked for help, you helped them. It didn’t matter who they were or what they looked like, people were always deserving of assistance if they were strong enough to ask for it. You were raised by the sea with people who loved the sea, and you dreamed of the day the white and blue sails would carry you away from your small town and onto your next adventure. Your mother would sit with you on the cliffs by your house, staring off into the horizon fondly. “When you go out to sea…that’s when your life will finally begin.” And she was right, in a way. Just not the way you expected. 
The first time you met Luffy was by happenstance. You were in Loguetown with your division, and it was one of the few days you were off duty. You were planning to do some light shopping, but ended up at the edge of the town square, with hundreds of people crowded around the infamous high rise before you. Gol D. Roger. The King of the Pirates. You still weren’t sure exactly what Roger did to become the notorious King, but he was all any pirate ever wanted to be compared to. 
You were pulled from your thoughts when someone knocked into you from behind. “‘Scuse me.” A wide eyed boy tapped on your shoulder. He had a scar under his eye and a hat with a red ribbon tied around it, and you couldn't help but think how well it suited him. He pointed past you, motioning at the people gathered. “Is this the town square?”
He looked vaguely familiar, though you couldn’t pinpoint why. You were sure you knew his face, but it wasn’t from your hometown, and he didn’t necessarily look like he would be a navy man. 
He waved his hand in front of your face impatiently, breaking your concentration and bringing you back to reality. “Hellooooo? Are you there?”
“Right! Sorry! Yeah, this is the town square.” You smiled at him awkwardly, but he wasn’t looking your way anymore. You followed his gaze to the platform you had been looking at earlier. “And thats-”
“The execution platform of Gol D. Roger!” He shouted, with a large smile across his face. His eyes sparkled like stars looking at the scene before you all. “That’s so cool!”
His excitement was palpable. It just looked like a normal high-rise to you, but this kid looked like he had found the greatest treasure in the world. You still couldn’t shake the fact that you knew him, though, and decided to inquire at the risk of embarrassing yourself further. “This is kind of weird, but you look super familiar. Uh, do I know you?”
He chuckled to himself, and for a second you weren’t sure if he had even heard you. “Nah, but you will!” He took off towards the platform without another word. “My name’s Luffy! Thanks for all your help!” he shouted back to you, never faltering in his race towards the execution place of Gol D. Roger. 
Luffy. Your stomach dropped as the dots connected. Strawhat Luffy. Monkey D. Luffy. The pirate with the 30 million berry bounty on his head. How could you have forgotten him? At least he wasn’t aware that you were a Marine, which gave you more time to act. 
You raced towards the Marine base as fast as your feet would carry you. “Captain Smoker!” You cried out, bursting into his office, gasping slightly for breath. “Pirate in…the town square…Monkey D…Luffy…Roger’s platform.” It wasn’t much of a report, but it was enough. You saw your Captain vanish into thin air, knowing he would fully take care of the situation. You felt bad for betraying a boy who had only treated you kindly, but he was a pirate. The world would be safer with him and his crew behind bars.
But somehow, Strawhat had managed to slip from your Captain’s fingers. You made it to the port just in time to watch him pull out to sea. “HEYYYYYYYY!!!!!” The familiar voice rang out through the wind and the rain of the storm, coming from the ship. “THANKS AGAIN FOR ALL YOUR HELPPPPP!!!!! SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!!!!!” 
You realized, with a knot in your stomach, the infamous pirate was screaming at you. He still was unaware of your status in the Navy. He still thought you were a random person who had simply given him directions. You stood at the shoreline long after his ship disappeared over the horizon, still hearing the echo of his laugh through the storm.
You gave your official report to the Captain, apologizing profusely for not recognizing the pirate sooner. When the news came that Smoker would be taking an elite team to the Grand Line, you were second at his door to request involvement in the mission. Tashigi was first, and while you all talked, she revealed to also have had a run-in with a member of the Strawhat crew during their time in Loguetown. 
“Roronoa Zoro.” She said the name as if it were a bad taste in her mouth. “He took a cursed sword and was in possession of one of the legendary Great Swords. You know-”
“It’s your dream to collect those!” you finish the sentence for her. You and Tashigi got along well, and she was one of the few Marines who actually took her job seriously. You had a mutual respect for eachother, and you would even consider her a friend at times. 
“Exactly! And that pirate had it instead!” The 21 Great Swords always got Tashigi wound up and on a very long rant, but you never minded it. 
You boarded the boat with 50 others soon after the debrief. The Grand Line was in your sights. Your life was beginning, just like your mother had promised.
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forged-cold · 2 years
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hi lol. if you've gotten this far, here's a picture i drew of gamma 2 looking like burgerpants from undertale
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i loved this movie, but one thing i wished it contained was more exposition about our new antagonists, rather than spending so much time delivering this history of dr. gero and the red ribbon army. wikipedia isn't restricted to people who have watched the android / cell saga only lmao
this was a lot of fun to draw
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sahonithereadwolf · 6 months
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I ain't much of an artist (so be nice) but I've been working on new ref sheets for months. I hope you like it and it gets my ideas across.
My fursona is a Wolf Person from my nations stories, but I tend to say red wolf (canis rufus) for simplicity's sake. It's easier than giving a cosmology lesson and recapping about 2 traditional sagas, a folktale, and a couple language jokes more times than not. A Wolf Person is not really a wolf, but they are an unparalleled hunters with stories of them in hunting bands, killing monsters, and even acting as assassins. Backed up with magic powers of their own from healing things with spit to making magic arrows from their whiskers.
Mine works as a Librarian, using those hunting skills to hunt down information. He practices southern cunning, a syncretic magic from my Appalachian home that combines the folk traditions of Tsalagi (my folks), Irish, Scottish, German, and West African peoples into something it's own. Helps with doing magical oddjobs for the magical and non-magical folks in the community.
I tried my best to layer meaning for me in there, things from home. The story he's based off of is deeply personal. There are tattoos for stories I grew up with, basket patterns, ribbons, and beading. Earrings a cousin of mine wears to powwow. I've been in this fandom a long time and having something that reads native and pushes back on some of the more racist elements of fandom is important to me. Especially considering this is basically me as a wolf (person). I hope y'all like him too.
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quantumleper · 2 months
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Goku & Krillin vs Pirate Robot | Dragon Ball | Red Ribbon Army Saga
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yamchazone · 4 months
When did Bai jump into the timeline?
As they reside on king kai's I assume she joins the Z fighters when the humans are resurrected
**THEY end up appearing at the beginning of the red ribbon army saga, they are brought to King Kai's at that time, and they have their first interaction with the fighterZ after the second world tournament(against King Kai's wishes lol)
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They had been tasked with keeping tabs on the humans for King Kai, all of this put together by Baba! After the fighterZ die to the saiyans, I hc that Bulma and Yamcha are already split up here so bulma isnt fucking the guy that killed yamcha while he's dead lol
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And this is when bai and yam start to grow closer! Yamcha doesnt get nervous around Bai, that is essential to the character <3
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rex101111 · 1 year
people should discuss Videl more in the “strongest human in dragon ball” debates. Like yeah she can’t fire energy blasts or whatever, but as far as everyday, non-beam throwing humans go, she’s pretty much at the top.
Like, she was able to break a dude’s neck with just one kick, when she was in high school. And not just any regular guy’s neck either, she broke this guy’s neck:
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Look at him! He’s got a neck you could use as a sewer pipe! Sure it took pretty much all the strength she had and he got up right after thanks to Majin Magic Bullshit(TM), but still! She took down this super enhanced monster of a guy with one, well placed kick. 
Since she’s teaching martial arts (as of Super Hero at least), she’s obviously still keeping up her training (more than Gohan probably, which is kinda funny), and is probably stronger than she was back in the Buu Saga, even with whatever break she had to take when she was pregnant with Pan.
Imagine Videl still sneaks off to do the occasional vigilante action (with or without the costume, you can’t convince me she and Gohan didn’t keep those), and the police can’t really stop her because she’s A. Daughter of Hercule, the guy that (as far as anyone knows) saved the planet twice over. and B. they just saw her grab the steel pipe one robber tried to hit her with and bend it in half. They ain’t fuckin’ with that.
Magenta obviously had to pick between either capturing Pan or Videl to get Gohan’s attention, and while Pan would be the more obvious choice he might have considered that a child would be too well protected and maybe he should go for the wife...until his surveillance team see her break like twenty bricks at once as a demonstration of proper punching technique and he decided it best not to fuck with that.
If Videl caught wind of her daughter getting captured she would have marched her way to that Red Ribbon base and found her way in, and very politely ask that they return her daughter before anyone got hurt. A few unlucky goons get a few chuckles in at this middle aged house wife trying to act tough before they get grabbed by the head and smashed into the nearest wall. 
Sure when Cell Max jumps out she would probably just grab Pan and leave the beams and explosions to the experts, but Imagine Magenta calling for reinforcements of regular troops to help him at some point...and not getting an answer. Carmine checks the cameras...and sees Videl putting one last enemy in the most brutal triangle choke ever witnessed by man. Videl sees the camera focus on her, tightens her hold, and growls, “where’s my baby, you BASTARDS?”
I just think Videl should get to be cool, is all.    
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