#re merchant
wisecrackingeric-2 · 5 months
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Whuddyuh buyin’????
I meant to post this last night but I fell asleep BCNHENESJSNJS
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narperist · 28 days
When i started playing Resident Evil 4 i thought i'd be down for someone normal like Luis or Leon but no instead i want to fuck the Merchant thank you goodnight.
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Okay here's some of my personal RE HCs because no one is stopping me.
These are in no way like the be-all-end-all for hcs (everyone has their own ofc and i have so many overlapping concepts, so feel free to share!!) but I wanted to post these anyways
This is really long, so...
Enjoy under the cut!
───✦ He/They ───✦ Pansexual, demiromantic ───✦ Agender (gender is meaningless for him personally) ───✦ Built like a god damn refrigerator. Just a fucking rectangle of a man. ───✦ Ik this is canon but I love it, so I'm adding it anyways- he originally covered his eyes with his glasses to hide the emotions he deemed his greatest weakness and later did it to hide irritation and his eyes ───✦ I think part of the reason he did it was because Chris came to him looking like a kicked puppy one day after Wesker scolded him and Wesker got the softest look on his face for Chris, so he always wore glasses from then on ───✦ He's super proud of Chris and wishes, despite everything, that they could be like old friends again. He misses how carefree and nonchalant Chris used to be before all the outbreaks hardened him into more of a machine than a man ───✦ Actually really hates Umbrella, but tolerated them and used their resources for his own experimentation and ideals ───✦ I know that in canon, he's about 6' 3" or 190 cm, but I think he towers over everyone at somewhere around 6' 5-6' 9". He isn't built like a boulder like Chris is (pun intended) but he IS taller and I like making height differences more dramatic ───✦ He really loves rain and fog. ───✦ His AW Model Samurai Edge has his initials carved right under the short barrel of the gun, right where you attach a silencer- and he has Chris' initials carved right in front of the trigger. He thinks of it as a way for Chris to 'keep him doing things in the right direction'
───✦ He/Him ───✦ Bisexual ───✦ AKFHSKFNEJ THIS MAN IS MASSIVE. He is super huge. Fuck canon he's 6' 5" because LOOK AT HIM IN RE8, PLEASE- ───✦ Asian-american (his facial features in vendetta? pfft, please, this man is asian. I think Korean personally.) The name Redfield is of Scottish origin, but I think his american family fled from scotland to escape the British regime similarly to what my family did ───✦ Canonically can't read during a flashback, which is probably referring to him being unable to read sheet music specifically, since he's trying to read the sheet music at the grand piano- but this just makes me think he's a slow reader and has dyslexia ───✦ I think he's super flirty but also is oblivious ───✦ Adhd all the way ───✦ Super messy handwriting because his mind moves faster than his hands, so it's just the messiest half-cursive scrawl ───✦ Looks like a grinning felon on his license and has since he got his learner's at like 15. He just keeps looking more like "yeah I committed that crime and I'll do it again" every time he goes in for a renewal ───✦ Really loves cars and armoured vehicles in the same way Leon loves motorcycles ───✦ Hates Leon's drinking habit while Leon hates Chris' smoking habit ───✦ They come together eventually to help the other stop their addictions and it mostly involves lots of snuggles and pancakes ───✦ Really loves that Ethan is Canadian because Ethan can and will special order authentic maple syrup solely so Chris is happy and he loves authentic syrup so much he can damn near drink it straight from the bottle
───✦ He/They or He/Him ───✦ Bisexual ───✦ German-american (as a German-american myself, it makes sense based on his name and his need to do busy work (his off-days merc work) just to feel like he's doing something worthwhile. In German culture, being able-bodied and able to work is a super big societal standpoint that is thankfully changing some) ───✦ He's actually an incredibly anxious individual. He finds the cut-and-dry rules, schedules, and regulations of the army and the relative-freedoms of his mercenary work are good for him regulating himself ───✦ He really likes Leon. Thinks he's a good kid (even though they're so close in age) and wishes him well in life. ───✦ Loves snakes. So much. It's on his blade and he hated killing that snake to protect Leon during the Darkside Chronicles cutscene, but Leon mattered more ───✦ Part of the reason he's such an ass and so cold is because he doesn't like many people and has difficulty interacting outside of yelling at them to train them or smart-mouthing people who deem themselves his 'superior' ───✦ Actually really doesn't like the government for a lot of reasons ───✦ Had a second blade custom-made for Leon so they could match ───✦ Really likes cuddles and is a human heater
───✦ He/They/It (sometimes refers to himself as 'we', sort of in the local-english dialect kinda of way, as in a singular 'we' but I also have a theory regarding the blue/purple flamed lamp you always see with him, but that's a whole can of worms) ───✦ Pansexual, panromantic ───✦ Nonbinary. Can be amab or trans afab, but prefers being deemed more masculine ───✦ British-english; just likes to travel the world ───✦ Older than he lets on and joins the Duke for dinner a few times a year. They bond over shared experiences and intriguing customers ───✦ Long dark brown/straight hair, tied into a ponytail down the base of his head. ───✦ I think he's either really scrawny or he's fluffier and stockier under his coat than he appears ───✦ He has facial scars, mostly consisting of a few slashes from knives or similar and a scar that curls across the left side of his face ───✦ This particular scar ruined part of his lips and shows some of his teeth even when his mouth is shut, which is one of many reasons he wears his mask. Can't go around scaring his customers, can he? Bad for business! ───✦ His eyes ARE blue, but in fact glow under low-light conditions and glow when he's under intense emotions (ex. stress, anger, extreme happiness, etc) ───✦ They flash this sort of red-orange similar to Wesker's eyes when he's irritated too or when he gets impatient, but it's easy to miss ───✦ He also has a weirdly long split tongue and the further up it you go, you start to see these soft little barb-like features. They curl and stretch whenever your fingers brush over a particularly flavour-sensitive spot or press too hard ───✦ Really good at cooking ───✦ Has a special interest in weaponry of all kinds and enjoys working with his hands ───✦ Incredibly fond of Leon and makes sure he's well taken care of whenever he gets the chance ───✦ Autistic
───✦ He/They ───✦ Cisn't (amab or afab, but I lean toward amab) ───✦ Canadian/american ───✦ The shadow thing on his face is actually caused by his 'death' in Louisiana. He's not sure why it happens and can kinda turn it off, but it follows his face regardless of light conditions. In darker/fully dark environments, all you have a chance of seeing is the glint or even sometimes glow of his eyes. You only see the ring of colour of his eyes during these moments. ───✦can and will scare people with what remains of the megamycete- ie making himself look a little too cryptid-like ───✦ Similarly to the Lords (primarily Salvatore Moreau) he has these tentacle-like appendages that can sprout from his back that he uses to freak people out. The Lords still aren't so used to it ───✦ Has adhd and autism ───✦ IT tech genius, computers are his special interest ───✦ He is a sarcastic ass when he wants to be and gets even more feral and angry now thanks to the megamycete ───✦ He is super tired and has insomnia issues half-thanks to Louisiana and the Village and half-thanks to his natural insomnia problems (mood my guy) ───✦ Like smart-assing Heisenberg frequently, but also enjoys having long philosophical or tech-related convos with him ───✦ Surprisingly close to Chris and later Leon ───✦ Finds the Merchant hilarious
───✦ He/him or he/they. I sometimes write him a cis amab sometimes trans. Often trans. Nonbinary?? Idk, but I like him being a gnc type guy. ───✦ Bi or pan, but demiromantic and demisexual too ───✦ Struggles with his own touch-starvation and even now, loud noises scare him a lot when he's not on the job. He's always worried about another unprepared breakout like the events of RE2 ───✦ Romanian/american (a thought I've had since RE4 2005 back when I played the game in like,,, 2014. I find it funny now that his remake model is Romanian from what I understand lol) ───✦ Still has remnants of Las Plagas running through him, but his blood kinda neutralized it to make a 'perfect monster'-type effect. ───✦ As a result of this, he can essentially 'shift' his body in weird ways and create the equivalent of the arms on the Los Iluminados insignia (yanno, with the four arms kinda like a mantis or facehugger has? yeah, that) ───✦ He doesn't like that it happens but he finds the older he gets, the more used to it he becomes and the more he uses them in sticky situations ───✦ Adhd and autism; really oblivious to social cues which is part of why he jumps into everything headfirst and why he doesn't flirt well. But he tries ───✦ Very soft and can sleep through a nuclear explosion
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fukindork · 28 days
The Merchant has taken over my brain
I'm 100% convinced that the Merchant has an obsession with Leon in the original game, which will be covered in the form of this fanfic
also they'll kiss sometimes because I want them to
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power nap in the safe room 
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kalivasquezart · 1 month
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a fair trade
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tonitart · 1 year
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loggybearart · 1 year
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Resident Evil 4 stickers!
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scringee · 1 year
POV you are Ashley Graham
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coffeebrownn · 5 months
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Me whenever I look at a man doing warcrimes and being sleazy as fuck: oh my god he's doing such babygirl behaviours. he's such a malewife :)
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silentffantasy · 10 months
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☆ more photos from RE4R's model viewer 🙏 ☆
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rerarepairmonth · 3 months
Resident Evil Rarepair Month - May 2024
Hello and welcome to the Resident Evil Rarepair Month event!
This event is a month long, spanning the entirety of the month of May 2024, and will be devoted to any and all forms of content celebrating the Rarepair ships of Resident Evil!
Content can include but not limited to fanfiction, fanart, moodboards, edits, music videos and playlists.
Week 1 - Sick Fic/Caretaking + Weapons/Sparring + Vacations - May 1st to May 6th
Week 2 - Trapped Together + Role Reversal + Infection Scare - May 7th to May 12th
Week 3 - Sharing Food + First Dates + International Travel - May 13th to May 18th
Week 4 - Handcuffs/Restraints + Coffee Shops + Family - May 19th to May 24th
Week 5 - Animals + College AU + Self Destruct Systems + Free Space - May 25th to May 31st
The rules for entries are as follows:
-Must be 18+ to participate, as we will be accepting NSFW entries (make sure to tag appropriately for content warnings)
-A rarepair must have 250 or less fics on ao3 to be considered acceptable.
-For this event we are excluding any Canon Character x Reader submissions.
-We will, however, accept Canon Character x OC submissions.
-All content is acceptable, please be courteous of other people's submissions and do not leave hate or discourse in the comments and tags. This is a celebration of rarepairs and encouraging more content for rarepairs in the fandom. If you don't like something someone made, just keep scrolling.
-When submitting your content, make sure to tag us @rerarepairmonth
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itspumpkinski · 1 year
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me and the bois
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cillianwilder · 1 month
"Over here, stranger. You've got the stench of scrollin' on you, mate. Got somethin' that might interest ya'!"
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RE4 Merchant Duck 🧟‍♀️
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Little Blue (Platonic)
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏. 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜.
𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝟎,
❝ 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥, 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐈𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫, 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞 ❞
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When you wake up there’s a sentiment in you that hopes that all that happened was a dream
That you’d wake up safe in your own bed
Mom still alive and well
Dad downstairs already cooking some bacon and eggs
But reality is quick to set in like a smack to the face
There is now comfy sheets to wake up in
No scent of bacon wafting up
There’s only the scent of dried up iron and a thick coat placed on you
A faint light invaded your vision
Warm light from a lantern hanging nearby as you groan and slowly rise up
Everything feels fuzzy
Your head feels as if it’s pounding and a stinging headache grapples you with a sense of nausea
“Careful there kid. Might hit yer head on the merchandise”
The voice is familiar
Deeply accented but not with a Spanish twang
It’s British?
Or what you assume to be British
You look to the voice and see the man who found you when you passed out
Eyes glowing in amber hues contrasting the cold blue candlelight
“Who?…where am I?”
At this he gives a small chuckle
“Most call me merchant. Now where we are, that’s a bit complicated but to put it simply tunnels”
You now get a better look around where you laid
Weapons upon weapons set up on racks with lanterns lit
Oddly enough the flames are blue
Creating a sapphire coloured glow that illuminates the cold rock around you
The merchant sits on a nearby wooden chair, a large hiking backpack set nearby beside your own bag
You can feel the crusted dried blood still staining your cheek leading to you furiously whipping it off
Tears now bubbling up again at the realization that this isn’t a dream to wake up from
Your living in a nightmare
Your fathers worst fears of something happening to you and mom coming into fruition
You feel a cloth pressed against your hand and you open your eyes
The merchant handing you a handkerchief of sorts
On the corner you see embellishments of birds
“Ere, take it. You had a long day…take as much time as you need to get it out”
You get the vibe that he normally isn’t as kind as he is to you
Perhaps it’s cause he found you crying and cold that he decide to give you some pity
You do as he says crying
Sobbing and choking up from how much everything hurts
You want your mom
You want your dad
You want your uncle Luis
You want to go home
Yet your stuck here with no idea what’s going on or what to do
The tears keep coming and the merchant lets you cry in peace
Just letting you get your emotions out before the tears dry up
Your left at the end with water stained cheeks that you dry with the piece of cloth he gifted you
For a moment you think to hand it back before he gives you a motion saying to keep it
He motions his head to a chair and you sit down in it
You have a feeling your in for a long explanation
It turns out the entire village your mom grew up in had been infected with some sort of virus
Something that is controlled via a hive mind by some cult leader
Los Illuminados
Otherwise known as the enlightened
It had been around for centuries in dormant but had came back and indoctrinated the village by force
Merchant himself was infected but unlike the others had what he called a “master plaga” which made him immune to being under the cults control
In a sense he had immunity whilst having the parasite due to it not puppeting him around as it did with the villagers who attacked
The tall man was the village chief and had the same deal
Except he was loyal to the cult and it’s goals
Blindly following their orders
Killing who they asked
Even if it were the children of the village without so much as questioning why
How Luis is involved your not sure but as the chief said they needed leverage over him for some reason
Using your mother was the main goal but they didn’t factor you in
And ultimately you were seen as a better and more easy thing to control and hold above Uncle Luis
Cause your a seemingly normal kid
It’s there that they failed to realize that your Not just some average 15 year old
You might not be as experienced as a professional trained soldier but you knew how to handle yourself better than the average person
Your dad’s training since a young age in firearms and survival had made you so
It’s why you didn’t hesitate to run
To stab the chief’s hand when the moment came
Perhaps it was just blind instinct but it seems that training during the summers paid out in your escape
And here you are
Stuck in a cave beneath the village with the only other person in this place that isn’t a mindless zombie
Hell even zombies would be better in this situation from how your dad described them
At least he didn’t have to deal with them wielding pitchforks and torches
“So your saying I’m screwed”
“Not exactly. The American government caught onto the fact their keeping the presidents daughter here. They should be sending someone to get her”
“But how long till then?”
“I’d say a few days”
For a moment you go quiet
“How do you know all this?”
“You can say I have connections with many people in many places. We can leave it at that”
“So what do I do know?”
“We wait”
Another chuckle racks his form, it echos off the walls of the tunnels
“You think i’d just abandoned ya?. I might be a businessman but I ain’t cruel”
With that he slides to you a piece of bread and a mug of water
“Eat up. I’ll let ya practice some rounds later, your gonna need it”
You hesitantly take the bread and begin eating
It’s a bit stale but your growling stomach doesn’t care
Neither does your dry throat when you drink down some of the water
It almost makes you wanna cry again out of gratefulness
“Thank you”
“It’s no problem”
Like he said he ends up letting you practice at a makeshift shooting range
He gifts you a gun you recognize to be a red9
Along with a magnum he said was named the “broken butterfly”
Their beautiful guns
Old and detailed
Much different from the handguns your dad owns of the newer variety
It takes a moment to get used to them but you end up getting comfortable with the two guns
Well moreso the Red9 as Merchant suggested you save the ammo in the broken butterfly
Ammo was limited in general but handgun ammo was at least easier to find than magnum bullets
You do decent at the shooting range the first few rounds
Headshots were the best against the plaga controlled masses
But it left an uncomfortable taste in your mouth at how human they still were
Sure the parasite had completely taken over the host
The puppeteer that held the strings of a marionette
Yet they still seemed so human
They talked and apparently had the capacity to make plans and decisions
From what merchant said they even had the capability to continue their daily cycle
At least from how your dad and aunt Rebecca described zombies they were more like rabid animals
It was easy to not associate them with being human anymore due to their mannerisms and appearance of a rotting corpse
With these though…it left you somewhat guilty even as you gunned down propped up images of them
These not so long ago used to be people
Perhaps bits of them still left in there yet locked away
The whole morality side of this leaves your head spinning as you get another headshot and reload
Loading in the bullets
The clip flying off as you go back to shooting once more
Practice at this makeshift shooting range helped you remember quite a bit of your dad’s instructions
Keep your hands still
Don’t hesitate
Pull the trigger
Expect the sound and drawback
Keep pushing forwards
those last words now make more sense
When your done you sit back down with merchant who’s usually checking his stock and making sure their functional
He’s the only thing that seems to keep you level
He’s sympathetic but doesn’t sugar coat what’s happening
That your not in the best of situations (neither is he to be honest) but there’s hope
Hours feel as if their forever down here
There’s no telling the passage of time besides a pocket watch he holds and checks on periodically
Talking to him is the only other way you pass the time
He’s a knowledgeable man who’s seen a lot and knows more than he lets on
But you don’t really mind that fact since secrets were something you had been raised with
Falling asleep is hard but not impossible
Just slightly uncomfortable as you lay on an old mattress with one of his spare coats as a blanket
You can’t complain though
He barely had time to scrape it together considering he doesn’t need sleep now apparently
It’s slightly weird considering you’d normally feel creeped knowing someone was watching you sleep
But with him there’s a sense of comfort knowing he’d be awake 24/7
Stability to know that you wouldn’t be kidnapped or murdered whilst you slept
The dreams are always of your mom
constantly repeating
Over and over
Yet despite seeing her die again and again you enjoyed sleep
To see her once again and hope that the dream will end differently
It’s sad
But you can’t cry anymore
You need to survive for dad and for Luis
To get back home and explain what happened
To not be a missing face on a poster
You get another headshot
Shoot again
It’s about a week into staying in the caves that Merchant
A routine slowly made that quickly comes to a halt
It comes as a small thing of noise at first but quickly gets loud as the ground above rumbles a bit
Something’s happening
“HeHe, looks like we’ve finally got company kid.”
“You mean…”
“Yes, Seems like the American is finally here. Means I got a new customer”
The two guns you previously practiced with are handed to you by him
Your a big surprised considering you thought he was just letting you practice with the firearms
Not keep them
“You’re…giving them to me?”
“Consider it as me keeping a promise. Now don’t stand around, I need help moving inventory and you need to go find that agent. He’s your ticket out of ere’”
There’s a slip of emotion in his voice
Regret and melancholy at the mention of a promise
You don’t ask and instead nod
The broken butterfly is slipped into your bag alongside your other items
He hands you a holster which attaches to your belt
The Red9 fitting snuggly into the old and weathered leather
He pats you on the shoulder
And old wheezing laugh tumble out his mouth
“Go on and get out there. Being em hell for me”
You nod climbing up the nearby ladder he motioned to
Cold steel biting at the flesh of your hands along with rust
Thank god you got your tetanus shots
Climbing up you reach a trap door and lift it up slightly
Your eyes peer out and you see that it’s underneath what looks to be a bed?
Kinda creepy placement in your opinion but at this point your not really questioning it
There’s yelling in Spanish
Gunshots ringing out
And then a church bell chimes
It echos and reverberates through the soil and old wooden planks
You’d heard it before down in the caves
But now it’s paired with footsteps making their way towards it
With this you take a chance and crawl out from hatch and out from under the bed
Floorboards creaking from your weight as you shimmied out
Then getting up and peaking out through the doors that lead into a different part of the small home
A small humble kitchen and dining table
No upstairs nor any other room than what you assumed to be a bathroom
Cautiously you exit
Now peering out into the town centre that’s central point is the now charred remains if a man tied to a wooden stake
The smell makes you gag and you tear up thinking about the poor man
Your eyes drift away and to the sounds of footsteps heading up a path to the left of the church
A part of you wants to yell out so whoever is here would hear you but with how corpses of the villagers litter the ground you don’t want to surprise them
Lest you end up with a similar fate to the parasite ridden people
Before you end up following the path you take a moment to take the village in
The former home of your mother and uncle
Now left a battleground of blood and carnage
You don’t stay long
“Alright I think he or she went this way…let’s hope this doesn’t end up bad”
Your knees feel weak and you half convinced the slightest of harsh winds would tip you over
But you keep walking
Hand gripping the handle of the red9
Finger pads drifting along the wood engravings to help with your anxiety
The 9 burned into the wood
And what looked to be a small “Serra” that’s hand carved into the hilt
You hadn’t noticed that before
It takes a moment but you push against a large gate that creaks open
It almost instinctively closed behind you sending a shiver down your spine
This was some Scooby doo type shit and not the fun “the monsters were humans all along” gimmick
God, what you would give for it to be like that
That this was all some sick joke rather than reality
There’s a windmill looming in the distance
Ever spinning round and round
Much like a merry go round or the solar system
There are livestock surprisingly?
You’d expect for the villagers to just let them die but perhaps even the parasites needed to feed
Gunshots ring out from what looks to be a farmhouse across the barn
Someone staggers out
One of an…infected
One that has a cows decapitated head on their head like a messed up Halloween make
Blood dripping down as it swings down a hammer
You pull out your broken butterfly and sneak closer
More gunshots ringing out from whoever’s fighting it until
“Hey ugly!”
It turns around in time for it to have a magnum bullet hit it between where it’s eyes would be underneath the cow head
You stumble back a bit as it’s body hits the floor
Now revealing to you the leather jacket wearing man behind it
Staring at you with confusion that turns to horror
You put your gun back away and put up your hands in a surrender just in case
“H-hey…your good right?”
“Holy shit”
His name turns out to be Leon S Kennedy
A government agent sent out by the president himself
For some reason the name seems vaguely familiar but you don’t think much about it
Your just happy that someone sane is here
Someone who could help you
The area is cleared out so he takes a moment to sit down with you
Your obviously traumatized and shaky but despite that you try to keep a strong front
He can see through it though
Perhaps due to personal experience
You give your explanation as to why your here
How this was your mothers home before she moved to America
The fake letter
…how your the only one left
That for some reason they needed you as leverage for your uncle
How you’d survived for a entire week here off the kindness of a mysterious stranger
It’s confusing even to you but he nods along
Even giving sympathy as you go quiet when you mention mom
Instantly knowing that she was gone
He was sent here to save someone else but you can tell that he won’t leave you behind
And that itself almost makes you cry
“We’re in this together now ok?. I still have a mission to complete but your now part of that”
At Hearing that you nod
Tears bubbling up in your eyes before you stained your blue hoodie with the salty liquid
You get up and so does he
Both of you now ready to push towards
“Condor one to roost, got a situation here”
You can hear the faint crackle of his radio buzz on
A female voice replies back “how so?”
“There’s a civilian, a kid.”
You fidget a bit under his gaze as he looks back at you
At this action he seems to soften a bit
Seeing how your on pins and needles
It’s no wonder considering the shithole of a situation your in
“A kid?. Did you get a name”
“It’s y/n”
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