moltengoldveins · 11 months
That’s him, officer, that’s the inhuman neurodivergent-coded character with a deep emotional connection to their found family that they don’t express in conventional ways that’s making me cry, jail him, do it now-
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carshowroom · 1 month
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ilikegoodstories · 1 year
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Glad to be part of RDW Design GO! WALL*PAPER exhibition - May 12 - June 15 - 2023
The selection brings together fine-art photography, linocuts and block prints, mixed technique carvings, crayons and pastels. For a few weeks until June you are invited to touch a variety of printed textures: silky smooth, rough and dry, museum etching and metallic silver.
Made by Paper Traffic and hosted by Artichoke. Part of @RDWDesignGO!
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elavaleva · 2 years
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Knwls | ready to wear | fall 2022
Being a badass bitch out of game.
Me. A short but meaningful review
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aeshleah-guildmage · 25 days
I 💜 Kiln Fiend
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Turn 1: swift spear in for 1, or play with fire and set up for turn 2, or get a lava dart in the yard.
Turn 2: kiln fiend, or plot your highway robbery
Turn 3-4: GO. FUCKING. OFF. ALL BLOCKERS MUST DIE, throw your mountains in the gravehole, turn 5 does not exist for you.
Sideboard: Skullcrack for the boros burn. Scorching shot for Sheoldred. Smash to Smithereens for the artifact enjoyers. Blood Moon if modern gets a little too bullshit.
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reneleijen · 1 month
Illegale "TikTok-apk" zonder keuring aangepakt
De RDW heeft actie ondernomen tegen autobedrijven die op sociale media illegale apk-keuringen aanboden. In totaal 34 bedrijven zijn onderzocht, de politie heeft één persoon aangehouden. De advertenties verschenen vooral op TikTok. Autobezitters kregen daarna een geldige apk toegestuurd zonder dat hun auto was gekeurd. Bij twaalf apk-keurmeesters is de keuringsbevoegdheid ingetrokken, bij 350…
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fmarkets · 3 months
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Redwire Corporation declared surprisingly striking top-line elevation, in the financial period closing Dec 31 2023 https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=RDW&date=2024-03-20230507&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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camperpunt · 3 months
Verhogen maximum massa camper
Zoals we eerder hebben vermeld in onze vorige nieuwsbrief, heeft het Europese Parlement ingestemd met de 4e rijbewijsrichtlijn. De verdere uitwerking van deze richtlijn zal plaatsvinden na de Europese verkiezingen, die in juni 2024 plaatsvinden. Het nieuwe parlement zal dan verder aan de slag gaan met dit dossier, waarbij de verwachting is dat het nog tot 2028 kan duren voordat de verhoging van…
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jessiethewitchzard · 10 months
RDW/Sligh/Beatdown is the only only valid archetype in the history of magic the gathering. Hit them faster than they hit you. No fancy wizard nonsense. Play a deck of 15 cent cards and kick your opponents 250 dollar nonsense to the curb. Just play a bunch of dudes that cost one or two red mana and turn them sideways until your opponent falls over. If you end the game with more than one life, you weren't running at your full potential.
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spica-777 · 2 years
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moltengoldveins · 11 months
I said I would, so I did.
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Is the first piece of fanart I did for this series a thirty minute sketch of a one-off side character? Yes. Am I ashamed? Not really. I really like the idea of a DJ mechanite. yes I kNOW he has a canon design that’s nothing like this. But Dom described HE-11 differently and I couldn’t stop thinking about daft punk so here we are.
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
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[image ID: my current hctcg deck, a mono-redstone deck. it contains 3x rare etho, 3x rare xisuma, 3x common mumbo, 3x iron armor, 1x netherite armor, 2x chest, 1x clock, 1x fishing rod, 3x flint & steel, 3x lead, 3x TNT, 3x double redstone, 13x redstone. /end ID]
incredible how even on hctcg, RED DECK WINS BABY!
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reneleijen · 2 years
Celstraf voor medewerkers Belastingdienst die RDW-data verkochten
Celstraf voor medewerkers Belastingdienst die RDW-data verkochten
De rechtbank Overijssel heeft twee (inmiddels oud-) medewerkers van de Belastingdienst veroordeeld tot celstraffen voor het jarenlang verkopen van gegevens uit het RDW-systeem. De twee werden verdacht op basis van ontsleutelde EncroChat-berichten waaruit bleek dat ze in het systeem zochten naar kentekens, tenaamstellingen, adressen en automerken. Ze schreven de informatie op een papiertje,…
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pteren · 6 months
rope dart wednesday 13 - forwards elbow shot
last wednesday of 2023!
this shot is effectively the same as the rear elbow shot. both shots use tension being released from the elbow to increase the power of a simple sunrise cast (a cast is when you're swinging the dart and just let go so it flies forwards). the only difference is the direction the DARTIST is facing before and during the shot.
in the rear elbow shot, i face the sunset and point my elbow behind me, letting the dart slip off to the sunrise. in the forwards elbow shot, i face the sunrise and extend my arm in front of me, letting the dart slip off to the sunrise.
all elbow shots shoot sunrise, because they are modified sunrise casts. this comes in handy sometimes, but it would sure be nice if we could use the tremendous power offered by elbow shots towards the sunset as well. come back the first wednesday of 2024 to learn about the mighty elbow smash.
psst! click here to find a list of all past and future rope dart wednesday posts :o
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astralevel · 2 years
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marston but make him a witcher
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thirstyforred · 1 year
coming from nowhere and going nowhere kinda idea but i saw this
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fic where JdA, for fun, decides to torment Roderick with the idea that Rod was trapped in the time loop but remembers nothing
JdA asks "did you let me die in your arms?" and is smiling because this is hilarious
and Roderick, on pure instinct, wants to say Yes so much, but he doesn't remember?? any?? time loop?? Jacques dying?? in his arms?? but surely if JdA knows about it then it's true (because Roderick needs to trust JdA explicitly for any part of their grand operation to work), but if Rod doesn't remember holding him then it means it didn't happen, then despite apparently escaping the time loop, he failed miserably
it goes on for a week and eventually JdA figures it wasn't that funny and just tells Rod that it did happen but JdA erased all his painful memories, and Rod is like oh ok im normal now
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