#ravios shop
thmadethis · 3 months
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I finished my next big piece! This is a revamped version of a piece I did a number of years ago for the grand opening of Ravio's shop for heroes! I included some detail shots including a cameo by our favorite little hero in the green tunic.
I really wanted to make this poster look old and like it's been around the block a couple times. Something that a shop owner would put up on a wall in Kakariko Village. This was also my first deep dive into some real digital painting using watercolor and sponge brushes.
I'll probably be making some prints of this in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
🌟This is what I do! ☝🏼 Wanna work together? DM or message me through my site!
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churomo · 10 months
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stuff from an unfinished ravioli comic
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ellenent · 8 months
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wind waker style ravio!!
starting linktober today! ^0^
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rastea · 4 months
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Keychain shop update is live!!!
(new memo pads too but this is about keychains)
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wawapiggy · 6 days
if ravio and legend were in a florist x tattoo artist au, who would be the florist and who would be the tattoo artist??
edit: since legend as florist and ravio as tattoo artist is currently winning, pls tell me what tattoos u think ravio would have, i don’t have any ideas for him
i have some tattoo ideas for legend already though i would also appreciate some ideas for him too!!
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cerealandchoccymilk · 11 months
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the Criminal has been Captured
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ravio-the-cabinet-man · 3 months
youtuber: *uses redead scream from oot as a sound effect*
my nerd ass: "hey wait a fucking minute-"
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For the word prompt thingy: mischief >:3c
Out of the near-dozen people currently staying in Legend's house, none of them expected shy Ravio to cause the most mischief. The merchant giggled as he heard confused shouting from the other room. Every single one of the heroes' items was sporting a tiny set of purple bunny ears, and the culprit was a mystery... at least until Legend found out.
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bunnynotravioli · 2 years
@wimdyy, @skytries, @the-one-and-only-wild! Cousin Beedle says hello
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ixtaek · 4 months
Who in the Chain pays taxes?
Twilight - Twilight has helped finance two separate businesses, one of which is right under the castle’s nose. There’s no way he can play the “I don’t have money” card. But he’s also from Ordon, which seems to be its own semi-autonomous region. So I suspect he pays some village taxes but Dusk keeps him from having to pay Hyrulian taxes. She also hired someone to audit MaloMart so it evens out in the end.
Warriors - He definitely pays taxes. Taxes, in turn, pay his salary.
Time - Time does not pay taxes and complains about taxes often. Malon actually is the one paying.
Wild - Pre-Calamity he paid taxes like Warriors. Now, there are no taxes. It’s better this way.
Four - Pays his taxes but sends them with a bill for all the swords he makes the Royal guard which is always, curiously, about twice the amount he just paid in taxes. Picking up the refund is an excuse to see Dot. He uses the fact he pays taxes as evidence he’s an adult when people mistake him for a child.
Hyrule - I am convinced that Hyrule doesn’t really understand money. He does not pay taxes.
Legend - He would not pay taxes except the Hylian equivalent of the IRS has been side-eyeing Ravio’s shop a long time, so to avoid an audit or raid while he’s away, he pays both of their taxes and hates every second. Ravio has never paid taxes in his life and won’t start now.
Sky - You don’t have to pay taxes if you’re married to a goddess~
Wind - In spite of being a literal child he is wanted for tax evasion.
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wizard-finix · 6 months
LU Star Wars AU: Part 1
So I got the idea of what the Chain would be like if they were converted to Star Wars characters, and it's been really fun to play with concepts for all of them?? I have had this idea occasionally rolling around in my brain like a marble for a month and I'm about to make it everyone's problem. let's go!!!
Starting off with everyone's favorite downfall duo, Legend and Hyrule!!
EDIT: here's links to the rest of the gang!
PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5
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Legend is a traveler and technician that runs a shop with Ravio, who buys and sells any valuables and junk he can get his hands on. He's something of a jack-of-all-trades; if you want something done, he’s got an item for the job. Legend is surprisingly accomplished for his age, and has seen more of the galaxy than most ever do.
Agnahim was the first run-in with the Empire he had, and things haven't improved since; he's had encounters with Empire soldiers more than once. He doesn’t like the Empire or any kind of authority, but Fable is an exception to the latter.
He got his hands on an old saber on his travels and fixed it up, but it’s not the only weapon he has.
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Hyrule hails from an unnamed desert planet in the Outer Rim with very little law enforcement. Resources are sparse, and life is hard, but he is determined to do some good.
At first glance, Hyrule appears to be a plainly-dressed kid; however, he is easily the most in tune with the Force out of all the Chain. He keeps his abilities hidden because he’s heard of the Empire’s keen interest in hunting down all remaining Jedi. He’s already had encounters with some bounty hunters that call themselves the Eyes of Ganon.
He’s very scrappy in a fight. He does not own a saber of his own, but his raw Force abilities more than make up for it. His ability to use Force Healing and Force Lighting have gained some negative attention, despite his efforts to keep them secret.
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eiochevart · 4 months
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Link’s house Ravio’s shop
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tw1l1te · 3 months
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼- 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 2
Part 2!! This will include Hyrule, Four, and Legend ₍ᐢᐢ₎
Warnings: mention of scars and negative mental health
Please read with the warnings in mind, this one is heavier in terms of mental health topics.
About 18/19, a couple years after his journey is done
Average height, his build is still toned but more on the leaner side because of height and anatomy
light freckles across his cheeks/nose and skin is tanner than the rest of the boys
Has 2 small cartilidge piercings, small silver hoops
Part fae, I know a few others headcanon him as fae too I just think it suits his character
Speaks and writes Hylian well, takes a bit longer to read though (he's trying his best)
Closer to Legend, they're the downfall duo :3, but also close to Sky
I wanna say he's like one of the last few boys to feel attraction towards Y/n. Fae bonding to humans is weird and Hyrule doesn't wanna freak you out and needs to really process it.
When he realizes he fell for you? Oh boy. Definitely more clingy and obsessive and frets over your safety, more than Sky even.
Major sweet tooth, favorite food has go to be spoonfuls of honey
Keeps a journal, lots of sketches and notes on herbs and flora and some thoughts on Y/n
Has a.... difficult relationship with Hylia/Zelda/the Goddess
Knows about some of Legend's past, not as much as Y/n though
Has a large scar on his lower stomach from Dark Link, and faded white scratches on his back from a past incident that I may or may not bring up later down the line
Do not let him near a cooking pot. Don't do it.
Our favorite smithy is about 18-19
He may be short, but don't let his height fool you. Mr. swordmaker here is built. You think all the hours hammering away at metal don't build muscle? You'd be wrong
Anywayss, I headcanon Four as having heterochromia, one eye green and the other a dark blue.
Has the lightest stubble, hardly noticeable because he shaves it everyday
Recently has also started tying up his hair in a pony tail, so he honestly looks like a younger Time from far away
Has lots of ear piercings and stacks rings on his fingers, most of which he made himself from spare parts. He made a few rings for Legend and Y/n
Develops feelings for Y/n slowly, though it hits him like a brick after the Yiga clan incident after realizing how close he was to losing you
Has a few scars on his hands and arms, a few burn marks from reckless accdients both in and out of the blacksmith shop
Has a tattoo of the Four Sword on his forearm
Ironically enough, close to Wild and Wind. He's keeping a tally of how many swords Wild has broken So far it's 46
Similar to Wild, he kinda has shaggier hair, though its only really visible when his hair is fully down without the headband
19, slightly older than Four and Hyrule
Average height, leaner build, and I wanna say he's on the paler side. He gets sunburned crazy fast like no amount of suscreen can save him
Pink hair, duh, but its more faded than it was when he first shifted into his rabbit form. It's more like leftover on his bangs and on part of his head.
Pinky is decked out in rings, every single finger is stacked with rings for functionality, protection, etc., but some he just thinks are neat.
Double pierced lobes, a few cartilidge piercings, maybe even a Hylian-equivalent of an industrial and has a dick piercing shh
Does not like wearing pants. no sir. Only if absolutely necessary.
Can speak/write Hylian and Lorulean pretty well, though pretty rusty on the latter because he hasn't used or read it much since his adventures
Like the 4th person to develop feelings for our protagonist, he's a little lost to be completely honest. Part of him wants to succumb to his feelings, the other is terrified of losing someone again
Close to Hyrule, Wild, and Wars ironically enough (mostly because of the bickering :D)
Keeps a scrap of Ravio's scarf in his bag, holds it sometimes.
Has a deep long scar along his forearm from a fight, some burn marks from the fire rod. He also has other scars that he doesn't show or discuss, those are difficult to talk about. He wasn't in a good place after.... everything.
Snarky and grumpy, but he softens up around people he trusts. He just needs time and love ₍ᐢᐢ₎
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yandereunsolved · 2 months
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.ೃ࿐ Yandere Ravio .ೃ࿐
"Oh, you are finally awake! Good. I was starting to worry about you, my treasure."
"Yes! It is I the traveling merchant. Legend must have told you about me."
He told me everything about you. I just got so interested. I had to collect a one of a kind treasure like you.
"He did. What happened to me? I was in grabbing a map for him and suddenly I blacked out."
I feel so bad for lying to both you and Legend. He'll think you've left The Chain of your own accord. You'll really just be with me for all eternity. My most precious item.
"Um— I found you passed out. Alone. Strange if you ask me. I brought you back to my shop so you wouldn't get attacked by any dangerous monsters in the wilds!"
"That is strange. No one was near me? None of The Chain? I was near our camp. I know they were scouting, but I thought they would have found me."
Heh, yeah. It's a good thing that I know how to slip past their defenses.
"Nope, nada noth— Wait! Don't leave quite yet."
"I have to go find them. What if they are in trouble?"
I took the liberty of bringing you all the way here, and you want to leave now. It looks like I'll have to readjust my plans. I wouldn't want my precious jewel to be owned by anyone else.
"Here—take this. For good luck on your journey back."
"Your bracelet? Oh, Legend told me how special it is to you. Thank you."
It's the perfect gift. You'll take great care of it, I know. It'll make it even easier to track. I've stored some of my magic in it so I can just take you whenever I please and transport myself right behind you with lavish gifts. It'll be the perfect courting method! Perhaps this kidnapping thing worked out better than I expected.
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rastea · 4 months
Squishy Ravio <3
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gryphonlover · 11 days
World's Worst Landlord
Words: 3,885 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: “I wasn’t buying anything,” the guy says. “Why the fuck were you here, then?” she asks incredulously. The guy sighs. Ravio takes a deep breath. Suddenly he looks like he’s holding in… laughter? “Because,” the guy says, extremely irate, “I fucking LIVE here, DIPSHIT.” She stares. “You live in Ravio’s fucking SHOP?” He throws his hands up in the air. “NO!” he cries. “RAVIO’S SHOP LIVES IN MY HOUSE!”
Thoughts: An absolutely hilarious look at what Tetra is up to while Wind is off on his quest with the Chain. I love Tetra and Ravio's dynamic, and the interactions between Tetra and Legend are also top-tier.
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